60 San Francisco. 74 oakland. But you go inland and its 92 liver mere. Well check on the east bay where we have the hot temperatures at this hour. 91 in danville. So those folks right now in the low 90s hitting the century mark or come very close. Temperatures cooled off some yesterday. They continue to drop today. Down by 5 degrees in livermore. Down by 3 in concord. However, not going to continue this trend. By tomorrow temperatures are back up, by thursday probably at their hottest, maybe the hottest since sunday and that is why the heat advisory continues for inland communities, outside the coast and or off the coast and outside the bay. So far inland cities, mountain communities will continue for the next couple days. We do get to a cooldown by the weekend. Ill have more on that in the extended forecast and today coming up. With high temperatures across the state a lot of people have been turning on air conditioners where i is why this flex alert has been issued for today and tomorrow. Although the California Independent system operator believes it can meet this weeks Energy Demand it wants to avoid the possibility of blackouts, homes and businesses to voluntarily conserve energy between 2 00 in the afternoon to 9 00 turning off lights, Electronic Devices an equipment not being used. Also it would be good if you can wait until after 9 00 at night to use large appliances like the washing to be menace and the dishwashers and also adjust the air conditioning term cat to 78 degrees. More than a dozen locations have opened cooling centers for people who need relief. And can you find a full list on our website at ktvu. Com. Also pg e crews were busy trying to restore areas hit by power outages. As of about 30 minutes ago, pg e says nearly 1300 customers still are without electricity. Down in the south bay 620 homes have no power in the north bay, that number is 241. Just 22 customers are without power on the peninsula and east bay about 300 people are without electricity but most of that outage is focused on walnut creek. Causing a lot of issues valley road where bank croft road becomes walnut area, that is a busy area. 2700 customers were without power, crews have since fixed the power lines in that area. One important thing to remember for parents during the summer months here and this heat wave we are experiencing all year long for that matter, but its important to never leave your child or your pet alone inside of a car it does happen 40 kids are dying because they have been left in hot cars. With more on warnings from experts, alley. Here in almeda its a pleasant 74 disease. Researchers say as a general rule of thumb the temperature inside a locked car can get up 50 degrees hotter than the temperature outside. This car behind me has been out here at least an hour, it is getting about as high as 150 degrees inside that vehicle. We spoke to one of the top researchers collecting and studying the data on child vehicular heat stroke deaths for nearly 20 years. Jan null is a meteorologist with san jose state university, shows you how quickly heat in a locked car can reach dangerous levels. There was a case several years ago a child was left in the bart station. And died of heat stroke on a 67 degree day. At 8 00 a. M. The temperature inside his car was 74 degrees. By 8 30 it had jumped up another 10 degrees, halfhour later. We are up to almost 97 degrees. And by 9 30 it was at 103 degrees, a deadly level for anyone especially a child. Children do their body makeup, their bodies heat up 3 5 times faster than adults. Is it legal for a stranger to breakin side. Technically speaking no. California is not has facted a specific Good Samaritan law relating to children in hot cars. So i have never heard of a case being prosecuted. Reporter now there is a bill in congress that would require automakers to include some sort of technology that would alert parents or caregivers if they left their child in a car. Null says its a good first step, he does not think it would solve the problem, in about half the cases he tracks these fatal cases he says kids either get in the car on their own, playing around, get in unlocked car by themselves and get trapped inside. Or in some cases he says sometimes parents and caregivers will leave the child in the car on purpose to run an errand and not realize how quickly those temperatures inside the vehicle can turn deadly. Back to you guys. We talked about it this morning, too, about people breaking into a car if you see a child. That is a gray area, it doesnt sound like anyone would stop someone from trying to reporter yeah, its one of those things between theory and the law in practice, as you heard jan null say, he hadnt heard of anyone persecuted breaking into a car to save a child. That would be hard to imagine. Appreciate that. New at noon here Community Leaders are speaking out calling for the city of berkeley to end its participation in the controversial Law Enforcement program known as urban shield. Police officers come to the bay area each year for the four day training program, they learn swat maneuvers, it teaches officers different divisions of policing including detective work and how to deescalate situations. Sit critics teaches police more militarized training than peaceful resolutions. As an extremely militarized program are urban shield alls to problem that we are seeing in our communities. And that we are organizing against. Tonight what is at steak is not whether or not berky jap. Proves urban shield funding, its whether or not they lead the way on this issue for the bay area, for california, nationally and internationally. Berkeley police have participated in the urban shield program for the past decade. The city council is set to discuss and vote on withdrawing from the program during a special meeting that will happen at 6 00 tonight. Santa rosa police are trying to figure out if two Young Children found dead with their father yesterday could have been saved, camara had his two kids at his apartment. Sunday night the childrens mother notified the Sheriffs Office camara did not return with the children. Deputies went to his apartment but it was dark. Yesterday Morning Police broke in and found the three bodies. Camaras sister says the family cant comprehend what has happened. It just caught all of us by surprise, its tragic, obviously. We are unsure why he would do such a thing. Well investigators are putting together a time line when the children with killed. A neighbor heard camara talking yesterday morning before police arrived. But investigators say they dont know if the children might still be alived if that apartment been searched soon. Lives are showing support for the Special Olympics today. Officers from san ramon took off on the torch run. They handed that torch off to Danville Police officers who carried it through the city. The flame of hope as its called went through several cities including walnut creek, emoryville and berkeley, continue on to final destination at the Northern California Special Olympics competition which will be held at uc davis this weekend. The Law Enforcement torch run raises money for that event. A special election in georgia is in the spotlight, why the race for one empty seat has become the most expensive House Campaign in history and the huge impact it could have for the democratic party. And we are taking a live look outside right now up next meteorologist Rosemary Orozco has detailed look at your hot forecast, hot for a few more days. Plus, the extreme heat kicks off fire season and puts everything in high gear, what you can do to make sure that youre staying safe. Be a powerful force. Nature valley what twisted ankle . Ask what muscle strain . Advil makes pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain . Advil. Mone hundredts thousand times a day, sending oxygen to my muscles. Again so i can lift even the most demanding weight. Take care of all your most important parts with centrum. Now verified non gmo and gluten free. Welcome back, summer doesnt start until tomorrow, but the heat is already on for the white house. President trump is facing increasing pressures on both the domestic and international fronts. That is happening as he deals with intensifying situation in north korea, syria and here at home. Fox news correspondent joe waldman has more from washington. A brutal regime. President trump responding to news that otto warmbier, College Student was sentence today 15 years of hard labor in north korea prison for allegedly taking a propaganda poster off a wall. Warmbiers death intensifying tense relations with the communist country and its leader kim jong un. What kind of regime allows that to happen, he is only one example of this brutal barbaric regime. An Armed Russian fighter jet came within 5 feet of United States air force s plane. The close surveillance plane. With a kremlin threatening to shoot down u. S. Jets that continue to fly over the troubled region. The u. S. Is gradually in a position to drive isis out of syria. Thats for sure. But the fact of the matter is the Syrian Civil War is a huge issue. On the domestic front Robert Muller heads to capitol hill. The former fbi director saying he wants to ensure there is no conflict of interest with investigators as mueller continues to look into russias meddling in the president ial election and possible come league with Trumps Campaign team. This is really going to be not the politics an what members might say, its going to be what is found. President trumps soninlaw senior visor Jerod Kushner is helping to stabilize the middle east. In washington, joel waledman fox news. Voters in georgia are headed to the follows today in a closely watched special election. They are choosing between Democrat John ossoff and karen handel to fill a vacant house seat. Represented by republicans since 1979 this race is even as a key indicator for democrats who want to win back control of congress in 2018. Exactly the type of district they hope this they can win if they can retake the house in 2018, 24 seats they need to win, suburban, fast changing suburban district that republicans have long held. Two candidates spend combined 50 million on the Campaign Making it the most expensive house race in history. The seat became vacant when tom price to become president Trumps Health and Human Services secretary. Well we have another hot day i cant tros the bay area mainly for people across the bay mainly for people inland. How long will until this heat end up. Summer solstice, 9 24 this evening. It is hot. At last for some. Around the by, along the coastline it is mild and pleasant for many. Temperatures will continue to fall off, today the coolest day before they rebound and we are back up in the heat wednesday and especially for thursday. But right now in santa rosa 74 degrees. San francisco checking in at 70. Mid 60s in oakland. Low 90s in livermore. As we approach the first day of summer, our summertime microclimate pattern is in place. Here is a look at Storm Tracker 2 we we had the northwest and a bit of an on shore breeze remained fairly local. It has reached in land. Last night into this morning it is cooler. Even at this hour as i showed you moment ago still running cooler from yesterday. Reporting northwest breeze to 16 miles per hour. Hayward 7. Livermore a light one, on shore at 8 miles per hour. Storm tracker 2 the fog and it has pulled away from the coastline and we are with mostly sunny skies from the coast around the bay and inland for today. Temperatures will drop off just a little bit for today and then wednesday will be a bit warmer as we get into thursday. The numbers actually look to rival those on sunday. And sunday was a hot day for most. We expect that to be the hottest day once again into the bay area weekend. You are looking at 87 degrees for nevado. Closer to the water enjoyable 72. East bay shore going to be warm, 81 in oakland. Inland it is going to be hot, 100 degrees concord. Into the south bay temperatures will be warm as well. 90 degrees for san jose this afternoon. 91 74 the afternoon high there. Forecast here, temperatures will climb as we get into the first full day of summer on wednesday, hottest day will be on thursday. Then we see another turn around in the weather pattern, temperatures begin to cool back down, everybody gets involved thin one and it looks like inland cities by the weekend, low 90s, 70s around the bay, if you like heading to the beach for the weekend will be in the low 60s as opposed a little cool at the beach. Rosemary you know me, you know my 78 perfect degree temperature. Yes, when im looking at 90s and going. I will take it. Im so glad it is only going to be 90 then you know weve been in a heat wave. Its all relative. Of course with all this hot weather comes increase fire danger. The largest active wildfire has grown to 950 acres so called holcolmb fire northeast of big bear down in the San Bernardino national forest. A couple people did suffer some heat related injuries related to fire. Officials closed portions of highway 18. They also shut down a popular hiking trail in the area and several campgrounds, crews brought in a night flying area tack to battle the fire overnight. This fire started yesterday afternoon. And at this point there is no word on how it may have started. Meantime, staff at campolindo after a brush fire came close to School Grounds yesterday. The four alarm fire burned 16 acres, started 2 00 in the afternoon an contained by 9 00 last night. Water dropping helicopters were called in to put out the flames. Fire crews from almeda and contra cost ka county helped to fight that fire. As a precaution the campus was closed to all activity yesterday. But no damage to the school, no word on how that fire may have started. Earlier today on mornings on 2 we spoke with captain george lang with the Contra Costa County fire district, he says the amount of fire activity we are seeing so far isnt really unusual for this time of year. The difference between a drought year and a year where we have lots of precipitation is the heavier fuels, vegetation of brush and trees, takes a little bit longer to dry out, become available to burn but by the beginning of august every year, everything is ready to go. Captain lang says the most important thing you can do to protect yourself, make sure your home is clear of brush and debris. Happening today the San Francisco board of supervisors will consider banning the sale of flavored Tobacco Products, that includes men that will cigarettes. Reduced the legislation and says flavored Tobacco Products are packaged like candy. Criticizing the plan saying it is going to hurt them financially. The goal is to keep young people from smoking in the first place. They taste good, they mask the flavor of tobacco, they make it easier for people to people experiments experimenting with tobacco to become lifelong user the. They would take effect in 2018. Coming up here, can you now google your next job opportunity. Up next, the Search Engine that is making life a little bit easier for the job hunters out there. Oh hey its me mom, catching some side eye. First rule of motherhood. Someones always judging. Breastfeeding, didnt work out. Guess what . Worlds still turning. Yeah, i bribe my kids. How else you think stuff get done around here . Moms special juice, its wine. Now if you think thats shocking, check this out. Good old fashion yoplait®, its not made with cage Free Norwegian hemp milk. And guess what . She loves it. At at t, we believe in access. The opportunity for everyone to explore a digital world. Connecting with the things that matter most. And because nothing keeps us more connected than the internet, weve created access from at t. California households with at least one resident who receives snap or ssi benefits may qualify for Home Internet at a discounted rate of 10 a month. No commitment, deposit, or installation fee. Visit att. Com accessnow to learn more. All right. Welcome back to ktvu at noon, stationing a look at the big board. The dow is down, all the markets are down. Oil is dropping, the prices at the lowest level since november and they are actually expected to get lower. Well keep an eye on numbers here. Brutal heat in the southwest is causing American Airlines to cancel dozens of flights out of phoenix sky harbor airport. What was your first reaction when they told you it was canceled and why it was canceled . Well, you know, i cant say, cant curse on air, that was my first reaction. Disappointment. Temperatures are expected to reach 120 degrees today in the phoenix area. American Airlines Says those smaller planes cant properly take off when the weather is is this hot. The air is less dense and some planes need too much runway to be able to get off the ground. Social media is buzzing about the latest feature from lyft, the Ride Sharing Company says its developed an option that is cheaper and simpler. Pay affixed price out with a set time table called lyft shuttle. Calling lyft out saying that idea already has a name and its call all bus. Lyft not responding. Pretty good, actually. Yes. Get ready to pay more to ship packages with ups during the holiday season, the company is plan willing to all holiday fees. An additional 27 to 97cents per package, those charges will be applied to residential  shipments starting in november. People or companies send ising the packages will probably bear the brunt of those extra fees but some ecommerce retailers may pass the extra costa long to customers. Google wants to become a force in the search for new jobs, job seekers can enter south bay nursing job, and will get detailed information. It is also going to include employee ratings in the companies that have help wanted listings and average commute times to that workplace. Google is teaming up with glass door, career building, monster and facebook to get those job listings together. Signed up to be notified so when new job postings matches your search you know about it. Speaking of google, the San Jose City council is expected to vote whether to negotiate with google over companys plan to build a new campus covering more than 6 million square feet near the bart station and the sap center. It would include new offices and housing downtown, and could bring in as many as 20,000 jobs. Yesterday labor leaders met at city hall demanding to be part of the negotiations. They want google to offer higher paying service jobs and to invest in affordable housing. If the plan moves toward development may not start until after 2020. All right. Lets talk about man buns and dad bods because we can. Ma tell is giving barbie more choices. If she is only looking at the physical appearance. I know she looks deeper. The toy maker introducing 15 new ken dolls to go with last year wider variety of barbie offered. There is new six new hair styles. I dont know. They are also seven skin tones and go slim, get a broad bodied type and traditional physique, what is the traditional . Im not sure. No such thing. The one thing you wont see is taller ken that is because short ken fits on the short shelves better. They want to keep that box at a place where they can get lots of ken dolls. All right. The man bun on the ken doll, do you think its a good luck, not to put you on the spot. Because you just did. Impact on the local economy, well tell you how much this deal would be what a big difference it makes for the area. A site for the new stadium. Thousands of people are left without air conditioning after this incredible heat led to power outages, the new request to prevent it all from happening again. Who are these people . The Energy Conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something. Humongous. A little thing here. A little thing there. Starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. Who are all these caretakers, advocates too . Turns out, its californians its me and its you. Dont stop now, its easy to add to the routine. Join Energy Upgrade california and do your thing. Welcome back the heat wave hitting the by area is racing demand. Californian the are being candidate conserve energy today and tomorrow. More on the flex alert from concord. The home depot in concord has sold out of air conditioning units and large fans, they said over the weekend they sold 300 and 400 air conditioning units. They were gone within 2 hours. Pg e says high temperatures and solar radiation over heats the system making it less efficient, all to that the demand for electricity, mostly to run an air conditioning june, we have a potential for a blackout, its been 12 years since theyve experienced this kind of heat. Some customers were shocked to find ac units and large fans sold out. Ly bought a small desk fan last week, its not cutting it and she needs a bigger fan. She walked the whole store trying to find one and only eight small fan were left. I bought two fans at the home did he poe in oakland. And i bought one for my hair shop because theirs broke, and i bought one for me at home. It was a whole bunch and i didnt think it was going to get this hot. I did not know my little fan was not going to work as much as this one, i had to get a bigger sized fan. Im glad you got one. I was getting mad. Homes and business are being asked to conserve energy during the peak hours of 2 00 this afternoon to 9 00 at night. Turn off all lights, Electronic Devices an equipment not in use. Wait until 9 00 p. M. To use large appliance such as washington machines and dishwashers, adjust the thermostat if you have one to 78 degrees. The California Independent system operator believes it can meet this weeks Energy Demands even in the hot weather it is asking people to conserve energy to prevent any possible blackouts. In concord, lee martinez ktvu fox 2 news. Pg e crews have been trying to restore areas hit by power outages. Right now there are still about 1300 homes and businesses without power, you have 628 people in south bay, most of those are in walnut creek. In the north bay 241. And 95 pg e customers in San Francisco still dont have power. Santa rosa man is in jail right now this afternoon in connection with a mobile home fire that killed his mother. I an stamp is suspected of arson and homicide in connection with the fire over the weekend that destroyed the familys mobile home. 66yearold elizabeth stamp was trapped inside the home. Firefighters say the flames spread so quickly there was little chance of her getting out. The fire started in her sons bedroom but they dont think he intended to kill his mother. There is a hearing in this case scheduled for tomorrow morning. And a final report on last years deadly oakland warehouse fire reveal that investigators cant determine exactly why that warehouse went up in flames. Now these photos that you are looking at were released as part of that report showing how some areas were more damage than others. We did learn and the fire started on the ground floor, the report reveals the main Electrical Sub Panel for that warehouse was actually next door in an auto shop, the tenants have been using extension cords to power their lamps as well. But, investigators couldnt rule out candles or incensor smoking materials. 36 victims die from smoke inhalation. The manager derek almena and max harris facing 36 counts of involuntary remans maps for those deaths. Manslaughter for those deaths. One man died, at least 10 other were hurt. Witnesses say osborne claimed he wanted to kill all muslims being held on terrorism charges and suspicion of attempted murder. One of these are attacks on our shared values of freedom, of tolerance and of respect and terrorism, whether someone inspired by an islamist narrative or other forms of inspiration. Now British Police say the suspect is a father of four from wails. Described by neighbors as aggressive and strange. White House Press Secretary sean spicer says the administrations thoughts and prayers are with the victims and families. That attack in london is raising concerns about anti islamic violence directed at the bay areas Muslim Community. Many local mosques have stepped up Police Patrols or hired security. They are worried the latest violence in long do could play into hands that may now want to get revenge. Do you worry about individuals who may be ill informed about muslimamericans and possibly take action that may harm me or my children or the community. A member of the council on American Islamic relations says its upsetting that extremism by a few is often mistaken as the mindset of many of the Muslim Community which is not the case. It is pride week and this year there is a political tone underneath all of the celebrations in the lgbt community. Amber lee why many people say this is the year to make their voices heard. Ed lee joined by others including pride celebration organizers an u. S. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi raised the rainbow flag at city hall. Organizers say the parade takes on a tone of resistance, like what the parade started as 47 years ago, a protest. This year is different in that the community is experienced some regression, possible attacks on the equal rights flight. The power of the protest element in this years parade is best demonstrated by the ro bust sales of rainbow items, a fixture in the castro. The flags we havent been able to keep in stock. We had to reorder all of the clothing pieces. We are totally out of the all the sweat bands. Describing the sale of pride items as phenomenal since President Donald Trump took office, up 40 . At the beginning this month the store needed to reorder pride items. We blew through everything. That never happens. Gay bars have been about community. Also expecting to do big business this week is 440 castro a bar. Its really put a sort of fire underneath the young people and also the older people who did a lot of political activism, they are more involved, i see faces coming into the bar that i havent seen in years. The pride parade dropped a huge crowd estimated over 1 million people. This year new elements include a contingent of people who participated in the womens march in protest of president trumps policies soon after his inauguration. One 76yearold lesbian says this resurgence of resistance is about human rights. All of us, whether immigrants or any kind of minority and majority that we all have human rights. One of the parade grand marshals will be this political activist, she will lead a resistance group. I always ride on dukes and bikes, but my dikes and bikes, my participation is more important to me. My community put me in this space for all the work i am doing. Amber lee, ktvu fox 2 news. Well oakland as have narrowed down the number of potential sites for new ballpark to 3. This list includes current coliseum site. And a 13acre location near lani college along with the Howard Terminal at the port of oakland. The lani location is close to bart, close to 880 and close to downtown businesses of the the Howard Terminal is favored by mayor libby shaft. But it lacks access to bart. This morning on mornings on 2 at 9 00, ace president dave kavell says the team is months away from selecting a stadium site. When i first came on late last year we would make an announcement this calendar year. We are working to make the decision, its a huge decision not only for the club but for the community. We are doing all the analysis. Its a generational decision. And for the first time this morning also presented the results of an Economic Impact report for that new stadium. It suggests a more than 3 billion Economic Impact for the area. And 765 million in jobs being produced. Most of those jobs would be in construction. All the right. Opting out, up next why warriors star and nba finals mvp kevin durant is choosing to become an unrestricted free agent next season. Well have to explain more about that. Yes, we will. Plus people are getting concerned, can i hear it. Plus the heat advisory continues here in the by area, another hot day out there, coming up Rosemary Orozco will be along to tell us just how much longer we are going to have to deal with these high temperatures of the for years, men have enjoyed their man caves without guilt. Now, its mamas turn. Welcome to my she shed. Where i enjoy not cooking, not gardening, and not cleaning. Where me and the girls can let loose. Oh, look at the time me time. Mmm. Brownies. Fiber one 90 calorie brownies. Allll mine. We have breaking news for you in San Francisco. Weve been following this story, there is a gas main break, we want to show you because we have sky fox overhead to show you this situation out there right now. And this is all happening near 20th street and douglas in San Francisco. And whats happened here is this gas main break has prompted a shelter in place order. So they are asking people who are living in that general area to stay inside of their homes, obviously because they do have what we understand as natural gas leaking out into the air. So obviously that is a concern from a safety standpoint. And tried to get the word out, theyve been on twitter and social media, telling people to stay inside. Minimize exposure to that gas. We should also tell you that if you want to get some more information and hearing about this and saying, you know, how do i make sure i can stay on top of this. 888777, there is on bot bottom of the screen. You can follow us on ktvu and well let you know everything as it comes into our news room as well. As you can see youve got a crew out there, working on the situation. But this is on going right now and well continue to monitor for you. Sounds good, well check back in shortly. Tensions between russia, iran and the u. S. Remain high today after the u. S. Shot down a syrian aircraft on sunday killing the pilot. Foxs john hutti explains how it started and the fallout. It started on sunday, an american f18 jet fighter shooting down a syrian war plane. The pentagon says it was bombing u. S. Backed Kurdish Forces. Russia announcing all u. S. Aircraft will be treated as hostile and shot down. And today, australian announcing it will pull its aircraft from the antiisis coalition. The Trump Administration says its working with the russians to find a solution, but u. S. Forces are ready to defend themselves if needed. We are still communicating between our Operation Center and Russian Federation Operation Center and confident that our forces have the cape ability to take care of themselves. Also learn all russian fighter jet buzzed a recon plane in the balance particular sea yesterday coming within 5 feet of the aircraft. Coalition members are now pushing a diplomatic solution hoping cooler heads will prevail and focus will return to the fight against isis. With wish to build the ways and means of a diplomatic and political solution that allows for stab and and end to the crisis. Coming at a delicate time. The government is pushing hard against isis in central syria, u. S. Backed Kurdish Forces are closing in on raqqa the self proclaimed isis capital. I am here to protect my country and people from isis, we will protect our people and our land until the end. President trump says is he almost ready to in veil his overall unveil his overall strategy to defeat isis. No time table yet for this announcement. Coast guard is interviewing the cargo ship, 7 american sailors were killed after water rushed into two compartments. One of several into saturdays incident into the destroyer, and much larger container ship. Coast guard is gathering electronic data and ship tracking information from both trips. Crew members were asleep. Well governor jerry brown and saturday lawmakers will be getting a three percent raise at the end of this year. The governors salary jump from 190,000 to nearly 196,000. Legislatures will earn 3000 more, up to 107,000 a year salary. The California Citizens Compensation Commission approved the increases yesterday, and the Commission Says the raises are just justified considering the States Economic recovery. The commission slashed salaries by 23 between 2009 and 2012, this will be the fifth Straight Year elected state leaders will be getting a pay hike. We want to talk about the weather because at 12 47 i have to say that when i woke up this morning and saw how cool the air was. In a few days. Come in here we realize oh, enjoy while it lasts we are not quite through this. Not out of the woods. Not just yet. Today is one of the cooler days at least of the next few as we get into wednesday, even thursday. Going to have that hot weather come back. By thursday it looks like it could come back in a big way. Temperatures are likely to rival what we had on sunday which is warm. Across the bay and alcatraz, we have boats out there sailing. What a gorgeous view that is. Partly cloudy, mostly clear skies, around the coast and around the bay and inland this hour. Clouds pull back and erode away, and we will be with sunny skies for today. Temperatures coming down just slightly today. In fact we are already seeing that at this hour. Lets check in on the winds where we have an on shore breeze in fairfield, it is light. But, it did this morning. Right now its at 6 00. Oakland reporting on shore breeze at 12 00, north one at 12. San jose northwest at 8. Northwest west is what we will have again for today. Hot pattern will continue, although very mild along the coast. Warm inside the bay really where we are seeing that hot weather is of course in the inland communities. Inner east bay getting to about 100 degrees once again and just above for hotter spots already in the 90s at this hour. We have 92 degrees in livermore. We go to the north bay 87 outside your doors at santa rosa. South bay 86 san jose. It is only the lunch hour and very toasty already. But you come inside the bay and its pleasant, 74 in oakland. We have 70 in San Francisco. And at the coast, 60 degrees half moon bay. Again those temperatures are down by several degrees, 24 hour temperature change, i thought i had it up for you there. Cooler 24, 6 degrees cooler than 24 hours ago. The afternoon high is toasty inland, 103 for brentwood. 102 antioch. North bay a warm one. 91 in napa. Closer to the water weve got good weather for the afternoon, 72 in San Francisco. Low 80s for berkeley, oakland. 66 at the coast in pacific a. South bay location warm as here. 96 morgan hill, 74 in santa grouse cloud cruise. And 70 in the forecast at game time, well continue to cool off as we get into the evening hours a Beautiful Day again right there at the coliseum. Here is a look at your extended forecast, temperatures will rebound as early as tomorrow. So for in land communities that havent felt much relief it is not any better, it is going to get worse, wednesday, thursday looks to be the hottest day, friday into the weekend temperatures finally cool off for everybody, but that means the coast is cooling off as well. Low 60s at the coast. Pleasant around the bay. Warm but not too hot for inland. I think that is good, beaches are pretty crowded, people snuck away a lot on fathers day weekend. Fathers day was super super crowded. Last day of spring. Feels like weve already been in been through summer, right. Thank you, rosemary. Talk some basketball here. Nba finals most valuable player, kevin durant willing to earn less money in order to improve the warriors chances of repeating as champions. Durant will opt out of his contract that would have paid him 28 million next season. He will technically become an in restricted free agent on july 1st july 1st. But then durant will resign with warriors in a new deal that pays him 31 million next season. Now while that a hefty raise he is eligible for make more under league rules, 35 million deal. Did you rant is taking less money to allow the warriors to fit other players under the salary cap. I think he was happy with the season. Personally and obviously for the team i think i dont know that it could have gone any better for him. I look forward to sitting down with him and doing whatever is fair. Kd says he wants to stay with the warriors for a long time to come. He has set up a business here called the durant company. He set that business up in the by area, Lauren Powell who is the widow of apple founder steve jobs. But even if kevin durant accept that discount, there are no guarantees the warriors are going to be able to keep i go go, planning to seriously other teams when Free Agency Begins in july, he is 33 years old, this could be his last big contract. Speculation he could get up to 20 million a year. He is expected to talk with teams like the utah jazz, the la clippers and of course he will have a conversation with the warriors as well and maybe they could work something out. Maybe that conversation will go well. I hope so. Yes. Lets hope. Preparing for the worse, up next americans have money saved up for are emergencies. The age group saving the most. Into some gold take that gold and make it an o good goes around and around and around hey bee to hive to the o oat from the farm is the yum in yo bowl put in the good and the good will grow good goes around and around and around hey good goes around good goes around and around and around. Hey San Francisco is kicking off a program to help families save money for emergencies. Many people are not prepared for unplanned expenses. San franciscos program was launched this morning at city hall by treasurer jose sisneros. No emergency savings, according to bank rate. Com, the percentage of those lacking in emergency funds is down to 24 this year and 32 of those aged 53 to 62 say they have no money at all saved, thats more than any other age group. Well a city in the north bay is topping a new list for best vacation spots here in the u. S. U. S. News and world report chose sonoma as the best small town to visit in the usa. Second is breckenridge, colorado. Monterey is sixth on the list. And there is a new survey revealing decorating dos and donts, most value for your home. Listen up, according to the real estate website zillow yellow kitchen could lower your homes value by 9920. Homes with blue bathrooms sold for at least 5000 more than expected. Put some color on the walls. Ha is going to do it for us here at noon. We have appreciate you joaning us, have a great day. Stay cool. At at t, we believe in access. The opportunity for everyone to explore a digital world. Connecting with the things that matter most. 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