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Dude instrumenting away while his cat is. Chilling up there. What happens when kitty wants an encore. The zoo in china has a tiger Breeding Program and that is the last place where you would expect to see animal abuse. This tiger cub is only a month old. You see how that person just dropped him . One of the breeders who used to work at the zoo. This video captured this guy treating this tiger very very badly. What . Whats his problem. Hits it twice, starts flicking it holding it by its front paws. Dont fire him, let him work with the big ones you know what i mean . See how that goes. Go smack a full grown tiger on the head and see what happens. The abuse gets worse. You wont believe what happens near the end of the video. Stasopit. What was h getting out of it . What was it that was so satisfying to him about this abuse that he thought he could get away with it . In this video, youll see the aftereffects of the abuse the orangutan suffered first year of his life. In Animal Rescue booty. A sweet face. Yeah yeah yeah. Booty was a victim of the illegal trade of primates. They kept the baeby baby orangutan in a chicken cage for a year only fed condensed milk. Of course that doesnt provide any nourishment. Bones werent able to form correctly, he cant sit up on his own. They say his stomach is so fluid because of how he was treated. Im so glad that he was able to be rescued. They hope to get him better to rerelease him back into the wild. Intensely chilling footage here of what appears to be a police stop in south africa. Ladys running. Theyre going to shoot her. Take a video. Take a video. She probably doesnt understand. What are they doing . Two uniformed guys here terrified lady in between. Almost struggling. Drops to the floor as they try to put her back in the bmw. Is that a police car . Good question. Looks like a kidnapping than a police stop. You are completely on the money. There is somebody else in the back of the white vehicle, as well. As the white car starts pulling away you see the guy in the back actually open the door and try to get out. The car stops. Now, listen. You can hear him screaming for help help ducks down runs away the back door of the black x5 opens up as well. This is the lady trying to get out. She gets out here she starts running towards the camera and the people are starting to realize, this isnt right. These arent police. Two people in the vehicle, one starts to call the police shes clearly terrified. Dont know if theyre real police. Theyre taking the car. The chinese ladys trying to get in the car. Send someone right away. A fake traffic stop. Trying to steal the bmw x5 but kidnap the couple. I feel badly for the woman filming this the womans coming toward her. Shes on the phone with police. Chilling video, as you watch. The story does progress. The police noticed one of the getaway vehicles traveling at a high rate of speed, chase ensue ensued shots fired. All of the equipment they tore off and left behind before vanishing, these guys had assault rifles body armor, Police Issued stuff. No arrests made. Police are still looking for them. But, no injuries reported whatsoever. But a really really scary thing. You have to send someone right away please. Please please, please. This is downhill in colombia from red bull. The perspective showing you what its like to be the pinnacle of your sport. Riding along with marcel gutierrez, his home country, he has a bit of an unfair advantage. He seems to know the streets so well. Treating the staircases like hes skipping over stones. Flying down these staircases narrow passages. I know dude. How do you know where to go because i dont see any cones or arrows or anything. Red tape here and there. Thats supposed to show where the course goes. I dont think it matters where the course goes. Hes so incredibly fast down the course. Its like a motorcycle speed. Theres no red tape. There is no red tape there. Incredible. Intuition. I thought the wooden berms, whips around to the right, down a narrower staircase. Now its not all downhill. Got to put effort in here. Got to pump to get back up the small section here. Im out of breath just watching it. Im holding my breath like hes under water. The course is crazy. But the fact there are people right on the side not really being protected by anything. They could basically touch the rider as he goes by. And theyre cheering. Shut the whole town down. The whole town had to be closed down do Something Like that. Ends the run with a big flushish. By the way, he was at the top of his game. He won. This is the winning run. Im going to show you guys a really cool video of a dude playing the guitar to what im guessing is one of his favorite songs, price tag by b. O. B. Featuring jessy j. And in the juken video, what do you see in the background. Cat on the tv . The cat has jurped on eded jumped on the tv and its chilling the entire time the owner is putting on the concert. He hangs out on the tv longer. Ready to jump. You can see, im ready, im ready. I see a monitor crashing down to the ground. Turns around decides maybe ill go and land on this box thats over here leaning against the wall. Printer. Bad idea. Oh no. Thats what their tv looks like after. Maybe he really likes the music and hes being a rock star. Stars like to throw tvs. Rock n roll. I think youre right. Put on your detective hats on. What happened and who done it . Who did this . [ laughter ] busted that Remote Control all mangled up. The dog takes himself to his own timeout spot. Basically admitting guilt. Quite the interrogation there. Who did it . Yeah sorry. Landing a helicopter on a frozen lake. Go ice skating. See why the winter fun aint all its cracked up to be. A different kind of twist in this yoga class. Because instructors got plans. The spoof that shows whats really going on when getting relax on. Oh ririchch, chchewewy y cacararamemel l rorolllled up in smooth, milk chocolate. Lelet t meme k knonow w ifif t thihis s gegetsts t too hot rorololo. Geget t yoyourur s smomoototh h onon. Yoyourur h heaeartrt i is s prprececioiousus. One of many ways to support its health isis n newew t truruhehearart,t, f frorom m one a day. Ititss t thehe o onlnly y hehearart Health Supplement wiwithth i ingngreredidienentsts t to both help lower bad chchololesesteterorol l anand d susupppport healthy Blood Pressure anand d alalsoso i incncluludedes s co q 10 trtry y nenew w trtruhuheaeartrt have you heard of the new dialing procedure for for the 415 and 628 area codes . No what is it . Starting february 21, 2015 if you have a 415 or 628 number youll need to dial. 1 plus the area code plus the phone number for all calls. Okay, but what if i have a 415 number, and im calling a 415 number . Youll still need to dial. 1 plus the area code plus the phone number. So when in doubt, dial it out we saw this video not that long ago. Lady ice skating on a Beautiful Lake thats all frozen. This dude was the very same guy in the very same helicopter decided he wanted to do the same. Theyve flown to the finetiniest islands to go ice skating. Should be good. Is there any ice . I dont see much. Good question, christian. Oh holy [ bleep ]. Why not test it with a rock or a stick or something . Why commit yoursel holy [ bleep ]. All right. We are going hom crossing over to a much warmer part of the world, south africa this is sun city. This guy going down a super speedy water slide. But as he approaches the end of it no look how fast he was going when he speeds up afterwards. That is the most epic water slide adventure ive ever seen because you always crash. If youve got 50 bucks and youre at the drivethrough, most people would maybe order food for the office or friends. If youre matt competitive eater, you buy for a lot for yourself and a little for your buddy. Three doubledoubles. Like onions . No thank you. Two french fries. How much . 56. 01. Sorry, im looking at it and i really want a bite out of all of it. It does look delicious but matt of course a competitor. Hes going to put a time limit on this. Can they demolish all of this food in 30 minutes or less . Start the time one, go i mean hes making such quick time of this. You can see his buddy there, obviously not in competitive category that matt is. Hes more gingerly eating through this stuff. These guys make quick work of the stuff. 30minute mark seems like very easy. 15 minutes. Matt decides to kick it up. And puts the pedal to the metal. I wish i had the appetite the belly, ability to be able to eat that much because quite frankly that looks delicious. This is a great im dying here. Someone go get some. Theres one down the street. We got an intern somebody give her cash. One of the few eating challenges. Instead of being grossed out, were jealous. Im drooling. The entire order, gone in 15 minutes. Impressive. Sleepy corgi. This video attempts to show people exactly what happened when youre doing yoga. Excuse me is this beginners yoga withing aness . No im lily. Agnes is out sick. Funny video put together by paul gayle comedy. A switcheroo in terms of the instructor. She couldnt make it apparently now this other persons going to take over. I cannot stress enough how important it is tha youryes are closed so you really done see anybody else in the room. Then according to the video, instructors got plans. If you open your eyes during this part you will disrupt your chai. The beginner is confused she doesnt know what usually happens in the classes. So she goes along with it. Her accomplice . Yes. The instructor gets into it but in order to log in needs information. Think back to your child hoodhood eye closed and youre going to inhale and exhale the name of your childhood pet. Marshmallow. Count to 90. And you may open your eyes. You will feel renewed. And stop. Apparently how yoga classes go down. The funny thing about this. Its close. Guys sorry im late [ bleep ]. Hes recording her. Oh look at how cute that thing is i love this husband. Next rig still to come a guy jumps down a bridge to rescue a dog. Thats the easy part. Whos going to rescue the guy . Exactly. What happens when he becomes the stranded one . Plus how singing in the shower just got more entertaining. Awesome wow. Thats cool whwhenen t thehe f flulu h hitits,s, itss a a r reaealllly y bibig g dedealal. Ththe e acachehes. S. Ththe e chchilillsls. Ththe e fefevever. R. Anan e eveven n bibiggggerer d deaeal . L . Evevererytythihingng y youou mimissss o out on. Fafamimilyly p pizizzaza n nigightht. Ththe e bibig g gagameme. Oror d datate e ninighght. T. Whwhy y lolosese o outut t to o ththe e flfluu any y lolongngerer t thahan n yoyou u hahaveve to . Prpresescrcripiptitionon t tamamififlulu c canan help you get better 1. 1. 3 3 dadaysys f fasasteter. R. Ththatatss 3 30 0 s soooonener. R. Cacallll y youour r dodoctctoror ririghght t away. Anand d atattatackck t thehe f flulu v virirusus at its source wiwithth p prerescscririptptioion n tatamimiflflu. Tatamimiflflu u isis f fdada a apppprorovevedd toto t trereatat t thehe f flulu i in n pepeopople 2 2 weweekeks s anand d ololdeder r whwhososee flflu u sysympmptotomsms s statartrteded wiwiththinin t thehe l lasast t twtwo o dadaysys. Bebefoforere t takakining g tatamimiflfluu tetellll y youour r dodoctctoror i if f yoyouure pregnant, nursing, hahaveve s sererioiousus h heaealtlth h cocondnditions oror t takake e ototheher r memedidicicinenes. S. If you develop a an n alallelergrgic reaction, a severe rash, oror s sigignsns o off ununususuaual l bebehavior ststopop t takakining g tatamimiflfluu anand d cacallll y youourr dodoctctoror immediately. Chchilildrdrenen a andnd a adodolelescscenentsts in particular mamay y bebe a at t anan i incncrereasaseded r risk of seizures, coconfnfususioion n oror a abnbnorormamal l bebehavior. Ththe e momostst c comommomonn sisidede effects are mimildld t to o momodederaratete n nauausea and vomiting. Cacallll y youour r dodoctctoror ririghght t away. Dodonnt t lolosese a anonoththerer momoment to the flu. Whwhenen t thehereress f flulu, tatamimiflflu. Closed captioning provided gogoldld b bonond d rorougugh h bubumpy skin therapy. Used daily, it exfoliaiatetes,s, smoothes, softens. Rereduduceces s bubumpmps s 7272 p perercecentnt. Gogoldld b bonond. D. Ultimatete l lototioion. N. Ulultitimamatete s skikin. N. Bebeining g frfreeee f froromm dandruff feels great. Maximum strength selsun blue tatargrgetets s dadandndruruffff wiwipipingng o outut flflakes and itch. Selslsunun b blulue. E. Frfreeeedodom m frfromom d danandruff. I i fifindnd w whihitetenining strips dont alwawaysys r reach all the places stains hide. Plplusus w whihitete h hasas a flexible mouth tray fofor r fufullll c covovereragage whitening. Its a bit of a clog in the sewer pipe but people didnt call the plumber, they called the firefighters because whats clogging that pipe . Is crying. Those are firefighters there cutting open that pipe and theyre working very carefully because it took hours to location the point of clogging. They have to be so careful with the saw because whatever is in there clogging this can get cut, it can get too close. They have to be very careful. Once they make their cut and crack open that sewer line heres what they find. Its a puppy. Little guys only 4 months old. He wasnt injured by his entrapment wasnt injured by the saw, either. The familys very happy to have hi. This brave fella just couldnt wait for rescuers to come along. So hes dangling himself off the bridge down dangling down the pylon. Whats he after . After a stranded puppy as well. People saw this little guy, see him there in the bottom left corner . Oh. Hes stuck on a Little Island in the middle of this river. Our brave hero here skipping across over to the island. Video from juken. You can see the guy takes few seconds to make friends with this puppy. Oh. He goes back over to the bridge hands the puppy up to some people waiting and they pass the puppy back up. But thats the easy part. Whos going to rescue the guy . Exactly. That took a little bit more time. But the folks up on the Bridge Lending a hand getting the guy back up to the top of the bridge as well. Smiles all around. Pup playing in the snow. You all remember the guy that invented the jet bicycle. Jet bike. The coolest. Up to his old tricks of inventing things. Hes got the invention show on youtube what happen he does is host youtube you do you want me to invent . What do you want me to create. Hell take the best or worst ideas and invent them. It has nothing to dwoitwith expletives. You dont need to hit the bleep button. Karaoke shower. Thats what somebody requested. Awesome. Wow. Thats cool. Inside it shower. From this side tv karaoke machine, microphone extra speakers. If you like singing in the shower this is for you. Hes going to drop trou and start singing. Everybody knows you sound best in the shower perfect. Everybodys showers got an hour longer. Im not going to lie. I wish i had this in my house. Karaoke shower. This guy really likes to scare the begebas out of his mother when she least expects it. See how he gets her time after time. This is where its like okay, youre moving out. Away from christmas island. When the bone wont fit. These videos although hysterical for some people may make other people not really want to have kids because sometimes your kids will do this to you. Hey, mum [ bleep ] yeah this son thinks its hysterical to scare the bejebbers out of his mother when she least expects it and thinking one time no big deal. No. Hey oh i love her reaction. Jumps in the air. This is what it looks like she may have hurt her ankle. Does he care in no. Guess what . He does it again. This is where its like okay youre moving out. Heres another video. More more more. Its with the use of one of the rubber chickens. [ bleep ] im going to move back home just so i can do that. Hey. Hey, hey he does assure us that her ankle is just fine. Did this some time ago he came home from college. Pulled up in his car, scared her. Help does this all the time now. Shes going to change the [ bleep ]. Thats it for us here at right this minute. We a man is trapped in a burning building. But the firefighters still unable to pull him out. See how quick thinking and teamwork saved a life. The video went viral, and mma fighter tased by police. We have him now, the first people to talk to him. Find out what dave herman says started all of the trouble. As soon as i got out of the car, boom got in your face. You look good. You look nice and healthy. A mom using skype who thinks her daughter is conversing with her from ireland. The moment mom realizes her

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