Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 4pm 20170107

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Shortly after landing at ft. Lauderdale airport he opened fire. Cell phone video inside the baggage claim area shows panicked passengers moments after the shooting. This is where Authorities Say the gunman opened fire at the ft. Lauderdale airport around 1 00 p. M. Eastern time killing five and injuring eight others. We were just minding our own business waiting for Ground Transportation and the shooting started in this building and immediately it was mass kayo people running by. It was hard to decipher exactly what was happening. Reporter it was chaos and confusion with passengers de boarding or take cover, the wounded rushed to ambulances. What happened over there . I dont know. I heard a lady yell for help, then i ran. Reporter Esteban Santiago identified as the lone shooter. He is unharmed. No Law Enforcement fired any shots. Were learning he boarded a flight in alaska, stopping in minneapolis before landing at ft. Lauderdale. Santiago checked a bag containing a gun. After landing and getting the bag santiago went to the bathroom, loaded the gun and started shooting people in the head. If we do uncover this was related to any type of terrorist activity then the fbi will have complete incident command of this and we will be assisting the fbi as we move forward. Reporter santiago was born in new jersey but moved to alaska two years ago. According to his brother he was an Army National guard veteran who served a year in iraq. He works as a Security Guard and was receiving psychological counseling. More information continues to be released. Theres at least one report that sabt yag go once walked into an fbi office in anchorage claiming he was being forced to fight for isis. Meanwhile the Fort Lauderdale airport remains closed. No motive for the shooting. More now on the attack and how it could have taken place. Im joined by the Public Information officer at sfo. Doug, first of all it seems as though this suspect did poll the rules in terms of checking a weapon. What are the rules if somebody wants to check a handgun or a rifle . So the rules for most airlines involve a process where the individual has to present themselves at a ticket counter, fill out some documentation and essential show proof that the firearm in question has been packed properly and unloaded of ammunition. Thats the typical process. And in this case it seems as though he did do that. There is really no way, there, to prevent somebody from following the rules and doing Something Like this but one of the things that may not be comprehended by people is the place where he attacked people was actually in baggage claim, and this is unprotected, if you will. It is open to the public. The baggage claim areas of every airport. That is correct. The baggage claim areas are typically publicly accessible. There are some airports that may restrict access to the claim carrousels themselves but for most intents and purposes it is a public area. One thing apparent as we watched this develop was the confusion. The confusion at the airport with people running from the terminal, people out on the tarmac. What kind of a system is in place at sfo for an active shooter scenario in terms of corralling people because there are literally thousands of people at any given moment at sfo . Yeah, and this is a process that we are constantly examining. We have recently reviewed our procedures for exactly this type of incident. We have also looked at the incidents that happened recently at new york and l. A. Airports involving kind of spontaneous evacuations, and obviously we want to continue to learn from these type of incidents so that we can make our procedures even better, and we continue to train in this regard as well. In fact, even earlier this week we were conducting active shooter sessions for our Law Enforcement personnel. A very emotional scene there in florida, and im sure all airports around the country, including the ones here in the bay area are going to learn from what happened in the aftermath of this. Doug, thanks for joining us. We are staying on top of this developing story out of florida including more on the investigation and the background of the alleged gunman. We will have that coming up at 5 00 and 6 00 tonight, plus you can get the latest any time on ktvu. Com. Back here in the bay area it was a long morning for a lot of people head interesting San Francisco on bart after a train got stuck there at the west oakland station. Bart says there was an electrical short. It affected five cars at 7 45 this morning. All of the trains into the city had to be stopped while they tried to sort out the problem leading, of course, to some huge delays. After an hour technicians were able to move the stalled train out of the way but the damage that was already done, some riders gave up trying to get to work altogether. But stuff happens, so just got to be patient. I want to go home. I want to work from home. I have my office on my back. I have just decided im going home. Now bart says the problem was traced back to a series of wires that connects the cars to the main control system. You the date happened at that time worst possible time during the heart of the commute and on a very chilly morning. For more on the delays and what has been a rough start for bart for the new year im joined by spokesman tim. You said a wire issue. The train is made up of different cars connected together. They are connected not only in terms of one car physically being connected, but theyre there are also wires that communicate with each other. If you can imagine a train door, all the train doors on the part persons all the car doors open at the same time and close but they also get information about speeding up and slowing down. So these five cars on the end of this 10car train werent getting that information, they werent moving. Do we know why . We think its an electrical short. Thats the big picture, but why that cable, the series of cables short, were not sure yet. It sounds like it might be specific to that particular train and those particular cars then. Absolutely was specific to those cars on that train, yes. Okay. You say, though, this sometimes happens. Is there anything, though that theres maybe like a red flag that can indicate, okay, there is potential for a problem here . Well, i think it is too early to say because we havent pinpointed it. It is going to take a couple of days for us to really know exactly what went wrong but i can tell you we do preventive maintenance on a regular schedule. Those cars come in and get checked out, and we deem them ready to go when they do that pm. Lets take a look because a lot of people are venting frustration. This has been a rough week. There have been other service disruptions, some delays. We are looking at some tweets with some Harsh Criticism of you guys. I know back in march i was there when that sort of mysterious electrical problem occurred there at the North Concord station. I know there have been some other issues. What can you tell to riders especially those who voted in november for that big Infrastructure Improvement to bart who are now essentially stuck several mornings at least in this new year . Well, that harsh credit sifnl many cases is warranted, and we havent done a good job so far this year. It has been multiple causes, different things, but in terms of the situation that happened today, the good news is that we have these new train cars that will be coming on line this year, the first car should be rung in the next few months, and we should have 60 new cars by the end of the year. 775 total. So you can imagine a brandnew train car would not have the same sort of problems in terms of the ballot measure this is to rebuild the system that we already have. It wouldnt have really addressed the problems this morning but it is the type of thing that we need to fix. All of the aging systems. Yeah, but you understand obviously the frustration from people. Not only are they paying for bart when they go and buy their ticket but also through that bond measure. You mentioned the new cars. Theres been a bit of delay ingetting those out. Can you update us again on how many cars you expect . I think that really is the relief that a lot of people are hoping for. . Awr right. So we have 0 cars right now. Were testing those cars. We want to make sure they are saifned reliable before we begin carrying passengers. Meantime the production line has already begun to turn out the additional cars that we will need to replace all of the cars that we have now. So we have been a little bit behind schedule in getting these new cars, the first 10 out for passengers, but we hope to have 60 new cars out by the end of this year. Jim allison, thank you so much for talk with us. A rough morning commute but as you heard jim say those new cars hopefully going to be in service by the end of the year. Ted. Thanks heather. Coming up, lawmakers and Community Members working to save lives after the devastating oakland ghost ship fire brought attention to dangerous work live spaces. Theyre stocking up on sandbags and supplies. Coming up, how residents in the Santa Cruz Mountains are preparing for a major storm. And we are prepping for that major storm right now. The clouds are already pushing into the bay area. We are tracking a very active weather pattern into the weekend with flooding likely across a good portion of Northern California. We will break down the time of the heaviest rainfall and also talk to the National Weather Service Coming up after the break. Its just a date. I can stay. Im good. I wont be late hey mom. Yeah. No kissing on the first date, alright . Life doesnt always stick to a plan, but with our investment expertise well help you handle whats next. Financial guidance while youre mastering life. From chase. So you can. It is literally the calm before the storm. Blue skies but clouds are rolling in. You all know what that means. Rain is on the way with a large storm eyeing the bay area. For an update on the timing lets check in with meteorologist mark tamayo. This will be a very powerful. We have not seen Something Like this in years moving into the bay area, producing excessive rainfall rates. We have been talking about this over the past few days, also tracking this, the National Weather Service Standing by, brian garcia, the warning coordination meteorologist in monterey. Thank you for joining us today. My pleasure, mark. Thanks for having me. From what i believe, this is from what i have been hearing, this is probably the most intense storm since december 2005. Is that correct . Well, yeah, you know we had a pretty good storm december 2014 as well, but the soils werent as moist as they are now. So it is a bit of a different impact. About the same rain answer. In terms of the potential problem areas we always hear about the burn areas, especially towards the Santa Cruz Mountains. Are there any other areas you are concerned about with targeting certain spots in the bay area . Yeah, were watching certain areas, like you said, the Santa Cruz Mountains, the coastal ranges up through san mateo, marin, sonoma county. Of course, the Russian River at guerneville, as well as napa. All those areas were watching for significant flooding. And in addition to that, across the entire area we could see localized flooding that is pretty significant that we havent seen in quite some time because of the drought. It seems like based on some of the forecast models that weve been watching that the heaviest downpours could be moving in early sunday morning, talking about during the dark in the overnight hours does. That present a concern with setting up at least the warnings and watches and all that . It seems like maybe another added element to deal with. Yeah, its always tough when systems hit their peak overnight, because thats obviously when most people are sleeping. So we have issued the Flash Flood Watches already for a lot of our area. Weve also issued the high Wind Warnings for some of our areas. But were going to be watching that. We could potentially issue Flash Flood Warnings 12 hours early if it looks like it is going to line up right and we can issue them with that kind of confidence. We definitely want to hit people when theyre awake. Absolutely. When you issue these warnings, im just curious, you base it off satellite and radar but youre inconstant communication with Law Enforcement. So their information could also maybe trigger rt as well with you guys . Absolutely, yeah. We are in constant communication with our Emergency Management community but believe it or not we use a lot of social media as well. So when people are are taking pictures and tweeting them and facebooking them to us, we use that information to help us verify our watches and warnings. Great. Thank you so much brian. It will be a busy weekend and it looks like into next week as well. Well be watching for your updates. All right, thanks, mark. Thank you. As far as that pattern weve been talking about this Atmospheric River. Thats the satellite on the left. The right portion of your screen that is sunday morning, the most intense rainfall out there. Winds will also be a factor. Wind advisory kicks in near the bayshore line near the coast. Winds could be around 40 to 50 Miles Per Hour. As we back this up for the bay area hills this begins 4 00 a. M. Saturday until 4 00 a. M. Sunday. Gusts could be approaching 60 Miles Per Hour. Brian mentioned that Flash Flood Watch posted. This begins saturday afternoon through sunday evening. This could be converted to a Flash Flood Warning if those rainfall rates verify. Take a look here at the expectations with rainfall throughout the weekend. Pretty good surge first thing tomorrow morning. Maybe backing off a little bit by 2 00 p. M. Tomorrow afternoon. This is the area we are concerned with. Sunday morning, 5 00, sunday bhorng 10 00, rainfall rates will be on the heavy to extreme side. So a lot to talk about this weekend. But especially for sunday morning when we could have some more Flash Flood Warnings kick in. We will talk more about potential rainfall totals and more storm coverage in a few minutes. Mark, thank you. Aus period from mark and brian the storm seems to be headed towards santa cruz. There people are bracing for impact. Ann rubin is live along highway 17 where people are doing their best to get ready. Ann. Reporter residents up here are just glad that the weather was nice today. Hat given them a chance to recover from the storm earlier this week and to prepare for the big storm that is yet to come. Now the Schwartz Family has spent the morning cleaning out debris from a small mudslide they fear is about to grow. And there are long lines of residents who are filling up sandbags in preparation for what is expected to be more than 10 inches of rain here in the santa mountains. Those who live up here say they know the drill by now. Stong on tarps, prepare extra meals, keep lanterns and flashlights handy. Still, the Scarborough Home Center says they have been having a hard time things like kindling in stock. And residents say they are prepared. Pg e crews have a staging area set up in scotts valley. They plan to have 100 workers there by morning ready to head out where they are needed. We are battening down the hatches, making sure that this can withstand a pretty big storm. We have everything that we need here. Crews, equipment, poles, transformers, power lines, anything that we need to be able to deploy quickly and restore quickly. Reporter the other big concern out here, the area hit by last years loma fire. Santa cruz countysanta clara countyofficials are worried that the area will be at an even higher risk for erosion and mudslides. Live in the Santa Cruz Mountains, ann rubin, ktvu fox 2 news. While it is set to pour in the mountains, all of the bay areas you heard mark mention are set to get hit. Were live with tara where a lot of people are stock up on sand bags. Reporter its been a mad dash all day. There is a line of cars, then these folks right now are getting a couple of bags loaded into their vehicle. I think the maximum they have here is 10. One of the many ways that san franciscans are gearing up for a weeks worth of rain. Sucking the leaves and debris out of city storm drains. They have elephantlike looking trunks, and they would have to remove the grate of the catch basin. Reporter 25,000, as a matter of fact. Now that a massive storm is bearing down theyre working at breakneck speed. Unfortunately we put in a sump pump a few months ago which has been a life saver. Reporter residents and crews alike are trying to stave off potential flooding any way they can. I was about to take a break, and then here comes one, then another one. Reporter at this yard work was hopping. There are 100 sapped bags per pallet. The public tore through these. Within a fivehour time frame they were able to dole out 800 sandbags. Once a year it floods bad. Once every three years it floods really bad. When the rain has come what we do is we lift everything up like a foot. It will go maybe 8 to 10 inches. Reporter this man says the area looks like a lake. Theyre here for four to six months cleaning. Its an absolute disaster. See my sapped bags . We just had 14 stolen. So who was supposed to stay out here all night . Reporter he also says Homeless People steal the plastic tarp. Many owners along folsom say the city needs to do more. It takes you like six months to get back on your feet. We would just rather it not happen. Reporter public works is bringing in extra arborists, general laborers and dispatchers. There will be engineers on call, and the sandbag give awhey been extended until sunday. Folks are filling up their suv here right now, and there are still more cars to come. So that 800 number, that was an hour or two ago. So they keep on coming. Live in San Francisco, im tara moriarty. A lot of people taking this approaching storm very seriously. Thanks, tara. This years Consumer Electronics show is well underway in vegas. Coming up, well speak with our favorite tech expert ryane eldredge about the hottest tech items everyone is talking about. Game night is our daughter allies favorite night. And knowing that her favorite General Mills big g cereals are glutenfree, like honey nut cheerios, rice chex and lucky charms, she can enjoy it her way. You said you wanted to feel better about your cereal. General mills big g cereals hear you. Thats why we say yes to whole grain as our first ingredient. And no way to high fructose corn syrup. So no matter what your favorite is, you can feel good about General Mills big g cereals. Afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. All right, the big Consumer Electronics show is underway in las vegas. Some of the innovations seen are really incredible. Tvs to cars to Virtual Reality, a lot to drool over. For a look at some of the gadgets im joined by tech expert ryan eldridge. Happy new year. What impressed you so far at the show . Well, the number one thing that we saw, the show stopper was the l. G. Television thats a 65inch television. It is credit card thin, 18 pounds, and it is 4k. They call it the poster television. You put it on your wall. Very flat. Theres a sound bar below it but it is remarkable. It is 10,000, though. It will be available in march. But, you know, here is the interesting thing. Everybody was expecting vr to kind of take over the show this year but it was just a disappointing turnout. Almost every analyst we spoke to and every product we looked at looked the same as last year so it was kind of boring. We were expecting thinner, lighter, smaller, more content, and there just was nothing. If people arent focused on Virtual Reality what are they focused on . Alexa was dominant. When it comes to smart home domination everybody has been waiting for a big player. Google was expected with google home and a few other products but obviously the manufacturers are turning more towards alexa than almost anything else. There were wifi connected hair brushes, vacuums, washers and dryers. There was an interesting robot there that would tell what kind of mood you were in, turn on music to soothe you, because we all need that kind of help in our life. What would be the advantage . Why would i want a hair brush a wifi connected hair brush . To find out if your hair is frizzy or dry. Wouldnt you want to know that . I can tell by looking in the mirror. If you didnt get an alexa dot or any kind of new gadget, it is going to be on your christmas list. It is really going to take over everything. Imagine a home where you come in, the lights turn on the way you want. You dont have to worry about, did i empty the dryer . Did i wash may dishes . Everything is taken care of for you. Sort of like a personal assistant. I like the sound of it. And i have a pro tip about alexa. I told my kids to calculate the mass of the is in micrograms, and alexa will talk for half an hour giving you all the stats. Its very funny. Were sitting here talking next year, do you think we will see more focus on Virtual Reality . It seemed like that really was hyped up. Do you think there is going to be some innovation . Playstation is coming out with their new version in the fall. It is going to be a big focus on Consumer Electronics with ocular rifts coming out, sony and their standalone system. It is going to be huge. The problem is content providers. Nobody is creating content for you to excuse me this kind of stuff. When you get in there youre like, oh, i can watch a couple of videos, and thats it, and i spent 1,000 on this thing . So hopefully the content providers will start going, and i think its the same as the smart home market, waiting for someone to come out and dominate and then really take off. Other than video games and maybe a little bit of interesting movie titles theres not much you are going to get right now. Thanks for talking to us ryan. Fun to have you object. Love the insight on whats hot when it comes to tech gadgets. Coming up we will speak with a bay area lawmaker who is proposing changes in oak land hoping to help artists steyn work live spaces while also making them safe. On the investigation happening at this hour in florida, a gunman opened fire in the baggage claim area. At least five people have been killed. We will have an update on the situation there. Most fast food places use formulas to create their combos. But all that math, doesnt always equal something tasty. At my place, you can get a mouthwatering sourdough bacon ranch combo for 4. 99. With a full size beef patty, bacon, and creamy ranch sauce, on toasted sourdough bread. Plus hot salty fries and refreshing freestyle drink. Because flavor always beats formulas. The sourdough bacon ranch combo, just 4. 99 for a limited time. Combos done my way. Now to the latest on the mass shooting at the ft. Lauderdale airport that left five people dead this morning. Authorities say the alleged gunman, 26yearold Esteban Santiago, was discharged from the alaska Army National guard last year for unsatisfactory performance. The puerto rico National Guard says was deployed to iraq in 2010. His brother tells the Associated Press santiago had recently been receiving psychological treatment. Foxs Julie Banderas tells us how the deadly shooting unfolded. Reporter multiple people are dead after a deadly shooting incident at ft. Lauderdale Hollywood International airport in florida. We do not know the motive. Reporter authorities initially saying several people were killed and multiple others wounded when a man opened fire at the airports terminal 2 early friday afternoon. The active shooter shot at least 13 people. Eight people ace know right now are in area hospitals being treated. I dont know the degree of their injuries. Five people have succumbed to their wounds and tragically are dead. Witnesses report seeing a man in his 20s wearing a star wars tshirt firing a weapon near a baggage carrousel. Whoever is responsible will be held accountable to the full extent of the law. The state of florida and Law Enforcement in this state will not tolerate evil acts. Porter they say the shooter was silent and was reportedly shot by police when he reportedly tried to reload the gun. One suspect was taken into custody, a 26yearold man named Esteban Santiago. They say he was carrying a u. S. Military id. As police and medical crews responded, Security Officials corralled passengers in area outside, including on the airport tarmac. Senates pretty frightening down there. I can see everybody crying and pretty upset. Reporter meantime later as police were investigating a new unconfirmed report of additional shots being fired on airport property prompting a lockdown and an active search by police. The investigation continues. We have area s. W. A. T. Teams in the Broward Sheriffs Office s. W. A. T. Team clearing the entire airport. Reporter the white house says the president is being briefed on the incident while on twitter president elect donald trump calling the situation, quote, terrible and sending out his thoughts and prayers. In new york, julie ban deer remarks fox news. A little more than a month ago that devastating warehouse fire in oakland killed 36 people. Since then there have been a lot of questions about Building Inspections and safety. And now a new push to tell you about to prevent another disaster like the ghost ship tragedy. East bay senator Nancy Skinner of berkeley joins us now. So nice to have you here. Thank you. Tell us first of all about this legislation and its main points. Certainly. We had 36 people die on that in the ghost ship fire. The vast majority of whom were 35 and under. This is the kind of tragedy we do not want to have happen. We have a shortage of housing and housing is expensive, and for artists, he is special commercial properties, they dont have a lot of access. So would can we as a state do . That drives them to live in or work in or perform in buildings that may not be say. How can we assist . Local governments that want buildings to be more safe, were Property Owners. What can we do as the state to provide some either resources or additional Enforcement Powers to address these type of problems . I know thats something you are work on. You said you were talking to local officials as well as your colleagues. It seems like the main focus is going to be on expanding the power of officials when it comes to issues like a warehouse. Im looking at a couple of options. One, are there Enforcement Powers that our local governments need. Right now we know that fire marshals can by and large in most cases enter a building without a lot of permission requirements. But we only have so many fire marshalls per jurisdiction. We have many more building inspectors. And legitimately we limit their ability to walk into the property. Maybe we should expand that. Thats one thing we are looking at. So if there are a number of complaints, and depending upon the severity, perhaps, an inspector might be able to go in without permission. That something you might be considering . I dont want to go too far but thats the kind of concept were looking at, yes. There are a lot of people who own different buildings. They would like to bring them up to code but frankly they dont have the funds. That a way in which the state could assist . While the state doesnt have unlimited resources certainly we have the ability to put together Revolving Loan funds or the ability to make it easier for Property Owners to get access to commercial financing. Maybe we can set up a program where they have access to longer term financing than otherwise. So right now for example the state has something called pace. Its an interesting program, property assed clean energy. If a Property Owner wants to upgrade or make a seismic improvement, they can tie their financing to the property, not just to them. So it lasts the whole lean, like 30 years. And they can pate through the property tax. Is there something that we can do like that for those Property Owners who want to bring a building up to code for health and safety reasons . Finally, though, there is a little bit of criticism if you will in that, and i dont really know if criticism is the right word. Perhaps its fear. That by bringing in additional inspectors, that those who are are the most vulnerable might be forced out. How are you going to strike a balance . Well, and that is why i dont have my legislation yet, because im very sensitive to that. What is driving people, whether its an artist or a lowincome person to live or work in an unsafe building . Because of the cost. Right now the cost is the pressure that we have. We certainly dont want to create complete displacement, yet we have to make the situation safer. As we heard after that tragedy, a lot of people said, given the choice between living on the streets or living in a place that i know sun safe but at least its a roof over my head, im going to choose the latter. Senator, thank you so much. Were going to be following this legislation. We will, in fact, be following the progress there. Thank you. Ted. Thank you heather. In San Francisco police shot and injured a man during an Early Morning confrontation in the citys ocean view neighborhood. Officers responded to reports of a man violating a restraining order just before 4 00 a. M. When they confronted him there was a struggle. Police say that officers first used batons and pepper spray to subdue the man, and then one officer fired shots at the suspect. The man was injured but ran into a house and barricaded himself there. He later surrendered to police. The mans brother wants to know why police decided to use lethal force. I definitely feel like they overreacted by shooting my brother. He was unarmed. He didnt have no weapon or nothing. One of the officers involved in the confrontation suffered a head injury. Everyone involved in the incident is expected to survive. Well, it is being called the tesla killer, but are consumers going to agree . Coming up, we will explore if the chevy bolt can put a dent in tesla sales. Stay with us. And in weather clouds are already racing into the bay area. We have an Atmospheric River setting up offshore. With that a lot of rainfall to talk about this weekend. Intense rainfall rates, strong gusty winds, and the active weather pattern that may continue into next week. We will break everything down coming up. This portion of fox 2 noses brought to you by your Northern California nissan dealers. Chevy is billing it as the tesla killer. The chevy bolt is the latest allelectric vehicle to be able to run over 200 miles on a single charge, but the bolt may not have the same mystique as the tesla. So what is going through a consumers mind when theyre choosing between two electric vehicles . Joining us is mitchell marks, the professor of leadership at the college of business at sf statement professor, first of all, on paper, the bolt and the much anticipated tesla model 3 seem to have a lot of the same characteristics, but the bolt has a minuscule amount of anticipation compared to tesla. Why . Well, let me first of all mention one word you just used in your question. Anticipated. Tesla is not known for coming in with things on time. So for a lot of consumers who want to bay something now, the bolt is wynn the hand, versus two in the bush. So we have to put that into consideration. By the numbers, the bolt actually has some advantages over the tess. What for example, it gives about 230some miles per charge versus 2 10. Now that might not mean a lot to you, but say if you commute only eight miles a day round trip that could be a couple of extra days, almost a week of mileage. So it has some very practical advantages. The actual feel, the drive, the reviews for both cars have been very good. Its very clear from the consumer surveys that the tesla looks better, but once get inside, its a real tossup in terms of consumer views. This is a game changer, is it not, in that its an electric car that is somewhat affordable, around 40,000. When you add in the tax breaks its really affordable, up there with other cars, but it prevents the anxiety that a lot of people think they would have because now the mileage range is high enough where you can get from point a to point b without worrying about being stranded on the side of the lode. Do you think this car, model 3 and others, will change americas appetite for electric cars . I think it is going to nibble away. It is not going to be a full meal. It is not going to satisfy a lot of people because theres still a lot of skepticism. Consumer behavior is difficult to change. Consumer behavior will slowly change. I think what is important in this case is that the bolt is getting a lot of awards. It was motor trends car of the year. I think that a lot of consumers will use that to help them decide which way to go. A lot of anticipation for the tesla, but the bolt is, like you say, its on the showroom floors right now, and chevy obviously hoping to capitalize on that. Appreciate your time. Absolutely. Mark tamayo. There he is. A lot of anticipation, mark, for the storm this weekend. A lot of people nervous. Exactly, yeah. This will be somewhat of big deal. First saturday it is going to be an ordinary event, but then sunday things get ramped up a few levels. Heres a live camera looking out towards san hoe state. Clouds filtering in over the past few hours. Even by tonight we will be tracking the first chance of some rainfall, he is special near the coastline. Here you can see this active weather pattern setting up. A lot of moisture in the pacific. It is just like your garden hose. Wherever it gets directed, thats where you get all of the intense rainfall. It will be directed towards portions of the bay area. Right now the clouds in place, a little bit of green showing up on radar so there is the chance we could have at least the possibility of a few popup showers in the short term, probably by tonight after 8 00 or 9 00, thats when things get going. So a lot to talk about here in the pacific. Theres the Storm Timeline for saturday, sunday, and, once again into tuesday of next week we could be talking about more rainfall but the main event in terms of the rainfall of interest, thats going to move into the region first thing sunday morning, early sunday morning. So the rainfall intensity starts out pretty good, at least moderate for tomorrow morning. Might after break later in the day saturday, 2 00 p. M. , then it begins to really go up. Sunday morning 5 00 a. M. , sunday morning 10 00 a. M. , even still some moderate downpours at 3 00. All this will translate to a lot of rainfall over the next couple of days into the weekend. Santa cruz mountains could have amounts approaching eight to ten inches. South bay two and a half inches. North bay over four inches. Well be picking up the bulk of this within a six to eighthour time frame sunday morning. River levels going up. Russian river as healdsburg right now forecasted to crest above flood stage. Monday afternoon 3 00 p. M. Be watching out for that. Also here in napa river at st. Helena could be at flood stage as well by sunday 3 00 p. M. So here is the next storm developing out here in the pacific. All this moisture racing toward the bay area. As this low kicks in that will be the source for the dynamics. We have a wind advisory, also a high wind warning. Lake tahoe, instead of snowfall we will eventually be talking about rainfall. Snow levels going up by saturday evening up to 8500 feet. A lot of reign the mountains saturday night. They could have winds gusting to over 130 Miles Per Hour over the top of summits in the sierra. Here is our forecast model, taking this into saturday morning. Even tonight we are talking about rain showers. There we go with the coverage. Tomorrow morning at least a moderate borderline heavy rainfall saturday morning. This is actually a nice Little Development by saturday hack p. M. , maybe some more breaks, a chance to get outside, but look what happens. Late saturday night, sunday morning 6 00 a. M. , well have to hold on to the chance of scattered showers into monday as well. So rain and wind tomorrow. The target time with the serious concern will be sunday morning. Showers like ental monday and a chance of some more rain into tuesday of next week. So theres a lot to be talking about here. That sunday morning deal could be one of those things where its dark outside, 3 00, 4 00, 5 00 in the morning. Still great snow in tahoe. Is the rain going to kill it all . You dont want to see that in the forecast, but yeah, a lot of reign the forecast coming up by tomorrow might. Thanks mark. Frank joins us with a look at some of the stories for ktvu fox 2 news at 5 00. Within the last hour new details about that ft. Lauderdale airport shooting investigation. Yeah, were continuing to follow the developing news there out of ft. Lauderdale airport. Weve learned a lot of new information about what happened and the gunman and a possible motive. Also, how he checked the gun with his baggage and then how he went to the bathroom after the plane landed and pulled the gun out and loaded it, and thats when all the shooting started. A lot of new information coming up at 5 00. Switching gears, a big day tomorrow for the oakland raiders. Huge day for the raiders. They are in houston now preparing for tomorrows afc wild card game. It is the raiders first playoff appearance since the 20022003 season when they lost the super bowl to the tampa bay bucs. Coming up, conor cook is going to be their starting quarterback. The first time a rookie has ever started his first game in a playoff game. Thats him there, number 8. Joe fonzi is in houston with the team. We are going to hear from him. So much excitement. Thanks, frank. Ill sigh at 5 00. Next on the four on 2, historic moment. Breaking borders with the board of supervisors. Creamy swirls of pure indulgence. Silky sifts of total transcendence. Tempting accents of sheer pleasure. Introducing unicorn whispers. This should be the name. Or something more like golden gold. Or maybe, mmmmmm mmhmm. But, with 20 of your daily fiber, its actually fiber one. So delicious, it should have another name. At the Marine Mammal center, the environment is everything. We want to do our very best for each and every animal, and we want to operate a sustainable facility. And pg e has been a partner helping us to achieve that. Weve helped the Marine Mammal center go solar, install electric vehicle charging stations, and become more energy efficient. Pg e has allowed us to be the most Sustainable Organization we can be. Any time you help a customer, its a really good feeling. Its especially so when its a customer thats doing such good and important work for the environment. Together, were building a better california. Mayor ed lee today official appointed the first person living with hiv to the board of supervisors. He was the director of a research institute. He also formerly served as an hiv aids advisor to former mayor gavin newsom. These are perilous times. We face an existential threat. Rights that we fought for and won, we may have to fight for them all over again. He fills the district 8 seat previously held by scott wiener. Shea congress certified the Electoral College vote today for donald trump, but the vote was interrupted by protesters. There will be order. Four democrats members of congress raised objections including barbara lee, but Vice President joe biden who presided over the certification told fellow democrats, quote, its over. After their repeated efforts to deny trump the presidency failed. Regarding the vote, Congress Woman lee tweeted, quote, there is no doubt that the integrity of our election waskom pro mised. I wont sit quietly while our Democratic Institutions are under attack. President obama defended his legacy. Today we got a preview of the president s final Farewell Speech that he will deliver next week in chicago, that coming up as the four on 2 continues. Game night is our daughter allies favorite night. And knowing that her favorite General Mills big g cereals are glutenfree, like honey nut cheerios, rice chex and lucky charms, she can enjoy it her way. You said you wanted to feel better about your cereal. General mills big g cereals hear you. Thats why we say yes to whole grain as our first ingredient. And no way to high fructose corn syrup. So no matter what your favorite is, you can feel good about General Mills big g cereals. Well, with the inauguration two weeks away the obamas are getting ready for a transition of their own. Michele obama is making her final public remarks as first lady, and as doug mcelway tells us president obama is planning a fair we will address in chicago on tuesday. A farewell address in chicago on tuesday. Reporter the venue, the 2017 School Counselor of the year event in the east room. It started two years ago as part of the reach higher initiative. We wanted to make Higher Education cool. We wanted to change the conversation around what it means and what it takes to be a success in this country. Reporter the first ladys speech scheduled around the same time as an appearance by her husband, president obama using some of his last public remarks while still in office to defend a major part of his legacy, taking part in a discussion on the lessons of obamacare. I get letters every single day there people who say this has saved my life. Reporter the sitdown taking place at that time blair house across the street from the white house. President obamas final address will also be away from 1600 pennsylvania avenue. He has chosen his adopted home of chicago as the location for his Farewell Speech. President obama is going to go back to the place where he began his career in public service, a community, a city that was so supportive of him. Reporter the last tame we will see the obamas while still in office is at president elect Donald Trumps inauguration. They wont be going far, planning to live here until their youngest daughter finishes high school. Doug mcelway, fox news. The investigation continues. Right now were taking this scene that is considered fluid and active. Five People Killed inside the International Airport in ft. Lauderdale. And tonight were learning a lot of new information about the gunman and a possible motive. Good evening. Im frank somerville. Im Heather Holmes in tonight for julie. There was terror and panic inside the ft. Lauderdale airport after a gunman opened fire. Five people were killed. Eight others remain in the hospital. And that gunman is now in custody. Ktvus Cristina Rendon has been following the latest from florida and is in our newsroom with what she has learned including the name of the gunman. Yes, frank. 26yearold Esteban Santiago. He is being questioned by florida authorities and the fbi. He was discharged from the Army National guard. Tonight, though, he is the lone suspect accused of shooting 13 people. Cell phone video inside the baggage claim area shows panicked passengers moments after the shooting. This is where Authorities Say the gunman opened fire in terminal 2 at the ft. Lauderdale airport around 1 00 p. M. Eastern time killing five and injuring eight others. We were just minding our own business, waiting for Ground Transportation and the shooting started in this building and immediately was mass kayo people running by. It was hard to decipher. Reporter it was chaos and confusion with passengers de boarding planes on the tarmac or taking cover, the wounded being rushed to ambulances. What happened upstairs . I dont know. I heard a lady yell for help, and then some people were running, and i just ran. Reporter Esteban Santiago is identified as the

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