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Credibility on the line in pursuing this with us and others, and its an important objective. What does it mean for action in congress . Well discuss with maryland congressman Chris Van Hollen and the chairman of the House Homeland Security committee, Michael Mccaul of texas. Plus with a military strike on hold, Congress Gets back to its battle over the budget. Our sunday panel weighs in on the threats of a Government Shutdown. All right now on fox news sunday. You can actually hear those heads butt. Hello again from fox news in washington. What a difference a week makes. Just last sunday we were discussing the president s vote authorizing the use of force in syria. Now thats on hold waiting to see if a tentative deal john kerry brokered will stand. It gives Bashar Al Assads government one week to submit a comprehensive listing of its chemical weapons stockpiles. It calls for syria to destroy all of those weapons by the middle of next year and includes an agreement to work on a u. N. Security Council Resolution that would allow for punishment if assad does not comply but stops short of military action. Well discuss what that all means for action in congress in just a moment. But first, to greg palcot life in damascus this morning. Hes been reporting on the story from the very beginning and has a look at the mood there in light of this weekends developments. Greg, good morning to you. Reporter hi, john. We have been here in damascus for about 24 hours, enough time to begin to get a sense of what is happening here. Here is the front page of one of the staterun newspapers. As you can see, the deal regarding chemical weapons struck between secretary of state kerry and Russian Foreign minister lavrov is on the front page. What we havent heard yet is a details response of that deal as you say described as a Draft Agreement or a draft decision. One of the reasons we decided to go out into the center of damascus, to get a sense from the people here what they think of the various developments of the last couple of days. As is often happens here in damascus, also accompanied by a representative of the government. Take a look of what we saw, what we heard. Reporter a busy weekend afternoon in central damascus with the threat of u. S. Military strikes lessened, more people are out. But the war is not far from away. We can hear the artillery in the distance, for there are new hopes for new talks for peace. We have this problem, and we didnt see that something wrong will happen in syria. Translator and this man says no doubt this is a good step to solve the problem and fulfill the peace. Reporter it is hot so ice cream is selling fast, and there seems to be enough of it. War across this country is creating shortages of Food Supplies from rice to milk, and everything is more expensive. The u. N. Says prices are up by 50 50 . Also essentials like fuel, gas can run at 9 a gallon. As far as the problems, in damascus. Reporter in fact, this busy market, one of the oldest in ancient damascus, is just about 15 minutes from where a chemical weapon attack last month allegedly left hundreds dead. While the shoppers make their rounds, they say, at least, they feel safe. All the while pictures of leader Bashar Al Assad hang on walls and regime militia members lurk in the shadows. A Government Official helped us with this translation. Since we have a good leader and our army is controlling things, this young girl says, we dont care about anything. Again, the government presence here in damascus is fairly constant. But what also is constant and cannot be spun is the sound of war. Throughout our visit, we have been hearing artillery blasts and air strikes hitting the outskirts of the city, and weve also been hearing some incoming. At least one mortar hit on a government building here in the center of the city. A sign that Government Forces still are clashing with rebel forces in the outskirts of the city and maybe a little bit closer to the center of power, a sign that this war is far from over, john. And yet life still goes on there in the center part of damascus. Greg, the consensus opinion seem to be that most people think this is a good thing, but do they really think that assad will deliver on this agreement . Reporter thats the big question, john. Over the past week, there have been some mixed signals coming from the regime. The foreign minister who first broached this deal, said syria would be signing on, gave details about how syria would be signing on, but also weve been hearing from conditions including from president Bashar Al Assad in a media interview two days ago, saying that he has to be sure that the United States will not strike syria and also that the United States would not arm what he calls the terrorists, the rebel forces. So mixed signals, and thats one of the reasons why we are here in damascus, to try to pin the regime down whether they will comply, john. Yeah, obviously the war is the big issue here. Chemical weapons are a part of that. The United States has been trying to get the two sides to a peace table for a while now. Is there some hope that this agreement might lead to some sort of peace conference, or could this potentially be a distraction from all of that . Reporter it could be both of those things, john. Weve been hearing both takes on this, that this could be a watershed moment. For the first time, at least according to a few analysts that ive been speaking to, you have the Syrian Government, you have Bashar Al Assad beginning to agree to an International Track of negotiations even though, as you note, it is on the narrow measure of chemical weapons here. And that could, in fact, pave the way to more cooperation, not just between syria and the outside world, but also the other folks that have to cooperate on this including especially the United States and russia and other countries in the region. At the same time, though, it could very well just be a minor distraction. It could very well be just something that the Syrian Government is doing to fend off a possible attack from the United States. And again, as we have been hearing in our brief time here, there is no lull in the fighting between the folks on the ground here, john. Obviously a long way to go on all of this. Greg palkot doing some extraordinary reporting right from the center of things in damascus, thanks so much. Now to the mood in washington. Joining us from austin, texas, is congressman Michael Mccaul who opposes military action against syria. And here in the studio, maryland congressman Chris Van Hollen who supports the president and is working on a use of force resolution. Should a vote still come to the house floor. Congressman mccaul, lets start with you there in texas. Do you have any hope that this is going to work . Yeah, we really have to, i think. As americans, i think ive said from the beginning, the way to solve this crisis is to the chief objective should be to secure and destroy these chemical we not picking sides. Both sides are not good actors. Assad is a dictator whoo used chemical weapons. Rebel forces have been infiltrated in large part by al qaeda factions. The key threat in the region are the chemical weapons themselves. And i think this is a step forward, if you will. It will not be easy. I think the devils in the details. As reagan said, trust but verify, but we owe this we need to do this because it cant be done without a shot fired and hopefully without any american troops being put on the ground. And so im, you know, were going to take a look at this. I do think that putin is in a unique position rather than the president to get this done because of his leverage over assad and over syria. Putin has now come forward as a leader, and he owns this now. And i believe that that gives us the greatest ability to get this thing done. Well talk more about putin in a couple of minutes. You mentioned ronald reagan. No question, congressman van hollen, theres going to be a lot of heavy lifting if this is going to be successful. Lets listen to what secretary of state kerry said about that in geneva yesterday. In the case of the assad regime, president reagans old adage about trust but verify. That is in need of an update. And we have committed here to a standard that says verify and verify. Verify and verify, but how do you do that . As greg palkot showed us, life does go on in damascus, but there is a war raging in the country. Its difficult to do Something Like this in peacetime. It is difficult, but there are benchmarks. If you dont reach those benchmarks, it will be cheer that assad is not living up to the agreement. I think the path theyve set forward, declare a stockpile within one week. You have inspectors in. By next year, you begin the destruction of the chemical weapons stockpile. Those are all benchmarks that can be verifiable and reached. I do think its important to point out and emphasize what the president and others have said, that we would not be at this point had it not been for the president s credible threat of a use of force. Thats what brought the russians to the table. Thats what brought assad to the table. And the president laid out a very clear objective. He said he wanted to deter the future use of chemical weapons in syria. We now, in the space of a week, have gone from assad denying he even had any chemical weapons to admitting them, that hes signing a convention on chemical weapons. That hes allowing International Inspectors in there. And ultimately destroying them. Because the president said if you dont do that, were going to come in and use force. In a limited way, but were going to use force. You also have john kerry making a credibility case for war. To the president saying no, i want to go to congress. To john kerry freelancing a question with what he thought was a rhetorical answer that became a proposal to the president giving kind of a kitchen sink address on tuesday. Are you happy with the way the administration kind of rode the horse through this whole thing . John, i think theres going to be a lot of monday morning quarterbacking on that. I look at results. And this result could not be more in line with the president s objective. In fact, weve gone beyond just deterring the future use of chemical weapons to a plan to actually destroy assads chemical weapons stockpile, which as mike said, has been our National Security interest in the region to begin with to get rid of those weapons of mass destruction in syria. Congressman mccaul, weapons inspectors will go in at some point while the environment will be somewhat permissive from the Syrian Government side of things. There is a war raging so they need protection. Who is going to protect the weapons inspectors . Has there been any discussion of that . Will we see u. S. Troops on the ground as part of this chemical Weapons Inspection Team . We dont have all the details of that. I would hope that it would be mostly Russian Forces on the ground. I think its going to be very difficult, as you mentioned, going into a civil war situation, trying to remove and destroy chemical weapons is going to be extremely difficult. And in addition to the fact these rebel forces who we have been arming, unfortunately, are there, and many are radical types, some jihadists. The opportunity for them to possibly take over some of these chemical weapons as the process goes forward. From a security standpoint, theres going to be a huge concern. I do want to follow up to just one thing my colleague said. And i dont think this is a time for the white house to be boastful. I would exercise humility here that this threat that secretary called them unbelievably small military vengs won today. I quite frankly think what won the day here was that putin looked in his own backyard and realized that these policies that he saw in egypt and libya was going to happen in syria which could potentially fall to the Muslim Brotherhood and the extremists. And you know what . He decided it was time to step in and try to fix the problem. When the president walked out of the g20 summit with all the international leaders, he only walked away with two that were willing to help him in this military effort, and it was latvia and france. So i would, again, caution this administration to not do a victory lap here. I just want to zone in on one thing that he just said there. We hope the Russian Troops would do it all. Congressman mccaul, do you not think we need u. S. Forces there to verify . We wouldnt leave this in the hands of the russians and syrians, are we going to know for sure . It will be an International Coalition of forces. Theres no question. I want this to be not just a russian solution, but an american solution. But im a little wary about putting americans in that situation as well. I do know the russians have, again, the most leverage over syria and assad and can be most effective. All right. We should have International Inspectors on the ground, no americans on the ground. And look would you support some u. S. Troops being part of no, i dont think u. S. Troops should be on the ground. At all . This should be an International Team thats inspecting and holding this accountable. But look, theres a reason that the russians went from vetoing every press release at the United Nations for three years, press releases that just mentioned chemical weapons, to getting assad to get rid of those chemical weapons, at least put a plan in place to do that. The only factor that changed is that the president had the credible threat of force out there. Putin was sitting there powerless. This is his big ally in the middle east. Powerless to stop a potential limited u. S. Strike. And the answer is that he helped deliver to the president everything that we wanted. So it is a good result, as mike said, finally dealing with those chemical weapons, weapons of mass destruction, but lets not kid ourselves as to why this happened. To hear rand paul tell it, it was opposition to the use of force in congress that brought russia to the table. But let me ask you this question. Our james rosen who was with john kerry over the weekend asked secretary kerry if he thought assad was going to live up to the agreement. Kerry told rosen, quote, were going to have to make him. But the u. S. Has agreed not to put the threat of force in the United Nations resolution. Even france said that was an absolute requirement. So wheres the teeth . Well, as you just said, i mean, the russians, as i just said, the russians have been blocking action at the Security Council when it comes to use of force. Theyve been exercising their veto. That hasnt changed in this agreement, but there is a process now set out. So what the administration has said is that it reserves the right to move forward, to enforce this in a limited way with u. S. Action. I do believe, john, that now that syria and russia have said were going to agree to this particular destruction of chemical weapons, its much easier for the president to rally both international and National Support behind that goal because the russians have now put this on the line. The syrians have put this on the line. We have a clear objective. If they turn out to violate that, there are other ways. And i know that you have a backedup resolution which would allow the use of force in the case the agreement doesnt come to fruition. Congressman mccaul, do you think there would be the appetite in congress to pass congressman van hollens resolution if assad plays too many games here . You know, right now theres not a lot of appetite from the American People. The case has not been made to use force and put american troops on the ground. Having said that, i do believe that you get to the u. N. Resolution, and there is an enforcement provision in there. They would have to go back and get an additional resolution that deals with security. Then i think if assad is violating those terms, then, you know, thats another issue. But this is what ive been arguing all along is we should have been going to the International Community to help with this issue, not go it alone. The president usually you rally the International Consensus the president did go to the International Community, went to his closest ally, britain, but they said thanks, but no thanks. Isnt that interesting. And he has no persuasion over, you know, britain. Britain backed out. The whole thing fell apart. Putin came in and said, you know what . Its in the global best interests to deal with this issue. And i think, you know, working its an odd scenario. Dont get me wrong here, but i do think that, again, russia has the greatest leverage over assad in syria, and we need to be working with them to do that. And to chriss point, of course its going to be an International Coalition. You know, we dont want american troops on the ground in syria in a civil war. But in a situation that had no good outcome about two weeks ago, we see actually something that i think could possibly be a good outcome down the road. Let me put the final question to congressman van hollen. Do you believe, as some members of congress do, that putin has outfoxed president obama on all of this . Well, if outfoxing means giving the president of the United States everything they asked for and more, maybe thats kind of outfoxing we need because, look. Again, the president had a clear objective. Stop assad from using chemical weapons. In the last six days, we have accomplished that and more. And why . Look, putin was sitting out there senator Lindsey Graham believes putin has put the president in a box. Thats absurd. Putin was out there. His big ally, assad, is sitting there, and putins powerless to stop a potential military strike to the United States. What kind of message does that send any other allies russia has around the world . So putin was acting from a position of weakness, and the reality, as mike said, is he has some leverage over assad. He did not want to see military action taken. And at the end of the day, he helped deliver exactly what the United States wanted, which is to put an end to assads weapons of mass destruction. Congressman chris val hon ho, thanks so much. Well bring you back to talk about the budget. Congressman mccaul, thank you as well. There is a lot to talk about over the next few days. With a deal in hand, all eyes are on syria now. Plus what does this mean for the confusing state of u. S. russia relations . Our sunday panel joins us next. Capital to make it happen . Without the thinking that makes it real . Whats a vision without the expertise to execute it. 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Other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. Nothing can reverse copd. Spiriva helps me breathe better. Does breathing with copd weigh you down . Dont wait to ask your doctor about spiriva. Ahead of the United Nations inspection team, determining whether chemical weapons were used in syria said he had wrapped up his report and would present it to the secretarygeneral this weekend. Ban kimoon is expected to present it to the u. N. Security council tomorrow, but its not clear whether the report will point to who committed the attack. Time now for our sunday group. Brit hume is with us. Former democratic congresswoman jane harman. Bill kristol and charles lane. Lets talk first of all about how we got to this point. Its been a torturous road for president obama. Heres how john mccain summed up the president s conduct with Greta Van Susteren on friday. He said he was going to strike. Then for the first time in history after saying he was going to act militarily said but im going to get the approval of congress. Now without seeking the approval of congress, which he wouldnt have had, now he goes on National Television and argues for two courses of action. One, to strike, and two, to pause. Brit, you once famously asked the president if there was a certain zigzag quality to his decisionmaking process. Could you fairly ask that question in relation to this . I certainly could, but i think id have to look for a more extreme term than zigzag. This has been quite a spectacle to watch. But in the end what we have now is a proposition that is substantively all problematic on a whole host of fronts, but politically, and you could tell it listening to Chris Van Hollen, its quite wonderful. It gets the president off the hook. It gets members of congress off the hook. It does everything you want to do. It keeps the u. S. Military out of action. And for barack obama, this was an escape from a corner in which he painted himself. A question i had, jane harman, if that correspondent had not stood up on monday and said is there any way out for assad, might we be bombing syria right now . I dont know. You know, the claim is that these conversations about the workout were now going through occurred months ago. The president personally talked to putin, and john kerry had been talking to putin and to lavrov for a while, and it wasnt an offthecuff comment at all. It was a random question. It was a random question, but it wasnt an offthecuff comment. I dont know. Hes saying it cant happen. I dont know why he said that. I mean, we all know and im sure youre about to ask us that removing chemical weapons is a daunting task, it hasnt worked in libya, even though that was the agreement, and a lot of those weapons migrated to mali and are now in the hands of bad guys. So this is this cant be the end of the process. I agree the process has been messy, but let me just say this. I thought that when obama was poised to strike, something i personally would have supported, he looked around, nobody was with him. Nobody was publicly with him. I thought the notion was going to congress was a good idea because i thought congress would approve it. I remember the Foreign Policy consensus which obviously doesnt exist anymore where moderates in both parties would pull together. I am part of that consensus. David ignatius writes today that its splintered. Its gone. I dont think congress will be back. But i do think this route through the u. N. Has some promise if this is only a first step, and if there is work behind the scenes over a longer term in fashioning a transition government and getting bashar out of there. There was a lot of debate over whether or not Vladimir Putin got the better of president obama. Lindsay graham thinks so. Its a blind alley. Its a box canyon for america. Putins led us down a road where theres no good outcome. Without of threat of force, this agreement means nothing. So bill, did the president get hoodwinked . We talked about verify and verify. If you dont have teeth in some sort of resolution that says this will happen if you do not, can you get control of all these weapons . I dont think the president got hoodwinked. I think the president knew what he was doing. He didnt want to strike which is an extremely irresponsible position for an american president to put himself and the couldnt friday in. Jane said no one supported the president. I supported the president. John boehner supported the president. We had at least 25 republicans with us in the house because they do not trust this president to use force. They dont trust him to be serious about Foreign Policy. And ive got to say looking back on the last few weeks, i cant really blame all my conservative republican friends who said, look, in principle, of course you should support a president when he goes to congress to ask for a resolution to authorize the use of force against a dictator backed by iran and russia whos used chemical weapons, crossed a red line. I dont even think its a close call. As to his performance over the last few weeks, its going to be harder and i say this with great sadness, to get conservative internationalists now to support him if he wants to do anything tough. On the other hand, it seems like he doesnt want to do anything tough. Yeah, if it comes down to syria playing games with its chemical weapons and the president wants to go back to this idea of using force, has that bell already been rung and rung out . Well, you know, theres absolutely nothing in this Framework Agreement that provides for any kind of use of force by anyone to enforce it if its violated. The whole enforcement mechanism is completely up in the air. It makes me wonder do we have a parallel here with north korea . Everybody here remembers about 20 years ago at the brink of war, president clinton struck a Framework Agreement with the regime in north korea to get rid of their Nuclear Weapons which 20 years later, they still havent gotten rid of not only havent gotten rid of but have actually tested one, and the regime is still in power. My worry is and, of course, this is all remains to be seen my worry is that were setting up something similar here because the most important transition out of this agreement is that the president of the United States has identified the removal of chemical weapons as our issue in syria. Its no longer about regime change and assad must go. Its about chemical weapons. How do you prevent this from becoming a yearslong cat and mouse game as happened with Saddam Hussein . I dont think you can under this agreement. I think the practical difficulties of finding the weapons, identifying them, cataloging them and removing them in the midst of conflict with a couple of with an untrustworthy man like assad in place are probably insurmountable. What this does, though, is defuses the issue. It takes all the urgency out of it. It takes the air out of it. And as time goes on, it recedes into the background which is exactly in my view is exactly what the president is hoping will happen. I really dont agree. I think the president has taken what he can get from putin as a phase one. I think the threat of force has to remain. The president has said it will remain. Our ships are still surrounding the area. But i want to put another word on the table called sochi. The Winter Olympics in russia. I think Vladimir Putin really wants to reset himself as a world player at that point. Thats in four months from now or five months from now. And i think, just let me finish my sentence, my friend, and i think that that will cause him not only to im not saying i trust, and verify but verify if i used the right language, but i think that will keep him in the tent. Im not worried about bashar. Im worried about putin. If putin figures out that moving bashar out in some near period after the chemical weapons are disclosed, i dont think they will be used. Quick thought. It will change things. I want to put one word on the table. Its not sochi. Its iran. And the president of the United States said already on television today, hes looking forward to negotiating with iran. He thinks this is a model for a bad agreement with iran which will get him off the hook. And i believe the iranians think that, too. Weve got to take a break, but when we come back, the syria crisis has taken crucial time from congressional leaders also facing a looming budget battle. Now republicans must decide if fighting to derail obamacare in the threat of a Government Shutdown is worth the risk. Stay with us. Just because youre an antigovernment ideologue who has land in congress doesnt mean that you should be shutting down government. No, im fine. Georgia congressman tom price and congressman Chris Van Hollen back with us next. I am today by luck. I put in the hours and built a strong reputation in the industry. I set goals and worked hard to meet them. Ive made my success happen. So when it comes to my investments, im supposed to just hand it over to a broker and back away . Thats not gonna happen. Avo when you work with a schwab financial consultant, youll get the guidance you need with the control you want. Talk to us today. My High School Science teacher made me what i am today. Our Science Teacher helped us build it. Now im a geologist at chevron, and i get to help Science Teachers. It has four servo motors and a wireless microcontroller. Over the last three years weve put nearly 100 Million Dollars into american education. Thats thousands of kids learning to love science. Isnt that cool . And thats pretty cool. This strategy is intended not to really satisfy the house. Weve already voted. Its enforce the vote, enforce the fight in the United States senate. Thats where the issue is. The United States senate. Lets get the issue over there and force them to actually have a vote on getting rid of obamacare. While the syria crisis has been front and center this week in washington, a bitter battle over the budget looms large. Congress has just a little more than two weeks to approve new spending bills or risk a Government Shutdown. But a group of House Republicans is insisting that funding for obamacare be cut first. And thats putting House Speaker john boehner in a very tough spot. Back with us now is the Ranking Member of the house budget committee, Chris Van Hollen, and joining us from atlanta, congressman tom price, who is the vice chairman of the budget committee. Congressman price, lets start with you. You and 42 of your colleagues have signed on to a bill that would defund and delay obamacare for a year. If it comes to the floor and passes, it will most certainly hit a brick wall in the senate. Are you willing to go as far as shutting down the government to get what you want . Well, john, thanks so much. As the speaker said, its time to put the ball in the senates court. But what were interested in is stability and security and fairness. Stability for the government. Funding the government for a full year period of time. Security so that the men and women who protect us every single day have the resources that they need to be able to carry out that protection. And then fairness. Fairness as it relates to obamacare. This administration has already delayed or waived onethird of this legislation, and we believe that its only fair for the American People now to have that same delay. And thats the proposal i believe that will be coming forward this week. Thats the proposal that we support. We hope that some of our colleagues democratic colleagues in the house support it like they did the delay of the individual mandate and the employer mandate. The bipartisan position here is to delay this law for a year. Im hopeful the administration will come on board and the senate will see the light as well. But again, are you willing to shut down the government to get what you want . Well, theres 15 days between now and that deadline. And what we need is the house to act and then the senate to act. And this is the dynamic nature of legislating. You told our neil cavuto last week, if thats the only way, im there. Are you still there . The president is the individual whos talking about shutting down the government. The democrats in the house and the senate are the individuals that are talking about shutting down the government. We want to fund the government and protect the American People from a destructive law as it relates to health care. Im a physician. The last thing that this nation needs is this law that will destroy Quality Health care in this country. Youve got james hoffa, the president of the teamsters association, saying that its going to destroy the 40hour workweek. Youve got the aflcio saying this wasnt as billed. Look, you need to change it, delay it or repeal the whole doggone thing. People all across the country recognize that this law is not good for the American People. Its not good for our country. Its time to delay it. Congressman van hollen, let me talk aboutnio as spekt of this. You know what happened at the aflcio Convention Earlier this week. They were up in arms about it, thinking that people were going to get thrown out of employerbased health care. They wanted they wanted subsidies. Lets listen to what Terrence Sullivan from the Laborers International union said about it. But well be damned if were going to lose our Health Insurance because of unintended consequences in a law it needs to be changed it needs to be fixed and it needs to be fixed now, brothers and sisters so the unions are demanding a fix. Theres a lot of problems with this bill. Why not just delay it . Youve delayed the employer mandate. Youve delayed the cap on outofpocket maximums. Youve delayed the eligibility requirements. Why not take a pause for a year and figure this all out . First, john, lets make sure we understand what toms answer was. The answer was that hes prepared to shut down the government if we dont shut down obamacare for a year. He didnt come right out. Well okay, look. As much as i tried to get him to. He said that on an earlier fox show. He just didnt say it here. So listen. The reality is that obamacare is already in place for millions of americans. But its been delayed for millions of others. No, no. The employer mandate which affects only 5 of businesses in this country, which is a relatively small part of the overall system. But still, how do you say to employers were going to give you a year, how do you say to Insurance Companies were going to give you a year, but you say to individuals in this country, youre still on the track. Youve got to sign up for these exchang exchangeses. And as of january 1, youve got to have Health Insurance when youve delayed it for other people. How is that fair in the reality is the business piece is not central to the overall idea behind obamacare. Were going to open up shes supermarkets of health care plans. People will be able to purchase insurance in those exchanges. So the physician that says lets delay it for a year is to deny access to affordable insurance for millions of americans for another year. Thats not acceptable. But then there are others who are saying its going to make it unaffordable. The want to claim exchange and get the deduction for employerprovided Health Insurance. As the president has said all along, were willing to work out the kinks in this, but were not going to throw out the central idea, which as you know, was the same idea that republicans put forward in the 1990s and is the basis for romneycare in massachusetts. They didnt throw it out in massachusetts. Its working in massachusetts. Let me bring in the congressman from georgia because hes been very patient here. The treasury department, through the president , i guess, confirmed to congressman price on friday that the unions would not be getting any subsidies for their multiemployerbased health care plansare you concerned that the white house, because the unions are incensed about this, bill try to backdoor something to satisfy them, to keep them on the board . Apparently the white house said on friday they wouldnt do that, but the white house has always picked winners and losers in this. And thats why theyve chosen to delay or waive onethird of this legislation. We believe, however, that it needs to be waived and delayed for the entire American People, for the entire country. Thats the only fair thing to do. Now, what the unions have done, what the aflcio has done and the teamsters have done is finally read the bill and recognize the whats in it. They know what the president said, that is if you like what you have, you can keep it, simply is not true. And they believe theyve been lied to, and they believe that we need to step back and say, lets just stop the madness. Lets delay this for a year. And see if we cant get it right. Move in the direction of patientcentered health care where patients and families and doctors are making medical decisions, not washington, d. C. Thats what we need to be doing. I didnt want to make this discussion all about obamawecar but obviously senator van hollen, there are things people like. They like keeping their kids on till age 26. They like that. The further we get into this bill as congressman price just said, the more these problems start to arise. And remember nancy pelosi saying we have to pass the bill so that we can find out whats in it. Now that people are finding out whats in it, even your most strident supporters, the unions, are saying this is wrong. John, look. Any time you have a piece of legislation thats this comprehensive, there are going to be issues you have to deal with along the way. And we have said to our republican colleagues, were happy to work with you to try and fix those parts where there are issues. But our republican colleagues have taken the position that they just want to wipe the whole thing off the map including the important provisions you talked about, including the core idea, which had been a republican idea, that individuals have a responsibility to get health care, that those who cant afford it will get a tax credit to help them do it. Thats the core idea. Republicans right now, i really believe, are not afraid that this is going to fail. I think theyre afraid that its going to work. And all the scaremongering we have heard from them is going to prove to be false. Thats whats happening. Now, its interesting, tom said we should move to a patientcentered health care system. The fact of the matter is in the house, the republicans have voted over who times to repeal obamacare. Theyve never put on the floor of the house a replacement. Tom has a replacement bill. Less than 10 of the members of congress have signed on. Not his own party hasnt accepted that. So they just want to take us back to the days when the Insurance Companies got to deny care based on preexisting conditions, and thats not right. Well, 43 republicans have signed on to this graves bill which might come to the floor of the house. So well see where it goes from there. I assume you wont be voting for it. But thats not a replacement for obamacare. Thats just designed to kill it. Congressman van hollen what it allows us to do is get to the stability for the country for a year, make certain we provide for security and fairness for the American People. They just want to turn it back over to the Insurance Industry and let them discriminate based on preexisting conditions and thats just not acceptable. Congressmen, weve got to run but thanks. Our sunday panel returns and look as head to the debate in congress over obamacare and the budget coming up next. But first, get fox news daily politics newsletter straight to your inbox. Fox news first gives you the scoop first thing in the morning. Sign up now at foxnews. Com foxnewsfirst. You really love, what would you do . [ woman ] id be a writer. [ man ] id be a baker. [ woman ] i wanna be a pie maker. [ man ] i wanna be a pilot. [ woman ] id be an architect. What if i told you someone could pay you and what if that person were you . When you think about it, isnt that what retirement should be, paying ourselves to do what we love . Still to come, our power player of the week. It certainly what i set out to do. So he started keeping his own record. He spends 60 to 90 minutes at the end of each day logging every president ial activity. Yeah, i guess im unofficial. Stay tuned. Well be right back. In an attempt to prop up a struggling health care lay, the Obama Administration decided they cant hand out subsidies without finding out whos eligible. They just want to rely on the honors system. Not only is that unfair, but Hardworking Taxpayers like you, it opens the door a mile wide to fraud and abuse. Republicans devoting their weekly address to sounding off on obamacare and doing away with the president s Signature Health care law. Congresswoman diane black of tennessee highlighting her verification bill that passed this week that would help prevent fraud in the system. Were back now with our panel. All of this is wrapped around the continuing resolution and whether or not thats going to pass. Bill kristol, do you think were headed for a Government Shutdown over this showdown . I dont think so. I dont think either party has a real interest in that. But no one ever thinks things are going to happen, and sometimes they do. No, i dont think so. All right. Congresswoman harman . I dont think so. I think if that happens again, we saw this movie in 1996. It will hurt 1995. Will it hurt republicans a lot more than it will hurt democrats. But lets not go there. Lets amend this law. Lets implement this law and amend the parts that dont work well. It is a good idea to prevent fraud. Good for that republican congresswoman. But to have 41 votes in the house to repeal this is a total waste of time. 40 of those should have been on specific wellconsidered amendments. And then maybe it would be a better law that were implementing now. Brit, do you think theyre going to hold the line in the republicanled house on this graves bill which does put in the actual bill itself language to defund and delay obamacare . Well, i dont know that the votes will be there for that. Because the votes werent there for the other bill. No, i know. Government shutdown as a way of forcing policy when you control one house of the legislature is a loser. Now, people like ted cruz who senator ted cruz who is one of the leaders and certainly one of its principal spokesmen believes that the conditions are different now from the ones that prevailed in 1995. In some respects they are. But in one respect theyre different and not in a way thats helpful to his cause which is that the Republican Party is in much worse odor with the public than it was in 1995 when people had just stalled a new House Republican majority for the first time in decades. And my sense about this is that the sort of axiom in washington that when the government shuts down, it doesnt matter who causes it. Republicans get blamed is still in effect. And this is a very risky proposition. Now, cruz and company say if you win the vote, if you win the argument. Well, theyre out trying to win the argument now, and theyre trying to provoke something along the line of what happened on guns. When a popular sentiment just rose up and next thing you know, no bill passed. What remains to be seen if they can do that. I have real doubts. Democrats are certainly doing everything they can, while they may be divided on strategy on how to approach this, in saying whatever happens, its the republicans fault. Lets listen to the way that harry reid put that on thursday. The anarchists are winning. Anything that can be done to slow down, hurt or get rid of government in any way, thats good. Shutting down the government obviously is what the majority of the Republican Caucus wants to do in the house. Charles lane, republicans have lost every time on obamacare. Is this a loser for them . Well, i think their own leadership in the house recognizes that its a loser, and theyre having this battle with this group of kind of diehard republicans within their own caucus. And my goodness, privately i think the house leadership is even harsher about its own members than some democrats. Harry reid is enjoying the spectacle. And it really does come down to this complete lack of unity within the Republican Caucus. Having said that, i think theres a lot of theater in terms of these rebels. I think theyre showing off for their base back home, and that ultimately enough of them can be compromised by the leadership in such a way that a continuing resolution, but only through maybe a couple of months, will get passed. I think there is a way out of this, i mean, for republicans. Whats the way out . Look, the entire house, joined by 22 democrats, voted to suspend the individual mandate for a year. President obama spended the employer mandate. Add that to the continuing resolution. The house just now joined by a few democrats voted to acquire security and privacy concerns. You would do that rather than defund it. I would target the most unpopular and genuinely the most problematic parts of obamacare, delay that, add that to the continuing resolution. Thats a tough argument. I just delayed the employer mandate for a year, but i couldnt sign a delay on the individual mandate. Its all a game. Its not a game. It should be where you play this. Off serious amendments. Has harry reid they passed i dont agree. In the house to delay it. Senator reid why dont we get back to something responsible during the year where you can actually consider it. The only way to get the senate to take it up is add it to a continuing resolution. If the house passes legislation with 250 votes in the old days, the majority ill ask senator van hollen this question. Why would it be so terrible to delay everything for a year, to line it up with all the other things that have been delayed . My answer to that, because most of the bill is going to be implemented. The bill did pass. It was signed into law. And i voted for it as a member of the house because i thought we need to Reform Health care rather than do nothing. I think we need to amend this bill, but not end it. Theres a very simple reason why the president and his fellow democrats do not want to delay this bill for another year, and that is in january, subsidies for purchase of insurance kick in for a great many people. And the belief is based on much history, that once the subsidies begin to be provided and start flowing to people, they will like them. People tend to feel that way about money coming their way. The unions wont like it. Well, the unions may feel differently about it. The point being that once a government benefit like that begins to flow, history shows that it is very hard ever to reverse that. And that that would mean that obamacare is here forever, and any chance of ending it is probably over. Thats what they believe. The model for the bill is a competitive model. It was actually invented by republicans. It started with richard nixon. It went on to bob dole. And then it was implemented in massachusetts by mitt romney where it has not worked perfectly. I understand all of that. This isnt a handout. This isnt welfare. I understand all that. But the point remains, once subsidies begin, its more difficult to repeal the bill. Theyre not checks that go to people. Theyre reduction to the insurance people pay. Theyll still pay a fair amount. And there are only a few million people. All im saying politically im a little more optimistic that ted cruz is that even if some of it goes into effect january 1st, its still unpopular and can work poorly enough that it can be repealed. Is there any sign that the debate we face over the next 12 days, its going to be a doozie. Thanks. Appreciate it. Remember, our discussion continues on panel plus. Find it on foxnewssunday. Com. Make sure to follow us on twitter foxnewssunday. Up next, our power player of the week. The unofficial recordkeeper of the presidency. You wont want to miss this. Well, the president sat down for six Network Television interviews monday. It was the most that he had done in a single day. Twice before, he had sat down for five. This statistic courtesy of a reporter that we first introduced you to back in february. Heres Chris Wallace with his power player of the week. The numbers really help tell the story in an important way. Im going to call on mark noller. Wheres mark . There you are. Reporter the numbers cbs White House Correspondent mark knoller is talking about are meticulous records he keeps on almost everything the president does. Think were exaggerating . I keep logs on number of speeches. Did he use a teleprompter . How long did the speech run . Where did he go . How many times has he been there before . Number of flights on air force one . Number of flights on marine one. Reporter we squeezed into knollers cramped booth in the press room where he showed us his file on each of the 114 rounds of golf president obama has played. I keep logs. What date did he play . How long did he play it . Who was in the foursome . What time did the golf game begin . What time did it end . Reporter you love this stuff, dont you . At least now ive got an aspect of the presidency that pretty much i own. And i like that. Reporter and knoller does own it. His colleagues in the press corps come to him to find out how many news conferences the president has held. And when National Security adviser tom donilon was briefing reporters on the economic summit last year, he deferred to knoller. Its always risky to do with this president ial historian mark knoller in the room, but ill do this anyway, at the risk of being corrected immediately. Reporter how do you feel being the unofficial records keeper of the presidency . Well, it certainly wasnt what i set out to do, but unofficial, yeah, i guess im unofficial. Reporter knoller started his recordkeeping a couple of years into the Clinton Administration when he noticed the president kept going to california. I tried going back to reconstruct how many trims he had made to california, and it took all day. Reporter so knoller started keeping his own records. He spends 60 to 90 minutes at the end of each day logging president ial activity. The president has noticed. When knoller reported george w. Bush spent more than a year at his texas ranch, it came up at a White House Christmas party. I come up to shake his hand and he says to laura, this is the guy who tells everybody how often we go to the ranch. And if we get there at 10 00 in the evening, he counts it as a full day. And i corrected him, i dont count it as a full day. And he seemed glad. Reporter had obsesses . Okay, im obsessed with doing my job well, to doing it thoroughly. You got me. Reporter knoller has been covering president s since gerald ford. At age 6 of 0, hes never married, but he has no regrets. Is this job, is this group, is this your family . Sure. Its my life. Im able to cover this place exactly on my terms. And i find that very satisfying. Since we brought you the story in february, the president has added 29 rounds of golf including 27 holes yesterday. And on a personal note, i sat elbow to elbow with mark knoller in that little booth for seven years. And every day of it was a joy. Thats it for today. Have a great week. Well see you next fox news sunday. Three women are killed after a fire breaks out in pittsburgh. Why they were unable to escape. Tragic accident after a crash on 880, what we learned about the fatal accident and who is behind bars right now. A 9yearold falls off his bike in front of a trance sit bus. What transit bus. And what we learned of his injuries. Mornings on

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