Situation so we look forward, ace just said, to seeing them in court. Thanks, guys. Reporter [inaudible] no, this is just a decision that came down but we will win the case. Reporter have you conferred with your new attorney general on this . No, i havent. We just heard the decision. Reporter how did you find out about the dizzy, mr. President . We just sought like you did. Reporter via the news, the media . But its a decision that well win, in my opinion very easily. Reporter the attorney general for the state of washington also reacted calling the courts refusal to reinstate the travel ban a win for washington and the country. This is a complete victory for the state of washington. The 9th Circuit Court of appeals in a unanimous decision effectively granted everything we sought. We are a nation of laws. And as i have said, as we have said, from day one, those laws apply to everybody in our country, and that includes the Vice President the United States. And also tweeting tonight is californias senator kamala harris. She wrote, the fight is not over but this is a great victory for our values. The judges said they acknowledge there is strong Public Opinion on both sides but also said the ideas behind the ban, quote, run contrary to the fundamental structure of our constitutional democracy. So can dierks whats next here . Thats the big question now. Based on the president s reaction it sounds like the administration is going to appeal and fight to reinstate this ban. Sought can go before the Supreme Court. Now, however, the ban is set to expire in 90 days. So it would likely run its course before it even gets to that point. Candice nguyen in our newsroom, thank you. Still to come we are going to talk more about this decision with our political expert brian sobel and our con tie stewingsal expert david levine. Now to the latest in a series of storms drenching the bay area. People who live in Sonoma County are watching rising creeks and rivers, particularly the Russian River. Our 89 guerneville saw flooded our crew in guerneville saw flooded rivers. Another trouble spot tonight is highway 37 in marin county. The westbound lanes were already closed due to persistent flooding. Thats forcing traffic to make a detour to get to highway 101. Caltrans shut down the eastbound lanes heading towards sears point around 2 30 this afternoon. And right now there is no estimate on when highway 37 will reopen. Chief meteorologist bill martin here now. How much more rain could we see tonight . Its mostly done. As we head into the next few hours the rain is moving through the south bay. The heaviest rain is through the north bay which is the biggest concern area because of the Russian River projected to go above flood stage by seven feet tomorrow but these are some of the accumulations over the last 24 hours. Almost two inches in santa rosa. A little less than that last store. More rainfall accumulations at redwood city. Heres the deal. I think we bought a bit of a break. We do have some flood warnings on places like the Russian River and the napa river but this system kept moving which is very good, because if the hadnt, if it stalled out, like that was one of our concerns last night, it would be a different story. Right now the heaviest rain is south from san jose. Lets loop in the last six hours. What you will see is this progressing through the area. Thats a powerful storm, and it wants to slow down a little bit here in the south bay. You see it is lingering there. Thats one of the concerns. You want to get that out of there before you have problems over by San Lorenzo River in santa cruz. They have seen over three inches of rain in the mountains. The good news is that this thing is moving through, and theres no heavy rain anticipated behind it. So for areas north and east of palo alto, right now you are in the clear, and it looks as though you may just see a few scattered showers. Right now the Golden Gate Bridge even seeing the sun peek through. Really good news. A lot of rain, especially over the last 48 hours. When i come back we will talk about our forecast. A few more showers but nothing like this. We will talk about the mountains, too, where they have had so much rain there melting the snow in feet, and thats causing problems. Team coverage of the storm continues with more on the problems. Ktvus rob roth is in orinda where a mudslide slammed into a home. Lets start with tom vacar where authorities shut down highway 37. Tom. Reporter the big difference this time is that the chp is out here. What they are doing is quite interesting. They are allowing traffic to go through, otherwise its this trade of i go, you go, i go, gow. What the Police Officer is doing, he is waving this traffic through. This is the rushhour traffic. Whats happening is they are able to get back on highway 37 very quickly, and the cars that are coming off of highway 37 for the detour, because they cannot go any farther west, theyre being made to wait for just a little bit, but then they go out in mass. What that does is it speeds up the entire process, and it is much, much less difficult for people to get through this than it has been the last two times this was closed for multiple days. Having said that, the real concern is with the land, and that may be an oman of bad things to come. Several homes below the hillside that destroyed one of them are in great peril tonight. Relentless rain fell on the barron hill all day long sending an orange liquid laiden with chunks of hillside down to its base. Burkely engineer alan kropp says thats a real danger sign. Material is being removed from the hill which is further destabilizing the slope. Houses that are uphill or houses that are to the side could be at risk at this point. Reporter where water has an easy path downhill, it is coming down as few have ever seen. Its pretty incredible. I have never seen it this big in the past 10 years that i have lived here. Yeah, pretty crazy. Usually its just a small stream. Normally its kind of like a small stream but right now its like almost a river. Reporter but where theres no clear path through the water, the water cuts one. Simple fact is it has been raining so hard for so long now that the ground is so thoroughly saturated that just about any hillside is an excellent candidate for a major slide. And the more it rains, the greater the danger. I do have a significant concern at this point that we are going to see broader house land slides occur. Reporter at highway 37 you can see the traffic stacking up. Its actually moving out very quickly. People are not a mile in a row waiting. Its a very positive thing. More on this as time goes by and certainly more on the landslide situation. Reporting live, tom vacar, ktvu fox 2 news. Now we head to orinda where rob roth got a tour of a house that was damaged by a mudslide. Rob. Reporter were at 62 van tassel lane. There are serious problems. The house has been red tagged. It has been deemed too dangerous to occupy. The family has been in and out collecting belongings. The problem is that hillside. You can see that whole area carved out. All that mud and debris slammed into the home early tuesday, and the homeowner was home. He told us about what it was like to be there, and also the county inspectors are keeping a close watch to make sure that hillside doesnt threaten any other homes. Reporter Contra Costa County inspectors told paul and his family their house sun safe, they have to leave. On tuesday a large chunk of the hillside behind his house september an avalanche of mud and debris through his back wall. I heard this loud noise that sounded like a very loud thunder. His partner and teenage son were not at home. He knew he had to get out. I started to see the back wall coming in and snapping is and breaking. So i tried to make my way across this dirt and then this whole piece of the floor kind of gave way. Reporter but he made it out safely. Contra costa county inspectors placed a red tag on the home. You can see the mud and debris that crashed through the back of his home. A county geologist estimated more than 66,000 cubic yards of mud spilled down. It is private property, so how the hillside is fixed and who will pay for it is still unclear. The man says he never expected anything like this to happen. Weve never had anything like this at all. Reporter a few miles away on park lane drive in orinda this hillside is starting to give way, spilling out almost to the road. Neighbors in the path are keeping watch. I cant help but be a little worried. I was thinking if i should call my Insurance Agent and ask him if i could buy some slide insurance. Reporter this 45foot sinkhole opened up last month. I love the water but its devastated orinda, and now were picking up the pieces and trying to put it back together. Reporter for paul, he says hes still getting over the shock of what happened to his home. I talked to some engineers and companies that could help stabilize at least this hillside and starting to get a better feel for a plan, and that helps. Reporter the family says it will be staying with friends for the next few days until it can sort everything out. Also as we said county inspectors will be monitoring hillside to make sure that it doesnt threat in any other homes. I know the house has been red the alleged meaning he cant live there but is there any hope for the home in the long run . Can it be salvaged or is it too far gone . Reporter well, the homeowner said he is going to check with his Insurance Agent. Hes talking with engineers to talk about stabilizing the hillside, and im sure with contractors. It looks as if the home can be salvaged. Its the back part thats damaged. Severely damaged. But it looks like it is salvageable. But hes got make all those calls and go through a lot to get everything back in shape. So it wont be anytime soon. A long road ahead. Rob roth in or rain darks thank. Now to napa valley. A Flash Flood Warning is in effect with the napa river expected to crest in the next few hours. A ktvu crew was in st. Helena where the river was rising fast. For some Business Owners all that rain can be too much of a good thing. Theres lots of microbes that can be bad for the vines. All these areas where the river spills its banks and goes into vineyards can be detrimental. St. Helena along with the cities of napa, american canyon, calistoga and yountville are included in that warning until 6 15 tomorrow. A reminder that you can download the ktvu weather app where you can get the forecast any time you like. Welcome to the bay area. The 49ers introduce their new head coach. Coming up, his oneonone interview with our sports director mark ibanez and what he said he done super bowl that will always haunt him. Trying to fix a major problem along highway 17. The result, a deadly accident. We will have the latest on this coming up right after the break. The long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. Torrential rain in the Santa Cruz Mountains may have played a role in the death of a construction worker. The man was helping clear a mudslide on highway 17 when he was hit and killed by a dump truck. Our south bay reporter jesse gary is at the summit on highway 17. What a horrible accident, jesse. Reporter frank, it is a very sad situation. Work in the mudslide area has been suspended due to the investigation. Now, we were told early on that the work would be suspended for between one and four hours. We are getting right to the edge of that time frame. The chp tells us caltrans will make the determination when its crews resume the work of clearing that mud out once they have completed the investigation, that is. We are told that that may not happen today given the circumstances. Chp officers say a passing motorist alerted them to trouble just after 12 00. Two workmen had been hit by an industrial dump truck in the mudslide area on highway 17 near vine hill road. At first we didnt know what was going on, why she was yelling butt turned out that she was flagging us down. She must have seen it or seen the after effects of it. Reporter investigators say the dump truck, driven by 19 yearold daniel harrington, was backing up in the construction and cleanup area. Harrington apparently didnt see two employees behind the truck and ran over both men. A 32yearold was injured in the act and rushed to the hospital. Officers say he was alert and twhawk he was taken to the hospital. But his coworker was killed. We are extremely devastated. We lost a beloved team member today in tragic accident on highway 17. Reporter Company Officials say the deceased worker was a 15 and a half year employee with a wife and two children. One a teenager and one an adult. The accident happened during the height of an afternoon downpour. The rain in itself is obviously a hazard. We get a lot of crashes in the rain. Even within the closure, i dont know that its weather related, but any time the elements are against us it is going to be dangerous. Reporter osha is on scene investigating along with caltrans and the chp. Road conditions in this area a little bit treacherous. It is pouring rain right now. All that rain is moving down the mountain toward the accident scene. So if you are headed this way you want to go slow. Again, it is down to one lane in both directions near the accident scene where the mudslide is and work on the mudslide suspended for between one to four hours. So they may resume around now, but given the circumstances of the conditions caltrans may wait until tomorrow. Thats going to slow their plans to have this cleaned up. It is coming down out there, bill. It will be winding down . It is winding down in our area. Highway 17, the rain coming down very hard at times, but its moving through. In the next hour or two they should start to dry out but it has been a very wet 72hour period. Theres the system. You can see a lot of that system just driving to the south. Then well come in closer. You can see the heaviest rain south of redwood city and down towards mountain view, the heaviest rain moving out of san jose. Jesse is more down in this area where the heaviest rain, monterey, watsonville, gilroy and hollister. There are still flash flood watches and warnings in the area. The napa river is expected to go just above flood stage this evening and late this evening at napa. But it should be fine. The flood stage is 25. 2 in downtown napa. The Russian River is slower to respond to the water. That is going to get up to 38. 7 feet which is well above flood stage as you can see here flood stage is 32 feet. Thats at guerneville. The concerns here are going to be for duncan mills and reunito. Theyre going to see some major flooding there as it goes seven feet above flood stage. The traffic just a mess this evening. Thats to do with all of the rape and wind. Heres the forecast for tomorrow morning. You can see some breaks in the clouds. Tomorrow is going to be a nice day. Weve got scattered showers in hire but its a break day. Theres no question about it. You might see a few drops but the sun will come out. Chance of a shower at lunchtime. The commute should be dry. Should be a much nicer, kinder, gent ler day than what we saw today gentler day than what we saw today. You can see that system near morgan hill. It could cause some problems. Weve seen anywhere from two to three inches in the Santa Cruz Mountains, but with all the saturation its trouble. Friday morning you see along bit of a break there. Then friday afternoon not too bad. So its a i feel good, like we dodged a bit of a bullet. We were watching the Russian River. Theyre all coming back down. The Russian River tomorrow will crest in the afternoon, and it will go seven feet above flood stage. That could cause some problems down the lower Russian River. Senates scary seeing some of those mudslides. The hills are just so saturated. Trees are falling all over the place. But with the rivers, really right now its only the Russian River that is expected to crest above flood stage tomorrow . The napa river tonight will come about. 2 feet above flood stage but thats nothing. Thats not going to be a big deal. Weve seen that this year. Downtown napa. But the rub shan river but the Russian River will be above flood stage. Next week, most of next week looks good, but the end of next week we get into another wet pattern. Thats fine actually. But you are right, julie, about the saturation and mudslides because we have hit a point here where if we got a half inch of rain tonight, which is nothing, you would see more slides, because the water isnt draining out, so theyre just piling up. Bill, thank you. Coming up next, we are going to depo back to breaking news. The 9th Circuit Court of appeals in San Francisco late today refused to reinstate President Trumps travel ban. Coming up, our political and constitutional experts will join to us explain the ruling. New at 6 00, overcoming the odds. We catch up with a bay area teenager would gained National Attention for his twohour walk to get to and from work. What he is up to now with the help of local Police Officers and a lot of generous donors. Everybody has put in all this support. I cant let it all go to waste. At at t, we believe in access. The opportunity for everyone to explore a digital world. Connecting with the things that matter most. And because nothing keeps us more connected than the internet, weve created access from at t. California households with at least one resident who receives snap or ssi benefits may qualify for Home Internet at a discounted rate of 10 a month. No commitment, deposit, or installation fee. Visit att. Com accessnow to learn more. Were continuing to follow breaking news from the 9th Circuit Court of appeals. Late today a threejudge panel refused to reinstate President Trumps travel ban. Tonight President Trump has vowed to continue the fight. In a conversation with reporters moments after the ruling the president defended his executive order on immigration. Our country is at stake. And its a very, very serious situation, so we look forward, ace just said to seeing them in court. Its a decision that we will win, in my opinion very easily. Joining us now is our political expert brian sobel and our constitutional expert professor david levine from uc hastings law school. Professor, what does this ruling mean and what are the options now for the Trump Administration . Well, the u. S. Government tried to get a stay of judge robarts stay of the executive order and they failed to do that today. By a 30 vote, the 9th circuit turned back every point that the United States government made. So technically speaking, the stay is in place so the executive order has no effect. We havent decided that the executive order is legal or not yet. Its just the first stage. Brian, to you, the president just said that he plans to fight this. Is this a smart move or should he just try to walk away and go without the executive order, maybe try to tighten investigate on his own . We have seen the president battle through the campaign and continue to fight. His going on doesnt surprise me in the least. He is fully confident of victory at this point, julie. Do you think that a loss like this will humble the president in any way, or as you just said is he going to ding his heels . I think it hum balances the administration. As more and more jobs are being filled, this widens, and so we have been focusing on donald trump. Now we are going to focus on other people. What does Jeff Sessions say . It is going to be a wider look. We will have to see whether this is a humbling moment in the new presidency. From a legal standpoint from the constitutional side what options does the white house have in moving forward snow. The white house has three options. They could go to washington to the u. S. Supreme court and see whether Justice Kennedy or more likely the full court, meaning five votes, would issue a stay, the stay they failed to get today. In other words, to bring the executive order back to life. Thats one option. Another could be to seek the votes of a majority of the 9th circuits active judges which is very unlikely to succeed. Or the third is, go back to seattle, judge robart already has a Briefing Schedule for the next stage which includes briefs coming in, in the following week, and then that have preliminary injunction hearing and then appeal that to the 9th circuit. The reality is the government would be in a far better legal position if they bring the case back to the 9th circuit and then to the u. S. Supreme court after that preliminary injunction. They were in a tough spot in trying to bring this forward in this aggressive way. What about the option of rewriting the executive order so that it passes muster, if you will . That would be the easy and simple way to do it. As brian was saying, maybe some cooler heads in the administration will decide thats the best way to do this. Clearly the rollout of this executive order wasnt well thought through. They could craft a well thought through executive order at this point getting probably 90 of what they want. Well leave it at that for now. Coming up a lot more to discuss. A lot of ground to cover. Absolutely. Gentlemen, thank you. You bet. Still to come here, east bay parents notified that a student brought a gun to school today. Coming up at 5 30 we will explain who noticed the gun and turned in that 7th grader. Reporter two men are shot while on a ttrain here in San Francisco. Im frank mallicoat. A live report next. Plus, welcome coach. The 49ers new head coach was just introduced. Coming up, mark ibanez goes one on one with Kyle Shanahan. We went out with the chp in oakland. Officers were busy responding to rain related accidents. One car crashed into a ditch. The chp says the driver was going too fast exiting the free way. The officer told us when it is raining they typically respond to accidents all day long. He said that slowing down is the safest thing to do when it is raining out, especially when there are large puddles on the freeways. A lot of the time it is going to be on the outside lanes as well so its going to be safer if you are trying to stay towards the inside lane. Chp officers sites important the drivers slow down especially when it is raining, to maintain control. Merchants in st. Anselmo scramble to protect their businesses from flooding. Merchants told us when large storms hit it is a ritual that they have gotten used to. In addition to sandbags many businesses use storm doors and had to close shop. One merchant told us the series of storms is hurting his bottom line. The Severe Weather led to delays at sfo today. More than 150 flights were canceled. Delays lasted up to two hours. In addition to the weather conditions here, storms in the northeast also caused problems today. The oakland and san jose airports say a handful of flights were affect there because of the east coast storm. Officials want to remind travelers to check their flight status before heading out to the airport. A fight between passengers led to a shooting today on a muni train along San Franciscos third street corridor. Frank mallicoat is in the dogpatch neighborhood with more. Reporter that shooting took place just before 2 00 in the middle of the day on a mon any train on a muni train here in the dogpatch. That gunman is still on the loose. That ttrain was moving southbound when it hit third and 22nd here in the dogpatch. The dispute on board apparently escalated there. It ended with shots fired, a man wounded, and another man injured during the struggle. Both are in their 20s. The two victims, one with a San Francisco address. Police apparently have a lot evidence of in this case. We do have Surveillance Video on board our vehicles and on this train we d. We do hand that video over to the sfpd for investigation. Thats one of the things we do to support the investigation. Reporter have you seen it . I have not seen it but there are people working with the Police Department to look at it right now. Reporter so while the police now pour over that video they also recovered the gun used that was recovered inside the muni train which should be a big help in finding the gunman. As for the two victims they were rushed off to San Francisco general, both with nonlifethreatening injuries. Both should survive. As for muni it was shut down an hour and a half. Up and running now, trains are rolling down third street. Live in the dogpatch, frank mallicoat, ktvu fox 2 news. Frank mallicoat, thank you. Police in pinole say they arrested a 12yearold boy today for bringing a gun to school. Fellow students turned him in. Ktvu Crime Reporter henry lee joins us with the details on what happened. Henry. Reporter julie it is unclear why the boy brought the gun to school but in this era of campus violence Officials Say they are grateful that other students came forward. Pinole middle school, home to about 600 students, one of them a 12yearold boy who brought a handgun to campus. Papers were notified in a voice mail message. A student was arrested for having a gun and loaded magazine clip while on campus. So students saw the weapon and notified a teacher. The teacher notified the School Resource officer who is a member of the pinole Police Department. The Police Officer then confiscated the weapon and arrested the student. Police say they found the 7th grader in a classroom with a gun on him and a loaded magazine in his backpack. He was arrested without incident and taken to juvenile hall. His name was not released because of his age. Officials say no one was in danger and that the campus was not placed on lockdown. We are thankful for the courage of our students who reported seeing the weapon to a teacher and for our staff and the pinole Police Department for taking swift action. The safety of our students and staff is our number one priority. Reporter besides the criminal case, the teenager wont be welcome back on campus. Stay law man daints situations like this that the student is recommended for expulsion. We spoke to parents waiting to pick up their kids. I think it is absolutely ridiculous that our children are coming to school and potentially can be in danger by their classmates. These are 12 and 13yearold kids. Where are they getting guns from . It could have been a lot worse. I hate to see something really bad like those other shootings at other schools. Reporter as part of their investigation Pinole Police will determine the registered other than of the gun, how the boy got ahold of it, and whether the weapon has been used in any other crimes. Live in the newsroom, henry lee, ktvu fox 2 news. We dont know where he got it . Thats right, they are still trying to trace where the gun came from. Henry lee thank you. Coming up, water released into the oroville spillway even though the spillway suffered significant damage. This is the best option to maintain water levels. The 49ers new coach, Kyle Shanahan, sits down with our own mark ibanez. The Hydrogen Fueled mirai. Its only emission is water. Toyota. Lets go places. I remember every single play, and i will go over those for the rest of my life. Thats kind of the life we live as coaches. It is magnified in the super bowl but it is also that case in every game. The 49ers introduced Kyle Shanahan as the 20th head coach in team history. Today he talked about losing the super bowl last sunday in such heartbreaking fashion. And he said he will learn from that experience. The team also introduced john lynch as the general manager. Sports director mark ibanez joins us. Are you impressed with what you saw . I really was. Down through the years i have covered a lot of these. Not just for the 49ers but i can till right off the top of my head this vibe down there today was 180 degrees different than, say, jim tomsula and chip kelly. With jim tomsula there was almost a feeling of desperation, then with chip kelly i felt like he is a professional coach who talks in coach speak. You dont really feel like you are hearing from a real person. Today i feel like these guys are passionate about football but they also are masters in the art of communication haines really talking to you and answering questions. You showed the clip right there. Kyle shanahan, he didnt get defensive, he didnt give you some cliche answer. He said it was gut wrenching. Eats going to think about what happened in the second half of that game against the patriots for the rest of his life. We can all imagine seeing certain coaches give you the spiel, and so i liked it. They were introduced right on time, 1 00 this afternoon. And from the getgo you just felt a very positive vibe. These are men, john lynch and Kyle Shanahan that have met with a lot of success in their lives. When you say positive vibe you mean what they gave to the media . In every way. How they interacted together . They exude confidence, and they seem very comfortable with each over. They exude positivity. I hate to reiterate, but they speak to you like youre real. Harbaugh add habit of doing that. He lives and breathes football. Growing up the son of a coach and being around funnel my entire life, my life has been football. Its i put that ahead of everything besides my family. I havent done great in school a lot of times because football was more important to me. My mom used to ride me hard on that, so without college, she realized, he is going to be in football so maybe its okay. But football is the world to me. I want to be in an organization where it is everything to them, too. Its not just based on marketing, making money. Its based on winning a championship. Lots of places say they are like that but not many places truly are. We want great teammates. I know from beg in the locker room and from having won a championship thats what it takes. It takes guys that care about a common goal. It takes great leadership. Leaders are those that make those around them better. Thats what were looking for. Thats what were striving to be. You know, Kyle Shanahan was particularly impressive to me in this because he has been described as kind of cocky and brash, but i didnt see any of that. I saw guy exuding confidence. I saw a young coach who feels like he has been ready for this, preparing his entire life. He says has dreamed of beg an nfl coach. He said he felt like, even though hes one of the youngest coaches in the nfl, he felt like hes been ready for this for two or three years. I didnt feel any of that abrasive quality that you get from some of these people and they know it all already. How do you think the players are going to respond to them both . There were several players on hand today both from the past and present. And i think that they have got credibility. John lynch is a borderline hall of fame player. Many feel he should have gotten in this past weekend. And with regard to shanahan, hes proven hes done it. On certainly levels hes been able to bring out the best in rgiii. He quarterback coached in washington. Of course matt ryan with atlanta. Very different quarterback but he was able to adjust to them, feel their strengths and get the best out of them. I think theyre going thrive. You know what i got was a humbleness from Kyle Shanahan and incredible confidence from john lynch. However, the other side will say Kyle Shanahan has never been a comp and john lynch has never been a general manager before. How do you respond to that . Well, steve kerr has never been a coach. And look how well he has done. He did have a load of talent coming in. Theres no question, they are very transparent about admitting that they both have a lot to learnings and theyre going to get there. And they basically asked for a little patience. But as i said earlier, not defensive, fought like, im going to learn. Its like very easygoing. Good vibe. I feel like they both are going to surround themselves with competent people in the organization. They dont shy away from that. They said basically inso many words we dont need to be the smartest guy in the room. If we dont know something we will ask for help. I think thats really been missing from the 49ers organization. To his credit, jed york, and you will see my interview later, he said we need to be more open not just with the media but our fans as well. I think two or three years from now we are going to be talking about a playoff contender. It does feel like a new era. Its not like the tomsula era. You didnt get a feeling of fresh air with tomsula or kelly. Weve got a lot to go. They have a lot of work to do. Something goes terribly wrong in a performance by the flying wallendas. How the acrobats are doing now. More damage to the oroville spillway as more water has to be released. Were tracking rain showers that continue out there but then the chances of more showers as we head towards the bay area friday. At at t, we believe in access. The opportunity for everyone to explore a digital world. Connecting with the things that matter most. And because nothing keeps us more connected than the internet, weve created access from at t. California households with at least one resident who receives snap or ssi benefits may qualify for Home Internet at a discounted rate of 10 a month. No commitment, deposit, or installation fee. Visit att. Com accessnow to learn more. Water releases have resumed at the oroville dam near chico where the spillway was damaged this week. Heres what the department of Water Resources is doing now to avoid more problems. Reporter after two rounds of release testing yesterday the massive hole twothirds of the way down the spillway is now much bigger, twice the size. We wanted to get an assessment of the damage because we would like to be able to use the spillway knowing it is going to be a big repair but we definitely would like to have use of the spillway. Reporter the spillway is the best option. If not, the dwr will have to turn to its emergency spillway. The downside of water going over the emergency spillway is it would go down the hillside and would take out trees and soil and create a big mess. Reporter with this contingency possible crews are in the process of removing trees and vegetation that would otherwise get caught up in the diversion pool below. Were still taking every measure we can. Reporter there is a belief among engineers that the erosion seen on the spillway will eventually come to an end. Theres going to continue to be erosion but at a certain point it is going to encounter very resistant hard rock so the erosion will essentially stop or slow down greatly at that point. Reporter Law Enforcement and fire officials prepare their own contingencies coordinating with the state office of emergency services. We have a mechanism in place. We have resources in place that you just adapt to the current situation. So much water has been raining all day but i think were in a break right now. Back over to bill. A nice break out there now which has been break. It rained pretty hard this morning, or midmorning, and then early afternoon. The rain has pretty much stopped at least from san jose north. San jose south are getting hammered. Viethe Santa Cruz Mountains 2. 5. Most everybody else an inch to an inch and a half. Thats the system right there. Its a big one. Its got a lot of moisture. Talked to some folks at lake that home. It was raining a lot in truckee. Theyre saying they lost like four and five feet of snow because of the rain. That is running off into the Sacramento River and the feather river. Here are the showers. The model thought it would stall out. Were seeing rain slowly move off. Its still shanking on. Flash flood watches in effect. Everything should be dropped in the north bay in the next hour. Down towards monterey those warnings should go away by around 10 00 tonight. There is the Golden Gate Bridge. You see a little bit of break. Not blue sky but the sky is breaking up. Its post frontal. Were seeing clearing. Tomorrow i think you will see a little bit of sunshine tomorrow. 7 00 a. M. Tomorrow morning. It is going to be partly sunny. Ive got a chance of a sprinkle. This is oakland, san lorenzo, redwood city, then blue sky. Temperatures tomorrow in the low 60s. We get a nice little break day as we head well, a real break on the weekend. It is going to be dry and warm and sunny. Dry, dry, dry. Let the creeks go down. Next week the rain returns towards the end of the week. Plenty of time to dry out. These are the forecast highs for tomorrow. 60 in fairfield, 60 in concord. Pretty mild. Not bad for february. The fiveday forecast. So i feel like weve got through this in pretty good shape. It could have been a lot worse if that thing had stalled out in the north bay. But we are watching the Santa Cruz Mountains as that lingers but we did well. We got a lot of rain and a lot of snow and a lot of everything. A lot of wind. So far things have gone relatively smoothly. With this thing clearing out of the area it looks like were home free, at least san jose north. Theres a big mess a lot of places. A lot of rain. A human pyramid on a high wire when the act goes terribly wrong. In a moment, the circus rehearsal where five acrobats fell 30 feet to the ground. Later, we catch up with a bay area teen who gained National Attention for his two hour walks to get to work and back. What he is up to now with the help of officers and generous donors. I just want to say to everybody that donated, i just want to tell everyone thank you. In florida five acrobats are in the hospital after falling more than 30 feet from a high wiern circus act. Fox news has reaction from one of the tight rope walkers involved in the accident who explained what went wrong. Reporter authorities in florida are now investigating after a circus stunt rehearsal goes tragically wrong wednesday with five performers falling from a high wire. Some 30 to 40 feet down to the ground. One of the guys was up over 40 feet high on top of that pyramid. He will walk out of the hospital on his own l. He had three broken toes. Famed Daredevil Nik Wallenda was part of that pear mid. We were halfway out on the wire and a couple of people in the front started to get kicked around and lose their balance and we dont know yet what happened. Theres thoughts that somebody might have fainted. Wallenda and seven others were practicing a human pyramid while balancing atop the high wire. It was to be the final act for a circus opening thursday night. A stunt billed as the highest eight person pyramid ever performed. We had been training for about two months. Our intentions were to break the Guinness World record which we have broke on multiple occasions training in this tent. Wallenda says sister and aunt are among the injured. All of their injuries, they will fully recover. I have been assured by some of the best doctors in country. Reporter wallenda was not injured. He says the circus will now go on as planned in honor of his injured colleagues. Everybody said yes, we want you to get on that wire again. Thats who we are. Reporter at this point multiple victims remain hospitalized with broken bones and one traumatic brain injury. In miami, steve harrigan, fox news. Rising water, dangerous mudslides as another powerful storm is making its way through the area. Breaking news from San Franciscos 9th Circuit Court of appeals where a threejudge panel refused to reinstate President Trumps travel ban. Already President Trump is vowing to bring the case to the u. S. Supreme court. Good evening. Im frank somerville. Im julie haener. We get more on this breaking news from ktvus Candice Nguyen in the newsroom. Reporter here is the ruling that came down late today. 29 pages explaining why the judges decided to continue the hold on President Trumps travel ban. This ban restricted travel from seven largely muslim countries sparking protests and travel chaos nationwide. The judges acknowledged it did harm by separating families and hurting university students. They said the federal government did not provide enough evidence to show people from the seven countries committed terrorist attacks targeting the u. S. Also, there were serious concerns of religious discrimination. The attorney general for the state of washington where the hold originated said todays decision is a win for the country. We are a nation of laws. And as i have said, as we have said, from day one, those laws apply to everybody in our country. And that includes the president of the United States. Reporter and shortly after the decision President Trump tweeted in all caps, see you in court. The security of our nation is at risk. Then he spoke at the white house. We have audio of him depending his ban. Our country is at stake, and its a very, very serious situation so we look forward, ace just said to seeing them in court. Its a decision that we will win, in my opinion, very easily. Reporter its obvious by the president s tone there his administration is not throwing in the towel. So the question is what is next. It is possible the case could go to the Supreme Court but there is

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