the fun and games. people stare at animals in the zoo. how one man's gene yous idea led to some priceless images. and a rope with a hole in a rock that combines for one spectacular stunt. you'll see what it took to pull this off. it's all right now on the rtm friday count down. >> we begin our count down today with our number ten video. and this is video caught on a cell phone of some school violence. this is at lafayette, jefferson high school in lafayette, indiana. we got this footage from wlbi. what you're seeing is a fight between a 17-year-old unnamed student and the assistant principal, roger francis. according to reports, this happened earlier this week before school started. a bag of chitoes somehow flew across the area and hit the assistant principle. pal. as he was trying to determine where it came from, he approached the 17-year-old student and tried to take him into the office. >> basically, he approached him and then the student just, like, blew up and went after him. >> it's shocking to me that a kid would think it's okay to just haul off and hit a principle. >> the person person you're seeing here in the audiocassette wa shirt, that's another teacher who came in to help the assistant principle. some students think that this particular 17-year-old is innocent. >> yeah, it was a mistake. you just smacked the bag of chee toes and it just goes into the head. >> they go into the principal's office say i didn't do it. >> so what's happening to this kid? is he suspended? is he expelled? >> police actually arrested the 17-year-old. he is suspended from school while they do an internal review. it could lead to expulsion and some reports are saying it could lead to felony charges. this was shot by another student and posted to youtube but it was quickly removed less than 24 hours later. at number nine on the rtm count down, a bus that veers off course. this is in the u.k. take a look at the left of your screen at that bus. you see right in front of that bus is a cyclist. and suddenly, you see the bus swerve and strike. you see the bus accidentally hit that man or does it really hit that man? what do you guys think? >> i don't know. i don't think the driver saw the cyclist. >> i think it looks like the driver was trying to get around the cyclist and got annoyed because he couldn't. >> i'm going to tell you what happened. began, there was apparently some kind of bold rage argument between the bus driver and that cyclist. the driver is 29-year-old gavin hill and the cyclist is 43-year-old phillip meade. according to reports, there is sa round about right before they enter into the viewpoint of this video where the bus driver was driving way too close to the cyclist. the cyclist got mad and apparently got right in front of him, which is when the video begins. and the cyclist allegedly started pulling and tugging at the windshield wipers, which then caused mr. hill to ram the cyclist with his bus. mr. meade ended up with a fractured leg and wrist. this event happened in april of last year. the reason we're talking about it now is because the bus driver was just sentenced to 17 months in jail and was suspended from driving for two and a half years. >> wow, that's pretty serious. >> mr. hill did plead guilty to driving dangerously and causing bodily harm. the judge said that this is not an accident and hill used his bus as a weapon against mr. meade. >> i mean, it's a bus. you hit anything with a bus and it's going to hurt it. >> the new york knicks basketball team has a new star and linsanity may be taking over america's favorite city. >> forget linsanity. behold the wonder of the universal jamming gripper. this was made by mechanical engineers at the university of chicago and cornell university. this yuniversaal can pick thingings up and start jamming things. >> it looks like a bozo nose. >> yes, it does. for this thing to work, what you basically need is sand, some kind of flexible membrane like a balloon, it uses vacuum suction to harden it once it grabs something. and then when it's ready to release it, it just puts air back in the bag and it puts it down. >> and why do we need this? >> think about the real-world application for this. if you have somebody who can't pick something up, this could help them. also, if you're in a war zone and you need to pick up a bomb or a road-side contraption, you're trying to figure out what it is, you send the robot in. >> i understand the picking-up as pekt of it. but the throwing it, the tossing it, i'm kind of like puzzled about. >> i think it's just demonstrating the following the accidentb accidentblety of the way this thing can grasp and release. it's demonstrating that it's dexterous enough to pick something small up and releases. >> they say this is a big advance for science because in the past, these grippers can only do one or two things. but this one can pick up a variety of different things, be it a coin or a cup. >> bonkers. the count down loves car videos, so let's get to it. >> this guy in the gmc has his flashers going, assuming that maybe he's trying to alert other drivers in the area to watch out for this maniac in the chevy caprice who's going back and forth, back and forth. the kries ler winds up hitting him. >> what? >> did he think he was going to miss him? what did he think was going to happen? that guy drifting with all of those cars around. >> it's on a road where people were just driving normally. people were probably just trying to get home from work. it's weird. >> why? why did he do that? >> well, i don't have a good, solid answer. but this next video looks to be in a similar area, similar road, same type of thing. this guy is flying back and forth. there's people all over the road. just barely misses that guy. >> did you see what that guy did? like he just missed? >> this one looks like, i don't know, the road might be closed off. there's people there watching them do this. they know this was going to happen. but on the one before, it looked like a public road. in the wide shot, you see a big camera crate and some production people. so they may have been out there shooting some sort of film or commercial or something. that's the only thing i can figure out why these people are doing this besides goofy fun. >> the people are brave, too. brave or stupid, who knows. to be out there as close as they are to these guys and whipping these cars around. >> you know what i think it is? this is a big auction and they're showing the potential buyers, look what my car can do. >> yes, that could be it. get this car that could do donuts all the way down the highway with no miles left on the tires. we have completely fried them for you. >> cooling down the dirt track dodging puddles. could an accident be ahead? >> it happens. it's common. >> and a national cheer leading championship. big deal, huh? >> yeah, who cares about that? >> the guy walking across the stage changes everything. see why next. welcome back to the rtm top ten count down. now, a warning, keep your eyes on the road. >> when you're carrying your dirt bike on a road, you have to keep your eyes on the trail, on his bike, he's got budles to go around. there's divets in the road. the last thing you might think you have to dodge is another dirt bike. watch. right when he goes around this bend. super close call. the other guy just kept on going. listen. you can hear he's obviously going to react. he pulls over to the side, looks back, the dude is just completely gone. it happens. it's common. >> thisn't it common dirt bike courtesy? >> yeah, yeah, i guess that would have been a nice thing. >> yeah. >> a young girl, a cheer leading competition and one heck of a surprise. today at number five. >> i want to show you a cool video of the 2012 cheer leading championship with the big, old cool twist. this is a cheer leading team from columbine high school. this is jill wangle and she is competing for the very last time. but not only that, her dad is a u.s. air force member in afghanistan. and he had a little surprise for her. >> from columbine and with her family that's here with her, i'd like to ask jill wible to come down. >> to show them a special video message that their dad sent them from afghanistan. >> he is a big part of our life. i know you guys are anxiously awaiting your results. >> instead of getting results, they get a completely different surprise. the dad is walking on stage has no idea that he's walking towards them. >> it's called the organizers of this championship and disney to help them coordinate this reunion. moms or sisters have no idea. >> that's awesome. i'm like who is this? this is my dad? he's not even supposed to be home yet. >> the emotional explosion that went on of walking across that stage, grabbing my wife and amy of 25 years and daughters, there is no word that will totally describe that. >> and everybody, after that, was, like, results? what? >> yeah, who cares about the cheer leading. >> pay no attention to the man in the picture. the woman is the story. >> and the bride is one hundred years old. the groom is 87. >> oh, a younger man. >> every rtm top ten needs a heartwarming video. see this one coming up on right this minute. so, this is delicious okay... is this where we're at now, we just eat whatever tastes good? like these sweet honey clusters... actually there's a half a day's worth of fiber in every ... why stop at cereal? bring on the pork chops and the hot fudge. fantastic. are you done sweetie? yea [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one. hey, i love your cereal there-- it's got that sweet honey taste. but no way it's 80 calories, right? no way. lady, i just drive the truck. right, there's no way right, right? have a nice day. [ male announcer ] 80 delicious calories. fiber one. we're at number for on the rtm top kount down. it's time for a fail and a fall. >> he's a fine journalist on the news doing a report on spending. but the real star of this video isn't the journalist. pay attention to this girl walking to his left. >> she bites it. >> this is a classic testing and walking fail. >> in the venture that she falls and just stays there. just stay down. >> is she hurt? is that why she didn't move? >> i don't feel bad about laughing at her. i don't. it's pretty embarrassing. >> probably when she fell, she stayed down on the ground because that's where she finished her text. >> i think it's such an important text that it was imperative that she finish it. >> okay, our count down cannot be complete without one of those stories that makes you go ahhh. >> okay, number three. imagine turning 100 years old? now imagine being a hundred and being a bride? >> on my birthday. i'm getting married at a hundred years old. >> the woman you're seeing here is dana jackson. and she decided to celebrate her 100th birthday by getting married. >> this is a really cute part of the video. this is a steak house and this is her bridal shower. >> my goodness. >> and look at her all decked out in her gown and her vail. >> that baby seems doubtful. the baby has concerns about the wedding. so of course you need to meet the groom, right? >> he's bill south. and he's 87. >> oh, a younger man. >> she is robbing the cradle, as they say. >> they decided to get married in the cafeteria at the rosewood health care center. they grab hands in front of the minister and they say their vows. >> and honor him all the days of your life. >> and watch their first kiss. they currently live together at the rosewood health care center in bowling green, kentucky. >> i really like this. me, of all people. i think that's really cool. >> i'm going to start cruising retirement homings. that's where you find a groom, obviously. >> is our number one video the undercover undercov undercover project. they're both blowing up on the web. but which one climbs to number one? he's something you don't get to see every day. >> what's a mango? >> it is made with over 5,000 egg cartons. what it is is one life-size tank created with over 5,000 egg cartonings. >> it's a pretty cool project. i don't know how it would hold up in the fields of battle. >> why egg cartons? >> there is an organization called eggs for soldiers. and if you buy their eggs, they help raise funds for aid to soldiers. >> that's a lot of scrambled eggs they had to eat to make this. >> this is going toe on diplay in the u.k. and it is going to be part of a ce e that is a fundraiser to help aid soldiers. >> what a great way to help the soldiers. >> i would say an eggzelent way. >> number two, the first runner up and some fantastic pictures. >> one of the coolest things about going to the zoo is interacting with some animals. it doesn't care what you're going. well, this guy, mark rover, figured out a solution at a zoo in los angeles. they want to look at themselves. so he used his iphone to reverse the lens on the camera and puts his iphone up on the screen. watch how these monkeys react? mark is a smart guy. he works for nasa's jet propulsion guy. he's basically a rocket scientist. he says that's not good enough. i can do this better and cheaper. i went to the hardware store and drilled a hole right in the center. i put the camera in the back so now if the grill a la is looking at his reflection, the camera is right in the center of that image. >> he took it back to the zoo and look at these images. >> oh, this is so simple it's brilliant. >> we got in touch with mark and he told us he was interested in how close they got to the screen. >> he also said there was a baby monkey and he thought this was pretty cool because it's the first time this baby chimp got to see himself. >> it's amazing that animals can recognize themselves in the mir rour. >> he also used the phone on some humans. he said he did it to compare and contrast to these chimps. people are kind of acting the exact same way. >> i wonder if the chimps looked into the mirror and wonders does this mirror make me look fat? >> all right, everybody. it's time for our number one video of the day. some great scenery and one heck of a ride. >> this next video has everything, action, adventure, beautiful scenery and even a little romance. >> this is in moab utah sent in by our good friend, devon graham. you see a couple guys getting ready, hooking up some different climbing ropes, harnesses and off they go. >> oh, my. >> oh, wow. >> hey, he doesn't have a parachute. >> this is 130 foot free fall off the top of grona arch and a massive pendulum swing up and around the other side. >> basically, it's like a rope swing. it's a giant rope swing, exactly. and these guys are having a balance. >> you know what, i wouldn't mind if it was over water. but they might slam into a giant rock. >> i want to know who their guineau pig was for this. >> now, as far as actual construction of the rope itsd, it took about two hours of set up. >> what they did, they sent a bag of rocks over the edge the first time. >> if anything was going to happen, it's ee's going to hap this bag of rocks. >> oh, heck. ♪ >> this is so much fun. even the rock is smiling. >> what's the romantic part of this? don't tell me there's a pro poe sal. >> you guessed it. there is sa proposal in this video. >> he's hanging there. he then lowered himself down as they're hanging in midair. pops the question and the ring and she said yes. >> she said yes. >> if you want to see the entire video behind the scenes and all, go to our web site at >> that's it for the rtm count down, everybody. we're going to leave you with one more look at our number one video. enjoy it and have an awesome, awesome weekend. we'll see you on monday.

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Bowling Green ,Kentucky ,United States ,Afghanistan ,Indiana ,Cornell University ,Illinois ,Chicago ,Reunion ,America ,Phillip Meade ,Los Angeles ,Dana Jackson ,Devon Graham ,Roger Francis ,Beth Troutman ,

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