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I won tickets through the Library Summer reading program. At that point baseball was very foreign to me and my family. Rickey henderson played that day. I havent baseball cards. I loved him. One of the greatest of all time. He was so quick and fast. Welldeserved. Glad to see the name to the field after him. We will check in there and a couple of minutes. The Senate Judiciary committee is meeting at this moment to vote on the nomination of neil gorsuch to the supreme court. He is expected to be approved by the committee. This morning the republican chairman of the committee and Diane Feinstein who is the ranking democrat had very different views on the nominee and their statements. He is eminently qualified. He is a mainstream judge who has earned the universal respect of his colleagues on the bench and in the bar. Unfortunately, his answers were so diluted with the ambiguity, one could not see where he stood even on big and long settled cases. This morning Diane Feinstein confirmed that she will be voting no. If he is if the nomination goes to the senate, democrats have threatened a filibuster. If that happens, senate rules may be changed by the republicans to get a simple majority. Jared kushner is in iraq this morning traveling with the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. It hass First International trip for the white house. He has been advising the president on relations with the middle east. We are following the developing news of a deadly explosion on a subway train in st. Petersburg russia. Reports of how many people died have varied from eight reports of how many people died have varied from 8 to 10 people. Many more, dozens, are reportedly injured. Russian Authorities Say they deactivated a bomb at another st. Petersburg subway station. All subway stations there have been shut down. Vladimir putin is in st. Petersburg for a meeting. He made a statement saying investigators are looking into whether this was a terrorist attack. Rescue teams and columbia continue their desperate search for survivors of the floods that have devastated the nation. The red cross says at least 254 people are dead, including 43 children. The disaster in the mountains began saturday morning with rain that lasted several hours causing several rivers to spillover. Emergency teams going through the mud and debris expect the death toll to climb. It is very probable the number who have died goes up because there are hundreds of people missing. Disaster crews have spent the past three days pulling bodies from the mud. The floodwaters have smashed houses, torn trees out of the roots, and washed away vehicles. April is distracted driving Awareness Month and the chp says more teenagers are dry out killed by distracting driving than anything else. They are educating drivers about the dangers of distracted driving. Reporter we talk about this quite a bit throughout the year. Distracted driving is usually with the phone, but there are other things that you do. Might distraction is sunblock. I do that when i am at a stoplight. These are the kinds of things you should do before you actually get behind the wheel. This is something that chp is looking at. They are going to be looking for you doing distracting things while driving. The cellphone is the biggest culprit, but there have been more unusual behaviors while behind the wheel. Putting on makeup, eating. Reporter a family in sacramento said this video of a man with half of his body hanging out of the passenger window while the car drove on southbound 99. Chp says both men could be in trouble for distracting other drivers on the highway. Some have heeded the warnings and change their ways. A survey or says his Company Training shows employees videos on distracted driving and they got him to stop texting while driving. They show reallife conditions. They show people in crashes, victims on the side of the road all because someone was busy checking facebook or texting. Reporter you are taking a live look at interstate interstate 580 westbound toward San Francisco. If you are using a cellphone, there is a new law out here right now that says you have to have that mounted. If you are under 18, you cannot even have the bluetooth devices. You have to put the phone away otherwise you will be cited. Back to you. Commuters using the new warm springs station in south fremont have discovered a glitch. It does not currently provide fullservice on weekdays until 6 pm. If you want to travel to stations on the richmond line you have to get off the train at fremont and transfer to another northbound train. The layoff or the layover means they are not saving commuting time at all. There will be fullservice at the warm springs station sometime next year. Federal Disaster Relief will be available to flood victims in san jose and 22 other counties across california. More than 500,000 500 million will be available to help you deal in california recover from this winters devastating storms. After drought, we saw a record breaking rain. The new federal funds will be available to victims to suffer damage from february 1 the new federal funds will be available to victims to suffer damage from february 123. Half of that money will go to repair the oroville spillway. The governor is asking for federal assistance. One economist predicts the deal that brought the liberators to las vegas will go down as the worst in pro sports history for taxpayers. City leaders committed 750 million in public funds to build a stadium. That breaks down to a record breaking 354 per person. That has led a stanford economist to tell the Business Insider it is the worst deal for a city he has ever seen. With serious negotiations just beginning, we wanted to see what could be a dealbreaker. We sat down with one of the nations top sports economist. Reporter more than 40 years ago stanford economics pressure answer this stanford economics professor wrote a book about sports teams Economic Impact on cities. The Oakland Raiders proposal for a lease in vegas would be that they would not pay any revenue at all. They would keep the naming rights and sponsorships. Without that revenue, the stadium completely financially collapses. Reporter so no one will simply front the money. That means generating revenue to guarantee that the stadium will not go into bankruptcy. Reporter he says that guarantee will not come from the raiders, but from the las vegas Coliseum Authority and clark county. Nevada taxpayers. Not only the 750 million in the tax, but the additional 650 million in the low to bank of america. Reporter plus a 900 million another 900 million to build the infrastructure to service the stadium. He calculates the financial risk for every person in las vegas is about 1000. That is a big number when the median wage is 40,000. Reporter the Las Vegas Stadium is based on three assumptions, that a third of those attending the game will come to las vegas only because they want to see the nfl game. That is 225,000 new tourists. There is no reason to believe that is true. There is no nfl team anywhere, including interest meccas, that draw anywhere near that many. Reporter when they do come it is assumed that they will stay as long as regular tours and spend the same amount of money in casinos and restaurants. Plus taxes. Third assumption is that another 225,000 new tourists will come for other special events at the stadium. 35 other events such as concerts, and at least two bowl games despite the fact that only in eight such games occur in the entire nation. 35 things other than a Football Game is more than occurs in all of the stadiums in the bay area put together. Reporter add to that every major Las Vegas Hotel has its own auditorium preferred by artists to stadiums and make the sites they cannot sell. Those are unrealistic assumptions as well. That means to me that the overall Financial Plan is overly optimistic. There is no way that number of events will happen. If the tourism does not rise, if the concerts and the games do not actually fill up the stadium, than the whole plan collapses. Reporter despite talk of the raiders faithful, he says compared to the television audience, they are relatively few. Almost all raiders fans and all nfl fans for that matter never attend a game. People who actually attend a game or on the order of 125,000. It is a drop in the bucket for the population of the bay area. It is a drop in the bucket for the population of las vegas. Reporter so he says the parties to this deal are in for rough negotiations. The other possibility is that we get six months into negotiations and the collapses because the county is not willing to take on the burden of over 1 billion. Reporter las vegas was the hardest hit western city in the recession from which it is still recovering. The future of las vegas is much worse than the future of oakland. Reporter not a done deal. Coming up, on this day in 1848 californias per First Public School was dedicated in San Francisco. The ceremony to mark that occasion. Welcome to maxx you. You are whimsical, vibrant, statement making. We see what makes you unique. So we have something for everyone, at a price thats just right for you. Maxx you. Maxx life. T. J. Maxx the oakland as season begins tonight. First pitch is that 7 05. Is at 7 05. Reporter our pitchers going up against the angels best picture. It should be a good matchup. If you are at the game, come to championship plans that. Plaza. That is between oracle arena and the coliseum. This area has been revitalized. It has a big screen tv so you can come out here during the game and sit around with people and maybe even stopper will be here. Stomper will be here. There will be food trucks on each side. You can get your food and craft beer. Coming up, i am going to show you this. Were also going to the field. And we will look at the Charlotte Park shy park tavern. The oakland as are finalizing a surgeon oakland to build a new stadium. The locations on the table are the current site, or brooklyn basin. We have been asking you which location you like best. The current site, how are the terminal or brooklyn basin. We have seen more people wanting them to stay where they are. 63 said to stick with the current site. Coming up, new information in the drowning of a young girl in a backyard Swimming Pool. The Organization Girls of Alameda County works with girls from kindergarten through senior year of high school to keep them in school, help them grow and give them the tools they need for a higher education. On friday girls inc. Launched a campaign to raise awareness of the issues young women are facing. For more were happy to have the ceo joining us. It is stunning to me that you can see disparities between young girls performance and young boys. From the minute they walk in the first day of kindergarten. Absolutely. One of the things we are focused on is inspiring girls to be strong, smart and bold. We make sure there is an environment that provides room for the developmental development of an the girls path. If i do not raise my hand, is assumed i dont know the answer. Tell me about what is happening in the classroom. Often times boys are the first to raise their hand. This means girls are quieter and it is assumed they are okay. We can move on. Do we know they are getting the material . And how are we encouraging them to engage . In those environments where teachers are responding first to the boys who are loudest, and we make sure the girls are getting what they need . In our environment it is all girls and we create the space and room for them to engage with material and build their confidence so they can go back out into the classroom and any other setting and have that confidence they need. You focus on kindergarten through 12th grade. It is important to get them at that early age. Absolutely. We believe the longer that girls stay with us the better. We have different focuses because there are different needs and Elementary School versus middle school and high school. In Elementary School we focus on literacy. One in every five Elementary School students from a low income family is reading at grade level by third grade. There are a number of reasons but i think the biggest thing is to figure out how to fix it. That is a marker used for future academic success. If we can get our kids reading at grade level, we can make sure they are prepared. Sometimes i have done stories and the problem they have is when parents get home they are too tired and dont take enough time to read to their children. Reading to your children, parents are part of the equation. Under resourced schools are also part of the equation. There are number of issues, including less literacy in activities involved in society now. Everybody is focused on watching or playing games. There are number of factors. But we think its really critical for children to be reading at grade level. We focus on stem for middle school with scientific inquiries making sure it is not about whether you are right or wrong, but you can really test things out and make a mistake and figure out why it didnt work. Often girls would not have everything exactly perfect, and that is you want to make sure you can fail. We are coming up on spring break season, and im already seen people say they are touring ivy league colleges. These really lavish towards to very expensive colleges. I can assume for a young girl who does not have that option, it can be very damaging. Having more people who may be doing okay in their family, how can they help young girls whose only Choices Community college . One of the things they could do is help to support girls in the county. We are encouraging them to start the College Process early. And we take them on College Tours and help them with applications to make sure they have free test preparation. Many of our girls, the way they tore colleges is through girls in Alameda County. We also make sure the middle school girls spent time on a College Campus. You do not want your first time on a College Campus to be when you actually go. Very interesting. Thank you very much. We have more information about girls inc. On our homepage. Coming up, the San Jose Sharks suffered a serious loss. At ikea, we believe that everything you need should be within reach. In an affordable dream kitchen that works as hard as you do. Save up to 20 at the ikea kitchen event. At ikea, we believe that everything you need should be within reach. In an affordable dream kitchen that works as hard as you do. Save up to 20 at the ikea kitchen event. Sweet cinnamonsugar on the outside, crazy on the inside. Crave those crazy squares. Sweet cinnamonsugar on the outside, crazy on the inside. Crave those crazy squares. Welcome back. We are reading your responses to our question of the day, where would you like the oakland as to have their new ballpark . Check out the results. The current site is still the big winner. Michael murphy is joking when he says to build it at the river more station. It would be great to have it right behind us here. They said it is a lot easier to build a new ballpark. We will see. Thank you for your responses. Monday, beautiful out, but not for long. Brooklyn basin would be great but the infrastructure would take years. We want it now. It is a Beautiful Day out there. Breezy, 64. Palma levels, trees the pollen levels, trees are very high. Thursday night big change. Friday and saturday very wet with isolated areas up to 4 inches. It is looking more impressive. That will be later in the week. Look at the water temperatures, 49. That is the coldest in a long time. You can get fog forming quick. A little heat in the valley and falcon form rapidly with water temperatures that cold. A lot of 50s right now. There is a breeze, gusting to 24. You can see some patchy fog. But we will have lots of sunshine today. Tomorrow looks good. We have a system out there with a lot of support that will move in later on wednesday. A little cooler today, but still nice. Slightly warmer tuesday. Wednesday we will have cloud cover, Cool Temperatures and rain on the way friday and saturday. 60s and 70s today. A Beautiful Day. Tomorrow about the same, slightly warmer. That a lot of clouds coming in on wednesday. Maybe light rain on thursday. Rain and winds friday and saturday. We are not done yet. San Francisco Police officer has been fired for violating the zero tolerance policy. That officer whose name is not being released used a private phone to send antimuslim Text Messages to other officers. The report says he was removed from his job last month by the police commissioner. The news comes as the san Francisco Police department is trying to implement reforms. Before the fire ring, the officer reportedly try to make up for the message by volunteering at an Islamic Center to educate himself. A hearing is scheduled today. This is in the case of the girl who was declared braindead after a consul surgery at childrens hospital. A lawsuit trial they could be set today. She was 13 when she was declared braindead but her family has always said she is still alive. They moved her to a facility in new jersey and filed the lawsuit. Damages could be in the millions of dollars, but if the court rules she is dead, the family would be limited to a wrongful death lawsuit capped at 250,000. Just minutes ago we learn the name of the oneyearold girl who died last night hours after being pulled from a neighbor Swimming Pool and concord. In concord. Police tell us it is not clear how long the oneyearold girl was under the water. She was pronounced dead last night at around 11 pm. Police were called to the home on leland way 4 45 sunday evening. She was there visiting relatives. Several adults were inside the house while the children were playing outside. Neighbors say when someone noted she was missing speaking she was lost as she searched the house and the neighborhood. Family members joined police in the search and then an officer made a discovery, founding finding the girl floating in the backyard pool. Cpr was performed. But she was pronounced dead at the hospital. Neighbors were shocked and saddened and our morning for the local family. It is have because i have four kids. It is sad for everyone. We hear about things like this all the time on the news, but seeing it so close it is so real. I cannot imagine how they feel. Reporter police say the pool was surrounded by gates. They are not sure how it was left open. They are asking the family and neighbors with any information to come forward. They are reminding parents to be vigilant with pool season coming closer. A man is scheduled to be in Court Tomorrow to be charged with kidnapping, and sexually assaulting a 13yearold girl. The girl told sheriffs deputy she jumped out of a moving pickup truck Early Saturday Morning on highway 1 in bodega bay and went and hid in bushes. The Sonoma County Sheriffs Office was alerted to the case when 50yearold timothy marble called 911 to report a passenger in his vehicle jumped out while it was moving. Deputies say when they arrived she told them that he had kidnapped or, injected her with drugs, raped her. She told deputies she ran a home away from home thursday night. She said she was at a gas station the next day when he offered to give her a ride. Investigators say he has a criminal record that includes domestic violence. He is being held without bail. Students, teachers and city leaders gathering in downtown San Francisco to honor an africanamerican pioneer. They are celebrating Public Education in california. You are looking at live pictures of the ceremony. This is in the financial district. This is the africanamerican millionaire who build californias First Public School in 1848. Starting in june all of San Franciscos Library Branches will be open seven days a week. The expanded service was approved back in january. Several branches will also stay open longer starting in june. The first pitch for the oakland as home opener is tonight. We are checking out what is new this season. Icy stomper with you. Reporter there is a lot of new stuff. When i came down to the field, i smelled the grass. This is really baseball. I am standing in front of the dugout. There are a lot of new things this year, and one of the things i am excited about because i remember Ricky Henderson. If you are a youngster, you may not remember seeing him play. Ricky henderson stole so many bases, it was so exciting to watch him play. He is going to be honored tonight by having this field dedicated to him. It will be called Ricky Henderson field. Joining us to talk about that is troy smith. They realize they have a rich history. Ricky henderson is the greatest as player of all time. It is appropriate we are naming the field after him. Reporter will he be here . Back of he will be here. It will be a great ceremony. We encourage people to get here early at about 6 15. Reporter this field and all the things youre doing, i noticed once dave came in, he decided we are a legacy team who have won four titles in the bay area alone. Lets get fans excited. Do notice that . It is a great owner jerry energy in oakland now. He brought a fresh energy. It has been a lot of fun. Were just getting started. Reporter also tonights Opening Night is sold out, but there is still plenty of opportunities for fans this week for people to come out and take part. Thats right. We play through thursday. There are a few Tickets Available for tonight still. It will be a lot of fun. The weather will be gorgeous. Reporter i want to also ask you more about something a lot of people might like, the beer prices have come down slightly. You get domestics now for eight dollars and premium for 10. And that is 20 ounces. Reporter so they have done a lot of stuff to make everything more pleasant for the fans. First pitch tonight. There will be against the angels. They are going to give out pennants to the first 25,000 people. Get here early to get one of these. I think my assignment today, i cant complain. Welldone. Giants began the new season on the road down in arizona yesterday. The picture set a Major League Baseball record against the diamondbacks. It is out of here. He has done it again. Madison bumgardner setting the most home runs opening day for a picture ever. Pitcher ever. However the giants lost. They are off today. They play again tomorrow night. Openingday payroll has eclipsed the 4 billion market for the first time ever. The la dodgers had the highest payroll in baseball with more than 225 million. The giants have the fourth highest payroll. The as are 27th with 82 million. Milwaukee has the lowest. Coming up, it was a very unusual ending for the first lpga major. Apple is putting the final touches on the companys new 175 acre campus with plans for employees to move in this month. Apple park will eventually be home to more than 12,000 employees. The campus completely powered by renewable energy. The Main Building has the Worlds Largest pains of curved glass. It is naturally ventilated with jogging paths, a Visitor Center and cafis. Steve jobs spent much of his time working on the campus design before his death in 2011. An unusual luster the first major the lpga season. Lexi thompson lost of the weekend after a tv viewer email led to a penalty. It prompted officials to review a play on the 17th hole on saturday and will that she slightly misplaced a marked ball. She was docked two strokes and two more for signing an incorrect scorecard. The viewer was right. Umpires get calls wrong. The power of one email. It is masters week. We will talk later about that. The San Jose Sharks are trying to improve their position in the playoffs but have suffered a big loss. Three minutes left in the first period when joe thornton collided with one of the other players. He fell with an injury to his left leg. He was not able to put much weight on the leg. He did not return to the game. Is lake will be reexamined today. The other big names center is also off the ice after being hit in the face by a puck. The only good news is that the sharks won. A new poll shows all the people who live in the bay area for many years or less likely to want new housing built in their neighborhoods. More than 70 of people surveyed between the ages of 18 and 39 and have lived in the bay area five years or less support the construction of new homes. Compare that to 55 support of people over 40 years old to have lived here 20 years or more. A group of students in arkansas is turning trash into fashion. Yesterday they showed off their designs made entirely from Recycled Materials for the curbside fashion show. Organizers call it the large screen show in arkansas. Green show in arkansas. One year i used shower curtains and another bedsheets, and this year i am using commencement programs. It is different each year. Curbside could turn is sponsored by the flinton clinton foundation. A pretty good picture of a rescue of a dog that is safe this morning after being rescued from a 30 foot well. Take a look. She was hiking with her owners in malibu when she fell. Los angeles county firefighters lower down into the well to make the rescue. A new baby otter is making its debut at the aquarian and San Francisco. In San Francisco. The first public appearance will be on april 14. It joins more than 20,000 other creatures at the aquarium. Coming up, after a morning of exploring, what is new at the coliseum. We will check in at the shibe park tavern. In the middle of a storm destiny struck. Did may imagine april showers bringing her fashionable, flowers at such a sunny price . Never but thats the beauty of a store full of surprises. You never know what youre gonna find, but you know youre gonna love it. Bmilk and fresh cream,a. And only sustainably farmed vanilla. What is this . A vanilla bean . Mmm breyers the good vanilla. We use nongmo sourced ingredients in some of americas favorite flavors. Mmm to test her favorite soap. Against dove. So we are using this test paper. That represents skin. The paper is dissolving. And dove is not dissolving. At all with < moisturizing cream dove is gentler on your skin. Everyday big and small. Allenges; but when i feel my best, i am my best. And it all starts with a healthy routine. Thats why im taking the activia probiotic two week challenge and enjoying activia yogurt twice a day. Activia with billions of its exclusive probiotic helps take care of whats inside so you can focus on being your best no matter what you do. Take the activia probiotic two week challenge with me. It works or its free. A chance to win a ktvu coffee mug. Go to the contest link. Were taking entries until 1 oclock this afternoon. Do not miss out your chance to win. This is it. Take a picture when you win and send that to us so we can congratulate you. We are down to the final two in the mens ncaa basketball tournament. North carolina. The first time the kentucky bulldogs have been there. The second year in a row North Carolina is hoping to take the title. They lost to villanova last year. Gonzaga has the best record between them with one loss all see the. South carolina won the first Womens Basketball National Title in dallas. The bulldogs have the momentum on their side. But South Carolina was not intimidated. The Golden State Warriors eat the wizards yesterday winning their 11th game in a row. They are off today and will host the timberwolves tomorrow night. Later today they will announce a restaurant deal for the new home in San Francisco. Several local restaurants were selected provide food for the arena which is set to open in 2019. One is one that i love, bakesale bettys. Too bad they cant all get in there. Thousands of people laced up there racing shoes this weekend for the oakland running festival. That was the scene yesterday morning as the race got underway. And included a marathon, Half Marathon and a kids fun run. Runners took part in a unique race that went through the diverse neighborhoods of oakland. Bentley is a school in oakland, a private school, and we are running for exercise and a student who passed away this year and we are running in her honor. Two runners from the east bay one the men and womens divisions. Sal was one of the official start of. From there he is out of the coliseum. He is that shibe park tavern. Reporter if you have never been to the westside pub, you would not recognize it now. With me is the Vice President of stadium operations. This place looks great. Thank you very much. It has been my life for the past four months. Reporter it looks like a high and club. However, anyone can come here during the game. For the games anybody in the stands can come up here. We are calling it the shibe park tavern. It is the original home of the  athletics in philadelphia in the early 1900s. We wanted to create a theme. You will see a lot of brick, photos back in the day and we have cases of artifacts from the Philadelphia Historical society. We also wanted to create a tavern look. We have added a pool table and shuffleboard as well. Reporter and you have all the craft beers on tap. Fans can really get the feeling here. Here comes stomper with the morning cocktail. Again, the Oakland Athletics tonight, openingnight, if you are a fan you will like what you see out here. On the field a special treat tonight for Ricky Henderson fans. Also a new championship plaza outside. You guys did a good job. We put a lot of effort it into it and are really excited. Reporter tonight openingnight. Back to you. 77 beers out there, do you have a favorite . Reporter that is amazing. There is one with your name on it. Good weather for tonights game. The parking lot opens at noon. Thanks for watching everyone. We will be back at noon. Turn around. Every now and then i get a little bit hungry and theres nothing really good around. Turn around. Every now and then i get a little bit tired of living off the taste of the air. Turn around, barry. I finally found the right snack. Each with one hundred fifty calories or less, try our chocolaty brownies, tangy lemon bars, and creamy cheesecakes. Fiber one, live from new york city, its the Wendy Williams show. Were not judging. [ cheers and applause ] now heres wendy [ cheers and applause ] wendy yeah welcome to our show [ cheers and applause ] please say hello to my cohosts, my studio audience. [ cheers and applause ]

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