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her husband. the car hit the divider and spun around and hit a party bus. she was a burlesque performer, her husband is in crical ndople on the bus had injuries. the chp says the number of deaths and dui arrests is about the same as last year this memorial day weekend. through were two deadly accidents compared to one last year. there have been 165dui arrests. 168 last year. now to memorial day. it is estimated since the american revolution 1.3 million americans died fighting for our country. nowhere is that sacrifice more evident than at arlington national cemetery. [ taps playing ] >> at arlington national cemetery and cemeteries around the country this memorial day, remindards of the price of -- reminders of the price of freedom. family and friends visiting the loves one who went off to serve but never came home. >> serving and losing a brother, getting to be here on memorial day, it is -- well, no way to describe it. >> just hits your heart so hard. >> reporter: president obama laying a wreath at the tomb of the unknown. a gesture to those who made the ultimate af and greeted military families. reserved for those killed in iraq and afghanistan. >> today steps from where they lie, we declare their sacrifice will never be forgotten. just as we honor them we hold their families close. >> reporter: the country is also being asked not to forget those serving now. >> as we go about our daily lives we must remember our countrymen are still serving. still fighting. still putting their live said on the line for all of -- lives on the line for all of us. [ taps playing ] >> reporter: ktvu channel 2 news. here in the bay area people also remembered all of those who died fighting for our country. [ pledge of allegiance ] >> the ceremony was held at civic park across the street from city hall. a navy color guard opened the ceremony and closed it with the laying of a wreath. in san jose the veterans counsel hosted the ceremony. they put on the event every year. boy scouts and girl scouts put american flags on the graves of 3600 veterans. the plots for those go back to the civil war. a thousand people gathered at the san franciscnational cemetery to honor those lost to war. ktvu's david stevenson is live with which veterans were given special recognition. >> reporter: this year's ceremony focused on korean war veterans. the parade in san francisco this morning led to the national cemetery and thousands of flags layed in honor of full fallen military men and women. >> just war is horrible. >> most of these people lost their lives to protect me, this country. [ singing ] >> reporter: this year's ceremony focused on the end of the korean war. honoring those who fought in the forgotten war. >> world that we are giving the veterans respect. >> reporter: congresswoman nancy pelosi said north korea remainbs a threat. -- remain as threat. >> they are acting up again. we value the worth of every person. >> reporter: veterans reflected on their time spent fighting and its impact on their lives. >> when they play the star- spangled banner i choke up. >> i mostly come because of the way they were treated from vietnam when they came back. i am here to support them. takes weight off my shoulders. >> reporter: he made awarded the legion of honor medal to 7 americans who fought in france during the second world war. reporting live, david stevenson, ktvu channel 2 news. gray skies in san francisco where david stevenson is and sprinkles in the bay area here. rosemary orozco in for bill martin today. >> a bit rare for it to rain on memorial day. national weather service confirmed 20 years, 1993. may 31 is when we saw rain. that is what we saw today. you can see the rain has let up but just isolated light showers is what we have seen all day long. giving you a view here. few sprinkles over the north bay. over the bridge. south, looks like we may have rape on the west edge of -- rain on the west edge of the bridge. into the mountains. this is going to hold steady for tonight. we will continue with cloudy, cool conditions, and just a few showers. but these showers are winding down. this is where we accumulated rain. santa rosa, vacaville, mountains, when i come back i will lay out your dry, mild weather expected for tuesday. the temperatures expected for your area. an emotional memorial in moore, oklahoma to honor the victims of last week's tornado. [ singing ] >> that choir is made up of children who survived the children. the tornado destroyed 13,000 homes in moore, oklahoma. damage could hit $2 billion. an american flag flies among the ruins left behind by the tornado. that flag is a symbol of hope for moore, oklahoma. 24 people were killed. hundreds were injured when the tornado touched down. >> reporter: one of theivismicize celebrating -- one of the victims is celebrating today. he spent hours digging through the rubble of his former home and he found $2,000 in cash. he says it was buried under 5 feet of debris. >> $2,000. and it was on a windowsill and this is a miracle to find that. if that would have come off there -- i don't know. >> he says on saturday he looked for his wife's diamond earrings and he found them as well. he plans to buy a new truck. washington state officials are hoping to have a fix in place next month for a bridge that collapsed. crews started this morning on the removal of a truck and three cars. the bridge and other vehicles went into the skagit river. three people were injured. a permanent fix should be finished by fall. new at 5:00 p.m. antioch will consider a temporary ban on new smoke shops to help fight crime but not everyone is convinced that will work. ktvu's eric rasmussen is in antioch. >> reporter: there are 4 smoke shops here, 12 throughout antioch. some say they are magnets for crime but one says the city has bigger problems to worry about than that. >> reporter: in the last year police handled 100 calls for service related to smoke shops in the city. 31 came from here. the owner says that does not tell the whole story on this corner. >> the smoke shop they will be safe. before the store they have problem too. i don't think it is the smoke shop. >> reporter: he will stop selling it if the city asks them to. a report sites numerous complaints and says many are located close to schools. a concern shared by parents. >> some people are smokers out there that over all we have to think about the health of individuals. >> too many smoke shops in the city. nobody can make money. >> reporter: he says he would support a ban on new smoke shops but code enforcement is also cracking down on his fine physical -- if he doesn't build a separate room. >> it is dangerous for the people who run the store. >> reporter: the moratorium goes before them tomorrow and needs support of 4-5 members to pass. eric rasmussen, ktvu channel 2 news. hitting crease home. a mother who lost -- close to home. a mother who lost a son and met president obama. the message she hopes people take home from this memorial day. >> one of the most destructive and mysterious weather pattern may have given up its secrets. what that means for the bay area. you watched movies?! i was lucky if i could watch a show. show?! man, i was happy to see a sneezing panda clip! trevor, have you eaten today? you sound a little grumpy. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. with u-verse high speed internet. so you can make easy, no-fee reloads with cash and checks... ♪ ♪ and know you're not on your own. so you can get the reloadable card that keeps up with you. chase liquid. so you can. some hardy athletes took a cold plunge into the bay today, they were taking part in the challenge. 1.5-mile swim, 55-degree water with a strong current. ce on the beach many decided to take part in a 7-mile run. that took them across the golden gate bridge and then back to chrisy field. the giants and a's, fans were out this morning starting starting to tailgate. the first two games are in oakland. the next two at at&t park in san francisco on wednesday and thursday. >> you know what? battle of the bay. and giants, baby! >> huge series. living in san francisco it is tough because i a huge a's fan and i am surrounded by giants fans. >> for the record the a's won the first game of the series. 4-1. researchers report they solved the mystery of what triggers el ninos. ktvu's john health and science editor john fowler is live with what this means for protecting the coast. john? >> the ocean drives our weather and scientists who study that said they have unlocked el nino's secret. >> reporter: today's drizzle came in from the sea. unusual yes? el nino? no. >> rain and flooding. that is what i remember. >> the last one three years ago. we showed you then how strong storms damaged cliffs and apartments. this shows red, ocean warming near the americas. this shows a pull of warm water off the coast now. but a neutral el nino. the warm water puts moisture in the air and can bring powerful storms. researchers report discovering an unusual cycle of winds and warm water across the pacific that increases to a certain threshold and bursts out as an el nino. this can give forecasters weeks or months of warnings. >> i think it is good that we have better technology ofigure it out -- to figure it out. >> reporter: researchers discovered a 15 month repeating cycle that shows el ninos may occur more often. today's discovery could improve them and our ability to repair. reporting live in san francisco, health and science editor john fowler ktvu channel 2 news. police in san francisco are searching for the person who attacked and injured a homeless man this morning in the mission bay neighborhood. police say someone found the victim around 5:00 a.m. this morning. investigators say it appears the man was hit in the back of his head while sleeping. he was taken to the hospital where he underwent surgery. a business owner in san jose helped police track down a man who was seen with a gun. officers arrested arrested the man after a man hunt. it started after midnight when police received a report of a man pointing a gun at a security guard. officers found the suspect's car but the gunman escaped. then 6:00 a.m. this morning a man reported a man was banging on his window. >> he said give me the phone. no, no, no. get out. >> police say the gunman crashed a stolen car before he was arrested. investigators say the suspect is in the hospital. they have not released information on his identity or any possible charges. memorial day thunderstorms are causing problems in the middle of the country. several roads in kansas city are closed because of flooding. drivers found out the hard way it is not a good idea to drive through high water. >> i learned my lesson. i will never do this again. never. my husband took a picture and i will tell my daughters don't ever go through high water. don't attempt it. >> the storm knocked out power to thousands of people in the area. let's talk about our weather. we have rain. nothing like they got there. we got a little something here on memorial day which is unusual. >> enough to make it dreary out there. damp. and we will continue with that through this evening. cloudy, cool conditions and sprinkles continue. at times it was more off than on but just enough to put a damper on your holiday. storm tracker 2, the moisture continues to pull in to california. so we again will continue with this as we get into the evening hours. closer, dive back into the radar. where we are seeing the showers continue to fall into the north bay. few sprinkles. picking up a cell over richmond, the freeway, i-80, 580, sprinkles hiding the wind chill -- windshield. the winds have been breezy. sfo 14 miles per hour. livermore 14. san jose 14 miles per hour. and widespread gray. few peaks of sunshine. pretty much all we have seen. 88 in fairfield. -- 68 in fairfield. 64 napa. in addition to the cloudy conditions, temperatures down from yesterday. from 5-10 degrees cooler than we were. just a cool day around the bay. evening hours, 8:00 p.m., 9:00 p.m., not a lot of rain but still with us. pop up showers continuing over night. but will be dying down. tomorrow morning, gray. we have a few showers. expect they are going to move on out and we will be partly cloudy skies for the second half of the day. temperature wise, 50s as we start the morning. 53 san francisco. 52 fremont. few sprinkles. that is it. tomorrow temperatures rebound back into the low 70s for santa rosa, sonoma, mid-60s for sausalito. low 70ss for the inland east bay. valley, 72 san jose. mid-70s for morgan hill. peninsula 69 redwood city. 62 san francisco. feel good for tomorrow and we will see a warm up into the weekend. a potentially dangerous problem. the investigation that is going on right now into one of the most popular trucks on the road. >> great white sharks in the waters, why they are population created a new debate. what a night, huh? but, um, can the test drive be over now? head back to the dealership? [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a passat. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down, $0 due at signing, $0 dos and $0 first month's payment on any new volkswagen. visit today. the government is looking into reports of a problem with engines in some ford trucks. the focus is on the ford ford f150 during 2011-2013. investigators say they have 95 reports of the engines losing power during hard accelerations. no accidents have been reported but investigators say drivers worry about safety when passing. new york senator is expressing concern when plans are put in place at the statue of liberty. they decided to move security screen to ellis island. >> millions of americans who visit this national treasure every year will be at greater risk because managers will not be screened -- managers will not be screen -- passengers will not be screens. someone could create -- could explode that device at liberty island. what a terrible thing that would be. >> previously procedures were screened before they loaded boats. the statue has been closed since last october and super storm sandy. concern about the number of great white sharks in california waters. the number of great white sharks is dwindling and 500 adult and subadults are living off the coast of california. they were also added to the endangered species acts but some disagree. they say the number is large and healthy. research shows that obesity women who have weight loss surgery before giving birth they help children with obesity. children born after their mother lost weight were slimmer. researchers say genes work differently. today we talked to a gold star mother about her thoughts on this memorial day and her conversation with the president. >> san jose officially out paced its murder rate, police are investigating three deadly shootings. we will tell you why neighbors are concerned but not surprised. ♪ [ male announcer ] wouldn't it be great if all devices had backup power? the chevrolet volt does. it's ingeniously designed to seamlessly switch from electricity to gas to extend your driving range. no wonder volt is america's best-selling plug-in. that's american ingenuity to find new roads. ♪ the 2013 volt. charge ahead of the rest in the hov lane. ♪ complete bay area news coverage continues right now, this is ktvu channel 2 news at 5:00 p.m. some people call it the saddest acre in america at arlington national cemetery. it is devoted to troops who died in afghanistan and iraq. today a mother was there honoring her son and she spoke to the president. her by phone. tchett spoke with ken? >> around the bay area when it comes to iraq and afghanistan, those lost in that war some might think of the crosses but there is a place in arlington, virginia that is dedicated to those service members who died. >> reporter: the laying of wreaths, the playing of taps here on the uss hornet, those lost in wars recent and along time ago were remembered. but there is one place, section 60, the only ones layed to rest are e who died in iraq and afghanistan at arlington national cemetery. president obama met with family members. we spoke to her by phone. >> my son was killed in iraq on may 30, 2004, which was memorial day. >> reporter: she comes to section 60 every memorial day to remember her son killed in iraq. he is in section 60. a young grave site frequented by families remembering many young people who died in war. >> we do things differently. we decorate the graves and the trees. section 60 is very special. the saddest acre in america. >> reporter: this is the president arriving at section 60. what you won't see is talking with families. that was private, no cameras allowed. president obama made remarks at the tomb of the unknown. >> our task to honor the strength and the resolve and the love these brave americans felt for each other and for our country. >> reporter: her visit to a place of honor is one she hopes others will imialate medical examiner -- imulate next memorial day. >> please raise a glass to all of those who have gone before us and let's remember the people who are serving today. >> reporter: there will be changes at pluses like this. -- places like this. president obama said next memorial day will be the last during our war in afghanistan. ken pritchett, ktvu channel 2 news. thousands of people attended the national memorial day parade in washington, d.c. today. there were marching bands and also there former soldier jr martinez. robert griffin iii. trace at kins and the current miss american. the 92 annual memorial day ceremony. 7pen people turned out to honor the nation's war dead. boy scouts carrying the flag and a woman released a flock of doves. one paid tribute to parents who lost sons and daughters and another saying americans must ask what they can do for military veterans. more details now. thousands of men and women gave their lives for the country. 4,474 u.s. service members died in iraq. 200174 have died in afghanistan. oakland police honored their fallen officers today with memorial day ceremony. we caught up with the motorcade at its last stop at 1:30 p.m. this morning. it began at 6:30 a.m. this morning with a ceremony. officers then drove to grave sites in other cities. they visited a dozen grave sites delivering flowers. several marines are under investigation for posting comments on social media aimed at president obama and jackie speier. the secret service interviewed them for making threats against the president. u.s. police are investigating lewd threats the against jackie speier. people living in two communities say they have seen crimes on their streets escalate from gufeety to gun -- graffiti to gunfire. ktvu's noelle walker is live with people saying they are living in fear. >> reporter: you see kids riding their bike but one of these shootings, the suspect was a kid himself riding a bike. except he was toting a gun. police are investigating three deadly shootings and many people are concerned crime is getting worse. >> i heard three gun shots. >> reporter: gun shots and crime scene tape. >> gun shots. really loud. >> reporter: they seem out of place in some neighborhoods. but they have made a home in this neighborhood. >> neighborhood is normally good but getting bad. getting worse. >> he saw that first hand as he tried to comfort san jose's latest shooting victim as the man was dying. >> he woke up said i have a daughter. and he died. >> reporter: neighbors said they have seen fewer police on the streets but more graffiti and gunfire. this is the second time it landed at her door steps. >> something happened down the street. heard a few gun shots. >> reporter: hours before the shooting sunday night there was a double shooting on the east side of town. she pointed out where she saw a teen dead on the sidewalk. >> i never seen anything like that before. >> reporter: she is not sure she wants to let her grandson play outside. this isn't the same place one neighbor who didn't want to show his face grew up. >> completely different. >> reporter: we tried to find out if police have leads or made any arrests, we are told they won't have anything to say about any of these investigations till tomorrow. noelle walker, ktvu channel 2 news. we expect to learn this week when the new span of the bay bridge will open. new at 6:00 p.m. why they may find themselves at odds. >> more problems for the cruise ship industry, the fire that ended a cruise just after it started. >> and this story is unbelievable. the rescue of a baby trapped in a pipe next. look at 'em. living on cloud nine with that u-verse wireless receiver. you see in my day, when my mom was repainting the house, you couldn't just set up a tv in the basement. i mean, come on! nope. we could only watch tv in the rooms that had a tv outlet. yeah if we wanted to watch tv someplace else, we'd have to go to my aunt sally's. have you ever sat on a plastic covered couch? [ kids cheering ] you're missing a good game over here. hose kids wouldn't have lasted one day in our shoes. [ male announcer ] add a wireless receiver. call to get u-verse tv for just $19 a month with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. there were frightening moments on a flight today when a passenger tried to open a door while the plane was still in the air. he was on board an alaska airlines flight. witnesses say as the plane started to land he made strange statements and tried to open an emergency exit. passengers restrained him and tied him up. he was arrested on a charge of interfering with a flight crew. there has been another scare on a cruise ship. a fire broke out today on a royal caribbean ship. these photos were taken after the fire was put out this morning. 3,000 passengers and crew reported to evacuation stages. the cruise is over and the passengers are being flown back to baltimore. pall mccarty went to graceland over the weekend. he was a huge fan growing up. he said he left one of his guitar picks on elvis' grave. he was in memphis yesterday to play a concert. we have video of a rescue after a disturbing find in china. people in an apartment building heard cries from a toilet on the 4th floor and saw a tiny human foot inside. they called the fire department and you see they had to cut the toilet and the pipe loose and take it all with the baby still trapped inside it to the hospital. watch as doctors freed freed the newborn. turns out the baby is fine after all of this and tonight authorities are looking for the parents. i have been out here for a month. >> six weeks after the boston marathon bombings our photographer returns to boston. the memorial that still stands and the man who is keeping it alive. >> showers over the bay area at this hour. coming up when the wet weather will diminish and the changes coming our way in the extended forecast. . six weeks ago today the boston marathon bombings shook the country. killing three people and injuring 260 others. the images from the horrific day and our photographer returned to boston where a memorial still stands thanks to theheart of a u.s -- the heart of a u.s. military veteran. >> we bounce back. we are rugged people. >> these kind of spontaneous memorials are from the heart, people that were impacted. you know i find comfort in the comments and the messages from people here. >> it is kind of the people's project. >> people feel like they are paying their respects. >> you can see it on people's faces. you can see themkiand yoknow th is touching them. effecting them. in their heart, you know? >> it is a lovely thing, you know, to see so many people, flowers for those who have got hurt and those who passed away. >> 8-year-old boy that died. i mean, he ends up getting killed like that. you know? >> i have not been back here since -- since the bombings so it is kicking in pretty hard. for the entire time i lived here i am from chicago but i am not going to say that anymore. i am from here at this point. this is where my family is from. i couldn't be prouder. >> i have been out here for a month. started it with three flags and people just kept bringing things. i decided that this would be a good thing to do. probably the most selfless thing i have done. >> i show up here in the morning and say till about 3:00 p.m. and try to keep it orderly. [ taps playing ] >> i play the harmonica. i like to help people when they come here. >> take as long time to recover is a lot of sleepless nights because of the nightmares. >> we are going going to survive. america will go on and we will learn from this situation. >> you will find this piece as well as coverage of the boston marathon bombings going to, look for the link in the hot topics section. it is a discovery that might help scientists understand lou gehrig's disease. researchers under covered mutations that could be related to als. they focused on spontaneous cases. those involving people with no family history. more research needs to be done but the discovery could lead to new therapies. angelina jolie's aunt died from breast cancer. she passed away yesterday. she carried the same gene linked to breast cancer that angelina jolie has. two weeks ago she stunned everyone by announcing she underwent a double mastectomy to prevent breast cancer. she is the sister of angelina jolie's mother and she died at age 56 in 2007. fast and furious 6 raced to the number one spot during the holiday weekend. $120million. hang over three and star trek took the number two and three spots. $316million, this is the most money ever generated over the memorial day weekend. the launch of the summer movie season is a big boost for the movie industry. weather was great but today -- >> yeah. >> nothing to write home about. >> damp out there for those homing to barbecue or pick nick and get out-- picnics or get out door. we will be winding down into the evening hours. i have a six hour time lapse on this rain. when you see the light rain that was between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. now we are seeing lightspriles. areas around -- light sprinkles around the area. drizzle, light rain over berkeley and north bay, we continue with just hit or miss showers there as well. afternoon highs today in addition to the clouds, cool. 68 in fairfield. 70 napa. 64 oakland. 5-10 degrees cooler than where we were 24 hours ago. without the sunshine it felt cool. tonight showers. tomorrow morning, a slim chance. maybe a few light showers. we will be dry and mild by the afternoon and the sunshine will be with us by the afternoon as well. warm up, by the weekend, it will be hot in some areas. look at what you can expect for tomorrow. 72 in santa rosa. 66 berkeley. low 60s san francisco. pacifica 60 degrees. partly cloudy skies expected for you. upper 60s in hayward. mid-70s for antioch, and brentwood. south bay, 72 san jose. mid-70s morgan hill. 73 degrees in santa cruz. temperatures rebound. mild but weabe today. wednesday similar conditions. sun and clouds. into the second half of the week, warmer weather. and then look at the weekend, low 90s back into the forecast. mid-60s at the coast. >> gray and soggy but okay compared to everyone else. >> thank you. a moving tribute to our nation's war heros is opening in los angeles. the parterates showing the faces of the -- portraits showing the faces of the fallen. ♪ ♪ so you can make easy, no-fee reloads with cash and checks... and know you're not on your own. so you can get the reloadable card that keeps up with you. chase liquid. so you can. make a wish! i wish we could lie here forever. i wish this test drive was over, so we could head back to the dealership. [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. test drive! but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a jetta. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down, $0 due at signing, $0 deposit, and $0 first month's payment on any new volkswagen. visit today. a new art exhibit opens in los angeles chokings portraits of 150 men and women who died in iraq or afghanistan. what makes each painting unique and what one mom believes this can teach america. >> stories is what memorial day is all about. a tribute to the men and women who layed their lives down for our country. >> eyes. smile, it is just him. >> reporter: reflecting on the portrait of her marine son. >> that is my son. >> his portrait is one of 150 inside this gallery. >> what we needed to do is connect with the faces of those who have sacrificed their lives for our country. >> each is done by a different artist, giving each a different look. >> i think a little bit of the artist is in every portrait as well. you are putting your heart and soul into the painting. the two have come together. >> most are done in arillic or oil -- acrylic or oil. her dream is to have it for all who were killed fighting in iraq or afghanistan. heroes. >> every american should take a small amount of time to reflect on that. there are terrible prices people have paid for our freedom and there are terrible prices still to be paid. >> in los angeles, fox news. a decision on the opening of the new bay bridge is set to come this week. ahead, why the debate is heating up and why there is only one right thing to do. [ taps playing ] >> plus a shortage obrewinglers. how -- of buglers. how it is becoming more and more difficult to find buglers to play taps on this memorial day. [ male announcer ] at montrose pet hospital, anarchy meets order. working with at&t, doctors set up a broadband solution to handle data and a mobility app to stay connected with their business. so they can run the office... even when they're not in the office. where do you want to take your business? call us. we can show you how at&t solutions can help you do what you do... even better. ♪ safety when it comes to the bay bridge. >> only on 2, if the labor day opening of the eastern span of the bay bridge is a good idea. >> a man is under arrest for vermes. we have a live report -- vehicular manslaughter. we have a live report. >> complete bay area news coverage starts right now, this is ktvu channel 2 news at 6:00 p.m. hello. i am frank somerville. >> and i am gasia mikaelian. >> caltrans will announce wednesday when they plan to open the eastern span of the bay bridge. only on 2, ktvu's consumer editor tom vacar live from treasure island after talking talking to a member of the board and commuters. tom? >> time is short. vacation time is here. is a labor day opening a go or no go? >> boils down to 200 bolts that haven't broken. >> do you want to have people traveling on a bridge you know is unsafe in the event of a major earthquake while you replace bolts on the new bridge that haven't broken? >> we need to make a call about the remaining bolts. >> reporter: he will hear that caltrans will propose to keep the bolts in place. >> they are still keeping their sites on a labor day opening but i predict we may have to slow things down. >> reporter: there is only one right thing to do. >> i think if something broke and there is problems, you should fix it all. >> if they have questionable goals with that many people who travel on it, fix it now. >> fix them all. fix them right now. do it. might as well do

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