Transcripts For KTVU Mornings On 2 20110829

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irene has moved out but has left a trail of destruction across the northeast as cleanup begins in some parts. other places are still dealing with flooding and power outages. >> reporter: we're live in san francisco where there is a new twist to the b.a.r.t. demonstration. we'll tell you what could be different tonight and how it could affect your commute. there's word of a new tell- all book in the casey anthony case. who is ready to dish out the details. and a homicide and two fires all within the same block of san jose and within days of each other. "mornings on 2" starts now. well, forming to you. -- well, good morning to you. i'm dave clark. >> i'm tori campbell. it's monday, august 29th. we're continuing to follow the aftermath of hurricane irene. despite little damage in some cities, others are seeing major damage. ed a am housely is live -- adam housely has more. >> reporter: good morning, tori. the power is expected to be out for several more days, but just a couple of hours inland, they are getting hammered by water. in hoboken, new jersey, some are getting hammered with water. north of new york, irene forced river from the sawmill river throughout one neighborhood. >> some there's nothing i can do. >> massive flood came through. the whole development is evacuated. 200 residents have been displaced. >> reporter: torrential rains flooded the river in greenville, massachusetts, washing away some of the cars. >> i think it's some of the craziest things i've seen in my life. >> reporter: the storm also left its mark on southern connecticut. >> they have stairs going down to the beach. gone! >> some stairs are floating in the water. >> reporter: in development, state leaders are considering flooding the state capitol on purpose. a utility spokesman says to protect the integrity of the marshfield damage, extra water may be released. president obama says while irene may have move -- moved on -- >> i want people to understand this is not over. response and recovery will be an ongoing operation. >> reporter: no power is causing a lot of problems for businesses in this area. at we talked about, development really having trouble with water. the governor of development has just said it's the worse flooding that state has faced in a century. er tofully. >> thank you. adam. you can find more information at coming up at 7:15. we'll go live to our washington, d.c. newsroom for details on the federal response to all of the damage and how the broke local and state governments will pay for it. time now, 7:03. an army suspected of killing four people near philadelphia during hurricane irene before kiming -- killing himself authorities say this man killed himself, and other families. he grabbed his own 6-year-old daughter and left her at a hospital before he was found shot to death. the daughter is not hurt. she's being cared for by relatives now. eggland recently came back from a third tour of duty from iraq and afghanistan. all b.a.r.t. stations could see not one but two protests during the height of the commute. tara moriarty is live outside the civic center station with what's behind these dueling demonstrations. >> reporter: most b.a.r.t. riders we talked to this morning rolled their eyes when then found out there was another process, another protest tonight. the movement is called "taking back b.a.r.t." it's comprised of people who say they are angry with the group anonymous. those protesters have prompted shutdowns of b.a.r.t. stations and the cancellations of trains. others will carry signs asking police not to shut down the station. they say they've had enough of "anonymous"ed a then they need to take -- and they need to take their protests somewhere else. are you planning on doing something else? >> i might walk down to another situation. >> what are people gonna do? not take b.a.r.t.? not go to work? >> reporter: the anonymous protesters have been angry about two things -- first, an officer-involved shooting of a homeless man back in july and then the cutting off of cell phone service. b.a.r.t. says the reason the service was cut of, because the agency had reports that the group was planning to chain itself to the trains. all of this should get underway at 5:00 tonight. if you need to take b.a.r.t., the civic center station, powell station should be impacted as well as stations in between. we're live in san francisco, tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 news. well, a san jose neighborhood that had been the focus of a murder investigation last friday is now the focus of a fire investigation. police say two fires occurred at a home on witten avenue early yesterday morning. one of them happened on -- outside of the home. second one happened in a detached garage. those fires are within the same block to irma campas last friday. sacramento county arrested a man accused of shooting at two women who were delivering papers. the women say they were delivering papers hadn't they heard the count of bullets -- when they heard the sound of bullets. the suspect, anthony collins, lived in a mobile home next door. police say they found several weapons in his home. also, a marijuana operation in his backyard. well, reports of a tell-all book due to be released by one of the prosecutors in the casey anthony murder trial. jeff ashton will write a book called "imperfect justice -- prosecuting casey anthony." it's due to hit source in late november. anthony was aquited of all murder charges right now she's serving a year of probation for check fraud. the united nations is warning the bird flu could become an international threat again. the latest strain is spreading in china and vietnam. and it is resistant to earlier vaccines. last week, the u.n. reported a 6-year-old girl from cambodia died of the flu. she's the -- she's the eighth person to die from the thru this year -- from the flu this year. colin powell says he's not happenly about the way he's -- happy about the way he's protrayed in a book by dick cheney. >> they are cheap shots. he takes great credit for my resignation at the end of 2004. well, probandi always agreed that i would -- well, president bush and i always agreed that i would leave at the end of -- end of 2004. powell calls the claims in the book nonsense. the book is set to be released tomorrow written by dick cheney. let's check in with sal. >> good morning. right now, traffic is getting busy around the bay area, almost everywhere you look, you are going to see some slowdowns. this is a look at 280 northbound getting up to highway 17. definitely see slow traffic getting into the valley in case you are driving to cupertino and sunnyvale this morning. if you are driving down to fremont --less say you are just -- let's say you are driving through the crash, you will need extra time. the traffic is back under into hayward. it's part of the xsh -- it's part of the morning commute. this morning at the bay bridge toll plaza, we have about a 15- minute delay before you get into san francisco. 7:09. let's go to rosemary. >> good morning. welcome back on this monday. our afternoon highs will be trending downward. it could take a day or two before we feel it. take a look at the beautiful sky. inland areas waking up to sunny conditions. we have a little bit of gray and even some patchy dense fog along the coast. let's talk about the pattern switch we are expecting in the next 24 hours or so. we have high pressure still controlling our weather pattern. but by tomorrow, a trough and that will drive our temperatures down. so morning fog, afternoon sunshine expected for today. similar temperatures, some of us may see a degree or two of clothing -- of cooling. our afternoon highs expected to take a tumble. 58 degrees for oakland, concord, fairfield, 57 in livermore. host of -- most of us dealing with light winds. 57 in redwood city, low 60s mountain view, the marine layer depth very similar to individual -- to yesterday. 9:00 or so our inland spots mostly clear but the bay area is still dealing with patchy fog. by about noontime, it looks like finally peeling against the east way right along san francisco into downtown pacific. afternoon highs just a degree or two below what we saw. 83 in napa. 72 expected for berkeley. low 70s in oakland. inland areas will see low 90s. 82 san jose, 90 degrees morgan hill. 70s, some low 80s for the peninsula. extended forecast -- there is the drop. 86 will be the average for tomorrow inland. 8 p on -- 83 on wednesday. that will be the coolest day. the marine layer expected to beefen up a little bit with the trough off the coast. high pressure rebuilding in time for your three-day weekend. 60s for the coastline, partly cloudy skies. upper 80s expected inland. >> thank you, rosemary. honoring certain 9/11 victims. what's going on right now in the bay area to pay tribute to flight 93 passengers on the upcoming 10th anniversary of the tragedy. what's happening to -- what's happening this morning to those hit by a plane in napa. a bit of a gloomy start over san francisco. temperatures sitting in the 50s. widespread low to mid-60s for san francisco in the afternoon. it is 7:14. happening now, a 9/11 memorial bike ride is getting underway. the cross-country trip starts in south san francisco and ends in shanksville, pennsylvania on september 11th. organizers of this ride want to remember the victims of united flight 93. relatives and friends of one of the passengers, lewis joey knackky, came up with the idea. the event is called "ride with the 40." forty passengers were aboard the plane when it went down onsen. the ride is raising money for the flight 93 memorial. dozens of people will join them on various legs of the journey. a fullerton church is planning a special 10th anniversary 9/11 observance. the congregation at the east side christian church is planting nearly 3,000 u.s. flags to remember every american killed in the attack. there are also flags of 40 other nations who lost citizens that day. the host will -- the church will host memorial service, featuring a new york firefighter whose company lost nine men at the washington, d.c. 7:15. well, today, east coast states are adding up the damage from hurricane irene. ktvu's alison burns is live in our washington, d.c. bureau and it says it looks like the federal government might have to pick up the tab. allison? >> reporter: that's right, dave. this is new this morning. president obama has just signed a disaster declaration for the state of development which, of course, eachs up federal funding for disaster -- which opens up federal funding for disaster. you can see one of the bridges collapsed in the storm and the damage from irene extend down the east coast. roofs ripped off homes in virginia commuter trains underwater in new jersey. the hurricane could cost state and local governments billions of dollars. but with most of them already in dire economic conditions, the word is the federal government might ultimately to have pick up the tab. president obama is promising the lep they need. >> i they -- help they need. >> i want to underscore the impacts of this storm will be felt for some time and the recovery effort -- effort will last for weeks or long. >> reporter: fema's disaster relief fund is running low and might not have enough money. that means another big funding fight is looming here on capitol hill. reporting live from washington, d.c., alison burns, ktvu channel 2 news. all right, allison thank you. 7:17. six years ago today hurricane katrina devastated new orleans in the gulf coast. remember this was the scene outside the super dome in new orleans where people sought refuge from the storm. broken levees triggered devastating flooding. 1800 people were killed in the storm. more than $100 billion in damage was caused. the building is still going on in new orleans' hard-hit 9th ward. and this morning, a typhoon is hitting taiwan. the storm made landfall earlier today more than 20 inches of rain has fallen, thousands of people have been evacuated. that typhoon has claimed the lives of at least 16 people in the phillippines. 7:17. the chinese government is not commenting after someone posted a video on youtube, showing a military general discussing sensitive skying cases. the video is an embarrassment for the chinese government because it's usually very tight- lipped. youtube is blocked inside the china. so the video possibly came from someone outside the country. 35-year-old kevin houston was one of 30 navy s.e.a.l.s killed when their helicopter was shot down in afghanistan on august 6th. he spent part of his childhood in san jose before he moved to the east coast. relatives here who were unable to attend his funeral gathered for a special ceremony yesterday. >> he lost his life serving his country. the least we can do is take a few minutes out of our lifetime and see how much we are -- we feel about him. >> houston was a member of team 6 which was responsible for killing osama bin laden, though he was not on that actual mission. he is survived by his -- by his wife and three children. three people recovering after the car they were in was hit by a small plane in napa. the chp says the single engine beechcraft plane was having mechanical problems yesterday when the pilot made an emergency landing on highway 29. three people in the car suffered minor injuries. the two that were on -- that were in the plane, they were not hurt at all. >> well, the people who work and play at the palo alto airport, they are inviting you to take an inside look this saturday. the palo alto association is holding an open house. airport day will feature tours, specs aircraft and flights for the children -- special aircraft and flights for the children. the airport is located on embarcadero road. today marks what would have been michael jackson's 53rd birthday. fans of the king of pop stem rated -- celebrated early yesterday outside of man's chinese theater -- mann's chinese theater. celebrations were held in gary, indiana also, where jackson group up. and his children visited his boy home home -- boyhood home with his children. jackson died in june of 2009 from a lethal dose of propofol. and the free gift the state has for fishermen, this labor day weekend. good morning. san mateo bridge, traffic looks pretty good heading out to the peninsula. i will tell you more about the morning commute and the bay weather. 7:22. a child care center in san francisco's mission district plans to open today. one day after being damaged by fire. now, it happened yesterday, just after midnight in the computer program of the children's counsel of san francisco. investigators don't believe the fire is suspicious. it may have been caused by overheated equipment. it is 7:23. the state's fish and game department wants you to fish for free. this saturday anyone will be able to fish in state waters without buying a sport fishing license. it's just one of two free fishing days this year. the other day back in july, other fishing regulations still apply, though i have no idea what they are because i've never fished before. let's reel in sal castanedo. figure out what's happening in the commute. >> sal? >> yes. >> good one. >> it takes me a while to get it. my brain is on extra slow. let's go out and table a look right now. the -- and take a look at the traffic right now. the smitt bridge -- the san mateo bridge that traffic looks good. also this morning we're looking at the bay bridge toll plaza, and traffic looks pretty good for this time of the morning. there is a 15-minute delay, don't get me wrong but there won't be me problems on the bridge. if you are driving in san jose, it's beginning to get crowded on northbound 280 getting up to. san jose -- up to the san jose part of the valley. let's go to rosemary. >> good morning. subtle changes for you. slightly cooler in some areas. partly to mostly cloudy skies. you can see a gray start, the farther inland you go -- you go, the sunnier your skies are. slightly -- many of us may not even notice. the clouds will burn off all the way to the coastline, we're expected to see partly to mostly cloudy skies along the coast most of the day. low 60s for the coast. widespread 70s and 80s for the bay. 80s and 90s for the inland areas. 85 expected santa rosa, 83 for napa. 80 degrees in san rafael. inland east bay, it's warm. 90 degrees in concord. we know it could be worse. it's august, along the east bay, 73 for oakland, mid-70s in hayward. 82 san jose, 78 expected mountain view along the peninsula there, 73 san mateo. 67 degrees for the city this afternoon. the extended forecast, a trough will settle along the west coast and that's going to drive our temperatures. back -- our temperature the back. along the coastline we'll notice the marine layier thickening. the onshore breeze could be stronger. but it's really the inland spots that will feel the drop. 83 expected by wednesday. that's the coolest day. thursday/friday high pressure rebounding. 87 expected for your afternoon high on saturday for the inland areas. 60s remaining along the coastline through your weekend. back to you. >> rosemary, thank you. a prominent mendocino county politician shot and killed. the search for the gunman who murdered the city councilman. there are legendary heros in history. a series of thefts at one bay area church has members fed up. ktvu's allie rasmus is live in antioch with information on what was stolen. ail ally. l -- allie? >> reporter: we're at this church and earlier this month, thieves broke up all seven air- conditioning units. they broke them apart to steal the copper wiring inside of them. the father at the church here says they've been able to reconnect them and get the fans going but there's no air air conditioning coming out of the units. this is the hottest time of the year. it's made things a little uncomfortable. father robert reen is with the church. you are telling me this is not the only thing that was vandal identified -- vandalized or stolen. >> that's correct. we had our security cameras stolen and this past weekend between 4:30 and 5:30, they came back and broke into our main power source and removed about 500 yards of copper wiring. >> reporter: now, you sent us some pictures that we're showing you of some of the damage that's happened in the past month. have police given you any information about any leadses, any opinion information about who may be doing this? >> we believe the same people who removed the copper dubeing from the air conditioning -- copper tubing from the air- conditioning units are the same individuals who -- they must have seen the con cash cash conduit from the main power source where the power comes into the building, so they had to know what to do. it was very professional the way it was done. these were not amateurs. >> reporter: we all know that the commodity of medals has gone up. >> yes. >> the copper tubing that's within each unit is only valued at $39. so they destroyed a $5,000 unit for $39 worth of copper. >> reporter: not really worth it. >> right, right. exactly. exactly. it's been difficult. our parishioners feel very frustrated that we've hit so many different times in a brief period of time. >> reporter: this church has been the victim of several vandalisms and thefts that have to do with copper wiring some of the wiring in the power conduit and some of the it in the air-conditioning units outside. 7:31. concord police are telling us new information about a deadly incident near hillcrest park. a man killed near olivera road and grant was beaten to death and not shot. police originally said there was a shooting. officers say there were shots fired in the area at the time of the incident. no one was hurt. police say the 27-year-old man who died was the victim of a robbery. two suspects are in police custody. 7:32. a search goes on for the man suspected of shooting and killing a fort bragg city council. aaron basler is accused of killing countyman -- killing the councilman saturday morning. in less than two hours from now, a federal judge in san francisco will start hearing a request to release the video from last year's proposition 8 trial. the same-sex couples who sued to overturn california's same- sex marriage ban want that video made public. they claim there's extraordinary public interest in this case. however, the sponsors of proposition 8 disagreed with that. they are gonna argue against releasing the video. they say witnesses made the arrest. it's 7:33. firefighters in solano county are investigating the cause of a grass fire that came close to burning a home. it started saturday evening in fairfield on torrington way and mystic drive. the fire burned before being contained. firefighters were able to prevent any homes or other building from being burned. >> we are seeance uptick in activity statewide. and none of those fires are burning into major fires at this point. but it's gonna continue to dry out. >> firefighters say they will continue to check for hot spots, no one was hurt. this was one of four major fires across the state. 7:33. san jose police investigating another homicide. a man was stabbed on ezzie street in south san jose about 10:30 saturday night. he died at the hospital about an hour later. this, by the way, is san jose's 32nd homicide of the year. last year, there were 20. police in los angeles county say they caught two men dressed like cable guys and broke into homes. nows -- now, these men were arrested on suspicion of burglary after a neighbor reported a possible break-in. the two were captured while trying to get away in time warner cable companyune forms. both men -- uniforms. authorities say javaris crittenton fatally shot a mother of four. they say she was likely not the intended target. they say the crittenton was realating for a robbery he was the victim of. authorities are trying to figure out if a michigan man killed on a trail was killed by a grizzly bear. hikers are beinged advised to hike in groups of two or three. a wildfire near yosemite national park continuing to morning. highway 130 between mariposa into the park is still closed. the fire has burned more than 3700 acres since it started started on thursday after a motor home caught fire. the fire is 35% contained but is not expected to be completely under -- not expected to be completely under control for a week. more evacuations are possible. yosemite remains open by way of highways 41 and 120. our time now, 7:35. well, from motherty rea huge tribute to 25 -- mother teresa, a huge tribute to 25 humanitarians. kraig debro is live this moving it el us about the incredible -- to tell us about the incredible move. >> reporter: the monument is incredible. about the opportunity -- but the movement is incredible. take a look at the monument that you saw earlier this morning on berkeley put on flatbeds brought here. now this huge crane is lifting what is one of three pieces that will be put in place. this is the educational monument. it's ten years in the making. this all started for us, anyway, this morning around 4:30. here's what it looked like in the dark back then just a couple of hours ago as crews lifted -- put this on a flatbed, put it on a flatbed. took three pieces apart and then lifted it off and then put it on a flatbed. here it is now at the henry j. kaiser memorial park. this gentleman here is with the old metropolitan chamber of commerce. i know you went in on this early. what made you get in oearly? >> this is a fabulous project. everyone that's been associated with it is driven to tears in some cases. joy happiness. the fact that we are recognizing 25 humanitarians that made a difference in our world and then the 14 others that are from local -- that are from the area. the local heroes. yes, absolutely. this solidly makes this oakland's monument. >> what about what happened on 9/11 got you to get involved in this. >> reporter: the sabbagetry of 9/11 was something that took both muriel and i into another zone, what could be done? how could you respond to this type of situation so that people think differently of life. >> reporter: on september 6th is the grand unveiling. you have a lot of people planning to be here and schools -- people who are on the monument as well. who do we expect to be here. >> well, ruby bridges, angelo, a number of executives from oakland who have made the project possible along with hundreds and thousands of others who recognize that diversity and equality is an important aspect that we all need to pay more attention to. >> thank you. again, this is one of three pieces that will be installed here. there is a fourth piece. they are still raising money to get it over here. the whole thing weighs about 61,000 pounds of bronze. it took ten years to build. we're gonna talk to mario coming up a little later on on "mornings on 2." reporting live from oakland, kraig debro, ktvu channel 2 news. quite a site sight -- quite a sight there. let's check in with sal. sal, i'm curious if more people will be driving because of potential protests on b.a.r.t. this evening what. we found the last three times they've done this on a monday, is -- that does happen a little bit. but what people do is they get on b.a.r.t. early and they go home early. so if the protest is planned at 5:00, there is a big rush at about 4:00 on b.a.r.t. of course this ends up affecting community -- muni because muni shares some of the stairways with b.a.r.t. if they close the stairway, they are closing the muni platforms as well. let's take a look at highway westbound. but most of the slow traffic this morning is in antioch. it gets better in pittsburg. this morning's commute at the toll plaza is backed up for about a 20-minute delay, no major problems on the uner deck once you make it there. you will be waiting for a bit. again, we watch -- we talked about antioch, look at concord, 680 southbound, slow traffic through pleasant hill, down to walnut creek. it doesn't get better until you reach alamo and danville. it does look like we have a new crash here on highway 4 westbound, highway 4 westbound coming up to the pittsburg area at loveridge. i'm sorry. it's eastbound. so that's the only good news. eastbound 4 at loveridge road. a crash on the right shoulder. two cars involved. the chp is on the scene. 7:40. let's go to rosemary. we can see from the pictures in the inland east bay area. we are dealing with plenty of sunshine. we have plenty of gray over the area along the bay. some parts of the peninsula actually breaking up a little bit. sfo report -- reporting a partly cloudy sky. here's why. we have a north westerly breeze and that's helping to push the marine layer out of the way even northeasterly in san jose. nasa an offshore breeze, meaning it's also being pushed out to the coastline. we have high pressure out to the pacific and that's what's helping to bring on this circulation. most of us are dealing with a southwesterly breeze. west-northwest westerly in livermore. upper 50s right now in oakland. 56 in san francisco, 60 in san jose, along the north bay, we're dealing with the temperatures in the 50s as well. 57 in napa. 51 in santa rosa so a little bit of a cool start there. santa rosa reporting a little bit of dense fog, we could find dense fog along the coastline, highway 1 perhaps through the morning hours. we'll watch the fog and cloud deck burn off by noontime. for the afternoon, it doing be hugging the coastline. partly cloudy skies expected for the peninsula. we could see mostly cloudy skies at times for even san francisco. patchy dense fog out there this morning. the clouds, high pressure still in control of our pattern. similar temperatures in many cases. we're starting to see some changes. we could actually see a tad bit of a cooling trend today in some areas, most of us will remain very similar. but by tuesday trough, off the coastline that's really going to drive our temperatures back. we'll fall below averagener the second half of your week. forecasted highs expected for today. 83 in napa. 84 for novato. 72 berkeley, 73 in oakland, 67 in san francisco, inland east bay, low 90s but not as hot. we'll shave a degree or two off your highs. the 2 -- dash 92 pleasanton. santa clara valley, a warm one, 82 san jose. a gorgeous day for san jose. 88 expected the -- expected in the afternoon. los gatos, extended forecast, there is the drop in your temperatures. 86 will be the average for tomorrow. 83 for midweek wednesday. and then again thursday, friday and into your weekend, temperatures will begin to rebound. notice the coastline doesn't change a whole lot. we begin to see the marine layer thicken up a little bit. temperatures will drop a degree or two. back into the low mid-60s for your weekend along the coastline and upper 80s for the inland spots. 7:43. libya in limbo, the offer moammar gadhafi made to libyan rebels and how he -- and how they responded. and the salary of a california school leader is being splashed. why he's not complaining. in fact, he's even happy about it. of philly cream cheese to kraft natural shredded cheese, which adds a touch of creamy to any dish. kraft touch of philly. crude oil prices are creeping up again. this morning oil was selling for nearly $85 a barrel. that's up from nearly $10. some industries say the gas prices could go down because of hurricane irene. airlines grounded flights and many people did not drive much during the storm. so demand for fuel could be lower than usual and prices could drop. but that's not been the case in california where aaa says prices have gone up nearly 8 cents in the last week and here in the bay area, prices have gone up nearly a dime to an average of $3.87 a gallon. and personal income of americans rose 3/10ths in july. spending jumped 8/10ths. car sales especially boost consumer spending. 7:47. libyan pebbles say, no, they will not -- rebels say no, they will not negotiate with moammar gadhafi. they rejected an offer from him to talk about a transfer of power they want him to surrender first. the rebels are considering a stronghold near the city of sirt. the charred remains of dozens of people he held captive, here. the prisoners ranged in age from 17 all the way up to 70. libyan rebels annoy -- announced they will not mastermind the master behind behind the lockerbie. doctors diagnosed him with cancer and reportedly he's near death now. now, while his release angered western nations we'll still popular in libya. 270 people died when the pan am flight was blown up over lockerbie, scotland. back in the u.s., a group of bus passengers received a ride they will not soon forget. the bus crashed into an empty double-decker tour bus inles beverly hills. the you -- you can see the front end of the bus mangled. 15 people were hurt. nine people needed to go to the hospital. crowds of people turned out over the weekend for the demolition of a long-time eyesore near indianapolis. >> pretty impressive. the building crumbled to the ground along with the retail center next door. the building first opened in 1974 as the first in the city to mix homes with businesses. but the retail center floundered and some of the buildings have been vacant for about 20 years. it's still not clear what will replace the buildings. the federal government is calling for building of mixed income housing. 7:49. the bill designed 0ed to crack down on bad salt -- designed to crack down on ban salt drugs goes before the senate. now, these drugs can cause extreme paranoia and a variety of health problems. they are sold under a variety of names at lick ear stores and smoke shops. those caught could face up to six months in jail and be fined up to $1,000. a bill that would ban plastic foam containers here in california is making its way through the state legislature, the bill would prohibit restaurants and grocery stores and other vendors from using styrofoam containers beginning in 2016. if it becomes law, it would make california the first date with this kind of ban. some restaurant owners are against the bill. they say switching to biodegradable cartons would more than double their costs. ten minutes before 8:00. the salary of the superintendent of fresno schools is being splashed. it's voluntary. larry powell -- larry powell says with the district facing a budget cut, he wanted to help out. i will be here doing the same job but i will be doing if for a few dollars less. it's more than a few dollars. he will be returning $200,000 this year to the district. there is a contingency, he gets to decide how the money he is returning spent. he says et wants the money to go to art or preschool programs that have been eliminated. >> you don't hear that every day. >> no. a very rare opportunity for reporters with the -- with a lot of courage and some heavy boots. a towering bay area view available for a few brave individuals today. and new security measures at 49ers stadium. america, we've been fueling economic growth here for over a century. today we're investing in innovations that will define our future. every day, we're working to help set opportunity in motion. from financing a solar project for the milpitas school district to funding the institute at golden gate. because when you're giving, lending, and investing in more communities across the country, more opportunities happen. caltrans will provide a unique opportunity to capture a view from the top of the bay bridge tower. members -- members of the media have been invited to climb up the tower so long as they are afraid -- unafraid of extreme heights. tune into the news at 5:00 this evening and a rare view from the top. the 49ers say the new safety measures at candlestick park are a success. during the 9ers' game against the houston texans, police only arrested one person, cited two others for public intoxication and ejected two fans. there were no major incidents of fan violence like what happened at the raiders' game where one person was beaten un- - beaten unconscious and two others were shot in the parking lot. police added more police officers and cracked down on liquor. they say end --ing tailgate gating parties -- they say ending tailgating parties helped. >> both teams, unfortunately, lost during their preseason games. let's check in with sal for an update on the traffic. >> one of the raiders, tweeting me -- >> oh, good. >> we want everybody in the bay area to watch us if you can. let's take a look at highway 4 on westbound, if you are driving on highway 4 westbound, you will see slow traffic there up to the willow pass grade. no major problems. it will be slow very -- it will be slow traffic on 680 southbound. it gets better at alamo. westbound bay bridge backed under for a delay and slow going into the city. we also have a lot of slow traffic. if you drive on 880, it will be slow most of that way. not a great morning there. trying to get to work across the bay. the dumbarton bridge looks okay and so does the san mateo bridge and so does -- and in the south bay, 280 is slow all the way up to 17. 85 slows for most of the way between 87 and saratoga. let's go to rosemary. afternoon highs expected to take a tumble. today the judges -- today the changes will be very subtle. for the most part we'll be very similar conditions, giving you a live look at the bay area. we're dealing with gray skies inland. we have machines. north bay inland dealing with partly cloudy and some fog in areas right around santa rosa even patchy fog. low 60s for the coastline. widespread 80s and low 90s inland. still a degree or two cooler than what we saw yesterday. widespread low, muper 50 the outside -- mid- to upper the door. by noontime, most of us are sunny. mostly sunny skies around the bay area to the coastline, 60s, 70s for your lunch hour. low 80s for the warmest areas. by noontime some areas will already be nice and warm and then for the afternoon, again, 60s for the coast and well inland we could see some low 90s for the afternoon. temperatures will take a big tumble by tomorrow. 86 expected in our inland areas. 83 come wednesday. that's well below average for this time of year. it doesn't last very long, though. thursday, friday, into the weekend. there's the warmup, once again, back in the upper 80s lasting through your three-day holiday weekend. along the coastline, for the most of us, 70 degrees expected santa cruz. back to you. 7:57. how about some relief on wall street after hurricane irene. take a live look at the big board. at least we'll try to -- we will take a look at the big board and bring you the latest from the new york stock exchange. >> reporter: we're live in san francisco, we have we've just spoken to organizers of a b.a.r.t. protest expected for tonight. we'll tell you what to expect for your evening commute. [ screaming ] [ zapping ] there goes dwayne's car. oh, man. there goes dwayne's house. whoa! whoa! and there goes dwayne. man, that thing does not like dwayne. [ male announcer ] state farm's got you covered. nice landing. it was. [ male announcer ] get to a better state. good morning. welcome back to "mornings on 2." i'm tori campbell. >> good morning. i'm dave clark. it's monday, august 29th. u.s. stocks are rising after the damage from irene was less than feared. carter evans joins us live from the new york stock exchanges, which was able to open for trading as usual and there was a chance it might not. >> reporter: right. so the new york stock exchanges opened here, opened for business as usual. they said that on friday. but i know a lot of people were really questioning that over the weekend. now it appears at least the storm just grazed is in new york city. grazed us in new york city. the nasdaq is up 2%. the dow up 1.4%, up 163 points, essentially and the s&p 500 up 1.7%. we got a report today on personal income, up 3/10ths, personal spending up 38/10ths. the highest number in five months. that's really good news. and concern about the european debt crisis and optimism over irene not causing as much damage as first thought. >> so if trading is kind of thin -- trade something thin on wall street. a lot of people can't get into work. the subway system is up and running. that's having an impact as far as storm-related stocks, i have a few to show you here. of course, you would be thing insurerrers now with hurricane irene. the damage total up to about $7 billion. so why are these insurers are up today. all state up 6.5%. travelers up almost 5%. aig up 4%. the reason, they really beat down last weekend. i think people are relieved today that the damage isn't as significant as first thought. another thing i want to show you who else benefits after a storm and before a storm, too? home depot, lowe's, walmart, target. these are all companies that benefit after a storm. you are buying up supplies to board up your home and you are buying supplies to fix things. home depot, the only one on the decline but essentially flat today. tori? >> all right. carter everythingens live for us at the new york stock -- carter evans live for us at the new york stock exchange. president obama is holding a conference announcing his nomination for economic advisers. company on down here -- come on down here. he's one of the nation's leading economists. in two years of this administration, as we were dealing with a crisis that threatened a second great depression. allen's council at the cheap trashierry department appeared invaluable -- treasury department appeared invaluable. i look forward to working with allen. it will be tough to fill the shoes of austan goolsbee. i have no doubt that he will take over as a member of the team. i rely on the team to provide data baited on the best evidence, not on politics. and that's more important than ever right now. we need folks in washington to make decisions based on what's best for the country. that's what -- not what's best for any political party or special interest. >> that's how we'll get through -- >> we've been listening live to president obama live at the white house, making an april nounsment, he's nomen -- announcement, he's nominating allen krueger. we'll get more details on that later on. 8:04. bell, hurricane irene has moved away from the northeast u.s. it's into canada. it's left behind major flooding and that's causing major new problems. take a look at this home in pompton lakes new jersey. firefighters couldn't get to it right away because it's surrounded by flood waters. the crews ended up getting in boats to fight the flames. it's believed a gas main break caused the explosion and the fire that resulted, luckily no one was hurt. irene is still causing more flight cancellations at san francisco international airport. three flights scheduled this morning to the new york area airports have been cancelled. even though those airports back there are open again airlines are needed to get the planes and their flight crews in place. two other flights to charlotte are also cancelled because of irene. how much of a delay are you experiencing? >> possibly eight hours. >> eight hours. >> what is your plan now as you are walking down the hallway. >> try to get out of stand-by. >> the passengers from new york, boston, philadelphia, chicago, trying to get here to the bay area are facing their own delays. two sfo flights are haven't been called. here is the question who will pay for the hurricane irene recovery efforts. well, state and local governments are already in bad economic shape. coming up at 8:15, we'll have a live report from our washington, d.c. bureau on what president obama is requesting and how it could cause fallout. b.a.r.t. is warning computers it may have to close streets along market in san francisco because of yet another protest. tara moriarty just spoke to a member of the group, planning the demonstration. she joins us live with what he had to say. tara? >> reporter: we just spoke to a member of the group anonymous. he says that they are actually not expecting as big of a turnout as they had in the past. he will also -- he also said they will not be utilizing the platforms as they have in the past. in any case, police are still bracing for a big demonstration and so are b.a.r.t. riders. this is the first time that we've had dueling protests, the movement being called taking back b.a.r.t. commuters -- commuters are upset with anonymous which has had protests over the last several weeks. but anonymoused riders say the ride -- anoun miss riders -- anonymous say the riders' protests are not warranted. >> b.a.r.t. is inconveniencing commuters when they don't have to. >> reporter: we spoke to one mother who said she understands why commuters are speaking out against anonymous. she relies on b.a.r.t. and gets charged $5 every minute she is late from school. you can imagine if i'm $15 -- if i'm 15 minutes late, that's a lot of money for standing in line for trying to get through a big group of people. >> the anonymous protesters have been angry about two things. first an officer-involved shooting of a homeless man back in july. and second cutting -- cutting off cell phone service on august 11th. all of these protests should be getting underway at 5:00. the stations that should be impacted are the civic center station as well as the powell state station. market treat could see a bit of congestion. be aware of that. let's very -- experiencing some delays if you plant to take b.a.r.t. this evening. we're live in san francisco, back to you. seven minutes after 8:00. the city of san jose, wants you to bring your own bags to clean up after your dog in city parks. because of budget cuts, the city decided to stop offering free dog waste bags. the city was spending 60,000 a year on bags to keep park dispensers stocked. san jose joins agreeing -- growing list of cities to stop providing those free bags. 8:08. let's check in with sal. kind of getting busy on a monday morning, right? >> that's right. we are seeing a lot of slow traffic almost all over the place. schools are mostly back in now. some of the other school districts actually came in today, including oakland. just make sure that you give yourself extra time and you have in the summertime months. let's take a look at what we have in a -- a new crash, eastbound 5890 at foothill, a pickup truck and a gravel hauler. now two lanes are blocked. look at 580, the road sensor showing all red traffic from livermore all the way through the dublin interchange. if you drive there, you need extra time this morning, moving the pap over to hayward, union city and fremont. that traffic is terrible. it's backing up out of san's tre -- san leandro. let's move along and take a look at the bay bridge. we have a big backup there. it's backed up for about a 15- minute mit -- 15-minute wait. 280 is slow, so is 85, basic from -- basically from highway 87 all the way up to cupertino. so, again, almost everywhere you look, we have slow traffic. let's go to rosemary. you know what? i almost forgot, you -- you can follow us on our facebook page. ktvu channel 2 morning news face book -- facebook page. go to the facebook page and i think we have more than 1,000 followers now if i'm -- no, not yet? oh. we need to get up at least 1,000. please follow us. 8:0 the -- 8:09. hello, rosemary. are you following us? >> all over the place. we have gray skies over the bay area. partly sunny skies over san jose. partly sunny to mostly sunny skies over parts of sfo this morning. a light offshore breeze in some cases. san jose reporting a northeasterly breeze. we have a anotherler they breeze blowing through parts of the peninsula on the east side and then breaking out some of those clouds. 55 or 56 in san francisco. 55 in san rafael. low 50s in santa rosa. temperatures up a few degrees over yesterday. 60 degrees in fair field. we have the delta breeze blowing through fairfield. 60 degrees in livermore. we will have subtle changes in store for today, bigger changes as early as tomorrow. a little bit of patchy dense fog reported along the north bay. high pressure in place for the weekend and still there but will be weakening as's -- as we roll through today and into tomorrow. trough setting up off the coast rhine. that will bring on a cooling trend. so today, low 90s expected for inland areas. by tomorrow, upper 80s. by wednesday, and then rebounding into thursday. your afternoon high expected for today. here they are, 85 for santa rosa. we're looking at 83 for napa. 80 for san rafael. 72 expected in richmond as well as berkeley. 73 oakland. mid-70s in hayward. a gorgeous day in hey -- hayward. low 90s for livermore as well as concord. 82 expected in milpitas. 82 in san jose. a nice, warm, 88 expected in los gatos along the peninsula we're talking 73 san mateo, 78 redwood city, could be a little cool by the coast. partly cloudy skies perhaps even mostly cloudy once again with temperatures ranging in the low 60s. so by tomorrow. temperatures again begin to fall, 86, the average for tomorrow the coolest day will be tomorrow. we're rebounding. high pressure building back in -- building back in. upper 08s for expected for the inland area -- upper 80s expected for the inland area. the onshore breeze will be picking up right along the coast. back to you. 8:12. chocolate, good news here. getting a new stamp p of approval. the -- stamp of approval. the new medical study that could have you reaching for your sweet treat. thousands of students back school. giving you a live look at the fog and -- giving you a live look at the fog and clouds. minimal cooling for some spots. 8:15. even though hurricane irene has -- irene has passed, another storm is brewing in congress over who is gonna pay for the damage. alison burns is live in our washington, d.c. bureau with that story. alison? >> reporter: dave, that's right. even before hurricane irene hit the east coast, president obama and federal disaster managers were warning congress that the nation's disaster relief fund was running low. now as eight states report significant damage from the hurricane, president obama is promising governors and mayors, the federal government will provide the help he needs. here is what he said just about ten minutes ago. >> as i said yesterday, we're gonna make sure folks have all of the support they need as they prebin it -- as they begin to assess and repair the damage left by the storm. that's gonna continue in the days ahead. it will stake time to recover from a storm of this magnitude. >> now the question is will congress have to okay an emergency bill to pay for what could be billions of dollars in damage from hurricane irene. fema has already temporarily suspended some payments in states impacted by recent tornadoes in order to deal with the hurricane damage. president obama is expected to ask congress for more disaster relief funding that is likely to provoke a very big fight with republicans who were already demanding spending cuts in other areas to pay for it. reporting live from washington, d.c. alison burns, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you. 8:16. republican presidential candidate rick perry said social security is a ponzi scheme and a monstrous lie. the texas governor repeated his controversial position on social security while campaigning in iowa over the weekend. now, this is not a new claim for perry. he described social security in the same way in his 2010 book calmed "fed up." a man from vallejo who describes himself as a self- made multibillionaire is preparing to compete for the job of u.s. president. perry d. coleman is listed under hillary r. clinton along with his party, prerogative masters. he said he had an epiphany about running for president during a break from his job as a security guard. now, we also found an ad by coleman on craigslist this morning, soliciting the help of beautiful young girls to help with the campaign. he says he wants the girls because they are more oppressed than boys. by the way, he says his campaign kicks off in november. 8:17. a mother and daughter could both be sentenced to life in prison today far kill -- for killing a 91-year-old grandmother from dublin. in january of 2009, police found the body of selma hill stuffed into a garbage can. a jury convicted rosa hill and her mother for the death. prosecutors argued the women killed a 91 -- the 91-year-old over a child custody dis-- child dispute. there are rich teams and there are poor teams. then there's 50 feet of crap. and then there's us. that's a dollar, man. >> brad pitt plays billy beane in the film "money ball." it's based on the book written by michael lewis. it primiers september 189th at the paramound theater. it's not known if brad pitt will be there. bean started to use tactics for lower prices for the team. the newest little league world champions are from southern california. a team from huntington beach beach beat the team from japan with a walkoff single. look how excited they are. that gave hungington beach the 2-1 win after a delay of more than three hours. the makers of disposable typers are trying to boost their profits by going with new designs on it their -- on their products. walmart asked for the look camouflage. huggies is bridging back its diapers that -- bringing back its diapers that look like jeans. the fashion-forward diapers cost about 20% more than your standard white diaper. thousands of oakland students have gone back to class today. it's the first day of school for the oaklandune fid school district. there are about -- unified school district. british researchers are claiming a review of seven studies show regularly eating chocolate reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. people who ate the most chocolate had a 37% lower risk of hearst disease and a 29% lower risk of stroke. the scientists warn don't try binge eating chocolate. 8:20. a language barrier may be to blame for a problem with several transplant cases. several patients received organs from a donor who had tested positive for the a.i.d.s. virus. also, a new warning this morning from police about the aftermath of hurricane irene. what they are saying is gonna happen that could take you -- that could make you a victim. good morning. right now, bay bridge, got a little bit of a backup here as you come up to the pay gates. we'll tell you more about the morning commute straight ahead. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] because you never stop improving your recipe... we never stop improving ours. we've added a touch of philly cream cheese to kraft natural shredded cheese, which adds a touch of creamy to any dish. kraft touch of philly shredded cheese. we're not just making great cheese. we're taking it further. ♪ a hospital in taiwan blames a language gap after transplanting organs from an h.i.v. positive person to five other patients. the hospital says a transplant staff member misunderstood the results of an a.i.d.s. test and did not double check the results before the surgeries were started. the test result was spoken in english. now all five paints are being treated for anti-a.i.d.s. drugs? if you are thinking about donating money to help hurricane irene victims. law enforcement agencies say there could be a wave of ra fraughted lent schemes 0 to -- to take advantage of people wanting to help. some tips, tonight respond, unsolicited e-mails -- don't respond to unsolicited emails emails or phone calls. coming up at 8:30 we'll take you live to you new jersey -- live to new jersey. we want to check in with sal again. >> it's been busy almost other -- almost all over the place. let's go outside. wasn't to show you some of the slowest traffic we've had in a long time, coming out of the livermore valley. i circled it there for u a lot of stop-and-go traffic. there is also a crash eastbound 580 at foothill. i don't know. this is one of those days where it's not gonna be the normal commute you see it will be much worse and then just a lot of slow traffic on 880 heading south. most of the traffic is gonna be under the speed limit. some people who have options, including going later using -- or using transportation. most people have to get on the road there. let's go to the live pictures. a little bit of a slowdown coming up to the pay gates. and this morning's commute here on 280 at the 880 interchange. you can see that traffic is busy. now, let's go to rosemary. good morning to you. cloudy skies around the bray this morning. a little bit of -- around the bay this morning. a little bit of gray. we do expect to burn off, once again, very similar to yesterday. our temperatures for the afternoon, only subtle changes. a widespread of 50s and low 60s outside the door at this hour -- at this hour. by noontime, low 60s for the coastline, 70s along the bay. 81 degrees in areas like antioch expected for your lunchtime at 4:00 in the afternoon. low 60s along the coastline. widespread 70s and 80s for the bay. 80s and 90s for our valley locations. 83 for napa this afternoon. 80 degrees expected in san rafael. 67 in san francisco, slide our way down the peninsula. 78 in redwood city. san jose, 81 fremont. around the curve, we're looking at widespread, mid-70s for the east bay. 73 oakland. gonna be a very pleasant day for you. 92 livermore. 91 expected this afternoon for fairfield. the winds are generally calm along the peninsula. we're get -- calm along the peninsula. we're getting a little bit of a break out. delta breeze blowing through fairfield. take a look at that extended forecast. our temperatures are going to drop in a big way, anywhere from 5 to 10 degrees by wednesday for the inland areas. only shuttle changes for the coast. could see mostly gray skies with an onshore breeze for the coastline. thursday/friday, our temperatures begin to build back in in time for the weekend. upper 08s for the -- 80s for the inland area. kind of a typical setup for your three-day weekend. dave? >> 8:27. hard story. a father gunned down right in front of a 6-year-old son. the shopping trip that ended in murder. members of a church in antioch have become the victims of several copper thefts in the last month. we'll tell you what the thieves went for and why this -- why the father here says he's not the only one who has been april effected. and why a local -- affected. and why a local artist moved a 61,000 pound bronze structure from berkeley to oakland this morning. whoa. you gotta be kidding! you guys are exactly who i had in mind when i created my new jumbo breakfast platter. it's a ton of food: 8 of my new mini pancakes, hash brown sticks, scrambled eggs, plus bacon or sausage, all for only $2.99. it's just the kind of breakfast hardworking guys like you need. ...yeah. they're here! ladies, you have the right to remain sexy... irene is no longer a hurricane or a tropical storm. but the -- or a tropical storm but the damage has been done. have you flooding, power outages, our reporter is live in new jersey where i understand residents may not have drinking water for several days. >> reporter: that's the case, dave. at last report, we had some 40,000 people or more in this community and the surrounding neighborhoods without power. there are -- or water. there are a few that have the water but they have to boil it in order to be able to use it. power is also an issue. we have a few thousand folks without that. the cleanup continues today. there are plenty of basements that need to be pumped out. this river was as you over this town where we're standing was underwater a day ago, while this dried out, it has left behind an awful mess. there was one area that was hit and suffering from the devastation of hurricane irene. irene's three-day run caused major damage all along the east coast in many northeastern cities, streets turned into raging rivers. despite being bordered on all sides by land, fast-moving floodwaters swarmed downs -- towns in development. this build something dangerously close to falling after a nearby brook tripled its width. the soaking rain and rising water forced some to leave their homes with little warning. >> when you get that much water in -- in a short period of time, we -- you just can't take that much. >> reporter: and in north carolina, flooding left nearly 2500 people stranded on hatteras island after the storm surge destroyed part of the stir -- highway. irene is blamed for deaths across nine states. millions are without power and the cost of the damage has yet to be fully calculated. >> i want people to understand that this is not over. response and recovery efforts will be an ongoing operation. the impacts of this storm will be felt for some time. the recovery effort will last for weeks or longer. >> so dave this storm dumped eight, nine, ten inches of water on an already saturated ground. it was a record-breaking month in august. we do have good news. there are plenty of people from san francisco, oakland, that have been stuck in the new york city area for a couple of days now or more. the airports are slowly reopening. they will all be back home with loved ones before you know it. dave? >> thank you, chris, for the update. an army officer suspected of killing four people near philadelphia during hurricane irene killed himself as well. authorities say 37-year-old john eggland killed his ex- wife, her boyfriend, the boyfriend's son, and his former mother-in-law as the hurricane hit the east coast. he grabbed his own 6-year-old daughter and left her at a hospital before he was found shot to death. the daughter was not hurt. she's being cared for by relatives. eggland recently returned from a third tour of duty to iraq and afghanistan. police are looking for two men who shot and killed an oakland man right in front of his 6-year-old son. 39-year-old jose esperaza and his son left the market on international boulevard around 1:00 yesterday afternoon. the gunman approached him am demanded -- and demanded valuables. authorities are not sure if hoe hey resisted but he -- jose resisted but he was attacked. a reward of $15,000 is being offerrered. a man accused of killing a 3-year-old oakland boy is scheduled to enter a plea today. police believe the shooting of carlos nava was gang-related and the two other men were the intended targets. a religious sanctuary has become the target of thieves. allie rasmus is live in antioch where one church has been hit several times now. >> reporter: we're talking about saint ignacious church. this theft has had -- this church has had several safe thefts. the thieves opened -- broke open the copper pairing -- wiring, about 500 yards of it and stole it that powers the church. that's not the only thing that's been stolen here. in the past month, thieves took five security cameras from the parking lot and they also broke open seven air-conditioning units. these were put back together. but -- we went around to the back of the building and showed you the units that were broken apart so the thieves could take out the copper wiring from those and steal them. you are looking at the units ripped apart for the copper wiring inside. since that happened, the church has added metal grades. they have also -- they are also using padlocks. inunside, there's only $40 worth of copper inside these units. >> i know that times are very difficult economicrily. i know -- economically. but to take from a church whose entire mission is to help others and provide a better quality of life in our city, it's difficult to handle. >> reporter: the copper electrical wiring stolen from the outside of the building that happened between 4:30 and 5:00. the church is in antioch. it's a busy street here and so the father is hoping that somebody saw what happened and that witness would be willing to go to the police and help them find the copper thieves. another thing, his church isn't the only place that's been april tenthed by these copper thieves. he says there's a yoga center across the street and a mormon street which he says has been hit by copper thieves. live in antioch, thank you, allie. the same san jose block investigated for a block murder is now the subject of a fire investigation. police say two fires occurred at a home on witten avenue early yesterday morning. one happened on the outside of the home. the second one happened in a detached garage. last friday, irma campos was killed at a home in that same block. a homeless man was arrested in connect with -- in connection with her death -- with her death. si -- ishy described a wild man captured in the butte county. sheriffs turned him over to an though poll gists where he later worked as a janitor for uc -- anthropologists where he later worked as a jan ter for uc university. the exhibit for hip him opens at 10:00 this morning -- for him opens 10:00 this morning. harvey milk, and others, being honored today. kraig debro is live to show us about the big effort taking place. >> reporter: good morning. this is henry j. kaiser memorial park. behind me is one of the three pieces that will be brought here for the big unveiling on september 6th. now, when we last came to you, it was almost to the same place. what they've had to do is shave off the bottom so it fits level on the platform. they are just finishing that process right now. a process which began at 4:30 this morning, in berkeley near aquatic park. we were there -- the whole thing weighs about 61,000 pounds of bronze. three of the four pieces will be come over here. it's called the remember them educational monument. it was started by mario, he's the artist behind it. he was inspired by the events of 9/11. he joins us now to tell us a little bit more about what inspired him and -- it took you ten years to get to this point. ten years and 9/11 is what inspired it, do something proactive to make a positive change. >> reporter: since we have the president of the -- kaiser just walked in here, -- i think we should acknowledge it. >> if it weren't for this gentleman on this side, it definitely wouldn't be happening right now. >> why did you decide to get along. >> it's agreed for the city and for years to come, people will enjoy it. >> reporter: mario, i wanted to talk to you a little bit about the sculptures. >> this is about 12 feet tall, this particular section. this includes oscar schindler that did some phenomenal things that were not expected to help the holocaust. frederick douglas. in the center is what we call the march which includes rosa marks, -- rosa parks, martin luther king, coretta king, just behind them -- >> let's not forget helen keller. >> right. helen deather a -- kearl and mohammed gandhi on the other side -- helen keller and mohammed gadhafi. and on the other side, carolinaen flow remembers, dr. marcus foster, and -- carmen flores, dr. marcus foster. >> reporter: the unveiling will be at 1:00 on the 6th. back to you. >> wow, spectacular. thank you, craig. you can a learn more about the 25 25 humanitarians by going to our channel 2 website. just go to and click on the "remember them" tab. you've seen it. >> yes. >> i've stood next to it. time now is 8:41. stall, we have things happening on the roads. it's not looking pretty. >> no, it's very slow out there, dave and tori -- dave and tori. if you are driving in the east bay highway 4 is cleared up. very traffic in walnut creek. also this morning, we're leaking at the bay bridge toll plaza, trying to get into san francisco, you will be there for a minute and traffic is backed up getting into the city. look at the livermore valley. if you drive there this morning, you need to give yourself plenty of exer time. also slow traffic, on 880 all the way down to fremont. it's not a good commute. if you are in the south bay, we have slow traffic on 2le 0 -- 280. peninsula, 101 is a mess and 101 in san francisco and 280 are slow getting downtown. at 8:42. let's go to rosemary. >> good morning. we're dealing with fog out there this morning. >> , even patchy dense fog. mostly sunny inland. concord, livermore, fairfield, all reporting sunny skies. so that patchy fog through the morning hours. the late-morning burnoff expected. temperatures will be similar. we could cool just light slip for today, it will be tuesday and wednesday the biggest drop coming as the trough sets up off the coastline. then by thursday we begin to rebound a little bit. your fog forecast. it's around the bey by -- around the bay. noontime, lunchtime, right there, still inside the bay area could be along the east bay as well and then for the afternoon, the peninsula could stay soft and pretty good. so partly cloudy skies for the coast today. 52 santa rosa, upper 50s in napa. 56 in san francisco. low 60s in livermore as well as san jose. these temperatures a few degrees warmer than what we saw yesterday morning. afternoon highs for the day, 80s around the north bay. 80 expected for san rafael. oakland mid-70s. hayward, widespread low 90s. concord down in livermore. 60s for the coastline. slightly cooler in santa cruz than yesterday. but it will warm to 70 degrees in the afternoon. the roll back begins tomorrow. look at the inland areas. we're 10 degrees cooler. 83 will be the average it looks like -- it looks like thursday and friday. upper 80s expected inland for the weekend and widespread 60s for the coast. back to you. we have some breaking news right now. let's see. we have breaking news. nasa just announced it may have to abandon the international spas station this fall. the announcement comes after russia grounded its soyuz rockets. russia made the decision after a supply ship was destroyed last week during lift-off. that supply ship is similar to the soyuz rockets. you will recall nasa is relying on soyuz rockets to move astronauts to and from the station after the end of the shuttle program. so they are having to reexamine the situation after that supply ship basically crashed in siberia. they want to make sure they know what happened before they send people off. nasa says it would be able to keep the international space station going indefinitely even if there are no humans on board. they are ramping up their -- revving up their engines in the bay area. vesper's tribute to thesen victims -- very special tribute to the september 11th victims. it's been almost one year since the devastating san bruno pipeline disaster. the reason we expect answers tomorrow. >> reporter: we're live in san francisco where the battle over prop 8 heats up -- heats up again. we'll tell you why some want the video of the trial released and why some do not -- when "mornings on 2" continues. state farm. this is jessica. hey, jessica, jerry neumann with a policy question. jerry, how are you doing? fine, i just got a little fender bender. oh, jerry, i'm so sorry. i would love to help but remember, you dropped us last month. yeah, you know it's funny. it only took 15 minutes to sign up for that new auto insurance company but it's taken a lot longer to hear back. is your car up a pole again? [ crying ] i miss you, jessica! jerry, are you crying? no, i just, i bit my tongue. [ male announcer ] get to a better state. text save to 7-8836. [ male announcer ] get to a better state. taking a live look at the big board on wall street, numbers have been higher all morning due in part to irene, the hurricane and tropical storm, not doing as much damage as had been feared. also stocks following european and issue inequities that rallied partly on a possible merger between two big banks in greece. right now the dow is currently up 175. nasdaq is up 57. s&p is up 22. president obama has nominated labor economist, allen krueger, a princeton university economics professor served as assistant treasury secretary during president obama's first two years. his appointment comes as the president is preparing to unveil his highly anticipated jobs initiative plan next week. 8:48. and let's bring you up to date on some of the other top stories we're following right now. state and local governments affected by hurricane irene are adding up the cost of the damage. many of them have money problems already and the federal government may end up picking up most of the tab. another protest against b.a.r.t. planned for tonight in san francisco and it may disrupt the commute, but this time, there is a twist. angry commuters opposing those protesters are planning a counterprotest of their own. and police in concord have arrested two people on suspicion of murdering a man they were trying to carjack. it happened after 10:00 last night near olvera road and grant. 8:49. minutes from now, a hearing will begin in the ongoing legal battle over proposition 8 which is california's same-sex marriage ban. ktvu's tara moriarty is in san francisco to tell us about the request a federal judge will consider involving last year's trial. tara? >> reporter: well, basically the judge is going to consider whether or not to unseal videorecordings of last year's trial on the constitutionality on the ban on same-sex marriage. the proceedings are set to get underway in 15 minutes. the lawyers representing two gay couples, the city of texas and -- san francisco and a coalition of media groups want those made public. but attorneys for the ban's backers are trying to keep it private. they argue releasing the footage would violate a u.s. supreme court coverage that banned the cameras of the case so it could not be streamed to other courthouses and put on youtube. the judge had his staff record those proceedings. but at the time he said they were for his personal use. that was judge walker. james ware, the current judge, indicated he would like to have the issues recorded. it's another issue that will have to be addressed here today. we'll continue to follow this story and bring you the latest on our news at noon. we're live in san francisco, tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you, tara -- raw. ten minutes before 9:00, the search continues for the man suspected of shooting and killing a fort bragg city councilman. aaron bassler is accused of murdering councilman jerry me lowe saturday morning. mendocino county sheriff deputies say men lowe came mon a -- me lowe was shot upon an individual guarding the marijuana operation. a cross-country trip started just a couple of minutes ago in south san francisco. there they go. now, this ride will end in shanksville, pennsylvania, on september 11th. we shot these pictures just a little while ago this morning. organizers are beginning -- are remembering the victims of flight 93. the flight that went down in shanksville, pennsylvania. relatives came up with the idea of this cross-country ride. six years ago today, hurricane katrina devastated new orleans and the gulf coast. you remember the scene outside the super dome in new orleans all of these people, thousands of them seeking shelter from the ravages of that hurricane. broken levees triggered devastating flooding. 1800 people were killed in the storm. more than $100 billion in storm damage was caused -- caused. rebuilding is still going on in new orleans' very hard hit 9th ward. memorials are planned for today marking the anniversary of -- anniversary of katrina. the ntsb is with to release -- is about to release its final report on the san bruno pipeline explosion. scheduled to be released tomorrow in washington, d.c., we are approaching the first anniversary of the deadly explosion. eight people were killed on 38 homes were destroyed back on september 9th of last year. two community events will be held in san bruno next month to remember those who died. the online experiment called facebook deals will wrap up before the end of the year. facebook says it learned a lot from the test run of an online coupon business it done ducted in eight city -- it conducted in eight cities. the palo aloe based company won't say what it has learned off if it will come back. facebook will continue the check-in deals mobile app. oh, bear. we're talking about beyonce -- oh, baby. we're talking about beyonce. beyonce strolled the red carpet last night, had the orange gown on revealing her baby bump and sheep stole the award show with this performance but at the end, she unbuttoned her jacket, rubbed her some and and -- stomach and showed it off. there's her husband. we don't know when she's due. >> we do know the child will be very wealthy and very good- looking. how long it could take for firefighters to control this wildfire. it's burning near yosemite. two people are recovering this morning after a car they were in was hit by a plane in napa. a single-engine beechcraft plane was having problems yesterday afternoon. so the pilot made an emergency landing on highway 29. three people in the car suffered minor injuries. the two people in the plane were not hurt. well, a wildfire near yosemite is still burning. highway 140 between mariposa and the el portal entrance to the park is still closed. now, the fire has been -- burned more than 3700 acres since thursday after a motor home caught fire. it's 35% contained. it may not be completely controlled for another week. more than 100 people have evacuated and more evacuations are possible. yosemite remains open by way of highways 41 and 120. subtle changes expected for today with a big cooldown for our inland areas tuesday and wednesday. back into the low 80s. and then along the coastline, temperatures will range along the low 60s. in time for the weekend, temperatures begin to build back up for the muper 80s, widespread low to mid-60s for the -- mid- to upper 80s, widespread, low to mid-60s for the coast. >> all right. just this time for the weekend. >> that will do it for us, everyone. >> bye now.

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