Some of the inland areas. Will continue to do so. Sixties on the temps, very mild. A couple very few upper 50s. Everyone else is about 60 to 64 degrees. San francisco starting off 62. Then very mild on the coast, starting off so mild. That low cloud deck and very warm sea surface temps. A lot of the tropical cloudiness will move to the east of us. Will not wrap around like yesterday. Fog, sun, low clouds. Morning drizzle, muggy. A lot of moisture in the air. A little warmer out there. 60s, 70s, 80s. Right now, doing well around the bay area as we look at the bay bridge toll plaza. The traffic is moving along very nicely with no major problems as you drive through. Looks a little bit misty out there. Roads are going to be a little bit wet. Also the morning drive looks good. The traffic is easy all the way over to peninsula. If driving in the south bay, the road sensors are showing us some pretty good traffic on 101, 280, 85, all the major freeways here. Up the peninsula, highway 101, or down the peninsula, 101, 280, 85, even the elcamino real looking good. Back to the desk. We have stunning video to show you of a burglary as it happens in oakland. Claw dean wrong is live in the grand Lake District with more on the suspects, and, claw dean, what the Business Owners are saying about the rising crime. Reporter thats right. The sign on the door here at pier 501 warns everyone that the building is under surveillance. In fact, thats a camera here. Theres another one inside the store. Thats how this robbery was all caught on video. Take a look at the surveillance video, and you can see a man in a white shirt walking casually up to the door. Understand inside, he jogs to the counter, and hes gone. The owner of the store heard him before he saw him. I looked up, and i saw someone dashing out of the door. I heard him leaving, because he was in such a rush to get out, that the and his feet were just stomping everywhere, and making a lot of noise. Reporter this was 7 30 last night. The owner said the date and time werent set correctly. But theres no mistaking what it shows. Once out the door, it appears the suspect was not alone another van watching the first van runs off to him. You can see the owner of the store racing out the door, trying to get his laptop back. Drivers sitting in there, ready, waiting to take off. It was bonnie and clyde. I almost, you know, caught the car. I dont know what i would have done if i would have caught the car, but probably done something to it. Reporter he said the two left in a newermodel gold cadillac. The owner is hoping the two are caught, hoping he gets his laptop back, but he knows that might not happen. Other than that, you pick up the pieces and move forward. Thats what you have to do in business. Not every day is going to be peachy keen with birthday cakes. Reporter Police Acknowledge theres been a doubledigit increase in robberies across the city, and they have increased their efforts to try to stop it. Come back out here live, i want to show you how easy this getaway is. Take a look at 580 right across the street. It made for a very, very quick getaway. Live here in oakland, claw dean wong. Theres a break in the case of a young girl gunned down while sleeping over at a friends house in oakland. Police released this sketch. Its very detailed. This is a sketch of the man suspected of killing alicia keradine, described as african american, between 17, 24 years old, standing 5 feet, 7 inches tall, weighing 160 pounds. Now, on the evening of july 17th, someone rang the doorbell at the home on wilson street. The gunman fired off about 10 shots, killing aslush that, wounding her friend and a 63yearold woman. We want to find this person and remove them from our streets. This is a dangerous person. If they shoot children, what else would they do in our community . Theres a 35,000 reward being offered in this case. Time is now 5 04. Firefighters are making progress against that wildfire. They hope to have it fully contained by tomorrow. It is currently 80 contained. Evacuation orders have been lifted along with road closures. Several buildings did burn, but no homes were destroyed. Tara moriarty is live at the scene to tell us how the fire is also raising big concerns about erosion out there. Tara . Reporter its misting in a lot of parts of the bay area. A reminder that the rainy season is about to bear down upon us. With the rain comes the potential for mud slides. Just one more thing that people around here have to worry about. Now, we have learned from state parks that they have yet to ask a special Landslide Team to evaluate mount diablo. Told us they need to recede, since this intense fire kills roots. Cal fire retardant contain fertilizer. Grasses may not grow. In the burn areas, rocks are soft shale sandstone, the type that create debris flows. Wont move rapidly down the channel, carrying boulders with it. Can be very hazardous. Reporter mountain rangers right now are finding the dirt so they can be covered with biodegradable shooting. While no homes or people were lost in the fire, there were plenty of shrubs and animal. Well tell you what else needs to be rehabilitated coming up in our next half hour. Ktvu, channel 2 news. Happening today, contract talks in the bart labor dispute are set to resume at 10 00 this morning. The two sides far apart with the strike deadline one month away. Union leaders are accusing management of fighting safety cry stations instead of fixing safety problems. The unions also denied that theyre raising safety issues as a ploy to deflect attention from their pay and benefit demands. I believe that issue exists from the public, because nobody from the public has really gotten hurt, seriously hurt. We the workers have lost two if our coworkers, in 2001 and 2008. Now a bart spokesperson says management has addressed all of the safety issues brought up in these negotiations. Bart workers could walk off the job again if theres no agreement when the cooling off period ends. Time now 5 70. Construction problems with are adding millions of dollars to the big bill for the new bay bridge. Documents published in todays San Francisco chronicle show design flaws, snapped bolts and other problems have added up to huge cost overruns. The east mated cost of fixing problems with just the handrailings is nearly 4 million. Now, currently the bike path only runs a few miles. It wont be link. Time is 5 08. The city of san jose has jobs to fill and are hiring. San jose is looking for a new police chief. Deborah pagoney also plans to retire, and mayor chuck reed is in his last term as mayor some people are wondering if all those vacancies can lead to a leadership vacuum. Kind of wonder whats happening in the city and whether we should be packing up, too, and heading out. Chuck reed said he hopes city manager deborah pagoney can fill the jobs before she leaves. But the police union is raising concerns about all of those upcoming vacancies. About a dozen protesters claiming to represent occupy San Francisco, they have settled outside city hall. The examiner reports theyre targeting ed lee, who they claim has turned his back on the citys homeless. Protesters say they will stay at plaza for at least two weeks. The police are closely watching them. So far theres no sign of any trouble. Right now 5 09, and a key witness in the George Zimmerman is now threatening to sue a county in florida. What he accuses the county, state prosecutors of doing. Also does crime climb . Why living on a hill may protect you from criminals. Good morning traffic is moving along well. As we look at the golden gate bridge, a little misty, a little fog by. [ trina ] im a student at Devry University. And these are my roommates. This is one of my favorite professors. And so is this. This is my academic advisor. And also my cheerleader. And when i finish my degree in business. A new job, at a great company. Thats the graduation present i want. [ male announcer ] in 2012, 90 of Devry University grads actively seeking employment had careers in their field in 6 months. Find your career success in the bay area. Learn how at devry. Edu. Others say its been frightening. How high the creek was, how fast it was, how muddy it was. How dangerous it was. This is video from this morning. The heavy rain is continuing with no end in sight. Time is 5 13. New this morning, john kerry is in Geneva Switzerland negotiating a resolution on syria. As Kyla Campbell reports, these talks are coming rebels in syria get some help from the u. S. Kyla. We learned the cia has been giving weapons to the rep el else for the past couple of weeks. Also arranged to give the rebels antitank weaponry. The Syrian Civil War continues. Try to figure out a way to get weapons into the control of the community. Wont be easy. Theyll have to secure the sites that hold chemical weapons stocks. The white house says theres no time line for this stilldeveloping russian patrol. They dont want to suggest all of this could possibly be wrapped up by friday. Kerry told reporters we have to focus on the fact russia is willing to help. How long he is scheduled to negotiate these resolutions. Im working on that story for you. Live in washington, channel 2 news. Time is 5 14. Vladimir putin in an opinion piece he wrote in the New York Times warns the American People that a strike would, quote, increase violence and unleash a new wave of terrorism, unquote. President putin addresses his opinion piece to the American People and their political leaders. He called on the u. S. To work through the United Nations for a diplomat solution to the crisis in syria. Now putin wrote, and im quoting here, it is alarming that conflicts in Foreign Countries has become commonplace for the united states. Time is running out for congress to reach a budget deal and avoid a government shutdown. House republicans have pulled a measure that would have temporarily funded the federal government after a conservative backlash. Now members of the tea party wanted the bill to defund president obamas health care law. Congress has until october 1st to strike a deal and avoid a government shutdown. A Florida Medical examiner in the George Zimmerman case has been fired, and is threatening to sue for 100 million. Now, he was let go from the Volusia County medical Examiners Office last week. The county said he was given the option to resign, but he did not. He performed Trayvon Martins autopsy, and during zimmermans trial, he changed his opinion on the stand. He now claims that Florida State prosecutors were biased against Trayvon Martin and that they possibly threw the case. He plans to sue the county for discrimination and wrongful termination. Time now 5 14. Police say a suspicious death they investigated last week is a homicide, a woman reported finding a dead man in the yard of a vacant home at the corner of b street and fourth last thursday morning. Investigators have learned he was 29yearold marcus brown who lived in hawaii. Police are investigating why brown who would have killed him. Time is now 5 16. A new report on crime in San Francisco suggesting you may be safer if you live on a hill. A new Analysis Shows hills may actually be a deterrent against crime. the San Francisco chronicle reports neighborhoods that have the steepest hills seem to be safer. Those areas with the best views tend to have higher property values. That may also be a factor in lower crime rates. Thats very interesting. Yeah. 5 16 is the time. Sal is covering traffic, of course,. How is the morning commute, sal . Looks good. Funny, i live on a hill, and the neighbors are saying if we have trouble walking up this hill, so will other people. Feel safer when youre up on a hill. Lets go and take a look at the commute now. The traffic is light in many areas, most areas any way. Lets move along to the bay bridge. It is light coming into the city. No problems. The morning commute looks good on interstate 880 north and southbound. Traffic is moving along nicely in both directions. I want to mention that southbound 680 in contra costa county. So far it looks good, but theres a construction truck with a flat tire right here southbound 680 here in the area of tree boulevard. Its in the left lane, and theres a little bit of a backup between concord and walnut creek. Not a huge deal. Traffic continues to move along pretty well if you are driving there. Bart and muni are okay for now. Coughing fear. 5 17. Save me, steve. Ill take it from here, my friend. Go for it. The higher clouds swinging off the Sierra Nevada will push to the lee. Is there a big fog bank in place. Many overcast conditions. Every reporting station says cloudy. Dont see that all the time. Very mild, but afternoon temps will struggle a bit, because the low cloud deck is very large, way up there. A lot of drizzle, too, 40s in the mountains, 50s, 60s from ukaia, sacramento. Kind of a mild start for many. Sixtyfive, 64 redwood city, san jose is in there, santa row is a, 61. Thats one of the few that are in the upper 50s. Southwest 16 no big guy there. Theres a little bit of a westerly breeze in place, continues for most. Not much, but it is a seabreeze. Water temps are really warm, 57 to 60. So these lows by the coast are on the mild side. Santa cruz down to monta ray, socked in with a lot of low clouds. Heading up to tahoe truckie arena, might have to deal with some cloud cover, but most will not hit the area. The morning drizzle, very muggy, humid. If youre doing anything outside, youll notice it, 60s, 70s, 80s. I think were kind of stuck here. Just too much in the way of low clouds. Warmer on friday. Not much changed saturday. Asian stock markets posting modest gains as fears about a u. S. Strike in syria diminish. But keeping an eye on europe right now, many of them are down this morning. A little bit of a mixed picture. Some of them coming back after a disappointing report on Industrial Production in the euro zone. The dollar fell against the euro and the yen. Checking in on our numbers, futures do indicate a higher opening across the board. Not a big move. A tiny opening for the dow, nasdaq, s and p500. Keep an eye on that as we get closer the opening bell in a little more than an hour. Apples new iphones are not getting an enthuse yacht tick response. Investors are concerned its too expensive to attract new customers in markets like china. The phone expected to sell for more than 4401, about 730, more than the average monthly income in china. Your kids like it, though,. They liked the colors. They were excited about that. Theyre not getting them, though,. Time is 5 20. Confusion, controversy in boston over smoke, flames at Logan Airport. Looked bad, but it wasnt real. Why officials forced to apologize for the timing of this fire drill. Plus why some bay area animal control officers say its becoming harder for them to do their jobs. nacwcn take in over the past six years. At the same time, workers say theyve had to cut hours, staff. Theyre not able to investigate many animals negligence cases. We try to do a great job. We cant do a good job. Money, economy, everything is very, very expensive. The shelter has a budget of 4 million a year, but theyre hoping to increase that by 2 million. Time is 5 24. Some people who live in a condo development, theyre fighting to save more than two dozen redwood trees. A group of residents in park atherton lake are fighting their Homeowners Association plan to cut down 32 redwood trees. The group has appealed permits allowing those trees to be cut down. City officials will hear the case in october. Well this morning, pg and e unveiling a new look on some of its bills. During a Community Fair in San Franciscos chinatown, pg and e will show off the first ever Energy Statement in chinese in california. Chinesespeaking customers can start asking for statements in their native language this month. Now, the bills will have a larger spot. There will also be new information helping customers better manage their usage of energy. Well this is National Suicide prevention week, and some of the students at Chico State University have come up with a very creative way to provide young people why its good to live. Its called the before i die campaign. Kind of a bucket list for young people. Organizers are inviting other students to write on this chalkboard that theyve set up on the campus. So far dozens of students have written down what they plan to do during their long lives ahead. Want to live in france forever. Get a degree and be successful. I hope that some day, i can be the one whos giving my grandchildren money and helping them go to college. Now the chico Student Group named you matter are behind this Suicide Prevention campaign. Time 5 16. An unexpected problem with the new bay bridge. Why some drivers complain about their tunnel vision, a story youll see only on 2. Also swat teams from across the west gathering now in the south bay. Well find out why in a live report from san jose. Good morning. Right now traffic is moving along witty well along the bay area. Looks good up to coopertino. I was a chico state alum. Would like to see some rain. We have some drizzle what about the weather . Forecast on the temps. Well have that coming up. [ female announcer ] wherever morning brings you, bring the energy you need. New Nature Valley softbaked oatmeal squares. Softly baked. Made with hearty oatmeal and a drizzle of cinnamon. Theyre Nature Valleys brand new take on a morning classic. Because when you keep going, the morning can bring you to brand new places. Nature valley. Nature at its most delicious. It is september 12th, a thursday. Im pam cook. I feel like shopping now after that. Okay. Check in with steve for a little weather. It is a little drizzly. Shop or i need to go shopping. There you go. We dont have to worry about that. A lot of low clouds. Good old mister drizzle is back in a big way. Mist well inland for some locations. Lot of gray, cloudy skies. The low cloud deck is way up there. The lows are mild, all 60s, only a few upper 50s. Ant i dont care did go from 59 to 61. I think the only 59 ive seen is halfmoon bay. 71 in San Francisco for a high. That low will give the Sierra Nevada clouds some rain. Not for us. We will get that drizzle and low cloud deck. After that burns off, very muggy, humid. 60s, 70s. A slight cooldown into the weekend. Clouds and sun. That drizzle is there. So for that, we do have a cloudy start to the morning. Again, a little warmer on those afternoon highs just because by the fall we wont have the high and midlevel clouds coming in. 60s, 70s, 80s. Right now looking at traffic that is moving along pretty well along the bay area. We have trouble spots. This is not one of them. Traffic is moving along well if you are driving to the commute on 80 westbound. Looks like the drizzle weve had is becoming much better. We can see more of the commute as you drivethrough. Also the morning drive is going to be okay at the bay bridge toll plaza here. You can see traffic is moving along nicely driving through. There are no major problems. Getting word of a new crash, northbound 101 just after the San Francisco International Airport exit. The crash is reported to be blocking one of the lanes. Paramedics are on the way. So you might want to think about using 280 instead. 280 looks good getting up north. Now, at 5 32, lets go back to the desk. The fire on mount diablo, an update. Firefighters are gaining the upper hand there. They hope to have it fully contained by tomorrow. Right now still about 80 contained. Evacuation orders have been lifted along with road closures. Real small out buildings did burn, but no homes were destroyed. Tara moriarty joins us now to talk about the new problems that the fire is creating. Tara . Reporter , you know, the rainy season is just around the corner, and with the rain comes the potential for landslides, mudslides. So people around here, you could just add it to the list of things they have to worry about. We spoke to state park officials, and so far they have no plans to ask a special Landslide Team to evaluate mount diablo. Cal fire told us they need to recede the grass. The fire kills the roots retardant does contain fertilizer, but grasses may not grow in time. Feeling like so in the safe zone at this point. Feeling like were back to normal. But i just didnt even consider that. Experts say, in a burn area, just the type that create debris flows. That wont move rapidly down the channel, carrying boulders, debris with it. Can be, you know, very hazardous. Reporter mountain managers right now are finding the bearest spots of dirt so they can be covered with bidegradable shooting. State parks hopes to have the park open by monday. Officials say that the fire has scorched oaks and buckeye trees. Theyre going to grow back, but gone are many redlegged frogs, snakes, tarantulas. Some got gobbled up by mountain lions while trying to scamper away. But theres a Silver Lining in all of this, i should say an orange lining. What that is coming up in our next hour. Im tara moriarty. An east Bay Community showing support for the firefighters whose station was burglarized while they were out working on the fire in mount diablo. Coming up, how students surprised heros who fell victims to criminals. Fire crews fighting a deadly fire hope to have it fully contained by sunday. The clover fire has burned 80 buildings, including 30 homes near happy valley. One death is blamed on the fire. That fire is now 50 contained. The oldest daughter of a san jose man who ease behind bars for killing her mother is fighting to keep whats left of her family together. Police say mario chavez stabbed his estranged wife martha cassias and killed her saturday night. His two sons reportedly were in the next room. Chavez is in jail now charged with murder. Now his 22yearold daughter is trying to gain custody of the two boys in an effort to keep the family together in the wake of that tragedy. The San Jose Police Officers Association is starting a fund to help those children in this case. You can find that fund at sjpoa. Com. You can look for the donation box in the bottom righthand corner. Police are asking for the publics help to find a woman whos been missing since last weekend. Lorain madeiras disappeared near fargo avenue. She is described as 5 feet, 2 inches tall, 105 pounds. Theres her picture. She has blond hair, hazel colored eyes. Madeiras disappeared last sunday. Anyone with information is asked to contact police. Cal train is running normal this morning after two people were killed on the tracks in the same day. The first incident happened just before 2 00 yesterday afternoon near burgada road in belmont. The second person was killed just before 9 00 last night at the south San Francisco station. The train in south San Francisco was empty when the person was hit, but about 125 people were on the first train in belmont. Fortunately no passengers on the train were hurt. Service was slowed for several hours while both scenes were investigated. Time now 5 36. Happening today, swat teams all over california and beyond gathering in the south bay this morning. In fact, just 90 minutes the best of the west competition will begin. Ktvu joining us live now from san jose, where the event is closed off to the public. Good morning. Reporter good morning, dave. Yes, theres going to be a lot of shooting going on in the next couple of hours. Thats why theyve had to close this off to the public for safety and liability reasons. Were here at the sheriffs range in the hills of south san jose where 30 swat teams are going to be competing for title of best of the west. Video from a past competition. The Sheriffs Office host the event so swat teams can train and be put into a series of different scenarios they experience in real life. Swat team members from san jose, San Francisco, even los angeles will be put through the rigorous training. Theyll go through courses that simulate a dignitary being shot, a hostage situation, also encountering numerous shooters as they come up on a marijuana grow. With budget cuts, organizers of the event say this sort of training and competition is critical. The six courses are changed every year, so deputies are taken by surprise when they compete. Opening ceremonies begin 7, and the actual competition starts at 8 00 a. M. Coming up later on in the morning news, ill tell you about some reallime crime situations that the swat team was put through so you can kind of get a glimpse of how valuable this training really is for them. Reporting live from san jose, georgia mean delavega. Now to a story you will only see on 2. Many drivers say the new tunnel lights on the new bay bridge may be creating a nighttime safety hazard. Cal trans replaced the bulbs with hundreds of lights. Many drivers say those lights behind them when they drive through the tunnel at night. Ktvu news spoke to the electrical coordinator of the bay bridge, and he admits theres a problem. Working on the connections and adjustments for that to find the right number of sir kits that needs to be on at night. The chp said the bright tunnel lights have not caused any accidents. But call trance still plans to dim the lights a bit within the next few weeks. Also today the California State Senate is expected to give final approval to renaming the western half of the bridge. Governor brown has already come out against the patrol, but does not have the authority to veto the resolution. An activist plans to file a lawsuit claiming lawmakers can only name roadways after the deceased. Time is now 5 59. Some wild allegations against a man who ran a Mcdonalds Restaurant, accused of being a manager by day, a robber by night. Details of this employee who police say held up his own workplace. Plus a big announcement from Kensington Palace about prince williams future plans. Good morning. If youre driving in the east bay, traffic is going to be looking pretty good, trying to get to San Francisco. Looks good on the bridge on the way in. Lot of drizzle. For most a very mild warmer. All the people that lost their lives. The designer of the memorial said the idea started when people in napa found out the steel beams were being made available to nonprofit organizations that would honor the victims bostons Logan Airport is apologizing. The officials are for holding a runway fire drill yesterday on the very anniversary of september 11th. The Training Exercise at Logan Airport featured flames and a lot of smoke. Two of the four lodge planes on september 11th took off from boston. Now the governor of massachusetts said the timing of that fire drill was, quote, just dumb. A big announcement from Kensington Palace. Prince william leaving the military to become a fulltime royal. The duke of cambridge complete his final shift as a rescue pilot on tuesday. He will focus on royal duties and charity work with the duchess of cambridge, probably some daddy duties as well. They are expected to move from wales to their new home in the next few weeks with their new baby prince george. Mark zuckerberg did not mince words. During an onstage interview at the tech conference in San Francisco yesterday, zuckerberg says, quote, i think the government blew it, end quote. He added that the u. S. Failed to strike the right balance between protecting americans from terrorism and protecting their civil liberties. A san jose man has been arrested on suspicion of dealing mail in morgan hill. Eric gonzales arrested yesterday. Police say some People Living near shan court in morgan hill saw gonzales driving around in an orange convertible taking mail out of mailboxes. Officers spotted the car in the neighborhood. They say it was filled with stolen mail from nearby houses. A sad story. The parents of the 49ers fan who fell to his death last sunday at candle stick park, they say their son loved the team and was enjoying game with his older brother when he died. The coroner said kevin hayes of hayward died after falling from the james town walkway. Now kevin with his brother jeff. Parents say they are preparing for the burial of one of their sons and the marriage of the other. Hayes was scheduled to be the best man at his brothers wedding this coming weekend. This morning prosecutors say an east bay Mcdonalds Restaurant manager masterminded an inside job and robbed his own restaurant. This robbery happened at a mcdonalds at santa rita road back on august 28th. Investigators say Felix Gonzales wore a mask, climbed through the drive through window and demanded money from the safe. He ordered workers into the freezer before getting away. Five days later, he allegedly targeted another mcdonalds in san mateo. Put the girls in the freezer in the back, and he took the manager that was working, and took him to the safe. After that robbery, a Police Officer said he spotted the suspects vehicle on the san mateo bridge. Police say they found stolen cash, a fake gun and some masks. Reportedly confessed to both of the robberies. In jail now. City Council Voted to research the possibility of having Grocery Stores label all of their genetically modified produce. The motion to approve by the city council directs the city manager to examine which stores the policy would apply to, how the requirement would be enforced, and how produce would be labeled. In the last section, california voters rejected proposition 37, which would have required all Grocery Stores in the state to label geneticallyengineered food. All right. Time now 5 46. Got to get people out the door. Sal is going to take care of them. Thats right. Were looking at the southeast bay, off to a good start there. Looks good out of pleasantton. A busy commute. A lot of people on it. Dont have a lot of slow traffic. 580 slow over the altamont pass, but looks good to castro valley. Bane bridge toll plaza looks good. This is a look at interstate 680 near the climb, and the traffic is moving well. On the peninsula we do have a problem, northbound 101 near sfo. Watch for an injury accident. One car involved. Not causing a huge traffic jam. Might want to think about using 280 instead. At 5 47, lets go to steve. Thank you, sal. A very good morning. A lot of low clouds in place, overcast condition. Kind of muggy, humid. Plenty of moisture, lows in the 60s. Morning fog tomorrow. A little warmer on friday. Not much changed saturday. Looks cooler on sunday. Everyone starting off in the low to mid60s, most. Theres a couple of 50s. 64, 68. A high today of 72 degrees. The higher clouds yesterday really took the edge off some of the inland temps. That is pushing east. Dont have to worry about that. So High Pressure will weakly build in today, also tomorrow. After that, that low to the west will start to work its way toward us, giving us another cooldown. Partly to mostly cloudy skies, 65, livermore 64. Theres halfmoon bay, 59. Most locations are in the 60s here. So a very mild start. Lot of drizzle. You can call it light rain if you want. I dont care. Fairfield, southwest, 16 westerly breeze in place. They get a little more southeast. Overall start off with the gray skies. That extends well down to monta ray, into cappatola. A tough week for santa cruz, in the 60s, 7 0s. You can see the clouds wrapping back around. Theyre taking aim at the sierra instead of us. The morning low cloud, mr. Drizzle is back in a big way, muggy, humid. A little warmer fog than sun, temperatures 80s for some. A bump up in those temps up toward brentwood, ant i dont care. Santa row is a, napa is in there, hayward, berkeley, oakland, San Francisco. A lot of 70s, low 80s. 76 mountainview. Thats the spirit. Also for redwood city. A little warmer on friday. Then not much change saturday. Does look cooler sunday, monday. Thank you, steve. Yahoo says the number of people who rely on the Search Engine continues to grow. At a San Francisco tech conference, ceo says yahoo passed 800 monthly active users including 350 million from mobile devices. The most popular uses for yahoo, email, news, sports. Yahoos stock price doubled. A 49 billion bond offering from verizon sparked a frenzy on wall street. Investors rushed to take part in the largest bond sale in history. Verizon will use the money to buy a stake in its wireless business. Finally some good news about the housing market. New data shows foreclosures fell to their lowest levels in august in almost 8 years. 56,000 homes were in foreclosure last month, but that is down 8 from july and 44 from august of last year. All right. Time is 5 50. Jailing an Airport Security agent in los angeles. Coming up in about 15 minutes, the plot allegedly hatched by a tsa agent and how it was connected to september 11th attacks. Plus who let the pigs out. The eastbound Bay Community where wild hogs are tearing up some property. Whats next in the beef over the pigs. Mom. Yes honey . Dad told me that cheerios is good for your heart, is that true . Says here that cheerios has whole grain oats that can help remove some cholesterol, and thats heart healthy. [ dad ] jan . We run errands. We run to the grocery store. In fact, the average american drives fewer than 29 miles a day. The 100 electric nissan leaf goes twoandahalf times that on a single charge. Its a car. It just doesnt take gas. [ farrar ] so think about where you go in a day. Do you really need gas to get there . [ male announcer ] the 100 electric nissan leaf. Nissan. Innovation that excites. Now get a 2013 nissan leaf for 199 a month. In the middle of the night, squealing and fighting with each other. Officials say the pigs are likely coming down from the hills in search of food. Every morning i wake up. I look at my yard to see theyve hit any part of it. Traps have been set out to catch the pigs, but so far they have not taken the bait. News of a fire house theft has touched many people in one community who are now reaching out to help the firefighters. We know were safe because of you guys. Now, the Leadership Class from Foothill Middle School came to station 7 after finding out that the crew was burglarized while fighting the fire on mount diablo. Started with 9 11, the fire. Heard they had gotten broken into. Two wedding rings, an ipad, two other items were stolen. The students got together to bake cookies for the firefighters. Gave them gift cards to hopefully make them feel better. Officer have poured in to replace the stolen rings and a watch that was also taken. Fire Officials Say theyve already taken some unspecified steps to increase security at fire stations. Time 5 54. Governor brown supporting a bill to raise californias minimum wage. Governor says the minimum wage has not kept pace with rising costs since it was last adjusted, 6 years ago. This new bill would raise the minimum wage from 8 to 9 an hour on july 1st of next year and then raise again to 10 in 2016. If youre looking for a job this morning, california Highway Patrol will be acceptingcations starting at 7 00 this morning. Its the second time in three years the chp is hiring. Applications will only be accepted online until this saturday. Now, if you want to be considered, you have to be between the ages of 20, 35. You have to be a u. S. Citizen, and you have to have no felony con vicks. To get more information, go to the chpcareers. Com web site. Hightech Companies Like twitter, theyre helping to create hundreds of jobs, and theyre having a big effect on San Franciscos economy. A uc berkeley exhibition professor found that for every job that a tech company for every job that a tech company in the city, five local service jobs are created. Now, they say its easy to see activity has picked up in the midmarket neighborhood since twitter arrived. Honestly, i dont think ill be in business without twitter being here, without, you know, like, all these other Companies Move in. More technology companies, including yammer and square are also moving to the midmarket area near twitter. A major highrise Apartment Building is being built right across the street from twitter. The downside, they say, rents are going higher. Thats driving out some of the longtime residents. Hayward police are cracking down on students who skip school. Police fanned out across the city on tuesday looking for students who were not in class. The students are put on buses and taken to school to meet with counselors. Hayward has the highest true wan say rate, at 62 . Other areas with high true wan say rates, 37 in san lorenzo. A high school in houston is offering gift cards to help get dropouts to reenroll. Offering 100 gift cards to any student who can convince a dropout to return to school. Dropout must remain in school for a full semester before students get the gift cards. The program has been so successful that its being expanded throughout the district. Time is now 5 57. A sad story we talk about a lot, an 8yearold girl shot and killed during a sleepover in oakland. The new Information Police have now that they hope will lead to an arrest. Caught on video, ktvu news has exclusive video of thieves targeting a Small Business in the east bay. Some of the mist and drizzle that we had earlier has moved away. We can now see northbound 101, a pretty clear picture of traffic approaching the 80 split. Lot of low clouds in place. Theres still some drizzle out there. A mild start to the morning. Tuesday that mean a warmer afternoon . Complete area News Coverage starts now. Take you live to a store in oakland. It was hit by burglars. It was all caught on tape. We have amazing video for you this morning. Claw dean wrong is out there. Were hearing about what other businesses are saying. This is a big problem out there. Well take you out

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