Sugar rush. Speaking of sugar, americans are expected to spend 152 on average for easter thisserra. Can you guess the number one candy that goes into easter baskets . Chocolate eggs. Wrong. The reeses Peanut Butter eggs. Im not a peeps fan. Me neither. Plenty of candy at my house. We do a gathering at my neighbors house. Saturday and sunday. A fun weekend. The weather is going to change for the weekend. We will talk to steve about that in a second. We will start with the news of the day and what is happening in San Francisco that so many people around the country are watching. Arguments whether the Trump Administration can withhold money from sanctuary cities. Rob malcolm has more from the courthouse in San Francisco. Rob. Reporter this begins at 9 00 a. M. From the crowds we were seeing this morning, this federal courthouse appears to be packed as the judge listens to the arguments this morning. It could also be the turning point in the immigration debate and other jurisdictions will be following this very closely. The case brought before the federal judge was filed by San Francisco and santa clara counties, requesting a suspension of President Trumps executive order that threatened to withhold federal funds from socalled sanctuary cities. Trump signed the order in january and it targeted cities and counties that limit cooperation with federal immigration authorities. In the bay area, San Francisco, san jose and santa cruz joined alameda and oakland as sanctuary cities. Santa clara joined San Francisco requesting the court for a nationwide preliminary injunction to halt the order considered to be unconstitutional. Santa claire depends on 1. 7 billion annually off of federal money. While there is a budget argument, there is concern what this means for undocumented immigrants. If you come in and you ask for a restraining order, if youre involved in domestic violence, you have to know that the Justice Department have l. Have your name, id, they will know who you are. If youre undocumented, you could be walked out of the courtroom to deportation hearing. The federal government was unclear what it means to be a sanctuary county or a sanctuary state. We in the county of santa clara follow the law. It is the federal government or the administration produces a judicial warrant, we cooperate with them. What theyre asking us to do is violate the constitution. If we dont do it, take our local funds. Those funds help the poorest, neediest people in the community. Reporter to withhold federal money pretty much is bullying by the federal government. They hope that the judge will see it their way and the constitution is on their side. This is expected to start at 9 00 and will last for a couple of hours. Were live in San Francisco, rob malcolm, ktvu fox 2 news. Thank you, rob. New details this morning on the massive bomb that the u. S. Dropped on an isis tunnel complex in afghanistan. Officials say the bomb killed 36 isis fighters and there is no evidence of any civilian casualties. Christina rendone is following the developments in the news room. The bomb was effective and achieved its intended purpose. Take a look at the video that was newly released by the pentagon this morning. It shows the massive blast that the bomb created yesterday in eastern afghanistan. The official name of this bomb is the gbu43b but better known as moab a massive ordinance air blast it is nicknamed the mother of all bombs. The u. S. And nato commander in afghanistan says it was used to destroy expensive bunkers, tunnels and mind fields built by isis near the pakistan border. The u. S. Coordinated to conduct the operation yesterday just as we have since we started these operations in early march. And therefore this was the appropriate weapon to use at this time to reduce that obstacle to enable us to continue with our offensive operation. We have seen this bomb before. But it was only used during tests. This is actually video of a test when it dropped out of the back of a cargo plane. But yesterdays attack was the first time that the bomb was used during combat. It is the largest nonnuclear weapon ever used in the air force arsenal. This aggressive move has the clear backing of President Trump. We have the greatest military in the world. They have done a job as usual. So we have given them total authorization. Thats why they have been so successful lately. The bombing brings up questions as to whether this could be a message to north korea following the attack on the syrian air base. The pentagon is pushing back against a report that they could launch a preemptive strike. Thank you, christina. Thomas is a fellow at the Hoover Institution specializing in military course of action towards terrorist havens in the nonwestern world. He joins us live via skype. Thank you for taking the time. I want to ask you first last night i kept debating, you know, why now. Is the war in afghanistan right now at a critical point . Well, the situation of course in avenue stan, things are not been going well for the United States. I think the larger question is why now using this particular bomb. And i think it is a message probably also to syria and also particularly to north korea. Because the bomb does have a capacity to blow up tunnels. We know many of the north korean armorments are in tunnels and caves in the country. In relation to north korea, what are the potential consequences longterm and benefits of doing this now . Is it going to escalate tensions with north korea . Well, the depositions are already pretty high, as you know. Particularly with the founders day april 15th, when North Koreans celebrate the founding of the i should say the birthday of their founder. And so theres a possibility that they might test another nuclear weapon. And i think thats what the administration is reacting to. The president has taken one step away from saying that he called for the strike. Instead saying that he gave the military total authorization. There is some ambiguity there. Could the work in countries favor what when it comes to International Relations with syria, north korea, afghanistan and on . Well, i think it does because it shows that the president is turning more things over to the military. And that of course means probably that the military react more powerfully than say, for example, the previous administration, which is much more caution and held back by the white house. And this administration it appears that the administration is giving more leeway, more latitude to the pentagon to conduct military operations. And thomas, do you think we will be seeing in the coming weeks and months more use of weapons like this in the fight in the middle east . Well, its impossible to predict. But they will be used again. Im confident of that. Whether they will be used frequently, im somewhat doubtful. Then they lose their capacity for what they are doing. A little bit of a shock and wakeup to potential adversaries of the United States. D states. You know, i was wondering because, you know, ever since last week, television loves the video, you know, of the tomahawks being launched from the battle ships and then, you know, since last night and today we have been seeing the video of the bomb dropping in afghanistan. Is there any part of this that, you know, President Trump is trying to boost, you know, his his polls here in america . Just last week i mentioned there was a poll that said 51 of americans backed the move in syria. Much higher than his Approval Rating here in the country. Well, i think i dont think president s do this deliberately just to boost polls. Clinton was accused of this also when he was back under fire for the whole monica scandal. I think they have to consider International Repercussions and the goal of the weapon itself, the move itself. I think it is it sends a signal. It is a strong deterrent to adversaries of the United States that this could fall on them. So i think that its more international than it is domestic. His domestic policies will take a lot of the poll numbers up or down, how that goes on things like reforming obamacare or the new tax structures and so on. So i think it is calculated more toward the International Arena than domestic. There you have it. Thomas hendrickson, a fellow at the Hoover Institution. Thank you for your time, thomas. Thank you. You will remember certainly during his campaign then candidate donald trump said he had a plan to defeat isis, saying, quote, were going to have to do something extremely tough over there. Yesterdays bombing follows last weeks airstrike in syria. Last friday we asked you if you supported that strike in syria. 64 actually said no. Right. So today the question of the day has been there, do you support the decision to drop the bomb on an isis target in afghanistan . Yes or no. This was evenly split 50 50 when we checked in the 8 00 hour. Very little change in that with 51 saying no, they do not support the decision. 49 percent saying yes. Also your comments are coming into the news room. We appreciate that. Lindsey writes yes, yes, and yes. Should have been done sooner. Can we get another. Another viewer says it doesnt matter what we think. We pay our taxes instead of using the money to improve roads and schools, it is used to make bombs. What is the problem, we should use every and every conventional weapon we have available. We will share your responses here at 9 30. Thanks by using ktvu. Coming up on the 9, a look at sexism in Silicon Valley. Coming up, workers complaints and why there are problem thats you simply cant talk about. Some came looking for part time work, others looking for a career. One common mistake that teens at a job fair learned they should not make. , statement making. We see what makes you unique. So we have something for everyone, at a price thats just right for you. Maxx you. Maxx life. T. J. Maxx living healthy is a balancing act. Thats why i love light fit greek nonfat yogurt. Each delicious cup contains 12 grams of protein and 80 calories. Its nutrition that fits my healthy life. Light fit. Do what fits you. Welcome back. Some people certainly love the rainy weather. Im not one of them. Now were getting a nice break from it. We will go over to to Steve Paulson in the weather center. Nice to see the sun out there. It feels like Global Cooling landed in our parking lot. It is cold out there for us in april. Temperatures in the 40s and 50s right now. It is sunny. We will focus on the positives. No rain forecast tore today. Not any for tomorrow. It looks like on sunday, around noon, 1 00, it looks like rain returns for easter sunday. Not for the morning. If youre heading to the giants game, you dont have to worry about rain but it will be a brisk night. Also as kayla reminded me, there is an as game home game tonight just fyi. The astros are in town. Cool and breezy. The rain is not the issue but a good chill here. 20sand 30s this morning. 29 in kellyville. Now 40s. The wind machines were going. A lot of position and now were in the 40s, 50s. Theres a good breeze behind that. Also a little bit of shower activity up on the north coast. A cold pattern for this time of year. It will be sunny today. Mostly sunny tomorrow. We look good. 40sand 50s. Livermore only 49 at this hour. There is your north wind, northwest. Hayward due north at 10. And even up towards novato, napa and santa rosa, concord, oakland, it is a northerly direction, the direction that the wind is coming from. That will be cloudy. Sunday morning and then rain sunday afternoon. Tonight will be very cold for this time of year. More 30s tomorrow morning. It will be a little warmer in the afternoon. Just cant get around it. The timing looks to be about noon, 1 00. 60s today. With a northwest breeze behind that. It is pretty chilly. It looks like today is good. Of tomorrow is good. Then rain comes in sunday. And maybe some pretty moderate to heavy rain on tuesday. So were not done yet. Okay. Thank you, steve. Youre welcome. For teenagers just about anywhere and in oakland it can be tough to find a parttime or summer job. Thanks to a new effort things are getting a little easier. As rob roth found out, many young people are thinking about their careers rather than just a temporary job. Reporter it may have been part field trip and part phishing expedition that High School Students came to this job fair for young people. Some came looking for summer work from more than 100 different employees. I work with kids at a fast food restaurant. Reporter others are looking further into the future. I was looking for a summer he job, Something Like a safeway or a 7eleven that i can get ready for college. Now these longterm programs are here and im more interested in like a career. Reporter we first met this 17yearold when he was talking to a job recruiter for the fbi. I would like to focus on cyber crime. Reporter counselors say when it comes to employment opportunities, times have changed for the betner oakland. More businesses are coming in, creating more opportunities. Oaklands Unemployment Rate in february was 4. 8 , below the state average of 5 . You dont have to be a tech to survive in the bay area. There are entry level position thats will ease you into the higher level positions. I think thats where the students thats a piece that students dont see. Reporter students were coached in how to dress and create a resume. One common mistake, careless posts on social media. Employers actually check the social media sites when theyre looking to hire you. So as a young person or even an older person, if youre looking for an opportunity, looking for work, be sensitive to the information that youre putting on social media. Reporter for young people getting in on the ground floor isnt easy but certainly not impossible. Just ask this courier service. We hired four people. Great. Reporter for many students this may well be their first step on the way to a career and it usually begins with just getting a foot in the door. In oakland, rob roth, ktvu fox 2 news. Of course now were looking at robs story thinking about our own first jobs. Were you when you got that first job thinking about a career or was it i need a quick parttime job. Cash in the pocket. Extra money for the summer. I was a receptionist at super cuts. I was a receptionist at the cost cutters. Dualing. You were living yours a little after mine. Mike. I worked for buy right in high school, washing spray paint off of the warehouse in the city and then washing cars at a car rental place. You honor your schedule and show up on time. Be respectful. Restaurants. Very important. Look at you now. Uhhuh. There is a new list out grading Bay Area School districts. The mercury news cites a list. At the top is the Palo Alto Unified School district. The average teacher salary is nearly 103,000. The student ratio is just 18 1. Second on the list is saratoga. Mountain view Los Altos Union is fourth. Coming up on mornings on 2 the 9, the city of san ramon, your hometown. Yep. Celebrating its 103rd anniversary. We talk with the mayor of san ramon. We will look back at the beginning days. Do we get to see your high school picture. No. We wont subject viewers to that. Stay with us. Come on, allie. Hometown girl. Maybe i will put it on my facebook page. There you go. Welcome back. It is the city that has its modern day rooted in the California Gold rush. Not everyone knows about its long time history. This year the city of san ramon is celebrating 150 years since one of its first buildings was constructed. There it is right there. To talk more about the history and the 150th celebration this year, im joined by the san ramon mayor. Allie, good to see you. Thank you. The city of san ramon was incorporated as an independent city in 1983. You and other city leaders decided to go back and make 1867 the official year of the founding. What was the significance of that year . Thats a good question. San ramon as early as the 1850s was becoming a small town. A cross roads between santa rose and benecia. As the crossroads became a vibrant village with stables, three testimonies and four saloons. It is when they built the school house there was a San Ramon School board back then and they built a two room school house. At that time that became sort of the they finally had a core. They finally had a place for worship, school, Community Events and the playgrounds became a place for celebration. The Public School became the center of the Community Back then. You could say it is the same way now. Absolutely. Schools are a core thing. In fact, one of the things that i can share with you, here is actually a photograph of that tworoom school house. It served for 83 years here in the valley. Closing in 1950. One of the graduates later on became a Supreme Court justice in california. What is the significance of and the importance of people learning more about the history of the town they live in, not just san ramon but all of the cities in the bay area. What is the value of it. It is like a relationship between people. When you hear somebody elses story and you get to know them and what they have been through as a person, you become engaged, you become attached to them. It is the same way with a city. When you understand a citys history, especially one as vibrant as san ramon and you begin to have an attachment to a city that didnt just come out of know where in the 1970s but a vibrant place of california history as early as the 1820s, you have that sense of attachment. You begin to love your city. And when people love your city, a city will thrive. You have a lot of the photos that we have been showing on display for the public as part of the whole year 150th year celebration. We do. In fact it is funny i had a couple of pictures. One is here is a picture of the downtown area in san ramon when it had hotels. One of the ones that i really want to show you, san ramon had a train station early on. On the iron horse trail, right . Obviously on the iron horse trail. In fact it is a direct replica of the one in danville. It shows you the power of disruptive technology. As san ramon is becoming a more vibrant town today because of technology, the railroad bypassed the village. Because it bypassed the village and was half a mile away, the village began to flounder. Over the period of the next 70, 80 years, slowly dissipated and it was forgotten the history. Because the railroad bypassed it. Whereas other cities like danville and pleasanton and livermore, theyre downtown stations were there and they built a core around that. Looking ahead, where do you see your city 50 years from now . San ramon has doubled this size in the last 20 years or so. If you want it to continue to grow, what needs to change . There are issues sometimes with the access to public transportation, traffic, also having water available for all of the new developments in san ramon. Well, it is difficult to predict the future. It is safe to say that san ramon is close to finishing its growth. We are focusing on preserving our open spaces to the east and west side. One of those Disruptive Technologies going on right now that san ramon is a forefront is the internet of things. In fact ge digital which is the world leader in internet of things is headquartered in san ramon. It has gone from 40 employees six years to well over 2200. I think part of san ramons future is tied to its rule as a job center and also the high Tech Industry that is now coming to san ramon. One of the newest, your viewers probably have heard about this, the first driverless bus in the country is beginning its operations here in san ramon. Thank you, mayor. A lot of changes on the way. Thanks for joining us. Thank you. And people come out and visit san ramon. Its a great place to visit. I agree. A great place to live as well. Isnt it stunning how your city all of us grew up here. Our cities have changed so much. Just how the bay area has changed really. I know. San ramon is a gorgeous town. Lucky us to have you from there. Coming up on mornings on 2 we will go to fairfield and bring you encouraging new information in the theft of Musical Instruments. We will talk about a 17year old who has been arrested for the crime. If you look at it right, the 30year journey of the grateful dead. Were live with the director of the newest documentary. Welcome back to mornings on 2 the 9. We have been looking at your responses for our question of the day which is do you support the decision to drop the bomb on an isis target in afghanistan, yes or no. Earlier on we saw these right down the middle, 50 50. Were about the same. 49 yes. 5 percent no. A slew of responses on twitter and facebook. Im read two right now. Why is the u. S. Always meddling in other peoples business. We frown on bullying in the country. America is the biggest bully in the world. I do support our please on this. There is a war on terrorism. There are terrorists. D. J. Says i support the bombing of isis. It is time to end terrorism once and for all. Thank you for all of your responses. Reach us on twitter any time. Use the ktvu. We have been following headlines all morning, lets go to dave clark in the news room. Here are some of the top stories. The golden gate ferry is not running between sausalito and San Francisco because of Emergency Repair work at the sausalito ferry landing. Buses instead of ferries carried commuters into San Francisco. Golden gate transit is adding extra bus Service Today to try to help out. Repairs on the emergency gang way are expected to last a couple of hours. By 1 55 this afternoon, Ferry Service going from sausalito to San Francisco will resume. The Service Going from San Francisco to sausalito will resume at 2 35. In other news, a 17year old boy was arrested and accused of stealing Musical Instruments from the high school in fairfield. On monday, dozens of Musical Instruments were discovered stolen from the school band room. Following up on a tip, the police searched a house about a block away from the school. They say two of the stolen Musical Instruments worth about 10,000 were found in that home. A 17yearold boy was arrested for felony possession of stolen property. And those instruments were returned to the school. Well, berkeleys popular downtown Farmers Market is canceled for tomorrow because of fears that a rally in that area may turn vie rent. Berkeley Police Patrols will be increased just in case. Back on march 4th, in civic center park, a rally supporting President Trump was crashed by counter protesters and ten people were arrested. Tomorrow, an event called patriots day is planned. Counter protests are expected again. Those are just some of your Morning Headlines from our news room. Hey, mike, allie, gasia, ill send it back to you. Thank you, dave. On segment 2 this morning, sexism in Silicon Valley that may be more pervasive than you think. Silicon valley was not not on the list of the best places for to work social media was lighting up and going crazy. She is talking about this blog post read around the valley. Berkeley based engineer Suzanne Fowler in february wrote about her very strange year working at San Francisco based uber, including being propositioned for sex by her manager. Since then a Ripple Effect of reports. More and more women have expressed their concerns in Silicon Valley. Reporter Hillary Clinton in San Francisco to headlines on how to break up the Silicon Valley boys club. Why is Silicon Valley so awful to women. Karen spent more than 20 years in the Silicon Valley Tech Industry as a Software Engineer and Vice President of engineering at a large tech company. The woman says she was sexually harassed by a higherup. They tried to hit on me in the back of a taxi. It wasnt just sort of asking me out to do something. It was very explicit harassment and an advance. And so i ended up leaving the company soon thereafter. I didnt want to deal with it. Reporter Silicon Valley women have experienced gender biased firsthand. Having a male colleague to someone setting up a meeting and copy me and the person receiving the email assuming i was his personal assistant. It is 2017 but here we are. Reporter a 2015 survey entitled elephant in the valley found 60 of women in tech reported unwanted sexual advances. 66 felt excluded from key Networking Opportunities because of gender. And 75 were asked about family life, marital status and children in interviews. That survey shed light into the numbers. Lawsuits are more of a gray area. I spoke with an employment area who says in most Sexual Harassment cases they settle with confidentiality clauses. Uber admitted mistakes. Recently announcing changes including more training. Huffington said going forward, there can be no room at uber for brilliant jerks and zero tolerance for anything but respectful behavior in the work environment. The Company Published the first diversity report showing 85 of tech jobs are filled by men. If you go to any tech conference, we get excited when there is a line to go to the bathroom for women. Theres never a line. Reporter but changes are being made. Google says the number of new moms leaving the company dropped in half after they increased Maternity Leave from 12 weeks off to 18 weeks of paid leave. And the number of women in the workforce at youtube rose from 24 to 30 in the last three years. There might be people saying, well, women dont get into engineering in the first place. They dont get into tech in the first place. And my answer to that would be, yes, it is true because they probably have seen, you know, what the opportunity would be there. And not everybody wants to take on that challenge. Reporter a challenge caitlyn still encourages women to take. In fact her daughter is getting a Computer Science degree. She herself left the industry and is a speaker and consultant for dozens of women in tech. Here in Silicon Valley, there are so many opportunities. If you are experiencing the kind of sexism that makes you feel uncomfortable, that you cant thrive, you can get out and go somewhere else. Reporter she just hopes that women will have an equal playing field. You need to start with equal opportunity. And thats where we dont what we dont have today. Reporter in Silicon Valley, maureen nailer, ktvu fox 2 news. You can go to ktvu. Com for more on this special report, including our interview with a former tech worker that maureen mentioned subpoena some of the blog posts about sect seism in Silicon Valley. Long strange trip is the first full length documentary to explore the odyssey of the bay areas own grateful dead. We were trying to come up with a name for the band. Wandering around kind of randomly. He had this dictionary. I picked up the dictionary and opened it up and the first thing that i saw when i looked down at the page was grateful dead. Thats the first thing that i saw. Long strange trip is streaming at the San Francisco festival tomorrow night at the castro theater. With me this morning is the director. Good morning. Thanks for coming in. Appreciate it. Yeah. When you think of the 65 from warlocks to playing to the dead to playing in bars and selling out Giants Stadium in the 90s, how did they make the transition with not being on the radio and going that route. They did it by being anticelebrity celebrities. They trusted their audience and treated them like partners and the audience reciprocated. Theres a reason that the documentary that i made never happened before. They didnt seek out publicity. They didnt care about that stuff. They had a relationship with the fans. What about the relationship among each other and the band mates . Did they all get along. Jerry was the leader. Was he not the leader. Did he like to be by himself. Jerry was the leader that didnt want to be the leader. That is what is fun about the story. We have a leader who leads country who is fascinated with his own celebrity. And here is a guy, jerry garcia, who was not comfortable being put on the pedestal. It is fun to spend time with a guy like that. He didnt care about being in charge. I would see the grateful dead and the jerry garcia band before he passed away. He liked being in his own band even more than being with the grateful dead. All of the guys liked having an authentic connection with their audience. They didnt bring smoke bombs and laser lights up on stage because they were trying to find something spontaneously every night. When they figured out exactly the right guitar lick, they would never play it again that way. Perfection. Well, they were perfectionists but they wanted to the audience they wanted the audience to let them fail. It was more like sports in a way. It wasnt being performed at you. The culture could use more of that today. In the documentary, do you touch on there are tragic stories in the band. Do you get into that a little bit. Not much that we dont get into. It is a fourhour film. We didnt leave much on the cutting room table. Sure there was a price to be paid for that kind of lifestyle they had. And its not all you know, thats one of the interesting things about this band. Nowadays they have been loved to death by their public image. We think of them as all sweetness and dancing bears and unicorns and rainbows. You can see that the icon was a skull. Many of the songs were about murder. There was a dark side, which was it was part of what was interesting about it. As my older brother would say, it is time to go to the happiest place in the world, the dead show. Not disneyland. You either get it or you dont. Yeah. But i dont buy that there are things that people should or should not get. Im not the best guy but i found the best dead heads. Steve silverman and nick and dennis mcnally. A lot of local guys and people from all over the country who are great at explaining what was tough to explain. What is so great about the grateful dead. Robert hunter, do you talk to him at all. He wouldnt give us an interview so we ambushed him. It is one of my favorite scenes in the film. He was the embodiment of the grateful dead. He wasnt explaining what was cool about it and didnt seek out celebrity. He did not want to be interviewed. We hunted him down with the help of bob weir and ambushed him. I look forward to it. All four hours. I saw hunter play by himself once in San Francisco. We ambushed him at one of his napa shows recently. It will be showing tomorrow. But it will also be here on may 25th. And it will be at the on may 14th, it will be in marin. May 25th, back for one night only. If you want to see it on the big screen, hit it on one of those days. And then on amazon. Amazon prime, right. Yeah. June 2nd. Long strange trip. Congratulations on the production. Thanks for having me. Nice talking to you. Nice it talk to a fellow dead head. Coming up next, we will be back after the break. Hello moto. Its time to reimagine the smartphone. Snap on a speaker. A projector. A camera that actually zooms. Get excited world. The moto z with moto mods. Save at least 20 on select moto mods when you buy any moto z droid. Our next guess is an actor and tv host. She is a comedian that broke on to the circuit as the winner of the miller lite comedy search. She has been tapped to host the daytime emmy award as long mario lopez. You can see her at tommy ts. What are we talking about. Lets go with the emmy awards. Are you nervous about this. Very nervous. I want to do a bit like a like a fay dunaway, warren beaty. Like a steve harvey mixup thing. Warren put me in bullworth. And warren walked in and i started telling jokes about annette being being black because only a black woman would throw an ashtray at someones head out of anger. So he put me in bullworth. And then im on Steve Harveys radio show. I have my own radio show. Were in 104 affiliates. Youre everywhere. Yeah. Did you know that you had your gig when all of that went down with the academy awards. Were you like oh no i hope thats not me. No. I got a phone call. They said what are you doing sunday on the 30th . And i said i have a couple of things but ill be in the audience with the ladies of the talk at the daytime emmys. Do you want to host . I said shut up. Mario lopez would like to have you cohost. They are going to stream it. I love daytime. To be on the young and the restless, they named me emmy on bold and the beautiful. What you learn in daytime is the amount of hard work that people are doing. I always wondered that. Is it nonstop. 14hour days. No. They do it really fast. What is great, they learn pages of dialogue in a matter of minutes. That is that professionalism. The other thing is you have great talk shows, great game shows. I think what is the young lady, she was on days of our lives. I dont know. She was always trying to be kidnapped. I apologize. The Lifetime Achievement award, it will be a great show. They asked me are you going to change clothes . And i said no i want to focus on hosting with mario. He is so handsome and dashing. I know what that is like. Are you working on it ahead of time. Were working on it right now. It will be a lot of fun. I told him i would break out my tap shoes. Im not the greatest. Mario this and that. Its about you, cheryl. Can i tell you when you do it the first time you hope you do it well enough that they invite you back. I think it is amazing. People need to understand the hard work that everybody is doing in daytime. Like what youre doing right now. This is daytime. Every one of us have a journey to get to where we are today. Along your life and journey, is there a brief story you can tell about what turned you this direction or that direction and got you to where you are today . I had a lot of tragedy in my life. I think as we said, if god will teak you to it, he will take you through it. Its resurrection weekend. On the third day he rose. How could i go from being a do media not to get on the Number One Network in the country to have syndicated radio show, to do the great things i have been doing. Were going to leave that out. Thats right. But hes been with me for 20 years. Were doing community service. Im still in the sorority and doing good in the sisterhood. To get to talk about topics like the raiders moving to las vegas. Fan or not fan. Can i tell you, raider nation travels everywhere. I am excited. It doesnt mean that theyre no longer the oakland raiders. But theyre packing their bags. It means that it is a flight or a drive. I cant afford that. I cant afford a game. Its not the game, it is the tailgate. Im going to love the fact that raider nation will be fighting at Treasure Island with real knives and swords. Tailgating in the desert will be hot and uncomfortable. I think it will be amazing. It gives the opportunity isnt a Basketball Team leaving too. Going across the bay. Okay. Traffic, fighting tolls. 20. So you know what im talking about. You know what im talking about. Do you have a warriors jersey . Were going to get you a warriors jersey. I wont tell you where i got it from. A young man contribute today my wardrobe. The lakers are messing it up. Why are you winning now. You need to lose to get your draft picks. What else do you want to talk about. Tommy ts. Tommy ts. Do they want to see what they see of you on the screen. Youre going to get a combination of both. If you bring in your grandma, there will be a lot of profanity and sexual discussion. This is a nightclub. We will be talking about the news and things going on out there. Youre a republican, do you talk about donald trump. Listen to me now. Im a republican that supported president obama and Hillary Clinton. Im going it talk about everything. President obama. Everything. It is the safe haven of the comedy club. I also talk about how i got the job on the talk and how god is moving in my life. Im still single if anybody want to holler at me. The comedy club is where i work it out. It is a combination of the talk show and radio and what we do in a nightclub. People should understand, were sad because Charlie Murphy lost his battle with leukemia. Those are the things that we will talk about over at tommy ts. I know you are performing tonight and tomorrow in pleasanton. We have all of the information on ktvu. Com. When youre there look in the web links section of the mornings on 2 tab. You will find it on our mobile app as well. Sheryl underwood. When can i come back . Any day that you want. Any time. Tell mario if he is under the weather. You oh. Im here. Wouldnt that be fun. Im right here. That would be amazing. We will be right back. Welcome back to the 9. Enter for a chance to win two tickets to the National Champions cup. It is at 2 00 p. M. On sunday july 23rd. At levis stadium down in santa clara. Fell out that entry form on ktvu. Com. You have to be at least 18 years old to enter. Each prize has a retail value of 240 and provided by interNational Champions cup. One winner will be selected on april 17th. You will see all of the rules on ktvu. Com. The giants played with a heavy heart against the rockies. Brandon crawford had returned home from los angeles where his sisterinlaw the mother of two had passed away. As for the game itself, giants dropped a 31 and have now dropped all three games. The giants trailed after madison gave up a tworun shot in the 4th. The giants loaded him up in the bottom of the 9th. It was a game ending double play. Johnny will take the mound for the giants tonight. The as lost to the royals last night. Also by 31 score. Snapped their eightgame winning streak against kc. They made two more errors and now have 11 on this young season. Tied for the worst in the majors. Tonight at 7 05 they host the astross at the coliseum. The sharks hope to teak a 2 0 series lead in the first round playoff against the oilers. They captured game one 32. The sharks trailed early but tied the game in the 3rd and won in ot. Now, whether the sharks win tonight or not, they will have home ice advantage when they most edmonton sunday at 7 00. Also the Golden State Warriors are gearing up for their first game of the playoffs. Crews have been busy putting up the strength in number banners. Today is declared warriors friday to honor the teams fifth straight appearance in the playoff. Traffic note for all of the warriors and as fans. Subbed the warriors tip off at 12 30. The as have first pitch scheduled for 1 05 at the coliseum complex. Fans being asked to take Public Transit to cut down on traffic in the area. We will be talking with ellen powell. She made headlines for a gender Discrimination Suit against her former employer. On monday we will discuss the organization they cofounded called project include. Just a few days from something new here at ktvu fox 2. We are staying up later to bring you the late yeah. The new 11 00 news kicks off with Frank Mallicoat and julie haener right after the 10 00 broadcast. This has been a long week for you allie rasmus, in for sal castaneda. Yeah. Wrapping up my 7day traffic stint. Today was abreast. A great week to fill in for him. Youre saying that sal is coming back. Sal is back on monday. Ill bet on that one. Hope youre with us as well. Allie, great time today. Hometown girl. San ramon proud. Announcer live from new york city, its the Wendy Williams show. Wendy how you doin . Hello . This is the hot topics show. This is what we do. We wont judge, but were judging. Its going to be juicy. [cheers and applause] announcer now, heres wendy [cheers and applause] wendy thank you for watching. Hello to our studio audience. [cheers and applause]

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