Flight delays. More than 70 Flights Canceled at San Francisco international and 70 of the flights have been delayed in some cases by as much as two hours. Officials at sfo say conditions are Getting Better and urging passengers to check flights online before you head to the airport. All right now lets go to the north bay. They took the brunt of the wet weather and sends the cross hears of the next storm. Jesse gary is in san rapheal. What did you find. Avoiding the rain for most of the day but within the past five minutes, dark clouds moving in from the west here into the north bay, even though theres sun on my face it is being blocked out by the clouds that are moving into position. It had been a nice break, but something residents knew would not last. Yes. Every routine. When winter comes and it starts raining for a while, we know to take the cars to the top and load a bag because we will be out for at least a night. Susan and ronnie High School Sweethearts going strong 50 years after they said i do but the solid love stands on shaky ground this is a under their feet. Heavy rain have swollen the creek behind their trailer. The creek bed has erroded and another sustained downpour could send water over the retaining wall swamping their home. It bangs us to the max. Everything goes. Everything in that shed, everything goes because theres no way of preventing it. We toured morin county where water is rushing across area streets but we found evidence of a break in the rain is allowing floodwaters to recede. The pause has some people preparing for what comes next with sand bags and exit strategy. As soon as another, say more rain then we start sayi pack it up. We checked in with the c hp and officers said there was road closures, mostly on highway one and a minor mudslide. Other than that, conditions have improved because the rain has stopped. The worry, once the rain returns, so will the problems as the water rivers. This year is the continuation of a tradition. They pack up and evacuate once every winter. And tonight lonnie and suzanne stand ready to let Mother Nature win this watery skirmish. There is nothing you can do except get out. And lonnie and his wife dont expect to be out more than one night although prepared to be out up to three nights. Lastly the chp says although conditions have improved just for today a little bit still a lot of streets with water. Dont try to drive through because people get stuck, it may look passible but dont try. I will have an update in the next hour. In medicina. A worker tried to escape and the mudslide almost buried him alive. The land gave way at 3 this morning. Mud and debris pushed his dump truck over the edge of highway 101 and that portion north of westport is closed indefinitely. San francisco is providing more shelter beds this weekend so the homeless can get out of the rain. Popup shelters includes glide Memorial Church and the Mission Neighborhood resource center. Offering sleeping mats and blankets and hygiene kids as well as counseling. Some of them allow pets and outreach teams say they will plan to be looking out for anyone that needs shelter. Utility crews respond to gas, electric and communication or cable problems have stockpiles of extra equipment especially in the el nino year that allow them to restore service. Ktvus tom vacar join us live in san pablo to show how pg e crews get what they need when they need it. Tom. Here is a to remember related thing. This is going on for nine hours. Affecting san pablo. An accident which you will see in the report but what is happening here everything is up for one thing, the poll that they have to plant. And without that poll the power cant go back on. Individual events happen all of the time but el nino presents a special case. Sincerely this morning a pg and E Response Team has been replacing a power pole and associated equipment hit by a car that denied power to hundreds of san pablo customers. In practical terms even strong el ninos are a lot of individual events but usually all at once. Heres materials distribution center, the supply replacement parts, transformers and insulators and power lines and Circuit Breakers and much more have been beefed up as the storms have kept coming. The 26acre warehouse and yard hold millions of individual parts. The multi story warehouse has deployed two football fields. In anticipation of the el nino season that this would be a stronger storm than seen in a few years especially with the drought. We did order extra equipment. It is from here that many of pg e bay area Customer Care crews are quickly supplied with what they need to restore power. Depends on what it is. One thing it can be ready to go in five minutes and if it is 300 things it will take a couple of hours and then depending on the destination, we need to include the transportation time in there. Besides the day to day repairs and construction that goes on, pg e has to be ready for the big events in fact several events, but el nino going on, we can still have a major earthquake. All of those facilities have to be returned as quickly as possible. Both electric and gas. On really big events such as the napa earthquake and the lake county fires and last weeks storm, the warehouse literally comes to the crews. We will set up a base camp and we had one last week in scott valley and we prestaged that location with materials. There are two other warehouses, one in fresno and one in marysville and fremont is by far the biggest, reporting live. Tom vacar, ktvu fox 2 news. Interesting to look inside at that equipment they have. Tom, thank you. And you can download the free ktvu weather app for the very latest on the storm. It has live radar and extended forecast. You can also get the latest updates on facebook, twitter and instagram. San Francisco Police say they searching for a driver of a white van. They think the person was involved in a deadly hitand run. Mayor lee called for the public to come forward with information. We want to make sure someone is accountable for this tragedy. Officers were call before six this morning. People in the neighborhood say an asian man in his 60s was lying in the middle of street and pronounced dead at the scene. A witness said he saw a white van leaving the scene. Saw a white van traveling southbound on prowl street making a turn on to westbound broadway striking the pedestrian somewhere in the intersection behind me and left the scene westbound. The victims name is not released. Officers are looking for a white van with no back windows and they say it may have damage to the front end and looking for surveillance video. A final goodbye to former first lady Nancy Reagans. Hundreds gathered in simi valley to say goodbye. Adam housely has more on the Memorial Service filled with high emotion and sometimes humor. Some 1,000 dignitaries and loved ones celebrating the life of nancy reagan. She would bop journalist and i mean bop any journalist and we know this if she didnt like a report done. But unlike so many people these day she never seemed too harden with indifferences. Mrs. Reagan planned many details of the funeral including the guest lists. Those in attendance Michelle Obama and george w. Bush and Rosalyn Carter and laura bush. Nancy reagans children offered reflections. My father used to get massages from a large Eastern European man. On one of these days as my father lay face down my mother tiptoed in and kissed him lightly on the back of the next and tiptoed out. If i mother had one great talent, i think it was she knew how to love and she loved one man more than the world. President reagans chief of staff james baker speaking along with her friend tom brokaw. When we lost nancy last weekend it would have been the 68th anniversary of their marriage. She could be as we all so in those videos the adoring wife and public but behind the scenes she was a politically astute analyst and the keeper of the flames. One detail that the first lady did not plan. She was honored in the same way as the president as a lone bagpiper paid and the first lady buried next to her husband. Adam housely, fox news. A man facing hate crime charges and we are learning new details about why the suspect allegedly spray painted hateful language on the side of a school building. The Russian River where the water levels rising. We will let you know when the water will crest. Developing news out of chicago. Donald trump has canceled a rally after protestors clashed with his supporters. People that live along the Russian River breathing a sigh of relief. They have gotten rain but it appears that the river will not hit flood stage. Bill martin in the Weather Center. A close call to people out there. Definitely. Last nights rain really backed off or we would have had flood levels on the Russian River and the napa. We had warnings last night but the rain not as heavy as we saw last night or as we saw the night before and not as much as anticipated. A big break on the Russian River. The Flood Warning is done in bernville. Mark ibanez is live. You are at Johnsons Beach, right . Reporter thats right. And at Johnsons Beach and the river, we have been watching activity over the last few hours since 1 00 this afternoon. To put this in perspective. You see the water behind me and we roll video and this is what it would look like for the middle of summer, temperatures 100 degrees. The area i am standing the water level is coming up quite a bit as we shift over to it. There is water levels changing a bit. And i will say last week at this time this river was only at about six feet. Last check the river stage was 26. 1 feet. Over the past 7 days, this water level has come up 20 feet. And as far as you talked about the Flood Warning, when i saw the update this morning for the River Forecast Center, i called them right away and asked what changed and they were looking at the rainfall so if you remember they were forecasting closer to a 35 feet stage and that is why there is a Flood Warning and high flood stage across the region. With the rainfall backing off. The water level is not nearly as high. To put this in perspective the crest it 48 feet. That is way above my head. You can see the water and transformation. It is interesting. I used to work at channel 50 in santa rosa so i did many a flood stories and i have been in those positions where you are. You are in a parking lot down by the river and we used to stick a stick in the water and on a day like today you would watch the water rising steadily. Is it doing that today . Reporter yes, the current is moving quickly. The huge trees go by us every five or ten minutes, a strong current. As far as the water level rising, we came here at 25 feet and it has come up a bit, up to a foot around 26. 1 feet. You bring up a good point. This is the entrance to Johnsons Beach. The cars coming in here and parking and the cars submerged right about here and this is the entrance to the parking lot. And it is amazing to be here and i learned to swim and it looks different to be standing right here with all of this water surrounding me. Big river flooding we are seeing that in the west or in the plains right now with the rain they have had. Big river flooding and small river flooding it comes up slow. As you stand there i am sure the water will come up a few inches. A slow burn on these rivers. But as you point out the River Forecast Center has capped this thing well below flood stage. I will say that a lot of the residents know this river well. They have their markers to talk about when the water is cresting at 32 feet. They know the behavior of the river well and this week there was some concern but not reaching the level that we could be talking about a major flood event. Thanks for going out there. Well see you at the 6 00 broadcast and in a el nino year it can be problematic and the reason we are getting by it because we are getting breaks but the way we were going the river forecast have had it well above flood stage, three or four feet above flood stage to cause problems and minor problems. Flood stage on the Russian River is 32 feetand right now at 25. 6 and 26 feet and that will continue to rise tonight and the high tide out of jenner will add to that but not anticipating big problems because along the coast and in than anticipated. D less rain about an inch and a half to two inches in the heaviest locations. With that id,sa the Flood Warnings gone for the napa river and the russian ver, a flood watch remains in effect for that entire north bay through sunday because we have more rain coming but the difference here is these weather systems now and they all have personalities, weather systems and this was a very el nino system. You felt it. It was warm. Warm today. Checkouts now. Upper 40s. Cold outside. Frontal passage, cold air ha moved in. This next system for saturday is a colder, dryer system. So when it comes in, it wont have as much rain and drop snow levels which is great. Exactly what we needecause this system, it was raini. Just turned to snow at pass level. This next storm that comes in tomorrow afternoon will be dropping snow at lower elevations. Now we can contain because think about this rain that came in, i dont know what percentage but a High Percentage is running back in the bay. When you capture the snow then it has longevity and can last through the spring months. Raining towards saratoga and the system is moving through. Translating which is exactly what you want. Not stalling out. Here we are saturday morning. There is the forecast. This is the next system the colder one. Here it comes, the line right here. Saturday at lunchtime and then wam goes through and cool system. Not a lot of moisture with it. But there will be a chance of a thunderstorm. So as we look at the forecast highs tomorrow. Upper 50s and some low 60s but forecasting upper 60s and mid 60s so temperatures ten degrees cooler. These two systems scattered showers and maybe a thundershower but you will still have opportunities to get outside on saturday and sunday, not like the last couple of day asen would he get breaks. The key, the Russian River is fascinating because it is such a big animal. It has 1500 miles of drainage basin that feeds that little spot mark in the canyon. So that has to drain out. When it stopped raining today we were like that is great because that river was going to go to about 35 to 36 feet, maybe higher. I am confused, if it didnt hit flood stage how is it where the area where mark is, it is flooded . It is kind of like a flood plane. If you have boat ramps and things, a wide open area. Nowhere near town and nowhere near structures. Remote area. Pretty remote. The napa river, they dropped the Flood Warning up there for saint helena and that was for tonight and tomorrow. I was trying to remember the last time the rivers flooded. It has been awhile. Yes. Back when frank and i were up there. We had a lot of flooding. It seemed like it was almost every year. Pretty good news. More rain to come you guys but not the copias amounts we have seen. A group of anti trump protestors. To the point where donald trump canceled the event. As we continue to track the next storm. Coming up at circumstances, what it means for conditions if you are headed to the sierra this weekend. Carlos santana, journey and the steel miller band and the doby brothers will play a concert in france. The details coming up at six. We have developing news right now out of chicago where protestors have just disrupted a rally for president ial candidate donald trump. Because of security they have canceled the rally. There has been one man that threw a punch. Want to show you live look outside that venue. Police and security guards are clearing out the arena. One Community Activists said hundreds of activists have stationed themselves around it and plan to protest when trump took the stage and now trump has canceled the appearance in chicago. His campaign has asked people to be peaceful. Today started out much calmer for donald trump with a former opponent coming to his side. Former republican candidate ben carson endorsed donald trump for president. This could be streak strategic for donald trump. He is a very intelligent man that cares deeply about america. This comes as florida senator marco rubio fights to win his home state recent polls. Donald trump leading marco rubio by 14 points. Some people think if marco rubio cant win his home state he will drop out Hillary Clinton was attending Nancy Reagans funeral today. Google is getting ready for a road trip sending out a custom van loaded with researchers to find out how people use the Company Online services. The van is scheduled to take off monday for a six week trip. Five hundred volunteers will be able to use the apps and services and all will be given a google tshirt. Stops along the way include south lake tahoe, boulder and new york. Well this pig is looking for a new home. Found loose in the middle of the street in San Francisco where she is now and what happens next. Up next. A man facing hate crime charges in san leandro. Didnt show up in court but we obtained Court Documents detailing the motives behind his alleged actions. A man accused of spray painting hate filled graffiti in san leandro says he thinks the white race is superior. In Alameda Court this afternoon but the suspect was not there. Ktvu Crime Reporter henry lee has more. Reporter the defendant was not let out in court but the charges against him are serious. A hate crime and vandalism, both felonies. Cody sissen was charged with charged with spray painting hate messages on a district office. His appearance was waved by his attorney. Sissen said he vandalized the building because he hates christianity and African Americans and he said he believed the white race is a superior race sissen believes the graffiti would cause terror in those that saw it. The Court Documents saw sissen get two cans of spray paint red and white and spread hate filled symbols on the drinks door. One was 666, a symbol for the devil and another had a racial epithet as well as white power. The vandalism was discovered on monday. San Leandro Police found him in a restaurant and on a bike that turned out to and key piece of evidence. They found him less than a mile away riding down the street on a bmx bike that appears to have been freshly painted with in the last few days with red and white spray paint, the exact same colors that were used in this graffiti. Arrested for being on drugs and violating his probation and being held in lieu of 60,000 bail. Now the defendant was placed on misdemeanor probation for a theft conviction in fremont. Because of this new vandalism case his probation was revoked. He is due back in court next wednesday to continue his arraignment. Henry lee reporting live. Thank you. In San Francisco, a new law signed raising the age to buy Tobacco Products to 21. The law wont take effect for a couple of months. Mayor ed lee signed the measure. And talked about how long term smokers start before they turn 21. The mayor said there is the matter of health care costs. If we can save a lot of money if we were able to do this. The medical systems that we have to have in place to treat cancer and asthma and heart diseases that go along with long term smoking is an incredible expense. The new law takes effect on july 1st. It covers not just cigarettes but all Tobacco Products including smokeless tobacco and e cigarettes. State lawmakers pass the similar legislation this week that is now on the governors desk. Ford Motor Company has created a new subsidiary in Silicon Valley devoted to transportation technology. The Smart Technology will design new Mobility Services car sharing and ride sharing program. The subsidiary will build new services on its own and collaborate with startups and tech companies. Ford smart mobile unit will be headquartered in palo alto. The tech company manufactures Self Driving Software and independent subsidiary of gm. Analysts say that gm appears interested in integrating the technology into its manufacturing process. Remember that baby pig that was running wild in delores park in San Francisco earlier this week. Ktvu Tara Moriarty tell us there is no word on where she came from or who she belongs to. When we caught her, she would have been under where that vehicle is now. This man was trying to catch her. She put up a fuss. An abandon the piglet was on the loose. Firefighters and construction workers and businessman pitched into help. He was on his cell phone and he said i will be late i am chasing a pig. Reporter eventually the ten pound pot belly pig was caught. She was terrified and had no idea what was going on. Reporter she was brought here to the San Francisco animal care and control center. Hi, baby. Every single one of us had a universal response. No one can believe how adorable she is. Sergeant sandler named her janet. I love her. And her favorite pass time is eating. She will eat fruits and vegetables. Janice loves baby food. If you are interested in adopting janice, the folks here at animal control are hoping you have a big yard so she has plenty of space to run around and other animals to socialize with. She is a bit shy but i think she will come out of her shy. A feisty core that runs through her. The little oinker is smart and litter box trained. We have had dozens of people calling. And popular. If her owner does not claim her by next week staff will pick the best home for this piggie to run home to. How big do we think janice will get . There is some question about exactly what kind of pig she is specifically. But i would rager 200 pounds or so. So if you are in the market for a seriously cute little porker understand that she may not be little for long. There will just be more of her to love. In San Francisco, Tara Moriarty, ktvu fox 2 news. Oh, my gosh. I could look at that all day. So could i. Coming up. Teachers going above and beyond for their students. This is amazing. Im just thrilled. Im glad we got them. See how a Top Tech Company came together with teachers and the community to make this area a safer place for kids. A man that grew up in china town before moving away to work in hollywood. When he returned his career took a whole new turn. How he has recreated china town in miniature. Five years since the devastating earthquake and tsunami in japan people are still struggling to get their lives back to normal. Teachers from city college and supporters marched today in protest. They rallied outside the offices of the chief negotiator. Contract negotiations have been stalled and they deserve raises. City college has been making cuts that end up hurting students. Today bells chimes in tokyo marking five years since the massive earthquake and tsunami. That disaster took more than 18,000 lives. Many say the Recovery Process has been slow especially near the Nuclear Power plant where the tsunami triggered melt downs in three reactors. Officials are concerned about high radiation. I dont think its an exaggeration to say that the tsunami smashed and swept away the arrogance here. More than 160,000 people were evacuated. About a tenth of them are living in temporary housing. The emperor says the country is working to help those that have been displaced. Coming up at six. John sasaki talk about the local effects and looked at our local tsunami to see if it would be affected in a similar situation. President obama is in the south by southwest conference. The first sitting president to take part in the event. He is scheduled to deliver a keynote speaker on pacific engagement and how the government can use technology to improve people lives. The president will headline two democratic fundraisers. For days of rain in the south have triggered flooding. Four deaths have been blamed on it. There is too many rescue to count. Mandatory Evacuations Ordered in several low cases and homes damaged and in some cases roads washed away. We look down and part of the concrete was gone. And so it was like a huge waterfall was going down. The storm system is moving to tennessee and causing mudslides of high water there. Well over a foot of rain has fallen in louisiana just this week alone. Forecasters say more rain will fall through the week possibly as much as 6inches in alabama. Rain or shine. Some bay area residents giving back. See how they came together to make one area a better and safer place for students. Everybody has a special memory for me. A man recreates sections of china town. Look at that in miniature. The detail. See what inspired him to make these unique pieces of art. Tracking the lingering showers this evening and the rain headed your way in the bay area weekend. Seeing china town is miniature. Look at the detail on those pieces of artwork. Created by a man that grew up in the area but spent his career in hollywood working on movies like gremlins and magnum pi. Frank wong eventually moved back and the chinatown he remember was not the one he found. So Claudine Wong shows us more and what he created in miniature. Reporter for frank wong, this is home. You stayed here through high school. Yes. Spent his childhood in San Francisco chinatown and it has had an impact on his life now. I am considered an artist but i cant draw. You can draw . I can draw lines and stuff what i want but i mean i cant draw a picture of a table to make it look like a real table. Wow. I cant do that because i have neff learned to do that. Thats hard to believe because you are an artist. It says so on my passport, too. But thats doesnt make me an artist. Look at his work, his memories in miniatures and you will know why people keep telling him he is an artist. Drew up in San Francisco but spent his summers in los angeles and in high school he moved south. I got my first Social Security card i guess when i was ten years old. To work in the movies as extras and then i got a job as an apprentice with a gentleman that did props. He would go on to work on props in movies like gremlins and magnum p i. Years later when he came back home, he found things had changed. Getting back to San Francisco, the first thing i did was my street. I walked up and down. You walked down grand avenue. I walked down grand avenue. And you didnt see your chinatown. I did not see my chinatown. Were you sad . Yes. I am not only sad i felt old. He didnt like that feeling so frank wong embarked on a project that would last for decades. My first miniature was the herb store. He also recreated his uncles Favorite Shoe shine stand. He shined his shoes every sunday no matter if they needed or not. Although no one is shining shoes anymore and the neighborhood drycleaner, the new years meal and his family kitchen. My favorite look up there and you see lots and lots of chilly. Look at the lights fixtures. What is in the center of the light fixtures . A little wrap around the paper . With yellow stripe going down. What is that . Thats a straw. That you took from mcdonalds . Yes. Now does it look familiar . I would never have known that. The details is astounding with his permission we reached into a tiny refrigerator to pull out the ice cube trays. Filled with ice, also. It has ice in the ice trays,s that amazing. And you see the frost on the side. On the freezer. Each one is personal. But he says his favorite is the smallest, the s ro. Because it was like that when i came back. It was like before i went away. And to this day it is the same. Everything is completely finish in my head. Before you even start . Even start. How long does it take to do one of them . I dont know. I did them all at the same time. And he worked on them for decades. About 20 years. 20 years . And you did them all at the same time . Yes. I did them all at the same time and it took me 20 years to get them all together. And finish . They are still not finished. They are not done . They are not done. He is generous with his work sharing his art and first at the Public Library and now at the Chinese Historical Society. This was personal. He says it is about blue birds, a concept inspired by the movies. To bluebird, if you think of someone and remember them, they live forever. China town has changed but in the miniatures he remembers and every time he does it lives on forever. Every one of them has a special memory for me. For a bluebird for someone that i know. In San Francisco, Claudine Wong, ktvu news, fox 2 now. Wow. That is just those things were incredible. If you want to check out franks work it is on permanent display at the Chinese Historical Society on clay street and admission is free. I have no idea how he does that. Did you see the detail there . A labor of love. Amazing. And you can see why it took him 20 years to do that. That was incredible. There is something about little miniatures that is so cool. Such a collection. Wasnt that nice . I like the longer piece. A chance to air it out and we get to see the pieces. I like that a lot. Doing a nice job with the rain. Backing off. We will have some but not as aggressive as the last couple of nights. Good news. Russian river the Flood Warning is dropped. Napa river, Flood Warning dropped. This is a flood watch that will stay in effect through sunday because of the showers. Listen, a quarter inch of rain and half inch of rain will get you ponding and pooling that will make sense to have that out. In other words the ground is saturated. Doesnt get much water to have issues. More showers expected but different types of weather systems. This one that went through now, and is finishing off right now, that one is very warm one. Very el nino like storm. This next weather system a warmer or colder system can which will drop the snow levels, less rain and more wind, maybe a thundershower but some sun will pop out and a little bit of sun as opposed to the low grade and high grade rain. Sunnyvale showers and saratoga. Thats the tail end. And theres the computer model. Saturday morning, here comes saturday lunchtime or so. In this lineup here, thats the cold front essentially. And thats going to drop in. Thats your chance for a thundershower around santa rosa. Moves through the bay at five or six or 7 00 with heavy rain and scattered showers. There is the 11 00 on saturday. And then we press into sunday morning. More showers, another cold system and then we look at the sunday afternoon and you got showers but widely scattered. Heavy persistent rain ending and we are pushing to these next two systems more scattered showers and some sun, some wind and some rain. Maybe a thundershower. But different kind of system and cooler. Right now in the 40s. Monday few lingering showers and a couple days to dry out. A lot of rain and the reservoirs have done well. The mountains are getting snow. Thats working out great for them. So you couldnt really ask for a better scenario to put water into the reservoirs on the flood stuff. We are able to contain this water and moving into snow. Im still trying to figure out how the guy made the skippy bottle. And patience. You can tell how much she loves it. More than 100 volunteers coming out to help. Many from one of the best High Tech Companies in the bay area. Others are members of the community. All out hoping to make things better for kids in oakland. Coming up on the news at six. A warning for students at San Francisco state after reports of Sexual Assault early this morning. If you are heading to the sierra showing you the conditions at those resorts and what you need to know to get there. What happens when an Elementary School has no place for children to play. As rob roth discovered a small army of volunteers pitched into build a new play ground. Despite the rain more than one hundred volunteers went to work building something oakland Elementary School children did not have, a playground. You climb up here. Yes. The prospects of the new play ground looked promising to one kindergarten. Pretty good. It has the monkey bars on top and the slide is not going to be built and the rest of the stuff is kind of good. Teachers were ecstatic considering what was here before, empty blacktop. We had a couple of basketballs and a couple of hula hoops and a whole yard and so what do we do. It was difficult. And now. This is amazing. Im just thrilled. Im like yes, finally. The volunteers are helping a Charter School called casa Man Community transformation. The school sits on the campus in the heart of east oakland where safe places for children to play can be hard to find. Many of the volunteers work for sales force. Com that pay for materials. This is really a great way for everyone to get involved and give back and fill relationships with each other. You guys are doing an excellent job. And volunteers include parents such as this man that lives a few blocks away and his daughter is a kindergartener. I live here and want to participate. The play ground should be ready for running and jumping monday. Rob roth, ktvu fox 2 news. Ktvu fox 2 news at six starts now. Scattered showers across the bay area. Tapering off right now. There is more rain on the way. Here is a live look towards sf owhere you can see the rain drops on our camera. And this morning some areas saw heavy downpours, even thunderstorms. You are looking at video thought in San Francisco. The the wind had gusts up to 40 Miles Per Hour across the bay area. Good evening im julie haener. And im frank somerville. A break in the rain that is a muchneeded event for those at risk of flooding and another system is on the way. Lets go to cheap meteorologist bill martin in the Weather Center on the latest on what is heading our way next. And the headline is that we didnt get the heavy rain, we got rain but not the heavy rain, the Flood Warnings are down for the russian and napa rivers. At this point we thought we would be going to flood stage to tomorrow morning. Not going to happen. Russ river below flood stage and napa below flood stage. It remains in effect for the northern part of the bay area in morin county. Santa rosa and nevada. In effect until sunday because we are anticipating more rain showers. Lets come in close on the maps. You can see the satellite imagery. The showers moving out. We got mark at the Russian River. You went up there when it was raining hard. Now the showers stopped and is the river still coming up . River is just a little bit, bill. Last time i checked it was 26. 3 feet. The rainfall has tapered off and a rapid rise. Of course it is not going to reach flood stage, 32 feet and here i am at the entrance of johnson creek. You park your car there and you plop your tank and your umbrella and beach blanket. I will walk out here to give you an idea of how deep it is. I do have the weighters on and jacob will pan off and show you poles in the distance. For reference, those poles, you can walk out there and be dry. Thats how much the river has been rising in the past 24 hours. As i mentioned 26. 3 feet. This is the perspective from the entrance of Johnsons Beach. We rolled video from the hillto

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