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clark. >> i'm tori campbell. it's tuesday, developing news in san jose. part of almaden expressway is closed due to a firey crash that killed one teenager and injured another one. ktvu's kraig debro has more information on why the driver will face charges. good morning, kraig. >> reporter: good morning, two teenagers are involved in this crash. police say both are 18 and both are from san jose. it happened at the intersection of o'grady and alban expressway. you can see a lot of debris out here in the daylight. it starts at the intersection of almadan. police say they got a call around 3:00 a.m. about this crash. the driver of the ford 2001 explorer lost control and hit a light pole and a tree. the vehicle burst into flames. the fire department responded to put out the flames. the driver was able to get out out but the passenger was not. the man was pronounced dead at the scene. police then tracked down the driver. >> i did see the police were looking for possible other persons that abandoned the wreck. >> reporter: police say the investigation will seep over into the commute. we're already actually already in the commute and so that's going to be a problem for people who normally use almaden expressway. the driver could face vehicular manslaughter but if alcohol was walk proud, walk tall. >> reporter: the attacker is being described as an african- american man in his 20s, about 5'10" to 6 feet tall with a medium build wearing dark clothing and he is armed and dangerous and at least one of these women attacks was getting out of her car on her way home. police say report anything suspicious and when you get inside your car lock your car. one officer showed me if you're walking to your car, you are alone put your knees in between the your knuckles. it's nice to have something sharp inside your hand in case you need it. reporting live from oakland, jade hernandez, ktvu channel 2 news. time 7:04. today investigators may release a sketch of a suspect who attacked a female jogger on the south bay trail near personnel avenue just outside san jose the city limits around 7:45 last sunday morning. investigators say the suspect grabbed the victim, pushed her into a acrei duct and tried to assault her. she somehow escaped. we talked to people who lived nearby. >> i don't think i'll come up here alone which i have in the past. as long as i'm with him i feel safe but probably won't come up alone. >> the suspect described only as latino in his 20s about 5'6" pounds. they say the descriptions are very similar. it is 7:05. in sacramento fire crews are still on the scene of a large fire that broke out overnight. we have just learned that the fire has destroyed an upholstery store. it started at 2:30 this morning on stockton boulevard. firefighters plan to remain their all morning in case of flare-ups. the cause is under investigation. there is a big surprise in pg&e's new list of 100 high- risk pipelines. the site of this month's deadly explosion in san bruno was not on the list. pg&e's rankings for prepared using data gathered in 2009. they are based on several factors including location, design, and whether there's a construction project in the area. and the utility says the scene of the deadly disaster did not meet the criteria but san jose, navado and livermore are trouble spots. we posted the pg&e pipeline list on our channel 2 website. you can find it on time 7:06. new this morning a security flaw in twitter is causing problems for thousands of twitter users. now that flaw is apparently causing pornographic image to appear on the twitter site unintensally that bug redirects users to third-party websites without their consent. white house spokesman robert gibbs tweets his account has been effected. sara brown the wife of former prime minister gordon brown has been effected. a lot of people have been affected. >> a story we'll continue to follow. 7:07 is the time. we want to check in with sal keeping a close eye on the commute. >> i knew i get a lot of information from people on twitter and one of the things i've been using instead of twitter is tweet deck. if you have that you can use that instead. we are not getting any public transportation information on twitter. so we'll see if that's going to be fixed soon. let's take a look at the commute on 880 north and southbound. the traffic is moving along pretty well here ads you can see. northbound traffic is moving along very well. all the way up to the toll plaza. when you get to the toll plaza there's about a 50 minute wait here and no major problems the bridge but certainly you'll be waiting for about 10 to 15 minutes at the toll mr.a area. highway 101 san francisco a little fog there as you can see northbound 101 though moderately heavy on the way to downtown. today's weather with steve. >> sal, thank you, sir. we do have an increase in the fog and low clouds. not much was here early but now it's settled over oakland big time here and also san francisco started filling in along the coast and even move locally in. picking up a northwesterly breeze and it's going to be cooler today and tomorrow. today is the last if you full day of summer. the good news is our first full weekend of fall will be sunny and warmer but the next 48 hours the fog, wind increases and it will be cooler today and tomorrow and the headline is cooling trend and by the time friday and saturday and maybe sunday and monday we could get back into the 90s as may be the pattern kind of changes but the next couple of days we focus our attention right there on that system coming in. now it's pushing in the fog out ahead of it and it will spin in high mid level clouds. i'm keeping an eye on that system because part tomorrow afternoon will go over the bay. we'll get partly sunny/partly cloudy skies. 60s/70s. that's it. cooler and breezy today for everybody. san francisco 56 now. go for a high of 62 after yesterday's warm 68. low clouds and cooler breezy with high mid-level clouds. some of the morning lows -- man it's chilly out there category. st.helena-ken wood 44. petaluma at 48. stanford. palo alto around 48. when the low clouds come in some of the temperatures may go up. clayton-gilroy 49 degrees. 30s in the mountains. 40s, 60s from eureka to fresno and a lot of fog has formed in southern california and it's all in advance of that system. a little spin in the atmosphere and that has to dive over us. a part of this will eject out but the next couple of days cool is the rule. fog and sun. some sun. there will be higher clouds. cooler, breezy at times. up to about 20 at fairfield and even oakland and sfo15 to 20. it's getting there. 50s, 60s and 70s. that's it. we had 80s yesterday. we say goodbye to those for a couple of days. maybe by thursday we'll get inland definitely friday and saturday but tomorrow 8:09:00 p.m. we can say hello fall. >> time now 7:10. a beached whale will be buried today by san francisco park service workers. that dead whale washed ashore on ocean beach. it's a 50-foot carcass that was found close to loton. marine biologists are collecting tissue sample and say the cause of death, well that may take months to determine. >> there is a certain amount of dieoff that naturally happens out there and i think we're just seeing more of it because they're closer to shore eating all of the delicious abundance of food close by helicopter. b y . >> last thursday a containership drug it to the coast. >> the state is still without a budget but lawmakers are raking in millions of dollars. we'll find out how much and what the money is being used for. also the issue that is gaining celebrity attention is up in congress. we'll tell you why republicans are furious with the timing of appealing don't ask, don't tell. a northern 7:13 on a day where it's going to be cooler. we pick up a seabreeze. lots of 60s to low 70s. it is 7:14. there is still no progress on california's budget now 83 days overdue. there were no new negotiations yesterday because governor schwarzenegger was not feeling well. the governor remained in los angeles rather than meet with legislative leaders in sacramento and the lawmakers decided not to meet without him. budget talks last friday ended with no resolution. this is the longest lawmakers have ever gone without sending budget to the governor's desk. according to the los angeles times though they have done very well at raising money for their own campaigns. the papers say the lawmakers have raised more than $6.9 million in campaign cash since the fiscal year began without a budget on july 1st. that comes out to more than $80,000 a day. time now 7:14. word today from afghanistan. a nato helicopter has crashed in the southern part of that country and nine international troops were killed. the nationalities of the troops haven't been released yet but taliban is claiming they shot down that helicopter. nato, however, says there are no reports of enemy fire in the area. well today the u.s. senate will debate whether to repeal the ban on gays openly serving in the military and a well- known pop star is attracting attention to the issue. ktvu's alison burns is live in the newsroom. >> reporter: good morning to you, dave. the senate came into session about 20 minutes ago and we are expecting to get an earful today as democrats fight to get 60 votes to move ahead with a major defense bill. this bill includes a repeal of the controversial don't ask, don't tell policy, banning gays in the military. republicans are furious that democrats are moving ahead with the vote before the pentagon's assessment later this year of what a repeal will mean for america's fighting forces. >> it's railroading it through without a proper assessment on the morale and effectiveness of our military. >> reporter: and get this, pop star lady gaga is getting involved. she held a rally in maine targeting maine's two republican senators urging them to vote for the repeal. >> i thought equality was non negotiablable. >> reporter: another hurdle for democrats. they have attached a controversial immigration provision to this defense bill and republicans are vowing to oppose that too. reporting live from washington, d.c., alison burns, ktvu channel 2 news. >> all right, thank you, alon. it's 7:16. a new report on f.b.i. activity after the september 11th attacks claims the f.b.i. improperly spied on peace groups over the next five years. the f.b.i. justified the undercover activity by saying that people for the ethical treatment of animals green peace and others had ties to domestic tomorrow cells but yesterday a justice department report said the surveillance was unreasonable and inconsistent with f.b.i. policy. time now 7:17. right now the federal reserve is holding its last meeting before the november election. federal reserve chairman ben bernanke and his colleagues are considering what, if anything, they should do to strengthen the u.s. economy and create jobs nationwide. experts don't expect any big announcement after today's conference but hoping to see clues to possible policy changes. many americans feel the economic squeeze but the national bureau of economic research says the recession is officially over. they say the recession began in december 2007. it ended in june of last year. that would make it the longest recession since the end of world war ii. and they add the recession ended when the economy started growing 15 months ago. however, the experts say the effects are still being felt because an estimated 15 million americans still don't have a job. they say unemployment usually keeps rising after a recession ends and they say the jobless numbers don't go down until the recovery is well underway. even under normal recession circumstances. >> what we're seeing this time around is far more than a lagging indicator but sustained long-term unemployment where half those who are unemployed right now virtually have been unemployed longer than six months. >> last month, 9.6% of working age americans did not have a job. economists predict we're probably going to have high unemployment for at least another year. 7:18. a family is traumatized by a hospital mixup that led them to believe a family member had died. noble barlow said he received a call from the california transplant donor network about harvesting his brother, shawn,'s organs. he didn't know his brother was dead. it brought a surge of motion. when he called his brother's cell a few hours later he found out his brother was alive. the medical center tried to explain the miss ta. >> required by law to notify the donor network that there's been a death in our system. there are two patients with the exact name. >> they thought i was dead. >> the living shawn actually spelled his first name differently then the one who died. the deseesed shawn barlow was a well noun district attorney and city council candidate. >> they are obviously investigating that. a savage attack has put the son of a legendary soul singer in the hospital. >> bart is looking for new ways to raise bucks and riders may see new sights and sounds their way to work. all of a sudden we're getting busy traffic on almost every bay area corridor. we'll tell you where the real trouble spots are straight ahead. life leaves spaces for you to create in, shouldn't your card do the same? it can. meet zync from american express. it's a great way to get more out of the things you're into. build yours to fit your life by adding packs filled with bundles of rewards and benefits. it's not just a card. it's your canvas. create yours at welcome back. good morning, to you. time now 7:22. the son of music legend aretha franklin is undergoing surgery after being severely beaten. eddie franklin was severely attacked by three men. no one has been arrested and no motive. eddie franklin is a gospel singer helicopter he sang on aretha franklin's latest option. b.a.r.t. will look for new ways to raise money through advertising. one plan call for installing tv monitors trains and stations that would provide transit information and air commercials. b.a.r.t. is also considering corporate sponsorship and allowing highway billboards land that b.a.r.t. owns. caltrans is calling the bay area's first toll express lane a success but not everyone agrees. about 1,000 drivers tried out the southbound 680 express lane during yesterday's debut but some drivers say their commute was actually slower. caltrans says there was a 15 minute delay where the highway begins as drivers tried to merge into the new lane and as we go to sal and i know sal, obviously, you cover a lot of traffic but there seems to be some confusion about when you can go in and out and there's certain spots and they say there may be a bit of a learning curve. >> there maybe people getting used to it. there were fewer last-minute changes. yesterday, there were construction crews out there, they were moving signs around. it was the first morning of the new change. today, right now the traffic is actually a little better than yesterday. we're looking at highway 24 here atz you drive through the tunnel. it does move okay. if you're driving to oakland onto 580 there's going to be a little slowing there. the morning commute has been very slow here at the main corridor san francisco bay bridge. that's about a 20 minute delay. once you get on the span it's okay coming into the city. they're metering you onto the bridge as they normally do. this morning's commute in san jose look at that very heavy traffic out of downtown. that's northbound 280 on the right there and it stays slow all the way up to the lawrence expressway for no apparent reason. 7:24. here's steve. >> thank you, change today, in fact temperatures will be coming down. we have an increase in clouds. a little sun but there's a strong system. a spin in the atmosphere that's going to be paying visit. that's going to be ushering in the low clouds. the aforementioned low will dive along the coast. not a lot of moisture but anytime there's a low coming over my backyard, i have to keep an oktoberfest sky. it's going to cool us down and it's picked up the wind. there's a no doubt about it seabreeze starting to kick in. 80s yesterday, not today. 60s and 70s. 62 san francisco. 74 santa rosa. 67 downtown oakland and san jose down 5 from 80 to 75. there's the 46. santa rosa and north napa, the airport i think is 53. palo alto is 49. san jose at 55 an lot of low clouds. there's our little system. that will play in our cooler forecast today and tomorrow and so a mix of fog and sun. we'll get high clouds as that system gets closer later in the day but temperatures today take a tumble today. 50s, 60s and 70s and they will continue that trend tomorrow and we'll see goodbye to summer, hello fall. tomorrow at 8:09:00 p.m. thursday sat tweener day as we go from cool to warmer and it does look sunny and warmer friday and saturday. 7:25 is our time. we're getting new information this morning on the teenage tragedy in san jose. ktvu's kraig debro is out there talking to investigators at the scene of this deadly crash. after allegedly killing his girlfriend, a vallejo man confesses multiple times. we'll tell you why it took police hours to find him and the victim. how the actions of the queen of daytime will benefit students at several bay area schools. it is 7:29. we're continuing to monitor developing news in san jose police remain at the scene a firey crash that killed one teenager and injured another early this morning. ktvu's kraig debro joins us now from the scene in san jose. good morning, kraig. >> reporter: this is at almaden road and grady drive on the other side. you have the three streets coming together. behind me is the debris field. i did just talk to three people. one adult and two teenagers. they are certain that both teenagers in that suv this morning. both went to leland high school but now go to west valley college. police have confirmed both men in the suv are 18 and both are san jose residents. police say they got a call around 3:00 a.m. this morning. the driver of the ford 2001 explorer lost control of the vehicle. they hit a tree or rather hit a light pole and possibly a tree. the vehicle burst into flames. the fire department did respond to put out the fire but the driver was able to escape the vehicle but the passenger was not. >> it was probably around 3:30 and it was just before a large explosion and i saw fire and obviously the police had already gotten out there. it only took them a couple of minutes which was really good. >> reporter: typically this time of the morning almaden expressway would have more cars on it but because of the investigation it does not. police say the driver could face multiple charges including vehicular manslaughter but said if alcohol was involved these charges will be a lot more severe then they were. i did make a couple of calls to find out if either of these two teenagers had gone to a local high school. i didn't get anywhere. on one of the high schools i called. but again people here saying that they know both of the men and that they possibly went to leland high school and now to junior college. reporting live, kraig debro,. it's 7:31. sheriff's deputies in alameda county are looking for the man who reportedly tried to kidnap a 12-year-old girl. it happened friday morning near the canyon middle school near castro valley. investigators say a man in a red or maroon four-door sedan repeat daytona asked the girl to get inside his car. she refused and immediately ran off to tell her school principal, who then contacted authorities. well a vallejo man is in jail this morning in connection to the death of his of his girlfriend. claudine wong is live with the details. >> reporter: there are multiple crime scenes apparentlily and multiple confessions in this case. we're at glen cove park where police believe this killing may have actually happened. the victim only lives a few blocks from here. her vehicle was parked in the back raft parking lot. we don't know exactly what led up to all of this. police are trying to figure all of this out but we can tell you the 33-year-old victim was just around the corner from where we're. neighbors told us that she's lived there for a few years. police went to her home yesterday after getting a 9/11 call from the accused killer's estranged wife. she told police 39-year-old william u bondo told her he killed his girlfriend of ten months. police went to her home but find no sign of her. then sometime later they got a call about a truck in the parking lot of glen cove park, which, again, is just blocks from the victim's home. that truck belongs to campoway. it was covered with a large amount of blood but still no sign of either campowit until ubondo until 5:25 last night when a co-worker of ubondo of police called and said he apparently confessed to the co- worker. the co-worker called police and found the body of a woman who appeared to be beaten to death on the floorboard of ubondo's car. an autopsy is scheduled for tomorrow. ubondo was arrested without incident. he has no criminal record. the times herald is reporting this morning that there was some kind of breakup between ubondo and his girlfriend. he's been booked on charges of kidnapping murder and apparently he was willing to talk to his ex wife and co- worker and to police about all that happened. live in vallejo, claudine wong, ktvu channel 2 news. >> vallejo police are investigating another homicide this morning. the victim, 21-year-old darrell braxton of vallejo found shot to death in a van sunday night. no arrests have been made and the search for a motive continues. 7:34. there's good news from the housing market today. this morning the commerce department announced new home construction surged 10.5% in august. that is much higher than expected but gain was driven by a 32% increase in the condominium market. another good sign for the industry application for new building permits also increased 2%. san francisco school board is expected to vote on a proposal to create affordable housing for teachers. under the plan, former school sites on mission and page streets would be converted into lower cost housing for teachers. the teachers' union says a third of san francisco teachers live outside the city. many end up leaving the district after a couple of years to teach closer to home. >> you give out a certain amount of salary to do you what love and so it's definitely hard to also buy a home or to live in a more expensive city. >> district official says if all goes well teachers could be moving into low-cost housing in about two years. some bay area charter schools are getting big boost from oprah. the talk show host is donating $1 million to aspire public schools. the oakland-based non property runs 30 charter schools all over the state including east palo alto, oakland and modesto. aspire is one of six public school systems across the country to get $1 million from oprah's angel network. 7:35. tomorrow ac transit is set to consider drastic cuts that could effect thousands of passengers. proposed service reductions include eliminating almost half of weekend service. eliminating all about two all nighter service lines, outsourcing the district para transition and reducing hours of operation for all lines. ac transit says it's being forced to make cuts because of failed contract negotiations with union drivers in the meantime ac transit will soon discontinue the use of paper tickets its buses. to help with the switch adult riders can exchange unused paper ticket for a free clipper card starting october 1st. the value will be transferred onto the electronic card. ac transit will stop selling transit tickets october 31st and after december 31st, they will not be accepted at all. time now 7:36. sal knows all about the commute, especially what is happening around the new express lane. how does it look. >> yesterday we had all of the problems and today we're watching it again to make sure. it seems to be slightly better. i have a map of the area but not much. i was telling someone yesterday normally it is slow through here anyway. we're expecting the new express lane to cut down on congestion. it's a matter of time whether people get used to it. we're looking at the typical slowdown coming down on 680 heading south into the south bay. let's go to live pictures now. want to show you the bay bridge. kind of a constant from 6:30 this morning. 20 minute delay getting into san francisco and no troubles on the upper deck of the bay bridge. also this morning we're looking at 237. we're seeing slowing here past 888 and 888 coming down from the east bay into the south bay, slow traffic as i look at my accident list not a lot going on when it comes to major crashes. a couple of minor fender benders and public transportation systems are on time. 7:37. here's steve. >> sal, thank you and a very good morning to you all. low clouds and fog. when i came in early this morning there was only patchy clouds and they're really enhanced because of the system coming in and also picked up the breeze. west 15 at sfo. west/southwest 14 at the oakland airport. concord, buchanan, south 15. west/southwest at fairfield and vacaville west/southwest at 5. so from the seabreeze out through the delta everything is in place and it's going to continue our cooling trend into tomorrow. so low clouds, fog and windy increasing today for a cooling trend. cooling trend then warmer by the end of the week but it will be cooler today and also tomorrow and we'll start a little rebound thursday but more pronounced on friday, saturday, maybe even sunday and monday, high pressure finally comes back and temperatures start to go above average but today and tomorrow they'll go above average. a little low coming in and you can see a spin in the atmosphere. that's going to dive in and increase the fog and give us high clouds. for berkeley a warmup yesterday. not today. it's sitting at 56 degrees. that's at the clermont by the way that 56. yes. to be specific, 56 there. 64 at noon. 67 for your high today. 60s, 70s and low to mid-80s, or excuse me 70s, even upper 70s at best at areas in the 80s yesterday. 56 san francisco. high of 62 by noon temperatures will start to go down after that and by 3:00 or 4:00 we'll have a pretty good little seabreeze kick along. temperatures come down. we had temperatures in the 80s. we said yesterday, not today dropping santa rosa. 67 oakland. san jose from 80 to 75 just too much in the way of low clouds and fog increasing and some of the lows this morning are really chilly sobastopol that means more fog. some sun. cooler to breezy to blustery. 60s, 70s, that will do it. even tomorrow slightly cooler as we bottom out and start to rebound thursday and it looks warmer on friday and saturday. tomorrow night fall start. >> it's 20 minutes before 8:00. the department of fish and game is offering an explaination for a reddish color in the waters off of the san francisco coast. officials say it's part of a large algae bloom, also known as the red tide. it's been noticeable since late last week the result of decaying organic matter mixed with warm water. it's common for this time of the year and it's not toxic. there are more questions following the car crash that killed a novato high school student last week, including reports about the driver's behavior that morning and the school's policy for lunchtime. warm front is eyeing several bay area urban sites to open stores but these would mainly sell one type of product. stocks not moving much, waiting for what is going to happen with the ferg. they have a one-day meetting take place today. the dow is currently up 1 1/2 at 10, 154. nasdaq is basically flat and s&p down slight sly. time 7:43. the novato school district wants to know why no adults noticed a school may have been drunk hours before he left the campus and got into a car crash that killed one of his classmates. four novato high school students were in the car when it crashed friday afternoon. the teenagers had skipped class before lunch. investigators found open beer cans and a liquor bottle at crash scene. the 16-year-old driver was later arrested for dui. some of the students told grief counselors they saw the teen driver drunk in class hours before the crash. >> i hope everybody learns from this. we just lost somebody close to us. 16-year-old isaac brush died in the crash. one of the other who's was in critical condition was on life support and is expected to survive. state investigators want to know how the teenager got ahold of the alcohol. the school is reevaluating whether or not student she's be able to leave the campus during lunchtime. bicyclists in petaluma you're being warned about a dangerous intersection after a second person was hit. latest accident happened yesterday on north mcdowell boulevard on sunrise parkway. a 57-year-old girl was riding her bike to school when she was hit in the cross walk. police say the driver never saw the girl and couldn't stop in time. she suffered minor injuries. 7:45. pg&e has released its list of high-risk pipelines, but the scene of this month's deadly disaster did not even make the list. ktvu's pam cook joins us live from the newsroom with details. >> good morning. pg&e's president said the pipeline that ruptured and exploded right in the middle of the intriewn neighborhood did not warrant inconstruction inclusion on thechrist. it was created months before the explosion and used data gathered in 2009, and a document submitted to regulators a year ago ranked a section about 2 1/2 miles from the blast as a high risk. then was moved down the list of high priorities and that's not sitting well with local politicians. >> who is establishing the criteria? how can it go from high-risk consequences area in 2007 to not that bad in 2008? something's wrong. >> what that means is that if something goes down on a priority list, something else will go up and we put the funds associated with that to that use. >> the rankings are based on several factors including location, design and whether there's a construction project in the area. san jose, novato and livermore are among the local cities listed as possible trouble spots in this just-released report. pg&e has set up a hot line allowing customers to call to see if their home is within 500 feet of a pipeline that's on the list. they're the number on your screen. 8887-437-7431 and we have more information on our website at well, lifornia utility regulators do advise the public though that the list is a tool used by pg&e to prioritize maintenance and they should not be afraid of that pipeline list. reporting live in the newsroom, i'm pam cook. it's 7:47. hewlett-packard and its former ceo have reached an ingredient that lets him work at their rival. mark herd was hired as co- president of oracle after she was forced out of hewlett- packard. hp filed suit over concern he's had information about hp that could help oracle. it's now been revolved. no details have been released but it's believed hurd is giving up $14 million in stock which is part of his hp severance package. we're learning california's pension fund for state employees gave thousands of dollars in bonuses to its top executives at the same time the fund was losing billions of dollars. according to the "associated press" virtually all of the managers were given bonuses of more than 10,000 each during the 2008/2009 fiscal year. this as the fund lost $59 million. calpers board members warm front plans to build several urban stores including in the city of san francisco. the world's biggest retailer plans to open 400 smaller stores. warm front executives are giving few detail but there are reports two dozen stores are planned in the bay area. the stores will be about 20,000 square feet. that's smaller than a regular grocery store and it would focus on selling fresh foods. more information is expected after a company meeting next month. the 2011 zagat survey is out. at the top of the list for a sixth year in a row is gary danko. the order changed a little. among them, boulevard, slanted door. french laundry in yountville. cyrus. the very much founders say there are many newcomers that are coming very popular. in fact they say that 94 note worthy restaurants opened up last year. they were on hand yesterday just to talk about the survey and the economy. >> this has been an unusual year in that the economy is not where people hoped it would be and so the consumers are really being able to take advantage of that by getting special deals at lots of restaurants. >> the zagats say the average price of a meal dropped a little to just under $39 but people are happy about better service and they're spending a little more on their tips. this year's survey also included food trunks and popup restaurants. >> very interesting. >> always want to look at that and see what the reviews say. ten minutes before 8:00. they sent an emotional letter to the judge. the request made by the family of slain oakland journalist chauncey bailey. >> you can own the bay area house that became part of rock 'n roll history. mae u ntchl s toavybyowa tprid porealfothneoray y wt hpwh. mae u ntchl s whev yantoo, meertevontr, e rsstexes oronemrsojt.m. u lie ta crgofakga ffen. another tragedy for the denver broncos' football team. wide receiver kenny mckinley was found dead determine his home in denver late yesterday. it was an apparent suicide. his death is the latest in a series of tragedies for the broncos in recent years. quarterback darrent williams was killed in a drive-by shooting new year's day 2007. three months later running back damian nash, he collapsed and died following charity basketball game. 7:53. a third suspect now faces charges in connection with last month's shooting of a fremont police officer. francisco sierra is accused of being an accessory after the fact to attempted murder. investigators say sierra admitted he picked up andrew barrieentos. police later arrested bear barrieentos near the mexican border. officer young is still recovering at highland hospital. the family of slain oakland journalist chauncey bailey is asking a judge not to move his murder trial out of alameda county. bailey's family wrote to the judge who is expected to decide this week on a possible change of venue motion. attorneys for the two defendants in bailey's murder have asked for the trial to be moved to los angeles. they say there has been too much pre-trial publicity in the bay area. time now 7:54. well bay area house hunters you have a piece to buy rock 'n roll history. the forummer grateful dead singer jerry garcia is for sale. it is for sale at almost 4 until. it's a 7,000 square foot house. the current owner renovated it and sold the fixtures to raise money for charity. check in with the 7:44 with sal. >> i was thinking the same thing. a lot of people going to their jobs. they're going to school and if you have any sort of information about public transit or anything you can always send me a tweet. itwasstop'ngoandnowitseemstobem veingalittlebitbetterasweapproa thesunnyvalearea. northbound on the right coming out of downtown getting north valley will be slow and in case you're wondering about highway 85 not such a good alternate either because that's slow from at least north of 87 in pockets all way to coopertino. the morning commute will be slow that's about a 15 to 20 minute delay and no problems the upper deck. at 7:55 here's steve. >> if you have weather information you can tweet me as well. sp weather. very simple. a lot of reports determining on fog especially at sobastopol. there it is. the spin in the atmosphere. that's heading to the north. increasing clouds to the north bay. not expecting any rain, it's a weak system but already increasing the fog out ahead of it and you can see the clouds getting closer. we'll have some sun in the morning and clouds will roll in. cool and breezy is the main message. 60s and 70s. we'll go 62 for san francisco. the low clouds really enhanced in the last two hours. there weren't that many there at 4:00 in the morning. this is a dynamic system even though there's not much moisture. 53 out in livermore. there goes that system. cooler, breezy, windier at times. 50s, 60s and 70s. cooler today into wednesday and 8:09 tonight. friday and saturday are looking sunny and warmer. an early morning crash ended in tragedy. ktvu's kraig debro just spoke to a family member of the 18- year-old victim. new safety concerns in the south bay after an attack on a jogger. a top government official is chastising the f.b.i. for treating animal rights' activists like terrorists following the september 11th attack. what a driver says about the condition of the survivor of a fatal crash in san jose this morning. two sexual assaults, two robberies, two different women but oakland police say these cases have a similarity. the warning for you straight ahead. this morning the u.s. senate can make an important decision on the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy. a twitter security flay. what the company says users need to do to fix the problem. second hour of mornings on 2 starts now. good morning, welcome back to mornings on 2 i'm tori campbell. >> i'm dave clark. it's tuesday, september 21st. we're going to begin our second hour. we have develop news. this is in san jose. part of almaden expressway still closed at this hour following a firey crash that killed one teenager and injured another. ktvu's kraig debro is out there now. he's got the very latest from the scene. kraig? >> reporter: good morning, dave. investigators still out here at o'grady and almaden expressway. behind me if you go over to the car over here. the investigator over there taking pictures. they've been doing that basically throughout the morning. i just spoke to the grandfather of the survivor of this accident. he says 18-year-old mitch pennings was involved in the accident but the grandfather says he doesn't know much about what led up to the crash. police say they got an emergency call around 3:00 a.m. this morning and when they arrived the suv involved in this single vehicle accident was ungulfed in flames. a witness i spoke with says the flames rose 10 to 15 feet in the air. police say passenger in the ford 2001 explorer did not escape the vehicle. the unidentified 18-year-old male was pronounced dead at the scene. police say they had to locate the driver. >> i did see the police was possibly looking for another person who abandoned the wreck or -- >> reporter: now traffic is going to be a problem throughout this area. we've been watching people detour around this whole intersection. according to several people who know both the driver and the fatal victim, both attended leland high school but either graduated or just moved onto to either a junior college or possibly a continuation school. when i talked to police this morning they say the driver of the suv would definitely face some charge and that's because there's a death involved here and those charges could include vehicular manslaughter and if alcohol is involved, of course, dui would also be included. i'm going to be trying to check to see if anybody at leland high school can tell me anything about one of the people had that was involved in this crash. reporting live in san jose, kraig debro, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you, kraig. it's two minutes after 8:00. police in oakland have issued an important warning to residents living around lake merit. ktvu's jade hernandez joins us from oakland with more on that story. >> reporter: good morning, two sexual assaults, two robberies, two different women but police say this morning the same man maybe responsible for both attacks in. these women may have been targeted. police say attacker may have targeted the woman sunday night because both women were coming home. one woman was getting out of her car. the attack took place geographically close and within hours of each other. that may seem vague but oakland police don't want to give out the exact location or times of the attack on sunday. they do hope to release a sketch of the attacker later today. we spoke to joggers taking precautions much like police want others to do. to walk in groups, carry pepper spray and report suspicious activity. one together me no one expected to be attacked but precautions should be taken. >> i'm always aware of what is going on when i'm walking by myself especially. you can't just take for granted you're safe. i don't care were you live or where you play or where you walk. you know what i mean you just. >> reporter: the attacker is being described as an african- american in his 20s, 5'10" with a medium build wearing dark clothing. police say he is armed and dangerous and police say that all oakland residents should report anything suspicious, to be aware of their surroundings, especially today and of course one officer gave me a tip. if you are walking to couture car to put your keys in between your fingers. it's just to have something sharp in your hand. when you get to your car to also lock it just as soon as you get inside. reporting live in oakland this morning, jade hernandez, ktvu channel 2 news. >> all right, thank you, jade. it is 8:04. today investigators could release the sketch of a suspect who attacked a female jogger on a south bay trail. it happened near the south end of snell avenue around 7:45 last sunday morning. the sheriff's department says the woman attacked was with her husband but he had gone ahead to wait for her at their car. investigators say the suspect grabbed the victim pushed her and tried to sexual assault her. she managed to fight him off and escape. we talked to people who live nearby. >> i don't think i'll come up here alone which i have done in the past. as long as i'm with him i feel safe but i probably won't come up along. >> the suspect is described as latino in his 20s. 5'6", 150 pounds with brown hair and brown eyes in. morgan hills is looking for a man who rape a woman and say the description is similar. just moments ago we received a place sketch of a man reportedly tried to kidnap a 12-year-old girl. a latino man about 40 years old. he's got the short black hair, dark skin and goatee. it happened near the canyon middle school in castro valley. investigators say a man in a red or maroon four-door sedan repeat daytona asked the girl to get in his car. she wouldn't do it and immediately ran and told her principal who then called the police. 8:05. twitter says it has fixed the security flaw that caused problems for thousands of its users this morning. several accounts were hacked, redirecting users to third party websites without their consent. the company says users should log out and log back in. white house spokesman robert gibbs was apparently one of the people effected. today the virginia board of supervisors is expected to pass today the san francisco board of supervisors is expected to pass >> supporters of the alcohol tag held a protest in front of the wine store where newsom used to be a co-owner. critics say because of that he should stay out of the alcohol tax debate but newsom says there's no conflict of interest because he's divested all of his wine store properties in san francisco. time now 8:06. sal they need your help this morning. >> well, today is the second day of that new express lane and a lot of people have been e- mailing me and tweeting me about that with their opinions and their comments and suggestions for improvement. i want to show you the maps because i circled the road sensors here on 680 southbound. you can see still very, very slow and some of the other freeways are slow as well. it's one of those things will some people have been humorous about their tweets that they've sent but a lot of slow traffic out there. still some adjustment period for that new express lane. if you look over to the left the 880 freeway is very slow heading down to decoteau road. we also have a look at the macarthur main approaching the bay bridge. you can see some of the merging on the left a little slow but nothing major. when you get to the bay bridge there's about a 15 minute delay coming into san francisco. there's been some improvement. you can tell by looking at the ramp coming in from interstate 880. looks like it may improve by 9:00 we're hoping. no problems on the bridge itself. public transit systems so far so good this morning. 8:07 now. here's steve. good morning, to you all. little breeze here. westerly wind and it's already starting to pick up a little bit and when i came in this morning there was very little fog. it's picked up. looks around south of point rays and kind of pulls off -- if that's the case you can tweet me here sp weather and goes solid and san mateo coast and part of the santa cruz coastline that moves inleaped. we have a lot more now than we did two hours ago and that west wind is starting to really establish itself west 14. west/southwest fairfield 18. so the cooler pattern's in place associated with this little spin. i love this satellite because it shows you the features. if i show you the infrared you woulding like what are you talking about. this is going to track to the north. you focuses in lake county even sonoma and napa county. >> it's going to be bring a cooler air mass. now watch. a little different, you can see the clouds associated with that but not much in the way of any spin. that spin definitely picking up -- the berkeley forecast today our target forecast cooler. 64 and we'll go for a high of 67 today. cooler than yesterday. we had some 70s. temperatures will be coming down off santa rosa was 82. i want 74. wish me luck because that fog increases and those clouds will be in it will be hard pressed to get there. 67 oakland and san jose from 80 to 75. a lot more low clouds. some of the lows here this morning want to mention middletown and lake county at 46. had a nice, funny tweet from peta luom was. how come you never mentioned it. we said petaluma 48 degrees. stanford, 48. these were the lows. i'm sure they're warmer than that. if you thought it was chilly this morning it was. clayton-gilroy 45. sobastopol 44. 32 in the mountains. 39 eureka. 50s and 60s and the fog down to southern california and they're talking about -- i know my time is limit heard but down in southern california one of the coolest summers they've had in decades. in fact santa barbara and l.a.x. had some of the coolestread ygz since 54. 50s and 60s and 50s. that will be the spread and even more so tomorrow. rebound thursday. fall starts tomorrow night. 8:09 and warmer weather friday and saturday. >> thank you, steve. 8:10. san francisco park service workers are set to bury a whale that wash ad shore on ocean beach. the 50-foot carcass was found close to lotton. they have collected tissue samples. but say the cause of death could take months to determine. >> this is a certain amount of die off that naturally happens out there and i think we're seeing more of it because they're closer in shore eat all of the abundance of food close by. >> this was the second time in less than a week a dead whale has turned up in the bay. we know state lawmakers haven't been able to fix california's budget crisis but we're going to tell you what they have been able toll find money for. >> recession is over but who was hit the hardest. it was a traumatic phone call. we'll tell you about the hospital mixup that led one family to believe a living family member had died. think like a fashionista. shop like a maxxinista. fashion direct from designers. savings direct to you. t.j.maxx. let us make a maxxinista out of you. good morning. 8:14. more fog, low clouds today and we have some sun but look for clouds coming in later on. cooling trends, highs 60s and 70s. here's dave. >> time now 8:14. california's budget now 83 days late and there's still no word of progress. there were no new negotiations yesterday. governor schwarzenegger was ill. the governor remains back in los angeles. the lawmakers decided they were not going to meet without him. the budget talks last friday ended with no resolution and this is the longest lawmakers have ever gone without sending budget to the governor's desk. the "l.a. times" reporting that why state lawmakers haven't been able to solve the budget crisis they've done good at raising money for their own political campaigns. lawmakers have raised more than 6.9 in campaign money since the fiscal year began without a budget july 1st. that comes out to more than $80,000 a day. 8:15. the vatican is speaking out this morning about a money- laundering investigation targeting its main bank. claims it's been working to make its finances more transparent. italian police have seized $30 million from the vatican bank. they're also investigating two officials for alleged violations to money-laundering laws. time 8:15. we're getting word from afghanistan. a nato helicopter crashed in the southern part of that country. nine international troops were killed. a senior military official in washington says a large number of americans were among those who died. now the taliban claims they shot down that helicopter but nato says there were no reports of enemy fire in the area. also right now the u.s. senate is debating legislation that includes provisions to repeal the ban on gays serving openly in the military. you're looking live at senator levin of michigan right there. he's speaking before the body. now the senate is debating major defense bill as well including an amendment that would pave the way for a repeal of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy but not clear if democrats have the votes they need to move the issue ahead. republicans want to wait for any vote on "don't ask, don't tell" until the pentagon completes its assessment later this year on the impact of the ban on u.s. troops. 8:16. a new report on f.b.i. activity after the september 11th attacks claims the f.b.i. improperly spied on peace groups over the next five years. the f.b.i. justified the undercover activity saying the people for the unethical treatment of animals, green peace and others had ties to domestic terror cells but yesterday a justice department said the surveillance was unreasonable and insistent with f.b.i. policy. right now the federal reserve is holding its final meeting before the november elections. federal reserve chairman ben bernanke and his colleagues are considering what steps, if any, they should take to strengthen the u.s. economy and boost employment across the country. most analysts don't expect any major announcements after today's conference, but they hope for clues to possible policy changes. time now 8:17. a lot of people are hurting financially, but the national bureau of economic research says the recession is officially over. they say the recession began in december 2007. it ended in june of last year. that would make it the longest recession since world war ii ended. they add the recession ended when the economy started growing 15 months ago, however, the experts say the effects, that's what still being felt, an estimated 15 million americans have no job. they say unemployment usually keeps rise average a recession end and add the jobless numbers don't go down until the recovery is well underway, even under normal recession circumstances. >> what we're seeing this time around is far more than a lagging indicator but sustained long-term unemployment where half those who are unemployed now virtually half, have been unemployed longer than six months. >> last month 9.6% of working- age american his no job. economists predict we're probably going to have high unemployment for at least another year. and there's a new report suggesting women may have born the brunt of the recession. the "wall street journal" broke down information from the bureau of labor statistics, found 141,000 women left the finance industry over the past decade. that accounts for 2.6% of all females in finance. meantime, 389,000 men joined the industry. the report finds most women left companies hit hard by the recession like investment banks. technology also replaced a lot of jobs that were traditionally held by women. 8:19. in washington state the woman at the center of an acid hoax may face jail time. prosecutors claim she collected thousands of dollars in donation money after she claimed a stranger threw acid into her face. sturro has since admitted to putting the chemicals on her face herself in an attempt to commit suicide. he received a call from the california transplant donor network about harvesting his brother shawn's organs. it brought a sudden surge of emotion and thoughts of arranging for a funeral but when he called his brother's cell a few hours later he found out his brother was alive. the medical center tried to explain the miss ta. >> we're required by law to notify the donor network that there has bain death in our system. there are two patients with the exact name. >> they thought i was dead. >> the living shawn spells his first name differently than the one who died, however, deceased shawn barlow was a well know district attorney. the son of legendary soul singer is in the hospital. we're going to tell you what happened last night. >> b.a.r.t. is looking for new ways to raise money. the proposal that may have riders watching tv. good morning, northbound 101 san jose has been slow then fast then slow gone. we'll give you an update on the southbound commute and give you a list of the problems you'll find on your way to work. in sacramento investigators are looking into the cause of a large fire that broke out overnight. the fire started at about 2:30 at a commercial area on stockton boulevard. it destroyed a furniture store and damaged the glass business. firefighters plan to remain at the scene all morning most watch for flare-ups. no word on any injuries. the son of singing legend aretha franklin is undergoing surgery after being severely beaten. police say 52-year-old eddie franklin was attacked by three people last night at a detroit gas station. right now police say they don't know a motive for the attack and no one's been arrested yet. eddie franklin is a gospel singer in the area. he sang on aretha franklin's latest album. bicyclists in petaluma you're being warned about a dangerous intersection after a second person was hit. latest yesterday on north mcdowell boulevard on parkway. a 5-year-old girl was riding her bike to school when she was hit. police say the driver didn't see the girl and couldn't stop. she suffered minor injuries. well this week b.a.r.t. will look for new ways to raise money through advertising. now one idea call for installing tv monitors on the trains and at stations that will provide transit information and also show commercials. b.a.r.t. is also considering corporate sponsorship of b.a.r.t. stations and even allowing highway billboards land that b.a.r.t. owns. 8:25. we want to check in with sal. hopefully b.a.r.t.'s running smoothly but there's slow spots the road. sal. >> we're looking at b.a.r.t. now. no major delays the system. this is when we like to check the bay area bridges to see what they're doing. for the most part except for the bay bridge in the upper london corner the other bridges cross the bay are doing well. there's still about a 10 to 15 minute wait at the bay bridge toll plaza after that you move well into san francisco. at 8:25 here's steve. >> who? >> steve paulson. >> thank you, sal i appreciate. we have a little bit of a fog bank which has been increasing over the past couple of hours. it was only patchy at best for a while. now it's really filled in. gray, cold out there for some. a little sun mixed in. you can see from sfo west to 14. you can see the clouds from drake's bay. point rays light house south and stretches over parts of san pablo bay and out to the east bay. fills in. heads to the dublin gap and fills in towards livermore. she's going to be cool. there's our system it's coming in and that's going to usher in a cooling trend. clouds higher and mid-level clouds will make it north bay and even up to lake lake county. don't expect any rain out of it may be drizzle. 50s for everybody. across the board helicopter had a lot of 40s, now 50s. 30s in the mountains. even 50 eureka. a lot of fog. southern california they're socked down there and it's associated with that low. it's going to bring our temperatures down. fog and sun. cooler, breezy today. also clouds rolling into the north later this afternoon. 50s, 60s and 70s going to cover the spread. we do have a cooler breezy pattern today. tomorrow, thursday, slightly warmer. fall starts tomorrow night and warmer weather friday and saturday. a man accused of killing his girlfriend has been talking to police. i just talked to police. i'll tell you what they say he is saying and tell you what they now believe is the murder weapon. also students at one bay area high school are still in shock following fatal car crash. the reason the school district is questioning the actions of teachers and administrators. we'll tell you how the actions of the queen of daytime tv will benefit students at several bay area schools. in 2008 i quit venture capital to follow my passion for food. i saw a gap in the market for a fresh culinary brand and launched we create and broadcast content and then distribute it across tv, the web, and via mobile. i even use the web to get paid. with acceptpay from american express open, we now invoice advertisers and receive payments digitally. and i get paid on average three weeks faster. booming is never looking for a check in the mail. because it's already in my email. i thought it was over here... ♪ [car horn honk our outback always gets us there... ... sometimes it just takes us a little longer to get back. ♪ well good morning, to you. welcome back. time is 8:30 new detail busy the victims of a firey crash in san jose. ktvu's kraig debro who's been there all morning has been talking to investigators and family members. kraig? >> reporter: let's go right over to the o'grady side of this intersection. there's a small gathererring off in the distance. it looks like people have come down here, possibly friends or even relltives of the two young men who were in the car. you can see there's a little bit of a motion going on over there. i did call the unified san jose school district as well as leland high school and both are aware of what happened at almaden expressway and o'grady drive. they won't confirm if they on attend a district school. the grandfather of the driver of the 2001 explorer has identified him as mitch pennings. the 18-year-old and unidentified passenger were riding in an suv around 3:00 this morning when the vehicle collided with a light pole. the ford burst into flames. the passenger was trapped inside and died at the scene. the driver escaped but when police arrived, they couldn't find him right away. >> it was probably around 3:30 and there it was just before a large explosion and i saw fire and obviously the police had already gotten out there. it only took him a couple of minutes, which was really good. >> reporter: speaking to a police sergeant this morning he said the driver was contacted but wasn sure if it was inside or outside of the vehicle. it looks like it may have been outside of the vehicle. i was also told by that same police sergeant that the driver of this suv will face charges, at least police will recommend charges to the d.a. those could include vehicular manslaughter and if alcohol was found anywhere in the system or at the scene, of course dui will be included in that as well. just all depends what the investigation, the conclusion of the investigation turns out. one more last time while we're out here. you look at the debris field and it's at least 50 yards. from that you can kind of tell that the speed that the vehicle was traveling, because of the length of the debris field, the collision with the light pole and then the forward momentum of some of the debris on the car. again over off in the corner at o'grady. there's a couple of people out there. you might be able to see it better than i am. people have come down here to see the scene of the crash. they appear to be people who may have known either or both of the young men in the car this morning at 3:00 a.m. one person is dead. one person is still alive and police say they will seek charges for the driver of the vehicle. reporting live in san jose, kraig debro, ktvu channel 2 news. >> all right, kraig. thank you. time is now 8:32. the novato school district wants to know why no adults knew a student was drunk before he got in a car and killed one of his classmates. four students were in the car when it crashed. the teenagers had skipped class before lunch. investigators had found beer bottles and liquor in the car. the 16-year-old driver was arrested for dui. some of the students told grief counselors they saw the teen driver drunk in class hours before the crash. >> when it actually happens it changes your whole prospective on things. >> we lost somebody really close to us. >> 16-year-old isaac brat died in the crash. the others were hurt. one of the students who was on life support was taken off and is expected to survive. state investigators are trying to find out how the teenager got ahold of the alcohol and the school is reevaluating whether or not students should be allowed to leave campus during lunch. 8:34. a vallejo man is in jail in connection with a deadly domestic dispute span two bay area cities. ktvu's claudine wong is live in vallejo now with the details. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. i just got off of the phone with vallejo police. they tell me 39-year-old william ubando has "made statements and cooperated fully with police." police are also telling us this morning the victim was trying to breakup with ubando when he brutally attacked her. they believe it happened here at glen cove park in this parking lot. police believe they recovered what they believe is a murder weapon. a bag that was found in ubando's car. the victim is a mother with three children. neighbors tell us 32-year-old lei campued has lived in the neighborhood with her family. police went to her home yesterday after getting 911 call after the accused killer's estranged wife. she said william ubando told her he killed his girlfriend of ten months. police went to the home but found no sign of the 32-year- old moth. >> some time later they got a tip. >> it was covered with a large amount of blood but still no sign of campued or ubando. that is until 5:25 last night when a co-worker of ubando called police and told police ubando had driven to the worker's home and that's where ubando apparently confessed this time to his co-winter parker and that co-worker called police. when police arrived they found the body of a woman who had been beaten to death on the floorboard of the front passenger seat of the vehicle. an autopsy is scheduled for tomorrow for identification. ubando was arrested without incident and again police just told me he has made several statements and has fully cooperated. i did talk with ubando's sister this morning. she didn't want to talk us to. she said she wasn't home when all of this happened. no one wanted to talk at the campued house as well. as far as ubando, though, he has no criminal record. he is, this morning, booked in the jail on charges of kidnapping and murder. live in vallejo. claudine wong, ktvu channel 2 news. >> all right, thank you. 8:36. vallejo police are investigating another homicide this morning. the victim is 21-year-old darrell braxton of vallejo. he was found shot to death in the driver seat of 9 van sunday night. no arrests have been made in the case and the search for a motive continues. well there's some good news about the housing market today. the commerce department says new home construction surges 10.5% in august to an annual rate of 598,000. that's higher than the forecast. application for new building permits went up almost 2%. that's seen as another good sign for the housing industry. today san francisco school board is expected to vote on a proposal to create affordable housing for teachers. under the plan former school sites on mission and page streets would be converted into low-cost housing for teachers. the teachers' union says about a third of all san francisco teachers live outside the city and many end up leaving the district after a few years to teach closer to home. >> you give out certain amount of salary toe do what you love and so it's definitely to buy a home or to live in a more expensive city. >> district officials say if all goes well teachers could be moving into low-cost housing in about two years. some bay area charter schools are getting big boost from oprah winfrey. the talk show host is donating $1 million to aspire public schools. the oakland-based nonprofit runs 30 charters across the state including east palo alto modesto. it is one of six schools to receive $1 million from oprahs angel network. time 8:38. tomorrow, ac transit will talk about drastic cuts that could effect thousands of passengers. possibly service reductions include eliminating almost half of the weekend service, eliminating all but two all nighter service lines, outsourcing the district- operated para transit division and reducing hours of operation for all of the lines. ac transit said it's being forced to make cuts because of failed contract talks with the union drivers. in the meantime, ac transit will soon discontinue the use of paper tickets on its buses. now the help of the switch adult riders can exchange unused paper ticket for a free clipper card starting october 1st. the value will be transferred onto the electronic card. ac transit will stop selling paper tickets on october 31st and after december 31st they won't be accepted at all. >> entering the 21st century there. it's 8:39. want to check in with sal and taking a close look at the silicone valley commute. sal? >> it's been tough getting into the valley. if your job is in coupertino. traffic is busy on 101 and 85 as well. moving along and taking a look at the westbound bay bridge toll plaza. it's hard to tell but there's been some improvement on the commute. there's a little bit a backup. it stretches to the overcrossing but it's better than it was last time. and this morning if you're driving down the peninsula southbound 101 just a lot of slow track on 101 and san mateo. you notice 280 is green. that means the traffic is moving very well. across the bay unfortunately a lot of red on the map on 880 hayward, slow traffic. at 8:40 now let's go to steve. >> thank you, sal. all righty, good morning. we do have a lot of -- an increase in the fog and low clouds. it really picked up in intensity the last couple of hours being helped along by a weak little low. it's going to move into the north of us so not only increase in low clouds but folks in the north bay probably partly cloudy. it's pretty dynamic and is going to settle in today and tomorrow. get a better look at the high and mid-level clouds associated with it. not a lot to it but enough there it means cooler. our berkeley target forecast is for more fog and cooler temperatures. 65 at noon and 67. two weather word for today. we had 40s this morning. a lot of 40s. in fact 44 at we wood, st. helena 48. so a little chill in the morning air. 50s now for everybody. 53 to 58 degrees. 30s up in the mountains. tahoe did make it to 30s. upper 40s in u kiah. the fog is big time in southern california. have to travel down to l.a.x. or santa barbara. our system will settle in between i would say tonight and tomorrow morning and that's going to drop temperatures. fog and sun and cooler, breezy. even windier later on with clouds to the north coming in. and clouds this morning. temperature that went up will come down today. upper 70s for many and low to mid-70s with 50s and 60s by the beaches. fog has really picked up in intensity from the san mateo coast. our last full day of summer. tomorrow night 8:09 fall officially starts. >> time 8:44. we just have newly released numbers about unemployment. we're going to tell you where california stands. also we've just received a police sketch in a disturbing case involving suspected child predator in the east bay. droiiiid. what this droid does will change how you do web connections. this creates a mobile 3g hotspot, powerful enough to fuel multiple devices at will. putting you at the center of your own world wide web. introducing the new droid x. the next generation of does. ♪ welcome to ultimate rewards from chase. no blackouts, no restrictions on airfare and hotels, no limits to what you can get with ultimate rewards. no wonder it's called ultimate. available on chase credit, debit, and business cards. chase what matters. it is 8:45. let's bring you up-to-date on some of the top stories we're following. oakland police warning people in the lake merit area saying two women were assaulted during separate robberies and the same man maybe responsible for both attack. police just released this sketch of a man who reportedly tried to kidnap a 12-year-old girl in castro valley last friday. investigators describe him as a latino man as 40 years old, had short black hair, dark skin and goatee. the labor department says the jobless rate went up in 27 states last month. that's the most that we've seen an increase since february. nevada had the worst numbers, 14% unemployment. california has the third highest rate at 12%. 8:46. is pg&e doing all it can to keep people safe? the answers may come after extensive review of a report just released to the public. cooke cook is in the newsroom with the latest developments with the story. good morning, pam. >> good morning. pg&e customers led by the community of san bruno are demanding answers and they may or may not come from this new list of high-priority jobs. now pg&e's president says the job now is to restore trust in the community after the explosion and fire in san bruno. he hopes that will begin with the release of this list and the top 170 projects that includes gas pipelines that need repairs, those that might not with stand an earthquake or some that are near a construction site where they could be punctured. >> our engineers are constantly revaulting each one of these pipeline segments and as items change around them that changes the priorities of those. >> reporter: but that is not sitting well with assemblyman jerry hill who represents san bruno. he thinks pg&e is holding back by releasing a maintenance list and wonders if there's another list that points out the most dangerous gas lines. since pg&e acknowledges that projects move up and down its list of priorities. >> who is establishing the criteria? how could it go from high had- risk consequences area into 2007 to not that bad in 2008? something's wrong. >> now he's referring to a section of pipeline about 2 1/2 miles from the san bruno blast site that was first ranked as high risk in a report sent to state regulators, but then dropped from the list after a review by pg&e engineers. now we do have the pg&e report and the entire pipeline list on our channel 2 website, there's still no official cause for the explosion in san bruno. the public utilities commission is still investigating and will determine if pg&e is effectively monitoring its systems. reporting live in the newsroom, i'm pam cook. let's go back tyler to toreie and dave. if. 8:48 a utah national guard attorney general is accepting responsibility for the wildfire that's destroyed at least three homes near salt lake city. this morning firefighters have the fire 25% contained so far and hope to gain ground before the winds pick up again today. right now 1600 homes are evacuated in the community of harrahman. the fire was started by a base practice rain. it allows mark hurd to work for hp's arrival. hurd was hired as co-president of oracle after being forced out of the hewlett-packard. that's now been resolved. we have no details and it hasn't been released but it's believed hurd is giving up $14 million in stock. that was part of his hp severance package. we're also now learning that california's pension fund for state employees gave thousands of dollars in bonuses to its top executives at the same time the fund was losing billions of dollars. according to the "associated press," virtually all of calpers' investment managers received bonuses of more than $10,000 a piece during the 2008/2009 fiscal year. this as the fund lost $59 billion. a calpers' board member said the fund was under contract and they were obligated to pay those bonuses. wal-mart has plans to build more urban store including in san francisco. the world's biggest retailer is looking to open as many as 470 smaller new stores around the country. wal-mart executives are not giving many details but there are reports two dozen are planned for the bay area. the stores would be about a little smaller actually than a regular grocery store and would focus on selling fresh food. time now 8:50. sacramento's arco arena is about to get a new name. after 25 years arco has decided it won't renew its naming rights deal when it expires in february. the kings say they will leave the arco name in place until the end of the nba season. arco paid an estimated three quarters of a million dollars a year to have its name on the building. oracle now phase $25 million to have its name on the arena. about an hour from right now giants fans, believe it or not you'll have your first chance to buy ticket for the playoffs. tickets can be bought on the team website or on the phone beginning at 10:00 a.m. no in-person sales to give more people a chance at scoring tickets. ticket prices range from 28 to $1,500. fans can buy no more than six tickets. >> it's going to be interesting because the giants play the padres of the last series in october about a week an half. 8:51. today is the last full day of summer. what change us can expect today and for the rest of the week. >> we'll check in with sal as you look at these live pictures of the backup of the toll plaza. not pretty. he'll have the latest on the traffic nightmare in the south bay ads well. a new ranking of restaurants this morning. find out who is at the top of the list for the bay area. e ret ma oilwi totr wco l wcote 8:54. iran's president address the united nations general assembly in new york. mahmoud ahmadinejad's address seemed mild compared to some of the past. he called for a new world order saying capitalism is facing defeat and didn't say anything about the two uc berkeley graduates still in prison in iran after the recent release of their companion sharia shourd. another tragedy for the denver broncos' football team. wide receiver kenny mckinley found dead in his home sunday. it was an apparent suicide. his death was the latest in the tragedy deaths for the broncos. quarterback darrent williams was killed in a drive-by shooting new year's day 2007. three years later running back damian nash collapsed and died curing a charity basketball game. actress lindsay lohan could be headed back to jail. a judge issued an arrest warrant after the 24-year-old actress admitted she failed a court-ordered drug and alcohol screening test. lohan was released from rehab less than a month ago after serving jail time for dui. she's been told to appear in court this friday, but she can remain free until then. also lindsay lohan reportedly settled her $100 million lawsuit over this super bowl ad for e-trade. the ad featured a baby named lindsay that was a milkaholic. tmz says lindsay lohan received some money from that stock- trading company. 8:55. the 2011 zagat survey is out this morning with a ranking of restaurants in san francisco and throughout the bay area. at the top of the list, for the sixth year in a row is gary danko. others include boulevard. slanted door. french laundry and cyrus in heals isburg. in fact, they say that 94 note worthy restaurants opened last year. >> this is an unusual year in that the economy is not where people hoped it would be and so the consumers are really being able to take advantage of that by getting special deals at lots of restaurants. >> the zagats say the average price of a meal dropped a little too, just under $39 but people are happy did improved service and are spending more on tips. this year's survey also included food, truck and popup restaurants. >> i listen to whatever steve paulson says to. >> steve knows a lot about restaurant and wine. >> time is 8:56 and sal knows about the golden gate bridge. how is it doing? >> there's something going on with the golden gate bridge nominee there's no traffic coming southbound and i want to have the director remove that drive time live traffic super. there's a crash right there. you can see it there in the southbound lanes on the golden gate bridge and traffic is going to be very slow. in fact i'm just figuring out there's a new crash southbound 101 just north of the toll plaza, northbound is being held. southbound is going to be very slow. this is a major problem. people are absolutely stopped on the golden gate bridge. this is what we'll be following. let's go to sieve. an increase in the fog today and also low clouds, sunny, breezy, cooler though. temperatures 60s and 70s and maybe even higher clouds out to the north. north bay later on today but today cooler and usher in fall tomorrow evening. it does look sunny and warmer friday and saturday. >> just in time for switch of seasons get warmer weather. 8:57. again, we'll have more with what is happening on the golden gate bridge on our website. don't forget to check that out at noon. thanks for watching, everyone. >> bye, now

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