Show for it. Items from home depot was bought but never delivered. We went to debra holt erase home where her husband said she was away. He said shes not guilty of doing anything but the scope of heifer job. About his of her job. The shear number of contract thats his company he was affiliated with benefits theres a financial benefit to him. The police say there may have been others involved or a culture that allowed this to happen. More details the Richmond Housing authority came under fire earlier this year when residents showed the mold, bug beats, the city council relocated the people that lived there. The city requested federal funding to pay for the move. So far that funding has not come through. Two men convicted of killing a oakland toddler in broad dead light will never see a day outside of prison walls. Lawrence and willy were sentenced to life in prison for killing the baby. In a seventh floor courtroom, justice was served. No one wanted it. Carlos naveh should be 6year old. But a stray bullet hit and killed the toddler three years ago. The unintended victim of a drive by shooting. The senseless taking of lives in this manner is only exaser bated when innocent service are endangered. They were sentenced to life. Their gang tattoos made them walking billboards. Denards attorney said you can call him a human billboard. Throw him in a cage, but you wont make animal out of him. They have the wrong guy . Yes. Hes throwing the book at him. Yes, theres limited discretion to do anything. In explaining the sentence the judge said carlos naveh had no chance. At three years of age he had a right to believe he had a world of safety of love, that was ripped from him. Carlos mother and grandmother were in court. The prosecutor read their statement. His mother had a sense of sadness that never goes away. I never imagine this would happen to me or my family. The judge said he cannot heal their wounds but he hopes this puts the boy to rest and gives them a sense of peace. Oakland police are on the scene of a deadly shooting. This is new video at east 17th and seminary avenue. A man was shot and killed at 3 10 this afternoon. The mans name has not been a released. The west side of six flags discovery kingdom will be shut down because of a fire that blew into the park. A ember flew to 6 flags. At first park officials said the roof smolders but it may have caused damage to the ride. The fire did not affect the east side of the park. No animals, guests or staff were affected and the rides will remain closed until it is safe to operate. The medical examiner is looking into the death of a 38 yearold man. George snack enberg was collapsed as he was riding a skateboard of the he was pronounced dead at the hospital. After interviewing witnesses were waiting for the medical examiners report and this may be a medical exam inners case. He was the design director of a company in san francisco. Coworkers declined to speak to us. A mother accused of leaving her two Young Children in the car while she was gambling is facing child endanger. Charges. Police found her two children two and three alone and strapped into the car seats inside a locked car. The children were not hurt and are in protective custody. Santa clara police are asking for help to identify a man wanted on passing a counterfeit bill. This is july 15th at the cvs pharmacy. He purchased items with a phony 100dollar bill. Golden gate bridgeworkers are taking a strike vote. Three weeks after their contract expired. The union says the district has proposed a three Year Contract that will require employees to pay more and that will negate what they call a minimal wage increase. More talks are set for next week. President obama wrapped up his bay area visit. The goal was to energize democratic donors ahead of the midterm election. The president left just before 2 00 for los angeles, and two more democratic fundraisers. He stayed out of the public eye, some got a look at the transport he was using to get around. Aircraft escorted him back, as he wrapped up his latest fund raising visit to the bay area. We typically dont see the osprey. That was unique. He didnt have public appearances on this trip. President obama spent a couple hours at a lossal toes fund racing luncheon. As many as 90 people paid 32,000 per couple to hear the president speak. The curious waited hoping for a glimpse. Weve missed him the last couple times he was in the area. This is the 8th fundraiser the president has attended this year, and organizers say its give enthem an 8 million lead over the republicans heading into the fall election. Hillary clinton was in oakland promoting a campaign for early child development. Talk, read, sing. Its encouraging people to do that. By the age of 4, children in lower income families have heard 30 million fewer words than children in more affluent families. Hillary clinton did not take guess and did not address rumors about a run for the white house. Jerry brown is heading to mexico to increase trade relations. He will arrive in mexico city on monday. Hoping to establish a trade mission in mexico and address climate change. The governor discussed the ongoing issue of unaccompanied minors crossing into california. Its a humanitarian question, im happy to see a number of conservatives have taken a more compassionate view. Well work it out and californias willing to do its part. Governor brown will meet with mexico secretary of foreign affairs. The energy secretary, labor secretary be local lawmakers. Concord may help the trees scheduled for removal. 730 trees in concord and hundreds more in neighbors cities. Pg e says it needs to cut down the trees. City leaders approved an agreement that rechoirs each tree to be looked at. Elijah is the picture of a healthy baby boy. That was not always the case. The risk that doctors took before he was born. Tracking the increasing fire danger as we move into the bay area weekend. What you can expect. What are you up to . Just playing hide the cheddar. Can i play . Its more of a one person kind of game. I won. Tillamook cheese slices, tastes better because its made better. The smell of a decomposed body caused an evacuation at the Coroners Office in oakland. 14 people complained of a strong chemical order. The body was a man in his 70s, he was found wednesday in his car damage in garage in berkeley. His death may have been caused by a chemical exposure. Six people indicted on charges of hacking into users stubhub accounts. The arrests were announced today. They say the hackers got away with a Million Dollars by buying tickets to continue certificates and sporting events and reselling them for a profit. Stubhub detected this last year. 1000 accounts were accessed. A woman was injured in santa rosa when the trailer of a logging truck fell in her car. An employee told us the truck driver was turning when the axle broke. The trailer ended up on top of the womans car. Two children were in the car but they were not hurt. The woman went to the hospital with shoulder pain. The San Jose Police department with enlisting civilians. They will be in training for five weeks. The goal is to free up sworn officers to handle active crimes. A burglary that occurred some time ago. The residents know nobody is inside. A stolen vehicle, a theft. A noninjury vehicle collision. They are going out the take a police report. They will be armed with pepper spray. They will not be able to write tickets or make arrests. Today elijah is a healthy bouncing baby boy. His future was in jeopardy before he was born. Doctors at the Children Hospital took a chance. They did something they had never done before. How they ended up saving the babys life. It is said that all babys are miracles. That does not describe likeaal elijah alvarez. Last july when elizabeth was six months pregnant she went for a routine ultra sound. There was a cyst on the lung of the fetus. It was compressing the normal lung. The doctors were not sure the fetus would survive. At that very moment when they told us that, we had tears. They came to the Children Hospital stanford. The doctors inserted a shunt into the lung of to get us. Fetus. It was challenging. Then three months later the moment elijah was born, he was rushed into surgery. They removed the cyst and most of his left lung. This was larger than most. Without that surgery his heart would have stopped beating. Within minutes to an hour or two. Fast forward eight months later to today. Elijah is the picture of health. I like hearing that people tell us, your baby is so healthy and so big. They dont know what weve been through. He may have gotten off to a desperate start, the rest of the way should be should smooth strolling. The Amazing Things doctors do now. He will have a heck of a story to tell. Our weather is changing for the better but well have a warmup on the way. We have that muggy, the sprinkles. Thats gone. Temperature will heat up. With that the fire danger will come up. Increase in temperature. Today was a little bit warmer. Not a ton, tomorrow it will be 10degrees warmer. As we come in close, the satellite loop, the High Pressure builds out of the desert southwest. No rain on the radar right there. As we look at the fog, its patchy at best. You see the fog, there will be more. It will fillin along the peaches and beaches. Heres the thing, it burns off quickly. Tomorrow i think the coach, some sunshine today. Plenty tomorrow. Especially after lunchtime. Current temperature on the mild side. They will be in the upper 80s, low 90s. The fog forecast patchy at best. Look at the yellows to the coast. 70s, 80s, allaround the bay, upper 80s and low 90s inland. The air mass switched. The humidity to the north, a different kind of humidity in the form of onshore winds. The pattern will be more typical. Here comes the high out of the desert southwest. That warming trend will proceed. Will it get crazy hot . 97, 98 degrees. Thats pretty hot. We see 100degree readings often. Tomorrow will be the beginning. The sunshine along the coast at sunshine. The inland bay valleys at 2 00. 93 in livermore. 92 in press en pleasant ton. Tomorrow is thursday. Friday warmer still. Saturday, sunday remains warm. Thursday is marked by a complete change, warmer weather, fog, patchy, warm to hot friday, saturday, sunday, monday. That increased fire danger which is a concern, we have not dealt with fires because the humidity is high. High humidity and lower temperature. Now with the higher temperature, lower humidity is fires will be a issue. Mark zuckerberg will testify against the man accused of trying to steal half the facebook fortune. Paul faces charges for allegedly forging a contract with zuckerberg saying he wasson titled to half the company. Zuckerberg will be called as a witness. In 2010, paul filed a civil lawsuit against zuckerberg. In march the judge dismissed that suit. Facebook is flourishing. 788million in earnings, thats up from 331 million a year ago. Mobile advertising revenue is growing and more people are using the site. Football season around the corner as the 49ers report to training camp. Colin kaepernick hears the news. California is ready to roll out a new Housing Initiative for veterans. How to spend money from prop 41. It provides 600 million in bonds to build houses for low income and Homeless Veterans and pay for Supportive Services to help vets after they move in. Theres a big gap of veterans walking the streets that need housing. They have a chance to have a new life. California thats largest population of veterans anywhere this the country and also the largest of number of Homeless Veterans. Time to talk football. Nfl camp is opening. A couple months ago we were counting down the day. It is here and the 49ers are happy to have a full house returning, including vernon davis whos been holding off. For those of you think his teammates would be upset. No, look at one of his mates photo off the phone, the greeting he gets from everybody. Its a mistake to think they hold it against each other. Vernon davis in camp ready to go. Colin kaepernick speaking about his favorite target. Vernon is not the type of person that will walk out on a team like that. Hes a good guy. Hes done a lot for the organization and made a lot of great plays. Vernon is a pro bowl tight end. One of the best in the league. There wont be too much of a fallout for him. Were happy hes here. The giants are in pro congress in philadelphia progress in philadelphia. Hunter pence with the phillies phanatic. Iron in a good evening is in a good mood. They depleted the bullpen. Scoreless through four. They had a 59 minute rain delay. You see the weather shots. Bring out the tarp. They have resumed activity. Still core less. Top of the fifth, full highlights. The as are in action against the astros. Theres long games last night. Neighbors welcome the new park when it opened. Tonight at 10 00, why they are souring on the park and making repeated calls to police. Thats on the 10 00 news. Thanks for joining us. Have a good night. No rush, andy. Come on. With the chase mobile app you can get a lot done in a little amount of time from transferring funds wait a minute. Youve got to be kidding. Did you guys see that . That ball was out. To paying your coach for adding five Miles Per Hour to your serve. That ball wasnt in. Get your eyes checked. Help me out here. Download the best mobile app today. So you can always have the advantage. Chase. So you can good afternoon. Thanks for coming. Its so nice to spend my birthday surrounded by so many smiling faces. I was almost too depressed to come today. I realized i let my childhood slip away. Claire come on, everybody were gonna be late for mannys birthday lets go lets go lets go lets go lets go im ready, mom. You sure, honey . Yep. Then take a quick peek at your feet. Oh come on, luke are you gonna walk faster, or should i get lilys stroller out of the car and push you . Would you relax . The restaurants like five minutes away from here ohh, free lotion. Stop stopping to smell the roses. Mannys present. Ohh, you are such a pritchett

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