Transcripts For KTVU Mornings On 2 20120223

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good morning. welcome to mornings on 2. it's thursday, february 23rd. in sunnyvale, firefighters have a mystery on their hands following an overnight house fire. they say there is no sign of the family of four who lives in the home. ktvu's christian kasdin joins us live. and when will firefighters be able to search inside the home? >> reporter: that is the question. they're just now starting that search. let's give you our first look inside that home now as the sun has come up. we've been able to move closer to the home and you can see the extent of damage. you can get a sense of how much work there really is. and you can also see why they need those structural engineers to come in here to figure out whether or not it's safe to go inside. you can see that the inside of the home is completely burned out. the concern here that the family of four, the mother, father and two children, all unaccounted for. we have new video we shot in the last 15 minutes of the fire investigators starting the search inside the home. at this point it's a preliminary search, investigators waiting for structural engineers to arrive to determine if it's safe for personnel to do that room by room search. we've been hearing they need to do that to look to see if the family of four was in fact trapped inside this home. the fire started at about 1 this morning. they arrived on the scene and they found the home engulfed in flames. the 911 call that came in came in from a neighbor, who tells us he saw the flames, rushed to the home it says when he arrived the front door to the family's courtyard was wide open. he says that's very unusual, and he says the family was nowhere to be seen. at this point, the fire department is telling us the search for the family is still ongoing. >> well, obviously we're looking for any signs that lead us to where the residents are at this time. and then also, that part of the fire cause investigation, that would help us determine what was the cause of this fire. >> reporter: you can see the firefighters there in the gray turnouts, uniform, that's the fire investigator and two other gentlemen just arrived. we also can tell you it looks like sunnyvale police are just now arriving on the scene here. one of the major concerns here you can see as they meet to the left, if you look to the left, you can see that one of the major concerns here is the family's vehicles, which have been here all morning long. the question, of course, is that if there's a family of four and they got out, where are they? why are their vehicles still here? and if they're on vacation, why didn't they take the vehicles with them? earlier we saw firefighters going through the vehicles looking for information. you can see fire investigators here on the scene looking for hot spots and trying to find out what exact live happened here. the search far the family of four still ongoing. we'll truck to the investigator to find out what the latest details are. we saw him just starting to make entry into the home and we'll find out more about that room by room search. >> thank you. we've been following developing news this morning, military officials now confirm that seven marines were killed in yuma, arizona. they died when two helicopters collided in midair during a night training exercise in a remote area of the yuma training range complex. the marines were with the third marine aircraft wing, based out of camp pendleton, north of san diego. the cause of the crash is still under investigation. the military says it will be at least 24 hours before the names of those killed are released. time is 7:04. overnight news, back here at home a series of shoot is have oakland police scrambling. officers are still at the scene of a shooting at 32nd and adeline. claudine wong has more on the violence. >> reporter: there's already been more violence in february than in all of january, and oakland police still on the scene of this latest shooting. you can see police cars on standby, kind of switching out right now. the focus is on that red camaro, where a man was found shot just a couple hours ago. we're in a little holding pattern right now because technicians still have not arrived at this point. we are still waiting. this happened just a couple hours ago. police say they're trying to figure out what happened. the victim was conscious when he left the scene for the hospital, but at last word they were still waiting to talk to him. >> we got a call, we don't know who the caller was. there was a victim suffering a gunshot wound, somewhere in the area. and my officers located him. so we requested medical and sent him to the hospital. but unfortunately we don't have a lot of information right now. we're still investigating the case. >> two other overnight shootings, one happened at 9:15 at 44th and international, where shots were fired by a group of people in a taco truck at a passing car. no reports of anyone hit and everyone fled the scene. then at 35th and davis a man standing on the corner shot by unknown suspects, taken to the hospital in critical condition, after a resident called 911. this all part of a reason uptick in violence. more violence in february than all of january, and just last weekend 12 different shootings, that left three dead and eight injured. so obviously, resources stretched, police are looking for any patterns in the violence to see if they can reallocate resources and get ahold of the surge. waiting for crime scene technicians, but again, it has been a busy month and a busy night and morning. claudine wong, ktvu channel 2 news. one person remains on the loose this morning after a shooting at fishermans wharf around 10 last night outside the in and out burger restaurant on jefferson street. the victim, who police say is a known gang member, was shot in the leg and hand. however, investigators do not think the shooting was gang- related. they believe there was an argument and then the shooting pulled out a gun and opened fire. police have released two people who had been detained. they were with the victim and were not involved in the shooting. pg&e expects to have a very busy day today, strong winds up to 45 miles an hour expected on mountaintops in the north and east bay. other areas around the bay could expect winds of about 20 to 30 miles an hour. pg&e crews are getting themselves ready for possible power outages. steve paulsen is coming back and just a bit will have more on the windy weather in just a couple moments. anti-war activists cindy sheehan is being sued by the federal government. lawsuit claims she hasn't paid her taxes since 2004. the year her son casey was killed in the iraq war. >> i feel like i gave my son to this country, and the war. i'll never get him back some if they can't give me my son back, i'll pay may taxes and that's not going to happen. >> cindy is openly admitted to not paying her taxes, says she has no plans to start. she says she is determined to stand her ground. >> want to make an example of me or punishing me because i speak out against what my government is doing. with a moral choice, you realize there's consequences. but i'm going to fight it. >> she's been an outspoken critic of the war since her son was killed. it's not clear how much she may owe in back taxes but she says the government is in for a fight. >> all right. 7:08. let's check in with sal, see what is happening at the bay bridge toll plaza. >> last few days watching that closely and got a tweet from someone who drives there every day, said it looks more normal today after what happened on tuesday, where it was very slow. looking at the toll plaza we see the traffic is moving through, certainly is a wait but it's moving through, all the lanes seem to be getting through the toll plaza and then past the meet earring lights at a normal wait, 10 to 15 minute delay. has the commute is looking good when you get to san francisco, either westbound 80 or southbound 101, or if you're coming the other way northbound 101 is still looking good to the downtown area. we're check the south bay, northbound 17 coming up through the santa cruz mountains, looking good. slow traffic on 85 at 17 is there. 101 and 280 still looking good as you drive down the peninsula, and then again if you're driving down from hayward, 880 is moving well down past milpitas. let's request to steve. >> thank you. and lots every sunshine, just a few high clouds, another mild to warm day, temperatures as you know record-setting territory yesterday, looks like today big cold low will start to move into the northwest over the weekend, which will really send our temperatures down, way down. so today and yesterday we will top it out with way above average temps, but changes are brewing. not today, though, unless we don't like the wind and then might not be a great day for you. but it will be sunny. 55 now mount diablo, wind picking up since midnight. 50 to 55. yesterday they were 61. so it's not as strong. but it's still there. wind continues to crank up, so for some of the higher elevations above a now feet, wind advisory until 6:00. i've seen 25 plus also in the santa cruz mountains and also along the coast. north wind 15 at fairfield, north as well for vacaville. north at santa rosa, calm san francisco, calm sfo. westerly winds a while a but calmed down santa cruz 79, all record highs today. i think santa cruz backs off, but it will still be nice down there but not as nice as that. and temperatures flirting with record highs again today. 56, fairfield. napa was 38 last night. 47 now. the breeze kicked in. 52 oakland. 48 san jose. livermore 44 at this time yesterday they were 56 because they had an east wind some that breeze is in place, it's really warm. if it's not, it's on the cool side. strong high pressure will be here for another day, day and a half. then this big system will start to dive northwest of us and send our temperatures much, much lower towards saturday and then into early next week. but today all signs towards record highs, wind advisory in the higher terrain. lots of sunshine. 60s, 70s, near 80 degrees at the north wind holds. santa rosa probably right about at 80. free month 75. probably windy over by owe loney college, bridge off mission peek. 78 gilroy. redwood city at 75. little cooldown by the coast friday. big cooldown saturday. and especially on sunday as temperatures get back into the upper 50s with lows down into the 30s. dave and tori. >> thank you. we're following overnight news from afghanistan. nato says an afghan soldier killed two american soldiers and wounded four others. the afghan soldier was furious about the recent burning of koran's at a u.s. military base. the pentagon is responding by further tightening security at the u.s. military bases across afghanistan. and just two hours ago, we see this video from one of the military bases in bagram. also a short time ago, president obama wrote a letter to the afghan government, apologizing for the koran burnings. accusations were flying at the latest g.o.p. debate. >> you're entitled to your opinions but -- >> i heard that before. >> misrepresent the facts! you don't know what you're talking about! >> we'll talk with our washington insider about who came out on top and who failed to score many points. also the reasons the america's cup agreement with san francisco is in danger of sinking. shutting down the internet? why the fbi says this will protect millions of users. temperatures 40s and 50s now. wind advisory for the higher elevations takes us until 6:00 tonight, but it's going to be sunny, mostly sunny, temperatures very warm again with possible record highs. temperatures 70s, mid to upper 70s as well. thank you, stock market. as expected, republican presidential front-runners mitt romney and rick santorum went after each other last night. jamie dupree joins us from washington, d.c. >> reporter: we've seen this storyline a number of times, except it's mitt romney always with somebody else back in the fall was rick perry, he was tussling with, then newt gingrich, now it's rick atmosphere. romney i have so say always comes armed with a couple snappy one-liners to use on his adversary and there was no difference last night with rick santorum. he had a couple of those. and it seems like the person that's going against romney never really has the greatest of nights. and santorum just had a couple missed opportunities last night when he really could have hammered romney, but got down into the weeds in the details more than anything. newt gingrich had a good debate unlike the two last ones in florida, and ron paul is always excited with his forkers some no-knockout punches or game changers last night. >> you talked about the one liners from mitt romney. let's play one of them that you mentioned last night. >> while i was fighting to save the olympics, you were fighting to save the bridge to nowhere. so what you're suggest something how earmarks should work in the future -- >> that was a reference to the bridge to nowhere, to a symbolic of government overspending. do you think it was effective? >> that was a classic example of how romney always seems to be ready in these debates with a few one liners, and that one -- i thought santorum would have had an easy couple rejoinedders against him over the ear mark issue. instead at one time santorum started defending himself about good earmarks and bad earmarks in congress. then at the end this deathly silence. the crowd that was there last night seemed to be a very pro- mitt romney crowd. you could tell the establishment was handing out the tickets last night. and that definitely hurt santorum a little. there was not much of an audience reaction for him at a variety of times. in fact they even booed him one time when he brought up the issue of romney's health care plan in massachusetts. >> we have a sound bite with that with the audience pro- romney and critical of santorum. let's listen to that. >> i have to admit i voted for that, it was against the principles of believed in. but when you're part of the team, sometimes you take one for the team for the leader, and i made a mistake. politics is a team sport. >> there were quite a bit of boos. you mentioned the establishment handed out the tickets. so do you think romney was like paying people to come in on buses or something to support him? >> i don't think he was paying anybody. but when you have the support of the g.o.p. party and the establishment people in arizona, probably your people get a few more tickets and you heard it last night. one thin after watching so many of these debates, sometimes people complain that the candidates don't answer the questions. i would almost say if you step back and remove yourself as a reporter and just try to imagine what would you advise the candidate, i don't think i would advise them to answer the questions either. you want these situations to jab at your opponent rely lentlessly, and romney did that effectively last night. santorum got down into the weeds a few times. the broader question is, is any of this going to impact the race going forward? we'll have to look at the polls in the next few days to see. there's a new poll out in michigan today that had santorum still ahead. >> that's right, the big michigan-arizona primary this coming tuesday, then super- tuesday the week after that. so keeping a close eye. thank you. appreciate it. you can find a link to his washington insider blog on our website, just go to, pull down the news menu bar, and go on our politics page. time is 7:18. two weeks from today, half a million people in the u.s. can find themselves cut off from the internet. it's all balls of a group that has stonier infected computers all over the world with trojans malware. back in november the fbi shut down that group, and got a temporary court order to operate a set of servers until march 8th, to allow infected computers to stay online. but anyone whose computer is still infected won't be able to access the internet when that court order expires. president obama wants you to have more control over what internet companies know about you. overnight, the white house unveiled its consumer privacy bill of rights. ktvu's allison burns reports some privacy advocates say this doesn't go far enough. allison. >> reporter: dave, that's right, the bottom line is that president obama is unveiling his proposed internet privacy protections, but it's really going to take congress to make them law. let's take a look here at his proposed consumer privacy bill of rights. it says you should have greater control over what information about you is collected. it calls on internet companies to provide user-friendly, easy to understand privacy policies and says there should be reasonable limits about what information on you the companies gather. going approximately others have come understand fire from congress and the obama administration for how they track a consumer' activity online, then use it for targeted advertising. the companies are trying to get ahead of any new federal regulations, and boost privacy protections on their own. just yesterday as we reported, several internet giants agreed to support a do not track button, in most web browsers. but some consumer advocates are saying today that it still allows the companies to get too much information about you. reporting live, allison burns, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you. it's 7:20. it's windy in parts of the bay area this morning. steve will be back to tell us what to expect for the rest of the day as well the last weekend of february. also, a frightening incident this, one involving a nine-year- old boy and a loaded gun. >> good morning. traffic is very slow now in san jose, getting up to highway 17. so what's going on there? we'll find out and tell but a new power outage in oakland. comfort couldn't hurt. and our perfect dream factory's been built. you're feeling sleepy already? nighty-night. [giggling] in washington state this morning police are trying to determine how a nine-year-old boy got his hands on a loaded gun and why he brought it to school. police say the gun went off yesterday afternoon while inside the boy's backpack. they say the stray bullet hit an 8-year-old girl, who was standing nearby. the girl is in critical condition in a seattle hospital. the boy was booked into juvenile detention for bringing a dangerous weapon to school and third degree assault. >> wow. time is 7:23. let's go back to sal. how is 880 doing? >> it's doing okay. we've been watching just the east bay of course, and just -- watching everything, but 280 at 880, san jose, a lot of slow traffic there. getting up to highway 17. there's a power line that was blown up by a bird sitting on it. probably made contact in the wrong way, now there's a power outage within a three-block area. oakland fire station just down the block. they're on the scene and they're waiting for pg&e. again, you have someone who lives in the area, may want to give this. a call. their alarm clock may not be working unless they have a battery-powered alarm clock. right? >> that is correct, sal. thank you, circle. temperatures all over the place, 30s, 40s and 50s. heard from chloe up in clear lake, 35 there. yet water skiers out again yesterday. and june up in middle mendocino county, 48 and breezy. few high clouds streaming by by it won't amount to a hill of beans today because it's going to be sunny and mild to warm, higher clouds streaming from the north. we have wind advisories for the higher elevations. mount diablo 55 miles per hour. that's the strongest i can find but there are 25 to 35 some of higher elevations and it will be wind advisory until 6 p.m. you thought it was warm yesterday? it was. santa rosa record, santa cruz and livermore all set record highs and it was warm across the board. 40s and 50s. 56 fairfield. high pressure here another day then will collapse as a very cold system moves into the pacific northwest over the weekend that. will drop our temps. today sunny and warm, windy in the hills. possible record 60s, 70s. there's a little hint of a westerly breeze at sfo so by the coast nice, not as nice as yesterday but we're pretty good to go. friday little cooler, much cooler into the weekend and early next week. >> thank you, steve. it's 7:26. sonoma county she was deputies find dozens of homemade bombs. and it's a disturbing crime here in the east bay, why this church is waiting to repair the damage. so strike while the iron's hot. starting at $4.99. only at denny's. america's diner is always open. investigators are calling it a hate crime. this morning police in union city are searching for the vandals who desecrated a catholic church on ash wednesday. eric rasmussen joins us live to show us what moved some parishioners to tears. good morning, eric. >> reporter: good morning. it certainly did. of all vandalism one person says this is what bothered him the most, somebody knocked over this wooden cross here in the front lawn of the church. it's part of what is expected to be repaired here later today. a caretaker first discovered the vandalism yesterday morning, while preparing for ash wednesday services. someone spray-painted pentagrams on the church with seize the night and satan written in latin, and the phase of mary and joseph black but did not touch a statue of jesus. the father did not have the damage covered up because he said he wanted parishioners to learn from the desecration and find a way to forgive. at least one man told us he wouldn't bear to look at any of it until this morning. >> i decided i should probably -- take a look at it, do not ignore it, and then really take a picture of what really was done, and the gravity of the vandalism. >> reporter: again, police are calling this a hate crime. but there's still no word on the accept for suspects. more people are returning here to church this morning and taking another look at all the damage in the vandalism, another mass scheduled for about 30 minutes from now. er. time is 7:30. bryan stow's lawyers rang the legal groundwork for a new lawsuit against the los angeles dodgers. stowe's attorneys say the dodgers fired 300 security staff members, shortly before the brutal beating of stowe last year in the dodger stadium parking lot. and they say the dodgers are partly to blame because of a lack of security. stowe family filed an earlier lawsuit shortly after the attack. but the case was put on hold when the dodgers filed for bankruptcy in june. a judge is due to take up the case again next month. a sonoma county man has a court date to face several felony charges. deputies say dozens of explosive devices were found inside the car of robert justice vasseur of sebastopol during a traffic stop tuesday evening on highway 116. investigators later found bomb- making material in his home. investigators are not telling us any possible motive. all los angeles unified district teachers who are accused of misconduct will now be reported to the state credentialing commission. that's according to the l.a. times, which also reports the district superintendent has called for a review of all personnel files dating back four years. this after two teachers were charged with lewd acts against students. currently california schools are only required to report teachers who leave because of allegations against them. two bay area teachers could appear in court today to face charges of sexually assaulting students. 38-year-old peter taught for more than a decade at james logan high school in union city. he is accused of having sex with a then 16-year-old female student. he faces 22 felony counts and there's a possible plea entry this morning. also arraignment schedule indeed 90 minutes from now for 40-year-old marie johnson. she is currently on administrative leave from her teaching position at livermore's granada high school. she is accused of having sex with a 14-year-old boy who was a former student. johnson faces two dozen criminal counts. hundred of local applicants are waiting to see if they're going to be admitted to san jose state university. the school reportedly is still deciding if those local students will be given an admission preference. coming up at 7:45, how many students could be affected and the reason behind the possible change. a proposal to close down doyle park elementary school has failed. last night the santa rosa school district was not able to get the four votes they needed to approve closing down the school. the district wanted to close the school because of low academic performance as well as declining enrollment. the school's 243 students would have been transferred to nearby schools. an overnight news, oakland police are investigating several shootings. last night a man was shot near the 34 hawaiian block of davis street. after getting shot in the chest, the victim lan into the backyard of someone's home. the resident who did not know the victim then called 911. no arrests have been made in the case. and for at least the third time in less than two months, there was a shooting at an oakland taco truck. it happened around 9:15 last night near the corner of 44th avenue and international boulevard. a group of men standing next to the truck shot at a passing car. the shooter and the car left before officers arrived on scene. but there are no reports of anyone shot or any damaged vehicles. last night's shooting happened just blocks from where a five- year-old boy was gunned down near his family's taco truck last december. the number of shootings and homicides are up this month from january, and police say they are doing everything possible to stem the violence. coming up in just over 20 minutes, the step steps oakland police are taking to fight this. san francisco officials developing a plan to make housing more affordable in the city. the chronicle reports mayor ed lee wants to increase the number of homes for middle income families while still maintaining low income housing. it's a tough job. there's a state cuts off redevelopment funding this month. mayor lee is looking for ideas on how to raise money for $50 million housing trust fund. he's reportedly hoping to put that issue on the november ballot. antioch voters asked to support a bond measure to modernize antioch high school, upgrades including a larger cafeteria, newer classrooms, a media center and renovated sports facilities. the repairs will cost an estimated $59 million, and the measure will be on the june ballot. if approved, people in the area would have to pay an extra tax of 6 $6 a month on their property. the city of stockton may be headed for bankruptcy. city councilmembers could vote next week to begin the first steps in the process. according to the stockton record, the city has been slow to recover from the mortgage meltdown. but filing for bankruptcy would cost tens of millions of dollars and threaten the city's economic recovery. ultimately, a judge would have to clear any restructuring plan. the longtime owner of a hardware store chain has died. john headly ran yard birds more than 30 years. he was known as a man who cared about his company stores, workers, products, and his community. he strongly opposed having large home improvement stores move into sonoma county until he sold the 10-yard bird stores to home depot in 2005. he was 77 years old. pg&e is admitting it failed to inspect some gas line safety equipment along the peninsula. the utility blames the oversight on a recordkeeping error. pg&e was supposed to check the electric current running through the gas pipe that protects the line from corrosion. meanwhile, yesterday a judge proposed a $3 million fine against the utility for failing to reduce safety records following the san bruno explosion. eight people died in that blast. the head of the public utilities commission had previously suggested fining pg&e a million dollars a day until it turned over the record. our time is 7:37. later today, coast guard will be the scene of a address, the state of the coast guard speech on the island. it's the first time a coast guard has delivered the speech outside of washington, d.c. three new coast guard ships will serve as the backdrop in alameda and the admiral says many more are needed. the america's cup agreement with san francisco may be going under. there are reports this morning that a necessary part of the deal is now off the table. that's a development appears pier 29. residents who live in the telegraph hill area worried about their views managed to block that agreement. officials say if that new deal is not in place by the end of this month, the race will not on happen in the bay next year. >> wow. we'll check in with sal. there's a power out imagine oakland near the freeway. that could cause problems. >> it's near 580 at high street where the traffic comes down to the bottom near the walgreens. there's a power outage, it's in front of the fire station, so the fire department just had the basically walk outside and see it. they're calling for traffic control in this area because it's causing a little mess and this is caused by a bird, on a power line, so wasn't a transformer fire but birds can get up there and damage the power lines. about three blocks of power around the area kind of three blocks surrounding area, are without power. pg&e knows about it. they're on the way. let's move along and look at highway 24 westbound and. it looks pretty good up to the tunneling. especially some slow traffic lafayette. walnut creek looks good and the morning commute is not bad. on 80 westbound bay bridge, looks normal this morning. 10 to 15 minute wait. let's go to steve. >> all right. thank you. and here we go again, mostly sunny skies, temperatures from 30s, 40s to 50s and mainly 40s and 50s. wind advisory, now i dig deep try to find any kind of pattern change. it will be cooler this weekend but really locking for rain. yesterday's 15 day outlook for what it's worth had a very cold wet system on us around march 9th. today it's back to high pressure and warm conditions. doesn't surprise me. the trend is this year to go with dry weather or very, very little rain. and i don't see much of a change although we'll see a big change in the temps in the weekend. they'll cool down. today it's going to be a lot of warm weather. record highs yesterday, we'll see that trend continue today. santa rosa, it will be close. the record is 78. we're going 78. it would not surprise me if that north wind continues if they blast through that. the city is 80. that will not happen. we're going 72. oakland airport 74 the record, downtown should blow past that. not sure about the airport. and san jose also will be close at 76 degrees. that is the record. mount diablo, the wind continues to pick up. i know nobody is up there but it's up to 56 now and there could be somebody up there. 56. it was 24 midnight. with the 30. 51 and now 56. so continues to ramp up, hence the wind advisory takes us for the higher elevations until 6:00 tonight. right above the caldecott, 30 miles per hour. ohlone college, mission peak, about 40. so there's good gusts. so pretty breezy conditions here for while. still a northerly wind for many sacramento valley out towards fairfield, santa rosa. sfo, so things are starting to turn just a bit on the coast but it will still be very nice. 40s and 50s on the temps. livermore 44. 56 at this time yesterday. and fairfield is 56. really cold system is going to dive northwest of us, starting tomorrow into the weekend. and that will send our temperatures way down. today though lots of sunshine, few high clouds possible record highs today, wind advisory for the higher terrain. 70s, mid, upper near 80 degrees for some but that will be it after today. lot of mid-70s, even on the coast. 60s and 70s to gilroy. 78. cooler by the coast friday much cooler as we go into the weekend and early next week. >> thank you, steve. it's 19 minutes before 8:00. and the last hour, greek lawmakers approved emergency legislation to help ease their country's greek crisis. the greek parliament roted to shave $142 billion from the country's privately held debt. greece is now expected to issue the formal bond offer, which would require banks and pension funds to exchange their current bonds for ones of lower value and longer maturities. the bond swap was already approved by the eurozone finance minister, who hold the keys to greece's bailout money. a greek deal impacting the stock market this morning as well as other economic reports. we'll check the numbers next. and the unexpected risk facing the women in the san francisco fire department. ♪ [ male announcer ] no success is overnight. ♪ it's about working harder. ♪ and smarter. ♪ it's the culmination of a million decisions. it's where you see yourself going and how you choose to get there. the all-new 2013 gs. our boldest response ever. there's no going back. ♪ computer maker hewlett- packard issued a weak profit forecast. ceo meg whitman pleading for patience from investors. the dow is up 15, nasdaq up 8, s&p is flat. the labor department reports 351,000 people filed for first-time unemployment benefits last week. that is the same number as the week before, and no states showed significant increases. california had the biggest decrease in new applications, down nearly 8500 from the previous week. analysts say the numbers add to evidence showing the job market is improving. the experimental pay what you can cafe's are turning out to be a success. pinera opened three cafes where customers are invited to pay what if anything they can afford. but it means anyone who needs a meal can get one. the cafes have been open a year now and say 60% of guests pay the full price. 20% pay less. 20% pay more. and those who pay more say it's a way of directly helping the less fortunate. you qualify, but you don't get in. that's the message of hundreds of local students could get from san jose state university. ktvu's pam cook is here to explain what is going on. pam. >> reporter: the decision to turn away more than one now qualified students could be made by university leaders at san jose state tomorrow. the university says the problem is severe budget cuts, combined with more people applying. meaning it will have to turn down more applications. however, this means qualified applicants from santa clara county may not be given preference for the first time. the school spokeswoman tells the mercury news notices for hundreds of south bay applicants are on hold until the university figures out a plan. >> couple friends of mine got accepted to san jose state and last minute have the apartment ready, lease signed future a year and everything, last minute. stated would send them a letter telling them they're not accepted anymore to san jose state. >> right now california guarantees admission to cal state for the top one-third of high school graduates. but the decision tomorrow could include higher admissions requirements. the other thing keeping a lot of qualified applicants from attending at cal state, tuition has more than tripled in the last nine years. and that could also be discussed tomorrow. reporting live, pam cook, back over to tori and dave. >> thank you, pam. at least 50 people with killed and two hundred injured in the series of coordinated bombings and shootings in iraq. most of the attacks were in the capital baghdad. a large gray cloud can be seen over one of the blast sites as people rush over to help. the bombs hit government buildings, restaurants, and even close to a school. while no one has claimed responsibility, al-qaeda is believed to be behind the attacks. a new report by amnesty international says half a million afghans have been displaced by fighting and natural disaster, and the number grows by about 400 people every day. the report says up to 35,000 afghans are living in temporary camps in kabul and the situation there has been made worse by the coldest winter that city has seen in 15 years. time is 7:48. today the army private is accused of giving classified information to wikileaks will have the chance for the first time to enter a plea to the charges against him. private bradley manning has been in military custody since may 2010. he is accused of giving wikileaks more than 700,000 classified documents and video clips while working in iraq. defense lawyers say manning was a troubled soldier who should have never had access to classified material. manning's arraignment begins this afternoon at fort meade, near baltimore. women in france are no longer being referred to as mademoiselles after getting pressure from feminist groups. it's the same as saying miss in english. some french women say it's not fair that they have to disclose their marital status when men do not. three people are under arrest after high-speed chase through san francisco. the shots program first detected gunfire in the bayview district around 6 last night. the suspects took off once police arrived. the pursuit went on city streets, highway 10 one, and interstate 280. the suspects crashed their car near 25th street and pennsylvania avenue. officers rounded them up a short time later. a handgun and ammunition were recovered at the original shooting site. messages of condolences are filling up a bay area rapper's facebook page this morning. 25-year-old rene garcia, known as little g, was found shot to death near the basketball courts at shields park in richmond on tuesday night. he had been shot twice in the chest. no arrests have been made and police say at this point they don't have any leads. time is 7:50. there's a new report showing the rate of breast cancer is a lot higher for women serving in san francisco's fire department than the overall population. anita is a captain in san francisco's fire department. she is one of 117 female firefighters in their 40s. 16 of them have been diagnosed with breast cancer. that's almost 14%. the rates were all women in their 40s is less than 2%. she says she feels ambushed by the disease. >> i do not think about cancer. and to me i'm more afraid of that than any fire i've ever been to. >> other women in the fire department say they knew when they took the job it would be dangerous. most say they do take steps to limit their exposure to toxins. but they admit they can't complete eliminate all of the risks and still do their job. about face by the fda. the reason they approved a diet drug just two years after rejecting it. plus, how a proposal to keep san francisco's famous coit tower in top shape clears as it moves forward. for hours and hours. i like it. man: i would definitely consider a silverado trade-up from the pick-up truck that i've got right now. [ male announcer ] we dare you to compare your truck to a chevy silverado, the most dependable, longest lasting full-size pick-ups on the road. celebrate president's day. get 0% financing for 60 months on all 2012 silverados. if you trade in an eligible vehicle, get an additional $1,000 trade-in allowance. offer ends february 29th. ♪ ♪ don't stop doing what you do ♪ have i paid my dues just to be with you... ♪ [ male announcer ] aggressive new styling. a more fuel-efficient turbocharged engine. and a completely redesigned interior. ♪ the new c-class with over 2,000 refinements. it's amazing...inside and out. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. a diet pill manufactured in mountain view is on its way to becoming the first federally approved weight loss medication in 13 years. a food and drug administration panel he overwhelmingly end coursed qnexa, saying its benefits outweigh its risks. it's a surprising reversal from two years ago when the drug was rejected because of the risks of heart problems and birth defects. fda will issue its final decision in april. hollywood getting ready for the academy awards this weekend. the crews have busy, rolling out the red carpet outside the hollywood center. that red carpet is now covered with plastic to protect it until the stars and tori campbell arrive. the 84th annual academy awards will be held this sunday. money to pay for repairs on the national cathedral in washington, d.c. is falling millions of dollars short. cathedral was one of the landmarks hardest hit by a 5.8 magnitude earthquake last august. total costs for repairs expected to be more than $20 million. officials say right now they're about $18 million short. new funder fund-raising efforts are planned. san francisco voters will get to decide how a city landmark is managed. a proposal that sets priorities for funding of coit tower will be on the june ballot. the measure would limit the number of private events allowed at the landmark and if voters approve, it the measure would also require some of the rental feels go towards upkeep of the tower and its historic murals. sal, you still watching the toll plazaing aren't you? >> yes, the big story this week, because on tuesday we had some people called a meltdown and -- because of the holiday, meeteererreering lights. today is looking a lot more normal, 10 to 15 minute delay and once you get on to the bridge it looks good. moving along to interstate 80, we're getting slowing on 880 northbound. yesterday 880 was also a mess. today it's better but still slow approaching high street. and power outage on -- 580 or near 580 at high street, has some of the signal lights not working there, watch out for coming to a four-way stop in that area as you could see delays. let's go to steve. >> thank you very much. and lots of sunshine today. temperatures warming up. i mean it's just beautiful may weather. in february! we'll have more record highs. wind advisory until 6:00, mainly higher elevations, above a thousand feet. mount diablo the breeze continues to pick up, up to 56 miles per hour. north santa rosa, north fairfield, north vacaville, a little puff of the west- southwest at sfo so maybe signs of a slightly cooler pattern by the coast but it will still be in the 70s for almost everybody today. high pressure holding its ground one more day and gets blasted out by a strong cold low biwhich will drop the temps on the weekend. today sunny, possible records, few high clouds but no biggie. 60s to 70s to 80 degrees, another round of temperatures that will be record-setting territory. little cooler friday, much cooler saturday, then a big cool breezy pattern into sunday and monday. but it doesn't look like any rain. >> thank you, steve. a horrible case of animal cruelty involves tens every thousands of hens in california's central valley. >> a deputy chief for fire department tells us he'll give us an update on this ming family, coming up very shortly. >> crime scene technicians on scene of the latest shooting in oakland. we'll tell what you we've learned and talk about the recent uptick in violence when mornings on 2 comes back. [ female announcer ] what would you call an ordinary breakfast pastry that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun. here's a better idea... pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits. in just 15 minutes, the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands! dinner ideas made easy. it's thursday, february 23rd. a developing situation still unfoal engine sunnyvale. hours after firefighters put out an overnight house fire, the firefighters are still searching for a missing family of four. ktvu's christien is live in sunnyvale. >> reporter: we have new developments, the deputy chief from is here now giving us the latest information which is that you're now hopeful the family is not inside this home? >> that's correct. >> what leads you to believe the family is not inside the home? >> currently, our fire investigators did a walk- through the portion of the house that they can, and through visual inspection we don't believe anyone is inside the home. in addition to that, some preliminary information leads us to believe that at least one male has been identified and we need to confirm the name, and we believe that they're out of the country. so that's what we're working on right now. >> certainly the outcome you've been hoping for all morning. >> oh, yes, of course. we're hoping the home is vacant, but until we're absolutely certain, inspecting entire house, we're going to continue looking through what we do believe is vacant, yes. >> okay. deputy chief from sunnyvale fire department. again, this is the news they've been hoping for all day as we go to video of the home, you can see this -- how much damage there was and we're going to come back to our live picture and show you what it looks like out here right now. you can see that the fire investigators still on the scene here, they are going to be doing that room by room search but you heard it from the deputy chief a moment ago that at this point it appears the family of 4 is not inside the home. investigators waited all morning long to get access to the home so look through that house to see if the family of 4, a mother and father and two children were in the home. fortunately, that does not appear to be the case. earlier we had a chance to speak with the family friend who stopped by. he says his children go to school with the children of the family that live here, and they says he hopes the family is away on vacation as well. >> i hope nobody inside. [not understandable] no school, i hope they just have a vacation somewhere. >> so sunnyvale pd and sunnyvale fire trying to put two it two together here. you heard from the family friend, it is a vacation time. his children out of school. it appears that this family of four has been missing all morning may be out of the country. other confuse was because the family wasn't here when that fire broke out. a neighbor was the one who called 911. he tried knocking on the door and there was no response at the home and again the fact that the family's two vehicles are parked in front certainly gave fire department and police reason for concern thinking that perhaps the family was inside the home. but again, you heard at the very beginning of this report that the deputy chief here in sunnyvale is now telling us that it now appears the family may be out of the country on vacation. we will continue to monitor the situation and bring you the latest developments as they come. for now we're live in sunnyvale. we also have an update on the deadly helicopter crash that killed seven u.s. marines. they died when two helicopters collided in midair during a night training exercise in a remote area near the yuma, arizona training range complex. military officials now say the crash was actually on the california side of the chocolate mountains, near the arizona border. the marines were all with the third marine aircraft wing, based out of camp pendleton, just north of san diego. the cause of the crash is still being investigated. military says it will be at least 24 hours before they release the names of the marines who were killed. it is 8:03. happening now, president obama is set to head to miami aboard air force one. this is a live picture of marine one, helicopter that carries the president at the joint base andrews in maryland. the president is going to tour the university of miami training program for industrial energy efficiency experts. while there he'll talk about his energy policy that he claims will reduce long term dependence on foreign oil, and of course it will be timely for him to discuss the rising gasoline prices, which as we know have gone above $4 a gallon here in the bay area. and it's certainly becoming part of the political discussion on the campaign trail for the republican candidates. you can see again live pictures of marine one and the hatch opening, and it looks like a member of marines coming down the steps. the president will be getting off marine one and boarding air force one for the short flight down to miami, florida for the president's visit there at the university of miami. with the gas prices, the republicans are seized on the issues citing the president's decision to reject a permit for a cross-country or pipeline as evidence of a misguided policy. and white house officials point to decreaseeds consumption evidence the president's policies are working and will lead to greater energy independence in the long run. and this looks like a member possibly of the secret service there getting off of marine one, getting ready for the president to get off and board marine one. there's the president, going down the steps, saluting in return. shaking some hands, and again he is heading to miami and we will continue to follow this and bring you any more developments as they become available. moving on to other news, governor jerry brown is schedule it arrive in washington, d.c. today. he is attending the national governor's association winter meeting, which kicks off tomorrow. governor brown and missed the event last year, citing urgent state business. during his visit he is expected to meet with president obama and members of congress. violent crime is on the rise in oakland after a weekend full of shootings. there are at least three more since last night. claudine wong is live at the latest shooting where a motorist was gunned down while just sitting in his car. right, claudine? >> reporter: yes, they're still trying to figure out if they drove the location, what he was doing here, and crime scene technicians on scene to help figure that out. they arrived within the last half hour and you just have some relative traffic coming through. but red camaro behind the car is what we're focused on this morning. that's where the victim was found just before 5 this morning. and the search is on this morning for the shooter. that's all happened a little before 5 this morning. so police say they're still trying to figure out how it all went down. the victim was conscious when he left the scene but at last word they were still waiting to talk to him. >> we got a call, we don't know who the caller was, that this was a victim suffering a gunshot wound somewhere in the area and my officers located him. so we requested medical and sent him to the hospital. unfortunately we just don't have a lot of information right now. we're still investigating the case. >> we don't know his condition. but we do have two other shootings overnight. one happened about 9:15 last night at 44th and international. police say shots were fired by a group of people in a taco truck, shooting at a passing car. no reports of anyone hit. everyone fled that scene. then at 35th and davis a man standing on the corner was shot, he was taken to the hospital in critical condition after residents called 911. this all part of a recent up tick of violence in oakland. more violence in february than in all of january, just last weekend there were 12 different shootings that left three dead and eight injured. you can see the camaro we've been focused on all morning, the crime scene technicians coming back here, taking pictures and taking a look at some of what is left in the car. again, as they try to piece together what happened. we know there were no bullet holes in the vehicle. we don't know how many times the victim was shot. we do know that some of the residents are here told us they have seen the car around the neighborhood in the past week or so. but we have seen police walking around, knocking on doors, trying to talk to anyone who might have seen or heard anything. we talked to several people around here, they say they did not hear any gunshots fired this morning when all this happened. so at this point, still a lot of questions. claudine wong, ktvu channel 2 news. as many as 50,000 hens will have to be euthanized after being found at an abandoned farm in stanislaus county. they were found at an egg farm in turlock that had been rented by a company called a and l poultry. officials say the hens had been -- had not been fed for more than two weeks and many had died. about a dozen responders with seen cleaning the barns in protective suits yesterday. the owner is now facing animal cruelty charges. time is 8:08. good time to heck in with sal. everyone behaving, sal? >> that's right. and be do have a look at the power outage. we have new information. the power outage on high street near 580, basically in front of neighborhood near that walgreens near 580 and high there, and about 6700 customers are without power. it happened just after 7:15. a downed wire came down. it was because of a bird that somehow came in contact with the wire, and now the power is out. pg&e doesn't say when they expect those customers to be back online. let's move to -- just move this out here. the commute on -- back to the maps. we have some slow traffic on highway 24. not only lafayette but mostly from st. stevens up to wilder. and then 680 is slow through pleasant hill. now we can distinguish to the toll plaza and show you the traffic is going to be stacked up coming up to the toll plaza there. no major problems getting into the city. 580 slow from at least highway 24 so that's continues to be a problem. this is 237, you can see westbound 237 traffic is a little slow approaching danker. let's go to steve. >> all righty. offshore breeze, it's winds direct coming from land to sea. that can be a really warm wind. as it stands in february they're way above normal. mount diablo still cranking up here, as we started off 24. went to 30. 51, and now 56 miles per hour. yesterday i believe it was 61. so not as strong as yesterday but still that keeps the wind advisory going until 6:00 tonight. mainly higher elevations above a thousand feet, from 30 to 40 for most, so mount diablo the strongest i've seen to the santa cruz mountains as well. and the north wind at the surface continues for most. santa rosa north at 10. finally turned west-southwest at fairfield it was north at 20 miles an hour. so maybe there's a stein of things changing a wee bit here. but still 59 in fairfield. napa made it to 38. now they're 50. lot of 50s here, only a couple 48's left over. but as soon as i say that they'll probably check in at low 50s because they're about 12 minutes old. there's a big old ridge of high pressure over us but it is starting to pack its bags. it will hang out for another day and give us warm temps, then a strong low moves in over the weekend and will bring our temperatures way down. sunny and warm today, temperatures in the 60s and also the 70s. mid-70s to upper 70s. possibility of record highs as well. and little cooler by the coast, big cooling trend tomorrow. i saw this on twitter. that's the 18th at pebble. ah, yes! sunny, nice coast, eightle all the way down to monterey. so get out there if you can! >> pretty colors. thank you, steve. the republican presidential front-runners take the gloves off. >> you were fighting to save the bridge to nowhere. >> fiery exchanges between rick santorum and mitt romney in last night's debate. also a half million computer users, you could soon be shut off from the internet! we'll tell you why. also, hundreds of thousands of dollars in loose change from airline passengers, how that money could soon help boost military morale. how did we do it last time? i don't know... i forget. hello, neighbors. hey, scott... perfect timing. feeding your lawn need not be so difficult. get a load of this bad boy. sweet! this snap spreader system from scotts makes caring for your lawn snap-crackin' simple, guaranteed. just take the handy, no-mess bag, then snap, lock, and go. it's a new day for lawn care, feedings never been so easy. to see a demo of the snap spreader, go to feed your lawn. feed it! [ joycelin ] it was a typical morning. i was getting ready for work, and then i got this horrible headache, and then i blacked out. [ female announcer ] ...who thought she had reached the end of her story. [ joycelin ] the doctor told me i had two brain aneurysms and that one of them had ruptured. [ female announcer ] fortunately, she was treated at sutter health's california pacific medical center. [ joycelin ] the nurses and doctors were amazing, and they were like a second family to me. and now i'm back to doing what i love. [ female announcer ] california pacific medical center and sutter health. our story is you. lots of sunshine today, one more day of possible record highs, temperatures way above average, look for temperatures to be in the mid to upper 70s, near 80 degrees, breezy to windy at times as well. >> time is now 8:14. we're following overnight news from afghanistan. nato says an afghan soldier killed two american soldiers and and wounded four others. the afghan soldier was furious about the recent burning of korans at an american military base. the pentagon further tightened security at u.s. military bases across afghanistan, and just a couple hours ago this is the video we got in from one military base in bagram. also this morning, president obama sent a letter to the afghan government, apologizing for the koran burns,. and new this morning, a car bomb blew up a mini bus terminal in pakistan killing 12 people, including four children. that bomb packed with 100 pounds every explosives hit a dozen vehicles waiting to carry passengers throughout the country. an investigation continues. it is 8:15. two weeks from today, half a million people in the u.s. could find themselves cut off from the internet. it's all because of a group in estonia that infected computers worldwide with trojan malware back in november. the fbi shut down the group and got a temporary court order to operate a set of servers until march 8th, to allow infected computers to stay online. but anyone whose computer is still infected will not be able to access the internet once that court order expires. pressure is growing on tech companies to do more to protect your privacy online. overnight the obama administration unveiled its consumer privacy bill of rights. it's the latest move from washington, d.c. to try to rein in the internet giants. allison. >> reporter: with scandals breaking almost every week, we vealing how internet companies are invading your privacy, the obama administration is proposing some new consumer protections. it's consumer privacy bill of rights says you should have greater control over what information about you is collected and it calls on internet companies to provide more user-friendly, easy to understand privacy policies. apple, google, facebook and others have come under fire for how they track consumers' activity online and use it for targeted advertising. privacy advocates are especially concerned about google's plans to keep track of your activity across all of its sites. >> if there are things that you want to keep private about your life, those records are all in there. if there are things that you actually need to prevent other people from knowing about you, those will be in there. >> the companies are trying to get ahead of any new regulations. just jed several internet giants agreed to support a do not track button embedded in most web browsers. the companies contend more government regulations could hurt their business and stifle future innovations. allison burns, ktvu channel 2 news. republican presidential front-runners mitt romney and rick santorum really went at each other a in last night's debate. romney criticizes santorum for voting in favor of title 10, which pays for planned parenthood. >> you didn't say it was something i was opposed to. something i would have tunnel you said this -- this in a positive light, i voted for title 10. i think it's -- i think i was making it clear that while i have a personal objection to it, even though i don't support it, that i voted for bills that included it and made it very clear in subsequent interviews that i don't support that. >> one of the lighter moments in the debate came when the candidates were asked to describe themselves. using just one word. >> congressman paul? >> consistent. [cheering] >> senator santorum? >> courage. [applause] >> senator? >> resolute. >> mr. speaker? >> cheerful. [laughter] >> this is the last scheduled debate between the candidates at this time. arizona and michigan hold their primaries on tuesday, then comes super-tuesday, march 6th, with contests in 10 states. meantime, the nation's economic outlook appears to be on the rise which could be good news for president obama. 30% of the people surveyed describe the economy as good. that's a 15% increase since december and the highest level since 2009. the analysts say this will help the president's re-election bid. right now the big concern, though, among a lot of people, the rise in gasoline prices. the police chief in los angeles says undocumented immigrants should be issued driver's licenses in california. chief beck tells the l.a. times the change would help improve road safety by under insuring everyone is subject to the same testing requirements. the chief says it would also help police better identify people who come in contact with officers. a florida congressman wants to use all that money left at airport security checkpoints to help u.s. troops. u.s. passengers left behind almost $410,000 in loose change they had to take out of their pockets while walking through metal scanners in 2010. congress has let the agency keep the money, but now there's a proposal to require all that money be given to the uso to support troops traveling or stationed overseas. we are watching the southeastern u.s. major storm, stirring up the possibility of tornadoes. forecasters say tornadoes season usually starts in march, but there's a storm brewing right now that could bring twisters today or tomorrow. tornadoes are difficult to predict, but residents in the southeast are warned to be on alert. it is a tragedy that stunned many college basketball fans and others. the coroner's office released a report about last year's deadly plane crash in central arkansas. autopsy results indicate no sign of any medical problems, but and the pilot of that plane, but it's still not clear why the small plane crashed. the four people onboard were killed, including the women's basketball coach for oklahoma state university. the plane went down during a recruiting flight to little rock. it is 8:21. oroville wright, howard hughes and the crew of apollo 11 now you can add a bay area pilot to that distinguished list. also, we're checking why you are weather. that's a pretty picture! warm, but windy in some spots. don't worry, steve is coming back to tell what you to expect for the weekend! >> good morning. traffic is moving along relatively well. heading south on the sunol grade. but we have problems in oakland. tell you more. in just a few weeks a bay area man will know in and he's won the aviation equivalent of a nobel prize. dave more 70s a test pilot and flies his own plane out of the san carlos airport. he's logged more than 27,000 hours in more than 300 different types of planes. now he is nominated for the collier trophy, which is presented each year for the greatest achievement in u.s. aeronautics. >> to be nominated is just kind of neat to look at the list of the people that have been on there. >> previous winners include oroville wright, howard hughes, and the crew of apollo 11. morris was nominated for his work on the plane which can fly a record 400 miles on a single gallon of fuel. >> that's incredible! bravo! sal, you went all of our awards because you're the best at taking care of people. >> your check is in the mail, my friend. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. let's go out and see what we have now. now we're looking at pleasant hill, walnut creek. that traffic is getting busier. 24 is also slow but if you're driving on gray from that part of contra costa, it looks good. i want to focus on 580 near high street near the walgreens there. the power is slowly coming back on, about 6700 customers were without power. but now it's down to less than 200, as pg&e on the scene. you still may see traffic lights that are not working properly in that area. high street, macarthur, that area there could be a little dicey. it's always crowded this time of day. let's go out and look now, speaking of crowded, bay bridge, crowded on 580 from 24, 80 is moderately heavy. coming up to the toll plaza. we're also looking at 880 in oakland getting up from san leandro up to high street there. you can see traffic is busy. it does get better just after that high street overcrossing as you drive towards downtown. 8:26,ly go to steve. >> thank you. we do have sunshine and very warm temperatures. and no, they will not hold into the weekend. so enjoy today because we'll start a cooldown tomorrow. but it's a chamber of commerce day here. mainly a north breeze although there's a little puff of a westerly breeze all the way out to crock west-southwest but mainly a north wind and wind advisories are out until 6:00 tonight for higher elevations. already 59 in fairfield. there's going to be some very warm temps due to the north wind. high pressure will be here today, but probably be on its way out of here by tomorrow and cooldown will begin. but today sunshine all over! windy in the hills but high 60s, 70s, upper 70s north wind holds, maybe a few low 80s after tomorrow we start a big cooldown into the weekend. it will be windy and cooler sunday and monday. bay area anti-war activist cindy sheehan is fighting the federal government. >> with a moral choice you realize there's consequences but i'm going to fight it. >> when she's refuse to go do and says she will not back down. >> some new leads in a hate crime that shocked members of a church. how some parishioners are helping their church bounce back. >> plus, the fire in northern california that many people are still buzzing about. í developing news from sunnyvale. firefighters say they don't believe anyone was inside this home when gutted 50 a fire. the family of 4 who lives her was nowhere to be found and some of the neighbors feared the worst. but now it's believed the family is out of the country. coming up for you at 8:45, as we look at the pictures, we'll bring you live report from the scene as the investigation continues. investigators are also calling it a hate crime. this morning union city police are searching for the vandals who desecrated a catholic church on ash wednesday. ktvu's eric is live at the scene to show us what made some of the parishioners this morning very emotional. eric. >> reporter: it certainly did. really disturbing stuff here at st. ann's in union city. look at what they did to the statue of mary and joseph here, that's just part of the damage done. at least two clean-up crews checked in at the church in the lasts hour. they tell us they're now waiting on the final go-ahead from the oakland diocese to begin painting over and repairing some of this very disturbing graffiti. parishioners are here at st. ann's this morning fork the 8 a.m. mass. a caretaker first discovered the vandalism yesterday morning. it included some damaged to statues of mary and joseph, which had the faces painted black. police say the nature of the graffiti and the timing on ash wednesday make this a hate crime. this morning even some people from other faiths came by with flowers to show their support. >> upsetting. and just want to let the parishioners know that believers from all over care about them, love them, and are praying for them. >> how about this, this morning a member of the church showed us the new cross he built to replace the one on the front lawn here at st. ann's knocked over by the vandals. i also talk to a commander with union city police in the last hour. he says investigators are now following several leads provided by the community in this case. he says they also have what they're just calling at this point some physical evidence that they hope will help solve this crime. >> all right, eric. police in newark want your help, trying to do capture a wanted felon. look at the photo. police say 28-year-old patrick gregoire crashed into a car while leading police on a chase a week ago. officers say he ran away and left behind a loaded gun in the car. officials say he is already wanted on two warrants for possession of stolen property and possession of drugs for sale. bryan stow's lawyers are laying the groundwork for a new lawsuit against the los angeles dodgers. stowe's attorneys say the dodgers fired 300 security staff members shortly before last year's brutal beating at dodgers stadium. and the dodgers are partly to blame due to a lack of security. the stowe family filed an earlier lawsuit shortly after the attack. but the case was put on hold when the dodgers filed for bankruptcy in june. a judge is scheduled to take up the case again next month. a sonoma county man due in court to face several felony charges and. sheriff's found dozen of explosive devices inside the man's car during a traffic stop on highway 116, tuesday evening. investigators say they later found bomb-making material inside the suspect's home. he has been identified as robert justin vasseur of sebastopol. investigators are not revealing any possible motive. firefighters in west sacramento had to fight a lot more than just a blaze when they responded to a grass fire. they were up against bees. these firefighters rushed to the scene last night. when they got there, they found hundreds of beehives on fire. making things even tougher, they had to try to battle the fire without getting stung. still no word on how the fire began. coming up at 8:34, war activist cindy sheehan is taking on the i.r.s. >> you know, like it's my moral duty and responsibility to withhold my taxes. >> she is from vacaville, stopped paying taxes in 2004. that's the same year her son casey who was served as an army specialist was killed in iraq. sheehan has been open about her decision to not pay her taxes and says she will not back down. >> i feel like i gave my son to this country, in an illegal and immore warm i'll nevada get him back. if they can give me my son become, i'll pay my taxes. and that's not going to happen. >> the lawsuit provides her financial records. so far there's no word on how much she owes in back taxes. sheehan believes her role as an activist has made her a target. the san jose earthquakes are hoping to break ground on a new stadium this year after a unanimous vote by the city's planning commission. the soccer stadium will be on coleman avenue, right next to the airport. last night's 6-0 vote upheld a plan development permit. it also denied an appeal made by a neighborhood group. to symptom it raised concerns about noise, about stadium lights and traffic. the team owner wants that 18,000 seat stadium opened by next year. san francisco leaders are developing a plan to make housing more affordable in the city. the chronicle reports mayor ed lee wants to increase the number of homes for middle income families while still maintaining efforts for low income housing. it's a tough task, as the state cut off redevelopment funding beginning this month. mayor lee is looking for ideas on how to raise money for a $50 million housing trust fund. he is reportedly hoping to put the issue on the november ballot. time is now 8:35. we have developing news coming in just now from oakland. another shooting has just occurred. it's the fourth one in just 12 hours. ktvu's claudine wong just arrived there on the scene a few minutes ago. she's at 63rd and market streets. do we have you? >> reporter: yes, you can see behind me right now police still putting up the crime scene tape, taking off this area. this again market between 63rd and 62nd. this shooting happened just 15 minutes ago. take a look anthony the bike, because police tell me the victim was on that bike when he was shot by two suspects. he was transported to the hospital. it's unclear what his condition is at this hour. i talked to residents, who heard one shot this morning. and came out here to find the victim on the street. at this point, it appears the search for the shooters is on. but that is the only information we're getting at this point. as you said, this is just the latest in a round of violence. there have been four shootings within just the last 12 hours. shooting we just come from over on adeline street, the police are still there. a man found shot in his car, there's also another shooting last night near a taco truck. no one was hurt in that shooting but another shooting a short distance away on davis street where a man was critically injured. this is the latest round of violence. police tell us there's more violence in february than there was in all of january. they're still trying to clays it down. see if there's any patterns but the violence does continue with this latest shooting just 15 minutes ago. claudine wong, ktvu channel 2 news. >> you mentioned they're trying to see if there's any pattern. do they know in the shootings paying related in any way? >> reporter: well, certainly they're taking a look that. they're asking for help in trying to see it if sometimes with gang violence, there's shooting in and then one in retaliation. at this point though it's still unclear what is happening and where this is stemming from, certainly that's something to take a look at. >> all right. thank you. live on shooting that just happened 15 minutes ago, the fourth in 12 hours in oakland. and they're trying to do their best to handle on all violence. let's check in with sal, trying to get a handle on the situation with the traffic. >> there's a power outage, where is that, sal? >> in oakland. good news now, called by a bird at 7:15. pg&e crews in the laurel district of oakland with a power outage caused by a bird that sat on one of the high tension lines here in the area. and about 6700 customers were without power. those high tension lines are the ones on the very top and distribution lines are the ones on the bottom here at the gas station. it's very close to the fire station, also close to the walgreens there interstate 580 in the laurel district some watch for -- right now the traffic is recovered. so again, 6700 customers were without power. now it's down to a few hundred. pg&e says they have a handle on the problem. let's look at 580, coming in from livermore to castro valley. see slow traffic there. 880 northbound is slow from 238 and 580 is slow from high street, all the way out to the bay bridge. kind of a long delay there. and moving along to the bay bridge toll plaza, that's about a 15-minute delay once you make it to the macarthur maze. let's go to steve. >> thank you very much. we do have another beautiful day here. temperatures will be warming up fast. already in the 50s and won't take long as the north wind continues. few high clouds zip on by. but that's about it. february 22nd, 23rd, down in the becomes as record-setting days and now yesterday was definitely today looks look likely. santa rosa, just has to hit 78. city will not hit 80 but it's already 56. haze valley, china basin already 56 some it's mild. oakland probably will set a record high and san jose will be really, really close. the wind direction is the key. if we get a westerly breeze and there are hints of that, we'll still be sunny and warm but not as warm as yesterday. but if that east or northeast wind continues and showing itself good up in mount diablo up to 56 miles per hour, so far it hasn't gone above that unless it's something happened in the last five minutes. but 59 almost 60 degrees in fairfield. 53 oakland, also santa rosa and san jose. 54 mountain view so it's already a very mild start here, we're not even to 9:00 yet. high pressure building, but rather strong system there will really send our temperatures down as it digs northwest over the weekend. today lots of sunshine, warm weather. windy up in the hills, possible record highs though. but after today, well see temperatures drop off and i think the fog will be back tomorrow on the coast and then it will be really cool as we go into the weekend. 60s, upper 70s, near 80 degrees today. that will do it. then temperatures drop, thursday and monday average temps weekend will be cooler on saturday, much cooler on sunday. >> all right. thank you, steve. it's 20 minutes before 9. the dry winter means 1700 people in west marin are facing water restrictions this summer. officials say low rainfall along with a damaged well is threatening the water supply to the area. they say unless there is 10 more inches of rain by april 1, an emergency water ordinance will go into effect for the first time. it's will include a mandatory 25% cut to water use. speaking of water, residents on the peninsula, you'll probably see your drinking water gets back to normal today. water looking kind of cloudy lately. that's because 98.7 county officials are performing pressure tests. they can stir up sediment in the pipes. officials are saying the water is safe to drink, should be back to normal today. meantime, they recommend running the water for one or two minutes. the hopefully clear out any cloudiness. gunfire at a popular bay area tourist spot. the manhunt that followed the shooting. also you qualify but you don't get in. that's the message hundreds of local students could get from san jose state university. >> we'll have more details about the happy conclusion to the missing family in sunnyvale when morning on 2 continues. it'll hold your plants... but it'll also hold 'em back. the solution: miracle-gro garden soil. the perfect mix of rich, organic ingredients, and miracle-gro plant food. just mix it in. and turn bad soil into great soil. helps plants grow twice as big. instead of holding 'em back, they'll leap ahead. miracle-gro garden soil. start right. finish big. is it a robot? no. is it a jet plane? nope. is it a dinosaur? 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[ male announcer ] and we think that's the best prize of all. ♪ look at this bed! this nightstand! this wardrobe! what are you doing here? you're in ikea. my dream bedroom is in ikea? yes. what's that bedroom over there? that's your husband's dream bedroom. whatever your style, take home your dream bedroom together. ikea. the life improvement store. stocks up this morning thanks to some relatively good news on the jobs front. while new claims for unemployment benefits were unchanged last week, the four- week average of claims cropped to the lowest level in four years. however, there were some disappointing news from retailers, safeway and kohl's reported disappointing earnings. also hewlett-packard computer maker issued a weak profit forecast. big board, the dow up 44, nasdaq up 19, s&p is up 2. today apple holds its annual shareholders meeting. the first tim cook leads at chief executive officer, just days after apple stock hit an all-time high. but cook is likely to face questions from shareholders about poor labor conditions at the factories of chinese suppliers. another topic that could prove sticky is the trademark battle with the chinese company that says it owns the rights to the name ipad. and the stock for uniform makers is dressing up the economy. analysts say companies such as unifirst are topping the stock market in a six-month running. the companies make uniforms for blue collar jobs, and the industries that most commonly use uniforms such as manufacturing and construction saw a job growth of 1.8% over the last year, and they say uniform demand is always a good trend and a sign people are being hired. up to dayton other top stories we're following for you right now. seven u.s. marines were killed when two military helicopters collided over the southern california desert right near the border with arizona. it happened last night during a training exercise. those marines were based at camp pendleton, near san diego. also oakland police are busy at the scene of yet another shooting in the city of oakland. we just told you about it. claudine wong was there. a buys cleft was shot about a half hour ago in the area of 63rd and market streets. these are live pictures of that shooting scene. this is the fourth shooting in oakland in just the past 12 hours. while there's still just a week left in february, there's already been more shoot, and homicides in oakland this month than in january. and firefighters who battled an early morning house fire in sunnyvale say it appears no one was inside this home which as you can see was destroyed. ktvu has been out there all afternoon for a while the neighbors, even the firefighters feared for the family of 4 here. >> reporter: they sure it it was a major concern out here. but now we're starting to get the news that firefighters and neighbors have been hoping for. this is the latest development here, if you look up you can see at the very top there there's a firefighter who appears to be taking photographs of this scene here. the search for the missing family of four here now appears to be over. we've talked with sunnyvale fire department and reconfirmed authorities now believe the family is out of the country on vacation. but you can see crews still on the scene here. they will continue a thorough search incited the home to make sure no one was inside. but this is the news they've been hoping for all morning. as the sun came up investigators began searching through the house because at the time they had no idea if the family of four that lives here had made it out safely. the fire started at 1 this morning. fire department arrived on the scene, and found the home engulfed in flames. the 911 call came in from a neighbor, that neighbor reports when he saw the flames he rushed to the home to check on the residents and says when he arrived the front door was wide open and that was very unusual, and he said the family was nowhere to be scene. in the last half hour a family friend tells us that he is now spoken with a neighbor of the family asked to keep an eye on their home while out of the country. >> they wanted him to -- clear the mess for them so -- [not understandable] >> you can see the major concern here is the family's vehicles are parked in the driveway and that was one of reasons there was so much concern, because there was a question as to where the family was if both vehicles were here. again, investigators now believe they contacted the employer of the father of the family, who lives here, and the employer items the police that the family is on vacation so certainly this is again reconfirming that news that the family is out of the country, not inside that home. but again, sunnyvale police and fire not taking any chances and they're doing a thorough search of this home. we'll continue to monitor the situation out here but it's like ic like the outcome people have been hoping for all morning. >> thank you. the oakland city council has agreed to pay a $43,000 settlement to a man who sued the city claiming excessive police use of force. the chronicle reports jimy williams was originally seeking half a million dollars in damages. he says officers pepper-sprayed and hit him with a baton in a parking lot of a taco bell in 2009. police say they were trying to break. a fight and that williams failed to cooperate. a gunman is still on the loose this morning after a shooting last night at fishermans wharf around 10:00 outside the in and out burger on jefferson street. police say the victim is a gang member shot in the leg and hand. however, investigators do not think the shooting was gang- related. they believe there were some type of argument and then the shooter pulled on the a gun and opened fire. police have released two people who had been detained, with the victims and were not involved in the shooting. a proposal to close doral park elementary school has failed. last night the santa rosa school district was not able to get the four votes needed to approve closing down the school. the district wanted it closed because of low academic performance and falling enrollment. 243 students would have been transferred to nearby schools. 9 minutes before 9:00. if you live here, should you have a better chance of going to a school here? pam cook is in the newsroom with a question that's being raised in san jose. good morning, pam. >> reporter: good morning. it's a good one. we're live at san jose state university where the debated over who gets in is underway. take you there live as students are heading into their early morning classes. the university has received more applications than it can accept, so school leaders have to raise admissions standards. in the past, santa clara residents have been exempt from cuts to enrollment if they qualified, they got in. now for the first time, locals may not get priority. >> i've been here since i grew up, locals are always given the tonight to attend this school. so the fact that i just feel it's unfair. >> school should be doing something about it, because like everyone needs an education. >> notices for hundreds of applicants are on hold now until university leaders figure out a plan. san jose state university leaders say they will decide tomorrow if they will turn away 1400 people who live in the south bay who would normally get in. reporting live, i'm pam cook, back over to dave. >> all right. time is:52. two bay area teachers could appear in court today to face charges of sexually assaulting students. 38-year-old peter cleftcough calked for more than a decade at james logan high school in union city. he is accused of having sex with a then 16-year-old female student. he is facing and 22 felony counts. there's a possible plea entry this morning. also an arraignment in just a couple minutes from now for 40- year-old marie johnson, right now on administrative leave from her teaching job at livermore's granada high school. she is accused of having sex with a 14-year-old boy who was a former assistant to. johnson faces two dozen criminal counts. it is 8:53. a wind warning in effect for the north and east bay hills. gusty conditions that could crews working overtime. plus, how the bay area's dry winter has made state water officials take some action. share your pictures, stream hd videos and movies. all on your tv. or connect your 4g lte droid razr to the lapdock and unleash its massive computing power. even seamlessly video chat. all powered by your droid razr. droid razr by motorola just 199.99. and back for a limited time, get twice the data for the same low price. verizon. this year's state residents and farmers will receive a reduced water supply. most agencies that supply water will only get half the water they requested. some agencies will only get 30% of the requested water. the reduced amounts are result of the minimal rain and snowfall seen so far this winter. in colorado, ski resorts in that state are seeing record amounts of snow with up to four feet of fresh powder. there's so much snow, workers have been shoveling snow off rooftops. >> wow! back here at hope, pg&e expects to have a very busy day today. strong wind up to 45 miles an hour in some spots expected to mountaintops in the north and east bay. some other areas around the bay may see 20 to 30-mile-an-hour winds. pg&e crews bracing for possible power outages, hopefully it won't happen. but steve paulsen will be here in just a couple minutes to tell you more about where it will be windy and for how long. >> and we join sal, he'll be telling bus a power outage now. >> in oakland, we had a power outage in the laurel district and this power outage was caused by a bird that was on the lines. the high tension lines, they lined somehow became apart and pg&e is restoring them. 6700 customers without power but now that number is way down. but some are still without power in the laurel district on high street near 580. bay bridge toll plaza, traffic is busy at the toll plaza. no problems on the bridge. in san francisco, northbound 101 traffic looks pretty good. now, let's go to steve! >> thank you, sir. except for the wind advisory it will be another sunny, warm day. possible record highs, mid to upper 70s, maybe near 80 degrees. little cooler by the coast friday. much cooler into the weekend. so we top it out today. >> enjoy the sun! thank you, steve. that's our report for this morning. thank you for trusting ktvu channel 2 news. see you the next time news breaks, and join ktvu at noon for more all the news of the day. we're always here for you on facebook and on twitter. ted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. so fun. here's a better idea... pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits. in just 15 minutes, the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands! dinner ideas made easy. i don't know... i forget. hello, neighbors. hey, scott... perfect timing. feeding your lawn need 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