Hi, im beth troutman. Its time for great videos an d the stories behind them right this minute. A [ bleep ] a passengers surprise attack leaves a cab driver wondering wondering who could be this guy . Why it caught him so off guard. A skier on a chair lift but cant get off. How embarrassing. If you think thats bad, just wait for the dismount. A teenage sir awarded his e diploma inside his moms hospital room. The story behind a remarkable ceremony to drank a mothers last wish. I graduated, mom. Wednesdays buzzword for your chance at a new ipad mini, plus the quickest way to stop a flying suv, and the one thing even chuck from the bronx cant swallow. Oh [ laughter ] no. A cab driver in florida picked up hardly the pleasant passenger. Take a look at this. This is in plantation, florida. The cab drive sir the passenger you can see and hear is trying to rob the dude. Give me your money. [ horn beeps ] the crazy thing is he picked him up at plantation general hospital. I say, what you say . I said you got nothing, bought i just come to pick you up. They let you go . This is at 1 30 in the morning. Still the guy made off with a phone, gps and cash before taking off and running through a neighborhood. Police still looking for this guy, asking the public for tips or hints that could lead to his capture. You know if anybody got hurt in this . No word of injuries. This was caught on surveillance cameras. Yellow cab recently installed these in the cabs to capture moments just like this on any camera. A lot of cab drivers have to deal with a lot of riffraff. Weve heard stories of cab drivers even getting killed. Ill shoot you [ bleep ] the driver points the camera. Look, youre on camera. Doesnt seem 0 deter this guy, but hopefully it will lead to catching him. This is at a resort in france. We have a camera in a guys helmet getting on the chair lift. What weve learned about this skier is that he is boarding himself on to this chair lift equipped with an avalanche survival backpack. He was wearing that backpack to keep himself safe. You suddenly start to notice that things arent looking the way you think they should look as hes on a chair lift. Looks like hes dangling. He is dangling. In fact, he kind of slid off of the chair lift and now is hanging by his avalanche backpack. Oh, man. How embarrassen. We have the angle from this mans helmet cam, but we also have his friends camera to give us a little perspective. Notice a lot of people on the ground come to try to help him. Theyre trying to put pressure on his legs so hes not just hanging there by the backpack. Like when a bull in high school hangs you up on the back of a door. Thats what that reminds me of. Good thing they stopped the ski lift instead of taking him to the top without no way to getting down. We wanted to point out it took the ski lift operator just a while to get the thing stopped. You see he got a pretty good distance. The avalanche pack, but didnt think of this. Its ironic, he says, because the pack is supposed to save your life and instead hes hanging from it for dear life. Oh how insulting. Oh. Thats the best part. I have to say. That is the best part. I have two rescue videos of family dogs in some very scary situations. An 18monthold burmese mountain dog escaped his home and they found him in this brook. He had fallen through the thin ice. Oh, boy. Ah. One of the rescue members actually goes into the brook, puts the harness on teddy and then they are both dragged back to the shore. You can hear the ice cracking, too. You hear that . They needed to do a rescue like this. Its no small dog. Hes only 18 months old, but a fullgrown burmese mountain dog can weigh anywhere from 100 to 185 pounds from that successful rescue to another one. This one is off the coast in the uk. A other than of tom, a german shepper pointer called because his dog had fallen from a rocky cliff 80 feet down. 80 feet . Oh. 80 feet. Here we see the rescue crew spotting the dog. Hes curled up at the very edge right there, we see him at the end. Oh, man. He looks like he was really cold, too. They said when the dog spotted them he tried walking up to them, but that fall broke his leg. So he wasnt able to move. Fortunately, they get him back to shore. Hes given to his owner who then takes him to the Animal Hospital where they discovered that he suffered not only a broken leg but also a broken bone in his chest, a broken jaw, used lungs and liver, but he is expected to improve. Oh. Poor guy. Good thing they got to him when they did. Who know whats would have happened if the tide came in and had all those injuries. He could have drowned. Theyre awesome. The fact is the most efficient way to stop a speeding vehicle is this way. Oh, my god. Oh its an old, maybe land rover jeepstyle international scout. Not sure. Gets air, which is impressive to begin with, and just digs right into the dirt. I know what your reaction is. One guy was flying out into the dirt. Flipping out. The man flipped out the jeep hit like an accordion. They are never, ever going to get this jeep out. No. Never. Not wearina se belt. How abut you 30, 40yearold vehicle over a hill like that . This video is going viral for obvious reasons. In the history of not well thought out ideas, this is in the book. This guys riding his bike backwards. This guy is doing all the wrong things. See what all the wrong things add up to, next. And then youve got the guy on the snowmobile. It looked like he was trying to go up on a jump and then trying to come down on the same thing. 2nln e were in the second week of the rtm ipad giveaway and right this minute we have one of our winners, Nicole Grigsby from ohio and she joins us along with her twin sister natalie, her niece kyra and daughter halle. Congratulations, nicole. [ applause ] tell me what you did when you found out that you were one of our ipad mini giveaway winners . I was super excited. I called natalie first and then, i hope we can be on the show, and here we are. Natalie, as the twin sister, did you already know why she was calling you . I had no idea. I was like, man, i wish i won. Did you enter or did you not give yourself a chance . Oh, i definitely entered. Nicole, tell me a little about yourself. Ive lived in cincinnati all my life. I married my high school sweetheart, and had my daughter, and then my son came along. I understand that you cant wait to use the ipad mini with him. Right . Tell me why. Hes totally delayed, has sensories issues, hasnt been pointing much. So the kids already talking about whos going to get it first . My daughter wants it. Well, congratulations. Were thrillaled that you won one of our ipad minis and hope you keep watching the show. Thanks. We will. [ cheers and applause ] stick with us everybody, because were giving away another ipad minnie just a bit. You have to be 18 or older and need the buzzword to center. Hang with us. Wednesdays bud word in just a bit. Good luck, everybody. From the what the heck did you think was going to happen . File, this guy is doing all the wrong things. Hed riding his bike backwards. Sitting on the handle bars, at night, while talking on his cell phone. One guess as to what is going to happen. I hope its good. Going to fall over . Of course. Here comes. Up ahead, theres this bike in the way. Oh he went right on his face. Down he goes. Hes not wearing a helmielmh there were callers a little suspicious about this thinking it was set up. It seems odd there was a scooter in the middle of his lane going awfully slow. They set it up. The fall still definitely hurt. He looks like he fell right on his skull. I will give him this. Impressive he can right a bike backwards. Yes, but do it in the circus. Dont do it in the street in the middle of the night. What were people thinking . These snowmobile videos, both of them end not the way the riders intended. This very first one, this guy, hes going really fast. Oh yeah, yeah. He lost it, id say. But what does he do . He gets his snowmobile back upright and goes again g. For him for mot giving up. You could learn from this snowmobiler. Except he tries again and again he loses goes a third time. And he lost it again. Oh, boy. At this point, dont you tell him he goes again. If at first you dont succeed, try, try, try try again. Again. Oh oh, he almost got it that time. This time he just fell out of the snowmobile. The snowmobile kept going. Heres another snowmobile. This guy is riding on what seems to be a pass, common pass for snowmobilers. Oh, boy. Oh. Hes caught in the middle of an avalanche. Sounds like hes calling a buddy of his. This is probably one of the smallest avalanches weve seen on the show, nevertheless, i can tell hes going to be sucked up in a minute. Thats not even an avalanche. Thats just snow that moved because he wreck add snowmobile. I could go like this and yell, avalanche. But hes okay. That was a close one. He was ts close to have a hanging from the tree. A life or death rescue about to take place. Im surprised somebody even saw this thing. Its looking like, somebody help me out, please. See one guy who swims to the rescue. And still to come, that car is legally parked. But that guy working around it is about to change that. Watch what this person is doing. Oh. See the lie of a line that leads to a tow, next. And coming up, weve got wednesdays buzzword in the rtm ipad mini giveaway. Stand by and get ready to win, right this minute. I have a really beautiful story to share with you guys. This is ven lynabury. She in a cap and gown and you can hear pomp and circumstance playing in the background, but youll notice that ben isnt in a High School Gymnasium or a stadium. Hes actually in an intensive care unit. Bens mom is being treated for an aggressive and rare form of lymphoma. One of her dreams was to see her son graduate from high school. Friends, family, faculty at the high school, they came together in the intensive care unit and they held a graduation for ben so that his mother could see him graduate. The superintendent of the School System even was there to help present the diploma. On behalf of the northwest local School District board of education i declare this to be an official ceremony for the class of 2013. The superintendent declared it an official graduation so that his mom saw the official moment that he received his diploma. This diploma goes to Benjamin Matthew lynabury. Its like the real thing in there, a real ceremony. Youre going to see the moment that ben throws his cap. Catch the cap. Then youll see the moment when ben goes to his mother. I graduated, mom. I love that theres such a sense of community and family within the school that they chose to do this for ben. I dont think we understand how important it is for our parents to see us accomplish these milestones. This is the world to them. They have raised you to get to this point. Less than 24 hours after this ceremony, jennifer lynabury lost her battle to cancer. And so in her final moments of her life, she saw her dream come true. A life welllived, and a beautiful thing that the people that she touched did for her. This really means so much, thank you so much, for all of you. Thank you. Have you ever been issued a ticket and you dont really know why or cant get an explanation from the police or the city or anybody . This will make you even more mad. Watch this. This is in tel aviv. You see this car here is legally parked on the sidewalk. Heres the red, where you cant park. This car is legally parked. Sure, its blocking these motorcycle, but theyre on the sidewalk. They can get around. Watch what this person is doing. Painting lines around this car. Ah no. Not only that, but look what else this persons painting. A handicap symbol. Oh. No. Come on. Making this a handicap spot. Now watch what happens. Before you know it, tow truck from the city comes up, tickets and tows this car. Was this a prank by someone or was the city worker, they dime redo the Parking Zones . It was, in fact, a city worker that painted those lines. When this video surfaced, the city came forward, issued an apology. Refunded the driver immediately and said, of course, many things like, we do not condone this type of activity. No word if the person who paintedhese lines is same person who towed the car, but either way, completely ridiculous this is awful. Yes, then you come out. They tell you you parked in a handicap spot, no i didnt. I know i didnt. I would never do that. Then you look at the spot boy, that will mess up your head. Now, if you want to be a winner of an ipad mini, youve got to enter. And thats really simple to do youre going to need one big buzzword and you have to be 18 or older to enter. Now when you get the buzzword, head to our facebook page. If using a tablet or mobile phone head to the first post on the page and tap that mobile link. Beth, lets do this thing. Wednesdays buzzword is snippet. Now get over to facebook and click on. Its your chance to win an ipad mini. Good luck, everybody. Hey, whats up there . His latest food challenge may be the fishiest of them all. Oh, this is gross. Well reveal whats so bad, not even chuck can stomach it. Its gayle cute animal pet time and this timeits rats. I love rats. I pet rats. I pick them up. I love them. Try to let them kiss my nose. Theyre rather smart, easy to train and can be cuddly and cute. There is mama rat. She decides, you know what . The babies have had enough fun playing in the printer. Time go back to bed. Walks around most of the stuff. Checks, makes sure babies havent fallen off the desk and goes back to get baby number two a. Great mom. I like that the ras didnt want to step on the mouse. Did you see that . The rat clicked the keyboard and it popped up a cat. I think thats a mouse, or a fox. Thats a cat. Could be a fox. Im claiming, cat. Watch this. You think, okay. Eres the baby. Looks for the baby, wheres the baby at . You dont see it. Oh. There it is. Just drags her by the head and all is well back in the cage. This rats name is barbara. She looks like a barbara. We spend a boatload of money each month on our smartphone, right . Uhhuh. I have a video that will help you maximize your smartphone. We all consume information differently. Some listening, some prefer reading. Optimize your phone accordingly. For example, those who ate listening to voicemail download this voice app turning this into a nice email. Did you know this existed . No, and i want that because i know a woman who consistently leaves threeminute message, and i dont like to listen to them. I were read it at my leisure. If youre driving, you are get a list, you dont have to read. Sometimes i appreciate the voicemail to listen to what they need. It will help a lot of people, for sure. More ways to help maximize your cell phone usage. Recording like total recall lets you automatically record calls send a transcript of the call and more. An app that can manually transcribe your call. An important call, something want to remember. Good for Customer Service complaints or Something Like that. They always say, this call may be recorded for our own quality reassurance, what about my Quality Assurance . Exactly. You have to know the laws in your state about recording phone calls. Laws. A camera function is ultimate for anyone whos forgetful. Take a picture of the level youre on. See a picture of a book you want to buy late jer snap a photo i. Do that at the doctors offices. Dont tear the page out, just take a picture. Best ways to use your smartphone. Makes us smarter. I feel smarter. Thank you. All right, everybody, its time for one of our favorite contributors again. Hey, whats up there . Shopping in the bronx again . Heres his latest challenge. Supposed to be used a little on food, here or there. Nont meant to be drank straight up. Were going to give that a shot today. Oh. This is gross. Because fish sauce is strong. Here its whats in it. Anchovy extract, salt and sugar. Check out the entire bottle of sauce, in a nice tall glass hes having difficulty. Oh, god. Its stinks. Hes not even started and already gags, like hes already lost this battle. Dude, dont do it. Lets get closer to the end. See how close he gets. I think hes going to do it now. Yeah . Hes struggling. Oh no. Puking it up. Last big swallow and chuck doesnt make it. Im so surprised. Hes got an

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