Idle and i will cry and get depressed. Reporter tonight her task is returning to longfellow in oakland, the place where one of her sons died. Lamar brussard and Dereck Harris was sitting in their car at this intersection when they were shot and killed. He died of a broken heart and bullets in his body. Reporter a broken heart, because a because two weeks before he was killed, his brother was killed. He took her to the bus stop and they killed him. Reporter she brought her sons ashes and is asking for help. Somebody killed my baby. It doesnt have to be the smoking gun but just a piece of the puzzle. Reporter the mother of derek harris knows finding that missing peace will be tough. When i come through here i know somebody in these houses saw something. But i cant blame them for not wanting to say something. For safety reasons. A picture of him smiling, a picture of him when he was a baby and that helps. Reporter for now theyre two mothers living in grief and waiting for the day in which they get justice. It wont bring the boys back but they just cant do that and think were going to get away with this. Crime stoppers is offering a reward for information in these killings. I remember going to lees funeral and his brother lamar was here. Who would have thought two weeks later he would have his own funeral. Reporter its really difficult. How that mother is going on, is beyond me. Thank you. And yesterday evening about this time, we showed you those protesters blocking westbound traffic and that backed up traffic well on to interstate 880 in hayward. Ktvus ken wayne is at the bridge now. Looks like those charges will be a slap in the wrist really. Thats how its looking right now. The protesters apparently got what they wanted. They shut down the bridge. They stopped traffic. And they got a lot of attention. The prosecutors says its not likely that theyll pay a very high price for their action. About 100,000 vehicles a day cross the san mateo bridge. You may think that causes a major disruption in one of the busiest traffic arteries could be a big crime. Not really. At worse the 68 people arrested for causing this traffic headache will likely receive small fines. Not only did they stop traffic, they caused a number of accidents as vehicles tried to stop to avoid the protesters. We had several collisions involving Property Damage and minor injury as a result of the protest. Reporter the Highway Patrol is still investigating the incident and says more arrests are possible. The chp found one of the vehicles used to let protesters out on the bridge. We were able to find that vehicle thanks to the publics help then take those protesters in custody. That vehicle was later impounded. Reporter the San Mateo County d. A. Says that courts often show leniency for protesters. But for multiple offenders that may not be the case. We may not be able to get to emergencies. Thats what were worried about. Reporter students had mixed reactions. I do support the movement. And i think its in keeping with the spirit of Martin Luther king jr. Day. My heart goes out to people who were frustrated by the commute. Reporter the Highway Patrol says its still putting together its cases on the 58 other protesters who were arrested and will forward those cases to the d. A. And gasia, all of those people could be in court for an arraignment at the end of january. Well see what happens. Thank you ken. New developments tonight involving that mysterious gray goo thats killing bird along the shoreline and the east bay. The area where those birds are being found is expanding. Sick birds were discovered today in foster city. They hadn t been found there before. Sick and dead bird have already been found in alameda, san leandro and hayward. Ktvus Noelle Walker is live with the effort to try to figure out what this gray goo is. Reporter today the department of animal and wildlife started doing necropsies at their lab in san leandro. What theyre trying to do is figure out what this goo is. Once they if i can once they figure out what it is, then they will work on trapping down the source. Bath time runs day and night at International Bird rescue. Use a lot of soap to get that out. Reporter its a spa treatment, from wash to rinse cycle trying to get the sticky goo off the bird. The bird who are heavily contaminated its hard to work it off of their feathers. Its very much an emergency. Reporter meaning the number of words in this makeshift ward continues to grow. On one hand i would love to know what the product is. On the other, we kind of need to just move the animals through and worry about the words. Theyre dehydrated. You know some of them are quite thin. And they are not one more. Not happy about being here. Reporter california if california fish and wildlife are starting the necropsies today trying to figure out what is behind the contamination. We followed them as they netted birds, now three have been found on the other side of the bay in foster city. They all end up here. You want to make sure the guys arent freezing and dying and you want to make sure these guys righthand turn heating up. Theyre not very appreciative of our efforts. Reporter they will fly the coop in a couple of weeks. They do not say thank you when they leave. Reporter that volunteer vet we talked to is feeding the birds says she hopes once theyre released some where that they will forget all about this traumatic experience. She likened it to the alien abduction theory of wildlife rehab. Even though these birds have died. How come the state isnt paying for any of the rescue operations . Yeah, frank thats an interesting point. Because if this had been an oil spill, then the state would have stepped in and they would have run things. They would have charged the responsible party and all these volunteers kind of would have stepped in line along with the state. Instead, because its not an oil spill, and that is a good thing. But because its not an oil spill, there is no defined way to handle this. That means the volunteer organization stepped in firsthand and now theyre spending tens of thousands of dollars and that does not include the volunteer time because those people arent paid to try and cope with all of this. Just one last question here. The one that everyone is curious about. I know they dont know what this goo is. But do they have any guesses . No, they dont. And thats what is so puzzling to a lot of people who deal with this. It truly is a mystery. The only thing they know for certain is that it is not oil. And we mentioned earlier that it was found on the other side of the bay. Well, that doesnt mean that whatever it is has drifted over to the peninsula side of the bay. Its possible that the three birds that were found over there were well enough to be able to fly over there to where they thought it was safer. All right, noell walker in san leandro tonight. Noelle, thank you. Closing argumenting were heard today in a corruption casing involving two police officers. Shay and radick are accused of stealing property in raids. Theyre out there, theyre doing their best with what they have. Theyre not trying to violate anybodys rights but mistakes can be made and that doesnt mean a federal crime has been committed. Reporter you will remember last month the federal jury convicted officers Edmond Robles and ferminger of wire fraud and conspiracy as part of that same case. The highly publicized case of britney manerd and her decision to end her life in oregon may lead to changes in california. Manerd was termly ill with brain cancer and ended uptaking her life last november was terminally ill with brain cancer. About 750 people have used the law to end their lives. Thats about one in every 500 deaths in that state. Most of the people had cancer and the average age was 71. In less than an hour from now, president obama will deliver his sixth state of the Union Address and itll be the first time hes done so with republicans controlling both the house and the senate. Joe walton with the preview now of what the president plans to say. Reporter tonight in the state of the Union Address, president obama will lay out many of his policies and priorities. Dont expect a divided government to act on much of what is being proposed. President obamas prime time address an opportunity for him to highlight his agenda. Hes expected to play offense as show downs looming congress. Where theres some areas they will disagree they are welcomed to do so. The president will urge congress to provide credit and cut taxes for the middle class while getting rid of tax breaks. His version of tax reform is not likely to go far. A tax in any form eventually the poor end up paying for it with their jobs. So we have to ask ourselves, do these policies actually help hard working americans . Reporter republicans are opposed to the plan which also levies fees on big banks to pay for the nearly 225 million package. Another deeply divided issue, normalizing relations with cuba and the president is expected to touch upon terrorism threats at home and abroad. But in an unconventional approach to the state of union, this year president obama began rolling out his economic policies weeks ago. Leaving little surprises for this address. A tone he strikes, and the issues he highlights will tell us a lot about what to expect in his presidencys final act. Reporter the first ladys box will be a mix of people the president is speaking to. They will include students, and even a Fallen Soldiers wife. And our coverage will begin at six clock. Busted for enjoying a burger. This man explains why he has a beef with a ticket he got the work some teachers are expected to do. Theyre doing the bare minimum. Many pharmacies throughout the bay area you may not be able to get cough relief even though you have a prescription. See the busy flu season has kept Cold Medicine in high demand. Azenith smith live in san jose, azenith you found out several pharmacies are in short supply of certain cough syrups. Reporter its cough medicine with codeine. Its not just a big problem here in the bay area but also in south southern california. I called the walgreens and rite aid and they all say theyre running short. Those with a cough prescription may not be able to turn to their pharmacy for relief. Its the same story at the near by cvs and rite aid. Theres been a more than normal increased demand for cough syrup and cough suppressant type stuff. Reporter companies only make a certain amount of cough syrup a year, and its hard to catch up when short. It doesnt help the centers for disease control, reports flu shots are not as effective this season. At the smaller Hospital Pharmacy the pharmacist there says the supplier is giving up how much it can have only allowing this bottle. I think a lot of people want to suppress a cough and they feel this Prescription Medication is the best thing. Reporter dr. Berka isnt surprised about the shortage. She says theyve had similar problems with tamiflu. In her opinion says that Home Remedies may be more helpful. You may be comfortful for a few days you may be comfortable for a few days but these remedies our grandmas used to sell us on may do the trick. Reporter when i asked these pharmacies when they will get another order of cough syrup, they all said the same thing, theyre not sure when. Back to grandma, thank you. And the colts got suspicious after this interception by jackson. He ended up giving the ball to a member of the equipment staff and they noticed it wasnt fully inflated. An under inflated ball would be easy to grip, throw and catch. Nfl rules say, if an illegal ball is used, the head coach or the teams could be subject to discipline including the 25,000 fine. The giants officially introduced new outfielder nori aoki today. He signed a deal worth more than 4 million with a 5. 5 million option for the following year. He is expected to be the starting first fielder. Good afternoon, im nori aoki. Im excited to be a San Francisco giant. Aoki becomes the fifth japanese player to play for the giants since 1964. And welcome. I like his smile. Lets talk about our weather now. Our chief meteorologist bill martin is off today. Mark filling in here. And boy what a sunset behind you. This is the camera ive been staring at. What i do off camera. Why not. This camera maybe a few minutes its just beautiful with that. The sun and rays still showing. As you can see the sunset on your tuesday evening. Right now you can see the clear skies over Northern California. Some clouds even a few rain showers in the south eastern portion of the state. A few high clouds up to the north and west of the region. Current numbers are in the 50s to right around 60 degrees. Fairfield right now 55. San jose in the mid50s as well. Santa rosa one of the warmer spots checking in 60 degrees. Theres halfmoon bay, 54 degrees. I was driving by the bay and saw minor flooding all because of this. The king sides which have been creeping up all week long. It comes a little bit more tomorrow and a little bit more as we head into thursday. So into the thursday forecast. Tomorrow right around 11 30, these are the timetables for the golden gate bridge. You might notice minor flooding near the coast and parts of the bay. Cooling overnight once again. Once that temperature reach it is dewpoint temperature we have the fog forming. Especially the north bay valley and east bay valleys but i suspect were going to have fog redevelop right over the bay. The first thing for your wednesday morning. Watch out for a drop off visibilities. Overnight lows to start out the day. Pretty chilly up in the north bay. Talk about some 30s there. San francisco 48 and san jose 41 degrees. Heres the over all weather pattern once again. Clouds to the south, clouds to the north. Theres a weak system over here. I think were going to have high clouds in the forecast. After patchy cloudy skies, this is the developing weather headline. Typically were talking about low snow levels this time of year. Significant rainfall. That will not be the case this weekend. Look at the direction temperatures are trending now. By saturday and sunday, warmest location will be in the mid 70s. Mid70s by the weekend. Heres our forecast model showing you the fog in the central valley. I think a few patches in the bay. Here we go with the cloud cover for your thursday. So partly cloudy skies in your thursday forecast. Temperatures for tomorrow, lots of 60s for afternoon highs. After the cool start, nice recovery. 63 in san jose. No major changes in your thursday forecast. Look what happens gasia and frank. A big rocket ship with those temperatures. High rocketing into the weekend. 74, 75 degrees. A few places could be flirting with 80. Thats remarkable. Thanks mark. Sure. An up Close Encounter with two orcas. Well show you more of this amazing video as one of the whales swims right underneath a paddle boarder. Question, how big is big. Consider this its big enough to fulfill just about any order you might want to make and there are two of them. For over 60,000 california foster children nights can feel long and lonely. I miss my sister. I miss my old school. I miss my room. I dont want special treatment. I just wanna feel normal. To help, sleep train is collecting pajamas for foster children, big and small. Bring your gift to any sleep train and help make a Foster Childs night a little cozier. Not everyone can be a Foster Parent but anyone can help a foster child. 0 ockn . coxo . n cnnncvxqx . nnn . oio0 0dnany check out this video. This is just remarkable. Its a paddle boarder and his encounter with killer whales. A pod of five orcas swam up to him and started showing off. One of the whales even went directly underneath his paddle board twice. German says he was too excited to be scared. He also says hes sharing this video to raise awareness for what he calls these incredible, magical creatures. King tides continue to cause flooding today. The National Weather center has a warning that will last through tomorrow. King tides as mark mentioned a few minutes ago are seasonal tides that can cause flooding in low lying areas. As you see here that was the case in marin county. There was water just off highway 101. One commuter says people make the mistake of thinking its just a puddle. In the winter any way we wont park over here because this is saltwater. Its bad for your car. The brakes, everything, its rust. A lot of these people driving through here will not risk their car. They dont know. They dont know its saltwater. They just think its a puddle. Reporter so much beaches are subject to rip tides. It is best to stay out of the water until these king tide subside. The meters will begin metering tomorrow. The lights were turned on earlier this month but they officially start metering tomorrow. Caltrans says the area has become more and more congested due to the influx of tech workers. New information about the air asian jetliner crash. Indonesian officials now say that the plane took a plunge. Commercial planes climb 1,000 to 2,000. But the plane was climbing 6,000 feet a minute. The transportation minister added that rate of speed can only be done by a fighter jet. The plane disappeared in late december with 162 people on board. Teachers are cutting back on extracurriculars. Well tell you why teachers feel the need to sit out on some of the activities they and these students enjoy. New massive warehouses in Northern California where they can ship nearly 700,000 orders a day. Why the company had its grand opening today even though those warehouses had been operating for more than a year now. You might not think eating while driving is illegal. But it can be. And this man found out the hard way. The reason he says this ticket is worth fighting. You can find a new frontier. Theres nothing stopping you and a lot helping you. Technology thats with you always. This is our promise. Its never been better to wander because wherever you go, youll find us doing everything we can, so you can. Some teachers who wanted the bay areas Largest School district say they have no choice but to take action because of their stalled contract talks. In an effort to speed up contract negotiations, teachers at some schools in oakland have now begun an unusual form of protest. Theyre refusing to conduct any afterschool activities. Ktvus rob roth is in oakland tonight where another school is joining in the protest. Rob. Reporter right, frank, you can add secoia elementary to the least of oakland schools beginning tomorrow. The teachers there will no longer participate in Extracurricular Activities until their contract is resolved. History teacher conely was responsible for running the history club but no longer. They hope they will help resolve contract negotiations with the district. If you want teachers to continue to go above and beyond expectations then you should compensate fairly for that. Reporter this woman says her son is caught in the middle. Sometimes he likes to go during lunchtime and get extra help from the teachers. Period. But i understand if theyre not going to get paid or compensated for it, theyre not going to give it. Reporter the School District Administration Says they understand the teachers frustration. We understand theres all sorts of gamesmanship involved in the negotiation process. Theres the formal negotiation that is occur within the boardroom and the table. And theres political pressure. Reporter the School District has offered 10 raises over 10 years but those increases arent all guaranteed. The Teachers Want them guaranteed and theyre asking for smaller class sizes especially for special education classes. Piling a bunch of kids into one classroom and expecting them to learn is impossible. Thats day care. Reporter the two sides are next scheduled to meet a week from today. All right, rob roth live in oakland tonight. Rob, thank you. Atherton Police Released two sketches connected to reports of a man lurking a neighborhood. The one on the left was described by a person who saw the man looking into the windows of a home on southerland drive. The picture on the right, that man was inside a guest house on mesa court just across the street from the first home. Atherton police say a third suspicious incident was reported earlier this month when a man entered the home, opened windows and doors but didnt take anything. Anyone with information about the man or this incident is asked to call police. We have new video about a smash and grab robbery at a Pleasant Hill gym. Take a look at these surveillance cameras that were rolling when two men rushed inside a store. They came back and started grabbing boxes of shoes and then they took off. Gym owners tell ktvu it happened between 4 15 and 4 45 yesterday morning during a small half hour window while maintenance left and a coach arrived. Jeff rose took his oath of office today. Prosecuting 40,000 cases every year. His office says among rosens accomplishments are reopening a cold case unit and expanding the Community Prosecutor unit. Today we got a new look inside amazons massive warehouses in the san joaquin valley. There are two new warehouses to help fill all of those online orders here in the bay area. Tom vacar takes us inside to see how shipping is impacting jobs, taxes, and customer service. The so called grand openings of the fulfillness centers here in tracy and the other in patterson are belated because theyve actually been operating for more than a year but until now are all the pieces, product pieces in place. Amazon held the event here in tracy to help the employees and local government for making these state of the art centers a success for the company and workers they occupy. Bringing this plant to this city was key to our future. Reporter cutting red tape and bureaucracy got the initial structure permits to a standing building in less than a year to final completion now. Because ultimately its the regulations, its those hurdles that slow down or keep a company from even comeing in. California is a great place for doing business. Reporter the 1,500 tracy employees distribute more than 31 2 million different products and can ship 700,000 orders a day. People fulfill, pack and ship the products assisted by 3,000 robots that haul products to them and do other tedious mindless or mundane work. We now actually let the robots do it and the associates do very, very good at what theyre doing and that is intacting with the product on the shelf. Reporter a state of the art as amazon infrastructure is none of it works without rail, airports, roads and bridges. The other infrastructure that makes the entire economy work. Everybody is relying on Public Infrastructure to make these investments work. Reporter california has now returned to the worlds seventh largest economy with amazons help. Tom vacar, ktvu channel 2 news. Its a first for the state of california. And many of the College Students who study here. The bay Areas Community college that is have been chosen where students can earn four year degrees. A lost camera founds months later on a street sale. And on that camera were much more than just memories of a trip to San Francisco. A quick bite behind the wheel can get you in trouble. Now a man is planning to fight the ticket he got for eating a burger while driving. Bulldog you dont need superpowers to help someone. Sometimes, all it takes is a warm heart and a cold nose. Thats why mattress discounters good deed dogs is raising money to Train Service dogs for people with disabilities. I would never imagine a life without an assistance dog ever again. I relied on people a lot. He helps me live a more independent life. Bulldog we need your help to do more. Give at mattressdiscountersdogs. Com, or any mattress discounters. Mattress discounters good deed dogs helping dogs help People California is offering four year College Diplomas and theres four schools in the area. The degrees offered are to be in dental hygiene and respiratory care. The move is the result of a new law thats aimed at giving california students more choices as the cost for a College Education skyrockets. For now its a pilot project. A high school in Orange County is telling some students to stay home to prevent the spread of measles. An outbreak linked to disneyland is impacting four other states. At huntington, four unvaccinated students were told to stay home until january 29th because of exposure to an ill student. Most are here in california, but other cases have appeared in washington state, colorado and mexico. Symptoms include an itchy and blotchy rash. And distracted driving brings images of texting on your phone, or screaming at the kids in the backseat. But for one man, he found out that eating is also part of distracted driving and got him a ticket. Reporter but late afternoon, he was starving and pulled into this mcdonalds in cobb county. Welcome to mcdonalds how may i help you. Reporter food in hasnt, he headed down the road enjoying his quarter pounder. Thats when he was busted. He pulled me over. Reporter and turner has beef with that. For most of us i think we can safely eat a burger and drive our cars at the same time. Reporter turner swears he wasnt driving erratically or doing anything else behind the wheel that would draw attention. Not tweeting or skypeing or playing video games. Driving down the road. Just driving. Reporter in the middle of the afternoon. Just driving and noshing. Reporter turner told the officer that he would put his burger down and drive with both hands and never do it again. But he could not talk his way out of the ticket. He plans to fight it. I stand behind the right of every american to enjoy delicious fast food as they safely traverse the roadways. Have you ever done that . What eaten or yelled at my kids . Yes and yes. Thats what i figured. Okay new questions about whether San Francisco is doing the right things to prevent violent crimes. What we found out about what funding is spent and whos criticizing the citys efforts. I was pretty devastated. I didnt think i was ever going to see it again. But she will see it again. The lost camera that was found months later and what was on it that was so much more than memories of a bay area vacation. In weather were wrapping up a very nice afternoon across most of the region. Coming up well talk about more fog in your wednesday morning forecast. When temperatures could reach the 70s and well also let you know if we have any rain clouds to talk about on the long range weather maps. The contra costa board of supervisors is facing a lawsuit stemming from the boards attempt to give themselves a 33 pay raise. The board eventually voted to rescind that raise after facing significant backlash from union members. In the lawsuit, the Contra Costa County deputy sheriffs investigation, claims some members of the board directly threatened to retaliate against the deputies for petitions against the pay raise by underminding collective efforts. Unions voted unanimously to give free rides to seniors and people with disabilities. Does dozens of seniors rallied at the steps in favor of the program. Ed lee made a plea for the plan just last week during the state of the state. Her camera was stolen on a trip to the bay area along with it pictures that caused her to stop work on a book. The woman says she was very upset and had given up hope of finding the camera until a week ago. Its a great starter camera. Reporter it was on this corner at 19th and san carlos last saturday that clayton found a camera for sale. It was a small table in front of an apartment. Like a little card table. Reporter the camera looked just like this one and he bought it for just 60 bucks. But once home he found the memory card and thats when he realized he had more than just a camera. As i started going through them i started to notice vacation photos from grand canyon and europe. Reporter so he took to the internet and facebook and started posting. He even reached out to in the word wide web and was hoping to find who it belonged to. 24yearold traveling chef brigs got quite a surprise when she logged on to her facebook page. I go on and i have like 100 notifications like oh my god its you. Reporter that was her camera, it was stolen while she was in the mission for work. I was on a culinary tour last year cross country. Reporter the loss was devastating. That camera held six months of work and memories from what she calls a once in a lifetime trip. I was pretty devastated. I really didnt know, i never really thought i was going to see it again. I was using these photos to put together a cook book and yeah, so those photos are really important to me. Reporter is the cook book done. It is not because i didnt have those photos. Reporter now the cook book may finally be finished. While we may never know how it got to that corner. Katie says shes grateful that it ended up in claytons hand. Its like a story in restored in humanity. Is facebook were its own country it would be the most populous country in the world. Its how big the impact of the social media site is having on the world. Facebook has 1. 35 billion users. Second only to china. The impact is 227 billion. And sandburg heads to the board in switzerland. To think that all started in a dorm room in harvard by a couple of guys trying to keep up with their friends. To meet girls. Or stay in touch with their friends, well go with that one. Remember facebook six years ago. I was like what is this thing. And rapid growth. At least our weather for today. We do have this. Lots of clear skies. And clouds too. Watch out for a big drop off in visibility. Its going to come wednesday morning. Probably not as dense as wednesday morning. That could be changing in about a week. Well keep an eye on that. As far as current numbers out there, san jose right now checking in 55 degrees. Walnut creek 56. Santa rosa 60 degrees. Our live camera looking out toward the bay. This is from our emeryville camera looking out toward San Francisco. Just a few high clouds out there right now. A very pleasant tuesday evening. Fair skies for this evening. Patchy fog returns tomorrow morning. This will be the developing weather. Very unusual for this time of year but that will be happening by the weekend with lots of 70s showing up in the maps. A weak season to the north. Its going to set up clouds primarily for your thursday forecast. Tomorrow no major changes out there. Patchy fog in the morning hours. Cloudy skies into the afternoon. I was talking about the warm up and that has temperatures warming up. It really kicks in for both saturday and by sunday. Warmest locations, easily back up into the low to mid70s. And a few neighborhoods probably approaching the upper 70s. As far as the rain chances, i talked about the very warm weekend out there. Look what happens next week. Instead of the Energy Moving in from the north. A chance we could have Energy Moving in from the south. Theres a chance for rainfall next week. Its just a ways out. This could change quite a bit. For tuesday of next week, a week from now well be watching for that. At least for tomorrow. Partly cloudy skies. Areas of fog for the morning hours. Definitely on the cool side. Then into the afternoon hours, hazy sunshine. Theres evidential temperature range. 50 to 55 degrees. Santa rosa 54. Hayward 63 degrees. Concord 62. San jose 63. Santa cruz in the mid60s at 65. Heres a look ahead your five day forecast. More high cloud cover for your thursday. Westerly warm up those numbers by friday. Get ready for a big warm up by the weekend, saturday and sunday back up into the 70s. Overnight lows will be in the 40s and 50s. I have a big rain cloud in the weather system to put on that five day forecast. Not just yet. But its on stand by. Maybe maybe for next week and toward the end of the month as well. Lets hope so. Its amazing to think its the middle of january. And were looking at mid70s. 70s, possibly 80 degrees for places like santa cruz. Yeah. A rally against violence is scheduled tonight in a remembrance of a couple killed. Its being held in san jose. Theres questions about whether San Francisco is doing the right things to fight violent crime. The city plans to spend 600 million on violence prevention programs. As David Stevenson tells us, city officials have no way of knowing if those programs are actually working. Capture one, move it a little bit. Reporter Steven Carson is preparing to teach Senior Citizens the latest tech tricks in his new job at the public library. I went online and set up my account for the interview and everything. They actually liked me. Reporter he got in the door through an ipo, the mayors 2 yearold interrupt, predict and organize program that aims to prevent community violence. Now it and 163 other similar programs here are suddenly under close scrutiny thanks to a just released study commissioned by malia cohen. Im calling time out and doing an about face and were just stopping and were going to start to do things differently. Reporter the report by the budget analyst says 45 million khrars was spent on violence prevention programs mostly for youth 45 million. But the city has no strategy to prioritize which get funded and what impact it has. So were spending money and were not sure if were doing a good job or a bad job. Some would say thats doing a bad job. The city over the last 20 years has had many violence prevention initiatives than an ice cream shop has flavors of the month. Reporter the Public Defenders Office is one of 11 city agencies that offers some sort of violence prevention programs. There is in San Francisco a disconnect between all the different groups that are doing some form of violence prevention. I think its important that we get on the same page. Reporter the full board of supervisors will take up the report next week and cohen says she will push for new ways to measure the success of the programs as a way of prioritizing who gets funds first. In San Francisco, David Stevenson, ktvu channel 2 news. A Ribbon Cutting ceremony was held in San Francisco today for a new resource and Learning Center for veterans. Bridge and main. Mayor ed lee and kim did the honor. It includes a brand new Library Center called the bridge at main. It has computer studios for things like 3d printing and literacy skills. Were really a tale of two cities. While were in the Tech Community and we have a very literal population, we also have a huge segment of our community that needs support in basic writing and reading skills. Veterans will be able to get one on one tutoring along with access to state and federal programs that can help them and their families. We are just minutes away from the president s state of the Union Address. Well give you a live look here from capitol hill. This will be the president s sixth state of the Union Address. We know he has left the white house and is making his way here to capitol hill as you see senator john kerry shaking hands. Well have the state of the Union Address for you in just seconds. Stay with us. For over 60,000 california foster children nights can feel long and lonely. To help, sleep train is collecting pajamas for foster children, big and small. Bring your gift to any sleep train and help make a Foster Childs night a little cozier. We are now just a couple of minutes away from president obamas sixth state of the Union Address. As you can see senators and Congress Members are gathering. The pg e is addressing the power outage. The power went out in oakland as well as richmond and san pablo. It also forced b. A. R. T. To send trains through the station without stopping. A woman was killed after an suv overturned. The crash happened right near highway 101. The victim was caught underneath the vehicle. No word yet on what caused that accident. Once again a live look inside the Capital Building where president obama is expected to good evening from washington, where were minutes away from president obamas state of the Union Address to the nation, his first ever before a republican led congress. Im Shepard Smith live at the russell row tun da. Spoiler alert the crisis has passed and the state of the union is strong. The president will say is that just now. A live look at the House Chamber where were expecting to see the president at any moment. The white house has

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