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and also as you drive on interstate 880 we have more traffic heading north. now at 6:00 let's go back to the desk. happening right now this is day two of the national transportation safety board hearing on problems with the batteries used in the dream liner jet. we just wanted to take you there live this morning briefly to washington, d.c.. you can see they are all taking their seats and getting ready. the ntsb is trying to find out why boeing inspectors and federal officials did not know about the overheating issues before the jet was put into operation. now some of the experts are saying problems with the lithium ion batteries should have come to light during test flights. overheating grounded all of the boeing 787s. this hearing right now. we will be monitoring this from our newsroom and we'll let you know what is happening there this morning. also this morning back here in oakland police are searching for a suspects in the murder of a woman who was shot while just sitting in her car. it happened yesterday afternoon on foothill boulevard. ktvu channel 2 reporter tara moriarty tells us what police are saying about a shooting that happened in broad daylight. >> pam, you can see there are candles here that are lining the street where a woman was driving with her sister and her friend when they were shot at. it happened in broad daylight just before 3:00 in the afternoon. a woman shot while driving her car off foothill boulevard near 24th avenue. first responders tried to save her but she died after being transported to the hospital. witnesses say a man walked up to the driver's open window and demanded something. when she tried to drive away, the man shot her in the stomach. >> we actually heard you know one gunshot and we heard a car rolling out into the middle of the intersection and after that we saw a lot of people going up toward the front of foothill by the car wash. >> life is valuable. it's a blessing to have life and live life. but to take somebody's life i don't care the reason, it hurts. >> reporter: this is the second fatal shooting of a driver in daylight hours in exactly three weeks in oakland. police say that the driver of a black honda off duty paramedic quinn boyer was the victim of a robbery attempt. police have arrested six teens for that crime. police have not released the victim's name in this case. there is a $10,000 reward being offered. it is not known if the other two women in the car saw the suspect and have been able to provide some sort of description to police. but we're working on talking to a couple more neighbors and finding out more information if we can. we'll pass it along to you in the next half hour. live in oakland i'm tara moriarty. the 12th street bart station in oakland is back open this morning but that is after being shut down after a fatal shooting overnight. police say a teenager was shot to death at about 10:20 last night at 13th and broadway. police shut down the 12th street bart station to look for suspects. now it reopened just about an hour later. police have not released any information about the circumstances of the shooting. time is 6:03. in just about an hour from right now a group of teachers in east oakland plan to picket in front of their school. they are protesting what they call a lack of public safety. the teachers there say there have been recent incidents of students threatening other students, vandalism, as well as other problems. they also say many phones in the classroom are broken. it makes it even harder to report a problem or call for help. that teacher protest is scheduled to begin at 7:15 this morning. santa cruz city leaders taking a new approach to dealing with persistent problems at cowell beach. this is the story that janine de la vega is covering for us this morning. she'll have the details coming up in a live report. stay tuned for that. we are learning more information about the suspected master mind of the boston bombings. tamerlan tsarnaev was living on state welfare benefits at the same time he was embracing radical anti-american politics. those benefits stopped last year when they stopped meeting income eligibility. meantime his american widow has issued her first public statement since the bombing. 24-year-old kathryn russell hid her face as she left her parent's home but she issued a statement through her attorney saying she was stunned by the terrorist plot and is doing all she can to assist in the investigation. now there is another sign that things are starting to get back to normal in boston. the street where is the bombs exploded last week is back open for this bus morning. time now 6:05 let's go back to santa cruz. police are taking a new approach to problems at cowell beach. janine de la vega is out there right now to tell us about a new curfew and how long this will last. janine. >> reporter: i just spoke with a man a short while ago who was walking his dog. he said he was pleased to know about this curfew because he does not want drugs here on cowell beach. illegal camping and dumping is happening here in the caves located at collin's cove. according to the santa cruz centennial, the city council unanimously voted proving a curfew on the beach. a surfer posted a video on youtube. he found dozens of needles, human waste, and trash collected in the sand and hidden in the cave. cowell beach is one of the most popular beaches in the city. police have been stepping up patrols but the problem has continued. this new curfew will make the dry sand off limits to the public midnight to an hour before sunrise. this morning we did see a police patrol car around here. they say it's been a frustrating issue the last time i spoke with a sergeant here. he said the caves are difficult to access. we do plan on reaching out to police to get reaction to see if that type of enforcement to enforcing a curfew will be productive. janine de la vega ktvu channel 2 news. santa clara county deputies released a surveillance video they hope to catch two robbery suspects. this is video from valentines day at the 7-eleven stores. the first man is the suspect in the gray hooded sweatshirt. the other man is outside he has that orange-red sweatshirt there. the man in orange is accused of robbing someone by gunpoint out in the parking lot. that victim escaped unharmed. 6:07 is the time. back over to sal for a look at traffic. what are you keeping an eye on? >> the east bay is getting busier. we are looking at traffic on 880 northbound that looks pretty good. and we're also looking at the bay bridge. the metering lights have not been turned on yet but you can see a crowd is being formed here as you drive to the 880 overcrossing and get on to the bridge. the metering lights are not on. as you drive in san ho road sensors are showing us -- oops. road sensors are showing us a pretty good commute. let's go to steve. thank you, sal. good morning. fog is back and a lot cooler. temperatures in the 40s. yesterday we had a lot of 60s with a north wind. it's crazy. it's hard to forecast that. i'm just letting you know but the wind did tush a little more westerly and southerly. still lots of 80s yesterday. today we will go 60s and 70s here. biggest drop will be along the coast or even in san francisco. 73 yesterday. we will go 62 today. always a little warmer out toward hill view. fog is there. there is actually a little low forming. we call it a coastal eddy. that will keep the fog machine rolling right along. not much of a breeze though. there is really a component of a westerly breeze but it's not that strong yet. i expect it to pick up a little bit later. there is the 62 in san francisco. starting off 48 under cloudy to mostly cloudy skies. day baseball this is one of the days you take a jacket and sunscreen. i think there will be a mix of fog and is up. instead of the 67 in napa yesterday at this time it's 47. 45 instead of 65. and fairfield same for santa rosa. 48 antioch. 49 san jose. much, much cooler. a little low in southern california continuing to push its way in. that will help increase the fog. there is a much bigger fog bank today. by the coast 50s and 60s. but a pigger drop toward santa rosa. also mill valley, and san rafael. kentfield you get a big drop on that temp. a lot more in the way of fog or low clouds. it will be a cooler pattern today. i think that westerly wind kicks in a little bit. after thursday though a little rebound on friday. the weekend does look sunny and warmer. especially inland. time now 6:10. a violent clash in china leaves more than a dozen people dead. plus the flight delays caused by faa furloughs. why some republicans say it's all part of the white house strategy. plus the new occupation of former cia director david petraeus. [ male announcer ] fact: the 100% electric nissan leaf... is more fun than ever. sees better than ever. ♪ charges faster. and will charge. cool. and heat. from your phone. fact: leaf never needs gas. ever. good for the world. built in america. now, leaf's an easier choice than ever. ♪ shop at ♪ shop at i'm detecting high levels of happiness. luscious locks there's an entire land here...with living cars. now this is flying... with style. great glittering galaxies. disneyland resort just got happier, see it all with a 3-day park hopper ticket. i now appear to be lost in a deep dark cave... welcome back to ktvu channel 2 morning news. it's 6:13. travelers in california and around the country are feeling the effects of the faa furloughs. ktvu kyla campbell reports from our washington, d.c. newsroom lawmakers are placing they are now playing the blame game. >> reporter: the white house says republicans in congress voted to allow the automatic across the board budget cuts to become law last month. the faa is subject to those cuts and says it had no choice but to furlough 40,000 workers by making them take one unpaid day off every two weeks. the faa says they are not risking safety fewer air traffic controllers means they will allow fewer planes in the air. the faa blames staffing reductions for 1600 flight delays sunday and monday. tuesday's numbers are due out in less than two hours. some republican senators argue the faa had other options like holding up on upgrades and cutting research and development. they believe the white house has an agenda to convince americans a tax increase is needed. >> trying to convince the american people, that there are no circumstances under which we can ever cut spending at all. >> reporter: we are expecting to hear reaction from the faa administrator. he is expected to talk at a hearing in just 45 minutes. live in washington, kyla campbell ktvu channel 2 news. new this morning, dozens of people have been killed after a garment factory building collapsed in bangladesh. hundreds of people are injured. the collapse comes five months after a fire at another garment factory killed 112 workers. employees who survived the collapse today, say that a crack in the building was detected yesterday but that they were still told to report to work. in hawaii that a violent clash between authorities in what the government calls a terrorist gang left 21 people dead. that happened in a northwest region of the country. 15 police officers and local government officials are among those killed in the violence. according to the chinese gang -- a local activist from an indigenous group in the area says it was police who started the incident by shooting a young man. four former presidents will be in dallas texas. they will be joining president obama at the dedication of the presidential center tomorrow. along william president obama former president's george w. bush, his father george h.w. bush. bill clinton and jimmie carter are all expected at the event. this will be the fourth meeting of all of the ex-presidents since 2009. former cia director david petraeus has a new job. he will be joining city university of new york as a visiting professor. he says as the son of an immigrant, he identifies with city university's many students who have similar backgrounds. petraeus as you know resigned as cia director after admitting to an extramarital affair with his biographer. 6:16 is the time. sal is keeping an eye on the commute. it's been pretty smooth so far. >> it is smooth. we are having a little bit of slow traffic now that the metering lights have been turned on at the bay bridge toll plaza. which if you say it all together is capitalized toll plaza. if you are driving all the way out from the mccarthur maze to the metering lights, it's about a 15 minute delay. if you are getting on the 880 overcrossing it's eight minutes. once you get on the bridge ten minutes into the city. northbound 101 traffic looks good approaching the 85 split. if wow are in san jose the road sensors are not showing a lot. 6:17 let's go to steve. thank you, sal. a very good morning. some low clouds around. there is a bigger fog bank on the coast. yesterday it couldn't clear an ant hill it was so low. it's getting a lift from a low moving into southern california. low clouds already filter -- low clouds filtering in. 62 after heydeys 73. down 13 for santa rosa. and san jose from 81 to 72. so i think you will notice a pretty big drop. still a couple low 80s well inland but there is a lot of fog out there. today it's making a push. cooler giants game today. still fog, sun, breezy. i think that west wind is an impact if your higher seats are on the outside. 43 walnut creek. 47 napa. a lot of 40s san francisco and sfo. oakland is in there and hayward as well. we are seeing very consistent temps coast bay and inland. more of a westerly breeze. it's not pronounced. it's not rip roaring or turbo charged. i expect it to pick up a little bit later from about the golden gate and san pablo bay. a lot of fog out there. that usually is a sure sign things will change pretty fast. 30s up in reno and tahoe. ukiah at 42. so with high pressure losing the grip for a couple of days we will see temperatures in the 60s for some. 70s for others. but temperatures starting to come down a little bit. we'll have more on these coming up in five minutes. orders for big ticket items dropped more than expected last month. durable good orders dropped 5.7% in march. mostly because companies contracted for fewer jet liners. but the government says demands softened therely across the board. activity in the manufacturing center cooled a bit during the early part of spring. getting to hogwarts school of wizarding will be easier next year. this summer nbc universal plans to start building a new wizarding world of harry potter. the park will be part of a $1.6 billion expansion to the universal studios. it could open by summer of next year. the original wizarding world opened at universal studios. a bay area couple got the mistakes that cost them nearly $40,000. when you have been charged with something, you just never heard of ricin or whatever. i thought they said rice. i said i don't even eat rice. >> the fbi dropped charges against a suspect in the ricin letters investigation. the new focus of authorities. welcome back. time now 6:23. a couple hoping to buy a car on e-bay was scammed out of $43,000. the los gatos patch reports a couple tried to buy a tesla roadster from a seller claiming to be from virginia but they did not follow e-bay's selling procedure. they sent the money through a bank transfer. they haven't heard from that suspect since. ebay says it can't help because the sale happened outside of the company. the city of los angeles will pay more than $4 million to two women that shot during that man hunt for christopher dorner. a 71-year-old woman and her 47- year-old daughter were delivering newspapers when police officers repeatedly fired shots at their truck. mistaking them for dorner. one of the women was shot twice in the back. the other was hit by broken glass. former lapd cop christopher dorner died later in a standoff with cops. 31-year-old eric justin was arrested over the weekend in nicaragua. the former teacher fled the washington, d.c. area in 2008 after authorities say they found images of child pornography on a media card in his classroom. yesterday he appeared briefly in court. he was ordered held without bail. the fbi has dropped charges against the man from mississippi accused of sending letters with poisonous ricin to president obama, a united states senator, and a judge. paul kevin curtis was released from jail after authorities found no evidence of the poi sin at his home. his lawyer says the focus is on another mississippi man who she says may have set curtis up because the two didn't get along. but as the fbi searched his house, everett dusky says he did not do it. >> the people that actually know me, know i don't have anything to do with this. and quite frankly the people that don't, knows this is quite crazy. >> dusky says he doesn't really know curtis but that they had corresponded online. the fbi is investigating a hacking understand accident that caused panic on wall street. a fake tweet from the associated press was potatod yesterday saying quote breaking. two explosions at the white house and barack obama is injured. the hoax caused the dow jones to drop 140 points before recovering. some says the incident says that social media is not always a reliable source of information. >> it's just twitter. there is a bunch of parity accounts. that post fake information posing to be somebody else. if you are going to look into it, i think you should look into the actual website. >> a group calling itself the syrian electronic army is taking credit for the hex. time now 6:26. let's go to sal. you ready to take car of your friends on 280? >> we are. we are looking at 280 in san jose yeah, we do have a lot of people who commute this way. but it is not crowded just yet. like wise for 680 heading south when the busiest commutes. right now it does look good. let's go to steve. thank you. fog is back. that means a cooler pattern today and probably tomorrow. boutade instead of the 80s more 60s and 70s. time now is just about 6:26. we will continue our coverage of the boston marathon bombings. we will bring you a live report from boston. we will show you the new signs the city is slowly getting back to normal after last week's terrorist attack. and in just a few hours there will be a meeting to give us an update on the bay bridge bolt problem. ly tell you what -- i will tell you what the specks person for the mtc told me within the last hour. plus the opening bell is just about to ring on wall street. look at them kids. [ sigh ] they have no idea what it was like before u-verse high speed internet. yeah, you couldn't just stream movies to a device like that. one time, i had to wait half a day to watch a movie. you watched movies?! i was lucky if i could watch a show. show?! man, i was happy to see a sneezing panda clip! trevor, have you eaten today? you sound a little grumpy. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. with u-verse high speed internet. welcome back to the morning news. just about you have 30 own the opening bell is live there on the nasdaq. they are celebrating a new trading system there actually. and we are keeping an eye on the bay area's apple this morning. because mixed results coming in after the closing bell. about its earnings, about its outlook. tim cook kind of encouraging investors. but the stock right now about to open down 3% to $393 a share. here we two the opening bell live. apple down about $13 of 3%. we'll keep an eye on that. big story. we'll smile and say good morning, to you. thank you for joining us here on ktvu channel 2 morning news it's wednesday, april 24th i'm dave clark. >> foreign good morning, i'm pam cook. representatives of a big league baseball 30 teams will meet tomorrow to discuss security changes in the wake of the bombings. last week's terrorist attack has already led to increased security at at & t park and other major league ballparks. but the league will suggest other security measures including a possible ban on backpacks. tomorrow's meeting in new york was scheduled before the bombings but the tragedy in boston has changed the focus of the meeting. also this morning there are new signs that the boston area is starting to get back to normal after last week's terrorist attack. reporter tory dunnan is in boston this morning. and torii, tell us what it's like. >> reporter: it's definitely a different feeling. boylston street has been reopened to foot traffic. today what we are seeing is some of the businesses obviously open for the first time. people who live there are back in the area. if you take a quick glance at some of the social media, twitter, facebook, people are posting pictures saying they are excited to basically walk down that street to work. but at the same time they are overcome by emotions because you walk by the sites and you see that they've had to recement the area, put in new bricks and people are dropping off flowers at this point. >> while we have you here, we are hearing reports the suspect in the hospital may be moved? >> reporter: he is here in the hospital behind me. his condition has been listed as fair. what we are hearing is that some of the family members of the victim that is still recovering at the hospital have expressed some concern. they are a little uncomfortable about the fact the suspect is in that hospital. what we are hearing is once his condition improves, once he is well enough, they will be moving him to another facility. >> and what about the businesses as well? are they all back open? are they doing anything special to try to make it seem a limit bit more nor -- a little bit more normal and inviting to people? >> reporter: you know, they are. outside of the starbucks on boylston street i saw pictures this morning of the workers holding up a sign. so they are sort of trying to remember the victims but also welcome people back in. >> that is reporter tory dunnan live from boston. thank you for that update. time is 6:33. back here at home, a woman was shot and killed while driving her car in oakland. tara moriarty is here now to tell us what the police are saying about that investigation and how it's drawing similarities to another recent shooting. tara. >> reporter: that is right. candles now line the street where this brazen shooting happened. the woman was driving near this intersection here off of a 24th avenue in foothill. the woman was driving her sister and a friend when a man walked up to her open window and demanded something. they say she tried to drive away, but the man shot her in the stomach. emergency crews to tried to save her but she died after being transported this afternoon. people at a nearby church say they hear the gunshots and say they are frustrated by violence on daily seats. >> support what the community is trying. >> reporter: this is the the second fatal shooting of a driver in daylight hours in exactly three weeks in oakland. police say the driver of a plaque honda off duty paramedic quinn boyer was the victim of a robbery attempt around noon april 2nd. police have arrested six teens for that crime. police haven't released the victims name in this case. there is a $1500 reward being offered. we are live in oakland i'm tara moriarty ktvu channel 2 news. time now 6:34. the contra costa county fire districts may be close to closing down another fire station. the district closed down fire stations in walnut creek, clayton, and martinez. now the supervisors could close next month to close a fifth fire station to try to deal with the budget short fall. residents living in the district say they are concerned about response times especially as fire season gets under way. >> we are very concerned. that is where we would get our service. like i said, we've always had a quick response in the neighborhood. >> now the supervisors haven't announced which fire station may close but it may end up being station 87 in pittsburgh. late last night the vallejo city council anonymously approved -- unanimously approved a 45 day moratorium on new medical marijuana dispensaries. it gives the city time to come up with regulations for the dispensaries. right now they can operate at any time of day and any kind of space. time is 6:35. deli owners are turning a negative into a positive after a bumbling burglar targeted their store. the burglary attempt was actually caught look at this security camera here. it became a punch line on late night tv. the suspect is now a star of a new ad for kent's meets and groceries. joking about how far people will go to get therapist troll my. delhi owners say they are making the most out of a bad situation. >> we don't really care. he broke our window and you get all of this free advertisement. >> no that burglar is still on the loose this morning and the deli owners say they are not worried about whether he is ever caught. we will find out a lot more about the bad bolts on the new bay bridge. claudine wong has been on this sorry since 4:30 this morning. joining us live from treasure lie land with more -- treasure island with more on a big meeting. >> reporter: that meting gets under way at 9:30 this morning. we will zoom on into where this problem first popped up to give you a look at that area in question. the anchor rods that broke are supposed to secure the new roadway to the piers that go down in the water and really make everything more seismicically safe in case of an earthquake but dozens of those rods are broken. hundreds more are being looked at. mtc spokesperson john goodwin says we should expect not necessarily major announcements but there is still a lot of things on the table. so today what we can expect is a lot more causes. they think they have a belter idea of how that happened. and we will hear about ways to fix the problem. there are two shipments of these bolts. 96 were in this first 2008 shipment and a third of those broke. it appears we might hear about further analysis that needs to be done. we are also going to be talking about the second shipment of 2010 bolts. there were 192 of those. none of those have been broken but it again it raises concern about all of them. there have been allot of meetings -- a lot of meetings on this. and what we ask the spoke person needed is how long this will take. not only am i not an engineer, i'm not a fortune teller either. we are certainly moving toward answers to each of these questions and we will announce it. once a decision has been made and in consultation with members of the authority, this is a great schedule at which to bring it forward. >> reporter: so one of the reasons we are asking about time frame is because this scheduled opening of the bay bridge was supposed to be on labor day. at the last meeting they said you know what, we are not going to say we are going to stick to that. we are just not sure. i posed this question on my facebook page would you be upset if the opening was delayed and a couple of different commenents but randy shirley basically said no in response to that. we did also roll on into san francisco in the last hour. live here on treasure island claudine wong ktvu channel 2 news. 6:39 is the time. sal, covering a pretty nice commute around the bay area. is it staying that way? >> it is pretty much. we do have slow traffic for sure as we normally do. as a matter of fact, we will start with highway 4 year westbound. highway 4 is busy here in bay point and it has been stop and go in antioch. but that is very typical if you drive it every day. no major problems there along the commute. the metering lights are on. it's only about 10-15 minute delay as you drive through. now we are looking also at the south bay. we haven't had any major problems. let's go to steve. thank you. a lot more in the way of clouds and fog. it just went south to north parallel to the coast. making also a pretty decent push toward the north bay. so it will be significantly cooler for some today. mix of sun and fog at the giants game. windy outside but not too bad inside. 358 degrees -- 58 degrees it will be cooler today. 40s instead of 60s on the temps. you lose that north wind the temperature can drop off the table. looks like a little bit of a westerly breeze. nothing too outrageous but high pressure backs off. a little low moves into southern california. so fog, sun, cooler. a westerly breeze or a south wind is more in place. so 60s and 70s or very, very low 80s. mostly 70s in areas that were much, much warmer. biggest drop will be along the coastal areas. wood side 67. san bruno 66. even cooler on thursday and then that is it for the cooler. a little warmer friday and slightly warmer temps on the weekend. time now 6:41. you want no know how packed your bart train train will be? now there is an app for that. the new feature now available online. we are live in santa cruz where city officials took action last night that will effect people who use a popular beach. we'll tell you about the problem. good morning. with water temps so, so cold. upper 40s. and for many on the coast and bay they will be okay with that. oakland city leaders may pass a new resolution in opens of decreasing gun violence. the city council public safety committee met last night. they discussed if the police department should send letters to new handgun owners. it would explain the legal responsibilities of owning a firearm. >> we are not depriving them of the constitutional rights we simply saying here is your responsibility if you are going to be a gun owner. >> some responsibilities include reporting the sale of a gun and notifying police if your gun is lost or stolen. also failing to follow the rules could result in prosecution. we checked to see if the resolution passed. the results have not been posted. in the meantime city council in richmond are doing its part to decrease gun violence. they met last night to develop a to support gun control initiatives. the city is also looking into a gun buy back program. your time is 6:46. santa cruz's cowell beach will be on curfew over night. what are the locals saying? >> reporter: so far everybody that i've spoken to are pleased. and now that it's lighter outside, i want to show you exactly where the problems are happening here at cowell beach. in those cliffs over there, we are told there are caves but you have to climb up into the rocks to find them. and that is where lots of evidence of drugs was found. now let's go to youtube video taken by a local surfers who went up there and he documented all these syringes, human waste, and trash that he found in the caves underneath west cliff drive. he was disdusted with what he -- disgusted with what he found and wanted to spread awareness. local residents and police have expressed their concerns to the city council and according to the santa cruz centennial last night the members anonymously approved a curfew from midnight to one hour before sunrise. the beach will be closed on the dry sand portions of it to help the curb the crime. >> we used to run along the beach barefoot every morning. one other time they found a whole bunch of syringes along the river mouth. that is where we have been running along the surf in our bare feet. i'm very glad they are taking it seriously and doing something about it. >> reporter: the ocean and the wet sand portion of the beach will remain open to the public 24 hours. police have stepped up their patrols here in the last several months but the problems have persisted. the city council will take the next year to assess whether this curfew is effected. we are still trying to find out exactly how the enforcement will take place and exactly when the curfew will take place if it goes into effect today. and we hope to hear back from santa cruz police on reaction from them on what they think about enforcing this curfew. reporting live from santa cruz janine de la vega ktvu channel 2 news. time now 6:48. if you ride bart, you can check your computer or smart phone to see how crowded your bart train might be. the bart quick planner now has an icon. it will tell you whether crowding is heavy, moderate, or light. bart says the new service uses historic redistricted information to see how busy trains are. virgin america started a new service making it possible for a passenger to let someone else on board let them know you are interested. passengers pinpoint their in flight interest and using the plane's entertainment system you can send over a drink, snack, or meal. travelers can then follow up with a text message. >> okay. 6:49 is the time. let's check in with sal. >> a little message saying how are you doin? [ laughter ] right now there is not a lot going on with the commute that is out of the ordinary. you will see slow traffic as you normally do heading out to 880. the good news we haven't had a lot of stalls or crashes on the way. in fact, we are just getting word of a new crash on highway 92 at the toll plaza. i think it's westbound that just came across. so we will have to get more information on that. westbound 580 livermore valley slow traffic getting in. once you get to castro valley it looks good. again the traffic here looks good. westbound 92 it looks like there is an accident. the chp is just pulling up on the scene. bay bridge toll plaza has not been as thick as it was yesterday. it's backed up for a 15-20 minute delay before you actually make it on to the bridge. 6:50 let's go to seve. sal, thank you. good morning. sunny for some but there is a big fog bank out there. i just september it out on a tweet. if you have weather information or want to ask me a question. much cooler for coast and bay. we'll see a good ten degree drop. san jose 81 to 72. a cool 62 in san francisco after yesterday's 73. fog is out there and continues to thicken up and ramp up and lift up a little bit. that is helping. there is not really a strong westerly breeze just yet but i expect that to pick up a little bit. fog, sun, breezy. upper 50s or very, very low 60s. instead of the mid to upper 60s we had yesterday, we are seeing a lot more 40s. there is a huge difference today compared to yesterday. just a little pressure system. that's all it takes this time of year. and warm inland temps to get that fog machine rolling along. fog cool for the coast. mild to warm inland. still low, low 80s. generally a lot of 70s. 60s on the coast or upper 50s. just too much fog 37 then we start to see a little rebound for the weekend temperatures coming up. steve, we're keeping an eye on apple today. that is after it announced growth has slowed. no new products will be released until the fall. apple stock was looking to open lower this morning. just want to get the latest reading right now. it is down. actually it opened down. now it's turned around a little bit. it's now up about 2.25 of a point. it looks like it was opening below $400 a share but recovering a bit. it's also more than 40% from its record high that was set back in september. our time is 6:52. what are the riskiest meats to eat? and how are your favorites ranking on a new list in the meats you may want to avoid. also the warriors got an important playoff win. reaction from the planned future home of the team. welcome back to the ktvu channel 2 morning news. just about flat. the dow jones today. 14,719. the nasdaq and s & p posting a little bit of a gain right now. we do have decent corporate news coming in that is helping things out. time now 6:55. the three teenage suspects in the audrey pott case are now on house arrest after being released from juvenile hall. they are accused of sexually assaulting the saratoga teenager. writing humiliating messages on her body and sharing a photo with her classmates. she later took her own life a week later. on saturday the suspects left juvenile hall. they are being honored electronic -- being monitored electronically. a new report is out and numbers are in from which meats are the riskiest meats to eat. the center for science looked at more than 33,000 cases of food born illnesses. according to the report, ground beef and chicken caused the most cases of people going to the hospital. turkey and steak are the next highest risk. the researchers say the deli meat, pork, and roast beef are a medium risk. they say the safest meats chicken nuggets, ham, and sausage. the warriors are preparing for game three on friday night in oakland after tying their playoff series with the nuggets. they beat denver last night 131- 117. they did it without their all star forward david lee who is out with an injury. they crowded the bar inside stock and trade to watch the game and the group warriors on the waterfront organized parties in san francisco. ed pierce 30 and 32. the warriors hope to move in time for the 2017-2018 season. we will move on over to sal. you are watching the toll plaza. how is it doing? >> it's better than it was yesterday, dave and pam. but it's still crowded coming into the city. you can tell it's much better. it's only backed up for a ten minute delay. no problems on the bridge either. they had a crash reported near the toll plaza that quickly cleared it out of the way. now let's go to steve. thank you, sal. we have a bigger issue with the fog. there is a big fog bank out there. in fact, it continues to increase and move up the coast. it's covering almost all over california. 50s and 60s coast and bay. coming up next on mornings on 2 new information on the boston bombings. reports on exactly when the two brothers began planning the terrorist attack. and 90 minutes from now a very important meeting for those bad bolts on the bay bridge. claudine wong is getting reaction from commuters. you kids should count yourselves lucky. we didn't have u-verse back in my day. you couldn't just... guys... there you are. you know you couldn't just pause a show in one room, then... where was i... you couldn't pause a show in one room then start playing it in another. and...i'm talking to myself... 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