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Happy monday, guys. Happy monday. Good weekend . Yeah, a little short. You know, which isnt . Backtoschool day. That shot on the toll plaza almost the calm before the storm. If you are heading into the city i think thats what it will be. I have to go into the city for a shoot later. I will tell you. A different picture when you look at the Richmond San Rafael bridge. I know. That was one of those things. New developments. That naked trump statue that showed up in San Francisco and several other cities across the country this week, you may remember the statues were created by an anarchist collective group. They were installed last thursday and the one in San Francisco was removed early friday morning by the department of public works and handed over to San Francisco police. Now the Department Spokesperson says the group could Face Criminal Charges because it didnt have a permit to install that statue. Now, last night we got acting police chief Toney Chaplins reaction. Were San Francisco. You see things like this all the time. So, you know, again we have naked people at city hall. This is in line with that. Its San Francisco. You are going to have to expect to see things like this. Now, in some of the other cities where that statue was put up reaction was very different. Cleveland took it down 20 minutes after it was discovered. Seattle and washington, d. C. Also removed the statues after the first day with a little fanfare. In new york, the statue caused a bit of excitement before being removed. It is not clear where those statues have ended up, but in San Francisco we know exactly where that statue is. Our statue is evidence . Absolutely. We have arrested it. [ laughter ] never a dull moment in San Francisco. I think that the police made a little bit of an overreaction to this. You know, as people say, there is a lot of things we like to get off the streets in San Francisco. Homeless encampments. Syringes. But you put a statue up, we are on it right now. And there will be fines for the cost of removing it and they are putting a bill together, right . The one thing that the group did was they took epoxsy and glued these statues down. When they came up, it damaged the sidewalks. They are claiming it was 4,000 in damage. They want to cite someone. They want to make them appear in court. Again, i think we have overreacted a little bit here. Its meant to be a humanerous thing. Its an opportunity for San Francisco to once again lead the nation in wackiness. Do you think the city could get into trouble with how basically, they shouldnt have given it over to giving it to a private party . Yeah, thats one of the questions. There will be First Amendment questions. But their idea, this group in decline, is an anarchist art group, the idea was to put it up, get photos, video, and that would be the end of it. San francisco, as always, took it to the next step. Well, and in decline said we are not prohillary. We are not just antitrump. They said expect they are saying that were not saying you are not going to see a hillary statue coming up at some point in different locations as well. Do you think the problem is also that, you know, as much as San Francisco police didnt like it or want to take it offs streets, i havent heard from a lot of people who were upset that it went up. I think thats it. This is a victimless crime. Who is concerned about this . I think the police and good for them are very much by the book. Thats what theyre doing here. Somebody had to step back and say, wait a minute, is it worth our resource, the time, the News Coverage to do all this . It was funny. It was funny. People laughed. Yes. Supervisor weiner used the opportunity to go after trump, you know . Well, and calling him a fraud . We have to point out that supervisor weiner is in an election year. Another opportunity to do that as well. San francisco kind of our pd dug themselves in a hole . I think so. I think they wish they havent gone so far. It makes them look a little foolish. Rip it up . Yeah, Toney Chaplin is like, you know, saying, okay, there are naked people everywhere in San Francisco. This is what we do. My understanding is that the chief was out of town so maybe he was like oh, guys, come on. [ laughter ]  . What did you do . We are going to go to where the statue ended up. I think a lot of people who have been longtime San Franciscoans know. Nick bovis is working to build a donald trump statue into his custody. Now he joins us live on mornings on 2 the 9. Nick, good morning. Good morning, everybody. What is the latest . Where is this statue . What are you going to do with it . Well, the statue is still in custody. We decided now that weve talked to the artist, he is going to sign a release so we can take back the statue out of custody. Art is always provacative. We decided to get the statue back to the artist who created it and he is a really good guy. After learning more about him, how he actually was a trump supporter, and then he ended up, after trump made fun of the handicapped disabled person, his brother was disabled, and he decided to create the statue to show his feels about trump. Okay. There is a big demand sorry to interrupt you. I am wondering. I mean, after you talked to this artist you are like, okay, i like it. But how soon after you saw this statue did you say, you know what . Thats what i want in my restaurant . Well, thats not the reason. Art, you know, and First Amendment artwork like this is important. There is a big demand for people to see this thing. We want to accommodate them and respect the, you know, the artist. So were going to try to get this back. Show it for a weekend. Display it. Give it back to the artist. Nick, is it true that you were getting threats about this . Yeah. Thats what the whole statue is about. It shows about hate. When i first saw it i saw it in a different way. Art is in the eyes of the beholder. I saw a statue of naked in the fray in San Francisco. I said San Francisco is the only city in the world it was created by st. Francis. We want to show love. Not hate. If you are from San Francisco and you are naked, this is the only city thats going to help you. What i learned out of this whole lesson is there is a lot of hate in this campaign. Creating a lot of hate and negativity. So we received a lot of threats from Trump Supporters and things. You know, i like some of trumps things about business and things like that, but after i saw how much hate is involved here, i just cant support him. I know you talked to the artist. He was very excited about coming to San Francisco. Have you talked to him since then . You are hoping to unveil it with him in your presence, i guess, huh . He is a grateful dead fan. He loves San Francisco. There is a good story. You saw his story on youtube. He comes to San Francisco all the time and he wants to, you know, continue coming. So were going to try to help him so he doesnt get in trouble here. I see you walk into the back bar. You are walking up to marilyn monroe. There is a back bar over to the left. Is that where donald trump is going to go . Yes. We are going to place him here for the weekend so everybody can come and see him for the last time before he goes back to the artist. So were hoping he is pretty big. I dont know. He might be up to the top of the ceiling here. Were hoping to have him there and have security here so people can come see him. And were hoping to get a good response. There is a lot of hate from a lot of the Trump Supporters. But you know what . There is a big demand to see this thing. All right. Nick, well, appreciate your time this morning. We will check back in with you as soon as youre able to maybe get your hands on that statue. He said there is a lot of hate. I wonder if thats why its in the back . I wonder if a pair of boxer shorts will be added . It is a very realistic depiction. Thank you very much. Are you going to write about this again . I probably will. This morning we want to know what you think, if this is getting out of hand . Should leftys be given the statue or should it be given away. Let us know. Tvu. Coming up on mornings on 2 the 9, ryan lochte is apologizing for causing an international controversy. Coming up at 9 30, why it might have been a misunderstanding and the big sponsor he just lost. And strained relationships between the community and police. Up next the town hall held to bridge the gap in the bay area in the wake of several police shootings. Hey, honey . Yes, dear . Youre washing that bakedon alfredo by hand,right . Yes, dear. Dish issues . Cascade platinum. Powers. Through. Your toughest stuckon food. So let your dishwasher be the dishwasher. This turned out great. Cascade. All right. Welcome back to mornings on 2 the 9. You are taking a live look at the big board this morning. The market is up a little slightly, down a little slightly. Its kind of not going one way for a very long time. Some of the things theyre talking about on the stock market this morning are the oil prices. Take a look at your gas prices. They are going to start going up, which is we have been enjoying a while now cheaper gas prices. Thats happening. And then the Federal Reserve chairwoman is going to make a speech at the end of the week. Everyone awaiting that. The president ial race, donald trump is campaigning today in ohio as he takes his retooled campaign staff, looking for a boost in poll numbers. This is the best week i think so far in the trump campaign. Mostly because he is able to be himself. He is out there talking about Law Enforcement. He is talking about defeating radical islamic terrorism. Middle class tax relief. Hillary clinton meanwhile has been appearing mostly at fundraisers as her Campaign Gears up for a slew of tv ads leading up to november. Whats important to know is secretary clinton doesnt draw a salary from the foundation. Donald trumps businesses, which affect his bottom line and his net worth, have real ties to countries like russia and china. Over the weekend trump met with his Latino Advisory Council looking for a way to improve his support among latino voters. He continues to criticize Hillary Clinton for her ties to the Clinton Foundation after reports the charity received foreign donations. A town hall meeting held last night in San Francisco about Building Trust between the police and the community. Ktvus ashton smith was there and has more on the discussion that took place. The question was the dialogue with top police brass. Part of the live town radio broadcast hosted by 106 kmel. The Topic Community and police relations. How do we make it better . To close the gap. To change the culture of policing. Reporter this discussion comes amid strained relationships between the community and police in the wake of several police shootings, including the mario woods case in San Francisco. There is a lack of understanding about some of the operations, the daytoday operations we do, as well as some of the specialized operations of the San Francisco police department. Now we are on a campaign to give more transparency and make the public understand what we are doing. Reporter San Franciscos acting police chief Toney Chaplin has been praised for using new tactics to avoid use of deadly force. San Francisco Mayor ed lee told ktvu he supports chief chaplin to become San Franciscos next top cop. He is my chief. While were looking and searching, i am going to do everything i can to support Toney Chaplins management of this police department. Reporter that support sparking controversy. The Selection Process may be unfair. In response. If you are the interim and you dont have the support of the mayor, you shouldnt be there. Thats my philosophy. I dont see where the controversy is. Reporter for now acting chief chaplin, like all the other Law Enforcement at the town hall meeting, say among their priorities reengaging with the community and strengthening ties, especially with the youth. You are able to connect with people better. I think the connection with people will be a lot easier if you have people from your community, you know, that you are able to get along with. Reporter azimuth smith, ktvu, fox 2 news. The San Francisco Police Commission has been Holding Public meetings. The next is wednesday from 6 to 8 p. M. On 19th avenue. Coming up on mornings on 2 the 9, a double tragedy for a family in the south bay after two brothers are killed in a shooting. Coming up at 9 30, the search underway for the person responsible. Devastating floods in louisiana left 13 dead. Up next, we are live with a professor about the criticism National Media has received over the coverage of this story. Mr. Brady, weve been expecting you. Will you be needing anything else . Not a thing. Beautyrest black. Get your beautyrest. Beautyrest black. Try micellar water want a dfrom garnier skinactive. The micelles attract dirt like a magnet to 1. Remove makeup 2. Cleanse and 3. Soothe. No harsh rubbing, no rinsing. Micellar water from garnier skinactive. People in louisiana are trying to clean up from last weeks historic and deadly floods that killed 13 people and damaged at least 60,000 homes. This weekend hundreds of volunteers helped families empty out their homes before mold and mildew set in. They sorted through clothes, shoes and other things that might actually be salvageable and be okay. One of the volunteers says she knows what its like to lose everything in a flood. When i was in seventh grade we had a Tropical Storm and my neighborhood flooded and we had three feet of water in the house. So i remember doing that just like with my family, doing this whole process. The storm dumped more than 20 inches of rain in just two days. President obama is scheduled to visit the area tomorrow. Some people have criticized the president for not cutting his Summer Vacation short to visit the flood victims. They were in marthas vineyard. They returned back to the white house last night. The white house says the president has been involved in responding to the situation in louisiana, but that he did not want to divert resources necessary for president ial visits in the days immediately following the disaster. President obama isnt the only one being criticized for his response to the louisiana flooding. Yep. The National Media has been under fire for what many call the lack of coverage on the disaster in louisiana and the focus on stories such as the ryan lochte controversy. For more on this we are joined live in studio by San Francisco State University media ethics professor miriam smith. Thank you for coming in. Thank you for having me on your program. Did the National Media miss this story of . This story was not an event. Media likes events. We like hurricanes. We like big things to happen. We like big rivers to flood. And the process, a rainstorm that takes place over days and then everything, you know, slowly floods, you know, why look at that when we can watch the glamor and glitz of the olympics . You know, they say thats the responsibility to say turn your attention here. When we talked to the red cross ceo, she said we are competing, asking for helps with the olympics, with ryan lochte, with the wildfires, the president ial election. She says its difficult to get the help we need. Is there more of an impetus on the media to say shine some Latino Community that . This is an interesting thing about news and about the media. We say we want this on the news, and then if we dont watch it, how is the news going to make money . We have put the news in an almost nowin situation. Its forprofit. They need to they make money, by and large, the major tv stations by filling their audiences with advertisers. We say we want broccoli, but we eat ice cream. I see. When it comes to, lets say there would have been looting or Something Like that, at that point if Something Like that would have happened, do you think it would have gotten more coverage . Absolutely, because there you have some of the elements that news really likes. You have the conflict. You have the dramatic. You have the unusual. I mean, flooding is not that unusual. On this scale it is, and its a tragedy, but we live in a world of tragedies. And we should think about what we really expect the news to do. I mean, when i look at these pictures, you know, i mean, you talk about it not being an event or National Media, i mean, 106,000 people have requested federal aid. This has been going on nearly two weeks. So to go back to your point, is it all about, when you talk about the money, its about the clicks . You got a u. S. Swimmer kicking down a door on a website and they get more clicks than the dog floating down in the floods. I mean, you are looking for the headline . Its all about like the funny cat videos that get all the hits on youtube. I mean, we like something thats sort of unusual. The olympic athlete, the god who suddenly has feet of clay, sort of, you know, thats really interesting to us. But is it the media that wants it, or the viewers that want that . You have to look at the ratings. We say we want a certain kind of news, but is everyone watching news on pbs . No. The National News networks have the higher ratings. As a journalist this is a struggle. We are out and hear people saying all the time your news is always sad. But then when you do the lighter, happier stories they say you are turning your back on the real issues that affect people. And youre always trying to balance out, you know, the positive and the, you know, impactful. Is there even a balance to be had . At some point they always say if everyone is a little unhappy you are probably doing your job correctly. Its a day byday thing. There is no one right answer. Criticizing the news media, we have done that ever since there has been news media. Its part of the dialogue between the public and the media. The media, i mean, the public needs to be aware that we are part of the youre a professional. If you had to give a grade to the balance that is being struck, not just with local, but national, everyone trying to strike this balance, you know, with what the viewers want, what the viewers need, what grade would you be giving media in general . Well, on what viewers want, i would give media an a. And what they need, probably a b minus. Do you talk about in in your course . What do the young people in your classes, since they are the leaders of the future, what do they think about the way the news media covers stories like this . Well, they are also of a mind that we should have more sort of serious focus and there are big issues. The interesting thing is there has been a study by the American Press institute about how we get our news nowadays, and there is not any big generational differences between the types of news that we want. There is in all demographics we want a certain type of news. The generallation al difference that we assume the young are not watching tv is somewhat new. Americans are getting their news across many devices through the day. We mentioned the criticism the president received for not leaving marthas vineyard. Similar stories of president bush during hurricane katrina. Hillary clinton wasnt there. Donald trump made a brief stop. Do you think that criticism is warranted towards the president for not coming earlier . I wonder how easy it is to underappreciate the skill on which this disaster is taking because it was sort of a process. It wasnt all of a sudden there was a storm and everything flooded. It was more of a process kind of thing. And its, you know, we are not dealing with a process as we are with the event. If the president was there sooner than later, does it become an event because he is there and, therefore, there is more eyes on it and maybe the red cross does get more donations when the leader of the country is at a specific site . Thats clearly true. I think thats part of the responsibility of people in charge in our government, to realize what they should try to turn the attention of the public to. Thank you for coming in. Thank you. Coming up on mornings on 2 the 9, Public School kids head back to school today. Up next, the reason some students may be sent back home. And a budding romance between an olympic gymnast and an oakland raider. The first date in the works and how it all came about. For twenty years, box tops for education has helped schools earn over 750 Million Dollars to get what they need families at Lawton Alternative School in San Francisco collected box tops to help pay for field trips like the 5th grade overnight trip dont be absent from helping your local school buy 10 participating box tops for education items and get 60 bonus box tops with the just for u Digital Coupon when you shop today at safeway offer valid 8 1 9 1 16. Digital coupons valid when downloaded to your club card. Brmilk and fresh creama. And only sustainably farmed vanilla. Breyers has fresh cream, sugar and milk. Breyers. The good vanilla. Our milk and cream come from cows not treated with artificial growth hormones. This is so good ii cant believe its made with real, simple ingredients. Ter. I cant believe. Were on a whale. I cant believe my role isnt bigger. Real ingredients. Unbelievable taste. Enjoy i cant believe its not butter welcome back to mornings on 2 the 9. Our question for the 9 is regarding the donald trump statue. Is this all in good fun, or has it gone too far . Should the city just take it and destroy it . And as far as going too far, joe says yes. I dont want to see this for other candidates. I hate trump, but this is disparaging our political process. And another says i am sorry. Cindy pc says creative loin cloth contest is sometimes just not ready to explain Human Anatomy at the spur of the moment, especially before coffee. I have fresh bread who said i dont want this. I asked if you want to see it. She said i dont want this. And then another that says i think it would be great to a great piece to have in a bar but cover him with a small russian flag instead of a figure leaf. Thank you. You can reach us with the hashtag ktvuthe9 anytime about anything. Lets go to rosemary for a look at the forecast. Initially, you look at it and this is like the same old, same old. I had a few sprinkles reported this morning. Sprinkles . Lightning strikes over point reyes. I know, right . Wow. Things have changed up a little bit. Its not going to last. We will have partly cloudy skies, dry conditions for the afternoon. This morning a little bit of moisture coming our way. Started over the sierra and worked towards the west. Here is a a are looking into the east bay. Our temperatures will be unseasonably mild once again as we get into your afternoon. Cool at the coast. Cloudy. 61 pacifica. Low 60s San Francisco. Low 70s hayward. Low 80s livermore. 86 antioch. 86 definitely, wow, one of the warmer spots for us today. As we get into the extended forecast, we do begin to see temperatures rebound tuesday, wednesday, but it doesnt really last. We will have temperatures cool back into the second part of the business week. Into the weekend looking at low 80s in the forecast for inland cities. So i know the coast is really cloudy, cool. They cant catch a break. For the inland communities, its nice. Thank you, rosemary. This is backtoschool day for thousands of students in the bay area, included be the Oakland Unified School district. In oakland, hundreds of those students may actually be sent home. Ktvus brian flores joining us live from the city of oakland and says this all has to do with the new state law requiring vaccinations. Reporter yeah, it does. Here at oakland unified they are still processing many of the immunization records from many of the parents here this morning. We are here at the Discovery Academy where this morning district officials are here touring the school and also speaking with parents about this new vaccination law and making sure that kids are up to date on their vaccines. We caught up with the superintendent. As we go to video. He wrote into the schools this morning he rode into the school bus this morning with the kids. The district says its unclear how many kids may be turned away today because they dont have up to date immunizations. Last week it was up to 4100 kids. A district spokesperson says it could be between 200 and 1,000 kids. We hope to have nor updated numbers later today. Senate bill 277 requires all kids be vaccinated. The district estimates about 400 kids have personal belief exemptions before the law came into effect. For those kids they will be grandfathered in and allowed to attend classes today. We did speak with the district superintendent who says its important kids get their shots right away. We also spoke with a grandparent who is concerned that that many kids dont have shots. Very worried. This is my grandson. I dont want him to get sick at all. Reporter yeah. Colds are enough, you know . Reporter oh, yeah. Dealing with those. There is so much stuff out there. Bring the records. We will work it out. They can go on the School District website and we have instructions for them there, as well. They can also call the School District, as well. They can get information. But our Welcome Center has been reaching out to many of those families. Several hundred families. Basically, letting them know what the law is. Reporter now, the district says that if the kids have a vast majority of the vaccinations already and have plans to have the rest taken care of in the near future, they can attend on a conditional basis. The district says they started letting parents know about the vaccination law once it was passed last year. Again, as we take it back out here live, this is going to be a transitional period for many parents. The district basically says, and you heard it from the superintendent, do what you can to get your kids fully vaccinated. Go to the School District Welcome Center or just coming too school and showing the immunization records right away and working with the school to see if something can be done. Definitely going to be a pretty transitional period through many of the School Districts in our state. Guys, back to you. All right. Brian, thank you. And speaking of vaccination requirements, earlier this morning our other question of the day it was this. Do you think keeping children out of school because they did not get vaccinated in time is fair or too tough . One response, i feel if someone does not want to vaccinate their children they should have that right, but there should be a special school that those children should go. I do not think its fair to put other children at risk. On twitter, mark said its fair. You know whats tough . Curing polo. And darien says just a big ploy for the Drug Companies to make more money because they needed more than the schools. He adds an lol there. Reach us at ktvuthe9. And happening now, what could be the biggest organized backtoschool event in u. S. History. This is the Second Annual million father march. Its taking place in hundreds of cities across the country, including here in the bay area. This is new video out of richmond where dads and men who are engaged in the educational life of their children are taking them to school this morning. The million father march is seen as a way to promote safety, support, and encouragement. I love the fact that there is a line of folks giving them a handshake when they walk into the door. Fathers there. It makes the child see the importance of education, especially when a male is saying let me see your homework or get to school on time or do something. We find that it improves the child academically. Local businesses are also asked to give fathers and men who take care of children two hours off with pay to participate in todays event. I do say that you see fathers who are tough guys, you know, walking their kids to school, a little glimmer, a little twinkle in their eye. A milestone for their kids. For more on some of our other local headlines, lets go to dave clark. Here are some of the top stories we are following. San jose police are searching for whoever killed two brothers last night in a driveby shooting. It happened just before 9 00 last night on south eighth street. Witnesses say a car drove up. Someone inside fired several shots with what may have been an assault rifle. Police say one of the brothers died there at the scene. The other was rushed to the hospital where he died a short time later. Right now police say they dont have a motive. They are looking into the possibility this may have been gang related. If you have any information, call san jose police. Now, San Francisco police want your help in a very bizarre case. They want to find the person who bit off the finger of a bartender last month. They just released surveillance photos of the suspect. This happened july 17 outside of a bar on lombard street after 2 a. M. Police say a man left the bar, but tried to get back in as the bar was closing. After being told no, police say the man tried to climb in through a window and the bartender confronted him. When the bartender went outside, police say that man attacked him. He was beaten pretty bad. Several contusions to the face. Swelling in the eyes. Scratches all over the arms and the hands. But at one point the bartender ended up on top of the suspect to control him and stop him, and it was at this time when the suspect decided to take it upon himself to bite his ring finger off. Now, police say doctors could not save the bartenders finger. There is Surveillance Video showing the suspect. In one video he is play fighting with friends. If you recognize that man, call San Francisco police. Well, the arrest rate in california is at an alltime low, and state researchers say proposition 47 is the reason why. Now, voters passed it two years ago reducing penalties for certain drug and nonviolent property crimes. Recent stats show felony arrests plummeted more than 28 last year, and misdemeanor arrests are up about 9 . The Justice Department also says there is an 11 increase in thefts statewide, but researchers say its too soon to know if proposition 47 is the reason for that increase. Those are just some of your Morning Headlines from our newsroom. Mike, sal, claudine, back to you. All right. Thanks. Well, we have an update on some of the biggest wildfires still burning across the state. The soberanes fire in Monterey County has burned 134 square miles. It started a month ago. It is still just 50 contained. Fire Officials Say it may not be fully contained until the end of next month. Residents in lake county are heading back home after cal fire lifted the last of the evacuation orders for the town of lower lake yesterday. The clayton fire is now 95 contained with 6 square miles burned. The flames have destroyed 300 buildings, including many homes. We found out that Clearlake Police have arrested two men for stealing several firefighting tools, including safety gear from bulldozers being used to fight that fire. A fire in San Luis Obispo is two miles from the historic hurst castle. Fire crews say they have a plan to protect it if the claims get close. Its been jumping fire lines and burned 49 square miles. 6 square miles in the last day. A new development in the story about olympic swimmer ryan lochte and three other American Olympic swimmers who claim they were robbed at a gas station in rio de janeiro. This morning usa today is reporting that the problem could have all come from a misunderstanding because of a language barrier. The paper reports a witness saying that the swimmers might have actually thought they were being robbed when security guards demanded money from them. That witness says a guard did pull a gun and demanded money after lochte pulled down a sign, but he says the guard only spoke portuguese and it seemed that none of the swimmers understood what he said. Yesterday lochte said his immature behavior set off the chain of events that set off an international controversy. Reporter the head of the United States Olympic Committee is promising further action against u. S. Swimmer ryan lochte and three of his teammates. They let down our athletes. They let down americans, and they really let down our hosts in rio. Reporter lochte, along with fellow u. S. Swimmers gunner against, jack conger and jimmy fiegen landed in hot water last week. Lochte originally claimed he and his buddies were victims of an armed robbery, but skepticism grew as inconsistent accounts of the incident emerged. Now the Gold Medalist is admitting he overexaggerated his story. I take all responsibility. This wasnt my fault. I overexaggerated the story. I still wonder that to my like this myself every day now since then, like i brazil doesnt deserve that. Reporter rio authorities also released Surveillance Video showing the four men vandalizing a gas station bathroom after a night of partying, and then handing over money to Armed Security guards who confronted them further discrediting lochte counties lochtes tale. If i told the entire story, none of this would have happened. You know, i was coming from a friends house. I was highly intoxicated. And i made immature calls. Reporter the u. S. Olympic committee is not saying what the punishment will be for the swimmers. Lochte says he hopes he will be able to compete in the tokyo 2020 olympics for his country. In new york, brian yenis, fox news. This morning speedo announced its ending its sponsorship of ryan lochte. In a statement, the new york based swimsuit maker said it enjoyed its relationship with lochte, but it cannot condone that behavior. Speedo is donating 50,000 to the Global Charity save the children in brazil. Coming up on mornings on 2 the 9, a local community looking to restore its name. How softball is helping to reduce violence and crime in the city of richmond. And shoe shopping for a cause. Up next, we meet the bay area sisters behind a website that helps you look and feel good all at the same time. At at t, we believe in access. The opportunity for everyone to explore a digital world. Connecting with the things that matter most. And because nothing keeps us more connected than the internet, weve created access from at t. California households with at least one resident who receives snap or ssi benefits may qualify for Home Internet at a discounted rate of 10 a month. No commitment, deposit, or installation fee. Visit att. Com accessnow to learn more. Youve had a good long run. But your time is over. Its time for something new. Something simple. Grown right here in california with absolutely no antibiotics ever. Food were comfortable eating. Making. Serving. This is the new comfort food. And it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. California grown with no antibiotics ever. Lets get comfortable with our food again. All right. The as are back home to begin a short threegame homestand against the cleveland indians. They have lost eight of the last ten. Yesterday they were taken down by the white sox 42. The as got their runs in the fourth thanks to chris davis 32nd home run of the season, but they could not muster up any more offensive. The giants had to settle for a series split against the new york mets. Jeff samardzija took a no hitter into the seventh, but then allowed a double. You see it here. Then the next batter, joonas cespedes, he hit it out. The mets 12 owe. The giants are in l. A. To begin a threegame series with the dodgers. Madison bumgarner will be on the hill tomorrow night. The dodgers have a half game lead on the giants in the National League west. And the giants do not have good pitching any more . The giants cant support their pitchers. That was a great performance wasted yesterday. They couldnt get three hits, right . They need more hits in l. A. They sure do. This is a do or die series. All right. A mountain viewbased Company Started by twin sisters so leave the world a better place than how they found it. A mission made more important when one of them was diagnosed with cancer and told to plan out the last few months of her life. However, she has defied the odds and the two of them have Just Launched a realtime donation that lets people buy shoes while contributing to a good cause. Lets head over to claudine. Yes, thanks, guys. Check it out. Beautiful gorgeous shoes in front of us. I am here with jessica and emily. Twin sisters that started this company. Tell me about first, jessica, your story and this terrible diagnosis that you received. Yeah. I was actually diagnosed with terminal cancer with a zero percent chance of survival and months to live. It spread like through more than half of my body. They were like, you better start getting your orders together and then they were like, my daughter said, what is it you better start thinking about what you want do with the rest of your life. You were how old . 31 at the time. Four months later i had a miracle recovery. I think it was because i was determined to that was not my final statement. This is not the you didnt want to plan out the last few months. You wanted to do something more. Three and a half years later you are cancer free . I am a dancing medical miracle. I am in the books. I went through a period of post traumatic growth. For two years i didnt know if i wanted to continue doing shoes. We started with wedding shoes. Comfortable wedding shoes. And it wasnt fulfilling just shipping shoes any more. Tell me about this company. It started and then its changed . It started and its changed. We started out as a Wedding Company and now we are a special occasion company. A day to night. [ laughter ] we like to call ourselves [ inaudible ]. No one is satisfied with just beauty. They want beauty, brains, personality, and heart. And so you want it to mean something. For you, incredible for you as her sister to go through it. It changes how you view the world. It does. And it actually made us think how we wanted to leave a mark on the world and what we could do. Okay. Lets talk about shoes. We got these gorgeous shoes in front of us. Each has a story. It has a charity that its attached to. Tell me how this all works. So Something Like this, this is actually called double trouble. It benefits cycle for survival, memorial Sloan Kettering society. It looked like a double helix. Even the design . Even the design. And fashion used to be a hierarchy of things. And were actually considering ourselves the people shoe. We design off of people. We do style icons of history. Jessica knows this better because she does the designing. Every shoe is actually inspired by a vintage personality. So audrey hepburn, grace kelly, jackie o, strong women in history. Also a modern day icon. So it will be this is jackie o shoe. So it would be jackie o and Kerry Washington hybrid. There we go. Thats the first lady. But when hilly becomes president , we will officially be renaming it. How much do the shoes cost and how does the donation part work . They range from 200 to mid 3 60s. And they accessible luxury. We donate 8 of every retail sale to that cause. It donates directly so you are not waiting for the end of quarter or you are not bundling things. What if you want to give your donation to a specific charity . There are options to choose. Okay. How many different charities are you working with . Over a dozen. We have over a dozen. Every shoe right now is by default a charity. But then you can also choose another charity. Okay. This is good . Yeah, we developed the app to change that. All right. Thank you so much. Really interesting. Very beautiful shoes. I have been looking for one thats my size. All right. Look for their link under the web links section. Mornings on 2 the 9 will be right back. I know what we can do. What if papa tells us some stories . Oh i dont think so. Oh come on dad you have great stories, come on. Well okay. You kids know how your grandmother and i met . Not that one, skip. What . Just next. Swipe. I used to collect marbles when i was. Next haha. Thanks. Swipe. Get high Speed Internet from at t with over 99 reliability. At an everyday price with no extra monthly fees. Keep calm, you internets on. This week the National Parks service turns 100. The National Park foundation has launched a find your park movement. Its to support, connect with, and enjoy the countrys more than 400 National Parks. There are several special events planned this week, including some at yosemite. For more information, check out our website ktvu. Com. The details are in the web links under the mornings on 2 the 9 tab. Hundreds of volunteers at berkeley want to make sure students start the school year on positive note. Volunteers helped out a Non Profit Group by giving homeless and lowincome children the tools they need for a healthy and happy school year. The event was held at the International House in berkeley. The goal was to give away 3,500 School Supply kits and 6,000 dental kits. Its really like christmas in september. They love them. The kids are excited because they are prepared for school. They are excited to learn and thrive. Thats why i think you see such a great turnout from the community. And this is the sixth year the group has held this give way a. They expect to hand out 100,000 kits to children. Hundreds of people came together over the weekend in richmond to make an effort to make the city a more Peaceful Place without divides. They were at soulful softball sunday. They incited people who are actively engaged in violence on city streets to come out and play. They said their goal is to make richmond a town with no territories. Kanye wests popup store has moved out of San Francisco. We are waiting to hear how much money it made over the weekend. The San Francisco store is one of 20 that opened up world wide. It featured clothing items that go with wests latest album life of pablo and the clothes were customized to the city where they were told. People dropped hundreds of dollars on merchandise. It was the same story in other cities. In new york, people said they had other plans for items they bought. I am going to sell some of this stuff and come back every single day to come here and celine more stuff. You were here to make a profit . Oh, yeah. And in houston, people said they were doing their Christmas Shopping and wanted to grab some items that their friends in school would not be wearing. There were also reports of some unusual rules for shoppers. Those included you touch it, you buy it. A limit of three items in two minutes to finalize your order before being asked to leave the store. Well, there may be a Love Connection between olympic gymnast aly raisman and another theater in the birthday. Oakland raiders Colton Underwood asked the Gold Medalist out an to double date. It seems that underwood is friends with andrew east, who is married to former gymnast shawn johnson. After seeing the video, raisman said she would love to go on a date. She tweeted saying, thanks for the tweet video. Looking forward to meeting you. He tweeted back with, anytime. Looking forward to meeting you, too. Safe travels back. See you soon. By the way, raisman and the rest of the final five will be in san jose on september 18th as part of the u. S. Olympic gymnastics tour. A lot of people saying, ill see ya. I guess it will happen. I hope it works out. I dont know. This dating on twitter thing. Everyone is watching. Everyone is staring. The pressure. You didnt meet your husband on twitter . [ laughter ] no. No. The oldfashioned way. Just in person. Still a good way. Forget about it. If you are looking for love out there. That is our show. Thanks for watching. Continue to follow our coverage about all the news happening here in the bay area at ktvu. Com. I will see you back here at noon. Have a great rest of your monday morning, everyone. Have a great morning. scal good day, mlady i am sircanalot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. Wake up those eggs with glorious spam see what spam can do. At spam. Com especially when it comes to snacking. G new. Thats why were introducing cheese dippers. The creamy cheese and crunchy breadsticks that go wherever you do. Cheese dippers by the laughing cow. Reinvent snacking. Its live on the Wendy Williams show oig. Wendy how you doing. You wont believe what im about to tell you. All hot topics, all hour long. All puig. Week. I take it straight in chaser. Now heres wendy nin chaser. Now heres wendy oin chaser. Now heres wendy n chaser. Now heres wendy chaser. Now heres wendy week. I take it straight no chaser. Now heres wendy wendy and away we go. Happy monday. Thanks for watching the show. Say hello to my cohost, my studio audience

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