Obama very easy. Well talk with the last republican president ial nominee about his unprecedented attack on this years frontrunner. Plus, the feds grant immunity to a former state Department Staffer responsible for setting up Hillary Clintons private email server. Well ask our sunday panel if that is now the biggest threat to clintons nomination. All right now on fox news sunday. And hello again from fox news in washington. We begin with late breaking election results. Republicans went to the polls in four states saturday, and it was a split decision between donald trump and ted cruz. Trump posted a win in louisiana with 41 of the vote, and he took kentucky with 36 . But cruz post ed a decisive win in kansas with 48 and in maine with 46 . The overall count now has trump with 378 delegates. Cruz with 295. Rubio at 123, and kasich with 134. 1,237 are needed to win the nomination. Well have the democratic results a little later. But the big story this week is the open warfare inside the Republican Party. In a few minutes well talk live with former governor mitt romney who launched a blistering attack against trump this week. But first, the king of conservative talk radio, Rush Limbaugh, who joins us from his eib studio in florida. And, rush, welcome back to fox news sunday. Chris, thank you. Its great to be here. I want to let everybody know at the top, folks, he may have to interrupt me because i dont usually speak in 10 to 11minute segments. Do not get mad if he has to interrupt me to keep him on the track he wants to stay on. How is that . You thank you. Thats a dispensation from the pope. And i will do my best. Brevity. Lets start with mitt romneys speech this week in which he basically joined the anybody but Trump Movement. You say that is going to backfire with Trump Supporters and other voters will see it as the establishment trying to tell them what to do with mitt romney listening. Explain what hes missing. Well, its all that and more. And its not unprecedented. His dad did much the same thing against Barry Goldwater with a cabal of establishment republican guys. The establishment isnt new. The establishment not wanting outsiders, not wanting conservatives, isnt anything new. Now, chris, very briefly, i think theres something remarkable happening here that nobody is talking about. Theyre skirting the issue. For the longest time the Republican Party has told us that they cant win with just republican votes. And thats why they support amnesty. Thats why they support the democrats on many of their issues to go out and get hispanics or other minorities. Guess whos doing it. Donald trump is doing it. Donald trump has put together a coalition, whether he knows it or not, whether he intended to or not, hes put together a coalition thats exactly what the Republican Party says that it needs to win eaand, yet, loo like what theyre trying to do, get donald trump out of the race because theyre not in control of it. Its the most amazing thing to watch this happen. Governor romney comes along and tries to talk people out of trump, and thats not going to work. You cant talk his supporters out of supporting him. The only guy that will be able to do that is trump himself. Okay. Lets talk about that because there is a lot of commentary, and some of it coming from conservatives who say that the Republican Party is in it danger of tearing it self apart. Weve seen splits many times before over political philosophy, but thats not whats happening this time. This is the establishment, the elite of the party versus the grassroots phase. Exactly. It really isnt anything new. They were this way with Ronald Reagan before reagan was elected. They tried to deny reagan in 76 and they tried to deny reagan in 1980. Theyre not conservative. You and i hear governor romney in his speech last week talk about how the Republican Party must stand for legitimate conservative values. They dont. Thats why theyre in the problem having the problem theyre having. Theyre not conservative. Theyre being run by their donors. You look at these primaries so far, do you realize they dont like cruz either, ted chris. In fact, maybe they dislike cruz more than trump. But cruz and trump are the only guys that have won anything. The establishment candidates in this race cannot get noticed. The republican primary voters, whether theyre close primaries or open, are voting for anybody but candidates attached to the republican establishment. I know that you think that ted cruz is the real conservative in this race, and well discuss him in a moment, but lets talk about donald t m trump first. How would you feel you talked about him bringing new people into the party. How would you feel if he ends up as the republican nominee for president . Well, i would feel much the way i feel when anybody is elected. You deal with what you end up getting. Im not under any illusion, chris, that i have any sayso in this. I have my opinions. I share them. Im not afraid of them. You dont win everything. And you ultimately have to take what you get. I think on the case of trump, theres a much bigger upside than down side. A lot of people disagree with me on this but the people who want somebody not of washington, its serious this time. Its the disconnect between the Republican Party establishment and the defensemo establishment and the people of this country is longer, broader, wider than ive ever seen it. These people have been telling us theyre the ones to fix everything and everything theyve tried to fix theyve botched. T. A. R. P. , the stimulus bill. College education is an impediment because of how much it costs. A College Education is no longer a step up. The American People have worn out their patience being told by their socalled bettors that you dont know how to live your lives the right way. We need to arrange things for you so you can do things better than you would do yourself. People think its the other way around. They would rather invest in themselves than listen to a bunch of people in washington who do not have a record of fixing anything. Lets talk about marco rubio. He had a tough night last night. Three thirds and a fourth. Trump won two states. Cruz won two states. Trump called on rubio to drop out and make this a twoman race between trump and cruz. Is marco rubio finished . I dont see where hes getting traction anywhere and, again, whats harming him . When rubio won the election, he was a tea party darling, a tea party favorite. What happened . Gang of eight. Whatever the reality is the perception is that he went to washington and threw in with the, quote unquote, establishment. He cannot he cannot recover from that. Has not been able to recover from that. He is seen as now the candidate, the Republican Party and its donors have decide d to try jeb. 115 million and jeb actually stated in december 2014 that he was going to win this primary by not winning it. He was going to win it without winning base voters. They have made it clear they want nothing of their base. Theyre embarrassed of their base. Marco now is attached to that establishment. I dont see his future, not in this particular cycle. You have not endorsed a candidate, but you talk very favorably about ted cruz. In fact, the other day you said hes the closest were going to come to Ronald Reagan in our lifetimes. Now i didnt know Ronald Reagan as well as you did but i did cover him for eight years as president. Ive got to say that i felt that reagan was more inclusive than cruz is, more about trying to soften the edges to get more people inside the tent. I dont think thats strategic. Youre talking personalities. I said this on the air the other day. Senator cruzs strategy is the republicans that didnt vote in 2012. This is the conventional wisdom and they didnt vote because they didnt like the nominee, wasnt conservative enough, or there was a religious component. Who knows what. Anyway, senator cruz thinks that if he can get those voters, that and everybody else votes the same way they did in 2012, they can win in a landslide. Hes tailored his message for a specific conservative evangelical. I think its limited his appeal. I think he has the ability to appeal to everybody. That debate the other night that you guys did, i dont mean this to be insulting to anybody, im just telling you what i saw, he was in a Different League on a different planet. Everybody says we need substance in these debates, youve got it. Youve got it from cruz. The other guys are doing what they were doing. Trump even had to say, yeah, whatever ted said, i agree with. Hes in a Different League. He understands conservatism because he is. And he is a nice guy, a likeable guy. Hes not crazy. Hes not nasty and he certainly is not a liar. Hes a down the middle guy that anybody could trust. He has got plenty of integrity this is what happens in politics. The establishment doesnt like him either. Its not just trump. Thats because he is who he is. He is conservative. He does want to get government out of peoples lives and we cant have that. Lets look down the line a little bit. Theres a lot of talk among the stop Trump Movement about a brokered convention. First of all, what do you think is the chance of that . And, second, if they go into the convention and trump doesnt have the majority, doesnt have 1,237 but has more delegates than anybody else, what happens if the establishment, as you put it, keeps him from getting the nomination . Well, you keep a sharp eye who runs this convention . The establishment. These guys, whoever they are, the Republican Party, they run it. I was looking at the rules the other day. Rule 40 determines everything that you asked me about. If trump does not get 1,237, the delegates are pledge d to him whether they want to vote for him or not on the first ballot. After that, it is wide open. Theres also, at least as of 2012 and i think its subject to be changed anytime they want, candidates, in order to be considered at an open convention, have to have gotten at least a majority of delegates in eight states. They can change that rule anytime they want. They can change the rules whenever they want. There are meetings coming up prior to the convention. So they will do, i predict, that if they cant stop trump in the primary process, they will make an effort to stop him at the convention. I mean, governor romney has pretty much telegraphed this. And what would happen if that were to pass . If that happens, theres a walkout. You have utter chaos. It will exemplify, typify exactly what has happened to the Republican Party and its base. Heres the question i get most often, rush, from folks i run into. How does the story end . I think it ends with everything working out. I think it ends with a nominee. I actually think when we get down to this summer and this all comes together and they freprese and intensity now is taken care of, i think well have a nominee, whoever it is, and well have support for the nominee. I think were going to move forward because i think at the end of all of this, everybody is going to ultimately realize that if the Democrat Party that is the most Destructive Force in this country. Its not one of these republicans. And they have to be stopped and they have to be stopped in this election if this country is to be restored to its founding principles and the ideals the majority associate. The defensemen cats have to be stopped and thats the bottom line. All this talk about a rupture or shattering of the Republican Party and if trump wins the nomination there will be a third party run, you think a lot of that is overblown . I do but, look, im rarely wrong but i could be. There might be a third party. I just think that the re realization that Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party posed the greatest threat to our future, children, grandchildren, all of that, is going to bring everybody back to reality. The Republican Party may be forever reconstituted and changed which may not be a bad thing either in and of itself. Chris, this is real. This is not a phase. This is not a temper can trum. The average american who i believe makes this country work thinks the Republican Party is actually oriented against its interests and does not understand or believe the crisis they think the kcountrys in. So the party will not be healed by any of this. I think clear heads will prevail and the correct enemy will be identified, political enemy will be identified and he was will come together to defeat whoever it is they throw up, democrats, i mean. Rush, thank you. Thanks for your time. Always good to talk with you. I dont think i interrupted you a single time. I have to applaud both of us for that. Thank you, chris, very much. Great to be here always. Up next, mitt romney on the split in the Republican Party and his attack on donald trump. Plus, what do you think of r romneys speech and the prospect of a brokered convention . Let me know on facebook or twitter foxnewssunday and use the fns. They are. Do i look smarter . Yeah, a little. Youre making money now, are you investing . Well, ive been doing some research. Let me introduce you to our broker. How much does he charge . I dont know. Okay. Uh, do you get your fees back if youre not happy . dad laughs wow, youre laughing. Thats not the way the world works. Well, the worlds changing. Are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed . Wealth management, at charles schwab. A look outside the beltway at detroit, the site of tomorrows fox news democratic town hall with Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders ahead of michigans primary on tuesday. Well, this week the last republican nominee, mitt romney, launched a brutal attack on this years frontrunner, donald trump. He joins me now live from san diego and, governor, welcome back. Thanks, chris. Good to be with you. In the interest of equal time, you heard Rush Limbaugh had a lot to say about you. What do you want to say back . Well, i always enjoy listen ing to Rush Limbaugh. I often agree with him. Sometimes i disagree with him. I think we can all agree this is a very important election. We dont want to see Hillary Clinton become the president of the United States. I think the great majority of republicans, mainstream republicans from across the country, dont want to see donald trump as president of the United States either. Theyre concerned theyd see a recession and i think they are also concerned wed see a more dangerous world. Here is the criticism that i heard from some people, and i guess that would include Rush Limbaugh, about your speech. You certainly have a right, you know, the First Amendment is there to criticize donald trump and say why hed be a bad president , but some people say that your speech was, their words, con descending, even undemocratic in the sense that, in effect, youre saying folks who are voting for trump dont know what theyre doing. No, i think folks need to understand the whole background of donald trump. I find from time to time i talk to people about the campaign and they say, gosh, i didnt know donald trump gave a bunch of money to jimmy carter and to Hillary Clinton and to harry reid and to john kerry. They hear from donald trump that hes such an extraordinary success. They didnt know about Trump Airlines and trump mortgages and trump vitamin network and trump steaks and trump taj mahal. They didnt realize a lot of small people have been crushed by Donald Trumps rise to become a very wealthy man, successful financially, but a guy who has not been a uniform success. As they learn about him, a lot of them say i want to make sure i take a closer look at the other guys in the race. How about the argument and, again, we heard this from rush, this is the establishment basically trying to maintain control of a guy and push back a guy they wouldnt be able to control. Well, you cant control ted cruz for instance. No one has suggested you could do that and marco rubio, everyone tried to stop marco rubio from going against a sitting republican governor in florida. He did it anyway and won. Establishment suggests there must be some wizard of oz somewhere pulling the strings. Thats not the way it works. There are individuals like myself. I sat there and watched donald trump. I said, look, someone has to Say Something. I didnt talk to anybody and say im going to do a speech. This is something i did on my own because i care very deeply about the country. I love america. Im concerned about america and i believe the heart and soul of conservatives and republicans recognize that the principles that donald trump is talking about have nothing to do with conservatism, nothing to do with keeping america strong. Do you see any connection between your speech and the fact that trump, who was expect ed t win all four contests yesterday, ended up losing two of them to ted cruz . Well, it was a big night for ted cruz last night, as you know. And i think thats overwhelming because people are taking a closer look at donald trump. I think the best look they got was at the last debate. I think ted cruz and marco rubio prosecuted their case effectively. Donald doesnt have some great answers. When they talk, for instance, about immigration and releasing the tapes from the New York Times, we began talking about flexibility and immigration. Flexibility. Oh, thats pretty clearly say ing that what he said to the New York Times is very different than what hes saying to the American People. He is not the real deal. He is a phony. He talks about how hes not going to be controlled by the money interests. Do people understand that hes not giving money to his campaign, hes loaning it because he expects to get money back from . Hes planning on running a general election based on raises money from those very people. Hes not the real deal. As ted cruz and marco rubio made that very clear and thats why you saw the night that happened last night. While you took down donald trump pretty hard this week, you had a very different view of him four years ago when he endorsed you. Take a look. There are some things you just cant imagine happening in your life. This is one of them. Being in Donald Trumpsing Magnificent Hotel and having his endorsement is a delight. Donald trump has shown ra extraordinary ability to show an understanding how our economy works, to create jobs for the American People. Governor, what changed . Oh, let me tell you, this is a guy if we look at the past, this is a guy who was very successful and made a lot of money for himself. But at the same time take a very close look and look how many small people he crushed along the way and how many failures he had. And so we can talk about the past at great length. A lot of people who endorsed me i wouldnt endorse for president. Donald trump just happens to be one of those who endorsed me. I do not want to see as president of the United States. Theres a long list of those who are endorsers. 61 Million People voted for me. I dont think all 61 Million People ought to be president of the United States. But you were talk iing at th time about his extraordinary ability to create jobs, his understanding of the economy. I mean, its not like everything that donald trump that you believe he did wrong happened in the last four years. A lot of those business failures that you talk about happened before 2012, before 2012 he was making the birther argument that president obama needed to show his birth certificate because he wasnt born in the United States. By legitimizing him back then were you part of the reason hes where he is now . Lets talk about what hasnt happened or didnt happen back then and what has happened during this campaign, calling george w. Bush a liar, cozying up to Vladimir Putin and saying hes a strong leader and popular with his people, eequivocating on the ku klux klan, talking about all muslims as if theyre one monolithic group. This is a person who considered mexican immigrants rapists. And then his policy positions one after the other, these are positions which are totally inappropriate. He doesnt want to balance the budget. He wants to, as you saw the other night, 10 trillion of additional debt. This is a guy who doesnt represent whats right for the future of the Republican Party. In your speech this week, you suggested that the other three candidates should, in effect, Work Together to try to stop trump, vote for kasich in ohio, vote for rubio in florida, basically a stop trump flub the field. That isnt working that way. Kasich rejected it, as you know, in the debate. We now hear cruz is actively campaigning against rubio in florida to try to even if it means rump wins, to drive rubio out of the race. Are they making a mistake . Oh, i think they reach run their campaign in the way they think is most appropriate for them and leads them to become the nominee. I will not tell them how to run their campaigns. I think people in ohio are likely to get behind john kasich, their pop governor there. If i were a resident of ohio, thats who i would vote for. In florida a lot of people look at marco rubio, are very impressed with his track record, what hes done in the state. Theyre probably going to get behind him. I think hell win in florida. Well see. Its close. And in the final analysis, i think youll see one of the three and right now it looks like ted cruz which will emerge as the strongest contender. That can change. Weve seen a lot of surprises in this campaign. One of those three im going to endorse before the convention and im sure hopeful im going to do everything in my power to make sure one of those three is our nominee. There is some speculation that when you call for a contested convention that you are opening the door for a scenario in which the party would end up turning to you. Heres how you answered that question this week. There are no circumstances i can foresee where that would probably happen. But let me Say Something i can foresee. No reasonable scenario i can imagine. Just slam the door on it. Close the door. Unambiguous, you will not run for president. Im not running for president and i wont run for president. Okay. This is the kind of thing the question im going to ask you now is why people hate reporters. You say you wont run for president , but you didnt rule out a draft. So here is an opportunity oh, gosh. Okay. I know. Chris, this is so ridiculous. Im not going there. You have three people who id like to see as the nominee. Im going to endorse one of them. Im going to campaign with one of them. Im not running for president. Im not planning on running for president. And thats what its all about. You have four people running for president on this stage. One of them will be our nominee. And as general George Sherman said if nominated i will not run if elected oop i will not serve . Thats an absurd in my opinion, thats an absurd thing to say. No republican should say that. That makes no sense for someone to say if they were drafted by their country theyd say no. What i can tell you is im not running for president. Im not going to run for president. Im going to support one of these four people to be our nominee. Im supporting three of them right now. And that means that were going to get one of those people as our nominee. You realize that by saying what you just said that people are going to say he opened the door to a draft . You know how absurd that is . We have four very strong people who are running for president. They will be our nominee. Chris, theres 100 certainty in my view. Finally, despite saying that they all thought he was unqualified to be president , all three on the stage on thursday night said if thurump is the nominee, theyll support him. You say you wont. One, is it a mistake to say theyll support him even if hes the nominee, and what are your plans if hes the nominee . Would you support a Third Party Candidate . I think the guys would remember at the beginning of the campaign they all committed to support the nominee, they didnt imagine it might be donald trump perhaps and it looked like they were having a hard time getting those words out. But they honored the pledge they made at the very beginning. In terms of my own plans, i a anticipate supporting one of the three, ted cruz, marco rubio or john kasich as our nominee. If they dont become the nominee, then im probably going to go to the voting booth and find someone else running as a conservative or perhaps just write in the name of someone i believe should become the president of the United States who i could be proud of. And who i believe is interested in balancing the budget keeping america safe with a Strong Military and is not willing to disparage fellow americans, mexicanamericans, muslims, and so forth. Governor, thank you. Thanks for talking with us today. Always good to talk with you sir. Thank you, chris. Up next, well bring in our sunday group to discuss the growing republican split and what it means for gop chances in november. Your path to retirement. May not always be clear. But at t. Rowe price, we can help guide your retirement savings. For over 75 years, investors have relied on our disciplined approach to find long term value. So wherever your Retirement Journey takes you, we can help you reach your goals. Call a t. Rowe price retirement specialist or your advisor. To see how we can help make the most of your retirement savings. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. Coming up, the gop candidates get downright nasty. Lion ted holds up the bible and tells you exactly what i didnt say. He has been supporting liberal politicians for four decades. Well every year, the amount of data your enterprise uses goes up. Smart devices are up. Cloud is up. Analytics is up. Seems like everything is up except your budget. Introducing comcast Business Enterprise solutions. With a different kind of network that delivers the bandwidth you need without the high cost. Because you cant build the business of tomorrow on the network of yesterday. Because you cant build the business of tomorrow man 1 he just got fired. Man 2 why . Man 1 network breach. Man 2 since when do they fire ceos for computer problems . Man 1 they got in through a vendor. Man 1 do you know how many vendors have access to our systems . Man 2 no. Man 1 hundreds, if you dont count the freelancers. Man 2 should i be worried . Man 1 you are the ceo. Its not just security. Its defense. Bae systems. Marco rubio had a very, very bad night and, personally, id call for him to drop out of the race. I think its time now he drops out of the race. I would love to take on ted oneonone. That would be so much fun. Ours is the only campaign that has repeatedly beaten donald trump and, indeed, were the only campaign that can and will beat donald trump in this race. Donald trump and ted cruz calling for a twoman race after they each won two states last night. Its time now for our sunday group. George will, julie pace, who covers the white house and the campaign for the associated press, mike duhaime, who was a top adviser to governor Chris Christies president ial campaign, and charles lane from the washington post. Jon george, what do you make of this weeks developments, trumps continued march towards the nomination, romneys speech and this escalating talk about the Republican Party tearing itself apart . I think we may have passed peak trump, as it will be known. I dont think mr. Romney was under any illusions he was going to talk trumps supporters out of supporting him. He knows the axiom you cannot reason people out of a position they have not been reasoned into. But we now set his speech sets up a very interesting phenomen phenomenon. If hes the nominee, he will be opposed by the most recent republican nominee, no way romney could support him, which sort of fits because the republican nominee will have said the most recent republican president should have been impeached which gives you a sense of the chaos. Our parties are not flimsy things. Democratic party is the oldest party in the word, the republican and democratic parties have been framing this debate in this country for 160 years. What the Republican Party needs to avoid blowing up is to get a binary choice between mr. Trump and someone else. I think the evidence that were approaching that is the fact that ted cruz announced late last week hes going to open ten offices in the state of florida. Hes probably not doing that to win florida. Hes probably doing that to prevent marco rubio from winning it. If that happens, indeed, youve got your binary choice, you have the best chance of not settling this in cleveland where, what you outlined with Rush Limbaugh, trump has the majority of the largest share of delegates but not a majority, then he would have a blowout. Mike, let me turn to you. We saw last nights results, picking up on what george said, trump wins two states, cruz wins two states, kasich and rubio win nothing, trump calling on rubio to drop out, is this, in effect, not officially but in effect now a twoman race . I think weve got tone that point. I dont think well know for sure until march 15, governor kasich and senator rubio have each put a premium on winning his home state. Theyll have to wein that to sty in. The moment where it gets to be a twoperson race. Senator cruz has had enough success now i think hes in and will be in for the long haul and if either governor kasich or senator rubio win their home state youll have at least three now marching for a long piece in which the effect really is ultimately just to stop trump from getting the majority of delegates. What do you think of cruzs eidea of going into florida . Maybe not to beat but to win the state, winner take all, but to take down rubio so that it becomes cruz and trump . Very smart. The goal for anybody who wasnt donald trump during this Campaign Going back six, seven months was to get to a point you can be oneonone. I think ted cruz is very smart to do this. This is a fourway game of chase as opposed to 17 like it was in the beginning. Its a really smart move to get to that one onone. What about trump, this wasnt part of the clip we ran, but he said i want a twoman race against cruz because when we go to the northeast, places like new york or we go to pennsylvania or we go out to california, im going to beat cruz badly. I think hes right. I think he wants that as well. I think hes gotten to the point he feels he can go up as well. You have to show that level of confidence that youre not afraid of what everybody else is shooting for and he will have an advantage over ted cruz in some of those states and right now he has a significant delegate advantage and if he does win florida and 99 delegates there he will continue to widen the margin. Then there was the fox Republican Debate this week. Breathe, breathe, breathe. You can do it. You can breathe. I nknow its hard. I know its hard but just when theyre done with the yoga, can i answer a question . Oh, boy. Julie, i know that youre covering the campaign but you also talked to folks at the white house and you talked to the democrats, too, on the campaign trail. What do they make of trump . What do they make of all of the theatrics that were seeing, some would say kind of low brow and do they think that the republicans are just handing them the presidency, or do they actually worry about the appeal that trump has seen and his ability to bring in new voters . I think youve seen an evolution in the way democrats view trump. Initially there was a sense this was such a gift to democrats, if they could just let trump stay in the race and continue to say these things that would alienate a lot of voters democrats need in the general election this would be a huge gift and basically give Hillary Clinton essentially the presidency. The shift that youve seen, though, comes from watching republicans handle trump and this realization that you cant just give him a pathway and let him selfdestruct, and right now you have groups around Hillary Clinton and inside the Hillary Clinton campaign that are preparing for a general election matchup with him and taking it very seriously looking at his business record, at things hes been saying about women, about minorities, and they would run an Aggressive Campaign because they just dont know what would happen. You kind of have to take every assumption we have about politics and throw it out the window, and you have to look at the math in a potentially different way. I wouldnt say that they are worried to the point they think hillary could lose but preparing for a tough campaign. What do they make of the fact whether you like him or not this huge Enthusiasm Gap with record turnout and republican primary after primary and not particularly strong turnout in the democratic contest . Absolutely. This is going to be a turnout game in the general election no matter who the nominees of the party are, you have to turn out your base. And trump is showing an ability to energize people to get them to show up at the polls. We all know Hillary Clinton had some problems with her likability, factors that make people want to get out and vote for you and so they know that this would be an issue for her. Having lost the popular vote in five out of the last six elections, the race against ted cruz is more traditional. The race with donald trump is very much out there. Hes an x factor. You think trump would be a tougher candidate for the democrats to beat than chris . I dont know hell be tougher in the long run but its hard for them to tell who would be tougher. Chuck, i want to go back to our basic question at the beginning of the program, is all the talk about the Republican Party caring it tearing itself apart . Is that overblown or is the party of lincoln, the party that started in 186 , is it in real jeopardy . I would say its in real jeopardy in two ways. The first way is just prospects for the general election. If you look at the most recent gallop poll numbers, the most popular figure is marco rubio. And during this entire process all the fire of all the candidates and all the money aimed at marco rubio and destroying marco rubio and the two people left standing, ted cruz and donald trump, have the worst favorability going into november. The ideas, the ideology and coherence and messaging of the party have been scrambled by this campaign. If youre down ballot in the Republican Party, if youre running for senate, if youre running for congress, even state legislature, you have no eidea whos going to be the top of your ticket and what youre who your partner it at the top of the ticket is going to be. Its destabilized. I wouldnt say split or broken. That remains to be seen. It has completely destabilized the party in a year they really had going in pretty good prospects, a real chance of taking the presidency. Who how does a peter i know you say a party is a strong structure and has gone through various permutations but how does a party survive, the two leading candidates, trump and cruz who are saying theyre corrupt and theyre going to change things. It survives by planning ahead. Republican senatorial candidates, incumbents and otherwise are planning to distance themselves even with ads takinging on the man at the top of the ticket. Second so youre saying republican attack ads against the republican nominee . Distancing ads. Second, the Republican Party will have to rethink the business of having open primaries and caucuses. 7 of the 19 events so far have been closed, trump has lost five of them. So the question is, is this a hostile takeover of the Republican Party and the republicans have to think whether they have to go forward year after year vulnerable to this. All right. Panel, we have to take a break here. When we come back, a new twist in the Hillary Clinton email scandal. What could it mean for her nomination . Plus, what would you like to ask the panel about the fbi investigation of clintons emails . Just go to facebook or twitter foxnewssunday. We may use your question on the air. We have taken on the entire political establishment. State after state after state. I am thrilled were adding to our pledge delegate count. Im greateful to everyone who turned out to support us but now all eyes turn to michigan. Bernie sanders and Hillary Clinton reacting to a split verdict in three races saturday night, sanders picked up wins in two caucus states. In kansas he won with 68 and in nebraska with 56 . But Hillary Clinton won the louisiana primary with 71 . And that takes the overall Democratic Delegate count to 1,121 for clinton, 479 for sanders, 2,383 still needed to win the nomination. And were back now with the panel. Well, this week the Justice Department granted immunity to a fellow named bryan pagliano, a former state Department Staffer, former lyclinton 2008 staffer, o set up clintons private email server. Here is what ted cruz had to say about that. Listen, i think it is an Ominous Development for Hillary Clinton. When he flips and goes to the feds, it aint good for fat tony. I love political discourse. Chuck, you are our legal analyst on this panel. How big a deal is this grant of criminal immunity for this guy who set up her server . To what degree does that show ly clinton has legal exposure here criminal legal exposure . I dont often agree with ted cruz but i think in his own colorful way he summarized it pretty well. If the fbi were not worried or serious or didnt think there was much of a case here they wouldnt have put all the effort into striking pbryan pagliano t find out what he knows. Hes the guy who had his hands on this machine, knew the whole setup of the server and et cetera, et cetera. And it tells me that they are mounting a real investigation, that they are concerned there was criminal activity if not by hillary herself but her aides, which would almost be as bad for her and so it just reconfirms the situation that weve known all along. She has this cloud over her head. And it is not a safe situation to be in as a president ial nominee. She keeps talking about this is just a security review, its not a criminal investigation. You dont give immunity to someone from criminal prosecution unless thats at least, not that its going to happen, but its out there. That is correct. He had, of course, taken the fifth on the hill. So he, himself, feared criminal exposure which is revealing in itself. We ask you for questions for the panel and we got this on facebook from jeff goldstein. He writes, what is going to be the process to get a new democratic nominee when clinton is indicted and forced out . Truly jeff is obviously jumping the gun a bit here, but is there any talk in the white house about a worse case scenario, that she gets indicted, either before or after a nomination . Theres a lot of active talk about that scenario right now. You have to remember the white house has really come down on the side of Hillary Clinton. They think she has handled the situation poorly. They think it was a mistake for her to have a private server in her house. The president of the United States has come out and said theres nothing thats going to come out in an investigation that will prove to be criminal. I think the bigger question for hillary, she has gotten a free pass in the democratic primary on this issue because Bernie Sanders stood down. She will not get a free pass in a general election. And if you actually look at her answers that have evolved over several months, she still doesnt have a good answer. Shes apologized and has almost walked the apology back at times. I think she will be under a microscope in a way she hasnt been in the democratic primary. But, to the best of your knowledge and youre a very good reporter, no plan b out there. Nobody even suggesting, well, what if . No. I mean, i havent heard any active talk about that. Mike, all right, lets talk about what if the general election ends up as trump versus clinton . Ted cruz made a big deal of this in the debate and he pointed out Hillary Clinton may have her problems but ted cruz has his problems. He has this civil suit over Trump University and he also pointed out that trump gave a lot of money to clinton in 2008. How much of a problem would that be for trump . I think if its not going to be a problem it will be even less of a problem during the general election. It will cause some issues but in some way it will help donald trump run back to the middle in the way another republican wouldnt. People havent talked about that yet. But if that hasnt sunk in in the republican parrimary i don think it will in the general. Its interesting because there are moments in this debate, the Republican Debate, when trump seems to be already pivoting a little bit to a general election strategy. He says, no, the abortion aspect is all over the line, but planned parenthood does a lot of good things for women. He talks about being flexible about immigration. Are you interested in that . I have to think that you must see that pivot as his at least leaving the door open to how he would appeal and walk back some of the positions hes taking. It shows the confidence level where he is in terms of marching towards the nomination and i think he will be somebody his positions during the republican primary have been hard to pin down. That may alienate some on the right. Thats why he poses more of a conundrum to the Democratic Party than a ted cruz does. George, short of the legal problems with her server, with the emails, the handling of classified information, is there anything in a practical sense, obviously Bernie Sanders is running, anything that can stop Hillary Clinton from getting the democratic nomination . I dont think so but look what mr. Sanders is doing. Hes running a campaign thats Strong Enough to repute its own cause. The premise of the campaign is big money dominates this. He raised 42. 7 million in february. She raised 30 million. And he did it with small contributions. What this means is he can lose and lose and lose and live off the land. Hes he going to continue this in this protracted struggle, if it can be called a struggle, were either going to see her become a better candidate through practice, or were going to find out the more people see her the more they dont really like her. The other thing, george, sanders is doing, very subtle way is sowing the seeds of the Trump Campaign against hillary because hes pounding the message about the iraq war. Hes pounding the message about trade. Hes pounding the message about all the things that wept on with nafta and china during the first clinton administration, the clinton administrations, excuse me, and they are all themes trump has been hammering and can pick up in states like michigan and ohio. My belief if its trump against hillary, he will run to her left to scoop up the disaffected sanders votes. As the republican nominee . Yes. On the populous message . On the populous message that the game is rigged, that the i understand capitalism and i understand youre all getting the short end of the stick and i can fix it. As long as were jumping way ahead and not with being march or april or even the convention, lets go ahead to the fall, mike, both clinton and trump have very high, unfavorable numbers. Their waters are under water. More people dislike them than like them. Will we be looking forward to a totally negative campaign in which each side would convince you hate the other guy even more than us. Yes. I think you will see a fairly negative campaign. They will have to give people a reason to vote for them. Theyre both so well known and, quite frankly, such high negatives, it is going to be very much, i think, a negative campaign. I dont think theres any real way around that. Because of that each campaign will try to move up their own favorables. Julie . I agree with mike. When you talk about base turnout elections youre talking about a different scenario than when both sides are fighting where you have to moderate and you have to have costs over appeal. I think Hillary Clinton is going to need to turn out hispanics, black voters, young people. Donald trump will look, if he is the nominee, to turn out some of these disaffected sanders voters. If ted cruz is the nominee, he will look to turn out conservative white voters who maybe have stayed home in past elections. This will be both parties pulling towards their base. The trump antiwashington message that has worked so well during the primary will continue pretty seamlessly into the general. You saw president obama with that type of success in 2008 with the same message went ahead. The antiwashington message works well. We have less than 30 seconds left. Talk because obviously the country is turning more to people of color, more minorities, that trumps chance would be that hed have to get a super turnout from whites and especially white men. I think thats right. Hed have to do better with minorities than now. Thats a problem for the Republican Party. Im just say iing it sounds like a november in which both major parties are telling their voters what to fear from the other side. Man, that is a spirited way to end the discussion. Up next on this theme, haircuts, insults, babies as we go on the trail. The right one for her . Is this really any better than the one you got last year . If we consolidate suppliers, whats the savings there . So should we go with the 467 horsepower . Or is a 423 enough . Good question. You ask a lot of good questions. I think we should move you into our new fund. Sure. Ok. But are you asking enough about how your wealth is managed . Wealth management at charles schwab. What a week on the campaign trail. Donald trump solidified his frontrunner status. The three remain iing gop candidates and even a former republican nominee dialed up their attacks. As we go on the trail. Im a unifier, i know people will find that hard to believe but, believe me, i am a unifier. Have you seen his hand . Theyre like this. And you know what they say about men with small hands. He wanted to be don rickles and it hasnt worked because hes gone down. If donald isnt the nominee in all likelihood hillary becomes the next president of the United States. Hello, gophers, i hope you will gopher me. [ inaudible ] i want us to be a country where we are reaching out to one another again. What this campaign is about is saying, you know what, we can create the nation we want to become. If we republicans choose donald trump as our nominee, the prospects for a safe and prosperous future are greatly diminished. He failed miserably and it was an embarrassment to everybody including the Republican Party. Make him the president of the United States of america. Believe me, i know this is not a game. I know whats happening with the economy. You dont know. Then answer the economy question. You havent employed in your life one person. Release the tape. Youre the one. Excuse me, ive given my answer, lion ted. Ive given my answer. Im the last governor standing. Theres only four of us, and were the little engine that can. Lion ted and little marco, this is not president ial material, folks, believe me. If you dont want donald to be our nominee, then i ask you, come join us. Anger and fear is not a plan. Its a feeling. You can use it to motivate you to take action, but it by itself will not solve our problems. Isnt politics great . Next week the stakes get even bigger. Next week with republican primaries that are winner take all. Now for this program note. Be sure to tune in to special report tomorrow at 6 00 p. M. Eastern for a town hall in detroit with democratic president ial candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Its clintons first appearance on fox news in two years. And thats it for today. Have a great week and well see you next fox news sunday. Announcer the following is a paid program. John collins hi everybody, im john collins. Welcome to solar insanity. Whats solar insanity . Its the best prices this year on 100, and only 100 solar power systems. Its the best prices on solar, best prices on roofing, it is solar insanity, and to prove to you that were serious, were offering nothing. Nothing down, no interest, and no payments for 12 months, a whole year without making a single payment. I want to introduce you to the man thats making all this possible, jim peterson, ceo of peterson dean roofing and solar, the man who in

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