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New announcement is causing some confusion in california. It starts right now, this is ktvu channel 2 morning news. Ktvu channel 2 news at noon. An independent doctor has been appointed at a Court Hearing to decide the fate of that girl just wrapped up and joining us now with reaction from the family and the hospital, brian . Reporter good afternoon to you but the key was to find an independent doctor who had no affiliation with oakland childrens. The judge eventually appointed a doctor with ties to stanford. I reviewed his resume and with that kind of information he stands to be imminently qualified and i understand he is available to begin the testing today. Reporter now the judge appointed paul fisher, he is the chief of neurology at Childrens Hospital and according to the doctor he plans on starting the testing which includes an eeg to look into blood flow into her brain. She had severe bleeding and eventually went brain dead. The battle is to keep her on support at least until christmas and her mother told the nurse they had to change her settings even though there is a temporary retraining order. We need to make small changes in the machine in order to maintain the status quo of the brain chemistry. Now doctor fisher was not the dr. Fisher was not the first choice. They had dr. Paul burn originally but we are looking into whether they will include dr. Punch and see if dr. Burn and see if he can take part in this investigation. I never know when they will pull the plug or make that decision but i am praying on it and saying, you know just give her more time. Meantime hundreds showed hundreds showed up for a march for the little girl and many showed her favorite colors but the situation continues to change by the hour. According to the attorney for the family, another hearing is to decide whether dr. Burn will take part in the investigation. We understand another one is scheduled for her at 9 30 a. M. Brian flores. Ktvu channel 2 morning news. Thanks for bringing us up to date on that. Many questions are being raised about the need for tons sillectomies. Some say it is the most effective way to treat child apnea in children. According to medical reports, what happened to her is the most clinic occasion with complication with that surgery. 49ers will say goodbye as they play their last season game they plan to call it home for 43 years. And in about an hour and a half, it will equal tailgators and alex of a advantage joins savage joins us live with more on this historic stadium. Well the lucky fans will watch the team and honor them tonight. Celebrities and former players will all be on hand for a special celebration. Itits not the best thing around but it will play host which was the scene for one of the most memorable moments in sports history. Reporter the logos and it is beautiful there as well. It could be the final game for this 53yearold stadium. Armando got here early to reflect on what this place means to him. This is my home, what i grew up with and i had so many great memories here. Reporter San Francisco police chief and greg sir strolled on to the field and took a walk down memory lane. They are sitting up at section 30, way up high. They actually got to play here in their very first season when i was in Grammar School and it just doesnt get any better than that for me. He is working to make sure they celebrate safely at tonights game and there will be more officers at candle stick park more than ever before to take home as a souvenir. Dismantle the falcons, leave the stadium alone. 600 . And any one who does want to try and take home a piece of candle stick will have to say it is going to be demolished a year from now and until you can always remember the special times here, the final kickoff, what could be the final kickoff here in side the stick will be at 5 40 tonight. Live in San Francisco, alex savage, ktvu channel 2 morning news. It is certainly an emotional day today, thank you, alex. And the bay bridge toll plaza, traffic has been light and already theres a little bit of a backup and reports of many vehicles with the flags as they get ready to come across to candle stick park. And there is some of their favorite ones, this one is sent to us by vanessa and they took it at the stick. It looks like she has some special passes before getting on to the field there and here is one from trevor duncan, he happens to the one of our producers and this was taken four years ago, the very first time they saw a game. They can say farewell by sharing our facebook badge and they can tweet it to us, farewell at candle stick. There is still a fair chance. Depending on what happens in the several nfl games in the coming weeks, it is a divisional at candle stick after a first round buy. As the 49ers continue to play for the title, 9ers fans have the titles. They raised thousands to put this traditional ad up to have this put up at the stadium and the word is from downtown seattle. The sign finds it at the five super bowl victories. It makes me mad but i will have to get out of here. Reporter you remember they raised money to fly a banner over just before this months 49er game at candle sticks. A group of protesters was removed overnight after the Federal Reserve bank. The drew a mock version inside of the building at the foot of Market Street and crews were out Pressure Washing it away. The group reminded them, was protesting the 100th anniversary, the creation of the Federal Reserve. They are calling for it to be more transparent. Just a few hours ago, a one day grace period, they were hoping to get 2014 for the at Affordable Care act. That has there has been a lot of confusion about some of these deadlines. Sign ups are going at a record pace to make sure everybody who wants coverage from the first gets it, and they suspend it until tuesday. Christmas eve is the day for last minute shoppers. Now it is the final shopping day for people to buy for the new year. And the december 23l1rdl0 deadline is now extended and the fact that consumers may be enrolling for multiple time zones are taking steps to make sure those who select a plan will get coverage through january 1st. Today for sure . He works 2 jobs but his employers done provide coverage. He plans on it before this weeks dead line. I will definitely have to get off of work. The white house said they are seeing heavy traffic but handling it. So far no major crashes, but this morning, running smoothly, more than 1 million visits to the call center, seeking affordable options. This is only for people who uncovered it january 1st. There are still three more months to avoid a panelty plan and put it into action. Ktvu channel 2 news. And california you all opted for a state california opted for a state run program and we have learned it is expected to clarify deadlines in just about an hour. One who recently enrolled said coverage for the entire family is expected to be less than 500. Did somebody pass at the cost and now with all of us being added on, it worked out great for us. Call centers throughout the state are expected to stay open until 1 00 p. M. To expect people to enroll in the program. A toddler scrambles just days ahead of the Christmas Holidays and we will tell you more about how weather on the east coast is impacting travel. Plus another spare the air alert, we will talk but dry and mild conditions, how long it will last and what they find in store for christmas. And donations go to one Community Service for the holiday. Checkin target off my list, last minute deals on toys and gifts. Thats my holiday, thats my kind of holiday. Wrap it up, pop, lock and shop, buyin presents that i forgot. Thats my holiday. Thank you grandma for the dolls. I love it im ninja kicking through the halls. I love it moms posting pictures on your wall. Thats my kind of holiday. 13 people were taken to the hospital this morning after a tour bus crashed in southern california. It happened just east of los angeles. The bus was returning from a casino and went off the road into a small drainage canal before hitting a fence. 32 people were seriously hurt and the calls of the crash is still under investigation. Be a in oakland, an investigation is underway after a body was found. The discovery was made near the oakland airport. They are treating the death as a homicide but they have not identified whether it was a man or woman or how the person died. Police are investigating a deadly shooting and they have identified them in the apartment complex on redwood parkway and so far there have been no arrests. Acts say he is a gay member from santa rosa. They released this saying he is wanted on charges of attempted murder, and conspiracy to commit murder and the charges stem back on september 5th 5th. Agents say you have to call 911 or the fbi. A young puppy is discovered after being put in a garbage bag and thrown in the garbage. He was found friday night as workers were hand sorting trash on a conveyer belt. The pup was scared and had injuries but seemed okay. When they found the puppy, they took the puppy and called animal welfare. They are trying to figure out what garbage area they found her in so they can find out which county she is from. Lake tahoe, 19yearold alyssa wandered away from the event and her body was found in the snow and was found to have died of hypothermia and found drugs in her system. We will keep a heated tent open and stay opened for extended hours. Reeking havoc over the past few days. In mississippi, two torns left two people tornadoes left two people dead. It left major flight delays and is not having this much impact and all three of the big airports say operations are normal. We do anticipate the east Coast Weather and everything is operating on time this morning. They do expect a massive holiday crowd with 100,000 passengers. Allow plenty of extra time and if you find them, be sure to check on weather and connections there. Mechanical problems could cause some problems for ferry riders to Pinellas County this evening. Pinellas county. This morning they had to cancel it and commuters waited 20 minutes for the next one. Fortunately the commute was light because of the holidays. They will officially submit a letter to team oracle once again to host the yacht race. This time they will not offer any big subsidies or real estate as part of the deal. They are offering a 6 million impact study. The yacht race would probably take place in 2017. A dry mild hazy day shaping up around the bay area, you can see it for yourselves, chances are, a spare the air day as jenna mentioned, possibly tomorrow as well as Christmas Day and as we know that means it is illegal to burn in your fireplace as you are exempt and it is air quality mark it is just above the air quality mark and it is just something to be aware of for the afternoon. High pressure is in control of the weather pattern and we are driving our weather temperatures up and sort of putting a lid on the atmosphere and again that helps that pollution out where we live and where we reside. Temperatures in the 60s and winds are very calm, another factor we will look at is air quality. 55 in oakland 55 in napa, a very chilly start east bay as well as north bay and we are beginning to see a turnaround. That is pretty much where it will stay. Mid60s for oakland and 64 for napa, mid60s for santa rosa, san jose should tie a record at 67, a standing record set back in 1919. So near record warmth, we will have this on the 5 00 news. If you are lucky enough to see it at candle stick, sunset just before 9 00 in the forecast as soon as the sun goes down, 50 degrees expected with light winds and meanwhile the rest of us will continue with temperatures in the upper 50s to near 60 degrees for the second half of our afternoon and early evening as we settlement temperatures are back into the mid30s and lower 40s and getting on our way out the door tomorrow, you notice little change and perhaps slightly warmer on Christmas Day, we show you in the bay area weekend always in view, a very light chance but it does not look like it is going to bring us anything we need but we will be tracking it for you perhaps. You may need your umbrella. Thanks, rosemary. Warehouse union is helping to spread the holiday spirit. This is the toys program. Then later today, firefighters plan on picking up donations and plan to pass them out to children in need. And the public step forward will help them meet their goal. There were 2000 gifts short as of friday but thanks to an outpouring, every child who signed up for a giveaway will talk about receiving gifts this year. And the latest on the fall out on the massive data breach, we have more on how it as affecting the companys numbers. [ female announcer ] heres to a whole world of happier holidays. Time to enchant, delight and amaze. Safeway will help you gather everyone round. A smoked, shank half ham is only 99 cents a pound. Starbucks is just 6. 99, thats a cup of good cheer. Get sweet clementines for 4. 99, enough for everyone here. Turns out this season less is really so much more. So make your holiday merrier than ever before. Safeway. Ingredients for life. Welcome back, we had the start of a very low trading week and 69 points has been covered all morning. The target breach is causing lawsuits and high level investigations. It caused to affect credit card information and two class action suites and in connecticut and massachusetts and new york they have launched their own investigations to find out when target knew there was a problem. The secret service is also launching an investigation. Retail analysts say target sales is down compared with the final weekend compared to target last year but they tried to get more people into their stores with a 10 discount. The economist might be getting stronger. They posted the largest increase in several months and they hit their lowest level in several years. With that store, analysts were down on saturday and sunday despite some stores open all night. I thought come when there is not a line. I thought, a reason survey showed 70 of them responding showed it would be opened through christmas extending the season. In just a matter of minutes we will hear how california is handling the one day extension through obama care and we will walk you through changes and extensions. Well see you at the next break and you can follow us on twitter and facebook. Have a great day. Q alex paen right now we need your help to locate the many children and adults who are missing. [captioning made possible by telco productions, inc. ]

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