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It takes guts to run for president. Not easy. It appears the armed protesters at the oregon wildlife refuge plan to exit the refuge and surrender to federal agents this morning. Nightmare at seas for thousands of passengers. The Royal Caribbean anthem of the seas. Fre at last, free at last . We didnt think we were going to make it home. A deputy shop dead at a Shopping Center in maryland. A civil lawsuit by the u. S. Attorney general. The Ferguson City council leaves us a decision with no choice. Extreme weather on both ends of the country. Extreme here in Southern California and snow in the northeast. A live broadcast, a man waving a gun. A Wild Elephant smashing fir their lives. No un no one was injured. No selfies. I want to tell you ahead of time. If we had smartphones when i ran for president , im not sure i would have run. All that matters. From here you go to South Carolina and you always travel in the middle seat. Why is that . Because we couldnt get the aisle or the damn window. Thats why. On cbs this morning. You look like you were having fun at your victory party. I was. Bernie sanders gave his supporters an exceptionally enthusiastic victory speech. The government belongs to all of the people and not just a handful of wealthy Campaign Contributors and their super pac. This mornings eye opener is presented by toyota. Lets go places. Welcome to cbs this morning. A smaller president ial field is now battling for votes in the south. Carly fiorina and Chris Christie finishing far back in New Hampshire. That leaves seven republicans still in the race. Most of them descended on South Carolina yesterday waste no time on getting their message out. The primary is nine days away. Julia goldman is in South Carolina where a president ial debate will be held by cbs on saturday night. Reporter the campaigns here are ramping up quickly and getting ready for a fight. Despite a smaller field and New Hampshire out of the way, the republican race is no less uncertain. You know, when you have victory, you dont need sleep, right . Reporter donald trump stormed into South Carolina wednesday. These people. Reporter basking in the glow of his reclaimed frontrunner status. All of these characters are going to give it up. We are going to run the table and we will make America Great again. That i can tell you. Okay . Reporter holding on to his iowa victory, ted cruz tried to argue its a twoman race. Beat donald trump is me. Reporter recent polls have trump up double digits in South Carolina. But its a state cruz thinks he can win. In 2012, twothirds of gop voters described themselves as bornagain or evangelical. Can you imagine donald trump as president of the United States where he spends his time pushing people down to make himself the big dog on the stage . Reporter meanwhile, the diminished gop field continued their fight to become the establishment alternative to trump and cruz. Compare that to governor kasich, where he led the charge to expand medicaid and is quite proud of it. I wouldnt be proud of that, to be honest with you. Reporter john kasich arrived here ready to defend himself. Somebody wants to hit me or hammer me on them, god bless them but i wont back off of this. Reporter but he tempered expectations amid South Carolina the questions whether he has the money or the organization for the long road ahead. Looking forward to the deep south and the midwest. Distance. Reporter donald trump insisted he is the only candidate who is up to the task. An average person who is not going win and i mean that. These guys are just regular republicans. Eye yi yi. Reporter senator marco rubio is trying to rebound from his fifth place finish in New Hampshire and hes promising to run a more aggressive campaign. This is a state known for rough and tumble politics. As senator Lindsey Graham said yesterday, if youre not ready to play, dont come to South Carolina. Its getting hot in here. Thank you, julianna. Hillary clinton is getting a boost as she and Bernie Sanders prepare for tonights democratic debate. The Congressional Black Caucus is expected to endorse the former secretary of state later today. Minority voters will play a much larger role in nevada and South Carolina. Nancy cordes is at the university of wisconsin, milwaukee, the scene of tonights debate. Reporter good morning. This debate has become high stakes for Hillary Clinton after tuesday. She stayed largely out of sight yesterday, prepping for the debate, while Bernie Sanders did something of a victory lap around new york. To get the vote down there, you have to eat boiled peanut. Have you ever a boiled peanut . Reporter on the late show a native south carolinian. You have that with a nice beer. You want a beer . All right. This is a little reporter but sanders knows it will probably take more than that in a state where blacks make up a solid majority of the democratic electorate. He sat down with the reverend al sharpton in harlem wednesday. Is this your block . Yeah. Reporter later took a walk through his Old Neighborhood with scott pelley where they discussed the road ahead. You are going to be facing africanamerican voters and latino voters. How do you appeal to those people . The same way we do to all reporter but the first black president favors Hillary Clinton clinton. I dont think there is any doubt that he wants hillary to win the nomination and believes she would be the best candidate in the fall. It is great to see so many old friends. Reporter in a speech in springfield, illinois, president obama appeared to echo some of Clintons Campaign themes. Trying to find Common Ground doesnt doesnt make me less of a democrat or less of a progressive. It means im trying to get stuff done. Reporter clinton lost South Carolina eight years ago. Her husbands critiques of mr. Obama there were seen as one reason why. This whole thing is the biggest fairy tale ive ever seen. Reporter in New Hampshire this week, it was sanders in his crosshairs which, the candidate discussed on the view. I was disappointed in president clinton. Ive known him 25 years and i like him and respect him. I hope this campaign does not degenerate he is fighting for his wife. I understand that. But nonetheless, lets keep it personal attacks. I agree. Reporter on election night, sanders asked his supporters to donate online and they sent in more than 6 million in 24 hours. It is no accident, charlie, that members of the congressional black contactus are endorsing secretary clinton today to try to erase some of the sting of tuesdays loss. More than a dozen of them say they will be campaigning for her in South Carolina. Thanks, nancy. We spoke early with cbs news political director face the nation john dickerson. Hes in South Carolina preparing for saturdays Republican Debate. Reporter good morning, charlie. Are you outside . Reporter i am joutdoutside. I can see my breath. We brought New Hampshire down to South Carolina and im not sure they are very happy about it. Whats the stakes for each of them in the context of New Hampshire going to South Carolina . Reporter Hillary Clinton wants to turn the page. She wants a new story line to people stopped talking about how badly she lost in New Hampshire. Bernie sanders has to build on that momentum from New Hampshire. He has to give people who are turning to him and looking at him maybe for the first time in a different way a really easy understandable message they can rally around. John, is there any question about how shell do in South Carolina and nevada . The polls suggest that she is far out in front. Reporter exactly. And what she wants to do is lay a predicate for victories in those two places so she can say im a National Candidate and i represent the Broad Coalition of the democratic party. So those two states are very well set up for her. She just needs to get people thinking about those two states and not the last one. So Hillary Clinton is expected to get the endorsement of the Congressional Black Caucus today. Famous black author coat says he is endorsing Bernie Sanders. What kind of difference will that make and what message will it send, if any, to minority voters . Coates endorsement for bernie difference. What makes a difference, Hillary Clinton, i was here six months ago or so and they were organizing in South Carolina among the Africanamerican Community as if she were behind by ten points and that was six months when she wasnt. She has been working the state very hard. There is an organization here that is in place and she has been reaching out to the Africanamerican Community for a long time. She isnt just arriving and hoping for the votes. So that should really help her in this state. John, lets talk about South Carolina for the republicans. The electorate there is much more like iowa than it is New Hampshire. A lot more evangelicals in the republican primary, less does that present a challenge for donald trump . Reporter right. Evangelicals. But trump is way ahead here. Hes in much better shape here than he was in iowa going into the vote there. We will be watching. Thank you. John will be the moderator when cbs news brings you the ninth republican president ial debate saturday night at 6 00 pacific john, could i say, just be yourself. Reporter ill be like gayle. Thank you, john dickerson. Always good to see you. The cruise ship damaged in the atlantic is back at court. Anthem of the seas docked last night. Calls for an investigation why the ship sailed into the severe weather, knowing it was coming. Don dahler was there as the ship arrived at the Cape Liberty Cruise Port in bayonne. Reporter good morning. This givers you some idea of the enormity of the ship. Look at the size of this thing. That also tells you about the size of storm it ran into that tossed this around like a paper cup. Last night, passengers streamed off the ship. Some were cheering and kissing the ground. Beaten, batter, but home, Royal Caribbean anthem of the seas limped back into new jersey last night. Free at last free at last the terrifying trip. But as some of the 4,500 poured out of the storm dch stormdamaged cruise ship, frustration boiled over. We thought we were all going to die the worst part was the fearing of our lives. We were told over and over we were in good shape. The reality they should have never set sail. Trapped in a room 17 hours and roller coaster you couldnt get off of. Reporter kim was traveling with her two sons and the captain told them early on about the severe weather. When he left port he said we storm. But at 6 00 in the afternoon the boys are holding on to their bed. Reporter Royal Caribbean is facing criticism for Going Forward with the trip, despite the forecast. Bill bumgarner, a Senior Vice President with the cruise line, says the strength of the storm caught them offguard. Would you say the captain ultimately made a mistake in voyage . If we knew the winds of 125mileperhour sustained were going to be in the area, we never would have gone. No question about it. Reporter after reviewing weather reports for the area, a former cruise line captain told us the ship should never have set sail. There really was absolutely no way that that ship was going to avoid that storm. Its a miracle that the damage and the injuries were as minimal as they were. This could have been an absolute catastrophe. Reporter Royal Caribbean offered passengers one more night on board here in port and hundreds of them took them up on the offer. The anthem of the seas will be here for a few days for inspections and repairs and then its off on another cruise next week. Thanks, don. A baltimore server is reeling this morning from a shooting spree that left two sheriffs deputies dead. The violence began wednesday at a panera restaurant in a crowded Shopping Center. Officials believe one deputy was targeted because he was wearing his uniform. Jeff, good morning. One of the deputies was responding to a call at that restaurant when he tried speaking to the suspect who was sitting at a table and that is when investigators say the suspect pulled a gun and fired. Lynn faulkner and her daughter sophia witnessed the chaotic scene inside the crowded restaurant. He just took out his gun and shot him in the head, like right after the officer asked him, how is your day. The initial deputy responded to the scene and ended the restaurant and deputy wounded at that time and the suspect fled. And in this case a responding deputy was the first to locate the subject and shots were fired. The deputy was hit by gunfire. The suspect was shot and is deceased. Reporter investigators say they recovered a loaded handgun near his body. The shooter, a 67yearold man, had an open warrant in florida for assaulting a police officer. According to the cashiers in in there regularly, but he is a bit sketchy and they have been trying to question him and get him some help. We are not looking for anyone else. We believe this was an individual who is no longer a threat to the community. Reporter the officers names have not yet been released. We know one was a 30year veteran of the force and the other had served for 16 years. The investigation into the shooting is ongoing. One of the most important questions authorities are trying to answer this morning is why. Norah . Jeff, thank you. Good to see you. The armed standoff at a National Wildlife refuge in oregon could come to an end. They say this morning they will give up. The group is surrounded by the fbi and other law enforcement. They yelled at officers overnight to back off. The developments come as cliven bundy, father of the jailed leader ammon bundy, was arrested last night in portland. Taking steps to address athletes concerns about the zika virus. Officials will hire Infectious Disease specialists to advise athletes headed to this years games in brazil. There are at least 68 zika infections in 19 states and washington, d. C. Anna werner is here with the growing concern. Good morning. Reporter good morning. Most female olympic athletes fall into the most dangerous age range for the zika virus. They could get pregnant or hope to get pregnant in the near future. The latest research is only adding to concerns surrounding the virus and continuing to raise questions about safety during the summers olympic games. Long ball from the u. S. Morgan in the box they are on the board reporter world class female the u. S. Womens soccer team, are raising safety concerns ahead of this summers olympics in rio de janeiro. Earlier this week, star player alex morgan called the virus a very scary thing. And goalie hope solo went even further saying its possible she might skip the games. All i can do is speak for if the olympics were today, i we have six months. We have a little bit of time to figure things out. Our goal really is to protect pregnant women. Reporter the cdc says its working nonstop to gain control over the rapidly spreading virus. Suspected ties between the virus and the birth defect microcephaly appear to be strengthening. On wednesday the cdc reported that zika was found in two brazilian babies who died of microcephaly 24 hours after birth. The strongest evidence to date that zika is the cause of microcephaly but it is still not definitive. Reporter the new england journal of medicine cited a separate case from october. According to the report, a 25yearold woman living in slovenian chose to have an child she was carrying had abnormalities. Fetus had microcephaly. The woman living in northern brazil showed zika symptoms during her pregnancy. Officials say the virus is aedes mosquito which transmits eradicate. Its eggs can be drought resistant and exist for some time. And it can bite four or five people in the course of one blood meal, meaning it can quickly. According to the cdc, a zika vaccine could be available by the end of 2017. Meanwhile, a group called catholics for choice is asking pope francis not to condemn contraception or abortion in an attempt to help women protect themselves from the virus. Grave concern for a lot of these athletes. Indeed. Yeah. Thank you very much. We trust them to keep us safe in the air. Tsa officers take an explosive course. We will take you inside the new up for some security blunders. Announcer this portion of cbs every kiss begins with kay. He was a man of the clothe and now a former priest is under arrest. Ahead, 48 hours of a beauty queens death 22 years after Richard Schlesinger confronted the priest. Do you know who killed . No. They say you killed him. [ bleep ]. You wont tell me anything . Get lost, brother richard sch announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by walgreens. Healthy. Medicare part d prescriptions, walgreens says, carpe med diem. Seize the day to get more out of life and Medicare Part d. Just switch to walgreens for savings thatll be the highlight of your day. Now preview the cost of your copay before you fill. You can even get onedollar copays on select plans. A leading consumer testing publication recently tested the top laundry detergents. The winner persil 2 in 1, didnt only beat tide. It beat every single detergent tested. Boom. Switch to Persil Proclean 2 in 1. 1 rated. brian im brian. I was in the military for 18 years. And i got heart disease. My tip is, its hard to serve your country when youre too weak to put on your uniform. announcer you can quit. For free help, call 1800quitnow. In a world thats trying to turn you into someone new. One hair color wants to help you keep on being you. Nicen easy. Naturallooking color. That even in sunlight, doesnt look like hair color. It just looks like you. This is the joy for me. I love bread i love bread. I now just manage it, so i dont deny myself bread, i have bread everyday. Thats the genius of this program. Sfx car driving. Sfx engine revving. Sfx car engine. Sfx car speeding away. Sfx car engine. Ibsd. You know the symptoms when they start. Abdominal pain. Urgent diarrhea. Now theres prescription xifaxan. Xifaxan is a new ibsd treatment that helps relieve your diarrhea and abdominal pain symptoms. And xifaxan works differently. That acts mainly in the digestive tract. Do not use xifaxan if you have a history of sensitivity to rifaximin, rifamycin antibiotic agents, or any components of xifaxan. Tell your doctor right away if your diarrhea worsens while taking xifaxan, as this may be a sign of a serious or even fatal condition. Tell your doctor if you have Liver Disease or are taking other medications, because these may increase the amount of xifaxan in your body. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant, plan on becoming pregnant, or are nursing. The most common side effects are nausea and an increase in liver enzymes. If you think you have ibs with diarrhea, praised as one of americas best mayors who governed as a pragmatist. A practical and successful legislator, Bernie Sanders passed more rollcall amendments in a Republican Congress than any other member, primary care access for millions of americans, protected social security, cracked the gridlock with john mccain to strengthen veterans healthcare. Bernie sanders a consistent, principled, and effective leader. Building a future to believe in. Im Bernie Sanders, and i approve this message. Ahead, the new warning to white house visitors that seems obvious. Why does secret service just now posting signs about guns . Tomorrow, if the surf is mavericks big wave competition good morning thank you for watching channel 2. Im john potter. We have more information on a major gas leak that shut down one street and caused several evacuations in carson city last night. At around 1015. A truck crashed into an apartment in the 600 block of hot springs road. When officers arrived on the scene, they found the driver had fled. Sheriff furlong says a resident in the apartment the truck crashed into. Was taken to the hospital with minor injuries. The crash also damaged gas lines. Leaking gas into buildings and around 15 to 20 people were evacuated from six apartment buildings. Southwest gas worked to cut off gas to the area to repair the damage. Police say hot springs road is now open. Well continue to follow that story as it develops. Turning to the crime beat now. The Carson City Sheriffs Office have arrested five people they say were involved in trafficking crystal meth. Ruben desantiagogonzales, 24 yearold jesus medina, 44year old filiberto gonzalesramirez 52yearold hermilio desantiagolopez, and 36yearold Vicente Hernandez rodriguez carson city sheriff ken furlong says a trafficking level of drugs was seized from three apartments in the complex. Where many familiies with children live. Sheriff furlong says all targeted suspects were arrested. Successfully shutting down a 4 month operation. Time to check your roads with r. J. In the more fm 106. 9 Traffic Center hows it looking out there, r. J. . Crews are on scene of an earlier accident in sparks, at mccarran and nugget expect possible delays. Roadwork continues on i80 eb at the east verdi bridge. Speed will be reduced to 55mph, expect delays. Lets send it over to meteorologist Jeff Martinez now for a weather update. Temperatures this morning are in the mid to lower thirties. Winds are light and we have a few high level clouds in place. Today looks very similar to what we saw yesterday. By lunchtime temperatures will be in the mid 50s and highs today will be in the mid 60s. It will be mild in the mountains as well, with weak inversions in place. Which means warm air higher up. Burn code is green. Satellite shows just a few clouds drifting in from the west. Well be back with another update in half an hour. There are those who say we cannot defeat a corrupt political system and fix a rigged economy. But i believe we need to lift our vision above the obstacles in place and look to the american horizon. To a nation where every child can not only dream of going to college, but attend one. Where a good job is not a wish, but a reality. Where women receive equal pay and a living wage is paid to all. An america where after a lifetime of labor, there is time for rest and grandchildren. A nation that defends our people and our values, but no longer carries so much of that burden alone. I know we can create that america if we listen to our conscience and our hearts and not to the pundits and the naysayers. Im Bernie Sanders. I approve this message, you see that play out in different ways in both trump, particularly closing message and railing against pharmaceutical companies and the like and bernie sandwiches. Thats right. Bernie sandwich a name that everyone can get behind because he is not a member of the old boys club. He fights the rich guys on behalf of the poo boys. Someone with a trusting open face. Sure, the democratic establishment may have a beef with him now, because he has been reubening them the wrong way. I know it may sound hoagie and he doesnt have it all wrapped up yet, but in times like these, his supporters believe we need a hero bravo, stephen colbert. Well done. Nicely done. I want one welcome back to cbs this this half hour, a beauty queen vanish odd a trip to confession back in 1950. Now a former priest faces a murder charge. 48 hours Richard Schlesinger once caught up with him and hes in studio 57 with the developments. Only on cbs this morning, we get access to the Train Academy that teaches new officers how to protect airline passengers. That is ahead. Time to show you some of the mornings headlines from around the globe. St. Louis post dispatch reports on the Justice Department suing ferguson,son. On tuesday, a Ferguson City Council Voted to revise a proposed agreement to improve policing system and due to cost. Yesterday, attorney general Loretta Lynch expressed her disappointment. They came to an agreement to provide relief, it was rejected. There is no price for constitutional policing. The city and residents of american is guaranteed under the constitution. The doj had been involved after the shooting death of Michael Brown in 2014. The Cleveland Plain Dealer reports that cleveland wants the medical services he received after being shot by a police officer. The 12yearold rice was killed back in 2014. The city says the estate owes 500 for ems services. The attorney for rices family calls it insensitive. The city did not comment. Seems like there has to be a better way to handle that. Agreed. Cbsnews. Com reports ferguson investigators found Lumber Liquidators sold wood with formaldehyde. They stopped selling that product in may. The cancer risk was low but other side effects. Signs now that the white house warn visitors guns are not welcome. Finally imply with a 28yearold federal law, but the absence of the signs had not been a problem. Strict, local gun laws allowed prosecutors to charge offenders. There is a breakthrough in a murder case that is unsolved more than 506 years. A former priest is under arrest this morning. He is accused of the murder. The victim is a woman who went to confession and she never returned. 48 hours correspondent Richard Schlesinger brings us the latest development in a cold case he has investigated for years. Reporter former priest john feit was arrested on tuesday in scottsdale, arizona, for the murder of irene garza, a 25yearold School Teacher and beauty queen in mcallen, texas. Feit is 83 years old and says he plans to excite extradition to texas. My instinct so sto fight extradition. Reporter this lady was a mcallen. She and other family members learned that irene had gone to confession on easter weekend and never came home. Searchers fanned out looking for her and one of them was noemis father, a deputy sheriff. That man wouldnt even sleep, trying to find irene. Reporter irenes shoe was found first. Then her purse. And, finally, irenes body was found floating in a canal. Also in the canal, a curious clue. A slide viewer with a long black cord. It turned out it belonged to father john feit, the priest who heard irenes last confession. Thats horrible thats an insult. Reporter father feit had scratches on his hands and, later, failed a lie detector test. But feit was not arrested and he soon disappeared from mcallen. The case went cold for decades, i covered up the evidence. Im sorry for what i did. Reporter daily sacheny was a monk in this die cease in missouri. He said john feit arrived and in months of counseling sessions told him all about killing a young woman on an easter weekend. He assaulted her, bound her and gagged her. As he left, he could hear her saying, i cant breathe, i cant breathe. Reporter despite tachenys account, john feit remained a free man for years. He left the priesthood long ago. Hello, mr. Feit. We caught up with him in 2014 outside of his home in arizona. Did you kill miss garza . No. Reporter do you know who did . Reporter dale taceny said you killed him. He is full of slp. Reporter you wont tell me anything . Reporter john feit slammed the door on us but his past may have finally caught up to him. 55 years after irene garzas murder, john feit now sits in a jail cell in arizona, held on a 750,000 bond. He didnt get away with it. He didnt get away with murder. How many years . 55 . Yeah. Why did it take so long . Back then, they didnt prosecute priests, as a rule. And the case just went cold. And then a couple of years ago, a new d. A. Was elected. He promised to look into this. Last week, a grand jury was impaneled and they came out for an indictment for reasons we do not know because grand jury testimony is secret. What was the motive . Well, he had sort of a heels walking across marble floors. You hear it all in this business, right . You really do but its unusual. Im so struck by hearing a priest saying so and so is full of it. That is unusual. You should have been there. I was a little surprised too. Is there new evidence . There must be because the grand jury would have had to have heard something to indict him. Grand jury testimony is sealed. We are working this and this thing is still breaking so we are still making calls and trying to find this out. After 50 odd years, something is going to come out of it. You hear from reliable sources that you have another story youre working on. I coulddo for this saturday. Its called target justice. A guy in texas who is going around shooting and killing prosecutors. The way this kisscase unfolded was amazing. Hes in jail now . He is in jail for the rest of his natural life, yes. We will be watching. I know when you come to the table, its going to be something very interesting. You do it very well. Thanks a lot. Richard schlesingers report is called target justice. Saturday night on 48 hours. A special time because its at 8 00 7 00 central before the Republican Debate which is, you know, is right here on cbs. The governor unveils a new program to plug holes in Airport Security. If this looks like an Airport Security checkpoint, that is by design. Its part of an effort to fix the problems that the tsa have. Im chriskris van cleave. We will show you the new tsa academy coming up on cbs this morning. If youre heading out the door, guess what. Watch us live on your cbs news app on your digital device. Dont miss Michelle Miller we will be right back. After trying brookside crunchy clusters, carlybeyar tweeted at this point, i should just be a brookside chocolate ambassador. Well, i am sorry, carly. Its something you earn. Brookside. Human maintenance guy would actually be exactly what i am. I got to hang a picture. It may not seem like much, but to that resident it was the best thing in the world. Its amazing to me because it takes me seconds. But yet, when i go into the apartment, im there for half an hour. It is not just hanging a picture, it is conversing, it is being a friend. There arent old people there. There are actually young people with old clothing on. Ugh heartburn no one burns on my watch try alkaseltzer heartburn reliefchews. They work fast and dont taste chalky. I have heartburn. Alkaseltzer heartburn reliefchews. Enjoy the relief. You do all this research on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you shouldve done more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. It takes strength and grit to get through the police academy. Especially on pepper spray day. What area recruits must do after being sprayed in get higher and higher a Flight Demonstration Team the blue angels, is giving an bowl. This is what it looks like from one of the jets as the teen streamed across the sky. Six jets flew over the bay area. More than 70,000 spectators were in the stadium and more than 100 million watched on tv. I always love when they do that flyover at the beginning right after lady gaga finished the national anthem. Terrific. Pretty show. Only on cbs this morning, a look at hw the tsa is doing something it has never done. The agency is training all of its new airport screeners at one centralized academy and created after a number of missteps how the tas improperly to screen airline passengers. Kris van cleave is in glenco, georgia, with an inside look. Reporter this checkpoint is the centerpiece of the tas Training Academy and its and grows out of a toptobottom review done by the agency that founds gaps of training and efficiency on equipment like this. The new Training Academy aims to change that. An explosive lesson on the dangers these soontobe airport screeners will be asked to help prevent. This is a ptm basic explosive. Reporter the nearly 200 students assembled are some of the first to go through the new tsa Training Academy. Its controlled chaos and very difficult job. Reporter among them, the this 19yearold jasmine. Its a challenge. Reporter this is the creation after 9 11 for screeners who make between 41,000 and 45,000 a year. The academy opened in january as the tsa tries to recover from a series of high profile officers fired for allegedly groping passengers in denver, and in a damming Inspector General investigation where screeners failed to catch potential threats in 67 out of 70 tests. Those are bad results. Reporter Peter Neffinger took over as commissioner following that report. What i try to do is refocus on the mission. I said what is a screeners job . To ensure that something doesnt get past the checkpoint doesnt get past. The aig, if they are going through checkpoints today with one of their teams trying to bring things that will be flagged will those things be caught . I think we catch them. All of them . I sure hope we catch all of them. Im told we have dramatically improved. Reporter are you tell me what youre fijed in yourur finding in your test . The majority, the vast majority. Reporter i. The vast majority. Reporter for freeman, the success of the 5,400 new tsa screeners trained here this year she was a Flight Attendant on pan am flight 30 on august 11th 1982 and a few rows away when a bomb went off on board. A 16yearold passenger died and more than a dozen others were hurt. When i talk to my class, i tell them, youre not here by accident. And i wasnt saved at that moment by accident. Because that threat in 1982 is todays threat still. Reporter the students have to pass written and practical tests on this equipment. If they dont, they wont become airport screeners. Cost is about 2,400 a student and the tsa aims to bring all 45,000 active transportation Security Officers here over the next several years. Gayle . Glad they are working on it. Thank you very much, kris. Sliding into home takes on a new meaning, you could say, at an iconic ballpark. Ahead, how bostons fenway park is transformed this morning into your local weather. Folks, you cant make this stuff up. Four bandits chose a prius as their getaway car. Brav announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by toyota. Lets go places. How hard is it to catch a prius . Over. This thing is actually pretty fast. Over. Very funny. Oh look, a farmers market. We should get some flowers for the car. Yeah toyota. Lets go places. Covering is caring. Because covering heals faster. To seal out water, dirt and germs, cover with a water block clear bandage from bandaid brand. This is the joy for me. I love bread i love bread. I now just manage it, so i dont deny myself bread, i have bread everyday. Thats the genius of this program. Caress presents the worlds first body wash with fragrance release pearls. Touch your skin to release fragrance up to 12 hours. Caress love forever. Everyone needs a bff. Even your smile. Colgate optic white express White Toothpaste with hydrogen peroxide. For whiter teeth in 3 days. Think of it as your smile bff. Colgate optic white express white. Whiter teeth in 3 days just by brushing. The flu virus hits big. With aches, chills, and fever, theres no such thing as a little flu. So when the flu hits, call your doctor right away and up the ante with antiviral tamiflu. Prescription tamiflu is an antiviral that attacks the flu virus at its source and helps stop it from spreading in the body. Tamiflu is fda approved to treat the flu in people two weeks of age and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. Before taking tamiflu, tell your doctor if youre pregnant, nursing, have Serious Health conditions, or take other medicines. If you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. Children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion, or abnormal behavior. The most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. Antiflu . Go antiviral with tamiflu. What do doctors from leading Cancer Centers in the country have in common . Many of them now call Cancer Treatment centers of america home. Find out why at cancer center. Com. Cancer Treatment Centers of america. Because you know im all about the bass you have never seen a competition like this one at bostons fenway park. Snowboarders are racing down a 14story ramp in the legendary ballpark. Today the jump will showcase some of the worlds best skiers and snowboarders in the fenway competition its called. Athletes from 25 countries will compete for 150,000 in prize money. Im just glad they are wearing helmets. Im amazed they can do it. It really is impressive. It turn that high in the air. Are you both saying i want to go and do that . No. Its fun until they start doing the flips and then its not so fun. Check, please. Its menu. They are adding flamegrilled hot dogs. Ahead, we will talk to Mellody Hobson whether the chain can cash in where a rival failed. Youre watching cbs this morning. toilet flush if you need an opioid to manage your chronic pain, you may be sooo constipated it feels like everyone can go. Except you. Tried many things . Still struggling to find relief . You may have opioidinduced constipation, oic. Its different and may need a different approach. Opioids block pain signals, but can also block activity in the bowel. Which is why it can feel like your opioid pain med is slowing your insides to a crawl. Have the conversation with your doctor about oic, and ask about prescription treatment options. Made on behalf of those living with chronic pain and struggling with oic. Discover card. I missed a payment. Aw, shoot. Shoot this is bad. No were good this is your first time missing a payment. And youve got the discover it card, so we wont hike up your apr for paying late. Thats great it is great both simultaneously thank you. At discover, we treat you like youd treat you. Get the it card with late payment forgiveness. Then you run into a tree. But your totaled new car isnt totally replaced. With new car replacement, well replace the full value of your car plus depreciation. Liberty mutual insurance. Listen up im here to get the lady of the house back on her feet. And give her the strength and energy to stay healthy. Whos with me . yay the complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure. With 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. Theyre one of the wall street banks that triggered the financial meltdown goldman sachs. Just settled with authorities for their part in the crisis that put seven million out of work and millions out of their homes. How does wall street get away with it . Millions in Campaign Contributions and speaking fees. Our economy works for wall street because its rigged by wall street. And thats the problem. As long as washington is bought and paid for, we cant build an economy that works for people. Good morning thank you for watching channel 2. Im john potter. Last night, South Lake Tahoe officials answered questions about the highway 50 revitalization project. The construction is being considered to make the downtown area more pedestrian friendly. The intersection is also being considered for more mountain and lake access. But the reroute would displace residents in homes on the california side. While the project would help improve Pedestrian Safety in the area. Businesses say it could bring more visitors to south shore. Project Developers Hope to have an Environmental Impact study this spring. A construction plan could be up for approval in late summer. Turning to school watch. The Washoe County School District board of trustees is forming that new Oversight Committee for spending on School Buildings and funding new schools to ease overcrowding. At a Public Meeting last week. Some agreed with the tax entrusting that money to the school board. To address that, the district says the committee will be made of city and county leaders, building experts and people from the community it will be responsible for overseeing the budget and funding for School Buildings. And making recommendations. While the school board still makes the final decision on spending. It would be a public process to go against the committees recommendations. Time to check your roads with r. J. In the more fm 106. 9 Traffic Center hows it looking out there, r. J. . Crews are on scene of an earlier accident in sparks, at mccarran and nugget expect possible delays. Roadwork continues on i80 eb at the east verdi bridge. Speed will be reduced to 55mph, expect delays. Lets send it over to meteorologist Jeff Martinez now for a weather update. Good morning, jeff temperatures this morning are in the mid to lower thirties. Winds level clouds in place. Today looks very similar to what we saw yesterday. By lunchtime temperatures will be in the mid 50s and highs today will be in the mid 60s. It will be mild in the mountains as well, with weak inversions in place. Which means warm air higher up. Burn code is green. Satellite shows just a few clouds drifting in from the west. Well be back with another update in half an hour. There are those who say we cannot defeat a corrupt political system and fix a rigged economy. But i believe we need to lift our vision above the obstacles in place to a nation where every child can not only dream of going to college, but attend one. Where quality healthcare will be a birthright of every citizen. Where a good job is not a wish, but a reality. Where women receive equal pay and a living wage is paid to all. An america where after a lifetime of labor, there is time for rest and grandchildren. A nation that defends our people and our values, but no longer carries so much of that burden alone. I know we can create that america if we listen to our conscience and our hearts and not to the pundits and the naysayers. Im Bernie Sanders. I approve this message, good morning to our viewers in the west. It is thursday, february 11th, 2016. Welcome back to cbs this morning. More real news ahead, including all the women who are voting for Bernie Sanders. Well ask the editor of cosmopolitan if Hillary Clinton can win them back. But first, heres todays eye opener at eight. The campaigns here are gearing up quickly, but despite a smaller field, the republican race is no less uncertain. She stayed largely out of sight prepping for the debate while Bernie Sanders did something of a victory lap around new york. Hillary clinton wants to turn the page. She wants a new story. Bernie sanders has to build on that momentum from New Hampshire. Passengers streamed off the ship. Some were kissing the ground, which is completely believable. Given what they went through. One of the deputies was responding to a call. The suspect pulled a gun and fired. Fidel castro says that you told him that you did you wont tell me anything . Im still struck by hearing a police say so and so was full of poop. You should have been there. I was a little surprised. This grows out of a toptobottom review done by the agency that found gaps in training and proficiency on equipment like this. According to google, ben carson was the least searched for republican candidate during yesterdays New Hampshire primary. Most of the country standing right where we left him. There. Hes still there. Le. Ready, seven. Im charlie rose with gayle king and norah odonnell. The republican president ial candidates are focused this morning on South Carolina. That states gop primary just nine days away. Chris christie and Carly Fiorina will not be there. They dropped out wednesday, and the survivors wasted no time targeting New Hampshire winner donald trump. Donald had a good night last night. Now New Hampshire is a good state. For a liberal republican. He doesnt have any policy positions. He tells you what hes going to do but he wont tell you how hes going to do it. Hes not been tested. Hes a talented guy. And he is an entertaining person. Unless you are a woman. Unless youre hispanic. Unless youre a p. O. W. Unless youre a disabled person. Its really entertaining. But if youre not, its downright divisive and ugly and meanspirited. Donald trump hit back at a rally in South Carolina. But he also took shots at Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. Honestly, women dont like her, men dont like her. Take a look at whats happening to her. A guy that nobody ever heard of literally is beating her so bodyly. I dont know. I honestly, i talk about hillary, i honestly dont know if hillarys going to be running. This guy sanders is up ranting and raving like a lunatic. But, you know, he won. But i was there. I saw it. And im shocked. You know, because hes so nontraditional. And i just dont see a socialist as the head of this country. I mean where are we going to . Bernie sanders visited his native brooklyn with scott pelley yesterday and scott asked sanders if he can win in states that are less liberal than New Hampshire . Look, if you and i were having this conversation nine months ago, what would you have said to me . You would have said bernie, nobody knows who you are. Youre regarded as a fringe candidate. You dont have any money. You dont have any political organization. Last poll we saw you with 4 . How are you possibly going to do well in iowa or New Hampshire . Well a lot has happened in nine months. Sanders almost beat clinton in iowa before trouncing her in New Hampshire. He had overwhelming support there from young voters, and women. Our exit polls showed sanders beat clinton by 11 points among all female voters. Under 45 voted for sanders by a huge 40point margin. Joanna coles is editor in chief of cosmopolitan magazine and shes here to talk to us about why clinton is struggling with women. Good morning. Good morning. New hampshire, theres no doubt she got trounced by Bernie Sanders, amongst all demographic groups, including women. What happened . Well, i think one of the things we have to remember in this cycle at this point in the election is that voters are looking for something new. And what we hear from millennial voters in particular is there is a huge mistrust of american institutions. They feel the political system has failed them. If they want to start a business, banks wont lend to them. They would rather raise money on kickstarter because banks brought about the financial crash. This is a generation thats been told to go to college, get a degree, and in fact they go to college, they get a degree, they graduate with huge amounts of debt, and they capital find a job. And of course, Hillary Clinton and so bernie feels like this exciting feelgood candidate whos promising free education, very appealing if youre a young millennial, and i think that hillary is running a general campaign, so shes actually running from a much more moderate place, promising more of the same. And bernie is promising something new, and hes right out on the fringe, running a campaign. What norah is asking, is New Hampshire . Is there, in the nation, a sense that women are perfectly happy with her . Well, first of all other than those who separate themselves out because their millennials. I love your questioning, i think its deeply sexist. The idea that women vote only with our vaginas is as ridiculous as suggesting as men vote only with their penises. They vote for the things they care about. And one of those things is their pocketbooks, right . This is a generation that is deeply in debt. They talk about wanting experience, as well as things because they cant afford things. To be able to buy a house. They cant pay off their student debt. Theyre worried about health care. And bernie appears to be this very exciting, rather cool candidate, as does donald trump. We know that. So why are you asking me why women across america, do they support hillary or not . Because ive been told by the producers that you have been part of the white house and that youve been asking about women specifically and who they favor. Well young women and were very interested in what theyre engaged in. So how theyre so i asked a question, your readers are young women so were asking what are young women thinking. Im trying to tell you. That they dont trust american institutions. Because hillary has been the sect they feel that shes very much at the heart of that government which think they has let them down. And were in a primary part of the campaign when things shift to the general part of the campaign and we have the nominees, i think the discussion will be very different. Hillary and think she is their feminist icon. I think young women think of beyonce or rihanna as their feminist icon. And yesterday there was a fascinating tweet i saw, which had gone everywhere on twitter, which said Madeleine Albright and Gloria Steinem, not my kind of feminism. And you think, well what is your kind of men nymph . Its the mother of feminism. That created a little bit of a kerfuffle the two of them speaking in support of hillary where Gloria Steinem said theyre going to Bernie Sanders because theyre looking for young men. She has sinced walked that back, of course. But that also, i think, rubbed many young women the wrong way. Well i think you can never come out and tell a young generation what they should think. Or what they must think. Or how lucky they are to be in the position. And that was very unfortunate. And we saw it rebounded on them. And i do think that this is a generation that look at beyonce and think, i want to be like her. Look at the way she won the super bowl. Right . No one can remember if it was the broncos or panthers. Beyonce came out. It was the broncos. Who cares. Do you think theres something called clinton fatigue . You alluded to that earlier. I do think that elections this is a consumer culture. We are taught to want new things. And Hillary Clinton, as she herself said, her democratic town hall on cnn, shes been around in the public eye for 25 years. And that feels dull. People want change. That doesnt mean they wont support her in the actual general election when shes up against some of the republican candidates who want to say women have no right to choose, and have no access to abortion which i do think is an important issue for young women. The race is still early. Very early. We cant assume that New Hampshire is going to dictate the rest of the election. On another question, you and your husband are good friends with the mayor, bloomberg. Do you have any sense of where hes leaning . I have no sense of where hes leaning. But it must be very galling for him, i would think, looking at how well donald trump appears to be doing and thinking well i ran the city of new york extremely longer life span, and i also am a billionaire, but i made it myself, i didnt inherit it, and why is donald trump doing so well in the polls . Thank you. All right. Thank you for coming. Joanna coles, good to see you. Michelle miller gets an answer from Lionel Richie on a question that many have been asking. Hello talk about hello. Oh, yeah. Who owns it, you or adele . Well, i was here first. Hello is it me youre looking for certainly room for both of them. So does Lionel Richie mind sharing hello with adele . He set the home of the whopper is ready to shake up the grill. Burger king is adding hot dogs to the menu. Mellody hobson will show us whether the chains latest gamble is likely to pay off after some fast food flops. Thats next here on cbs this thats next on cbs this morning. Staying in rhythm. Its how i try to live. How i stay active. So i need nutrition. That wont weigh me down. For the nutrition you want without the calories you dont. Try boost 100 calories. Each delicious snack size drink gives you. 25 vitamins and mineralsand 10 grams of protein. So its big in nutrition and small in calories. Im not about to swim in the slow lane. Stay strong. Stay active with boost. A leading consumer testing publication recently tested the top laundry detergents. The winner persil 2 in 1, didnt only beat tide. It beat every single detergent tested. Boom. 1 rated. When your cold makes you wish. You could stay. In bed all day. You need the power of. New theraflu expressmax. The power to feel better. brian im brian. I was in the military for 18 years. But i smoked. And i got heart disease. My tip is, its hard to serve your country when youre too weak to put on your uniform. announcer you can quit. For free help, the couple. Who wants Grassfed Beef that doesnt eat too much of their paychecks. The cashstrapped College Student who simply wants organic and local produce. The parents. Who may not have a healthy budget, but still make sure their children eat healthy. You inspire us to do everything we do. Where my dogs at . You see this bun . Oh, fluffy and whatnot . Toppings so fresh and so clean. Burger king is doing its thing. Deejay, grill that. Ill bet your paying atepgs. Thats snoop dog in a burger employee training video for its newest menu item. Burger king will soon be the biggest restaurant chain selling hot dogs in this country. Starting a week from tuesday, the classic grilled dog will sell for 1. 99 and the chili cheese dog will go for 2. 29. Cbs news financial contributor Mellody Hobson is in chicago. Good morning. Good morning. I know youre playing snoop dogg records at your house. You see that video and you cant think, well, i cant wait to go. Something like that. Why are they doing it now . You know mcdonalds tried in the past. It did not work. Theyre calling this the biggest menu change in years. This is actually big. Theyre doing it because supposedly 20 billion hot dogs are consumed in the United States every year. 20 billion. Wow. And when they tested this in five markets, they found that people spent more money. Instead of choosing between a bought both making a hot dog like a side. So it drove up the average ticket, customers came there to seek the hot dogs, because the competition on a National Scale really doesnt have it. Think about it. Were used to seeing hot dogs on those rollers in convenience stores. Right. Yeah. I was surprised to learn that mcdonalds actually tried this in the 90s. I dont remember that. But they clearly failed at it. Why does burger king think it can succeed where mcdonalds failed . So 1995, it was the mchot dog. I have to admit, i dont remember it either. Yeah. So its been a long time ago. I think that, you know, its a different time now in terms of consumer interest, taste, how these companies are willing to break the mold and be less rigid about what they are. So i think theyve seen that it worked when they tested it. And these companies that test it, lots of new things like mcdonalds now has allday breakfast. And theyve seen that some of these things have actually worked. And i think that theyre going to continue to test new things. Launch, its a category launch. Meaning, i think we can expect more in the way of hot dogs down the road. You know, were always hearing about people wanting healthy, healthy, healthy, and from all we read about hot dogs its like, not, not, not healthy. So why do you think that this is a gamble that they think going to work . Well, theyre saying that theyre partnered with oscar mayer, 100 beef hot dogs. Its the char grilled instead of the boiled or the rollers that were used to seeing. So i think theyre pushing that its fresh and different in that way. But burger king has been unapologetic. They stay in their lane. When you look at their recent offerings like the mozzarella Bacon Cheeseburger or the chicken fries. Or the pulled pork sandwich, they are not talking about healthy fare in those offerings, and i think the customers are still coming to the store. So they want it. How are they doing as a competitor to the other companies . Well, now theyre a private company. So we cant theyre inside of not a standalone like they were. So we cant see their sales on their own. But certainly this whole category has been challenged. Theyve been challenged by the fast casuals like panera and others, chipotle until recently, which has had the problems that theyve had. But theyre, you know, the upstarts like five guys, and theyre really trying to hang on for market share here, which is why i think theyve gotten so willing to be so different and try new things. All right. Mellody hobson, thank you so much. A very frank discussion. Badumbum. Norah, ooh. You got to get credit for it. I borrowed it from the kyron. I cannot take credit for that. Is San Francisco too expensive for nunns trying to save their soup kitchen. The explosive rent hike in a city that fears its losing part of its soul. Thats next on cbs this morning. Rt of its soul. Morning. Hi dad uh huh, okay yeah. Sorry about that. What do you think . Hi ted, glad you could join us, we think youre going to like these numbers. Bring me a higher love i could rise above if you have allergy congestion. To get relief, anything is fair game. Introducing rhinocort allergy spray from the makers of zyrtec. Powerful relief from all day and all night. Try new rhinocort allergy spray. Praised as one of americas best mayors who governed as a pragmatist. A practical and successful legislator, Bernie Sanders passed more rollcall amendments in a Republican Congress than any other member, primary care access for millions of americans, protected social security, cracked the gridlock with john mccain to strengthen veterans healthcare. Bernie sanders a consistent, principled, and effective leader. Building a future to believe in. Two San Francisco nuns are hoping for a financial miracle this morning. They could be forced to close the soup kitchen they have run for almost a decade because of a big rent hike. Mireya villarreal shows us how its clashing with the city. The notre dame house has been serving the homeless since 2008. But soon, the sisters here might be served with an eviction notice. Month rent by more than 50 from about 3,500 to deds 4,5 hundred. What money they have comes from the generosity of others and their own hard work. From some donations and some of the best we know, baking. Too much to make. We already walk day and night making pastries. We cannot make too much more by month. Reporter the kitchen is in San Franciscos tenderloin neighborhood and once considered undesirable, but now within walking distance of a revitalized area of Market Street where twitter opened its headquarters in 2012. Demand for office space has skyrocketed citywide. Its an absolute frenzy. It meant rent has risen dramatically and more than than they were in 2009. San francisco says this is affecting the citys character. If you start losing the nonprofits, whether they be profit or nonprofits or they be the arts, you lose the soul of your city and we cannot have that. Reporter the landlord says the nuns and their kitchen can stay for now, and they plan to meet with him this week, and they know they have a strong devote advocate on their side. We have to pray for him. I hope he understand. God be with him. Reporter for cbs this morning, mireya villarreal. Very strong advocate, indeed. I love that story. I hope someone steps in and help the nuns. Im thinking they will. We will have a part two of this story, no doubt. Once, twice, three times a legend and doesnt coverage you can count on. This good morning thank you for watching channel 2. Im john potter we have more information on a major gas leak that shut down one street and caused several evacuations in carson city last night. At around 1015. A truck crashed into an apartment in the 600 block of hot springs road. When officers arrived on the scene, they found the driver had fled. Carson police say a resident in the apartment the truck crashed into was taken to the hospital with minor injuries. The crash also damaged gas lines. Leaking gas into buildings and around 15 to 20 people were evacuated from six apartment buildings. Southwest gas worked to cut off gas to the area to repair the damage. Police say hot springs road is now open. Well continue to follow that story as it develops. In money watch tonight. The nugget casino in sparks has announced that Marnell Gaming is acquiring the property. Two properties in laughlin down in clark county and plans to invest significant capital in the property, including buying new slot machines and renovating the nuggets west tower rooms. The transaction should be finalized by the Second Quarter of this year if approved by the nevada gaming commission. The terms of the deal were not disclosed. Time to check your roads with r. J. In the more fm 106. 9 Traffic Center hows it looking out there, r. J. . Crews are on scene of an accident in reno, 580 sb near glendale and mill, expect slow traffic. Roadwork continues on i80 eb at the east verdi bridge. Speed will be reduced to 55mph, expect delays. Lets send it over to meteorologist Jeff Martinez now for a weather update. Good morning, jeff temperatures this morning are in the mid to lower thirties. Winds are light and we have a few high level clouds in place. Today weak inversions in place. Which means warm air higher up. Burn code is green. Satellite shows just a few clouds drifting in from the west well be back with another no selfies. I want to tell you ahead of time. Now, this is one thing that changed, by the way, if if d if we had had smartphones when i ran for president , im not sure i would have run, because everybody folks just have their phones. They wont shake my hand any more. They are just like this. Hey im here alive, in front of you president obama is like, im right here president obama is revealing how he really feels about the selfies. The president says they are ruining traditional facetoface campaign encounters. Guys, this is so funny to me because i came this close at the end of that interview the other day to say, could we do a selfie . Then i thought oh, no i thought if he says no, it would be public humiliation. Never mind, say thank you very much and go our way. Good call, gayle i came that close i said, nope. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Lionel richie looks back at more than a dozen top ten hits. The grammy winner also opens up about adeles blockbuster song hello. And whether it strikes a familiar note. Thats ahead time to show you some of the mornings headlines from around the globe. The telegraph in london reports on a major scientific announcement expected today. Researchers could say they detected Gravitational Waves for the first time. Albert einstein talked about them thousands of years ago. They call it the discover of decades which could lead to new clues about the early universe. Honolulu star advertiser reports a big surf competition in hawaii was called off. The eddie was cancelled because the 40 to 50foot swells didnt show up on time. Only elite surfers are invited to this contest which pays surfer eddie wycal. I feel lucky just to be involved with this event. Its not another surf test. Its a celebration of life. The waves are not here, the event is not here. We not have a hohum. It has to be big and its not so we have to be moving on. The competition has taken place only eight times. London reports harry potter new book will be published on july 31st. J. K. Rowling tweeted to be clear the script of first child is being published. The play takes place 19 years after the first book ended with harry a father. Hollywood producer ross putnam noticed women in scripts how about this . One character is attractive even now with dark semicircles under her eyes. Another attractive in an effortless way. A third is called attractive, intelligent, in a scene in the kitchen. Hollywood reporter shows us the new season for a trailer for the series house of cards. The proceed know shows kevin spacey spaceys Frank Underwood putting up the fight of his life. He has not reconciled with his wife claire and not certain if they ever will. It premieres coming up in the year. Poorpooljames corden belting out hello and other songs for adele. Carpool karaoke could be the most watched Youtube Video in it has 630 million total views. I believe it. You watch it once and you want to see it again it just makes you happy its really good. Go, james corden. Some of musics biggest act are getting ready to say hello to Lionel Richie. He is being honored is as the person of the year for his remarkable career and charitable work too. He is part after group that includes bob dylan, paul mccartney, steven wonder and Bruce Springsteen is in there. Michelle willer no, her name has not changed. Hello, Michelle Miller good morning to you im speechless too, gayle. I am. I am. Lionel richie peers will honor him by sing is his classic hits and Stevie Wonder and Chris Stapleton and so many more will be there and its expected to raise millions of dollars for charity and a huge honor for Lionel Richie. I got to spend an afternoon with i can tell you at 66, he definitely has still got it. Morning is just a moment away im without you once again i dont dare jump in he is responsible for some of the most iconic songs of the past five decades. You once twice three times a lady reporter lets just say its hard not to sing along with Lionel Richie. Sing along the best thing that ever happened, the music stayed around. The music stuck. We are talking about the Third Generation of folks are now sitting in the audience. Reporter and youve been going now okay. No, no, no. 230 years. I know. Since 73. Reporter born and raised in tuskegee, alabama, he sent the commodores to the top of the charts. He went solo in 1982 and became a superstar. Say you say me reporter dominating popular music with 13 consecutive top ten hits and including five number ones. What a feeling dancing on the ceiling all night long all night reporter he had no formal music training. He says he just somehow knew how to write songs by ear. So, i dont know why i know how to play that, its just that and so trying to explain it to you is harder than trying to than just playing, because there is no real reporter you cant stop just there come on now but you got to know. Sailing on down the line about a half or mile or so and i dont really want to know where youre going maybe once or twice you see time after time you try but now were going and i dont mind about the things youre going to say, lord this may be his most famous line. Hello is it me youre looking for reporter of course, when adele released her new single, the similarity was hard not to hear. Hello its me reporter the internet didnt waste any time spoofing the two hit songs. Hello hello is it me youre looking for reporter lets talk about hello. Who owns it . You or adele . Well, i was here first. Ha, ha. No, no, listen. First of all, its only so many ways you can say hello, you know . So so many people call me, rich, the girl stole your song, the girl stole your word no, i dont own hello hello reporter there are onehit wonders and people who are hot and blazing. And are gone in a minute. Yeah. You know . Ego is the first part that kills you. Then the second part of it is just the fact that the stress. Its the stress. Because can you outdo your last show . I bet you cant do that again. Reporter so how did you do it . I did it again. Reporter how did you deal with the stress . But the stress, i kept going back to alabama. We werent keeping up with the joneses in alabama, we were keeping up with the commodores. Not the scene at the bar or my grandma. She would say, i dont want you drinking any of that dope. I promise you, grandma, i wont drink any dope. I wont drink it i promise you. Reporter instead, richie was focused on music and giving back. As i started gaining a bit of success, then it was even more apparent, you know, how do i give a voice to the voiceless . Reporter he did just that down to write we are the world. There comes a time when we heed a certain call reporter the remarkable collaboration raised more than 60 million for humanitarian aid in africa. We are the world we are the children we are the ones to make a brighter day so lets start giving snow reporter this year, music cares is paying tribute to richei e for his decades of contributions and charitable work. I said ill receive there reward as long as it doesnt mean goodbye because, as far as im concerned, im just Getting Started rye right now. All night long all night long he puts on a great show and his residency in hollywood starts in april in las vegas. Him at the Grammy Awards on monday. Still no word on whether he and adele will team up to do a little song. How would you characterize this appearance for you . Giggly and giddy . You know, he is one of the most downtoearth megastars ive ever met in my life. Down to earth but more . But in tuskegee, alabama, you sense his people grounded him. Michelle, you can be all official but we are talking here i have never seen you look so giggly and so giddy. If i didnt know you, i would swear you had 126 teeth, your mile is so big he is one of the most downtoearth people i know not what we are talking about you should have seen me. No, this was different. Listened to that tape all day the land of the gators, the python is taking too big of a bite i had a hold of a 17foot python a number of years back. Totally ecstatic. Whoa this is great i had a hold of it moving like i was a feather on a freight train. Ahead, why the clock is there are those who say we cannot defeat a corrupt political system and fix a rigged economy. But i believe we need to lift our vision above the obstacles in place and look to the american horizon. To a nation where every child can not only dream of going to college, but attend one. Where quality healthcare will be a birthright of every citizen. Where a good job is not a wish, but a reality. Where women receive equal pay and a living wage is paid to all. There is time for rest and grandchildren. A nation that defends our people and our values, but no longer carries so much of that burden alone. I know we can create that america if we listen to our conscience and our hearts and not to the pundits and the naysayers. Im Bernie Sanders. I approve this message, the hunt is on this morning in the florida everglades. The target, and out of control snake species, the pythons are big and deadly and threaten the everglades ecosystem. Mark strassmann shows house hundreds and hundreds fighters are taking part in the monthlong python challenge. Reporter in the florida everglades, this is basking season for bernese pythons when the coldblooded snakes seek out the warmth of the sun. A lot of native plants we should be aware of. Reporter tom rayhills team is hunting for snakes. Bernese pythons are an invasive its a challenge and we will will multiple days and not see one. Reporter they camouflage themselves in more than 1 million acres of swamp and sawgrass here but rayhill is known as the snake whisperer. Ive supervised over hundreds of captures. Reporter he tracked down his first bernese in 2008 and was hooked. You go into a alpha predator mindset. If you dont have that, you could get hurt conceivably. Reporter first, they bite. Teeth. You have to breathe deep and let it release on its own. If you pull away from a python when it bites you, your arm is going to be shredded. Reporter and big bernese can coil and crush you. I had a hold of a 17foot python a number years back, totally ecstatic. This is great whoa. I had a hold of it moving like a reporter a big one with swallow a deer. In this photo the alligator inside the pythons stomach was so big, the snake actually exploded like the population of these snakes in the everglades. A female can lay up to 100 eggs. There could be tens of thousands to a hundred thousands of snakes. We just dont know. Reporter kristen penny summers works for the Florida Conservation commission. Some experts believe pet owners here release their berniceese into the wild when their snakes grew too wild. They are not supposed to be here. Reporter for help moving them, floridas fish and wildlife officials started the python challenge. Top prize . 5,000. Rayhill is competing with his team of volunteers called the swamp apes. They invite combat vets with ptsd on the hunt for what he apex spot this bernese skeleton. You can see the stretch of it. The power of the python. Reporter these hunters grab a bernese by the neck behind the jaw latin it wear itself out and then drop it into this bag. They can deliver it, dead or alive, to wildlife officials. Rayhills swamp apes will be featured on an upcoming Animal Planet project that fos fofs focuses on the python challenge. Its been an interesting joanna wants to the world a president has to grapple with. Sometimes you cant even imagine. Thats the job. Securing a massive reduction in nuclear weapons. Standing up against the abuse of women. Protecting social security. Expanding benefits for the national guard. And Winning Health care for 8 million children. The presidency is the toughest job in the world and shes the one wholl make a real difference for you. Skiers and snowboarders looking to relive their trip down the slopes can now use drones to record the action. What crews at squaw valley have to good morning thank you for watching channel 2. Im john potter we have more information on a major gas leak that shut down one street and caused several evacuations in carson city last night. At around 1015. A truck crashed into an apartment in the 600 block of hot springs road. When officers arrived on the scene, they found the driver had fled. Sheriff furlong says a resident in the apartment the truck crashed into. Was taken to the hospital with minor injuries. The crash also damaged gas lines. Leaking gas into buildings and around 15 to 20 people were evacuated from six apartment buildings. Southwest gas worked to cut off gas to the area to repair the damage. Now open. Well continue to follow that story as it develops. Last night, South Lake Tahoe officials answered questions about the highway 50 revitalization project. The construction is being considered to make the downtown area more pedestrian friendly. The intersection is also being considered for more mountain and lake access. But the reroute would displace residents in homes on the california side. While the project would help improve Pedestrian Safety in the area. Businesses say it could bring more visitors to south shore. Project Developers Hope to have an Environmental Impact study this spring. A construction plan could be up for approval in late summer. In school watch. The Washoe County School District board of trustees is forming that new Oversight Committee for spending on School Buildings and funding new schools to ease overcrowding. At a Public Meeting last week. Some agreed with the tax hikes. But were uncomfortable entrusting that money to the school board. To address that, the district of city and county leaders, building experts and people from the community it will be responsible for overseeing the budget and funding for School Buildings. And making recommendations. While the school board still makes the final decision on spending. It would be a public process to go against the committees recommendations. Lets send it over to meteorologist Angela Schilling now for a weather update. Good morning, angela temperatures this morning are in the mid to lower thirties. Winds are light and we have a few high level clouds in place. Today looks very similar to what we saw yesterday. By lunchtime temperatures will be in the mid 50s and highs today will be in the mid 60s. It will be mild in the mountains as well, with weak inversions in place. Which means warm air higher up. Burn code is green. Satellite shows just a few clouds drifting in theyre one of the wall street banks that triggered the financial meltdown goldman sachs. Just settled with authorities for their part in the crisis that put seven million out of work and millions out of their homes. How does wall street get away with it . Millions in Campaign Contributions and speaking fees. Our economy works for wall street because its rigged by wall street. And thats the problem. As long as washington is bought and paid for, we cant build an economy that works for people. Jonathan its a new scooter

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