Soviet time machine guarded by this guy. He was given this right. He was sent here. Hear what it is like to live in solitary employment. No internet, no tv, no mobile signals, nothing can funky guy fool ladies into thinking, he goes to the gym every day. Why a lot of men say it is about time. Of all the fakery that goes on in womens wardrobe. We have no padded bras on. We do have on makeup but so do you. This is a family incident that no one will forget any time soon. That man in the green shirt is tony molchacke is getting into an argument with gary slusler, his exwifes boyfriend. As you can see here, this fight gets ugly. Molchacke throws the first punch but shusler draws a gun. You have a gun. You have a gun . You want to shoot. He drops the gun but then, listen. Here, i got the gun now. Molchack grabs the gun. Then, listen to what happens. Oh, wow the person who was shooting the video was hit by that bullet. The person shooting the video is the wife of tony molchack. It is the new wife . There are so many people involved in this. So what happened to her . She had a collapsed lung. She had to be taken to the hospital. She is recovering t there are two m who are in tuble hereis i. Shusler had been drinking because of police. He was charged with having a gun while intoxicated and in the assault. What was the argument over . Do we know why they initially started fighting . We do know that he came to the house to drop off his daughter with the exwife. The exwife was there. They are dropping off a child. The new wooifr is there. A guy that is allegedly intoxicated has a gun. This is like a there is really no way around it. This video is going to give some people nightmares. A couple of surfers about ready to head out. What do you see beneath the water . You can see at least he says, five great white shirks circling around below. Great bear yes reef off of australia . How about el puerto beach close to Manhattan Beach in california, the l. A. Area. This is the third reported sighting of great white sharks where they have never been seen before. The guys dont immediately jump out of the water. Do the sharks largely ignore them . It looks like it. Nobody comes out of here missing an arm or a leg. They actually bump into sharks. We always have such unnatural fear of sharks but nothing happened. All they have here is beautiful video of a spectacular animal in the wild. To talk to us a little bit about this shocking shark sighting, we have two of the paddle boarders talking to us. Jameer and johnny. What were you guys thinking when you saw the whites below your boards . It is kind of rare. It is not unseen. We have run into them before. They are much easier to spot on a standup paddle board than a regular surf board. We counted between 610. It was kind of a little shark invasion going on right now. This is the third really popularized sighting of sharks recently. Why are we seeing more of these . Are there more paddle boarders, more cameras or is something happening in the water . Probably a little bit of boeing. There are more people on the ocean these days enjoying it. There are a little more sharks also. Were you nervous as the sharks got closer . When i saw the first shark, i was pretty afraid. Then, you have to be calm. Actually, we went back out today and we have encounters and this time, we got in the water a lot more and we swam with them and we kind of dove on top of them. It was beautiful. It was fun. A skateboarder by the name of carson clepen and a group of guys from europe headed north, very north, to find the northern most miniramp in the world. They are on the island of spitz berger in norway. They found that ramp. What they also found is something far more interesting. Four hours away from there, they headed to an abandon russian city from the soviet era known as pyramirdin. It was at one time a coal mining town that was completely abandoned in 1998. They meet this guy, his name is vladimir. Vladimir is one of five people whose job it is to kind of monitor this town. He was given this rifle and he was sent to pyramidin. He spends long periods of time there and heads back home. Wow, what a weird job and what a spooky job but cool. Weve got vladimir, via skype, right this minute to talk to us about pyramidin. Tell us about your job, how did you get this job, who are you working for and what do you do . This job, i found quite by accident. I saw the anaunsment on the internet that one Russian Company was looking for an englishspeaking person to be a tourist guide in pyrymidin. I thought for fun to write a letter. On the next morning, at 9 00, i got the telephone call, started to talk with the boss. He told me, okay, i think you can go there and try to be a tourist guide there. I was given the rifle there. If you go Grocery Shopping four hours out and you forget the milk, how do you turn back around and grab the milk we have only one helicopter, all the things, everything can be brought by helicopter, no internet, tvs, radio, mobile signals. This is a really nice thing to say about your life. This is the very right place. What do you do with your free time . At first, i read a lot. Then, i started to explore all the abandon houses but it is like a time machine. You will find yourself in 90s or 80s. It was real interesting. Tell us about the guys that came to skate around pyramidin. Was that fun . It was very exciting. I was wondering, we have only snow. Where are you going to skate . This video was captured on a train in russia. Apparently, there is a woman on the train trying to sell some mosquito screens. One of the passengers didnt like the fact that this woman is trying to make a sale here on the train. The description of this video says it is an american. He is really arguing with this woman. You see him motioning. He is talking to the other people there. This is a moment that really made a lot of people angry. The woman just grabs her stuff, gathers her things and goes to walk past him to the back of this cart and look at what he does. As she walks right past him, he smacks her in the butt. Other russian passengers were there and they didnt like it one bit. They are going to show him a lesson. Some guy walks up to him and look at this. He punches him across the face g the guy is left there sitting on the seat holding his face. He wasnt a tough guy anymore. Is it wrong that i feel really good about him getting hit in the face . Im like, yes you go into another country and you do something to a woman that they see as disrespectful, dont be surprised if people smack you up side the head. Kids say the darndest things, even famous movie lines. I want the truth. You cant handle the truth. Do you recognize that little speech . Ala Jack Nicholson and a few good men. How he was able to master the speech from start to finish. He has a crazy memory two dudes decide to have a zap off. The best part is they are not kids. They are grown men. Why this stunt session has them in stitches. [ [ cocougughshs, snsneee] i have a bigig m meeeeting when we land, bubut t i i amam s so o st, i cant rest. [ malele a annnnououncer ] nyquil cold and flu liquid gels dont unstuff your nose. Ththeyey d donontt . . Alalkaka s seleltztzerer pluss yoyourur w wororstst c cold sy, plusus h hasas a a d decec. [ [ ininhahaleles s dedeepe] ohoh. Whwhatat a a r rele. I want the truth. You cant handle the truth. It is a wellknown fact that kids say the darndest things but you dont expect a 4yearold to say this during bath time. You dont have to answer the question. Ill answer the question. You want answers . I think im entitled to them. You want answers . I want the truth. You cant handle the truth. Do you recognize that little speech . Ala Jack Nicholson, in a few good men. Colonel jep sup played by Jack Nicholson and eric swanson, a few good men this little 4yearold doesnt just have the you cant handle the truth but the whole speech is memorized. This is 4yearold sruly michelle. You are beyond that wall. This is amazing. Funny. He could intimidate somebody with this speech. He is guilty of being cute. Lets meet this adorable little boy and his mom right this minute via skype. We have shawnie michelle and little sruly. Did you practice this with him or does he love the movie . He has never seen the movie but my husband is a few fan. I have responsibility that you can probably he thought it would be funny to try to teach it to him. I said, no way, it is never going to work. He said, im telling you. I can do it. It took three days telling it to him and he picked it up that way. Three days . He has a crazy memory. He is like a sponge. Do you like that speech . Yes. Do you think you could do a little bit of the speech for us right now . Yeah. Go for it. You dont have to answer that question. Ill answer the question. You want answers. I think im entitled. You want answers . I want the truth. You cant handle the truth. [ applause ] i want the truth. You cant handle the truth. It is safe to Say Something went down before this happened. This is in australia. This man has what looks to be like a stun gun. He chases himself and he chases his friends. He keeps going. The person laughed so hard it seemed to go sideways. It was like this was the funniest thing they have ever done. There is beer in front of him. His friend that he stunned gets ahold of the stun gun and starts getting the guy again. The best part is that they are not kids. I have to give it them thatcollapse. You dont fall over. I dont want to own this brand of stun gun. If you can just do this and laugh, it is not going to help. It wasnt the stun gun that made him fall over, it was the fact that he could not stop laughing so hard. Boy, they really know how to party in australia. I think this is a sign they dont know how to party. Lets watch that chair tip over one more time, because it is priceless. I want to party with those guys. Its a creepy prank that will leave you wondering what you just saw. Watch what happens when people start trying to take a picture. Next right this minute. Still to come, a trip for fast food turns into a fast fight when more than one person accuses the guy in the shorts of cutting the line. The crazy throwdown courtesy of mr. Fancy pants. It may look like a nightclub but this rave is all about the a. M. Instead of serving alcohol, this place serves fruit smoothies. Why this party has so many people pumped up. The most interesting mcdonalds in the world. The guy is shooting his video inside a mcdonalds where initially attracted to this mans incredible jorks. Soon after, he realized there was some tension building. They were accusing the guy in the most incredible shorts of cutting. This guy is cutting, most definitely cutting. More than one person accuses the guy in the shorts of cutting the line. The guy in the shorts starts to get into it with the guy in the black cap. Walk to the end of the line. The staff tries to calm things down. Then the guy in the black hat says, ill kill you. Youre going to kill me . Then, the guy in the shorts reaches into his pocket and delivers some pepper spray right in that guys face. This guy in the redshirt steps in and quickly knocks the pepper spray out of the guys hand. Now, the whole restaurant is involved in this argument. The guy in the black hat doesnt seem to be phased too much by this spray. It is permeating the entire restaurant. Dont breath. Now, people are trying to get the guy out of the restaurant and they are also trying to detain him for police. Its fashion the food. Wait a couple of seconds and get over it. Im going to kind of drop some knowledge on you guys, video style. About time. The first knowledge bomb comes from london. This is the newest way to work out. People are so happy. They are smiling. This is actually known as the Early Morning rave. Yes, it is a rave like a nightclub rave. You go in Early Morning and this is how you work out. Instead of serving alcohol, this place serves fruit smoothies. The club is called morning glory. They are hugely popular. They just opened in may. Already, they have 400 members coming in to do this Early Morning rave. If the rave gets a little too freaky for you, they also provide yoga, which you see here. That does not look like yoga. If you are interested in heading to this class, it is going to cost you about 16. Thats not bad. It is pretty good. Anything to keep people in shape and fit and healthy z. Now, about to drop some more knowledge on you. This is knowledge new york style. We are going to be talking about busters. You know im from new york, so you are like, what the buster. This is from the Youtube Channel of matthew levi, who used to be one of our editors. A buster is a street person. Matt went around the street of new york and found the five best busters and lets us enjoy and bask in their music. His number one choice, too many zoos performing in union scare. Cat and dog o would look like john stamos. Wow wow and in a perfect world, whats delicious would be healthy too. Wish granted. Dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt. Sounds too good to be true. Its thick, creamy but 0 fat and twice the protein. Huh. where did stamos go . Hes here, the oikos are on him. This really is too good to be true dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt. Too delicious to be so nutritious. Dannon. You guys ready for science class . Yes. We are going to do a little science experiment demonstrating boils law, the indirect relationship between volume and pressure. What were looking at is a cup of shaving cream and a cup of slimy goo. Dont Pay Attention to the slimy goo. It doesnt do anything cool. The shaving cream is doing something darn cool. It is rising like a muffin. Shaving cream normally expands when you pray it out of the bottle. Look at it go. Whats happening is the shaving cream is inside of a vacuum, not like a vacuum clean you but a vacuum. What that happens, the pressure outside of the shaving cream is less than the pressure of the air pockets insood the shaving cream, therefore, the shaving cream expands. This video is trending. This is not the only video of its kind. If you search for it, you will find all kinds of shaving cream and vacuum videos. People love this experiment. Kitchen escape. The product in the video im about to show you is going to be so disappointing for the ladies, probably as much as padded bras are to the boys. The video starts off with the man, relatively slender, in a shirt that fits him too loose. I like it, looks good. He is going to take his shirt off and put on the funky bod. Oh, no. Are you kidding me . It has got peck implants in the tshirt. It has bis and tris. I didnt see those. It is an undershirt that has pecks, biceps, shoulders, lats. It accentuates those muscles so that under your shirt, it looks like, he goes to the gym every day. If you do want to get yourself this shirt, it is going to cost you 50. 50. Thats not cheap. Thats not expensive. Some guys need a little bit of help. He is a thin, skinny gauy. Maybe he is going to the gym and cant put on the bulk. Whats wrong with a little extra flash . Whats wrong with the way he was . You guys dont have any ground to talk with all the fakery that goes on with womens wardrobes. We dont have any padded bras [father]cmon,buddy,you can do it. Cmon,reel it up, you gotta reel it up now,buddy. Reel it up. [father] reel it up,you got him on there. Bring him in. Is that a bass . [boy] yeah,i got a big bass. [father]bring it up. Keep reeling. Keep reeling. Cmon, where is he . Whoa you caught that all by yourself . [boy] yeah [father]how old are you to catch that . [boy]three [father]youre three years old . Show me how many fingers that is. Hi, everybody. Im beth troutman. You want great videos . Weve got them, right this minute. A woman chases a guy she says tried to break into her moms home and then watch. What are you doing on my moms property . The terrifying showdown in the middle of the street. Its spectacular scenery for one stomachchurning ride. This thing is deep. What it is like 6,000 feet high with no seat belts

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