We are seeking out individuals that he encountered while he was here. We interviewed some people that he talked to. We want to find out why did you come to baton rouge, what was his motive . Why was he targeting Police Officers . It was an ambushtype, style attack. We got to put this puzzle together and find out why that happened. Its important. Investigators say that long was trying to change his name last year, according to documents, and he was a member of a group that claimed to separate from state and federal governments. President obama addressed the nation hours after the tragedy in baton rouge. He expressed anger and sadness over the deadly ambush. The deaths of these three brave officers underscores the danger that Police Across the country confront every single day and we, as a nation, have to be loud and clear that nothing justifies violence against Law Enforcement. Attacks on police are an attack on all of us, and the rule of law that makes society possible. President obama also called on the entire nation to stand behind american Police Officers. And the deadly shooting in baton rouge as well as dallas has Bay Area Police departments on alert. Ktvus alex savidge in the newsroom with more on whats being done to keep local Police Officers safe. Local officers are focused on their own safety as they hit the streets every day. The recent attacks on Police Across the country are changing the way they patrol. This weekends deadly shooting in baton rouge is weighing heavy on the minds of Police Officers in the bay area. Oakland police are requiring their officers to pair up while on patrol. Its a safety measure put in place after the dallas ambush earlier this month. We always remain vigilant. We are always away and we have to assess. Now during these last several incidents it obviously heightens. We remain vigilant. We remain aware. But at the same time we realize we have a service to provide. Reporter the oakland Police Departments Intelligence Unit is also gathering information from agencies across the country looking for any threats here at home. So far none have come to light. In san jose officers are also doubling up because of the recent attacks. This morning mayor sam liccardo told us the department is on alert. Im confident that weve got a team in place that is going to be prepared, and thats not to say that horrible violent acts cannot happen regardless of how prepared you are. I think they are doing what they need to do to be prepared. Reporter tension between police and the community is clearly running high right now, but officers still have a job to do. In response to the baton rouge killings the San Francisco Police Officers association put out a statement saying, these acts of violence coldblooded and cowardly have the potential to drive a wedge between Law Enforcement officers and the communities that we serve, but we will not let this ham. We refuse to. Now, of course, putting two Police Officers into one patrol car, which they are doing in all the major Police Departments here in the bay area, means fewer cars on the streets. However, i did talk with a spokesperson for the Oakland Police department this morning and she says the departments response times have not changed since they put that particular safety measure into place, and they plan to continue this for the foreseeable future. Thank you. In baltimore, Police Lieutenant brian rice was acquitted of all charges in the death of freddie gray. Lieutenant rice was the highest ranking officer charged in the controversy case. Rice had been facing chargesful manslaughter and Reckless Endangerment stemming from a failure to put a seat belt on freddie gray in the back of a Police Transport van. Police say gray suffered a fatal neck injury on his way to a Police Station and his death sparked widespread protests. The next Police Officer scheduled so stand trial in the freddie gray case is officer Garrett Miller who faces misdemeanor charges. That trial is set to begin in nine days. Presumptive democratic nominee Hillary Clinton this morning condemned the killing of Police Officers in louisiana and texas. She called the deaths heartbreaking and a terrible crime. The ncaap conference where she was smoking, she said there is hard work ahead. She said, quote, the madness has to stop. She also repeated her previous calls for white americans to have more empathy for African Americans who fear encounters with police. We have difficult, painful, essential work ahead of us to repair the bonds between our police and our communities and between and among each other. We need one another. Clintons speech at the ncaap conference falls on the first day of the Republican National convention. Presumptive gop nominee donald trump was also invited to speak to the group. He declined the invitation. That Republican Convention is now underway this afternoon. Presumptive nominee donald trump has already made a surprise visit with plans to address the crowd before his wife melania speaks tonight. Caroline shively live outside the convention and joins us now. Reporter hi there. It is finally here. It is official. The rnc has been gaveled in. The headliner tonight is melania trump. Tight security as delegates and candidates arrive at the quicken loans arena. The rnc expected to draw protesters to the area. Inside the focus is on party unity which the Trump Campaign says will be a major theme through the convention. Our goal is to present a picture of donald trump that is broader than just the campaign impaneling that people have developed from the Prime Minister season. Reporter meanwhile, the democrats are doing their best to stop any momentum trump may gain from the convention, holding a number of events through the city to highlight what they say are dangerous policy proposals from the presumptive nominee. Donald trump can talk about trade, but he has his own manufacturing, much of it done in countries around the world. So its hard to belief that he really means believe that he really means what he says. Reporter it comes amid a series of High Profile Police shootings, including an incident in baton rouge that left three officers dead on sunday. Officials are ready to protect the city and they wont let the heightened tensions spiral into violence. Officers are more keen to things that are happening and our officers are told to be especially cautious during their tours. Reporter the final delegate count is set for tomorrow night, and then donald trump expected to take officially the mantle of the Republican Party on thursday night. Back to you. Caroline, hearing several hundred protesters already getting at it on this monday afternoon. How close are you to any of the protests going on right now . Reporter one of them that started this afternoon, thats our work Space Convention center. On the opposite side one of them started. Pretty peaceful. The other one is a bit further away. Its two and a half miles down there. That is smaller than we expected. I honestly thought we would have more clashes. It is just getting started. There is plenty of time for things to happen. So far pretty peaceful thanks to the thousands of Police Officers who have been on the streets here since before the weekend. Great to hear. Caroline shively in cleveland. And according to a new Associated Press poll most americans oppose Donald Trumps proposal to build a wall on the u. S. Border with mexico and support a path to citizen shim for undocumented immigrants. 60 of americans oppose the idea of a wall along the mexican border. 40 support it. When people were asked about providing a way for immigrants who are in the country illegally to become u. S. Citizens, 60 voiced support while 40 opposed. Ross polumbo is also in cleveland for the Republican National convention. We will have live reports from ross tonight on our newscast beginning on the 4 at 2 and all week long. All right. Getting word right now that the governor of louisiana, john edwards, is addressing the media regarding the recent shootings from yesterday. Three members of the Police Department as well as a deputy killed. Lets listen in now. They ran towards danger in order to render aid to fellow officers. Yesterday i visited with families at the hospital. I did so also last night. These were tremendous officers surrounded by loving families. These were good men. And we all know the story, but it bears repeating now. No greater love hath any man than to lay down his flavor others. So we are going to continue to mourn the loss of the three officers who were killed and were gonna pray for the recovery of the three injured officers. This was a diabolical attack on the very fabric of society, and that is not hyperbole, that is not an overstatement. There is nothing more fundamentally important than maintaining law and order so that people can have good quality lives, and thats what he attacked. The very fabric of our society. And that is not what justice looks like. Its not justice for alton sterling or anything else thats ever happened in this state or anywhere else. Its certainly not constructive. Its just pure unadulterated evil. Were gonna start our conversations here in louisiana and around our communities with community leaders, Law Enforcement, government officials, faith leaders so that we can find out together where we go from here. And there isnt any one of us who can fix this, but all of us can and will fix this problem. And certainly i dont have all the answers and i know that it wont happen overnight, but it will happen. And i know that were gonna come out of this stronger than ever and better than ever. There is no division in louisiana. And make no mistake and let there be no doubt, we support our Law Enforcement officers and our Law Enforcement agencies. At mass last night in the diocese of baton rouge they distributed the peace prayer of st. Francis of assisi. I want to go with the first two lines of that. Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me so love. The kind of love by all these Police Officers yesterday, and i want to direct your ascension as i sum up to the words of officer Montrell Jackson from a Facebook Post of july the 8th. And this is the last part of that post. Finally, i personally want to send prayers out to everyone directly affected by this tragedy. These are trying times. Please dont let hate infect your heart. This city must and will get better. Im working in these streets, so any protesters, officers, friends, family, or whoever, if you see me and need a hug or want to say a prayer, i got you. Im gonna be followed by colonel edmondson. He is going to give you more specific information, as will the other presenters here at this press conference, and then as i mentioned earlier listening in live this louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards calling the attack on Police Officers in his city a diabolical take on the very fabric of society, making a call for peace and understanding, saying taking the life of a Police Officer is in no way justice for the shooting death of alton sterling or anyone else. Also saying not what justice looks like. Pure, unadult rated evil. He also mentioned he traveled to the hospital to visit with the officers who are there, who are injured, and spoke with their families. Well continue to mourn the loss of our officers. That from the governor of louisiana. A uc Berkeley Student killed in the attack in france being remembered. The vigil is scheduled for 20yearold nick leslie as well as an update on the other students injured in that attack. Plus, cooler temperatures around the bay area. Meteorologist Steve Paulson will tell you how much cooler. Also, a warning for people in San Mateo County after several Mountain Lion sightings. Tonight the Pittsburg Police chief is set to present the highway 4 surveillance camera project to the city council. Crews have been installing 14 cameras along highway 4 in east Contra Costa County following highway shootings in that area. The cameras are expected to be activated this week. Tension is high between police and some members of their own communities in the wake of recent shootings. One program in the east bay is working to build a Good Relationship between officers and children. A camp is set up in the Oakland Hills where every summer the Oakland Police Activities League invites youth groups to camp out overnight. Officers and children Work Together in hopes of bridging any gaps and building relationships. Some of the officers say with recent tensions, this kind of bonding seems even more important. This is something that every Department Needs to do, especially nowadays, just the way the things are going on around the country. They are good people. Why . Because i know that im safe with them. They save peoples lives and they are fun. Feels great. Yeah. Yeah. No. See these kids having a good time . All of the officers at this camp volunteer their time to be there with the children. Happy monday afternoon, everybody. Happy cooler monday afternoon. Well, big fog bank made a really big surge inland this morning. Already beginning to burn back. Thats typical. Its going to be a cooler and breezy day. Now, we have had cool weather here, just me said if the Weather Forecast models are correct, we better enjoy this cool weather before the real heat next weekend and beyond . Well, maybe. Maybe. It will warm up. Today and tomorrow will be the coolest days of the week. There are signs by the weekend inland temps could jump up. It will be warmer than it is now. We will see if it gets warmer or hot. Right now its a cooler pattern. A much cooler pattern. 60s, 50s around the bay and 70s for most inland. Of course, there is always some that stay in the 80s. Tough to cool some locations around this time of year. Livermore down 4. San jose down 5 from 80 to 75. San jose that 75 is way below average for this time of year. 97 in 1998. Good ten degrees below average for some. You know it has to level off. There are some breaks, holes in the low clouds. The water temps on the cool side. San francisco buoy up a teeny bit. Bodega bay holding steady. These are average but cooler than last july. Maxing out on the fog bank today. If not today, then tomorrow. The onshore breeze continues to be place west at oakland. West at hayward. Roaring out to the delta. Thats the key. Most temperatures are running a little bit below average compared to 24 hours ago. If you have the low clouds, you are held up a little bit. The trend is one to three to five degrees cooler. The moisture is trying to work in. Fog in southern california. The sierra continues to be thunderstorm are free. It is windy at times, but this system swinging in brushes all that off towards new mexico. So fog or sun. A little breezy. Windy for some. Below average temps. Much cooler inland. Thats the main impact. The coast has been cool for a while. 60s, 70s, very low 80s. Thats a beautiful day. 82 clear lake. Some low 80s pittsburg, antioch and brentwood. 60s around the bay. 70s for many. These are far below average. San jose, morgan hill, gilroy, santa clara thats a cool pattern this time of year. 50s, 60s, coast. 60s in the city. South San Francisco 60s and 70s. Looks like a cool pattern through probably wednesday. Then there are signs of a warm up. We will see how much as we head towards the weekend. More coming up in 20 minutes or so. There is a warning for people live in parts of San Mateo County after a Mountain Lion was seen walking down the sidewalk right there near homes last night. Ktvus janine de la vega reports residents called police who are now spreading the word about staying safe. Reporter we spoke with several pet owners in this neighborhood where the Mountain Lion was sighted and they say they are not bringing their little dogs out when it gets dark. As you can see, its very residential. This is near sarah high school. There is a summer camp running nearby. Many of the people seem to be aware of that Mountain Lion sighting. Here is a picture of what police are calling either a juvenile Mountain Lion or possibly a bobcat. It was seen at 8 last night on west 20th and la salle drive. Police were immediately called and they set up a perimeter to find the big cat. Officers had people in the area shelter in place while they searched for an hour, but they were unable to locate it. Police did return in the morning and searched the schools and neighborhoods just as a precaution. Our hope is always that we dont have to shoot and kill an animal. Its a matter of public safety. We will take appropriate action. But we have shown in the past where we have been able to coordinate and even coordinate with fish and game and have them respond to tranquilize. Thats our hope, is to revolve it with the lowest level of force. Reporter another Mountain Lion was spotted by a sheriffs deputy last night at 9 30 in poretolo valley. It ran away. Last thursday another big cat seen in the same area. If you live in a rule area, do not feed the deer. Thats gonna attract Mountain Lions. Also, avoid hiking or jogging in wooded areas when they are most active at dusk, night, and at dawn. Another recommendation. Keep your pets inside during those times as well. If you encounter a Mountain Lion, dont run. Instead, face the animal, make noise, try to look bigger by even waving your hands or throwing something. Reporting from san mateo, janine de la vega, ktvu fox 2 news. Coming up, the big day for private Space Company spacex after a successful morning launch of a rocket from florida. New at noon, the chp announced it made an arrest connected to a sideshow that shut down traffic on the bay bridge yesterday. That happened around 3 30 in the afternoon. These are pictures of the sideshow that the chp shared with us. A woman stuck in traffic called Highway Patrol and gave a description of the vehicles involved. Based on that Information Officers pulled two of the cars over. One was cited and released. Another was arrested and had his vehicle impounded. The private Space Company spacex had a big morning after the successful Early Morning launch of a falcon 9 rocket from florida. The rocket booster landed safely and vertically. Take a look at the left. Thats where you see what it looked like from a distance. The right side is the viewpoint of the rocket as it touches back down on the pad. The second time a booster used for an actual launch has safely done that. The dragon spacecraft that the rocket sent into space is delivering two and a half tons of supplies to the International Space station. Teslas ceo says the company is taking steps that could improve the autopilot system. Elon musk is working with suppliers to make changes to the driver assisted system. Musk says he has talked with the German Company that makes the radar for autopilot. He says its possible a, quote, significant improvement could be sent to cars using wireless. He says he also is talking to other suppliers about changes. He also tweeted he stands behind autopilot and all criticism should be directed at tesla. Not its suppliers. Teslas stock by the way up almost 3 . Taking a look back at the opening bell and ahead to markets where they stand right now half an hour ahead of the close. Green, but not that much green. The dow up just a fraction of 1 . S p on the plus side by a quarter of one percent. Nasdaq gaining one full percent. The latest on the investigation into last weeks deadly attack in france. What a relative of the suspect is now saying about his links to a terror network. Also, there is a vigil planned today, this afternoon to remember one of the victims. The uc Berkeley Student who was studying abroad. And after nearly 50 years, a vietnam war veteran receives a top honor. We will tell you about how he risked his life to save dozens of soldiers. At at t, we believe in access. 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We are also learning, in addition to the two rifles and a handgun, the gunman was armed with authorities are saying that the baton rouge shooter who killed the three officers was in the city looking for a location to specifically target police. Again these are pictures taken from the scene of that deadly shooting. We just heard the governor say that he has met with the families of those fallen officers and called the act of the killing, the three officers, a diabolical attack on the very fabric of our society. As we get new information, we will bring it to you here on ktvu fox 2 and on ktvu. Com. A moment of silence to remember the victims of last thursdays attack. Franch president Francios Hollande was among those taking part. 84 people were killed last week when a man drove a truck into a crowd of people gathered for bastille day celebrations. The driver was also firing a weapon. So far 13 people have been not yet been identified and 59 others are still in the hospital, including 29 in intensive care. Now to the latest on the investigation. Yesterday a man and a woman were detained accused of helping the attacker obtain a pistol found in that truck. Also the Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for the attack, but investigators say they have not confirmed that the attacker was actually linked to any particular network. However, the mans uncle claims he was radicalized about two weeks ago by an algerian member of the Islamic State group in nice. Among those killed, uc Berkeley Student nick leslie. He was in france taking part in a Study Abroad Program with the university. A vigil is going to get underway in a few thursday remember him. Ktvus brian flores was at the cal campus with more on todays vigil as well as an update on the other students injured in the attack. Reporter a vigil is scheduled at 4 30 this afternoon here on the campus of uc berkeley to remember the life of 20yearold Nicolas Leslie. For organizers they say this is an opportunity for those that know him to heal and remember his life. The fbi confirmed to uc berkeley officials that indeed 20yearold Nicolas Leslie was one of the People Killed on bastille day day in france last thursday. Was studying abroad in france. According to the university he was set to begin studies at the school of business in the fall. He was a graduate of Torrey Pines High School in san diego. The other students injured, 23 yearold vladyslav kostiuk had a broken leg. 20yearold diane huang had a broken foot. They have been released from the hospital. 21yearold daryus madora had a broken leg. Reaction through social media also. This was on the uc Berkeley Facebook page. A person wrote, hope this madness stops and we dont see lives cut short so abruptly. Rip Nicolas Leslie and prayers to his family, friends, and the uc berkeley community. We spoke with students who are heartbroken over whats happening in the world. Its pretty stressful. I have a lot of friends abroad in other countries and here abroad. Its a scary feeling that we are not safe at home or out there. My heart hurts. Reporter two weeks ago another cal student, 18year old sophomore tarishi jain, was killed in a terrorist attack in bangladesh. She was one of 20 hostages killed. She was an economics major here at the university. Berkeley says that counselors have been sent to nice, france, to help about 60 Berkeley Students who are a part of this program. Some have decided to return home, but again this vigil for Nicolas Leslie scheduled for 4 30 this afternoon on the campus of uc berkeley. Brian flores, ktvu fox 2 news. In turkey there was more deadly violence tied to the attempted coup. Security forces killed a shoulder who they say opened fire on a courthouse. It came as two dozen men accused of planning the coup appeared in court. Government officials are now weighing the punishment for the violence, which left more than 232 people dead. The attempt to overthrow the government. 27 generals suspected to be behind the coup making an appearance in court today. All suspects wearing handcuffs and under tight security as they faced questioning by turkish prosecutors. Turkish officials speaking out on the violence. Turkeys Prime Minister said he no answer for the conference and repeating calls for the u. S. To extradite fethullah gulen. We would be disappointed if our friends told us to show proof, although the person they call leader is the one managing and administering. Reporter secretary of state john kerry in belgium saying the u. S. Will consider a request for extradition if turkey presents a Strong Enough case. I urged the foreign minister to make sure that in whatever portfolio and request they send us, they send us evidence. Reporter the turkish president says turkey may reinstate Capital Punishment for the steps of those involved. It was abolished in 2004 as part of the countrys bid to join the european union. No country can become a eu member state if it introduces death penalty. Reporter secretary kerry said that nato is monitoring the situation here and quote unquote measuring very carefully what is happening. In istanbul, john huddy, fox news. President obama honored a vietnam war veteran this morning with the medal of honor nearly 50 years after his heroic act. Lieutenant colonel Charles Kettle landed his helicopter many times under fire. He saved the lives of 44 soldiers. It happened in 1967 when soldiers were trapped. He was one of several pilots who volunteered to fly a rescue mission. The whole mission is worth it simply nothing else, to get those 44 men out of there. It was successful in that regard to minimize the losses. And thats the only thing that really matters. During the last airlift, a pilot radioed everyone had been brought out. Kettles received another call that eight soldiers remained behind. He returned by himself and without guns to pick them up, even though his helicopter was so badly damaged it could hardly fly. A new commemorative coin from president obama. The original was stolen during a Home Invasion robbery in richmond last month, ktvus azimuth smith was there as betty soskin received the new coin and talked about what the experience meant to her. [ applause ]. Reporter to a standing ovation, betty soskin all smiles for receiving something she says meant so much to her, proudly showing off a new president ial coin replaced by president obama. To get it back, i dont know how i can tell you because that was the moment in my personal history that just stood out so much. Reporter the original coin among items stolen back on june 27th when an intruder broke into the 94yearolds rich home and assaulted her. She locked herself in the bathroom, plugging in an iron preparing to brand him. The coin given to her last november by president obama. She introduced him at the National Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony at the white house. It was at that moment i thought it was stolen from me, and secretary jewel in giving it back to me reestablished that memory. And thats incredible. Reporter she is an inspiration to everyone that meets her. Myself included. And she was an inspiration to the president and the first family. Along with the coin, a letter from the president. Dear betty, i was deeply saddened to hear everything you have been through recently. Reporter thanking her for her service and resilience. She tells us the painful experience is behind her wiped away by the welcome she received when she returned to work last wednesday. She was guided to the World War Ii National historical park. Its an experience that taught her she had strength in herself she didnt know she had. It took a couple of weeks to get rid of the bruises. But they are gone now, and i think even the internal bruises are gone. She also says she plans to keep her new coins safe and secure. As for the person who robbed her, so far no arrests have been made. She got that replacement coin at a ceremony in concord to mark the 72nd anniversary of the port chicago disaster. Most of the workers killed were africanamerican men enlisted in the navy. They were loading munitions on to a cargo ship at the port. A month later others refused to continue loading the ships, saying it was too dangerous. 50 of them were courtmartialed for mutiny and sentenced to long prison terms. It raised concerns of Racial Discrimination in the navy. The incredible tragedy of lives lost should never be forgotten. The aftermath and what it led to, that being the deseg race of the navy and entire armed forces was a significant moment in history. That former military base is being developed as a park. It will be jointly operated by the east Bay Regional Park District and the National Parks service. It will include a memorial. A walnut creek creek Police Officer and k9 officer are being treated for injuries after a rampage by a suspected dui hitandrun driver. The suspect crashed head on in a Police Vehicle after 10 00 saturday night. It happened at parkside drive and hillside avenue right there near interstate 680. According to investigators, the driver, 33yearold Rolando Gonzalez of walnut creek, had just hit a pedestrian a few minutes earlier and drove off. After hitting the Police Vehicle, gonzalez was found naked hiding in some bushes. Police used tasers, shot him with beanbags, sent in the police dog. The dog was stabbed several times with a sharp object. The officer and his k9 partner are expected to fully recover. Gonzalez was booked on several charges, including felony hit andrun, dui, and assault with a deadly weapon. Still ahead we will introduce you to a group of hockey players who are not letting anything get in their way of hitting the ice. A paddleboarders incredible encounter with a whale on Half Moon Bay caught on camera. What she says about that meeting. The doping agency is recommending banning russian athletes from the rio olympics. Investigators say russia has cheat inside its athletic programs and they should be kicked out of the summer games. A report found russia operated a state sponsored doping program in sochi in 2014. The San Francisco giants probably happy to get out of san diego after being on the wrong end of a nohitter yesterday. Johnny cueto on the hill for the giants. Lasted five innings. He allowed four runs, including two padre solo shots in the fourth inning. The giants though did get a threerun home run by Conor Gillaspie in the seventh to break up Edwin Jacksons bid for the nono. The padres went on to win 53. The giants off today and start an interleague series tomorrow in boston. The oakland as fell to the Toronto Blue Jays yesterday at the coliseum. They lost two pitchers starter rich hill and long reliever Andrew Triggs due to injuries early in the game. Sean manaya pitched five innings of emergency relief. He gave up a tworun homer to Troy Tulowitzki in the fourth. He tied the game but former athletic Josh Donaldson knocked in the winning run in the ninth. Two members of the San Jose Earthquakes have been named no Major League Soccers allstar game. Chris wondolowski will play as well as david bingham. It takes place a week from thursday. A group of dedicated hockey players is proving that age is just a number when it comes to hitting the ice. Ktvus Christien Kafton caught up with some star players at the snoopy senior world tournament underway in san jose. Reporter the chill in the air and the sound of blades on ice. It must be hockey season. But the snoopy senior world tournament features more seasoned athletes. While the youngest players are here are 40 years old, there is no upper limit as mark showed us. Youre a little bit over 40 . Just slightly. Another day i will be 95. Reporter he was a hot commodity as a free agent. I transferred over from another team i had been playing with for years. The diamond team. It was that kind of thing that went on for a few years. Reporter you were the rookie phenom and they were trying to pull you to their team . You might say that. Reporter the games are played in santa rosa. Charles schulz jersey still hangs. He worked alongside schultz. Sparky to his friends. Sparky asked me to put this Team Together 20 years ago. I worked on it. He worked on this logo and this logo here. Reporter he says the artist started the league as a way to stay in the game himself and give the gift of hockey to those who still wanted to lace up the skates. I remind everybody that it was sparky, charles schulz, that put this all together and promoted this and gave this to the community. Reporter while these athletes are getting up there in years, it hasnt killed their competitive spirit. Thats the guinness book of world records. 95yearold guy gets a roughing penalty . Reporter organizers say everyone is welcome to watch. The tournament runs through week with the winners in each age bracket awarded next weekend. In santa rosa, Christien Kafton, ktvu fox 2 news. Basketball fans are remembering nba legend nate thurman. He died saturday after losing a battle with leukemia. Thurman was chosen by the Golden State Warriors as the third overall draft pick in 1963. He played 11 seasons right here before heading off to chicago and then cleveland. He holds the warriors record as the alltime leading rebound. Nate thurmanen was 74 years old. Well, on this monday afternoon a significant cooldown occurred. That started a little bit on the weekend. Really kind of kicked in on sunday. It has made it right into monday and tuesday. Fog, drizzle this morning. By that fog, it went well inland. Also a couple tropical systems. Darby is falling apart. It was heading towards the hawaiian islands. I dont think it will be much. Water temps are cooler. Estelle is tracking a little more to the north, but not towards cabo well, some outer bands towards cabo or la paz. Much cooler today and tomorrow. Probably bottoming out today order tomorrow. 50s, 60s. I mean, really cool around the bay with a lot of 70s inland. Temperatures 10 degrees below average. San jose is one. Today 75. Average is 84. San francisco is 61. Average is 66. So there are some cool readings here. So its below by the coast, in the city, and also inland. The lows are where they should be. The highs continue to be below average. Fog heading back to the coast. I think it will be back tonight and tomorrow. Not as extensive. If it is, its going to fizzle out. Water temps where they should be. 51 to 56, 57. San francisco buoy up a little bit. That generates that fog you get. Any heat in the valley, the onshore breeze it in place. Everythings there. The delta is just howling. Turbocharged towards fairfield and vacaville. Temperatures inland are running a little bit cooler than 24 hours ago. Some if you had the low cloud deck a little above. Overall trend it below. Monsoon moisture in arizona, but not into southern california. Not in southern nevada. It sure as heck isnt in the sierra nevada. Windy at times, but skies are generally clear. Thats a far cry from last year. Thunderstorms would pop up. Fog. Get the morning fog. Night and morning fog. That takes us to tuesday. More drizzle tomorrow. Temperatures below average for one more day. Then i think start to level things off towards wednesday and thursday. Start to bump up those inland temps. Breezy, blustery for some. 50s, 60s. Look at that coast and bay. 70s for many inland or very, very low 80s. Not much change tuesday. Looks like the coast stays about the same. Inland temps they are going to bump up. Could get hot, he says, as we head towards the weekend, you guys. A paddleboarder had a Close Encounter with a whale off the San Mateo County coast. Take a look at this video. This was shot by viviana guzman. She is a flutist. While she was playing her flute on her paddleboard, all of a sudden a young humpback whale bumped into her. She says she was very startled by the whale, as i imagine we all would be. She was surprised, maybe a little proud she actually managed to stay on the paddleboard. Very interesting. Very cool to see. Coming up, the california state fair underway in sacramento. What the fair is doing to attract more attendees. We have shown you how the president has condemned the violence against Police Officers and urged for calm in communities with relations are calm between Police Officers and civilians. Discussing ways to build bridges today on the 4 at 2. We talk to a bay area chief back from a summit about what the president says needs to happen to increase Community Policing efforts. Just a few minutes away from the closing bell. U. S. Stocks edging higher. Afternoon trading on this monday. Tech stocks leading the way. The dow right now is up 17 points. The nasdaq up 28. The s p up just 5 points. For the second consecutive week animated pets were the top dog at the box office. Good morning, max. Any plans today . I am gonna sit here and wait for katie to come back. The secret life of pets a favorite bringing in about 50 million in ticket cease. The remaking of the 1984 classic ghostbusters opened up over the weekend but came in second with 46 million. At number three the legend of tarzan with 11 million. California state fair in sacramento is attracting big crowds this clear, including many pokemon go players. They are Holding Pokemon today. There are monday stops across the fair ground site. Many of the fair attendees are paying admission just to play pokemon go. I saw pikachu earlier and i was for about 15 minutes i was looking for that. Pokestops every ten feet. Its goodness a lot of people are playing it. A 50 increase from sales from last year at the state fair. It runs through sunday. You have never been there . I have once. Its great. I wonder if that was the same year i was working there . I think it might be, given our ages. One of my first jobs delivering food to the booths and we would drive back to San Francisco for a pick up, back to sacramento. We were off by 2 00. I didnt corn dogs in the deal . There may have been a couple, gasia. Thats right. Thanks for joining mike and i at noon. Watch ktvu later on this afternoon for the 4 on 2. Have a good one. Dr. Oz extreme diets. The bizarre things people eat to lose weight. I have everything. Dr. Oz is this about losing weight or something deeper . And why do you think you do it . A revealing look into the dark side of some diets. Plus. 64 days. Dr. Oz then she finally find out why. It took us 25 grueling months to get a proper diagnosis. R. Oz coming up next. Ell save lives today. Get healthy [cheering]

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