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Gunned down. Police say the suspect stopped to reload his gun at a bus stop and shooting a total of 16 rounds were fired. Investigators say theyve been looking for him for about one week after he shot two security guards at a motel 6 last thursday night. Unprovoked he shot one of those security guards unarmed. He then turned that firearm on a Second Security guard that was up on the stairwell landing and attempted to shoot him. However fortunately he was out of bullets at that time. Police say he had a previous record and some association with gangs. Now to reporter liz gonzalez who is in fresno. We are expecting another update from the police chief. Have you learned anything more about the gunmans motive . At this point, we are waiting to hear that from the police chief. I can tell you right now that this is a person who had posted antigovernment and antiwhite sentiment on social media. We are here where it happened earlier in the day. This was in virtual parking lot and now you can see evidence markers are out here. They are still taking measurements and gathering evidence. For most of the morning this street has been blocked off. I talked to one person who had been fired at this morning. He was telling me that he didnt recognize the gunman at all. The man just walked up to him and started shooting. He said by the grace of god he was not hit. Another witness tells me he was sitting in his car and his wife had just gotten out to visit an attorney when he saw a well dressed man walking by. He said he wouldnt have thought anything about the man and tells you saw him pull a gun out of his waist and shot a man who he believed to be a homeless man. He was walking across the street , the homeless man and shot him in the back once. He fell to the ground and according to the witness he shot him again when he was on the ground. He then went to a bus stop down the street and started asking the folks while pointing a gun at them and opened fire at another person. We have three people shot tonight this morning here in central fresno. The one thing police are saying they have in common is that they are all white. They are saying he had lyrics referencing tearing carrying off some killings but nothing indicating when or where that would happen. I want to mention that police are crediting technology for helping them get a handle on the situation as quickly as they did. This is technology that can detect the sounds of shots being fired. They are saying that if it wasnt for that they would not have been able to be here in a matter of minutes. This was all in the span of just one minute according to that technology. In central fresno, ktvu fox2 news. What can you tell us about the suspect now . How did officers find him and how was he taken into custody . Officers are telling us that they responded here because of the technology on some of these streetlights. They saw him walking down the street. They recognized him from different accounts that they had been given. They saw him walking down the street. They told him to get on the floor and he threw himself on the ground. As you heard, they say he was taken into custody and he screamed and then they took him away. I want to go back to the gentlemen who were shot out but wasnt hit. Can you talk more about what he said . He was just walking down the street in this guy started firing . Did the guy say anything or any specific details on what this man told you . It was absolutely wild. This man was telling me he was walking across the street. You just walking across the street to his truck like anybody what. He said this man came up to him and he did say he had a crease look on his face. He grabbed the gun and shot at him. This is a man who by the way is very familiar with weapons and described he recognized at 357 magnum revolver. The man ran and he was shot at three times. He had behind a pillar. I just saw him go down the street. Another woman said she saw this man walked by and didnt know what to make of it. She saw him carrying the gun but apparently he put it away because the second witness said he didnt see a gun and then song and pull it out from his waistband. This is a man who they describe to of had a crazed look on his face but not saying much. We mentioned one of the victims was a man. What were the other two victims quick we do not know. The only one we know about was the one who appeared to be homeless walking down the street. Thats the only gender we know. We do not know about the pg e worker, as for the other one, we do not know. The victim from the motel 6 shooting was a male as well. We are waiting to get more information. Liz gonzalez, thank you for your information tonight. Derek carr tweeted i love the city of fresno and will forever. Im so sad to hear what happened there. Stay strong, fresno. Praying for you. Stay with us for continuing coverage. We will bring you the very latest as well as on our mobile app and ktvu. Com the massive manhunt for a killer in the midwest came to an end today. The man suspected of killing a random man in cleveland a posting a video of the killing on facebook. Today he felt himself after being cornered by police. Police say it was an employee at mcdonald drivethrough who recognized and called police. State troopers located him shortly after the call. The officers managed to corner him after a brief chase. Police say at that point Steve Stephens pulled out a handgun and killed himself. We are grateful to the people that gave this tip to the Pennsylvania State police. We are grateful that this has ended. We would have preferred that it had not ended this way. There are lots of questions i am sure that not only the family but the city in general would have had for Steve Stephens police say he was having trouble with his girlfriend and had significant gambling debts. Mark zuckerberg spoke out about the killing today at the Facebook Developers conference in san jose. Coming up tonight at 6 30, his comments on how they can track harmful content posted online. Police in pleasanton are looking for an 11yearold boy who has been messing for the soutsville less of allow for hours. Daniel romeo was last seen on Highland Oaks drive. Is wearing a red jacket over a black shirt and jeans the blue jeans. He is five feet tall and weighs 80 pounds with brown hill and brown eyes. If you see him, Pleasanton Police say call 911 or give them a call new at 6 00, legislation to reform the bail bond industry is moving forward. The measure pace it would allow a judge to determine which suspects are potentially dangerous and keep them in jail. Anyone else would be released on their own recognizance. The east bay hoop road it say a favors people with money and victimizes the poor. There was widespread agreement that there is a problem. Thats punishing people for being poor which is wrong. A number of bail bondsman and women testified against the bill. They say that thousands of jobs would be lost of this measure goes into law. President trump signed an executive order which is called buy america, hire american. The president signed the order at a factory in wisconsin. New restrictions on Foreign Workers. It requires federal agencies to produce reports on how to change the h1b visa program. Many Tech Companies rely on that program to hire engineers , programmers and other employees. We are sending a powerful signal to the world. We will defend our workers and protect our jobs and finally put america first. Each Year Companies in the us recruit and hire about 85,000 Foreign Workers under the h1b visa program. The president wants to make the requirements more stringent saying this has taken jobs from American Workers in driven down wages. Companies are anxious to figure out what impact the executive order may have. Inside this building a palo alto a business that requires a lot of h1b visas. Its an it firm founded in india is where the top recipients of the temporary work visa program. It is unclear the impact the order will have here and beyond. President trump has said he wants to look into the lottery system and hire American Workers first. Specific changes are unclear. The optimism in this room is the same incredible spirit that is sweeping across our country. In the bay area one immigration attorney said local companies are nervous and worried about their current work force and how they will keep staff going forward. Our clients are concerned. A h1b that is a temporary work permit for a total of six years. According to one online database california leads the nation with the most h1b visas and four of the top 10 cities in california are in the bay area. San francisco, San Francisco, sunnyvale our home to thousands of workers with h1b visas. The googles and apples and in tales. It is common in Silicon Valley to hire immigrants on h1b visas. Especially workers from india and china it happens we dont have enough americans with these kinds of skills which is why we go into this international pool. The top occupations for these visas in california are Software Developers and computer analyst. The visas are given out to attorneys, doctors, physical therapists and accountants. They there are between 50 or 1000 tech jobs that can be fell because of a skilled worker shortage. There is concern that change in the process will exacerbate the process. The tech sector has been adamant that we need to leave this in place. We will see how the president s order will take shape. Ktvu fox2 news. Coming up, renters rights in the bay areas biggest city. The latest on the plan that could stop landlords from evicting tenants without cause. This is a moral issue at this point. The council need to do right by the people they say it represents. We are tracking showers we had this morning. Or showers, rain in fact, for the forecast on your wednesday. I will let you know the timing on that. The sharks could really use a win. They could use a goal or two tonight and we look ahead to a pivotal game for against the oilers. The sharks are up for game four. Its not a must one gambit definitely a big one. The sharks are currently down two games to one against the edmonton oilers. The puck drops less than one hour from now. We are at the shark tank tonight. The problem is simple, they havent scored a goal in two games. That would be a big problem especially in the nhl playoffs. Its a good time they score that overtime goal or things would be dicey. You dont need a phd in hockey playoffs to understand whats going on here. You can see the simon light and is doing nothing. It has done nothing for the last two games. The sharks havent scored a goal. Thats a light that goes on when they do. They need to rectify that early and often in game four against the oilers. They had a problem getting good scoring chances. They had 39 shots in the last two games which is not enough. The power play has been anemic there. This is a team that went to the stanley cup finals last year. They are no strangers to adversity. Last year they did not trail and either of the first two series. They were down 1nothing in the western conference so this is a different animal and it will be incumbent upon the experience in that dressing room to prevail. Last year i think was a prime example. Theres going to be a little adversity throughout any playoff series and anyone that you have. Theres a little adversity around the face. Its no different right now. This is a Good Opportunity for us to take. Any kind of a deep run has some adversity. When you are on those teams you look back and say that you remember when you were in that spot and how do we handle it and who stepped up . That is where we are at and we are expecting some big games that have some people tonight. You get an idea of the advantage. The visiting fans tend to get here early. This is where the oilers head out to the ice. A large gathering. They are loud and their team was awfully good the last couple of games. Their psyche early tonight. I hope this will help fire them up a little bit. The playoffs are also underway with the warriors neck skin tomorrow night against the trailblazers. Kevin durrant may have to sit out because he lighters beat the blazers in game one and tomorrows game is also. San Francisco Giants manager bruce bochy is recovering following minor heart surgery. The giant said he underwent a procedure in san diego after feeling discomfort due to an atrial flutter. The surgery was successful and bruce bochy will plan before joining the team in colorado on friday. Ron wotus will manage the giants next to games in kansas city. Sky fox is over where a large sinkhole is growing. You can see several large tarps are over that sinkhole. It is located behind the Bay Park Retirement Community on appian way. There are homes there as well but no evacuations. These sinkholes are indicative of a symptom of all the rain that we have had. Its been a record rainfall year in soils get moist and then that soil begins to expand and absorb water especially in the east bay. Thats why places in that area, you get slumping and sliding. We had some rain today. Drizzle more than anything. A beautiful day. The last couple days, and then today a much nicer day. We did have some sprinkles this morning but it was much more sunshine and warm. Upper 60s out there. The pattern continues. Here is the next system. Here is the last system. Here is the next system. The generalized flow coming right at us is going to stay unsettled through tomorrow. With that said, on wednesday not a bad day. At the end of the day mostly cloudy and then a chance of showers especially in the north day. Tomorrow like today warmer than it was today. Right now it is 65 in nampa but tomorrow it could be 68 degrees. Rain in the forecast for wednesday night. I will get specific with that and look at the five day forecast. Today was sentencing day for three drifters convicted of two bay area killings. You became coldblooded murderers. And so now prepared to pay for its. Up next, todays emotional hearing in a courtroom. Dramatic rescue. On the chp was able to rescue a man who got stuck on the cliff. You have a new option to watch ktvu fox2 news. Watch the 11 00 news right after the 10 00 news. The chp rescued a man yesterday on a cliff. The man tried to climb up the cliff from the beach at murray point and got stuck about three 30 feet from the top. The fire crew try to reach them but decided a Helicopter Rescue would be quicker and safer. They took the man to a landing zone for police and fire personnel were waiting. Three former drifters were sentence for two high profile murders in 2015. We were in san rafael in the courtroom today for that emotional hearing. Inside a marin county courtroom heartwrenching expressions of grief, pain and anger. And the violence that you craved, you became coldblooded murderers. And so now, prepare to pay for its. Located carter was addressing the three people who admitted killing her husband steve carter. The judge asked us not to photograph today pleaded guilty to shooting carter as he was walking his dog on a hiking trail in 2015. The dog was also shot but survived. The grief and pain and trauma that your actions have caused me personally have been too much to bear. The three killers looked down at the table while carter spoke. They killed steve carter two days after shooting audrey kerry and golden gate park. Kerry was visiting San Francisco from canada. The three drifters had befriended her. One of her killers who was 18 at the time of the crimes read an apology. I am so sorry for what i did. The decisions that i made and the undescribable pain that i caused to others. It is something i think about every single day. Carter was unmoved. It left me with nothing. Its pretty much left me with nothing. After the statements the judge handed down previously agreedupon sentences. Morrison lampley who was said to be the gunman, 100 years to life in prison. Lila alligood, 50 years to life and sean engel who testified against the other two received 15 years to life. No punishment however harsh to do justice to these crimes that were committed. The crimes were unforgivable. Reporter the drifters are headed off to prison but as a relative of steve carter said those sentences are nothing compared to what the relatives of the victims must base for the rest of their lives. Ktvu fox ktvu fox2 news. Ktvu fox2 news at 6 30 is next with the controversial vote in the south bay. Its a hot topic at tonight city council meeting. The message today from facebook founder mark zuckerberg. Shock more than a century later, a push to create a lasting memorial for those who died in the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. Stay with us, ktvu fox2 news at 6 30 is next. Hey allergy muddlers are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool . Try zyrtec® its starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. Stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. Youre going to be hanging out in here. So if you need anything, text me. Do you play . Use the chase mobile app to send money in just a tap, to friends at more banks then ever before. You got next . Chase. Helping you master whats now and whats next. Fresno police say today shooting rampage that killed three people in the downtown area was not connected to terrorism. That were came from the Fresno Police chief. Officers say they arrested a 39 yearold man shortly after those shootings. He expressed on facebook his dislike for white people

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