Radar, there you go with the at this time. Even if youre not covered with the green you can still have a lot of low level moisture in place, enough to trigger the sprinkles or drizzle. Well come in closer and show you still some lingering activity for the central portions of the bay and out towards portions of the coastline. Looks like still some action close to the bay bridge and approaching alameda as well. Big changes for your weekend. More on that coming upen a few minutes. Mark, thank you. Gus vegas was a be loved and well respected man, father, and police officer. Police say he died during a domestic dispute with the father of one of his grandchildren. Vegas family called him their protector. John sasaki shows us the emotional tributes during his memorial service. We do not have that story right now. I know john has been work on that in the newsroom. We will get that ready for you as soon as possible j. A man accused of killing a mother and her young daughter was in court. Prosecutors say his blood alcohol level was nearly twice the legal limit when he drove his corvette into the back porch of a house where a family was having a party. A mother and daughter were pinned turned car and killed. Organizers with mothers against drunk driving said todays testimony was heartbreaking. People who got passed along the way while he was weaving in and out, people were saying, hes going to kill someone, he almost killed us. And to hear these same words spoken at court, it just tore my heart, because if only someone could have stopped him. If only he had made a different choice. Prosecutors say brain jones was at that time wine country festival in livermore just hours before the crash. The oakland as pitchers and catchers report to camp in mess is a, arizona tomorrow. Over in scottsdale the San Francisco giants had their second workout today. Joe fonzi joins us live from giants camp. How did today go . Reporter well, you know, they say that professional baseball is the most generational of the sports. Its something that probably everybody who went to a game probably went to with a parent or grandparent, something thats passed down. Today it was with a heavy heart learning that the giants had lost a long time member of their family, jimmy davenport. But with that as the backdrop business had to continue. It was the second day of pitchers and catchers for the giants. As far as bruce bochy is concerned, one of his major chores this spring is to get his starting pitching staff ready and one of the key acquisitions was johnny cueto, a guy who was a staff ace in cincinnati, and then a member of the World Championship Kansas City Royals team last year, and one of the things the giants agree about cueto, on a team that has a lot of hard working unselfish players he will probably fit in. Hes a great teammate. He has a lot of fun playing, a lot of charisma. Were a team that well, weve been known for beg a little different and diverse, even have been called misfits, cockroaches. So guys fit in here. What you see is what you get. This is how i am in the clubhouse. You see me sitting down, relaxed. If someone wants to joke with me, ill joke with them. But when its time to get to business ill get to business. Reporter thats part of the onthefield business today, but it was turned backdrop of learning that a longtime member of the San Francisco giants, a guy who was a former manager, a former player, a former coach, Jim Davenport had died last night. And Jim Davenport will always be remembered as an original San Francisco giant. He it was giants starting third baseman for their very first game in San Francisco at seals stadium in 1958. Fans early on identified more with Jim Davenport than they did with the established giants who had moved west from new york. Davenport would become an all star, a gold glove winner and earn the respect of one of the men who sometimes played behind him. We made it to the big leagues the same year. And i was playing left field because mr. Willie mays was in center field. Playing left field, you know when you have a good third baseman. To me he was the best fielding third base maine the league. Reporter calling davenport the greatest third baseman of his era is quite a statement in an era that included the likes of brooks robin son, ron santo, and eddie matthews. But it was another trait that far more impressed his teammate felipe. He was maybe the best friend that the latinos and blacks had on the team. Davy was always worried about how we were doing. Thats interesting because he was gay from the south where the south was still segregated. Alabama. But he was like one of us, and i repeat, you know, there was not a trace of racism. Reporter a career giant, davenport retired in nineteen 70s, would coach and manage the team in 1985 until his death last night. Hes one of those guys that just loved being around the game. He loved talking to young players. Hed come in the office. He always felt like he might be taking time away, but you were honored for Jim Davenport to come into your office and talk to you. Reporter so really kind of a day, guys, for reflection of what baseball means to all of us just in that giants clubhouse today. Willie place was there, felipe alou was there. Talking to the younger players who want to know everything about their aspect from back in the days when they were playing. Just from a personal aspect if youre someone who grew up in Northern California in the 60s, there were con students when it came to giants baseball. It was russ hodges and lon simmons on the radio, willie mccove vee, orlando zapeda. 1500 games for davenport in the black and orange. Only mccovey and mays played more games. Phillips played 18 Major League Seasons including nine with the as. He was a member of oaklands 1989 World Championship team. He was oaklands utility man. The as released a statement saying the oakland as lost another member of our family with in the expected passing of tony phillips. We all have memories of tony making a final play in the as 1989 world series. He was a remarkable player. Phillips died wednesday in arizona. He was 56. According to the San Francisco chronicle he died of an apparent heart attack. As we mentioned at the top of the newscast, officer gus vegas with the Richmond Police department, his funeral was today. Ktvus john sasaki has more from the service. Reporter the respect for Richmond Police officer gus vegas was obvious and heartfelt as his casket passed his saluting brothers and sisters in blue. Despite his not dying turn in line of duty but rather in a domestic dispute at his home, the richmond auditorium was filled as if vegas had died saving the lives of city residents. But such a danger is never expected to be lurking within the walls of your personal sanctuary. There are some things in life that are just beyond our ability to comprehend. Reporter his family says did he die in the line of duty. Dads final breath came doing exactly what he always taught us, and that was to protect our family at all costs. Take care of the pride. He felt did he fall in the line of duty, and that was the line of duty as a father and husband protecting his pride like a king lion. One after another vegas ten children spoke of the man who was obviously larger than life in their word. On our way over here i was like, wow, i cant believe like on a weekday they shut down one of the probably the busiest highways to honor him. And i could just see him, like, thats right. He always did some crazy things that i didnt understand when i was little, like put me on the top of a roof and tell me to jump. But i did it every time because i trusted him so much. And i knew he would catch me. Reporter one song chosen by the family was by diana ross. Im so honored to be protected by him. Im honored to be his daughter. I am honored to be their family. Dad, the love and encouragement you showed all of us kids is the same love and encouragement we will show our kids, and for that reason, will you live on, and will you forever be in our hearts. Reporter joe vegas gave the eulogy and made a powerful statement about his fathers impact on the world. If hes taught you something, if hes trained you ferks touched your life or somebody you know, can you just raise your hand . Im just curious. Reporter half the huge crowd raised their hands. Afterwards, it was time for the ride to the cemetery in vallejo. Vegas add huge contingent of Police Officers to ensure that he arrived at his final resting place safely. Very powerful words there from his children. A father no doubt will always catch his child. Will always be there. Absolutely heartbreaking. Coming up, tomorrow is a big day in race for the white house. A primary in one state, then a caucus in another. Still to come, why South Carolina could be make or break for the republican candidates for president. And today on facebook we are talk about the Chinese New Year parade. It is tomorrow. Are you going . Do you have memories from past parades . You can go to my Facebook Page. Search keba arnold and share your memories. A quick peek outside. 680, sunol grade definitely bumper to bumper on this friday afternoon. The four 2 will be right back. Tomorrow could be a key day in the president ial primary. The republican primary in South Carolina could narrow the field of candidates even more. And in nevada voters will caucus there and choose between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. With us now are political analyst brian sobel to talk about this. Tomorrow republicans in South Carolina, the derkz ms in nevada. How big of a deal is tomorrow, just to single these two races out, or is it really super tuesday, march 1st . I think were looking at super tuesday. Tomorrow in South Carolina, trump should do well. And the race will be for number two there, to see how cruz and rubio do. Meanwhile, in nevada in the caucuses, thats sort of neck and neck. You can look at a lot of polls. Perhaps hillary is out a little bit in front, and a couple of the others, sanders is out in front. I think everybody will be interested in those races, but its really about march 1. Tomorrow is not do or die . I dont think so. We love numbers. Lets bring in our political reporter ross palombo. I like to follow the numbers. Sometimes they stand true. Whats the numbers looking like tore tomorrow . I think brian is right. Everyone does think that donald trump is going to take South Carolina. Its very interesting. This is the poll we showed you yesterday. Donald trump in South Carolina, 32 , well above ted cruz and marco rubio, but this is the poll we have from today. Donald trump at 27. Look at this dramatic ship. Marco rubio up to 24, only three points behind donald trump and ted cruz, these two have swapped positions slot be very interesting to see how in South Carolina where we thought he was going to be the winner how this is going to shake out. When we talk about the democrats we know that Hillary Clinton is consistently been about 30 points ahead of Bernie Sanders. And over to nevada, thats whats actually tomorrow for democrats. Hillary clinton 53, Bernie Sanders 43 . Most people have been saying that is pretty much statistically a dead heat. We know the Clinton Campaign was out saying they didnt believe that her candidacy was going to do very well in the caucuses that Bernie Sanders might do better, but we really believe theyre just trying to lower expectations so she doesnt lose any face moving forward. If Bernie Sanders loses by just a bit is that a moral victory and more momentum for the sanders camp . I think any time sanders beats clinton, its great for the sanders campaign. The question is, even if sanders does well in nevada, then what happens as he moves forward . But politics is a momentum game. I keep saying that. You never know. Even if he doesnt win, but just almost wins, or just doesnt lose by that much, its still a win. I think youre right. Remember, demographically in nevada the breakup is very different. We have 20 latinos in nevada. This will be the first time that Bernie Sanders is competing 18 state thats not predominantly overwhelmingly white. If he does really well, at least better than expectations, it could be bad news for Hillary Clinton moving forward. Ross, back to South Carolina. You just showed us those numbers. At least one poll much closer. If marco rubio pulls this off, somehow and beats trurp in South Carolina, does that point to trump back and forth with apple with the pope, with everybody . Does that speak volumes . I think it does. I think weve seen these numbers shift because of the pope. Today against apple, a company that is loved around the world, i think feel are starting to take a look now back towards the establishment a little bit. Ted cruz we thought was going to be the big recipient then. But now it looks like Marco Rubio Might do better than expectations. Thats really been his game all along, to sort of wait this out and do much better than everyone has been thinking. Ive been saying for a long time that rubio may emerge as sort of the consensus candidate. Donald trump, as ross says, taking on the pope, and apple, its so shoot from the hip kind of stuff with him. He in the middle of the speech says im calling for a boycott of apple. Hey, i just thought of that. Really . Like you didnt sit down and talk about whether youre calling for a boycott of apple, it just kind of popped in your head and you let it fly . Thats a big move, shot from the hip. Ironically i was telling you guys about a report where he tweeted that later using an iphone. And he says, i use an iphone and a sam suck. Whats the strategy . But hes doing so well in so many polls. People seem to like this, a percentage of people seem to like this trump style. And its perplexing to a lot of people. But its working for him. Final question. After South Carolina, republicans tomorrow, do we see someone leave . Do we see a kay sick leave . Do we see a bush leave . Final question. I believe its going to be really hard for jeb bush to make the case going forward. He really had more strength going into South Carolina than anyone. Hes had his brother, his father, his mother is on the campaign trail today. If they cant pull out anything, if he cant do better than 9 , which is what the last poll showed, i think its not looking too good. I think bush may be the loser in South Carolina. His father did very well there. His brother did very well there. His not doing well there is, i think, the beginning of tend for jeb bush. We shall see. Brian, ross, thank you both. Ross, brian, thank you very much. A cup of coffee outside two or three hours ago. Light rain in oakland. Actually this storm cant really call at symptoms, but its actually behaving nicely. So the front falling across. Just in time for the commute. In fact, we have a nice camera prepped here, emeryville, lots of low clouds and fog. Its going to trigger the windshield wipers and reduce your visibilities. So be extra careful. Now tracking the most intense rainfall but still some lower visibilities and some wet streets. Heres a closer look at the satellite right now. Heres that incoming frontal band approaching parts of the bay area. Its going to weaken quite rapidly. With that this is not going to be a longterm heavy rain event but still a few scattered showers. Even if youre not covered you can still have enough moisture in place that it could squeeze out some drizzle. Were looking toward emeryville. We have some activity closer to oakland right now. Other parts of the east bay, closer to concord, extending north up towards solano county. So still a few lingering rain showers across parts of the bay area. Heres a wider perspective. As far as current numbers, on the cooler side, mainly in the 50s to right around 60 degrees. Remember we started out this week with temperatures in the 80s. So steadily cooling off. And always bit of a breeze out there as well across parts of the bay area. Winds out of the west in oakland 13 miles per hour. Some more wind reports out towards sfo. Winds out of the west at 12, and san jose, you can see here a southerly wind gusting to 22 miles per hour. First thing tomorrow morning, partly cloudy skies. It will be cool. We just showed that you live camera with all that moisture in place. I think we will have some areas of fog for your saturday morning. Temperatures in the upper 30s to the 40s. So off to a cool start out there. Oakland tomorrow morning partly cloudy skies, temperatures will be in the upper 40s, and then by 12 00 were going bump up the sunshine back up into the lower 60s, and by the 5 00, 6 00 house, still fair skies, a few high clouds paying us a visit. So heres that frontal band moving across the bay area for tonight. With that we have moisture out there. High pressure rebuilds. That will set the stage for a warming trend. Sunday will be the warmest day of the weekend. Monday, thats going to be a pretty warm day. We could be talking about more 70s by that time frame. Heres our forecast model. Just a few high clouds paying us a visit, but once again we could have some areas of fog and then sunday, still mostly sunny skies. So the storm track will be lifting up to the north over the next few days. Temperatures for tomorrow afternoon, most areas will be in the 60s. Santa rosa 60 degrees, hayward 62, San Francisco 61, san hoe sap the lower six and santa cruz 64. Of course the Chinese New Year parade in San Francisco. Partly cloudy skies, it will be dry, temperatures, bring your jacket, cooling off rapidly in the evening hours. Mainly in the 50s. Heres a look ahead. Your fiveday forecast. No rain clouds to talk about on at least over the next five days. Well warm things back up for sunday, and into monday the warmest locations in the mid 70s, then well bring in partly sunny skies for tuesday and wednesday. In a few minutes i am tran ago storm on the long range weather maps to let you know if that will be approaching the bay area. More on that in a little bit. Mark, thank you very much. We are just getting word in of breaking news out of the city of vallejo where several people have been shot. We are working to get more details on this breaking story. The four on 2 will be right back. More on breaking news out of vallejo. Sources are telling us several people there have been getting shot. A little at a time is coming in. We have been told four people have been shot. One is a child. And at least one person is dead. We want to bring up a map to show you where this is taking place. Right near porter street and magazine street. We do after crew on the way, and we are working our sources right now in the newsroom trying to get more information. Again, multiple people shot here in the city of vallejo. As soon as we get more information well bring it to you. Switching gears weve got 24 hours to go before taupes Chinese New Years parade. One of the most looked for participants is miss chinatown usa. Young women come to San Francisco to compete in miss chinatown usa pageants. Last year the winner was crowned, Stefanie Wong of millbrey. Shes a girl who grew up watching the Chinese New Year parade. Senates one of the most exciting moments of my life. Its one of my first pageants. The reason why i chose it is because of its cultural connection, and i wanted to become closer to my heritage. It has been so far an amazing experience. Im really glad i did it. I always looked up to the girls and contestants on the float so its surreal to actually be the one in it. I think its still kind of a little bit surprising to me, and im so excited for the parade. What im wearing is the traditional style of chinese formalwear. Then this is just a serks ptor that the crown winner gets the hold. This is what weve worn traditional for many years. The pageant has been around for 59 years. This has been worn by all the winners. Millbrey is a small city. I know the mayor thinks its exciting. Its really special for all of us in the bay area, and california in general. I feel absolutely honored to take the title and be friends with everyone and the contestants. I know that were all really happy. You can watch the Chinese New Year parade right here on ktvu tomorrow night. Our coverage starts at 5 00 with the 5 00 news. Thats going to lady you directly into the live parade coverage. We are sharing some Chinese New Year parade memories that you can go to my Facebook Page and share, one of your favorite memories of going to the parade. Ive been going now as a member of the ktvu team, weve got our floats going by, i started as a single guy, now im a father of two, so its fun now to take my family, then to see my children and my son and daughters reaction. Big eyes, right. At the end also to see all the colorful floats that also participate in this parade. So he shared his memory. You share your memory now on our Facebook Page. Japanese americans are taking a stand with Muslim Americans. They say are beg unfairly targeted. We will tell you how they plan to do just that as they head into weekend events to mark the internment of japanese americans during world war ii. At the present time add first lady pay their respects to chief Justice Antonin Scalia as washington wonders who will be tapped to fill the vacant court seat. On this day in 1942 president Franklin Roosevelt signed executive order 199066 requiring the internment of all japanese americans. The u. S. Was in the thick of world war ii. The attack on pearl harbor by japanese Fighter Pilots had just happened two months prior. 120,000 japanese americans were evicted from their homes and then moved to these camps. This weekend japanese americans are making the moment to stand in solidarity with Muslim Americans who now find themselves the target of discrimination and violence as the u. S. Fights islamic extremists like isis. It is the topic of our four by 4 where we take time to dive in. Do you mind if i ask you, for you personally as a young boy you spent time in one of these camps with your family in california. No. Well, eventually. I was born in a camp in utah, topaz, utah, then my parents had elected to repatriate, so we were sent to ellis island where the exchange boat departed. We didnt make it on to that ship. And so they transferred us to rohr in arkansas, and i was at that camp for a couple of months, and then we were transferred to tully lake in Northern California, which was the camp where they segregated the socalled disloyal. Did you ever get a chance to ask your parents about those spernth and the effect it had on them . We never really talked about the effect it had on them. Why is that . They were busy trying to get on, basically, but kai always feel that they werent as open and as free to be themselves because of the experience that they had during the war. Bring us now up to present day. The theme of this years ceremony is days of fear, years of infamy. When was this year seemed decided . Was there a particular event that affected the Muslim Community that made you all focused on this or why . Yes, it was all of that anti immigrant rhetoric that was coming out, the increased islamophobia that was generated by president ial candidates, and we feel that its our legacy to prevent any of the kinds of things that happened to the japanese during world war ii to happen now in america. So any time that sort of thing starts to happen, were ready to step in and speak out. And show solidarity with those that are being discriminated against. Because as you said, in your previous answer to my question, the effect it had on your parents, even after the war in the years and decades to follow, and that could be kind of a mirror image to those today who are being discriminated against, living here in the united states. Back later in their lives. It would tend to make people hide out, in a sense, more than they would normally. So the ceremony is a sunday. Yes. And what can we expect from it . Whats planned for sunday . Well, at 2 00, were going to have our program. The program is pretty diverse. Were having the executive director of care of the San Francisco bay area speak at the ceremony. Reverend Michael Yoshi who has strong ties to the arab palestinian community, hes going to be speaking at the ceremony. And this is at the sundance, were seeing on the screen here, ka burks ki theater, 2 00, 1881 post street. I know youre very involved and always have been on that particular day, so thank you for everything you do, heroshi. Thank you for having me. The author of the beloved novel to kill a mockingbird, harper lee, has died at her home. She had suffered a stroke back in 2007. Lees story of racial injus tans small alabama town became a bestseller after its release in 1960 and was made into an oscarwinning film. Her second book, the sequel called go set a watchman, was released last year. The body of Justice Antonin Scalia laid in repeas today inside the great hall of the Supreme Court. The 79yearold Supreme Court justice died last weekend while on a hunting trip in west texas. Heres the final respects from washington, d. C. Reporter president Obama Joining thousands of mourners paying their final respects to antonin scalia. His unexpected death nearly a week ago leaving a vacancy on the court that even his political opponents say would be hard to fill. He will no doubt be remembered as one of the most consequential judges and thinkers to serve on the Supreme Court. Reporter appointed in 1986 by president ronald reagan, scalia became known for his brilliant legal mind and sharp tongue. He was a stro opponent of abortion who asked pointed hypothetical questions there the bench and was strong advocate of federalism and separation of powers. Im quite confident that law students will be reading Justice Scalia opinions a century from now. Reporter scalias own son would is a Catholic Priest said brief prayer in honor of his dad as the eight remaining justices looked on. Its unclear how long the Current Court will go without a current number of members, but its possible opinions could remain with justice ska lea i cant. The white house has been tight lipped as to when president obama will nominate a replacement. Meanwhile republicans vowed to block any nominees for a vote until after the general election in november. In washington, matt fin, fox news. Former state senator leland yee is about to find out his fate in a federal corruption case. Mike and michael discuss the prison sentence he could face coming up in the verdict. In weather, still tracking lots of fog and some showers out there across parts of the bay area. Coming up, how long the showers in your forecast and the changes you can expect by the weekend. A quick peek at the golden gate bridge, 101 north and southbound not too bad. The four on 2 will be right back. More on the breaking news out of vallejo. Police are now confirming four people have been shot. This includes a nineyearold boy. One person has died. You are looking at a map of the area. We now know the boy was taken to the hospital and one adult was declared dead at the scene. At this point we are working to get more information for you. We will bring it to you as soon as we learn more. In this weeks the verdict two cases. Former state senator leland yee and the fbi taking on apple. We start with the Justice Department filing a new motion in the efforts to unlock the iphone of one of the San Bernardino shooters. It accuses apple of being concerned more about its Business Model and Marketing Strategy than the law. Legal analyst Michael Cardoza tells us if its an overreach by the government. This is one of those, mike, you can see both sides. I can. One side is talk security, the other side, apple, talking surveillance. Apple is station we do this if were honored to do this, then we are going to allow you to surveil whoever you want and per chance other countries, other people getting ahold of what they call the back door entry into this. But the fbi says we just want the one phone. We dont need the back door. Even though its not the terrorist phone, its owned by the county. Thats what theyre saying. But apple is saying it doesnt work that way. Once we give it to you, once we create it, it could go out there, other people could get it, none of us will be safe. What is the next step in the Legal Process when they get an order like this from a judge . I can guarantee you apple is going to tie this up. Theyre going to appeal that order. Theyre going to contest that order. And then what . Then you might have a full blown hearing, which i think they should have. Bring the experts in, talk about this get this done. Keep in mind what apple did, they went to the clouds, and they took all the information from this phone that was in the clouds, and they gave it to the federal government. So its not but the federal government, the fbi says this guy hasnt backed up his phone in the last 30 days prior to his death so that information is not adequate. But it does show that apple at least tried to help in that regard. As far as we sit here on the verdict im hung on this one. I dont know the answer yet because we dont have enough information about it yet. My gut tells me apple will give it to them. Its our national security. But then i think, are we being foolish . Are we opening up the floodgates to other things later . And thats the problem. Next case also in the bay area, were talking about the former state sen to leland yee. The case still out there, although its almost wrapped up. Pleaded guilty, admitted to accepting bribes from undercover agents posing as campaign contributors. So federal prosecutors are asking the judge, we want eight years for this gin prison. But 83s team says butees butt yees team says, were thinking more like four to five. Is i like the judge. He was Trial Attorney before. So he can evaluate the case. But keep in mind in federal court, unlike state court, they want to send messages to people. Theyre a message sending venue. But heres a guy who pleaded guilty. I understand. So early acceptance of responsibility. He said i did it. But on the other side we want to tell politicians out there, dont be doing this kind of stuff, you know. And im not a big fan of politicians usually, because the first bed they want to feather usually is their own, and then we all sort of become secondary to them. I think judge briar is going to come back with a four to six year sentence, more along the six. That would be my guess. That sends a big message to politicians. Dont be doing this type of thing, dont be taking money, dont be doing favors for people. You rep since. Four to six years. Well find out next week. The former state senator will be sentenced. And that is this weeks edition of the verdict. And the Weather Center now, our meteorologist mark tamayo. A wet end to the week which is good because we needed more rain. Were upon the weekend now. Pretty dry . Are we about done with this rain . It looks like it will be winding down. It will be dry for the upcoming week but with the timing, the one on wednesday and the one today targeting the afternoon and evening commute. So give yourself from extra time. We do have some slick roadways, also some low visibilities, as you can see outside right now. Mostly cloudy conditions. On the satellite we do have this. Theres that frontal band weakening but still enough oomph with it, a technological term, but we do have still some organization to generate a few showers. Heres a closer look at satellite and radar. This is the radar loop over the past few hours. Right now the main focus is in parts of the east bay and parts of the north bay. Heres a closer inspection of the radar as you can see is out towards the east bay hills, out towards concord and antioch. Even if youre not covered you could stiffly some is mist or some drizzle, enough to trigger the windshield wipers. So that will be a factor between now and 7 00. Current numbers out there in the 50s to right around 60 degrees. Fairfield 5 4, Mountain View 6 2, san jose checking in at 60 degrees. Updated rainfall totals for the season since july 1st, and youre still below average for santa rosa, San Francisco and san jose. The activity this past week has helped us out but we still need a lot more rain. It looks fairly quiet over the next few days even into next week. First thing tomorrow morning we could have areas of fog. All that moisture out there forms the low cloud deck, and that could be a factor 7 00 a. M. Saturday. But then were expecting partly sunny skies and that green of the sick. Lots of 60 for saturday afternoon. Looks like sunday will be the warmest day of the upcoming weekend. Heres an update. Heres Tropical Cyclone win stoorntion major hurricane approaching fiji with winds of 165 miles per hour. This will be a big story as we head into the weekend as this major hurricane moves closer to the islands out there of is that part of the world. So well have to keep an eye on powerful Tropical Cyclone win ston. Here is the cold front moving across Northern California. This weekend will be dry and warmer. In fact, by monday were thinking lots of 70s across the bay area into early next week. What about rainfall this were dry this weekend, that rain line heads up to our north, then into a good portion of next week you will see some activity offshore on thursday. We are dry through thursday, but then on friday a week from today possibly some more rain clouds paying the bay area a visit. The forecast highs for tomorrow, mainly in the 60s across most areas. San francisco 6 1, brentwood 6 2, and some more neighborhoods, 62, gilroy 64 degrees. Heres a look ahead, your five day forecast. Temperatures will continue to warm up. Look at those overnight lows in the blue boxes on the cool side. So definitely want to bundle up. Were thinking 30s and 40s, partly sunny skies for tuesday and wednesday. I get a little nervous when we see an extended period of dry weather. February has been like that. Possibly a week from today we could be tracking some more rain clouds. Thanks mark. Lets check in now with frank live in the newsroom with a look at stories for ktvu at 5 00. Frank, just an awful Violent Crime there in the city. It really was horrifying what happened. A 44yearold tour frist overseas stabbed in the head during a frightening robbery in San Francisco. He is now fighting for his life. Police do have one piece of evidence, though, that they hope will lead them to the man and the woman who did this. Is frank, what is this about some free pot in san jose . You dont see this every day. Theres a man in the south bay who is giving away marijuana, but he is asking for one thing in return. Thanks, frank. We will sigh at 5 00. Well be right back. Stay with us. Lost shipmen, lost invoices, lost prospects, lost respect. Wellcrafted solutions for todays problems in commerce. Pitney bowes, the craftsmen of commerce. It is time to get social as we show what you people are talking about on social media. Many people are taking to facebook to discuss lady gagas surprise appearance at new yorks fashion week. The singer strutted the catwalk in a giant dark coat with fur sleeves. She and 64 other modses wore fashion for a dramatic ending. The show was without music but in stead it featured bells chiming in varying decibels, so at the end jacobs took a bow there with an image of Hillary Clinton in spar calls. New york fashion week. Huge. Big deal. Chinese new year parade is tomorrow. You put a question on your Facebook Page. Wondering what people are thinking about the parade, some of their favorite memories, thinking back to when they were young. One viewer said back in the day when stockton add huge Chinese Community i remember as a kid the dragon paying all of the merchants a visit to bring them good fortune. Weve heard that. It means good fortune. I expect a lot of people, 10, 15 deep probably tomorrow. You can watching a gain the Chinese New Year parade right here on ktvu fox 2 tomorrow night. Our coverage starts with the 5 00 news. That will lead direct interest our live parade coverage beginning at 6 00. Coming up after the break, the summer olympics arent too far away, and now brazil is facing an outbreak of the zika various. The reason officials arent worried. Now to the latest on the zika virus. The head of the World Health Organizations Zika Response Team tried to quell concerns saying the virus should be way down by the start of the games in august. The Organization Also said today there is a, quote, very real possibility the virus is responsible for birth defects. The virus would be considered guilty until proven innocent at this point, and that we are taking a approach in terms of control measures based on that assumption. Latinamerican countries have been ground zero for the outbreak. Today two more countries were added to the travel advisory list. They are both off the coast of venezuela. Lets turn now to frank and julie. An emotional day for one Police Department in the east bay. Richmond said goodbye to a 15year veteran who was killed last thursday. It was clear just how much gus vegas meant to not only his family but the entire community. Hes taught you something, hes trained you. If he agencies touched your life or somebody you know, can you just raise your hand . Im just curious. Many of those in attendance knew what it was like, what he was lake to be an officer, but most of his ten children stood up and told everyone what he was like as a father. Im so honored to be protected by him. Im honored to be his daughter. A Community Comes together to honor and say goodbye to a fallen hero. Good evening. Im julie haener. Im frank somerville. Well get to the funeral for officer vegas in a moment. First, breaking news from vallejo. Sources tell us at least four people have been shot, one of them is a child. Weve been told that a nine yearold was shot in the cheek and has now been taken to the hospital. Another person was shot and killed. Two others were injured. All of this happened in the past hour on porter street and magazine street in vallejo. We do after crew on the way. We will bring you more information as soon as it becomes available. You can also get more Information Online at ktvu. Com and on our mobile app. Now back to the funeral for officer Augustine Gus vegas. He didnt officially die in the line of duty. He was shot to death inside his own home, allegedly by the father of one of his grandchildren. But his family says it was in the line of duty beck died protecting them. Today more than 1,000 people, family, friends, and Police Officers from across the region came together to celebrate his life and say good bye. Ktvus john sasaki attended the service and says there were plenty of tears but also a lot of laughter. Reporter the

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