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. good morning, welcome to mornings on 2, i am claudine wong, happy father's day. >> rosemary orozco is joining us with your father's day forecast. morning, partly cloud and some are sinking back to the 40s, partly cloudy and only subtle changes which means we will be cool around the coast mild around the bay and the cool trends will be continuing and i will have your early morning numbers for you coming up. we begin with breaking news in the east bay, it happened as he slept in the home. somebody fires numerous rounds into an apartment. seven people were sleeping in the apartment at the time. the boy was bleeding and taken to the hospital. his injury is not considered serious and he will make a full roofer recovery. >> we have some reports of a vehicle driving away from the scene. >> investigators say that vehicle was a white car and now they are not sure if it was connected to the shooting and they are still not sure why somebody shot at the appointment. thousands of runners on the streets of san francisco, it started in light of the boston marathon bombings. live at the starting line. >> happy father's day to you too and the runners i have been talking to really done seem to mind. one new rule in place, no bags or containers along the race course that are any larger than your standard piece of paper. >> another new role we are talking about, they have sealed it off and security officers are searching everyone's bag as they come in and the goal is to make this event as safe as it can possibly be. this is the scene as the first wave are taking part in the san francisco marathon and in response to the bombings at the boston marathon, there are extra police officers on hand with bomb sniffing this dogs in this area and runners showed up early to deal with the extra security scenic. and it >> reporter: this 22.6-m course will take them across the golden gate bridge and several lanes of the bridge will be closed to traffic and they will run to the north scenic area and they will run back to the city and make their way through golden gate park and others areas of san francisco and this will be open live today and you are looking at the finish line and we are expecting the runners to cross within the hour. ktvu channel 2 morning news. thanks, alex. and a warning to drivers and they are on harrison and mission again and the golden gate bridge. san francisco marathon is already a popular event and they are hoping to make it even bigger. they are trying to attract more parents pants. according to the san francisco business -- participants. according to the san francisco business times, they are expanding the golden gate bridge. they are looking to expand it with $48 million for the city. and we will bring you live up updates. a van hit a family of four and the family and her children were rushed to the hospital. >> bee are trying to -- we are trying to make sure stopping forehead lights is not a real problem and they are not stopping for them ought all. two people -- them at all. the victim was standing in the driveway when shots were fired. the teen had been attending a party for a child and this is vallejo's 11th homicide of the year. and to a story, it remains a topic of vigilance. they will lock their doors and be more vigilant. >> if something happens to my shop, i mean i actually work long hours and stay here late. >> the gunman had a loaded 357 revolver after closing time and restaurant worker grabbed the suspect's arm so he would not shoot deputies and he is recovering from the gunfire. investigators are still trying to figure out if suspects are responsible for fast food. the city of big bear declared it collins day. he was shot several times during the search for the former officer. he has undergone surgery and he said he feels better ever -- every day. >> every day i am just glad i made it. >> collins received surgery to his arms and jaw. he will be back to duty before the end of the year. you see there is the vice- president. he spent about an hour there taking photos with customers. >> i enjoy it and i will enjoy more of it and my knees casey owens is graduating from stamford getting her master's degree. >> yes, it is great work. they take time to come. mike on do facing -- honda is facing a tough reelection. they have gained an upper hand on the most destructive fire in colorado history. the fire outside colorado springs has been contained and homeowners are returning home for the first time to survey the damage. close to 500 homes have burned. >> we want the fire to come out and fight now. we are ready staffed and equipped. show yourself, we will take >> rains and calmer winds are helping, two people died in the fire. the bans will go into effect in napa, colusa lake, and yellow counties. cal fire made special permits for agricultural work. your time now is 7:09 and we imagine lots of people have plans and barbecuing is always a safe bet for a nice afternoon and how is it going to shape up. >> it is going to be beautiful inland and it will be cool once again and waking up with more sunshine. the low clouds have mixed out just a bit and we were mostly cloudy giving you a live look towards the city of san francisco and you can see for yourself how there is a little more blue, plenty to go around. napa, yesterday, 8 degrees warmer because you started out with low clouds and it is mostly clear and temperatures are running cooler where you are dealing with clear skies. 3 -- 53 in napa and 51 san francisco, 55 in oakland, mid- 50 nazi livermore and fairfield and even areas you are starting out in the low 50s this morning and we were looking at upper 50s and it is cooler in your neighborhood as well. 49 in hillsburg so again a chilly start in petaluma what. and the entire evening near 15 miles per hour and now 18 miles per hour. a gentle breeze in most cases but a cool day for the coast mild around the bay with that cool air continuing to blow in from the delta going to reach to the sacramento vaultly today. we are -- valley today. we are starting out with low clouds just across the bay and by 10:00 it begins to peel back, similar to yesterday and notice the low clouds don't go far, remaining hugging for passive can and -- pacifica and a half moon bay. 77 san rafael and east bay shore line, upper 80s and down tonight east bay 78 cupertino and santa cruz, 69 san mateo, upper 50s and lower 60s along the coast and some mild weather for most of us today and happy father's dated to those of you celebrating. as we get to monday and tuesday, notice the cooling trends continues on tuesday. inland communities, 60s at the coast and it is a warming trend that will take us into next weekend and a first full day on friday, i will have your first full day coming up. changes lawmakers will consider when they head to sacramento this week. and as we learn more about the government to access our cell phone, we are loading up on security apps to protect information. and first, runners from the san francisco are marathon is crossing the span right now. several areas will be closed and we will keep you updated on that, we will be back in a few minutes. then start playing it in another. and...i'm talking to myself... [ male announcer ] call to get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. for 2 years with qualifying bundles. i gotta go deposit a check, transfer some money. so it's your uncle's turn. what? wait, wait, wait... no, no, no, wait, wait. (baby crying) so you can deposit a check... with the touch of a finger. so you can arrange a transfer in the blink of an eye. so you can help make a bond... i got it. that lasts a lifetime. the chase mobile app. so you can. . welcome back, a nice pleasant forecast for our east bay residents today. governor brown has two weeks to sign a budget and get rid of any parts he does not like. even though they approved a budget on friday, yesterday lawmakers held a rare saturday session for spending packages. republicans have been opposing them with more revenues in past years lawmakers fought over scholarships. well one lawmaker was extatic that they wrapped up matters and roger hernandez was hugging people in the middle and he left around noon to fly home for his wedding. and here are three major bills passed and medical will r than additional help and to college students earning up to 100,000 a year it will eventually cost 300 million annually. there is also legislation for energy efficient projects and governor brown is pleased with the budget saying after two and a half years of struggle and difficult times, california's budget is balanced and sustainable into the future. >> they still have serious issues to consider and one of those include limousine safety. five women and a bride to be were killed last month and a week ago in walnut creek some in their 90s barely escaped. some new limousine are requiring fire extinguishers and exits in the vehicle. supervisors are expected to ask for details on a plan to move bicycles off market. city planners say it would improve safety but it may make it harder for cyclists to access market. >> well, we are getting new flier buses and they are expecting to go into service for the first time today a long oakland's international boulevard. the new buses get better gas mileage and can get costs by $18,000 the new buses are an effort to upgrade the entire fleet. and sam transhas suspect spined service and they will only have buses on days when school is in session. they are making declassified information at the security agency. the spy programs foiled potential terrorist plots and fewer than 300 phone numbers were checked against a database of phone records. since they became public, they are soring. these apps make it impossible to monitor private information and they scramble making it perfectly unusable. some of the security apps work with texting e-mails and video conferencing. they are showing their support for edward snowedden and he is a former employee who leaked information on the surveillance programs. >> i think he was willing to expose this to the world at great personal risk. >> snowedden told the newspaper united states hacked 61,000 targets including one in china. right now snowedden is believed to be in hong kong. they are in the presidential election if he was declared incompetent. >> and they also expressed concerns about censorship and a lack of transparency. he won with 50% of the vote and voter turnout was high as well. and north korea said it would achieve peace in the region and they say the bar for resuming negotiations is higher now. this followed nuclear tests in december and january and it caused raising tensions with other countries. president barack obama will fly to ireland for the gh summit and it involves 8 wealthy countries, including u.s. japan and germany. they are looking into providing military support to opposition forces and they are also planning on protesting poverty and opposition government abuses. they are set to deliver a special speech and why he was chosen. and the motorcycle take over, the reason hundreds of riders went to see the pope today. and a weather report for your special father's day, i will have a report coming up lclo enough about the book, i want to hear about your date. well, he showed up in a van. [ women ] oh-awww. [ voices in background ] [ female announcer ] swapportunity. the opportunity to swap a higher calorie snack for a delicious 90 calorie yoplait light. ♪ sorry... about your date, the details of your date. [ female announcer ] just one swap a day helps keep the calories away. yoplait. it is so good. . security is tighter this year in light of the boston bombing and they will start the race at embarcadero and it is considered one of the most picker he is being with -- picturesque. beautiful day out there, lots of runners and we will keep you updated on how the race is going as mornings on 2 continues. and for today's graduation, new york mayor michael bloomberg is the keen note speaker and it is stamford's 122nd commencement be a they chose bloomberg so they can show the world how they can make the world a better place. >> and the emmy goes to... >> this is fitting for me, ktvu channel 2 morning news mornings on 2. >> we won best time newscast, including executive producer and chief editor and my coanchor who didn't get home until midnight, claudine wong. >> i want to congratulate them for all the station excellence and i want to thank ktvu for the pleasure of working with them for the last 18 years, i am so proud of you, is for you guys. congratulations. >> anchor julie hayneer and producer and report eastern john fouler has a story on diseases and joe self brody took home graphic designs for the chinese new year's parade coverage, claudine, how did it feel? >> it was a nice night and a nice way to end it and certainly we had other folks who do such great work and who were nominated. it is a whole team effort, isn't it rosemary orozco, we love to be part of this and now that i am tired i want great weather. >> i am going to bring it. a very proud moment, congratulationsels claudine and we are looking at nice weather for father's day and temperatures along the coast will remain cool and we will remain socked in with fog and if you are thinking about going, it should be mostly sunny this afternoon. upper 50s to lower 60s and 70s at the bay, and now the seasonal temperatures will be giving way to what we will be typically getting this time of year and monday and tuesday will be the coolest days. we have a warmup coming our way and we should begin late in the week. your forecast for today, the low clouds, we are going to stay clear back to the coast by 10:00 and 11:00. for our inland communities, 50s around the bay as well as brentwood in the lower 60s by the way. lower 50s around the coast and for the lunch hour mild around the bay as well as inland around the 60s and 70s. your forecast showing you that cooling trends and today only subtle changes from yesterday and as we get to monday and tuesday, temperatures will continue to drop each day and then we begin that turn around and mostly sunny on tuesday and thursday and if you are going to the amount ofs game for father a day i have that game coming up. this is certainly the first day of harley davidson and yesterday bikers began in rome and in total they ran through the streets for vintage versions of the motorcycle. it was a first in its history and the reaction of national guard after they set up a recruiting booth at the gay pride festival in sacramento. runners right now are making their way across to san francisco taking part in the san francisco marathon. we will tell you about some of the tighter security measures in place after the boston bombing. sow . and they are off, good morning everybody, i am brian flores, mike has the day off. >> happy father's day to brian and all the other dads out there and there are many dads and moms running through san francisco right now and for the san francisco marathon, it is expected to draw about 6,000 runners right now and it has been impacted and live in san francisco with the extra security measures facing runners this morning, alex? >> reporter: good morning, because of all of those additional security measures put in place for this year's event, a lot of runners told me they arrived a half hour early just to make sure they got here on time. this is the finish line and shortly we will be seeing the elite runners crossing the finish line. i want to talk about some of the new rules and one of those new rules is there are only small bags allowed as a result of what happened in boston. in addition the area of the embarcadero where the start and finish is located, this has been sealed oven tirely for the first time ever -- sealed off entirely for the first time at this event and we are just trying to make this as safe as it can be. >> and this is what things looked like this morning as the first wave of runners left along the finish line and all told, that is down by about 5,000 or so participants from years passed. they respond to the boston bombings and there are extra police officers on hand and all along the race course as well. bomb-sniffing dogs have been called in to deal with any suspicious they found. they came in to deal with all of this extra security and a lot of people i spoke to said it was all worth it. >> if there is anything expected i would appreciate it. and you know makes it a half hour early than just being here. >> i want to take you down to a live picture from our golden gate bridge camera showing this course. these runners make their way along there, where a couple of areas of traffic is closed down and they will be closed for the next few hours where they can run north and they turn around and they head back to san francisco. with that in mind as the runners make their way across the cities there will be quite a few street closures throughout the afternoon which includes a major closure here on the embarcadero. it is shut down and will be until 1:00 when the last writtenners will be cross being the finish line and as you see a live picture, those elite runners are expected to cross within the next half hour and we will be back with you later for mornings on 2 and for now we are live in san francisco, alex savage, ktvu channel 2 morning news. a word of warning to drivers there is going to be a lot of road closures throughout the city and check out the map on your screen. if it looks complicated, it stretches 26 miles with harrison and those will be closed and as i mentioned, the water goes along the waterfront ocean beach and golden gate bridge. >> they are trying to run their way into the record books and this will be for 28-year-old nadia ruiz. she will finish 100 marathons and she is e to do that. and he hiked the marathon annex summer he will start the hike and needs to complete 48 miles a day for six weeks to complete the world record. we will bring up dates throughout the day right here on ktvu channel 2 morning news. we want to turn to breaking news out of oakland, an 11-year- old boy was rushed to the hospital as he slept in his own bed. police say around 5:00 a.m. somebody on the street fired numerous rounds into add line and oakland -- into another street crossing near oakland. police say he will make a full recovery. investigators are looking for a motive behind the attack. we are learning barrels of oily rags spark add fire outside of novato. you can see the big mess the fire left behind. >> 100 by 100 feet and we were able to quickly extinguish the fire. >> firefighters were able to keep the flames from spreading. and two men have been left homeless after a destroyed detached garage. one decided to put the fire out with a hose. firefighters say it was filled with items which helped to fuel the fire and they also had smoke damage as well. >> el cerrito police are hoping somebody will recognize the suspects. go ahead and take a look. the two suspectels drove up to the avenue and a black door mercedes -- mercedes pointed a gun at the clerk and one pointed one at the door. they got away with a laptop. he was forced to make an emergency landing. the eagle carrying the president was on its way from philadelphia to dallas when the pilot smelled smoke in the cockpit. former former president bush was not hurt. and the ordeal is under investigation. the accident happened shortly after the plane took off from a small rural airport. witnesses say they knew there was trouble even before the plane went down because they heard that engine stall out. a chp helicopter happened to be flying at the time and took the pilot to the medical center. the ntsb is not going to investigate because it was an experimental model. the california national guard and the air force had a recruiting station at the air pride. she waited for a long time to serve but the don't ask don't tell policy kept her from enlisting. >> i feel i can do anything now. >> they recruited at that event and plans to visit events across the state all summer. we can learn as soon as tomorrow whether gay marriage will be legal in california and they could soon hand it down and the court has until the end of the month to announce the decision. what legal experts are predicting. we will bring you the decision on proposition 8 and we will have continuing coverage on air and on line and we will go in- depth with an additional hour of news. and 8 and 10 men want to be fathers and most men want to be facilitying a long history and when compared to women, it improves their overall happiness. tcby is dishing out free food and they can order a second order of wings at hooters. and they took some time out of their busy schedules to wish them a happy father's day. >> happen pip father's day to my dad. >> happy father's day to all you dads and happy father's day to pops. >> the giants are out of town as they face the braves in atlanta so if you want to get your dad tickets, they will be back in town. meanwhile, the oakland a's are taking on the seattle mariners and the first 10,000 fans have lost the last two games and we are hoping for a win today. we hope to hear how you plan to celebrate and and you can tell us how you plan on spending this very special day. rose mare, this is perfect for the san francisco marathon? >> yes. if you are going to be doing some running or dad wants to bicycle, we have sunshine where we had clouds giving you a mix of sun and clouds over the ba y bridge this morning. in san francisco, temperatures are in the lower 50s and some of you are are seeing sunshine gut it is a little cooler and it is night to see it outside. parts of the north bay and it is a chilly start in your neighborhood 55 in hayward 56 mountain view, banked up against the coastline where it will remain once again and some areas into the north bay, waking up with sunshine where we had most live cloudy skies yesterday, we went north, let's head to the peninsular, 57 belmont and it is a nice day for you, back to the mid-to- upper 70s and 54 saratoga go, 54 in sarah towing and we will -- sarah saratoga and again we are remain in the 50s like yesterday. this will remain and eventually near the coastline early in the week monday tuesday we'll see our coolest temperatures but for now the on shore breeze continues to transport that cool moist air into the bay area and it will continue to bring us mild weather. at game time, if you are going to see the amount ofs play. 78 petaluma 76 san rafael. if you are going to be hanging by the water choose one of those restaurants. perfect day for bark yard barbecue and it's not going to be hot. into the santa clara valley, 76 for cupertino, 74 sunnyvale and if you are planning on taking the kids that way, 75 redwood city, low 6s. and today it is a lot like what we felt yesterday and if we get into tomorrow notice temperatures continue to cool and team will be the coolest day. wednesday we begin a turnaround and wednesday night summer soles tis arrives as we get into the second half of the week and into the weekend. back to the desk. 61-year-old gerard was pulled from the waters yesterday morning and that area is a popular spot for divers. his death is still under investigation and it is the 5th abalone anyp related death on the coast this year. a tragedy will have a lasting affect. the annual full proof fair long took place with many more safety enforcements. there were many more boats compared to a year ago when the low speed chase capsized. this included random safety checks after the race to make sure everyone complied with the new safety of standards. >> if you are not an experience police department skipper, then you don't belong doing the fair lons race. >> the race is traditionally help in april when the weather is better. those who finish the finish line first, it is owned by frank cruden, a high tech company. it is called no father's day, and it is a specific message about gun violence. and the san francisco marathon is going on this morning and mornings on 2 continues, and we will be back in two minutes. oar. >> welcome back, it is a great morning for a run, partly cloudy and cool. they are asking dads to show their support for gun control this father's day and it shows pictures of father's who have been victims of gun violence and they are asking participants to demand the passage of gun control legislation. the debate in los gatos is about to heat up and the consider is considering a new ordinance some residents are upset about a gunshot opening up without a public hearing and they are discussing these meetings before any gun shops could open. mcarthur has not said whether he supports the bill and it is headed to congress. >> reform is the only sensible way forward for our nation. >> house of republicans is calling for border security before any deal on citizenship. >> this morning prayer services are being held for nelson mandela. the former south africa president has been in the hospital for a week with a lung infection but officials say his condition has been improving. it is the 4th time and he has been here a long time protest ago part tied. -- apart tied. -- protesting apart tied. iraq has seen an alarming spike in violence and nearly 2000 people have been killed since the start of april. >> riot police used tear gas to clear protesters in istanbul and turkey. bulldozers also collected debris with antigovernment protesters in the scare for more than two weeks and more than 5,000 has been affected. the 5.9 magnitude quake hit midnight in mexico city. apartment buildings and sky scrapers were swaying. so far there are no reports of serious damage or injuries. a massive fire in downtown indianapolis forced firefighters to evacuate several blocks. neighbors say they heard numerous explosions likely from propane tanks. >> i heard this huge explosion that shook my windows and it was pretty crazy. >> smoke and fire could be seen from miles away. heavy rain is causing serious flash-flood being in missouri. the downpour caused a number of accidents and there were several reports of flooded homes and water rescues throughout the day and high winds knocked out power and most of the area has been restored. this is the first official day of moon soon season and this is video from that area. there was minor flooding in low- lying areas. they closed for a second time this month and the building on 7th street was damaged after a third floor toilet broke causing severe flooding. the cost to clean up is estimated between 100 and $250,000. four days of budget hearings are beginning as supervisors search for ways to make up a $67 million shortfall. they are considering 28 million from county departments and they also plan to collect 28 million in november and more than $21 million from contexts concessions -- concessions. and this is a second year petaluma nonprofit agencies, they claim they are at a disadvantage since they had an extra day in sales, firework boosts are raising money for the year. they will consider their request for tonight. when we come back we will check in once again and the marathon is currently underway. and he wrote them and the special insight of giving one man about his late father. i will have a timeline coming up. at farmers we make you smarter about insurance, because what you dont know can hurt you. what if you didn't know that it's smart to replace washing-machine hoses every five years? what if you didn't know that you might need extra coverage for more expensive items? and what if you didn't know that teen drivers are four times more likely to get into an accident? 'sup the more you know, the better you can plan for what's ahead. talk to farmers and get smarter about your insurance. ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum -bum ♪ . we have alex savage and we have a live picture and this is causing road closures and this is a big event, thousands of runners are making their way along the waterfront and it's a beautiful day for a marathon and of course we will keep you updated on mornings on 2. armature golfer is showing he has what it takes to compete with big names like phil mickelson and tiger woods, at one point he climbed to within two shots after a lead with a birdie on the 15th. he ended the day in the 10th spot and is hoping to climb back up there today. and a gift from a stranger is giving one stranger an organ and they were writ tone his son. after a little research, she traced the letters to jar ray steel, the -- gary steel, the soldier. >> what a father's day gift this was. >> yeah. >> because, this is what a father's day gift should be. >> he said his father passed away and had not talked much about his days in the war and now he is getting to know his father all over again. >> it is great she took the time to track him down. >> let's go to rosemary. not much to complain about unless you were hoping to hang out at the beach today, we have temperatures on the cool side and we will remain with overcast skies perhaps ocean beach as well and if you are thinking about heading to the beach, lower 70s with most live sunny skies and around the bay and inland it is going to be mild, and warm and it is going to feel good. still in the upper 40s for parts of the north bay, lower 60s to around the coast and bay inland, mostly sunny skies, turning mild inland and for your noontime, maybe you have lunchtime planned inland and 60s around the bay, upper 50s and 60s. some of us are waking up mostly sunny where we were cloudy and partly cloudy at the coast. san francisco, concord livermore fair fold, nice and warm even though it is warm enough for a swimming pool . continue as we get back to work on monday and we begin to rebound wednesday and thursday even warmer summer soles tis arrives, -- summer soles tis arrives tuesday. we cannot beat that picture out there and we have more on how the race is going and we will have more on the extra security in place. they are waiting for a chance to represent the country on the world's stage. i would like to wish my father a happy father's day and a shout out to all my family members. hey, look! a shooting star! make a wish! i wish we could lie here forever. i wish this test drive was over, so we could head back to the dealership. [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. test drive! [ male announcer ] but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a jetta. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down, $0 due at signing, $0 deposit, and $0 first month's payment on any new volkswagen. visit today. . right now thousands of runners are taking place in this race with all the increased security measures. i would like to say happy father's day to my father and hello to nieces family and friends, miss you guys, wish i was there. and more on father's day celebration taking place. an 11-year-old boy is rushed to the hospital after bullets are found in the walls of his home. . good morning, it is june 16th, happy father's day, i am claudine wong. >> and let's check in with rosemary orozco. >> we have a nice day in store and happy father's day to all of you out there and still the stun has been up for more than two hours right now and only minor changes in the forecast for your afternoon and we will continue with this cooling trend and further down the road there is a warmup in store and i will have your numbers for today coming up. new this morning, an 11- year-old was wounded by gunfire as he slept in his home. somebody on the street fired a round in oakland. several people were sleeping at the time and a bullet grazed the boy. his injury is not considered serious and police say he will make a full recovery. >> even what we know, it could have been from a street or from a car and we have reports of the vehicle driving away from the scene. >> investigators say the car was white and right now they are not sure if it was connected to the shooting. somebody shot at the apartment but although they don't believe it was gang-related and they were searching for two suspects after an 18-year-old was shot and killed. shots were fired and the teen had been attending a party for a child. this is vallejo's 14th homicide of the year. and for a massive manhunt for christopher doerner, they declared it alex collins day. it happened during the search for former police officers and he said is he feeling better every day. >> being here for my wife and son and he is three weeks old at the time so, every day i am just glad i made it. >> collins received injuries to his leg, arm and jaw and he is hoping to return to duty before the end of the year. and happening now, runners are taking over the streets for the san francisco marathon and i want to give you a look at the start and finish lines between mission and harrison and they are going to be completely closed and alex savage is at the finish line for some of the elite runners where they have crossed, right? >> yes, we have a couple of those runners in fact the men's winter came across and here you can see the big crowd gathered along the end partly cloudy and i was just given this man's name. hopefully i am not messing it up too poorly and i was just asking for some of that from a few moments ago. let me show you what the vane was like from the -- what the scene was like from the embarcadero. it was 5,000 fewer parents pants -- participants than they had in years past. they had extra security measures put in place with bomb- sniffing dogs and the embarcadero where the start and finish lines have been sealed off for the first time this year and ris have been checking all of the bags that come in. runners and spectators tell me they really done mind. >> i noticed more security but it really didn't take me longer and a lot of people were worried so it was nice to see race directors are putting stuff together. >> also new this year, vasoofficials are putting a size limit, nothing bigger than a piece of paper is allowed for security reasons. and there will be a number of street closures this morning along the 22.6-mile course the runners will be taking and especially here along the embarcadero along the waterfront, these closures will be affected and also muni cars are there this morning. alex savage ktvu channel 2 morning news. well, more details, we want to give you a look at your traffic, picture perfect out there and as you can see run remembers still making their way across the bridge. that may affect traffic is the people slow down to take a look at the runners and watch out for them. they should also be on the lookout for road closures throughout the morning and they are there for the runners and they will shut down parts of the bridge and the city streets as people make their way through. post guard view of the bridge this morning. and now it is already a popular event and they are hoping to make it even bigger and they have races around the world in order to attract more apartments pants -- participants. the marathon is said to generate $0 million for the city. bicycle traffic is expected to top the agenda on the san francisco's market street. supervisors are expected to ask for details in a plan to move bikes off market and on to a bike line. they say it will improve safety and some say it will make it harder for cyclist to get to businesses. a man died after carrying a family of 6 on the road. the couple in the van and their children were rushed to the hospital. >> we are ask people to pay attention to the traffic signals and make sure they stop for the red lights and we have a real problem with people trying to stretch the orange into yellows and not stopping at all. >> they are asking as well. he was there after a visit to thbay area. the vice-president spend an hour at the sunny evaluate hospital. >> i enjoy it. >> he said keep up the great work, and you know they take time to come to little smaller places. >> the vice-president also endorsed south bay congressman, mike conger and they addressed education. they have gained the upper hand on the most detruck city of -- destructive fire in history. it is now 50% don't attained. homeowners are returning first time. >> we are ready staffed and equipment, show yourself, we will take care of it, we want the fire to come out now. >> two people have died in that fire. it is 8:09 and it is noticeably cooler out there. and around the bay, it actually helps to insulate us and we are waking up with partly cloudy skies and napa is 8 degrees cooler and now with the sunshine overhead, your temperatures are rebounding nicely and you are only about a degree cooler than where you sat this time yesterday. mostly cloudy along the coastline and that is what we'll see again. they continue through the delta and we have a gentle breeze through napa and concord. 57 for napa 53 for santa rosa and catching up for you santa rosa where we started in the upper 40s and you can see a nice rebound. 57 redwood city 54 half-moon bay, cool start along the bay and we have some nice temperatures in the east already. 58 lafayette as well as orinda. in pittsburgh 68 in brentwood. we are a few degrees cooler than where we were head. partly cloudy skies than the bay areas and it the going to shift east and for today, we are talking 70s around the bay, 60s at the coast and we will stretch it into until we get to the afternoon. 79 for knap knap 79 for novato upper 60s in richmond and you have such a wide range of numbers and you can pick what you like and head into that direction. 69 for san leandro, 76 san jose, 80 degrees for morgan hill, low 70s in santa cruz. and 76 for san mateo and mostly cloudy at the coast. your extended forecast, cool trends continues, tomorrow and tuesday is the coolest day and nearing 80 degrees by thursday, summer soles tis arrives and the first full day of summer will be looking up. their favorite treats are being turned into a local boost. and new safety of measures are being proposed. lclo [ slurps ] [ laughs ] ♪ [ female announcer ] hey ladies. you love it. you've got to have it. cinnamon toast crunch, 'cause that cinnamon and sugar is so irresistible. everybody craves those crazy squares.® made gluten-free cereals in a bunch of yummy flavors. like cinnamon chex, honey nut chex, and chocolate chex... we're in cereal heaven. so thanks. from the mcgregors, 'cause we love chex. . time now is 8:14 the press is congratulations iran after he was declared the winner, thousands took to the streets to celebrate the news. white house j carney was concerned about a lack of transparency and they won the election with more than 50% of the vote and the voter turnout was 72%. north korea said the meeting would lower tensionings and achieve peace within the region and the white house has not yet responded but the bar for resuming negotiations is higher now. analysts say the north often calls for talks in order to win contextings from other countries. they now have a chance to veto any parts he does not like even though they approved a billion dollar budget and yesterday they held a rare session for spending packages. the votes were a long party lines while republicans were opposing them and with revenues, lawmakers have been fighting overspending over issues of dental care and funding scholarships. >> i think they are on a bit of a role here and we will continue it. >> well, one lawmaker, you see right there, he is ecstatic and the legislature wrapped up measures and he left around noon to fly home because he is getting married. here are the three major bills passed and the state will also provide financial aid to college students for families earning up to 50,000 a year and it will eventually cost 800 million annually. and for the cy projects, governor brown appears to be pleased with the project and after 2. 5 years of struggle and difficult times, california's budget is sustainable into the future. some state lawmakers have some issues to include and one includes limousine safety. five brides to be were on the bridge and 10 elderly women in their 90s escaped when their limo started burning. they included fire extinguishers -- they want to include fire extinguishers in the limousines. transit officials say the new buses get better gas mileage and have breaks costing $13,000 and the new buses are heart of an upgrade to upgrade the entire fleet. they are showing support for edward snowedden and he's a former employee to leaked information about the surveillance programs. >> he had insider knowledge of the surveillance programs and i think at great personal risk he was willing to expose this to the world. >> snowedden told the china newspaper that you states hacked 61,000 targets including ones in china. right now he is believed to be in hong kong. they are trying to shows domestic violence programs and they are showing information from the national security agency and without going into passive i can, they avoided 20 others against a database of millions of phone records. sales of online apps to include them, they make it impossible to include them to monitor private communication. they scramble the contents making any communication worth less. but both phones need the app in order for it to work. they will fly for the summit and it includes the u.s., england japan and germany. other topics include how to handle assyrian crisis and the white house plans on giving support. they plan to protest riding poverty. an ice cream store is hoping to use that summit to drum up business. >> we have individual leaders where they would like it. and we found out he likes almonds. >> and others include coffee and vodka for the russian president and the ice cream shop is hoping they will bring some of the world leaders through their doors. harley davidson is recording into roam. coming up it is a great day for a ballgame and i will have the numbers for your neighborhood as well. . welcome back to mornings on 2 and if you are looking for a way to celebrate, there are a few events going on around the area and the ss hornets is holding a living ship event and you can see flight operations and meet former crew operations and that begins at 0 a.m. at peer 3 in alameda. then at the historic parkings bring your dad down for a toy training visit and that begins at 11:00 in center road. and in concord, they are hosting a father's day chilly cook off and doesn't that sound yummy. that will include music and that's located between mt. diablo and grant street and that begins at 11:00. mystical foreign why will include -- miss california will include somebody studying broadcast journeyism and she is -- journalism and she is a spokesperson for certainties ceases. and they are blessing 800 motorcycles and their riders. yesterday they began gathering in roam to begin the celebration and in total 3 5,000 people rode through the streets on modern and vintage versions of the classic motorcycle. it is taking place in st. peters' scare. we want to congratulation some members of the channel 2 news team. >> and the emmy goes to... whew! this is fitting for me... >> rita williams announced mornings on 2 won and executive producer and torii campbell and myco anchor surviving on four hours of sleep, claudine wong, and tom accepted the emmy for overall station excellence. >> i want to congratulate the nominees and congratulate all of you who i have had the pleasure to work with for the last 18 years you guys bring it every single day, this is for you guys. >> an inspiration. >> and ron acer and tony won a best feature in news emmys and they won emmys for their reports for symptoms mimicking alzheimer's and joe self brody took home an emmy -- joseph brody took home an emmy as well for news coverage. it was a nice event and mornings on 2 begins every day and how nice of a day are you delivering up for us. >> i love mild weather, mostly sunny skies and 70s and if this is your weather, that is what i have in store for you. it is not the best day to head to the coast but 65 degrees, most live sunny skies and a nice on shore breeze. at this hour, temperatures rages -- ranging in the 50s and warming to the upper 60s so it is a nice morning to have it and mostly cloudy and cool. mostly cloudy and cool for half- moon pacifica on the coastline and elsewhere lower 50s in the forecast, mid-60s and then for your lunchtime a mild one and lower 70s around the bay and inland areas and areas like livermore, santa rosa, antioch, this cool trend is not going away and it is going to continue back to work and take a look at that, temperatures will begin to rebound as early as mid-week wednesday and models are going into next weekend, back to you. 8:28, a winner is coming up in the san francisco bay as this year's competitors ran safe city of checks and a -- safety checks and a list of new rules. >> joseph naso is preparing to defend himself for murder. ♪ [ male announcer ] wouldn't it be great if all devices had backup power? the chevrolet volt does. it's ingeniously designed to seamlessly switch from electricity to gas to extend your driving range. no wonder volt is america's best-selling plug-in. that's american ingenuity to find new roads. the 2013 volt. charge ahead of the rest in the hov lane. ♪ . they are shutting it down and bringing a heavy police presence, welcome to mornings on 2, i am claudine wong. mike has the morning off. happening now for professional runners they are all taking part and the mail winner crossed -- male winner crossed about a half hour ago. alex savage joins us at the end of the race, good morning, alex. >> runners and spectators, they are all -- it has not been too much of a problem and some are showing up early just to make sure they can get in, in time and here is a crowd gathered right around the embarcadero. >> just a new minutes ago they crossed the finish line. >> there is the men's winner, and he is from paris france. he came in two hours, 25 minutes and 14 seconds and that's the official time here today. he told me the hills posed a huge challenge but he was able to push through. a woman pushed across the finish line for the san francisco marathon and the woman on the woman's side is anna who grew up in the berkeley area and she said during this race she was running with her training partner and he inspired her. >> i was not alone and i had somebody to run with and it really helps. it is such a great experience here. >> meantime, this security has been stepped up after the boston bombings and there are extra police officers on hand all along the race route, there is a start and finish line where they are low date dated and it has been sealed off. i can show you what happens if you want to get into this area and you have to go through this security checkpoint to check for anything unusual and that's a first time to move here at this and fran marathon. most of the runners are out there on the course as more and more people begin to cross the finish line but more and more has been decided. alex savage, ktvu channel 2 morning news. >> all right, alex, thank you very much. they are trying to run their way into the record books as well and this will be the 100th marathon for nadia ruiz. once she crosses she will be eligible for the marathons and to make things more memorable, they will start in under 46 days. he will be holding an event after he finish is the event on pier 39. he needs to compete 48 miles a day. the trial of suspected serial killer begins tomorrow in marin county and he is charged with murdering four people in 1994. he is going to act as his own lawyer although he will have help from a public defender who will serve as advisory council. they have evidence with dna linking him to the scene. and a reason hotel robbery, they are hoping somebody recognizes it. ey drove to a super 8 motel on the avenue on thursday night. one man pointed a semiautomaker gun at a clerk. the suspects got away with cash in the register and a laptop. we have information with mortgages on 2 -- mornings on 2. they were shot and killed by sheriff's deputies and it will remain closed today. they are loaded with a 357 revolver after closing late thursday night. word spread and they say they will be more vigilant in light of what happened. >> this is scary and i was like if this happens to my shop because i worked long hours. a restaurant worker who grabbed the suspect's arms is recovering from minor powder burns and they are being told not to speak to reporters. the debate over gun selling loss in los gatos is about to heat up. they are considering a new ordinance regulating gun dealers. the issue is scheduled for tomorrow night and a gun shop opened last night without a public hearing. they would require any before any gun shops can open. >> immigrants are more fertile and they bring a younger population. >> as you heard, a former governor of florida said they should support immigration reform because immigrants are more for theel and bush said it results in larger families. jed bush is a possible candidate in 2016. and at sacramento's festival, for the first time they had a recruiting place at the parade and the response was overwhelming. one woman waited a long time to serve but the don't ask don't tell kept her from enlisting. >> superman super woman, whatever . the national guard also plans to visit across the state all summer. we could learn as soon as tomorrow whether gay marriage will be legal tomorrow. the court has until the end of the month to announce its decisions but and coming up what level experts are predicting and they will bring you a new de we have an additional half hour of coverage on the decision. they will have a lasting impact on a popular competition on san francisco bay. the annual race took place with many more safety rules and enforcement. there were many more boats when the boat, the low speed chase capsized killing five crew members. this included many to make sure they complied with the new safety of standards. >> if you are not a person with experience you don't belong doing the race. >> the smooth sailing was credited to the good conditions and it was moved to june when the weather is generally better. and the boat is owned biden miss crudeman a high tech company. >> i can't get over this, we have been showing it all morning and rosemary, we always get through and not today, it is gorgeous out there. and temperatures started out on the cool side and now we are warming up and feeling quite nice. temperatures will continue to climb and some of those subtle changes have been overcast skies yesterday and how about a view of the bay bridge, you can see the cloud deck and a half moon bay and passive can, i think they will fan out for the second half of the day and many of our beaches will remain gray. we have mild weather and that system has not budged a whole lot and if looks like it has not moved and it really has not and it will eventually move east and come in over the next couple of days and our temperatures will go from being seasonal for this time of year. meanwhile they will continue with that cool marine air and it will continue to move inland so we had the warmest air and our temperatures are cooling off and today write about what we felt yesterday.$♪ temperatures are in the lower 80s for inland communities and at the coastline we will remain partly to mostly cloudy and temperatures will remain in the lower 50s and 60s. 55 in oakland upper 50s redwood city low 50s half-moon bay and we have climbed a couple of degrees since this morning. 58 los gatos hills and mostly sunny skies yesterday and partly cloudy over the peninsular. we get through the morning hours and it again begins to thin out and by noontime, it is thick overcast skies and by 2:00 it is turning partly cloudy. on shore breeze will strengthen with that sea breeze blowing and we are aware of that as mostly cloudy skies remain at the coast. 76 san rafael, upper 60s inland and milpitas and 69 san mateo, the last day of the san mateo county fair and low 60s and upper 60s up the coast and your e-telled forecast, -- your extended forecast. we do begin a rebound on wednesday and some arrives with a warmup expected for the first weekend of summer, back to you. >> thank you. a father's day surprise after a total stranger returns letters after they wrote them during world war ii. it is foggy but not bad at all as they make their way across that span and there is some road closures along the embarcadero, happen pip father's -- happy fathers' day and you are watching mornings on 2. . thank you for joining us. heavy rain is causing serious conditions flash-flooding in missouri. the downpour strapped drivers and did cause a number of accidents like the one you saw right there. we had water rescues throughout the day and high winds knocked down some power poles however most of that electricity has been restored. it affectioned much of the missouri. and people got soaked on the first official day of monsoon weather. people were caught off guard by torrential rain. in iraq, 10 people were killed in coordinated attacks. gunmen also attacked a remote stretch in the northern part of that country. they have seen an alarming spike and nearly 2000 have been killed since the start of april. they are going to clear protesters in istanbul. bulldozers tore down tents and four people have been hurt and more than 5,000 have been injured in the protest. >> this morning prayer services are being held for nelson mandela. the former south africa president has been in the hospital with a lung infection but officials say his condition is improving. he has been hospitalized since december and he has had lung problems since the days he spent in captivity protesting. the 5.9 magnitude quake hit midnight south of mexico city. quakes an apartment buildings and sky scrapers are swaying. so far there have been no reports of serious damage or injuries. and immigration reform, the nuns marched through kevin's office to create a path to citizenship for undocumented images but they have not said whether they suppt >> this is the only sensible way forward for our nations. >> house republicans have called for improvements before any deal on citizenship. new york mayor michael bloomberg will be the key note speaker today. the ceremony starts off at 10:00 a.m. and it starts off as the 22nd commencement and they want to know how to make the world a better place. leon panetta said they too can make a difference. >> i had no idea, no idea that i could impact on the policy of this country or on people's lives, but i did and so can you. >> leon panetta received a law degree and they are now working for the common good. and after closing for a second time this month, the building on 7th street was damaged after the toilet broke causing severe flooding. the cost of the cleanup is estimated between 100 and $250,000 and the 4th of july holidays are fighting to add another day of firework sales. this is the second year petaluma has asked the city to allow for firework sales. they said the other has firework sales and they are raising money for the year and they are going to consider that. >> they took some time out of their busy schedules to enjoy a special father a day. >> happy father's day to all of you and thank you for everything. >> this video was posted on the giant's website as they face the braves in atlanta and if you want to get your dad tickets they will be back tomorrow. meantime they are offering something special today when they take on the seattle partners and they will -- mariners. the as are expecting big crowds and so far they have lost the last two and are hoping for a win today. we are hoping to find out how you plan to celebrate. you can leave comments or post a picture of how you are spending this special day. and one man is giving a special father a day to remember. they were written to his son. after a little research, she traced the letters to gary steel, the son of that soldier. >> the most important thing that comes up is what a father's day gift this was. this is what a father's day gift should be. >> he said his father passed away and had not known much during his days in the war. they got a very special present and kim kardashian gave birth to a baby girl and kardashian went into labor friday night five weeks before her due date, despite the early birth, she and the baby are doing well. it's not halloween but thousands are in costume in las vegas and we will tell you why. another round of pleasant weather for your father's day and partly cloudy skies, patchy fog along the bay and i will have your temperatures coming up. hi. ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum - bum♪ want to start the day with something heart healthy and delicious? you're a talking bee... honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol. and it tastes good? sure does! right... ♪ wow. delicious, right? yeah. it mes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. faso you want to save on autoof insurance?. drive a hybrid. get good grades. lose the bling. go paperless. combine policies. make automatic payments. and of course, talk to farmers. hi ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum - bum♪ . time now 854 and the last day of the convention in las vegas. it gives fans a chance to meet the artists behind their favorite inventions based on comic book charters. >> you get to be somebody you liked in the comic book. >> it is considered a preview for a much larger convention held in san diego. thousands have helped to name the newest addition to the sea world and they are searching to find a name for him and 12,000 people voted and they named him wind in hawaiian. the school is celebrating a very special school. six guide dogs met their new owners and the hand over was an emotional event. >> if you walk in there most of them will see happy tears but a lot of the hard work went in for people. >> one of those dogs has already proved himself a hero. o'neil managed to alert his trainers when he pulled his trainer to safety. >> i think he is going to be a great guide dog. >> i think he has gotten it down. >> and it is noticeably cooler and we have the details on your forecast. good morning. minor changes, it is slightly warmer because as you know many of us workup with sunshine and we have low clouds around the bay this morning along the coast, a few of the far inland areas upper 60s to near 70s. 10:00 a.m. mostly sunny skies low 50s at the coast and as we get into the lunch hour it may be a great day to have lunch outside for dad and 78 for the area and low 80s and areas like concord and walnut creek, 83 for brentwood and one of the warmer spots here. it will be nice and pleasant if you are going to the amount ofs and 76 jose and santa clara along the peninsular, nice one for you. and the north beach festival continues and the extended forecast, this cooling trend brian mentioned will continue as we get back to work tomorrow. low 70s is below the seasonal average for this time of year and we have a warming trend as we start summer and back to next weekend, back to you. we want to tell you about the new recall. and the housing area could be ready to pop and some have decided to already drop out. . thousands of runners are taking part in the san francisco marathon and we will show you men and women who took part. and shots were fired overnight and we will have more on what we are learning about the suspect. several are injured and why investigators say it could have been prevented. this is ktvu channel 2 morning news mornings on 2. june 16th, happy father's day to you. mike has the morning off and for your father's day forecast, whether you are headed out to play golf or brunch a little later this morning we have more for we started out cool but temperatures are mild out there in many cases and only subtle changes in store for your afternoon today and the cooling trend will continue and i will have those numbers lined up for you coming up. happening right now, san francisco marathon, the first elite runners crossed that finish line and so far we have not heard of anything in light of the boston marathon attack. they are at the end of the course where there are happy exhausted runners. i put the emphasis on exhausted and that's for sure. we just finished this and came back to the embarcadero. one of the most noticeable changes just to get into this area and this is all in light of the boston bombings to make sure everybody will be safe for everybody taking part in this race. a good crowd as we turn you around and you can see a nice crowd gathered around the finish line not that long ago and the winners were crowned right here. this was the scene a little over an hour ago as the men's team crossed the finish line. from france, he ran this in two minutes and 25 seconds -- excuse me two hours and 25 minutes and 14 seconds. a few minutes after that, 20 minutes or so after that the first crossed the finish line and she spoke to me about what helped heroin today. >> it really helpedden and it is such a great experience out here, i love this race. spectators had to deal with this and all of it are dealing with extra police presence and bomb-sniffing dogs and they have been searching all of the bags coming into the finish line area coming into the embarcadero and they are limiting the sizes of the bags people can have a long the race course. runners are still making their way through the streets of san francisco and they are all finishing by 1:00 this afternoon. >> well with 20,000 runners it is already a popular event and organizers want to make it even bigger in the future. they want to make an effort to attract more participants but they are also in talks to start the time and expand the use of the golden gate bridge. the marathon is estimated to generate $0 million for the city. -- $40 million for the city. new this morning, an 11- year-old boy is wounded by gunfire as he slept in his home. somebody on the street fired numerous rounds in the streets of oakland. several people were sleeping in the apartment at the time. the boy was grazed by the bullet and was taken to the hospital. police say his injury is not considered serious and he will make a full recovery. >> it could be from at the street or from the car and we have reports of a vehicle driving away from the scene. >> investigators say the car was white and right now they are not sure if it was connected to the shooting and they are not sure what happened although they do not believe it was gang related. they are searching for suspects after an 18-year-old was shot and killed overnight. the victim was standing on sawyer street after shots were fired and the teen had been attending a party for a child. a pregnant woman and her four kids are recovering after being badly hurt in a car crash. the driver hit a red light before hitting a van carrying a family of six. the family was rushed to the hospital with severe injuries and the children have minor to moderate injuries. >> we are encouraging people to stop forehead lights. we have a real problem with people trying to stretch the yellows and oranges and some people are not stopping for the reds at all. >> they are looking into whether drugs or alcohol were track factors. -- were factors. joseph naso is charged with murdering four women between 1977 and 1994. he will have help from a public defender. jury selection will begin with joseph naso questioning perspective jurors. authorities and firefighters have gained the upper hand on the most destructive fire in history. it's now almost 45% contained and most evacuation orders have been lifted and they are okay to return home to survey the damage. close to 100 homes have burned. >> we are ready we are staffed, show yourself and we will take care of it. >> rain showers and calmer winds are helping firefighters and two people died in the fire. the bands will go into effect in sonoma counties and camp fires are allowed in campgrounds without permission. they are recalling more than 193,000 circuit board could short and start a fire. all the vehicles were from those model years and they are looking to repair them for free. they are worried the housing market could sink again. they jumped 17 to 18% and they are wondering how they could soon pop. more than a quarter of home sales is more than double the historical average. good morning to you, a live look at san jose and mostly sunny skies where we woke up mostly cloudy over san jose and temperatures are not anywhere near what we saw. a nice day in most cases and on shore breeze is blowing through fairfield 18 miles per hour and they picked up and overnight it was gusting to near 30s napa,  we have on shore breeze and i am picking up a north breeze and it is picking up certain parts of the coast. simpson beach down and around the west coast tip right around golden gate bridge park and i want to run it through today. they will continue to bring in that cool marine air and it will remain at the coastline. and we may actually see this thinning and we will be partly cloudy to mostly cloudy and temperatures will remain on the cool side. most live sunny around for most of the day and the sea breeze is picking up. inland communities, nice mild weather already outside your door, around the bay we have 50s and 60s as well as napa. forecasted highs are right around where we should be 78 petaluma, 76 san rafael, 76 el cerrito. 69 in oakland and in the santa clara valley for the afternoon, 76 san jose and 86 for morgan hill and a pleasant place to be, low 70s for the afternoon, 75 for redwood city, upper 60s in san mateo. and 63 san francisco, upper 60s to lower 50s at the coast. today a little change and tuesday will be the lowest average and then we begin a the average and the first full day will be on saturday and we look like we could have a nice warmup in store. i will have a look at your numbers coming up. and massive manhunt in southern california, how is sheriff's deputy recovers from the wounds he got with an accused killer. plus stamford is moving on and we will tell you who plans on giving them a few words of wisdom when they graduate today. first here is a look at the golden gate bridge, it looks like the final runners and trailing vehicles will open up that roadway as runners make their way across the bridge and san francisco marathon is taking over the waterfront in san francisco. it is 9:12 this is mornings on 2. look at them kids. [ sigh ] they have no idea what it was like before u-verse high speed internet. yeah, you couldn't just stream movies to a device like that. one time, i had to wait half a day to watch a movie. you watched movies?! i was lucky if i could watch a show. show?! man, i was happy to see a sneezing panda clip! trevor, have you eaten today? you sound a little grumpy. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. . welcome back, starting out with a beautiful shot of the bay and we do have beautiful air quality in the bay. governor brown has two weeks to sign the budget and veto any parts he doesn't like. even though the state legislature approved the $96 billion budget, yesterday lawmakers held a rare saturday session for related spending packages. the votes were a long party lines of republicans opposing them and lawmakers were fighting over how to spend it and issues ranged from dental care to funding scholarships. >> i think the state is on a bit of a role here and we will continue it. >> one lawmaker was happy things wrapped up and there is roger hernandez and he left around noon because he had to fly home so he could get married. and let's look at president barack obama's healthcare reform and medical will cover more than many low additional healthcare income workers and it will cover up to 150,000 a year . cost 1 million annually. there is also legislation awarding 2. $5 billion for universities and community colleges. how does governor brown feel about all of this? after two and a half years of struggle in difficult times, california's budget is balanced and sustainable into the future. some lawmakers have serious issues to consider this week. they will hold hearings on limousine safety. five women including a woman to be got killed on a bridge and in walnut creek, some women in their 90s barely escaped the limousine with caught fire and now they are requiring exits and fire extinguishers in the vehicles. he spent time shaking hands of customers. >> my niece is graduating and getting a master's degree. >> the vice-president endorsed mike honda and the two discussed issues facing the silicone valley and education. president barack obama will fly to the summit and it involves the leaders including u.s. japan and germany. international trade is going to be a central issue but other topics include how to handle the syrian crisis and the white house's announcement as they support opposition forces. mass demonstrations are protesting poverty. there is high nuclear talks with the u.s. and that meeting would achieve peace in the region. white house recently announced that the bar for resuming negotiations is now higher following the nuclear tests in december and january. and the north often calls for talks after raising tensions in order to raise concessions from other countries. they are trying to justify two controversial surveillance programs. they are trying to work on what they received from the ns . and they indicate the spy programs foiled plots in more than 21 countries. they say more than 200 fewer phone numbers were hacked. and 29-year-old edward snowedden, he is the former government employee who leaked information about the surveillance programs. >> i think he absolutely did the right thing and at great personal risk he was willing to expose this to the world. >> snowedden told the south china newspaper that the united states a hacked targets including mainland china. right now snowedden is believed to be in hong kong. there is a massive manhunt for christopher dorner. collins was shot several times in february during the search for the former los angeles police officer and he has finished his surgery and says he is feeling better every day. >> my son was three weeks old at the time, so every day i am just glad i made it. >> collins was injured in his leg arm and jaw and he is hoping to go back to duty before the end of the year. time is 9:20 and we are just minutes away from stamford's graduation. michael bloomberg is the key note speaker and the procession begins starting at 10:00. the school chose bloomberg because it wants graduates to consider how to make the world a better place. >> i had no idea, no idea that i could impact on the policy of this country or on people's lives. meantime leon panetta received a law degree and he talked about working for the common good >> >> and scary moments in tampa bay, why a player had to be rushed to the hospital mid- game. and at this hour, partly cloudy skies and temperatures are climbing, i will have what you can expect for your afternoon coming up. . it is hard to watch, he was on the mound when eric smashed that ball up the middle and he was hit in the head, he did suffer a concussion but fortunately he never lost consciousness. all medical tests came back normal but they kept him in the hospital overnight as a precaution. they will stop selling mugs with fake prescription labels. they are supposed to drink one by mouth and until awake and alert. they pulled the mugs and the others are undermining the fight against prescription drug abuse. and we want to remind you about the ktvu channel 2 morning news team. >> this is fitting for me, ktvu mornings on 2... >> there she is, rita williams announce had mornings on 2 won best newscast including michelle and bobby, anchor torii campbell. antigen roll manager tom mccony and they are congratulating them for station excellence. >> i want to congratulate everybody who i have had the opportunity to work with for the last 18 years, you guys bring it every day, congratulations this is for you. >> reporter john fowler did a story on the possible link between cell phones and breast cancer and our director joseph brody did a chinese new year's coverage. >> we want to congratulate them on all the great work they do here at ktvu and rosemary orozco is cooking up a fantastic forecast on this father's day and john in the studio is barbecuing so he needs a nice forecast to keep him cool. >> yes, sometimes june comes along and we have to see is it going to be too hot, no not at all and if you have a seat waiting for you at the a's came it is going to -- game it is going to be a nice day as well. upper 60s remaining throughout the afternoon, 69 for oakland and 69 for fremont along the peninsular, upper 50s to lower 60s with partly to most live cloudy skies at the coast. lower to mid-80s in our inland communities and it is a cooling trend which is not going away any time soon. we will take another step down on monday. coolest day for inland communities, 60s along the coast, we begin a warming trend and summer is arriving wednesday. fighting terrorism, why dick cheney said 9/11 attacks could have been presented. and -- prevented. and it is a perfect day for arrays while -- a race while thousands are stepping up security at this event. 7 signs of aging hair, like dryness and damage, virtually disappear. to make it act up to 10 years younger. my hair act its age? never. new age defy. hair acts up to 10 years younger. from the pantene expert collection. . welcome to mornings on 2, happy father's day. mike has the morning off. >> happening right now, the san francisco marathon is winding down and top runners have already finished. a runner from france won the men's race while there may have been accords race and he has his running shoes on as well, alex good morning. >> reporter: good morning and runners are continuing along the embarcadero and the finish line itself, we have a good sized crowd as they finish up the san francisco marathon finishing up that 2. 5-mile course. >> a little over an hour and a half ago, they finished the finish line and he ran in accords of two hours 25 minutes and 14 seconds. he told me some of the steep hills made him work for it today. the first woman came in, in two hours and 25 seconds. she told me after the race she was feeling good about 24 win. >> i assume i felt great so i assume i am training in the right direction and i am thrilled. meantime all of this is put in to place all testify in response to the boston marathon bombing. out here we had bomb-sniffing dogs as well and they had the finish line area along the embarcadero. one man said he believe is the extra security is all worth it. >> we work hard and train all year and it is better not to have some crazy dude ruin it for us. >> there were 20,000 runners taking part in this event and it is down from years past but many runners are still working their way across the city and you can expect street closures for the early afternoon. live in san francisco, alex savage, ktvu channel 2 morning news. they are trying to run their way into the record books and this will be the finish line for nadia ruiz. to make the day more memorable, she is running with her father. they are using this as a start for the campaign to hike the appalachian trail in under 46 days. he will be at the pier and needs to complete 48 miles a day for six weeks to take on the record. >> and a reason motel robbery is hoping somebody will recognize the suspects and these suspects drove up to the area in a black four door mercedes and one man pointed a gun at the clerk while the other got away. a caster valley fast-food restaurant, a robbery suspect was shot and killed by sheriff's deputies and authority sister say a gunman armed with a revolver snuck in and word of that incident has spread. they say they are going to be more vigilant in light of what happened. >> this is scary and if something happens to my shop or somebody else, up actually worked long hours and i actually stay here pretty late. >> a restaurant worker who is credited is recovering with minor powder burns and authorities have been told not to speak to reporters. they are asking about other fast food businesses. >> we are learning other rags spark add fire in novato. it broke at the uniform service at bell boulevard and you can see the fire he left behind. >> 100 feet by 100 feet, a large area of fire threatening delivery trucks and we arable to quickly extinguish the fire. >> and the fire threatened two nearby buildings but they were able to keep the fire from spreading. and one of the men suffered burns as the other man tried to put the fire out with a hoes. a nearby housing unit also had smoke damage. a diver has died in sonoma county. end was pulled from the water at salt point state park yesterday morning and that area is a popular spot and his death is still under investigation. it is the 5th diving death on the north coast just this year. it will have a lasting impact on san francisco bay and the annual fair lons race has more -- has many more safety checks after the race to make sure everyone complied with new safety standards. >> if you are not an experienced sailor, or skipper and if you do not have the equipment and education you do not belong doing this race. >> the winner crossed the finish line two hours earlier than expected and smooth sailing was because of good conditions. and the boat, the invisible a high tech san the ceo of e o diego company. they are the focus of a richmond arts center by jim due which the and he is a sailor after winning the mallory cup. >> bicycle traffic is expected to top the agenda and they are asking about a plan to move bicycles off market and on to a bike lane. separating drivers and cyclists would improve safety and the plan could impact mission street and accessing business on market. this morning we are getting a look at the flier buses and they are expecting to go into service for the first time on international boulevard. they get better gas mileage and can cut maintenance and also has air conditions. they are part of an upgrade after the entire fleet. and in san mateo county, they have suspended service for 10 routes during the summer. a live look at the bay and we have a little bit of fog just inside brought on by the humid air and we have many cases where we woke up with cloudy skies plenty of sunshine around the bay and inland still socked in with clouds and fog along the coast line. let's look at the on shore breeze, as it continues, 18 miles per hour, it has lit up to some and through the morning hours, right now we have an on shore breeze in concord and in the last half hour, a northwesterly breeze at fso and at half-moon bay that is helping to eat some of that fog there. so we are dealing with most live sunny skies around the beach as well as ocean beach and we are still plenty gray as well as around pacifica. we have mostly sunny skies and temperatures are warming and low 60s in livermore around the bay area, 61 and santa rosa around the peninsular and belmont you are checking in right around 63 and we have a beautiful day for graduation at stanford. partly cloudy skies 70s to lower 80s around the bay and inland for the afternoon. a little change for today and we will continue this cooling trend as we t into monday and tuesday where we bought him out in the lower 70s which is below average for this time of year as we close in on the final days of spring. in novato, 69 degrees and 69 for oakland, lower 80s in and around pittsburgh, 80 for livermore and just an enjoyable forecast for all of our families celebrate being. 76 san jose, 77 saratoga and santa cruz where we have most live sunny skies along the boardwalk. county fair is happening there and the north beach festival is continuing as long as the celebration is going on for the marathon and the extended forecast shows you just what i am talking about with this cooling trend and we get back to work on monday and upper 70s in the forecast on monday and we transition to lower 70s on tuesday and we begin to rebound to upper 70s on wednesday for the inland communities and summer arrives at 1004. dipping to 60 degrees at the lowest point and going back to mid-60s for thursday. and an armature golfer is showing he has what it takes to compete with phil mickelson and tiger woods. at one point he climbed within 2 shots of the lead after a birdie. he ended a day in the 10th spot and of course he will climb back up today. >> happy father's day to all of you dads out there and pops thank you for everything. >> the video was posted on the giant's website and they are facing the braves in atlanta but if you want to get your dad tickets they will be back tomorrow. meanwhile they are get a grant they are hoping for a win today and dad can get several deals. they are dishing up free canoly -- panellies. >> it all sounds great. be a it is a decision with a legal expert on how they decided on 8. and wrapping up right now, still a lot of closures there in the city and san francisco marathon as we mentioned we will keep you updated on weather traffic and it is a beautiful san francisco day, and you are watching ktvu channel 2 morning news. good morning! wow. want to start the day with something heart healthy and delicious? you're a talking bee... honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol. and it tastes good? sure does! right... ♪ wow. delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. [ roars ] ♪ ♪ [ roars ] ♪ [ roars ] ♪ [ male announcer ] universal studios summer of survival. ♪ . well, the supreme court could rule on california's prop 8 as early as tomorrow. joining us is the university law professor talking about the prop 8 and possible outcome. good morning. >> good morning. >> so first let me just ask you, do you have a prediction on what they will decide? >> yes, of course i could be wrong and my prediction is that the courts' result will be that proposition 8 remains stricken down and that marriages can occur in california but they may see it rather than a direct issue. >> let me talk about timing because we have so many possible dates, they will release it online and get the documents and hear what they were thinking but do you think it will be sooner than later? they are coming to the end of their current terms and when do you think we will actually get this? >> well, we are really down todays now, it coul tomorrow, thursday and the next monday or tuesday of the following week and it will be released by the end of the june. >> let's go to the terms of what they could do on how this will go document and i mean they are looking at other courts on what they have decided now. let's go to possible scenarios. is there only one way they say prop 8 could stand? >> no, there is not just one way but as you know there is another case called the defensive marriage case which will likely be issued even though it is the same day. here is the option, first if the court decides not to reach the central issue rather than dealing with a standing issue which is a procedural issue, they could decide that challengers to the proposition below didn't actually have the right to sue and that's because the state of california declined to defend proposition 8. if the supreme court decides there is no standing, that means the immediate past appeals court stands and that's the decision that threw out proposition 8. that would be likely even if the court gets rid of this case on standing. if they do say they are standing and has the right to sue and has the freedom to mary under the couldn't -- marry under the contusion, there is a few ways to go and nobody thinks they are going to reach this after there is a broad right to marry in all the states. most think they will confine it to the state of california and it is likely they will trip away a right that did exist in california and whether or not that violates the constitution. >> in they say -- if they say same-sex marriages can go forward will they immediately start issuing licenses, what is the timing with that? >> well, let's suppose proposition 8 is unconstitutional. then they would send it back down for local officials to make decisions about how soon marriage licenses could issue. ultimately it's going to take a next step even if it happens tomorrow. and the likelihood of tomorrow? >> it is quite likely. it will be the next 10 days or so or we will have to wait for the next 10 days. >> this will be likely a history making decision and thanks for coming to us from santa clara university. >> thank you. they had a gay pride festival and for the first time they had a recruiting parade. one woman says the response was overwhelming and she said the don't tell policy kept her from enlisting. >> i feel like superman or super woman, whatever. >> the national guard has planned to visit events across the state all summer and they will bring you more on proposition 8 and we will have continuing coverage on air and we will go with additional depth with that decision. 9/11 attacks might have been prevented if they were monitoring records. he made the comments and cheney also called the contractor who leaked this a trader. you can see that news forecast on sunday at 10:00 a.m. nuns are rallying and marching through bakers field and calling on a path to sit seven ship for un-- citizenship for undocumented immigrants. mcarthur think is not -- mcarthur think is not saying whether he is considering this. house republicans have called for improvements to border security before any deal on citizenship. and he raised this with a pathway to citizenship. >> they have more intact families and they bring a younger population. >> they told the crowd and conservative activists that immigrants are more fertile. jeb bush is a possible candidate in the 1016 -- 2016 election. and there is none quite like this and the special ceremony for a man's best friend, one who is already being haled as a hero. partly cloudy skies, temperatures are climbing at this hour and i will have more of a timeline of your weather on this father's day coming up. . your find is 5:54 an 11- year-old boy was hit by a bullet as he slept he was only grazed and will survive but they are trying to see if this was an intentional shooting or a mistake. and a circuit board in the driver's door could short and start a fire. the list includes gmc on view and as well as the center and all of those vehicles were from 2006 and 2007 years. and no problems at the san francisco marathon, there you see the men's winner from paris and the women's winter is a local -- winter is a woman named -- winner named around in and they filled -- named anna. a public hearing on the issue is scheduled for tomorrow night and some residents argued it happened without a public hearing. it would require before any gun shops could open and they will reopen after closing for a second time this month and the building on 7th street was damaged after a third floor toilet broke causing severe flooding. the cost to clean up is estimated between 100 and $250,000. well a marin county school is celebrating the first class of guide dogs. six people met their new guide dogs and the hand over was very emotional. >> you will see a lot of people in tears and most of them are happy tears but a lot of hard work went in from a lot of people. >> one of the dogs has already proved himself a hero. o'neil managed to prove himself a hero he managed to pull his trainers to safety after a driver lost control on the sidewalk. right now it is ranging far inland low 70s already and we are off to a nice start and mostly sunny skies away from the coast. lower 50s at the coast and a mild lunch hour is expected if you are going to be taking your dad someplace and maybe even pick outdoors, mid-70s and here is a look at our warmer communities. there are minor changeels in store, partly cloudy at the coast, 63 san francisco, where we have festivals going on 75 redwood city and 76 upper 70s to lower $80 for the north bay -- lower 80s for the north bay as well. temperatures will begin to cool as we get into the afternoon and cooler than what we are feeling today, and we do begin a turnaround in time for the first day of summer and next weekend right now looks like it is going to be a warm one. whatever you don't like, just wait a few days. >> thanks, rosemary, that is our newscast and be sure to join us for our next newscast. ♪ [ male announcer ] wouldn't it be great if all devices had backup power? 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[ kids cheering ] you're missing a good game over here. those kids wouldn't have lasted one day in our shoes. [ male announcer ] add a wireless receiver. call to get u-verse tv for just $19 a month with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. i'm chris wallace. the nsa laker, traitor or patriot. dick cheney weighs in today on government surveillance. >> as to the individual who admitted to making these disclosures, he is the subject of an ongoing criminal investigation. >> the feds pursue edward snowden who told the guardian newspaper. >> i certainly had the authority to wiretap anyone, even the president if i had a personal e e-mail. >> his disclosures renew a debate about the balance between security and civil

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