[ laughter ] a taxi driver on a tear plows into cars. >> one, two, three, and finally -- >> what he saved for the big finish. and a musician trades bongos for buns. the surprise in the video even we didn't see the first time. >> you know what? that is -- >> you are looking at incredible images shot by canadian extreme photographer daniel fox. he spent the last month capturing these images in a lava field in hawaii. as you can see, these images are incredibly beautiful. what he was trying to capture was kind of the other worldliness of volcano lava. he wanted to take kind of a more artistic perspective to show the shapes, the textures, the movements of the lava. and he got incredibly close to capture some of these amazing images. in of these beautiful images. he would go out to the lava field two to three times per week with a 90-minute hike toward this lava field each time he went out. and at any given point the lava explosions could be between 1300 and 2200 degrees fahrenheit. he said he could just get so close for so long before his face would start burning and he'd have to move back away from the lava. >> kind of like when you look at clouds. i feel like you can see pictures of stuff in there. you can see images of, you know, little designs and things. and in lava, which is neat. >> it forces you to look at lava in a different way. it almost looks alive as he gets this close. >> hard to determine the scale of what he's shooting. i can't figure out if what i'm seeing is really huge or just something small in the foreground and i think that's what's kind of fun. >> did you bring the marshmallows and graham crackers and chocolate for some s'mores? novina shine is a seattle, washington, woman. she's planning a very shocking six-month experiment that she plans to share with everyone online. >> my name is novina shine. i'm the founder and the subject in our first experience. >> shine is a founder of living on light, which is a group of people that follows just -- she's a huge proponent of this. people like her believe they can thrive and live by not consuming food but just by consuming light and water. she is trying to prove everyone wrong. she's now more than 30 days into the experiment. this is her latest video which she uploaded on may 31st. she says she lost about 20 pounds but she does claim to be drinking water. eventually as this process continues, she wants to just drop the water altogether as well. >> we need to eat and drink. sorry. eat healthy if you want to be healthy. >> she apparently will have eight cameras at all times to prove that she's not cheating. and at this point she's only posting youtube videos because of technical difficulties. some people are skeptical about that because she could be eating between videos. she claims that she is not. she claims that she's being honest. whoo! [ laughter ] >> all this crazy laughter on a boat you think someone made a really funny joke but, no, you are seeing nan howser, a marine biologist. sometimes known as the whale wonderwoman. here's what they saw near the cook islands. >> okay, okay. >> oh! they are laughing at this giant whale that comes and nudges their boat. we've got world oceans day coming up on june 8th. and nan is working to create a 425,000-square-mile marine park that would protect the island's tourism industry. and a big part of that is tagging these big huge mammals. >> by satellite tagging, we can set up zones where the fishermen can fish but the whales can still migrate safely. tagging. it's the scariest thing you could imagine doing. >> this makes sense then. this whale knew what they were up to like, yeah, go ahead. tag me. i want to live in this protected area where nobody is going to come and poach me. >> they're out there in these waters to try to find whales. this is what they are trying to do and then the whales sort of sound them. that's awesome. dash cam video, check this guy up ahead. he's riding a scooter. he's all over the road. he's in the opposite lane of trah oncoming cars right here. he crosses over the line and just head-on with a van. just misses that. it's like he's playing chicken but the other people didn't know they were playing, too. >> his luck is about to run out. right here at this corner -- >> oh, boy. >> doesn't even try to evade that van. it looks like he runs into the van. the van didn't run into him. >> yeah, he was wobbly from the start. that didn't look good. >> i hope he's okay. >> me, too. this dash cam will leave you scratching your head. this is from a taxi driver. he makes this turn and just bumps that silver toyota. sets off the car alarm. the taxi driver backs up. there's no damage to this car. but he takes off like he just ran over somebody's dog. he hits one, two -- >> what? >> whoa, he flipped over. >> rolls his cab over because he's trying to run away from a fender. i can't even call it a fender bender. >> there's got to be more to this story here because that's quite a severe reaction for a very minor bump. >> maybe, maybe, he was freaked out because maybe he had been, you know, intoxicated somehow. he didn't want to get in trouble. >> he wasn't drunk but he didn't have a license to carry passengers. he was an unlicensed taxi and that's why he took off. enzo the family cat is meeting a new family dog. >> enzo is curious. >> see what happens when the dog tries to show who's boss. and a dude goes wakeboard -- >> off the back of his boat with nobody driving. >> why he could be in deep water. ♪ what you have got here is a tiger cub. this is little enzo. as you can tell, enzo is not where you'd expect enzo to be. not in the wild. enzo is in the kitchen and enzo has a new family member who is trying to get used to him. meet whiskey. >> what kind you got? >> whisky is the family's new dog. and whisky is not quite sure what to do. >> never easy introducing cats and dogs. >> and you see enzo doing that cat prepare to pounce move. >> ooh. >> but enzo was quite polite. didn't pounce. whisky is not happy. the dog is like, that's the biggest cat i've ever seen in my life. but whisky is not scared. [ barking ] oh, he was really going to be a man. lost his footing on the slippery linoleum. now his foot is in the bowl. >> i think that's more like guarding the bowl. you don't want it now. these two live in a home in south africa and belong to michael jamison and jackie smith. these are not the only two animals that live in this house. apparently they have 14 dogs and this video is a little older. this is when enzo was less than a year old. but i do believe whiskey established dominance. >> he won this round. i'm excited to s ed td to ss this one. a new form of racing. man versus bird. this is g. atherton, a pro mountain biker versus the fastest bird in the world, the paragrin falcon. they take a big bag, stick it to the cyclist's bag. take the hood off the bird. the bird catches an eye of that and is like, let's go. red bull also put together completely separate video from g. atherton, the mountain biker's point of view seeing the bird coming at his backpack in different angles. you really get to see the bird in action making tight turns, adjusting its body in midair at such high speed trying to nab this bag. >> i hope he has protection on because that thing has talons and is going to grab. >> the sbird immediately off from the start line jabbing at this guy's back. but it's hard to really grab that bag because it's tiny. and the mountain biker is zipping all over the place. the motorcyclist turns left, the bird turns left. reaches up. you see his talons come out and misses. misses again. eventually, though, the bird catches up. >> got it! just tore it right off his back and took off. if you want to see the entire race go to right this and click on best of rtm. you can also see it on our mobile app as well. lunchables has this website lunchables uploaded where they have all sorts of video and photo challenges. they are asking people who go to the website to, hey, see if you can do this challenge, outdo it, upload the video or the photo. rob deerdack getting in on the action. he has this video where he's doing one of the challenges where he's making a jingle for lunchables. rob does like to make songs. >> lunchables, lunchables, upload it. you're hungry. you're hungry. i'm hungry. i'm hungry. >> another one of the challenges is a trick shot. >> thinking, man, i would tlof do some crazy trick shots. you could just do something like this. hich is pretty cool,what? >>hat looks like a 20-footer. but that's not the most impressive trick. because watch this. rob is like, you should do something like this. bounces the ball off the wall. it goes into this big giant funnel thing. watch this. comes down. boots it. into the hoop. right into the hoop. if you hear the reaction of the people, it sounds legit. if you are asking why he has that giant funnel thing that turns into a ramp for a basket, i have no idea. that's just the kind of stuff he has. >> fantasy stuff. that kind of stuff lives there. >> it's funny because they are asking other people to submit their cool videos from these challenges. but like i feel like he just outdid anybody who is going to submit a video. >> that is how you upload a trick shot. see this guy in the hat? he's taking stuff out of a cabinet in a pawn shop. and you can see he's stuffing it right in this jacket. he's doing this because he brought in a cell phone to sell. the pawn shop owner said i have 200 bucks. i only have a $500 bill. he said i'll go make change for you. runs down the street. comes back. when the cashier wasn't there he got ticked and that's when he started boosting this stuff out of the counter. he left with his accomplice and then a half an hour later realized, oh, crap, i left my passport there. so he goes back to the pawn shop. by that time in just the 30 minutes, the pawn shop peopre a. looked at the videotape, knew exactly who he was and when he went back, he was met by the police officers. he denied the crime until they said, hey, buddy. see those cameras. >> are you kidding me? this guy was that silly? >> you have to look at it and say, that's pretty stupid funny. party on the rooftop. but what they are doing is probably not a good idea. see why this jump is a bad move. and a continental on steroids. >> it's got a few modifications that didn't come from the factory. >> how to for all those who sleep too hot or too cool, and struggle to sleep comfortably together, now there's a solution. introducing sleep number dual temp, the revolutionary temperature-balancing layer with active air technology that works on any mattress, including yours. whether you sleep hot or cool, sleep number dual temp allows each of you to select your ideal temperature. and it's only at one of our over 400 sleep number stores nationwide. sleep number. comfort individualized. we've seen something very similar to what i'm about to show you and we know it's probably not a good idea. this is in ireland. and take a close look at the group of kids up on that rooftop over what apparently is a restaurant. a lot of people out it seems like. sunny day in ireland. and then take a look at that guy that's running across the rooftop. and he jumps. >> makes it. looks like they are clearing a sidewalk, too. there's a bunch of people sitting down there. he made it with not much room to spare. >> as you can see, other people have already jumped in, and they are climbing back out and more guys keep on jumping. >> this is about as dangerous as the high jump competition we had recently here in our offices. >> amazingly, they seem to clear the jump every single time. at least during the entire video. no word on if anything else happened. sometimes i come to work and they're like, steven, this is the video you have to do today. i'm like, this is a tough life. ♪ this is jorge perez, the drummer, the percussionist from a band out of madrid, spain. and instead of drums, we've got bongos. instead of drums, we've got buns. notice we also have a lady here. you are thinking, when is she going to get involved. >> no, no, not -- i was cool with the butt shakes, but the boobs? >> there's a guy standing there. you'll see, when does he get involved? >> what? >> then another guy comes in and smacks him on the head a few times. he does change it up here. he changes up the beat a little bit. now at this point i'm thinking, man, that butt second from the left is reallyetting th majority of the -- why is that one getting the most? this happens. ♪ oh, it's a dude. >> wait a second. there's two dudes. >> that's a dude, too? >> it's a guy on the far right. i didn't notice that the first time. >> you know what? that is -- >> if you want to see this entire video, head to our website for the best of rtm or watch it on our mobile app. certain water sports like surfing, for example, perfect solo sport. you don't need anybody to go do it. this was a little bit of a different view from the go-pro. he's looking around. waiting for that wave. finally he finds that wave and it pays off. you just get that nifty view of him from the go-pro low down. now other sports like wake boarding, not really a solo sport. you kind of need somebody to drive the boat so you can go back and enjoy it. this guy proves me wrong. this was uploaded to the reese moore youtube channel. >> gets his wakeboard out. and off the back of his boat with nobody driving. just using the boat on auto pilot. >> this is so dangerous. once another boat comes you have no one to steer out of the way. if he falls, this boat keeps on going. >> he has nothing connecting him to the boat. he's dropped a toe rope. simply riding the wake of the boat. he gets back on without incident. a lot of people that are commenting on the video are just as upset as you thinking this is incredibly dangerous. you have to point out there could be somebody behind the camera that we're not seeing in case an accident happened in case the guy fell off. he could have jumped off. the guy could just be trying to make a video. >> i hope there's someone up there. otherwise you get the stupid award of the week. it's a rifle not meant to be held when shooting. but some guys -- >> felt he could hit a target at 1,000 yards. >> see if this mçó4+y?i mom... yes honey? dad told me that cheerios is good for your heart, is that true? says here that cheerios has whole grain oats that can help remove some cholesterol, and that's heart healthy. [ dad ] jan? ♪ guys, back in march i brought you this video. it's from the shamrocks event. it was this guy in the white shirt charged not only with public drunkenness but also with felony assault on a law enforcement officer. i have an update for you guys. the man in the video in the white t-shirt appeared in court earlier this week. he's 22-year-old jason dotson. and this video was used in the courtroom. and as a result of this video, all felony charges against dotson were dropped by the judge. >> that's surprising because you do see the guy in the white shirt taking a number of swings at officers. >> i'm really kind of surprised. i mean, he seemed to be fighting, clearly, with officers, and you aren't supposed to do that. >> the officers also in court suggested that dotson ended up throwing the first punches but the judge said the video proves otherwise. we are still waiting on an update on any internal investigations that may be going on within the police department. luck or skill? a couple of guys out of a texas triggers event, it's a bunch of guys and gals getting together to learn a little bit more about shooting. and especially the m-107 sniper rifle. that large 35-pound rifle is meant to be used on a tripod so you can stabilize this weapon. that's ryan, one of the instructors. a bunch of people were encouraging him to shoulder the weapon. they felt he could hit a target at 1,000 yards. this whole video set to the song "thunderstruck" by ac/dc. >> i'm not going to hit 1,000 yards. >> let's get it on video. >> no, we don't want it on video goofing around, unless you want it on video. >> ready? stand by. >> yeah, go. >> ho1,000 yards away. a single shot. just by holding the rifle. >> he's holding a gun that's not meant to be held and he still hit the target. >> i'm glad this guy is on our side. >> is that why they say don't mess with texas. >> add that to a list of reasons. all the people were blown away by what brian was able to do. hey, guys, i'm pretty much sure that they would not feature these wheels on "pimp my rides." what you have here is a 1967, i believe, lincoln continental. as you can seerk it's an antique, according to the license plate on the front of the car. and it's got a few modifications that didn't come from the factory like the horns on the hood. >> it isn't stock. this is built for mud and -- >> for something built in 1967, i'm amazed it still runs. look what they did to the trunk. >> he turned a cruiser into a dump truck. >> got to love that. >> you know he doesn't have a car payment anymore. use that car payment to trick our car out. >> i think that's pretty incredible they turned that into something you can haul stuff around in. >> that's our show, everybody. we'll see you next time. 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