And from the sound of it you can tell hes got a pretty important piece of mail. Find out why noah and his folks are stoked with school spirit. Oh, wow. See that. There you go. This is a pretty awful day on the job for this worker here in china. Yeah, you are seeing that correctly. Thats stabbing him in his face, neck, what is that . Like a giant rake. That thing is a steel structure that fell over on this guy, puncturing his neck through his mouth. Stopped at the jawbone. But hes stuck there. Fortunately, his coworkers saw what had happened, they came over to hold this structure so it didnt keep falling down on him. Emergency worrsd one tool. They look like the jaws of life. But i think too big for the small bar that theyre trying to cut. Oh. Can you imagine the pressure that causes like on that wound . And you cant move. And youve got at least one stuck in there. Finally they bring a saw that they are able to use to caught the bar. They put something over his face to protect it. And they got to cut these bars off, right . They cant just pull them out . Theyll bleed out. Cut these bars and send them to the hospital sticking out of his face, neck and chest area. What does that feel like that theyre cutting it . Way worse than a dentist. They cut all the bars they need to. This looks when they finally pull him up and now yeah, he walks over to that stretcher with bars sticking out of his face and neck. Even though it looks awful it wasnt life threatening. Hes going to be just fine. Wow. Sticking out of his neck. This video is going to leave you mad, going to leave you shaking your head, its going to leave you fuming, i think. This is in copenhagen in denmark. According to reports that man is a paralyzed gentleman, 37 years old. There at the top of your screen is a police car and two policemen. According to reports they were at the scene arresting a friend of this man in the wheelchair. Reports say that the man in the wheelchair was very angry about the fact that the cops were arresting his friend. They say he offered choice words to the officers. Watch how one officer handles this situation. What is he thinking . Im not sure he was thinking. He knocked the man out of the wheelchair on to the ground, but this gets worse. The other officer comes over, lifts up the wheelchair, but then they both just walk away. The guy behind the camera sounds like hes yelling to the officers, saying, hey, im filming this. I have you on camera. And we even have this from another angle. The man said he was humiliated because he was left there to kind of on the ground and wasnt able to get back in himself. There were witnesses to the incident and you see the moment witnesses help this man get back into the wheelchair. Police in copenhagen have been made aware of this video and know who the two officers are and now an independent agency is investigating this incident. Police officers have to deal with a lot of high volatile situations. If these two have trouble coping with a guy throwing insults how do they handle other tense situations. It should be concerning to at lo of people. Ill tell you right now, this video is going to make you all want to sound like this guy. Yes, yeah, yeah this is 19yearold noah van voreen. He just got a pretty important piece of mail. Family is all video, big moment here, because what is that letter . I got accepted yes yeah. You rock, i love you thats so great. That is exactly right. Hes going to college, going to Edgewood College in madison, wisconsin. You might know noah from this video in the fall. He scored a touchdown for his football team. He was actually the waterboy for most of the season. This video from fox 11 out of green bay. He busts into some sort of hulkstyle oh, yeah. Yeah yeah sc yeah he is jacked up. Yeah. Too Much Good Energy to keep inside. Now noah will be attending the Cutting Edge Program a Fouryear College program for students with intellectual developmental disabilities. Noah was born with down syndrome. Nothing can stop this guy. Hes the man and the man is joining us right this minute with his parents kara and todd. So when did you calm down . Looks like you were pretty excited. Are you still excited . Well im very excited. You hear him in the video hes already ready to be an edgewood eagle. Oh, wow. See that. There you go. What are you most excited about, noah . I want to be a pastor. And i hope i will be a pastor at church. How proud are you, mom and dad . This must be an exciting moment for the two of you as well . Probably an equal mix of excitement and scared out of our minds. Todd said to me the other day, its kind of not fair. We had noah, we thought he would live with us forever and here he goes off to do something he wants to do and we are very proud of him but a little nervous too. Noah, when do you go to college and have you started packing . No. I work swing shift and it was like 4 00 in the morning and i got woken up. It was him packing his bag. This is april. And he doesnt go until august. So hes getting prepared, trust me. Ill tell you, we all think that his shirt says it best, that we think noah is unstoppable. Absolutely. Keep it up, buddy. Thanks, guys. Thanks for coming. When youre a purse snatcher, dont trust a stranger who volunteers to be your getaway driver because you might end up here. The getaway driver on a scooter and look where he pulls up. Oh, thats a police station. What . Those are the police who are not letting the purse snatcher get away. Did the driver of the motorcycle drop the guy off there on purpose . Yes, he did. Let me take you back to what happened. The guy on the scooter heard that a woman had her purse snatched. So he was in the parking lot and ran into the thief and told the dude im cool, get on, ill give you a ride. Gave him a ride to the police station. The police dont want to let him go. Thats pretty awesome. He was a smart fella for being cool, calm and collected and getting this guy to the police. Just dropping him right off at the jail cell basically. I love that at least somebody thought hey, lets close the gate and not let the guy out. The guy is up against the wall and the police are trying t get him under control. The guy didt get wh like he thought he was. Imagine you think some guy on a scooter says im cool ill get you away. Who believes that . Now this appears to be the calmest robbery i think ive ever seen. This happened near baltimore in maryland. Notice this guy comes in with the hoodie, hands in his pocket. According to authorities he went up to purchase something but as soon as the Cash Register opens, they say he flashed a knife. Now you cant see it here and the clerk doesnt look like hes disturbed but he gives the man what police say he demanded which was the money. He hands him several wads of cash, undisclosed amount of money. He even lifts up the Cash Register drawer to make sure there was nothing hidden underneath and walks away. No kidding. When this guy leaned over to look in the Cash Register why didnt the guy thump him on the back of the head. Sometimes this is is what theyre told to do. Its man versus mystery sea creature. Whatever is in the water is pulling hard and it is a big one. The surprise at the end of the long struggle. And a traffic jam proves no problem for this rider because once the bike gets around the van. See how he takes off like a bat out of hell. [dad] [laughs] [boy] mom [mom] yes . [boy] whoa,whoa,whoa. [mom and dad] [laughing] [boy] whoa,whoa,whoa. [mom] youve got two left feet,boo. Lets check out a couple epic encounters. This first one in florida. We got a really nice fish on here. Two experienced fisherman, peter and josh, josh is actually holding the line right now. Yes. Whoa, whoa, whoa, its night time now. This means theyve been fighting whatever this is for a while. At this point josh has been at it for about half an hour and thats peter leaning on the fishing rod because whatever is out in the water is pulling hard and it is a big one. Theyre experienced fisherman so theyre worried about the fish. The fish is bigger than i thought it was and im running out of strength here. Im going to switch with peter. Theyre so exhausted that peter takes over. A big boy that i thought i had it, dude. He made a big run. Nope. Thats it. Its gnarly to see them lean up and reel in and then lean back again to try to pull the fish in. Believe it or not, we never actually get to find out what happens because right about here, you see peter is pulling the rod, but you do notice the break in the line. They get the hook and apparently they say its straightened enough it could have been a large shark. The shark won on that one and in this case, too, also in florida, they cooked a shark and then a hook pull. Shark is like not today. He gets away. Sharks are smart. Let me show you email. Seriously. Here is what im talking about. Somebody did that to you, you would like let them pick it out. Because you cant see it. You cant see your own hair. The guy from jay stu studios are with our buddy from public prank. Pulling funny things out of peoples hair. Sorry, sir. I think you have something in your hair. What . Let me grab it for you. What is it . No, i got it. What . Yeah. The guy thinks that was really in his hair. How did that get there . I was over getting i mean vegetables. Wait until you see this lady here. Let me grab that for you. How did you do that . I didnt do anything. It was sitting on your head. Youre very clever. She knows something is up but impressed whatever he did. She must not know the guy behind her. The guy doing the handoff is really good at blending in or hiding. The best part is holy [ bleep ]. Ourks on her. The dude also just oh. Thats the coolest thing in the planet. Seriously. Right here. If you had a loaf of bread that would be awesome. Oh, yeah. As much as i love motorcycles i hate showing you videos like this. Lot of backed up traffic on the highway we believe to be in russia. Couple of motorcycles and scooters riding in the shoulder there. Even cars trying to scoot past the traffic in the shoulder. You can see the bike get stuck behind this big van. Onces the bike gets around the van, he really grabs a fistful of throttle and just takes off. Speeding down this shoulder. The lefthand shoulder. There is not much room there. We did not speed up this video even though it looks like it. Cars are flashing by so fast. Reports say the biker was going up to about 120 miles an hour past the slow nearly parked cars. Clearly people will go in the shoulder because you saw another car on the shoulder. Whos to say that wont happen again. I dont know its necessarily legal to do this but i cant imagine its legal to do it at 120 miles an hour. Its not safe. I dont think there are rules to the road here. Everyone is willynilly. If there are rules they dont care. The video ends, doesnt appear anybody gets hurt or ticketed or arrested. Who knows. Four dogs poke their head in looking for snacks. And, of course, she doesnt deny them. Dont bite. See how the apples keep them happy. And using science to make your derby car super fast. A lot of people say you put the weights in the front to get the speed going down the ramp in the beginning. Thats opposite of what you want to do. The steps you need to get the speed. Hihi. Iim m hehenrnry. And i know there are many myths out there ababouout t a a rereveversr, soso i i w wanant t yoyou u tot. Ththerere e arare e cucurrry no credit score oror i incncomome e rerequs to qualify. Yoyou u cacan n geget t tataxxy from the equity in your home. Yoyou u cacan n ususe e ththe ef your current mortgage ifif y youou h havave e. The remaining money can be used for anything. Ththererees s nono m mononthte payments. Anand d yoyou u ststilill l o cacallll t tododayay t t your free guide and dvd. Itit e expxplalainins w a governmentinsured reverse mortgage works. Ththererees s nono o obl. Onone e rereveversrse e me is a quicken loans company. Ththeieir r lilicecensnseds can answer all your questions. Cacallll t to o fifindnd t a great solution this can be. Dodonnt t wawaitit, c cacallll t to o fifindnd t a great solution this can be. Anncr at jennieo we heard of a place in iowa where every thursday people ride 10 miles for tacos. We thought wed show up and surprise them with a better kind of taco made with jennieo ground turkey cooked thoroughly to 165. I feed my kids turkey tacos over regular tacos any day. I think they are light and they are just fresh tasting. Yeah. When i eat well, i feel well. Anncr its time for a better taco. The tacos tonight were pretty much perfect. Make the switch. Look for jennieo ground turkey in a store near you. Totogood thing she used news b. Act braces care mouthwash. Its designed to help clean around braces, frfreseshehen , anand d prp whwhitite e. Act braces care. E. Smsmilile e ststror. Ononcece, twtwicice, its time for new seselslsune scscalalp. It worksks a at t ththee sosoururce with ththe e nunumbmberer oe anantiitch medicine. Plus soothing aloe for fast relief. Seselslsunun b bluluee scscalalp itch. Nobody wants to get carjacked, especially by dogies. Thats what happened to this couple. Its a jacking. There are four in the passenger side window. Whoa. Trying to get at these apples. Of course she doesnt deny them. Dont bite. Careful. Youll lose a finger like that. They have the big teeth. This happened on a tiny island north of venezuela in the caribbean. And they have lots of these donkeys that roam around. Some of them are in a sanctuary. This couple is probably in the donkey sanctuary where you can roll up on these guys and see them and feed them. This was a golden opportunity for these people inside the car to say, how do you like them ap snls. They like them a lot. There to tourists on a raft and notice whats in the water. Elephants. Hippos. Crocodile. Donkeys. Hey, whats up . Everybody got a brush with an elephant. Taking a bath. Ill come out and give them something to look at. That elephant can knock that little raft right over, just take a trunk and whack that in half. He was friendly about it. Im used to tourists. Tourist kind of attraction. Like a disney land ride. I feel like ive been on this ride but the elephant was animatronic. That was awesome. Its retro tech time. Were talking the pinewood derby car. Boy scout across the country have been making those things for decades. Why would we talk about pinewood derby cars during tech time. Theres going to be a tech reason. Theres Science Behind this and well bring in our boy scout zach. Got all the badges. Hey zach. Hello . The goal is to make the derby car win. Says that a lot of popular opinions are totally wrong about how to make your car the fastest. A lot of the information he got is actually from dr. Scott at kin. He found a lot of steps toelp you out. Everythingark talksbout i relat energy, Kinetic Energy and friction. At the beginning of the race its all potential energy. Which is the Energy Associated with height. So when you start the higher you center mass on the track, the more of it you have. Make your care aerodynamic which he made this car in 45 minutes. He sliced it, made it look like a triangle. Put it on three wheels which is weird. Putting less of the energy into rotating the tires and more of putting it into the translational Kinetic Energy moving it forward. You bend the axles of the car. You want it to run into the rail in the middle constantly so its not bouncing around. It seems like it would increase friction but its reducing it because the whole time going in a straight direction. Sliding down instead of this. He tested his car up against a car that had been winning all of these events that was made in 12 hours. He won his little wooden car that with duct tape that looks like nothing. If youre going to trust somebody, this guy. He knows what hes talking about. We should have a right this minute pinewood derby box car race. Im totally in. Everyones ready for the tree to come down. Its going the right way. Its going the right way. See why theres no need to yell timber this time around. Dont go safeway gets that staying on budget can be a real bear. Thats why theyve got lots of ways to save. Real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. For easter, get a safeway spiral sliced ham, for just 1. 99 a pound. Cadbury mini eggs are only 2. 69. Talk about a sweet deal. And arrowhead water is just 3. 33 a case. Theres more savings to love at safeway. Ingredients for life. This will make you say thank you for your service and aw. Theres going to be a Surprise Homecoming because inside the drama class there is a dad, a dad whos been going for 11 1 2 months serving overseas. Behind the students did you see that real quick . That hand belongs to a serviceman. A captain i might add. Watch what happens when his daughter keegan comes into the classroom. Keegan walks into the room after shes been in the office with the teacher. She notices the camera and she kind of points and kind of smiles and realizes Something Big is about to happen. The hands go over the mouth and she runs and jumps in daddys arms. Oh. The look on her face when she recognizes her father and you can see her mouth the word, daddy. And they hug and they hug and they hug some more. She doesnt really want to let him go but eventually she does. Everybody is clapping. The teacher hanging back because the teacher helped execute it. We have to say, thank you for your service and aw. Trees may look likes do s d soil, impossible things. But they can fight back. This is the hector family tree service. Theres a dude there. There is a dude with a chainsaw. Cuts one limb off and doesnt tie the tag line where he thinks he should because it gets loose, swings around and slams whats right around, smashes that guy in the foot. He has a bruised and swollen foot. The tree was mad, like losing an arm. Coming back to slap the guy and say what are you doing, i needed that. Another instance of a tree fighting back, standing its ground. We got this from our friends over at juken video. Its going the right way, the right way. The chainsaw going, the tree starts to go. Oh. Thats a bummer. The tree saved his buddy. Yep. Like dont go stay with me. Like a tree trust fall. Caught him. Caught him. The trees dont always win. This video also from the hector family tree trimmers, interesting part is from the trimmers point of view. Oh. Little helmet cam gives you an idea of what its like to work that high up in a precarious position. That is hard to watch this. Been around for so long, had such stories. Well this is now thats true. Keep them warm and can cook. Thats our show. Well see you for the next edition of right this minute. Newwith two unique ingredients. To mix in however your heart desires. Go on. Spoon me. Mixim from the ehrmann family. Its love, your way. Newwith two unique ingredients. To mix in however your heart desires. Go on. Spoon me. Mixim from the ehrmann family. Its love, your way. Can. Announcer live from new york city, its wendy williams. Whoopi is back about her lifetime movie and how she feels about Barbara Walters leaving the view. And Liliana Vasquez stops by. And all the latest juicy hot topics. Now heres wendy

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