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and red flag warnings today but there is a big change coming in just 24 hours. first, it was a problem with ballots. now there's a new problem for supporters for the mayor of san francisco. "mornings on 2" begins right now. well, good morning to you. welcome to "mornings on 2." i'm dave clark. >> good morning. i'm tori cam -- i'm tori campbell. it's wednesday, november 2nd. the big day has arrived in the "occupy oakland" movement. the protesters that have been camped out now hope to shut down the entire city. kraig debro joins us live to tell us about today's plan for a city-wide strike. good morning, kraig. >> reporter: good morning, tori. we're at frank ogawa plaza. there's not a lot of activity but if you look down there, you see that platform? we are learning about the speakers that will take part in the strike. "occupy oakland" setting up the speakers. they are setting up in the back of the truck. they said this will start about 9:00 -- the men say it will start at 9:00 this morning at the corn of 14th and president -- corner of 14th and broadway with a number of speeches. one picketer is a longshoreman, he says he's taking part. i asked him if he thinks he's defeating the purpose by missing work today. >> the safety net that we have was developed, and people took the day off and took the hit knowing it was gonna come back to them in terms of social security, in terms -- in terms of having a decent wage. >> reporter: "occupy oakland got was set up -- was set up for those who think there's inequities. robert rice, current professor of university of california berkeley will be here. john burris, a local attorney, who has worked with the 0 oscar grant case, most notably -- with the oscar grant case, most notably. he's scheduled to speak. there will be a number of other speakers out here. in between that time, we're not sure what to expect. we know the o.t.a., the oakland teachers association, the cna, the california nurses association and the alameda labor council are just three of the union groups taking part in this. we don't know what to expect. we'll be monitoring that for you. keep it right here on ktvu channel 2. reporting live in oakland, kraig debro, ktvu channel 2 news. >> all right. b.a.r.t. is increasing security due to the planned strike in oakland. there will be extra officers at b.a.r.t. stations and even more officers riding on b.a.r.t. stations all over the entire bay area. there's one surprise involving b.a.r.t. security. the group "no justice, no peace" has cancelled plans to occupy b.a.r.t. stations today. no specific reason was given. the oakland school district plans to keep all city schools open today. however, many teachers will be out of the classroom. they will be marching with the "occupy oakland" protesters. those teachers are putting in an unpaid day to support the movement. there will be a lot of substitute teachers in the classrooms today. the "occupy walnut creek" protest will move back downtown. organizers have decided to return to their original site outside of the bank of america building. last week, they held demonstrations at the walnut creek b.a.r.t. station. today's protest begins at 4:00 outside of the bank of america on main street and mount diablo boulevard. 7:05. san francisco's district attorney is investigating now report of alleged wrongdoing boo i reporters of -- wrongdoing by reporters of mayor ed lee. "the chronicle" says the latest involves property managers. and the paper reports employees were asked to make $500 contributions to ed lee's campaign and they were promised to be reimbursed by the company which is against california law. the lee campaign says they were unaware of this and called itself a victim of fraud. 7:05. firefighters in napa still out there, trying to contain a 90- acre grass fire. ess already -- it's already destroyed one house, dry, very gusty conditions, a bit of a problem. there is a red flag warning still neglect. now, we have live team coverage -- still in effect. now, we have live team coverage. steve paulson watching all of the conditions for us in the weather center. let's start first with noel walker. she's out there near the fire lines. >> reporter: you can see we're in the middle of a shift change. that's the night crew that came off and the day crew will be monitoring the hot spots and looking to finish containing this fire. we're joined by dave chu from cal fire. thankthank you so much for being here with us. we went up the hill where the moment in the -- where the home in the fire was destroyed. really, the major damage. you look at that and you -- it's kind of a necessary evil in fighting firefighters like this -- fires like this. >> unfortunately, when we have fires burning so rapidly hand moving so quickly. we have to make choices as to saving properties that are not involved all right -- already. unfortunately, the home that was lost was fully involved by the time it was discovered and there was obviously no chance for us to save it. so we had to focus on our resources on those homes and properties that we could save. >> our viewers are looking at that home. it clearly burned so hot and quickly. how did that happen? >> well, the wind. the wind was blowing extremely hard last night. whenever you have a fire that's being pushed by the wind, it's going to intensify it. of course, when you you have flammable material, which homes are, it's going to burn with a great deal of intensity. you saw the results. >> a lot of people who were out here last night are not full- time firefighters. how much do you rely on them? >> an awful lot. we have a large volunteer force here in napa county that we rely on very heavily. so the regular jobs, a lot of them involved with the wine. of course, this being the height of harvest season and crush. a lot of them left their jobs to come and help. it's a great sacrifice for for them to do that and we -- for them to do that and we rely on them heavily. >> your still hoping for containment? >> yes. we're looking for 100% containment this morning. we have a lot of work on the hillsides. >> okay. david chu. thank you. >> sure. >> reporter: we have a shift change og gun. the night crew leave -- changing shifts. the night crew leaving. the day crew coming on. reporting live in napa county, noelle walker, ktvu channel 2 news. during the night, firefighters were busy watching from hot spots -- for hot spots from this small grass fire. about flee acres burned during the night. there was a very aggressive response because of fear of danger to some of the homes but luckily, no buildings were damaged. one firefighter did suffer a minor. >> to get more about the wind conditions right now, we, of course, go to steve paulson, he knows everything. >> i hope so, dave. >> we still have a red flag warning. the warm fronts are 30, 40 miles an hour for a -- the gusts are 30, 40 miles an hour for a few. mainly authority and east bay hills, but half -- north and east bay hills but half moon bay, they are getting gusts to 40 miles an hour. they have humidity at 10%. which is unbelievable. that's right on the water's edge, as you know. that goes until 9:00 and that's a good reason why. mount diablo still has gusts to 42. the it's 64 degrees. oakland hills, 33, plus wheretal is, i think it's -- where tara moriarty is. blackhawk, 28. travis air force base, 28. starting to turn santa rosa at 3. sfo, also has a very low humidity factor, which is rare to see. 41 santa rosa to 59 fairfield. i mean it's just unbelievable lows. oakland downtown 62. there's even some 30s up in the santa cruz mountains. scotts valley at 35. boulder creek at 38 and felton at 44. for some it's really cool. mostly sunny. that system to the north starts to drop in tomorrow. we'll have a huge change in our weather from mostly sunny, breezy and warm to turning colder, much cooler. this is not a big rain system but it will bring in some light rain. windny hills for a while and then -- windy in the hills for a while and then that wind should tail off. maybe slightly cooler than yesterday. extended outlook has the ton moving over us tomorrow morning and here come the clouds. temperatures will plunge. it will be okay on saturday. and then another week system on sunday. here's stall. right now, traffic is busy in san francisco along northbound 101 approaching the 80 split. it's a little windy there as steve has been talking about. the winds, a good area to avoid in san francisco on city streets, the cover of fulton and california for a small fire that's there. a lot of fire equipment. westbound bay bridge backed up for at least a 20-minute wait getting into the city with no major problems. and this morning if you are driving in the east bay, 580 has been busy pause of a crash. we have one at el charro. 680 is doing well from danville to pleasanton. let's go back to the desk. sheriff's deputies in los angeles are investigating after a man was killed inside a busy walmart store. it happened yesterday evening in lakewood. detectives say a 46-year-old man grabbed an aluminum baseball bat from the sporting goods section and viciously beat the man. the 74-year-old victim died at the scene. shoppers were terrified. >> it was very scary. very, very scary. and to hear the news of someone's life being taken away is very sad. >> authorities say it appears to be unprovoked. they arrested the suspect at the store, the attack was captured on surveillance tape. coming up -- a big loss for wikileaks. what this means for julian assange. the mother of kidnapped victim jaycee dugard talks about how she's doing. and how the twin girls are doing after that ten-hour operation at stanford to separate them. @4 [ male announcer ] imagine there was a way to keep high-tech jobs here in san francisco. a way to renew blighted neighborhoods like mid-market and the tenderloin by helping emerging industries expand and hire more workers. a way to give incentives to companies that produce clean energy jobs. one man found a way to do all this and more. mayor ed lee. ed lee accomplished these things in less than one year as mayor. just imagine what he'll do with four. the european debt crisis and how it's affecting the united states, that will be the focus of president obama as he flies to the g-20 summit in france today. however, as alison burns reports, it's not clear yet what the president will be able to do about it. >> reporter: president obama heads to the g-20 summit mindful that the european debt crisis has big implications for the united states. but economists say other than urging european leaders to resolve it. there's little president obama can do it -- do about it. this is video of thousands of protesters gathering near the site of the summit. international activities are calling on world leaders to address a range of issues. but for president obama, the issue will be the world economy. he hoped to focus on a pro- growth agenda but now the summit is consumed by news that greece is balling at the latest plan -- balk at the latest plan. >> if europe were to have a continue crisis, it would bring a crisis to the united states. reporting live from washington, d.c., alison burns, ktvu channel 2 news. 7:16. wikileaks founder,' julieen assange, lost his appeal to avoid extradition. this morning a judge in london ruled that he will have to return to sweden to be questioned in two cases in alleged sexual misconduct. the 40-year-old denies any wrong doing and insists the case is politically motivated. a woman who caulked herman cain of sexual harassment back in the 1990s now wants to talk about her allegations. the accusations date back to when herman cain was head of the national restaurant association. the unidentified woman's lawyer says she wants to challenge cain's statement that the complaints against him were totally baseless. the attorney says he's trying to get a confidentiality agreement lifted so his client can speak out. now we're hearing this morning that a bipartisan group. senators will unveil a planned to that -- will unveil a plan today to save the u.s. postal service. the postal service under -- da ended the 2011 fiscal year with a $10 billion deficit. it's estimated they will run out of money next summer unless congress takes action. they've proposed ending saturday mail delivery and closing down some post offices as a way to cut costs. still not clear if the senate plan includes those provisions. in little rock, arkansas, they are paying respects to secretary of state hillary clinton's mother. a memorial book has been placed at the clinton stentor -- center in little rock for people to sign. 92-year-old dorothy rodham died just after midnight tuesday in washington, d.c. she's well remembered in little rock when her son-in-law, bill clinton, became governor. jaycee dugard's mother is speaking out about fill and nancy garrido. >> i have a -- about phil garrido and nancy garrido, the people accused of kidnapping jaycee dugard. >> she appeared on "piers morgan" to promote her new book. the garridos kidnapped dugard when she was 11. dugard fathered two children with garrido. this morning doctors at stanford are closely watching the two conjoined twins they separated yesterday. anjelica and angelina sabuco sat on their mother's lap right there, this is yesterday morning, as a nurse wheeled them into an operating room at lucile packard's hospital. this is the first day apart for the twins. they were joined at the abdomen. >> we want them to be as happy and healthy as possible. that's where we get our gratitude from. >> now, this was dr. hartman's sixth operation, surge right lick this. this-- surgery like this. the girls have separate organs. if everything goes well the twins could go home in about two weeks. a new study links alcohol to an increased risk of breast cancer. the study found that women who drink three to six drinks per week raise their risk of developing breast cancer by 15%. women who have two or more drinks a day, have a 51% increased risk of breast cancer. the study was conducted over a period of 28 years. a late-night traffic mishap. the car that ended up on top of a fire hydrant. and the big milestone today for the red tail hawk found injured in san francisco. good morning. northbound 280, not looking that great here. i will tell you why this is slowing down and other trouble spots. state farm. this is jessica. hey, jessica, jerry neumann with a policy question. jerry, how are you doing? fine, i just got a little fender bender. oh, jerry, i'm so sorry. i would love to help but remember, you dropped us last month. yeah, you know it's funny. it only took 15 minutes to sign up for that new auto insurance company but it's taken a lot longer to hear back. is your car up a pole again? [ crying ] i miss you, jessica! jerry, are you crying? no, i just, i bit my tongue. [ male announcer ] get to a better state. state farm. look at this. san diego police still searching for whoever caused this mess. the driver of this car smashed into a fire hydrant sometime yesterday morning. the water was so strong the car -- look at, it blew the car ten feet into the air just kept it there. neighbors say they saw people running from that car after the crash. the car most likely had been stolen. it's a very bizarre site. let's check in with sal. good morning. just these -- i can see you all better and see what i'm doing, let's take a look at the westbound bay bridge. you see it's backed up. it's not as bad as it was earlier. for a while, it was kind of stopped there, not moving very well. i looked around. maybe there was just a momentary slow-moving vehicle. no problems onto the bridge. it's pretty heavy. also this morning's commute on 880 northbound passing. coliseum. you will see some stop-and-go traffic here and there. but it's not here at hyde street as it normally is. i think that will come later. we've been looking at livermore. it's been pretty heavy. i want to move the maps now. i guess the maps don't move. i can do it this way. traffic in concord and walnut creek, westbound highway 4 is going to be a little bit slow in antioch and bay point. concord, slows to 242 down to the walnut creek interchange. mostly fair out there. we have a knew high clouds out there -- few high clouds out there. anywhere from wily cold to 60 degrees. there will be a big change in the forecast coming in tomorrow. the leading edge just at the top of your screen. the red flag warning continues until 9:00, north and east bay hills. i might add there are some locations still getting gusts, especially near the half moon airport. there's been pretty good gusts up around mount diablo, oakland hills. there's the half moon bay airport. 27% as the half moon bay airport. 41, santa rosa to 61, oakland. so if you live in santa rosa and commute in oakland, you will go from man it's cold to hey, it's pretty nice. some of these numbers coming in. 34, boulder creek, 238 and capitola to salinas. 36 degrees. that's pretty cold for capitola. temperature, though, will all adoctors the board, starting tomorrow, we'll get some rain out of it. cold and windy. temperatures will drop in the 50s. we'll be in the 70s. sunny and breezy. the wind should start to tail off in the next couple of hours. increasing clouds, late rain into thursday and friday. colder. saturday morning will be darned good. it will be sunny and nice and then sunday, one more little system for another round of light rain. 7:25. two mill valley men will be among the japanese american veterans to be honored today. in washington, d.c., 88-year- old frank yamamoto and 87-year- old asa homomota will receive a congressional gold medal. the member will recognize members of two segregated japanese american combat units and an intelligence group while both men were serving in the u.s. military, their families were confined to japanese internment camps. good news about the red tailed hawk that was shot with the nail gun? it will be released back in the wild. it's been recoring at the -- recovering at the center. a $10,000 reward is being offered for information about whoever shot that hawk. the big east snowstorm has come and gone but the huge power problems are far from other evwith millions of people -- from over with millions of people still in the dark. and what about the team that the giants' fans love to hate? would you believe they are officially now up for sale? welcome back. avy windy night is becoming a windy morning. tara moriarty is live there and she's back with her hair flying around. the warning has been extended until 9:00 this morning, right? hold on, tara! >> reporter: i know i'm getting tossed around out here as have the dog walkers. when you breathe in, you can tell how dry it is. the relative humidity, extremely low at this point. some of the trees here as well. wind gusts up to 45 miles an hour we're told overnight. across the east bay, this wind has toppled trees, snapping power lines, causing outages. 2,000 customers in oakley and berkeley were without electricity last night. just after 10:00, a tree fell into wires at 27th and logan causing some arking. you can see the sparks coming off the wire here. firefighters had to monitor the situation until pg&e could de- energize those lines. we caught up with a jogger who says she's been dodging fallen branches. you can see it's really windy out here. in san pea andro, 1300 people were without power -- san leandro, 1300 people were without power. crews scrambled to pick up a tree at davis and hayes. s are in -- also in walnut creek, a tree fell on a parked car on the nordstrom near broadway. luckily, no one was hurt. but again, this red flag warning was in -- it was extended. so now the time is until 9:00. we're told that firefighters in this area definitely, you know, are keeping up their resources just in case. we're live in the oakland hills, i'm tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 news. thank you, tara. pg&e crews, they have it easy compared to their counterparts across the northeast. frozen tree branches falling on power lines cut off electricity to more than 1.5 million homes from new hampshire to maryland. crews are moving branches and restoring power but it could be days before everything is back to normal. >> the amount of devastation we're seeing rivals that of irene which is scary to say, but true. and the trees down are just -- are just amazing to me. >> many residents are taking patters into their own hands and trying to move branches themselves. but power officials are urging people to be patient. the storm is blamed for 25 deaths from electrocutions and traffic crashes. european leaders are furious that the government -- at the government of greece this morning after negotiators spent months working out a bailout plan. greece has decided to hold a public street. coming up at 7:45, we'll get a live report from new york about how the debt crisis in greece is affecting the worldwide economy. officials at the tsunami- damaged nuclear power plant in japan say they spotted radioactive gas that may be a sign of problems at one of the reactors. gas indicated the presence of a certain radioactive gas that could be the by-product of new jersey fissure. at the moment, officials say the signs of gas may not be a major problem. crews are cleaning up after an ammonia leak at a nuclear power plant in southern california. this happened yesterday afternoon at san onofre. they had it under control about two hours later. workers were evacuated as a precaution. plant operators say there was no danger to the public and no one was hurt. investigators are still looking for the cause of that problem. it is 8:31. state assembly woman kathleen galgiani has publicly come out at a -- as a lesbian. she hoped talking about her life would send a positive message to young people who are struggling to come to terms about their sexual identity. this brings the number of openly-gay members to eight. the mayor of san jose wants pot clubs to pay for an election. the "mercury news" reports that chuck reed asking the city council to increase a tax on marijuana dispensaries from 7% to 10%. the main would pay for a vote son whether to repeal new measures regulating pot clubs. the referendum would cost $1 million. san francisco police thought they found a missing man but it turns out they were wrong. now, on monday, police got a call from a woman saying she spotted 29-year-old cameron remme. r. officers took the -- remmer. officers took the man to a hospital and said he identified himself as cameron remmer. but later. after talking with family, they's -- they realized this was. wrong person. if you see this man in this know toe, contact -- photo kak san francisco police. the tension is building in oakland. organizers of the occupy movement are taking plans for the planned strike. these are lived pictures of the "occupy oakland" encampment. the protesters now plan to try to shut down the entire city. "occupy oakland" organizers are calling for a city-wide strike of workers and students today. they plan a series of rallies ending with a march on the busy port of oakland at 5:00 p.m. the march is now having an impact on the nation's fifth busiest port. >> we've heard from one of them that they've decided to shut down and in their announcement there was some reference to the november 2nd action. >> some downtown businesses are shutting down today in a show of support of the occupy movement but other storeowners say they can't afford to do that. 7:36. oakland police are bracing for what could be the city's biggest demonstration in years. the city's police union released this letter, opening questioning the leadership of mayor jean quan. many police officers say they are confused about how they should handle the demonstrators after the events of the past week. >> i think that we just need some clear, decisive leadership, make some decisions and stick with them whether they are right or wrong. no matter what decision you make, someone is gonna be unhappy. the police union noted that after officers closed the "occupy oakland" camp last week, mayor quan allowed the demonstrators to return the next day and the camp is bigger than ever. so far mayor quan has made no public response for those complaints to the police. -- to the police. "occupy santa rosa" prosetters will get to -- protesters will get to stay camped out at city hall there, at least for now. they've been there since saturday even though it's against the law. the city council rejected a proposal that would have required the campers to leave. instead, it agreed to work with demonstrators to set conditions for the camp. the company behind those controversial coloring books on 9/11 and the tea party has just issued a new book that features puzzles, and games with the occupy movement. about 1,000 copies have been sold online in two days. the publisher says the book was made for adults but it can be used to teach children. stay with us for continuing coverage on the "occupy protest" the giants' chief rival is up for sale. frank mccourt agreed to a court- supervised process to sell the team. the dodgers filed for bankruptcy in june. a financial services company will manage the sale of the team and dodger stadium. mccourt wants at least a billion dollars. >> wow. >> uh-huh. 7:38. i want sal to tell me what is happening on the roads right now. sal? >> well, you know, it is pretty busy out there. right now, traffic continues to move along pretty slowly especially if you are in the east bay. we're gonna start with highway 4, westbound coming up to the antioch area, some stop-and-go traffic there. bay point, 608 in pleasant hill to alamo, pleasant there. 80 westbound, slows just after highway 4 and it really slows down at pinole valley road. if you are driving to the hayward area, 880 moderately heavy down to a street to dakota road. and in san jose, 280 is slow right through downtown. it stays that way to the lawrence expressway. 85 slow from 87 to cue you per -- cupertino. it's been pretty much business as usual. and if you are on the peninsula, 101 and 280, there is a is in a -- there is a new crash, a new injury accident coming off the san mateo bridge. that one just pipped -- that june just popped up on the screen. we do know they've called in the fire department and medics there in san mateo just outside of foster city. 101 in san francisco,under 101, right here at the 80 split. it looks like there's a garbage struck and something else involved. i don't know if it's a crash or just a stalled truck there. but you can see southbound 101 traffic is pretty busy heading -- or westbound 80 pretty busy joining with 101. it's in a bad spot there. bay bridge toll plaza, so far it's slow and that crash we just saw in san francisco, could affect traffic getting into the city. 7:40. let's go to steve. higher clouds out there. it will be wind -- the lows anywhere from 30 to 60 degrees. we still have the red flag warning. a lot of people have tweeted me this morning spweather, sp weather and talked about that pink sky. david in nova novato, he says some -- i think his -- david in novato ys- for some it's really cold. but thank you, david. you can always tweet me a picture. we'll try our best to get it on the air. we have crazy weather today, because everything is changing. we're going from a dry pattern even on the coast to a pattern that's going to go cold, windy and we'll get some rain in the next 24 hours. breezy morning to windy in the hills, as you saw tara moriarty setting up there. mostly sunny today. it will be in the 70s and then tomorrow morning that wind will collapse. it will be cold, clouds will start to roll in. it will be cooler. we'll get rain late. more showery pattern. more rain on friday and then much cooler. we'll see temperatures drop right off the table. some of those higher clouds, not associated with the system coming in tomorrow. just kind of rotating around. but they are there. red flag warning continues north and east bay hills. there have been gusts to 40 near half moon bay. it's just not the -- it's not just the hills. in the east bay -- hills in the east bay. but they are taking the brunt of it. 10% humidity at the half moon bay airport. you put that down and you may not see that for a long time. mount diablo gusts to 42. blackhawk at 28 miles per hour. travis had gusts to 28. hayward hills 27. still north and fairfield but a little west wind at santa rosa so things are curbing -- turning a little bit. 41, santa rosa to 61 in oakland. 45 redwood city, mountain view says 57. i know they have a northwest wind. boulder creek is at 38 degrees. gilroy is down to 41. our observer up in middleton, 48 degrees, capitola is 46. you get near the coast, that's pretty chilly and that's the reason being, it's so dry. and no clouds but our system is on the way, there it is. it's not a big rain producer. but man, is it packing cold air. breezy, warm, today and then we'll start too see things change. tomorrow morning will be chilly and then we'll start about a big change in our pattern. mostly sunny, those higher clouds are there. but 60s and 70s, mid-70s. and then after today we'll be talking about upper 50s and low 60s for highs. sun tomorrow, then it clouds up fast, gets cooler and then we have rain late thursday/friday. saturday should be okay and then another system, tori on sunday. don't celebrate too much. why analysts say bank customers should not get too excited after bank of america cancelled its debit card fee. it's been two montes since tim cook became apple's ceo. the changes he's made to that hugely successful company. stocks rising sharply in early dadeing -- trading. however, strong corporate earnings and a better employment report are helping the markets. you can see live from the big board on wall street, the dow is up 176 at 11,834. and for more on the big swings we've been seeing lately, let's go live to carter evans at the nasdaq market in times square. so is the focus mainly on the situation in greece, cater? >> reporter: yeah, i think the focus is still on greece. but we are rebounding a little bit. the dow lost almost 3%. there's also a focus on the good news that you mentioned about jobs coming from a.d.p. its employment report showing that the private sector added 110,000 jobs in october. another report from another firm, an outplacement firm, show that planned job cuts in october were down 63%. so that's supporting these numbers that you debehind me. let's look at the charts here. right from -- right from the beginning, the dow shot up -- dow shot up and it remains up 182 points. the nasdaq up about 30. the s&p 500 up about 20. so now on to greece. right now, everybody thought there was a solution and that we were moving forward. well, yesterday we took a couple of big steps backwards. we're almost back to square one. what exactly happened was greece's prime minister made a surprise announcement that he's gonna put it this -- put this european bailout package for greece up to the vote -- up to a vote for the greece people. here is he the thing -- they -- here's the thing -- they don't want this. because in addition to causing banks to take 50% losses, it will raise taxes on the greece people. it will also raise the retirement age. this is what they don't want. they don't want to have too repay the debt they've undertaken over the last ten years. and that could destabilize the whole eurozone and that kind of brings back the concern about greece and the euro debt crisis. that's the concern today. but investors seem to be focusing on some of the bester news right now. the job -- better news right now. the jobs picture will focus on private and public sector numbers. we're expected to see the economy add about 85,000 jobs. you know that's not nearly enough. it's barely enough to keep up with population growth in this country. we need to consistently add 200,000 jobs or more. >> carter evans live for us in the nasdaq. time now, 7:48. one. world's largest media corporations just announced a profit this morning. comcast, the nation's largest cable operator, earned more than $14 billion in the last quarter. that's an almost 5% increase in the last quarter. comcast picked up more high- speed internet customers. they also credit popular cable networks for the increase. analysts are cautioning bank customers not to be overjoyed. yesterday on "mornings on 2" we told you about bank of america's decision to back off its highly unpopular plan to charge a $5 debit card -- fee. b of a told "the new york times" the damage to its reputation was not worth the money generated. however, economists say you should expect fees overtime. however it will simply be a slow and gradual process. apple's ceo, tim cook, is putting his stamp on the cupertino company. he took over for steve jobs a little over two months ago. "the wall street journal" reports he's communicating directly with apple employees through company wide e-mail. australian regulators are ordering quantas airlines to compensate its customers left stranded when the airline grounded its entire fleet. the airline began canceling flights on saturday because of a dispute with its unions. flights resumed monday about 70,000 passengers missed their flights. the australian competition and consumer commission said the airline must compensate passengers for all reasonable losses. 7:50. investigators this morning blaming pilot error for a deadly russian plane crash. it happened september 7th, killing 44 people including an entire pro hockey team. investigators say one of the payments accidentally activated the brakes -- pilots accidentally activated the brakes and that caused the jet to lift too sharply and then crash. one of the hockey players was a prospect for the san jose sharks. and this emergency landing -- and this plane that made an emergency landing that landed on its belly, the landing gear did not come open. none of the 234 people on board were gin -- was injured when. the pilot is being praised equally as sully sullenberger is being praised in the united states. >> you just keep trying to keep positive. >> the plane circled over the airport for about an hour before landing as we told you without its landing gear. >> very impressive landing and i heard sully sullenberger independent viewed about that i -- interviewed about that. >> yes. the fate of michael jackson's's doctor will soon be in the -- michael jackson's doctor will soon be in the jury's manned -- hand. and surfers will continue to go out there brave,ing the waves -- braving the wave despite a real scare in the water. closing arguments start tomorrow in the trial of michael jackson's doctor. conrad murray waited until the end before saying he would not take the stand. the 22-day trial boils down to experts over whether murray gave jackson a fatal dose of the anesthetic propofol to help him sleep. attorneys have a day off today to prepare for closing arguments. if convicted, murray faces up to four years behind bars and the loss of his medical license. 7:54. let's check in with sal. kind of busy out there, right? >> it sure is. everything i'm gonna show you is just a traffic trouble spot here, starting in san francisco. southbound 101, we're just watching them now clear away a stalled garbage truck that was in the lanes. so you can see there's some flares left over. that tow truck just left. now traffic will start to recover. as a matter of fact, as joe who works the camera so bell, joe was trying -- so well, joe was trying to catch the camera driving away. there it goes. at the top of your screen. nice one, joe. let's take a look at the westbound bay bridge. that's backed up from the macarthur maze. no major problems. but big backup at the bay area tampa. there's a crash in 880 at tennyson road in hayward. in the south bay, i would say that 280 is the worse freeway backed up from 101 to the lawrence expressway. let's go to steve. temperatures this morning anywhere from 30s to 60s no wind or very windy conditions mainly in the higher elevations. we do have a few high clouds over us. after last night's wind machine was really going at full force, we'll see thingses calm down a little bit here the next couple of hours. higher clouds will clear out. we still have a red flag warning until 9:00. there's still pretty good gusts all over the place. if you don't have any gusts at all, temperatures are in the 30s and 40s. that goes until 9:00. still some gusts over 40. mount diablo at 48 miles an hour. half moon bay airport, 38 miles an hour. so it's not just the north and east bay hills. oakland hills about 36. hayward hills 27. blackhawk, 25. travis still has gusts to 25 as well. 37 at the sonoma county airport. 61 at oakland. that's a wow. really. i mean there's no wind at all, versus still an easterly breeze coming off the hills. that's why. there's some 30s up in lake county also down in the santa cruz mountains. all eyes after about 2:00, 3:00 today. we'll start to look to the cold system that will be here tomorrow. breezy, warm, but a very cold start, windy in the higher elevations. it will be mostly sunny today. 60s and 70s. mid-70s. that's 78 in santa rosa starting at 37. i may have to amend that. without a north wind. there's no way that will happen. sun, cooler. here comes the rain. we'll fine tune that tomorrow. we'll carry that into friday morning and then really cold. saturday morning will be very brisk. it will be sunny and then another system moves in on sunday. mainly, snow up in the sierra and the shasta/lassen. >> too cold to surf? >> never too cold for those guys. kelly slater may win another surfing title today. yesterday he claimed a round one heat victory in san francisco's ocean beach. now, slater works is great, going for his -- now, later, who is great, is going for his 11th title. needs to take 9th place to win that crown. his performance was not theon only thing people were talking about -- was not the only thing people were talking about. one of the surfers from maui said he saw a shark and he quickly wham back to shore in the middle -- swam back to shore in the middle. it may have been a dolphin what he saw. they still sent out the jet skis to check it out to ensure surfers it's safe to surf. 7:58. election day is less than a week away and there'sny trouble for supporters -- there's new trouble for support -- supporters for the oakland mayor. [ screaming ] [ zapping ] there goes dwayne's car. oh, man. there goes dwayne's house. whoa! whoa! and there goes dwayne. man, that thing does not like dwayne. [ male announcer ] state farm's got you covered. nice landing. it was. [ male announcer ] get to a better state. good morning. welcome back to "mornings on 2." i'm tori campbell. >> and good morning. i'm dave clark. it's wednesday, november 2nd. well, the big day is here in the "occupy oakland" movement the protesters are hoping -- movement. the protesters are hoping to shut down the entire city. ktvu's kraig debro is out there to tell us about this plan for a city-wide strike. kraig? >> reporter: good morning, dave. strike targets in about an hour from now. -- strike starts in about an hour ago. if you look out at frank ogawa plaza, not a lot of movement just yet in this grassy area. but there is a movement, a political movement. today it plans to make itself heard around the country. occupy oakland is calling on protesters to stay away from work and support the strike. any group that stays open for businesses will be picketed. they did not target small businesses people -- businesses. people traveled a long way to be here. the paper from uc santa cruz they got here about 5:00, 5:30. when i talked to them, they said they were covererring it as part of the -- covering it as part of the paper coverage. i also spoke to students from humble state. one of the women i spoke to said they just had -- they have something called a general assembly. so every day at a certain time, they have a meeting that informs people about what went on that day. so this group from humboldt said they drove all night and they just arrived here within the hour. i think is -- i think this is historical. you have to stand up and hopefully accomplish people. >> i'm here today to represent part of the 99%. we're trying to draw attention to this and that the 99% out there who are trying to pay the rent, the mortgage bill, trying to raise their children, it's gotten too hard and things need to change. >> reporter: now, he's actually a longshoreman in san francisco. there's union support for the strike. the teachers' executive board voted unanimously to support the strike and they are urging teachers to take the day off and attend the strike. this will kick off at 9:00 a.m. this morning some of the people -- this morning. some of the people say that angela davis will be here. if you look to the plaza to the left, people are doing exercises. they are also setting up one of the places where people are doing their speeches. there are unknowns about what might happen today. one of those is street protests, when and where that will take place. reporting live in oakland, kraig debro, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you, kraig. it is four minutes after 8:00. b.a.r.t. is increasing security due to today's plan for a general strike in oakland. there will be extra officers -- officers at oakland b.a.r.t. stations and more officers are riding b.a.r.t. trains across the entire bay area. the group "no justice, no peace" has cancelled planneds to occupy b.a.r.t. stations -- cancelled plans to occupy b.a.r.t. stations today, since many are taking b.a.r.t. today. and the oakland school district plans to keep all schools open today. but the teachers are putting in a day of unpaid leave to show their support for the occupy movement and there will be plenty of substitute teachers in oakland classrooms today. we've been asking you, our ktvu viewers on facebook, whether you plan to participate. here's what some of you say. jeff wrote no, these people are wasting so much of our or thin reserses and they get way too much air cast on the newscast, including ktvu, which just encourages them more ." rita wrote "yes i will be there supporting my union. people talk about about the people out there but will turn around and take advantage of benefits that will come from this protest." just keep sending us our comments. just search ktvu channel 2 morning news team. 8:05. san francisco's district attorney investigating yet another report of alleged wrongdoing by supporters of mayor ed lee. now, mayor lee is among a handful of candidates in the city's mayoral race. "the chronicle" reports the latest investigation reports property manager artway property services. the paper reports employees were asked to make $500 contributions. and were promised to be reimbushessed by the company. the campaign responded saying it was unaffair of this, calls -- unaware of this, calls itself a victim of fraud. 8:06. we're getting a better look at the damage from the 90-acre wildfire in napa now that the sun is up. ktvu's knoll walker joins us -- noelle walker joins us live from the fire lines where firefighters are still working to contain the flames. >> reporter: 8:00 was the time they said they wanted to have that fire contained. there's no official confirm mation of that -- confirmation of that yesterday. we have two grews ready to go on the fire lines to look for hot spots an work on containing that fire today. take a look at this video we shot just about a half an hour ago. it is of the place where there's the most damage, a home that, quite frankly, is destroyed by the flames. you can see how fast that fire moved because there's really nothing left but the foundation and the chimney, still a few hot spots up there, even this morning. the cars seem to be almost membered in that garage. some areas immediately around the home were really untouched by the flames whatsoever. firefighters have to make some really difficult decisions in this fire about what homes to save and what homes that they can't do anything for. that's because they have limited resources. they rely heavily on a volunteer force to fight this fire. >> we have a very large component of volunteer informs here in the county -- force here in the county. >> reporter: and those volunteers are still -- were still here this morning looking for hot spots. an interesting note, we're coming up on the 30th anniversary of the@lass speak -- of the atlass peek fire. if that same fire would have swept through here today, it would have burned more than 300 homes. it's unfortunate for the homeowner who has completely lost a poem today but fortunate this fire was contained to just one home and some bought buildings -- some outbuildings. noel walker, ktvu channel 2 news. later today, president obama flies to southern france where the protesters are already there gathering near the site of the summit. ahead at 8:15, we'll have a live report from our washington, d.c. newsroom on the one big issue that will dominate the mood -- the meeting of the leaders of the world's richest nations. let's go to sal. have you streetenned things out at the toll plaza yet. >> dave, i'm afraid not. >> oh, boy. >> things are getting busier. we had an early crash in san francisco. the morning commute is still busy, it's backed up to the maze there. we also have slow traffic elsewhere. it's so slow in the south bay, if you are driving on 280, 85, 17 off 101, will see a lot of slow traffic. we'll getting a couple of fender-benders, northbound 17 -- i'm sorry, northbound 85 just past 17 that does make a difference. if you are trying to get to your job? cupertino. you can -- job in cupertino. you can always tweet me and say this commute bites! or you can use stronger language, whatever you like. you can see the commute backed up to the maze. metering lights that are on. we had a san francisco problem cleared. this morning in marin county, getting down to sen central san rafael. >> let's go to steve. sunrise over the big city, for some it's cold. for others, there's -- the wind has really been a big story. last night it was howling. unbelievable. rocking the place. but today things will calm down a almost bit. the higher clouds are not associated with the system a -- they were just kind of out there on their own. they will clear out. big story has been the wind. also the high fire danger which is with us. i have to look at my clipper -- clicker. something is not happening. come on. come on. let's try to -- it's stuck. >> i will push it from behind, steve. >> reporter: i give up. i don't know what's going off. >> what would you like me to do? toss back to tori and dave? it's not moving. >> we'll take it. back to tori and dave. it's a beautiful satellite. but i think yoo you've -- but i think you've seen enough of it. all right. 8:10. developing news involving the founder of wikileaks. >> vy not been charged with any -- i have not been charged with any crime of any country. good morning. mostly clear skies. a few high clouds. they are thinning out. for some it's really cold. 30s and 40s. for others it's been windy. we'll end up with sunshine. highs will be in the 70s. tomorrow a big change. much colder. rain on the way as well. thank you, steve. coming up at 8:14. president obama leaves washington, d.c. tonight to fly to the french riviera. he's with the leaders of the richest nations in the world. alison burns reports the talks about be -- will be dominated by the debt crisis that's still going on in europe. >> reporter: tori, president obama has sent one of the biggest head winds for the u.s -- has said the bugsest head winds for the u.s. economy is the european debt crisis. as he goes to the summit, economists say there's little he can did about it -- there's little he can do about it. these are some of the protesters. for president obama, the dominant issue will be the world economy and the stunning news that greece is balking at what many thought would be a breakthrough bailout deal. analysts say president obama's influence is limited. >> everyone at the g summit -- president obama is the central person he's looking to but i don't think the united states can simply dick teams the -- dictate the terms of the agreement like it would have been able to do 30 years ago. >> reporter: meanwhile, some of the prime ministers are talking about a popular vote on greece. back to you. >> thank you. 8:15. well, wikileaks founder julian assange lost his appeal to avoid being extradited. this morning a judge in london ruled he will have to go back to sweden. he will be questioned in two days -- in two days -- in two cases. he told reporters he has not been charged with any crime and insist the case is politically motivated. >> despite this, the european arrest warrant, it's very restrictive that it prevents the u.k. from considering the facts of the case. >> assange is considering what he's gonna do next. his lawyers say if he is gonna go back to sweden, he could be handed over to the united states where he could also face prosecution in the wikileaks case. hamid karzai says his country needs the support of pakistan in fighting terror groups. he made the remarks today in turkey at an international conference focused on afghanistan's security. he appealed to pakistan to help his country negotiate with the top leadership of the taliban but pakistan officials deny the taliban leaders are operating within their borders. 8:16. a woman who accused republican presidential candidate herman cain of sexual harassment back in the 1990s now wants to talk about her allegations. accustations date back to when herman cain was head of the national restaurant association. the unidentified woman's lawyer says she wants to challenge cain's statement that the complaints against her were totally baseless. the lawyer says he's trying to get the confidentiality agreement lifted so his client can speak out. some supporters of mitt romney's campaign are targeting the man they consider to be the front-runner -- mitt romney. this new internet video released by the group includes romney outlining his economic agenda and saying things like corporations are people. it is 8:17. we are now hearing that a bipartisan group of senators will unveil a plan today to save the u.s. postal service. the postal service ended the 2011 fiscal year with a $10 billion deficit. it's estimated the postal service will run out of money as soon as next summer unless congress acts soon. the postmaster general has proposed ending saturday mail delivery and closing some post offices as a way to cut costs. it's not clear if the senate proposal includes those provisions. 8:18. in little rock, arkansas, they are paying final rs to the mother of hillary clinton. a memorial book has been -- final rs to the -- to the mother of hillary clinton. a memorial book has been placed in the front of the memorial for mourners to sign. well, jaycee dugard's mother has some really tough words for the couple who kidnapped jaycee dugard. >> i have a lot of compassion and a lot of empathy for a lot of people, but not him and certainly not her. >> now, terry provin appeared on "piers morgan" promoting her new book called "stolen life." she described her feeling about the garridos as hatred. phillip garrido fathered two children with jaycee dugard during that time. the garridos are serving life sentences in prison. it is 8:19. it was a -- the target of a horrible act of cruelty. the good news, though, involving this hawk that captured the heart of bay area bird lovers. dramatic video of a crumbling cliff that turned a vacation into a nightmare. good morning. northbound 280 traffic is moving along slowly. a lot of people here in the south bay getting on the road late and going to work. this is not the way dozens of people in south wales planned for their vacation to go. look at. this cliff -- look at this. the cliff. luckily, no injuries. residents are worried, as you can imagine. crews are out there trying to move the trailers away to safer, more solid ground. 8:22. as we check in with sal, sal we've just gotten word there was a terminal closed at l.a.x. this morning. apparently, a man reportedly tried to evade security when they found potentially drug paraphernalia in his luggage. he took off. they closed the terminal down. he's been apprehended, i guess you could say. terminal one is back open but there were some delays. >> might cause some flights to be delayed. i also want to mention that b.a.r.t. may have some minor delays. a lot of people using b.a.r.t. there were some system-wide delays. nothing major. if you count on your trains showing up at a certain time. they may be off. bay bridge san mateo, richmond and golden gate bridge traffic looking pretty good coming into san francisco on the bay bridge -- on the bay bridge. i take that back. it's not pretty good. now, the accident we had in san francisco has been cleared so things may be starting to get better soon. we can only hope. let's go to steve. >> i might add if you have a flight to denver, dia, 40 flights have been cancelled due to snow. if you have travel plans to denver, you might be delayed a little bit. for us here, the wind was the big story overnight. we still have a red flag warning until 9:00. gusts to 45 miles an hour. there's been some gusts higher than that. mount diablo, 48. half moon bay airport, 38 miles per hour. the humidity at half moon bay about an hour ago was 10%. i mean, that's just unbelievable on the water's edge. so if you live near there, enjoy it because some everything changes. the breeze is turning more east now than north-northeast. 37, santa rosa. there have been some mid-30s in the north bay. 61 in oakland. i mean, just incredible lows this morning. either really cold or very mild, all due to no wind or wind. that system coming down. that system, yeah, that one is going to drop straight down like an elevator shaft. it will be in here tomorrow. mostly sunny, breezy, warm today to nice and then tonight clearing cold and then here comes that system. my best guessty estimate looks to be 5:00, 6:00. it will be a dramatic change. it looks like it's going to stay cold for a while into the middle of next week. highs today, sunny, nice, again, i might have to amend that santa rosa 70. they are at 37 degrees without a north wind. they will never make it. sun, clouds and an afternoon rain comes in thursday. coast friday, saturday morning will be cold but clear and sunny and one more system for another round of showers. sun level is going to come way down be advised. 8:25. we're keeping an eye on president obama, he's out promoting his jobs plan today. in fact, here he is live. these are live pictures, folks. georgetown waterfront park. he's speaking about the infrastructure portion of his american jobs act. the key -- that's the key bridge in his background right there. i don't know if we'll be able to listen in for a moment. >> and there are deficient bridges like this all across the country. our highways are clogged with traffic. our railroads are no longer the fastest and most efish the in the world. our air traffic congest is -- congestion is the worse in the world. we have to do something about this because our businesses and our entire economy are already paying for it. i will give you an example. last month i visited a bridge in cincinnati on one of the busiest trucking routes in america. >> now, we're listening live to president obama speaking this morning. he's standing in front of the key bridge and he's, again, pushing his jobs act that he wants congress to approve. that bridge, by the way, is one of more than 200 bridges in the washington area that needs tom structural upgrades. also as we -- some structural upgrades. also, as we told you earlier, the president will be flying to france tonight for the g manufacture 20 summit. the focus there will be the big snag that's hit that agreement to solve the european debt crisis, so the president has a full day ahead. wanted to bring you that live picture from washington this morning. 8:27. it is the biggest propost yet in the occupy oakland movement. how oakland teachers are now responding to the call for a citywide strike today. and we just got official word that an overnight napa county fire is now 100% contained. there's still work to be done and these crews are heading out to do it. and the team the giants fans love to hate is now officially for sale. 8:30. a busy morning for firefighters in napa as they continue to contain a wildfire that has scorched at least 90 acres and destroyed one home. we have live team coverage this morning. let's start with steve paulson keeping track of the winds in the ktvu weather center. >> tori. that's correct. it's been a -- tori, that's correct. it's been a howling night. i've seen gusts of 25 up at atlas evening. the fled wag morning -- atlas peek. the red flag warning is in effect until 9:00. mount diablo, 48 degrees. half moon bay, 38. oakland hills, 36. i expect these to start tailing off soon. still a northeast, but see how it's turning more northeasterly? once things go east east, things really change. 50, and 60s depending upon if you have wind or not. noel walker has been up in -- noelle walker has been up in napa county. >> reporter: i talked to cal fire ten minutes ago. this fire is now 100% contained. they have a line around the fire area. there's still some work to be done. and there's fresh crews on hand. they are heading out to put out hot spots and monitor the fire. by day break, we got a look at the fire. the home off loma vista drive is nothing but a foundation. rarely, i have seen anything like this. the fast-moving flames took everything in their paths. there's still hot spots turning their this morning. the house fire was engulfed when firefighters arrived last night. and cal fire direct add its efforts towards saving other homes. this is what the fire looked like last night. take a look at this video. investigators are looking at whether or not downed power lines might have sparked the fire. the winds were gusting at 40 to 50 miles per hour. that coupled with the low humidity helped fan those flames and move that fire along to 90 acres very quickly. now, again, this moving, they have that fire contained. they have a line around the fire. they are hoping to have all of the flames out by this evening p.m. that's why the -- evening. that's why the crews are here to do the work. there's still a lot of work to do adead but the worse of it is over -- ahead but the worse of it is over. noel walker, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you. read flag warning is still in wecht for parts of the bay area. that red flag, straight up. the national weather service issued the warning for the north bay hills and the diablo range. the rain -- warning is due to expire in less than a a -- in less than a half-hour from now. firefighters were busy during the night. we caught this video of a sparking line on 27th avenue and oakland overnight. the crews staled at the scene until -- stayed at the scene until pg&e was able to shut off the power. >> this kind of wind is incredibly unnerving. i was not here in the oakland hills fire. all night long you could hear the trees going and blowing. it's very disconcerting. the oakland fire department told ktvu news that one station in the hills had 49 calms about -- calls about wires down last night. more fell down in the road. the northeast is still a mess today in the aftermath of that weekend blizzard. frozen tree branches cut off electricity and more than 1.5 million people are still without power right now from new hampshire to maryland. crews are moving branches and restoring power as fast as they can but it could be days before everything is back to normal. >> the amount of devastation we're seeing rivals that of irene which is scary to say but true. the trees down are just -- they are amazing to me. >> many razes -- residents are trying to take matters into their own hands and moving branches themselves but power officials are urging people to be patient. the storm is blamed for 25 deaths from electrocutions and traffic crashes. 8:34. we're following developing news. one of the groups tied to the "occupy oakland" protest will be holding a news conference at any moment. we're watching things. these are live pictures, a live picture from downtown oakland. now, the organizers plan to tell us about the plans for a citywide strike they are calling for. the protesters who have been camped out in front of city hall for the past month now plan, they hope, to shut down the ept tire city of the oakland -- the entire city of oakland. some businesses are shutting down as a store of -- show of support. however, other shops say they just can't afford to do that. they are questioning about small businesses have to suffer to make a big point about -- a big point about this. 8:35. some teachers in oakland will take part in today's strike, others plan to use it as a lesson for students. every school in the district is open today. we talked to one teacher earlier this morning who says his curriculum will focus on the strike and what occupy oakland represents. >> we felt like we wanted to be here at school because, you know, any day of school that kids miss is a day they are not in school getting their quality education and also, you know, we feel like this is the best place and the best opportunity for them to get a comprehensive understanding of what's going on. people marching -- teachers marching -- are marching today and the schools have put in place en-- put in place plenty of substitute teachers. this evening's march is already having an impact, at least one terminal, at the portland -- an impact. at least one terminal at the portland of oakland will be closed. on monday, police got a call from a woman stating she spotted 29-year-old cameron remmer. later on, after talking by phone, the family realized this was the wrong person. remmer, who is from san diego county, was last seen october 9th at the fairmont hotel. take a look at this photo. if you see him, contact san francisco police. swee have new video just coming in right now of a big rig that caught fire in the sierra. look at these pictures. this happened around 4:00 in morning -- this morning right near dutch flats. the chp says the big rig caught fire and then it spread to the trailer. the truck was filled with medical supplies. westbound traffic was completely shut down for about an hour but one of the lanes has since reopened. the shoulder is expected to reopen about 9:00 this morning. >> that's just about 25 minutes away. let's check in with sal and seep how things are moving on oakland. >> it will be slow there. a lot of people going somewhere in oakland. perhaps to work or somewhere else. you see some stop-and-go traffic here driving up past hyde street from 66th at least. had a busy commute in oakland this morning. 580 is backed up from at least hyde street at well. a lot of traffic at the -- hyde street as well. a lot of traffic. it's improving a little bit. i don't want to paint a doom and gloom picture. it's improved since that crash in san francisco has been removed. even the south bay is improving. we had traffic in downtown san jose, it's still slow but it's closer to highway 17. same thing with 85. even though it's still slow getting into the valley, i think that if you are at the end of the commute, for example, in southern san jose, things are cleared up. 8:38. let's go to steve. all right. well, thank you, good visibility. thank the wind or blame it. most people don't like the wind. it was roaring last night. still localized areas where the wind is picking up. the temperatures, 30s to 60s on the lows. but the big change is upstream. it will be here tomorrow. mostly sunny, sunny. it will be a mild, warm day and then tonight, the wind tails off the temperatures plunge and we have sun in the morning, clouds in the afternoon, it looks like evening rain. somewhere around 6:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m. it will carry into friday morning and then colder. much colder as we head into friday and probably for the next five to seven days. the pattern looks very cold as we head into the weekend. the higher clouds are already thinning out associated with a weak little system that had nothing to do with -- nothing to do with the system tomorrow. red flag barning still out -- red flag warning still out. we've had gusty conditions all over the place. 48 miles per hour, mount diablo, 38 half moon bay airport which had 10% humidity this morning i mean on the coast. that just does not happen very often. oakland hills, 36 miles per hour. hey bard hills, 27. blackhawk and travis at 25. travis had gusts to 40 yesterday. north-northeast for some but an easterly breeze is starting to take shape. when it goes southeast, that means things are starting to wind down in the wind department. santa rosa, 37. i mean, that's really incredible. boulder creek was down to 38. i know -- who as it? scotts valley was down to 35. capitola made it to 46. other areas were very mild and -- mild around warm. i know that system doesn't look like none but it's going to go straight down north to south. a lot of cold air with that. a lot of cold air. as that moves in. mostly sunny, breezy, warm today and then increasing clouds tomorrow. some rain on the way. this is really not a big rain producer. wind in the hills will still be rather strong for a while and then tailing off, 60s and 70s for the highs today. a few of these will be mild to warm conditions. but then tomorrow everything changes rapidly. we'll see rain moving in. saturday morning looks good and then another system on sunday and then into next attack, tori and dave? >> all right. thank you, steve. it's 20 minutes before 9:00. the giants' chief rival is up for sale. late last night, dodgers' owner frank mccourt agreed to a court supervised process to sell the team. the dodgers filed for bankruptcy protection in june. mccourt recently settled a ditter dispute with his wife. the dodgers had four trips during the postseason. a financial services company will manage the sale of the team and dodger stadium. mccourt wants at least a billion dollars. >> wow. good news about the red tailed hawk, the one shot with the nail gun, it will be released back into the wild this morning. the hawk was captured october 21st after being spotted. it had a nail in its head. it's been recovering at the wildlife silicon valley facility. the hawk will be released today. there is a $10,000 reward offered to try to catch whoever shot the hawk in the first plate. 8:41. spending their first day apart. that's an amazing thought. what's next for the two formerly conjoined twins following a remarkable operation at stanford. big news from a mia giant, a very -- from a media giant. and from oakland this morning, there are already two events underway for today's planned strike. we'll tull -- we'll tell you what they are and to what to expect -- and what to expect coming up next. [ screaming ] [ zapping ] there goes dwayne's car. oh, man. there goes dwayne's house. whoa! whoa! and there goes dwayne. man, that thing does not like dwayne. [ male announcer ] state farm's got you covered. nice landing. it was. [ male announcer ] get to a better state. after yesterday's selloff, numbers have rebounded nicely, thanks to two private reports coming out about unemployment numbers and jobs increases. so that's helping the markets but a lot of investors still waiting to hear from the federal reserve. they will be making an announcement later today and they are hoping it will signal in the latest policy statement that it will keep interest rates at the current low. right now, the dow is up 191. nasdaq is up 33. s&p is up 21. one of the world's largest media corporations announced a large profit this morning. comcast, the nation's largest cable operator, earned more than $14 billion in the last quarter. that is nearly a 5% increase from the previous quarter. comcast picked up more high- speed internet customers and also credits popular cable networks for the increase. well, analysts are cautioning bank customers not to get too excaughted on yesterday's morning -- to get too excited on yesterday's morning. we will told you that bank of america will back off on the highly unpopular plan to charge a $5 a month credit fee. the damage to its reputation was not worth the money generated, they say. but economists say you should expect more fees overtime. they say banks will make the way back through gradual fee increases. let's bring you up to date on some of the other top stories we're follow. just within the last hour, firefighters in napa are fighting the fire there. they are still out there -- out there putting out hot spots. the red flash wagging is due to -- red flag warning is due to expire at 9:00. "the chronicle contract reports a property --" the chronicle "reports a property was asking for a donation for lee's campaign. we're closely watching the occupy oakland movement. the protesters, the ones who have been camped out in front of the city hall for the past month, now vow to shut the city down today. "occupy oakland" organizers are calling for a citywide strike by workers and by students. ktvu's kraig debro has been out there all morning. he's back with us live with the latest out there. >> reporter: good morning, dave. they are start -- there's starting to be a lot of movement. tear are two events -- one event that started at 8:30. another event that's gonna start at 9:00. one sponsored by the occupy oakland folks over at broadway and telegraph. the other set to take place on mlk. that's a press conference by the city in about 15 minutes from now. a lot of movement out here this morning and politically as well as physically. today, "occupy oakland" plans to make its organization known around. world. groups say any corporation that stays open for business will be picketed. the group says they did not issue the same warning for small businesses, a lot of whom have struggle along on frank ogawa plaza in recent days. people have traveled long distances to be here. i just -- i just spoke to students who came here from humboldt state and they drove all night to be here. >> i think it's historical. you have to stand up -- you have to stand up and stand with a bunch. other people and hopefully accomplish something. >> i'm here to today -- today too represent part of the 99%. we're trying to draw attention to the 1% of this country are really driving this country in the wrong direction and the 99% of us out there trying to pay the rent, the mortgage bill, trying to raise their children, it's got be -- gotten too hard and things need to change. >> reporter: that man a longshoreman. that man is a longshoreman. there's a group of stages here one is behind me in the plaza. the other is at the corner of 14th and broadway. there is a schedule for speakers starting at 9:00. we were told by the people at the corner that starting at 9:00 there's gonna be a group of speakers who are gonna be taking part. angela davis is one who will speak at the 9:00 hour and then later today, at noon, robert rice, the former labor secretary in the clinton administration and current uc berkeley professor, is scheduled to speak at noon. kraig debro, ktvu channel 2 news. 24 hours ago, two san jose twin girls were conjoined. this morning, for the first time, they are waking up apart. anjelica and angelina sabuco sat on their mother's lap as they were wheeled into an operating room at lucile packard's hospital. a team of 20 doctors and nurses carefully separated them during a ten-hour operation. now, their mother says the successful procedure is a dream come true. >> words cannot express how the family -- how the family feels -- feels for this operation of our dreams for my girls. >> the doctors accept straighted -- separated their liver, diaphragm, chest muscles. the girls will spend the next week recovering from the hospital. there's a new study out connecting alcohol to a higher risk of breast cancer. the study found that women who drink three drinks every week raise their risk by 3%. those who drink every day, their risk goes up to 51%. it's a new day at apple. two changes that ceo tim cook has made since taking over the helm. also, these are live pictures, folks. we're keeping an eye on today's developing news concerning the "occupy oakland" protest. we'll bring you more details about what's happening at this very moment when we come back. right now, protesters are holding a press conference to discuss today's big occupy oakland protesters -- protests. the protesters have camped out in front of city hall for the past month and -- and are now vowing to sutt sean thedy -- to shut down the city. let's listen in. >> nobody is gonna be pooh targeting any small -- is gonna be targeting any small business today. we mean biz. we're mullly tant -- we mean business. we're militant. >> can you give us an idea what you expect to get out -- the movement has been sort of criticized for not having an exact goal or whatever. what do you expect to achieve? >> well, many of the people working with us are pushing for a major tax on the 1% here in california. as you know, california is in the worse shape of any state in the country, and we expect that that is gonna pass overwhelmingly and you can believe that many people here at "occupy oakland." will be looking to on -- looking to -- that doesn't mean we don't have ideas about what needs to happen. >> can you say what's happening at the port right now? >> what were you gonna say? >> i was gonna speak more to your yes -- more to your question. >> what we are accomplishing is widening an ever-growing conversation taking place in our generation and for other generations. we've swept out the block to sit down and talk. it's something our generation has not been allowed. okay? so as far as the future goes, we're talking about it, and we're thinking very big very intelligently about this. we're expanding this conversation to an international level. "the question is inaudible -- [ the question is inaudible ] >> what solution? >> can you speak a little bit more -- >> we don't get quite that specific yet. >> again, you've been watching live a pro-- some press conference by some of the organizers of today's general strike in oakland. they say they are not gonna target small businesses. they are pushing for a major tax on the 1%. also we've just learned longshoremen have stopped working ahead of today amarch. it does include a number of 0 -- today's march. it includes a number of union members and teachers and others have indicated they will be joining this. it is supposed to be starting shortly and ending with a rally at the port of oakland. we'll be following this today. and let's quickly go to sal? >> we're just gonna check out the -- check out the toll plaza. traffic will be busy there. give yourself plenty of time to navigate through that. sunshine, mild to warm today. that will be the last time i say "warm" for a while because we have big changes, red flag warnings should end here in a couple of minutes. still high fire danger for another couple of hours. then tomorrow rain moves in tomorrow evening and then turning much colder. >> much colder. >> that's our report for this morning. thank you for trusting ktvu channel 2 news. we'll see you the next time news breaks. >> and we've just heard that 14th and broadway is lessed because of the -- is closed because of the protesters. we'll have coverage through jute the day. thank you for joining us -- throughout the day. thank you for joining us. ♪ going to the bank without going to the bank... that's a step forward. with chase quickdeposit on your smartphone, you just snap a picture, hit send and done. chase quickdeposit. take a step forward and chase what matters. ♪ we just keep on keepin' on ♪ ♪ keep on from 20 leading brands, including tully's. it's the way to brew everyone's favorite cup

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