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We are about to embark on quite a journey as some of the most astounding mysteries and revelations concerning spiritual warfare and the titanic struggle of good versus evil are unveiled we're about to learn what the Bible discloses about time travel multiple dimensions portals and how modern science supports it all Carl gallops is next to discuss the cosmic battle to end all battles right here on coast to coast am. The inflation. Constant. Entice people to look at me. And a little bit. When hearing that Tyco people on the. Winning that makes it easy to see. Them in place. Particularly. Because like a lot of other guys I just couldn't find a shirt that looked great on tucked that's why we created the perfect. Just right we have over 50 fits for all shapes and sizes so you can look sharp even. Give the original this is one of 85 on top of stores worldwide. Designed to be worn on. Your 1st purchase. 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Carl gallops is a long time senior pastor of hickory hammock Baptist Church She's the author of the bestsellers magic man in the sky the rabbi who found Messiah be thou prepared when the lion roars the gods of ground 0 gods and Thrones and his latest gods of the final Kingdom Additionally he's a conference leader of Vangelis and Christian media icon he's one of the founders of video teaching material to the world famous p.p. Simmons You Tube ministry and Biblical apologetics channel He's a graduate of Florida State University in the Nora lens Baptist Theological Seminary Carl gallops Welcome back to coast to coast am how are you my friend Richard man it's always great to be with you on honor to be on. And be with you and your great audience Thanks for having me. My pleasure and always delighted to have you know one of the things that I came away with one of the takeaways from gods of the final Kingdom is that it turns out Satan is not all knowing he's not a mission he's not omnipresent this I did not know explain Yeah well no you're absolutely correct that even people who say that they know that one of those facts often are surprised when they discover. You know like about booking the research that I've done. Here is not the. Knowing as many never truly thought well of course it's not going to know what God makes that clear. Is so so he is not omniscient that is he is not all knowing but here's the thing I'm liken it to this look to to to to it's dear for it. Sample a master Deer Hunter is like a duck to the deer with a live. In that the deer hunter has the has the advantage of the theory or knowledge and the ability to see Dudie and to contemplate and to track and to trail and to out think and outmaneuver now the deer is equipped with survival instincts of course but the master Deer Hunter observes deer over decades and decades and decades Well it's been around since the beginning before probably even Adam and Eve many theologians speculate before humanity was created so then on the server you can amend or hunter that the Bible makes that clear that he has already spent the amount of months or so when as you know we wonder well how can he do this or how can he know that or how can he and the demonic clam how can they know my. Prey on me perfectly how is this how is it that he seems to be able to to manipulate throngs of power in the religious world and in the political world how is it that he has access to all of the almost god like information well it's because he is supernatural he does operate from multiple multiple dimensions of reality the Bible says that by the way and he has been around a long time he is a master hunter he is watching he is he knows humanity from the inside out but he's not God and he doesn't know every detail of God's plan and didn't know particularly the whole salvation plan that was laid out before the foundation of the earth the Bible says so so that's that's my quick answer and of course I spent a lot of time in the book proving all of this and and using contextually connected scriptures appeal. Many many scholars modern scholars as well as classical scholars as well as words studies in the Greek and the Hebrew in helping people to see it but anyway so that that the deal has not knowing much smarter than humanity and he is a manipulator a liar a deceiver and an allusion artist for sure but he is not all knowing and particularly interesting that I deal with in the book and that a lot of people who think the book to me that while this is just really only white and greater insight into. A lot of the core message particularly interesting is the fact that even when God in the flesh if you will just cry Emmanuelle without getting ready to celebrate the coming of that of the fulfillment of that prophecy through the Christmas season even when that began to unravel Satan do that somehow this was the promised Seed from the womb of the woman that was spoken a long way back in the color of the mention of the thing but as that whole life event of what we now know as Jesus Christ the Christ event on the phone book for him Satan spent those 3 years of Jesus' public ministry trying to figure out exactly what he was up to exactly what he was doing and the bottom line Richard is. A lot that delivering Jesus to the cross was his. And I can show that and pull that off if you like but the bottom line is the Word of God makes it clear. From the beginning and Satan was not only tricked and but the great hunter actually became the hunted without even knowing it and I chose this very clearly in the book I hope that answers your questions right indeed so he talked about the coming from the womb of a woman will crush. Satan said this was God warning Satan after Satan corrupted Adam and Eve and in fact humanity in the garden that this would be the retribution that a scene from the womb of a woman would crush his head so as to demonstrate that Saint didn't is no knowing he really didn't know what that meant exactly did he well no you're right exactly and I wrote about this and preach and teach about this and demonstrate there's a lot in in several of my books and in my preaching and teaching because it's so central to understanding the entire political message because from Genesis 3 where the garden account is to Revelation 22 which speaks of the ultimate restoration of the original Garden of Eden in a dimensional realm reality where in everything will be recreated It's called the restitution of all things so between Genesis 3 and Revelation $22.00 that's what the whole Bible is about literally it's a tout it's about what happened in the garden what God pronounced upon Satan what Satan did not understand about that and what human history how human history is tied in extra couplet the message so so yes in Genesis $315.00 when God pronounces that sentence upon Satan it is a death sentence Richard he says from the womb of the woman you know I will bring forth the seach you will prove says he'll but he will crush your head and so you know it will when a person's heads crash their dead but that's not the only place in the Scriptures where the death sentence is pronounced upon Satan by God Himself it's this is it this is a huge deal so when God pronounced that when he made that pronouncement. Here's the deal at that point in the garden Satan knew what was going to happen to him and he knew how it was going to happen he knew that his head was going to be crushed his kingdom would be destroyed the knew that God was going to exact retribution and judgment upon him for what he did for bringing the filth and degradation that we're watching unfold before us every day right now but bringing this to the former paradise the God had created not only that he was going to pay an eternal consequence price for this thing so he was told that use you know that was the death sentence but he was also told how it was going to happen now it's mysterious that is through the womb of a woman is going to come to destroy your for your kingdom so he knows that somehow God is going to do something with obviously what Satan would think a human child but yet God's throne is connected to the pronouncements of Satan knows there's going to be a supernatural element attached but watch so he knows why any knows how. But any and I guess you could say knows what that is the seed of the woman but watch he doesn't know who when or where or exactly how this seed is going to bring about his destruction so there are 3 or 4 things he did not know and the rest of the rest after Genesis 3 and right through just shows Satan's diabolical psychotic desire and quest if he thinks he's the great hunter he's going to find this thing is going to destroy it before His Kingdom is destroyed and of course with the crucifixion and resurrection that's when he realized oh my gosh I have messed up I have been duped I have become the hunted my kingdom is now on it all on the way to being completely destroyed which is why by the time you get the book of Revelation Chapter 12 these words and woe unto you Earth because Satan has now been thrown down he has been thrown down to you and he is filled with rage because he knows his time is short and then that chapter in with these ordinances paraphrasing but listeners. Discover and speaking the truth here of course but it ends by saying that then Satan in his rage goes off to make war against the rest of the and I'm going. To see another word that says those who hold to the testimony of those Christ goes off to make walks right up to him so that as I said from Genesis 3 to the Book of Revelation the closing words it can it's all everything in between connect those 2 great of them the fall in the garden and the restitution of the Paradise in the very end meantime Richard we're living right in the midst of the most prophetic profoundly prophetic. Months since the 1st coming of Jesus Christ with the 1st generation to the a convergence of about a dozen monumental things that are tied directly to scriptural prophecy so we'll get an order to those but I want to ask you to again to give you 2 questions I'm sure you get all the time number one can very quickly why why didn't God just strike Satan down in the garden right there and then and be done with it yeah yeah thanks I yeah I deal with that in the book look it's because we we get the answer by piecing together biblical truths throughout and that's the key to interpret scripture the Scriptures not written in a storybook chronological fashion from point a to point c. Now the prophecies move from point a to point b. From when they're spoken to when they're completed but discovering these through the answers to these mysteries is it it requires that we understand the whole Word of God in that we read the Word of God in that we understand the thing context so here's what we glean when we do that so you ask well why didn't God just kill Satan at the beginning I mean in our human claim of presence that would make the most sense he committed the crime he committed murder if you will the killing the bringing death to the human race you know he lied to God He trashed in Decorah dated God's creation I mean everything he's totally killed he destroyed why not just the thing right there well but the whole thing is when once you understand the whole message of God's work all of this was basically known by God in His omniscience God is all knowing and this is this is hard for humans to wrap their heads around and I've got some illustrations I can news later on in the show if you'd like to help people get that concrete question in their mind but the truth is he knows everything you know is the beginning from the end he knows what's going to happen before he knows our reactions however that does not agree us from the responsibility to make the proper choices because we are not robots we are not puppets on a string we do have a freedom to make choices now having said that. The Bible is clear in the Book of Revelation it speaks of Jesus Christ being slain before the foundation of the world well in the tombs of Christ's crucifixion his resurrection was God's plan for the salvation and for the restitution of all things the foundation of humanity but in the meantime that was all knowing that the throne of God before Satan even corrupted the garden so when all of this came down it was all a part of God's understanding his knowledge and I'm going to say his plan even though God does not promote or create evil but he did create free thinking beings the angelic realm and the human realm and because he did not want to bunch of robots and puppets on the strength any more than we as parents and grandparents don't want our children to call up on our lap and tell us they love us just because we pushed a button on their back or because repeat on the mike and say that God just wants to relationship with his creation and so when they pull that off when Satan did that if God had just stepped right up to the whole angelic realm and said you know the whole time Satan is is calling God a liar to Adam and Eve in the garden you know God didn't mean that and he knows you can be like him if you'll do this and he knows and he and his tricking you and if God had just stepped up and zapped him and then turn around looked the angelic realm and said Anybody else want some of this. I mean if he'd done it that way then his right chestnuts his mercy His love His Grace would have never been demonstrated and and the last haunting words of out of Satan's mouth might have been construed to be true maybe God is unfair maybe God is hiding something made so instead God says Ok I have a chair way and in the meantime throughout what we will well we now know as human history this story will unfold and in the end of it all. June manatee and the angelic around will see my great grace and mercy my right mind justice they will also see that you know that I am a god of judgment when you step over the line of how I created you so the bottom line in there and listen there are scholars who have searched this out to the glory and of compared scriptures and all of the language of the Bible and all of its mysteries and they they they say this and I've got this document that of course but is the stuff that I'm going to that I'm sharing with you in the audience tonight and we're going to get into some really really deep stuff and some unfolding some powerful mysteries here I'm not just pulling this out of my back pocket I'm not making this up as you know Richard you've known each other a long time I do my due diligence I spent 10 years and in all the law enforcement prior to my 35 years in ministry and preaching and teaching and one of the sheriff's offices all worked in the criminal investigations I go in all of this within this kind of mind I connect the black and white I make sure it's contextual I make sure that there is tons of evidence to support it and so the bottom line is what I'm telling you is the message of God or that the reason God didn't just in the right there is is several fold not the least of which is to demonstrate his Justice and His mercy to all the dimensions of reality that he has created. I've got about 2 minutes here be a break so I want to in a throw another one edge and we'll probably not get to it. We won't finish it but we'll start the conversation now that is why I know that does Satan is not all knowing but why didn't he just sit down take a moment and read the Old Testament and then he could have seen if you you know where to stand of the Old Testament is the New Testament concealed he could have pieced it together out there would be a boy a boy born in the City of David and he would be born from the line of David and so forth I can. Figure this out I can I can find out who that baby's going to be and I'll kill him why couldn't he have done that after an excellent question a lot of people ask it and I do answered in the book I'm going to give my short answer because she said we've got 2 minutes and we can get deeper on the up side if you'd like but the quick quick answer is this those prophecies are written in and what's called compound form and that's a that's a theological term another word even for humans I mean look let me just and I'm trying to give you the short answer let me go to the new test and say what Peter said after it all unfolded and after we saw the cross the resurrection the birth of the church everything be empty tomb everything Peter said Oh my gosh and I'm paraphrasing but entire ship readers have to once he says oh my gosh now we have the word of the prophets make war certain and then he goes on to say look now we know that when the prophets spoke these things that that it was not meant for even them to understand what they were probably sighing it was not for them they understood it was for generations to come and even the angels long to look into these things but now they see it on the other side all right I've got to I've got to jump in here we'll pick up on that point when we come back more of my conversation with Carl gallops his latest gods of the final Kingdom or away trade here on coast to coast am. our Store dot com promo code k t o x. 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Welcome back to coast to coast am Richard Sarat coming to you from coasts Toronto Canada affiliate News Talk 1010 in-depth radio say hello on Twitter at Richard Sarah at the website strange planet dot ca Carl gallop stays with us his new one Gods of the final Kingdom Carl before the break I was asking why doesn't our why didn't Satan simply read the Old Testament pieced together the prophecies and Daniel and I say and so forth figure out alright is going to be a child born in a manger in the City of David I'll just go and kill him and I will just you know I will I will continue to rule this earth and you know God made flesh is not going to stop me so you started to answer and I just want to do you know to sort of finish off that point before we move on yeah thank you again I do spend several chapters unveiling the mystery to be to get to that answer to the answer that you to the question you just asked because so many people ask it is a great question so to give the quick quick answer so we can move on to other things. It i can appeal to the New Testament in the book of 1st Peter and 2nd Peter if you take the 1st chapter of each of those books in the New Testament Peter addresses this he says look and I'm going to paraphrase but again your listeners can go and research this I am Go read the book and it's all right there but Peter says look he says now that all of this is unfolded before us because you're a member Peter and those guys they lived in the generation where it all happened Peter ate and slept with Jesus you know and did miracle watch the miracles you know unfold before resign so at it in the end he be he preached the 1st sermon that started the 1st church that you know just. Blossomed Christianity throughout the world now so he. He wrote back then he said oh my gosh look what has happened we are living in the fulfillment of these prophecies these prophecies he said that even the prophets gave them even the prophets that were shown these things wrote them but they didn't even understand how it was all going to happen they just wrote what God told them they knew that it wasn't for them or for their generation for this to happen but it was for our generation Peter said Dinny goes on to say even the angels longed to look into these things now again that connects to the biblical truth that all of this was God's plan before the foundation of the world meaning that this this whole unfolding of this Christ event was the most guarded secret top secret of the throne of God and it would unfold in little pieces until finally a burst upon the scene and until finally Satan himself was wound by it all with the cross and the resurrection and then the birth the church so even the angels didn't know Peter says so Sir Richard The point being if the angels around God's throne those that had not rebelled those that were not of the demonic realm if they didn't know then surely Satan and the fallen realm didn't and we see that as it's played out in the New Testament and as it does make crystal clear that they was actually moved by the whole thing now is your question to right to your point. But the prophecy is right there in the Old Testament you have but 7000000000 people on the planet and almost you know most of the planet can look at those and and get every exacting detail unless they know the Word of God Look at all the people that just completely reject the Word of God Yet there it is if the Go read it it's all there the problem with Satan is number one he didn't have he was Paul and the Bible says you can understand the work without the Holy Spirit you can't add the one plus one plus one plus one and come. With the right answer because it's all connected you have to know the homework to have to be searching the mind to the heart of and then one is under polls there it is which is the major purpose for prophecy in the 1st place not so that we can come along and use the bible like a crystal ball and say oh I get it now I've drawn the maps the charts the graphs I've connected a to z. I know what's going to happen and exactly how it's going to happen in the minutes going to happen no God didn't put it to us that way he gave it to us in these pieces so that watch this is the main reason for prophecies so that when it is completed we will look back upon the Word of God and say like Peter did oh my gosh it was there all along now that we can connect the dots Mal we see it was there well what it peters that say was so important about that he said Now we have the Word of God made more certain Let me translate that into our modern binocular Now we know this is the Word of God It's right there these prophecies were written thousands of years before they happened hundreds of years at the very least and some of them over a 1000 years and he said Now they've all connected now it has happened right in front of our faces we are living in the Peterson now we know so that's the answer to why I say number one he's so arrogant and filled with arrogance he wasn't searching the word like that he didn't have the ability to search that way because he doesn't have the Spirit of God that it takes to do that 2nd 33 it was all written in coded format and it was written to keep Satan at bay so that he wouldn't know charts and graphs and maps but at the same time to display the glory of God when it was all done and the dots were connected we could look back on it and say oh my gosh it was there all along there is a God in heaven this is his word this is a me. Amazing there's no other quote religious book in the world that has those kinds of connections to it none richer none and that's that's what the Bible says and that's what happened and that's why Satan did not all right now most of us are many of us are familiar with I think it's from a fusion we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against the rulers against the authorities against the powers of this dark world what are what who are the rulers authorities and the Powers Yeah well truly they come from 2 different dimensions one of them is the earthly dimension and of course he's speaking of the throngs of power now those thrones of earthly power of course involved not only the political world and my goodness can we can see that before our eyes right now you know you talk about it all the time on your radio shows and so do I but but also it involves the human religious powers the ecclesiastical powers of the religious systems all religions. You know I'm not singling out any real it all religions have have throngs of power now the 2nd dimension of that of course is what we would call the supernatural dimension or the spiritual dimension when we use the word spiritual I want to make it clear to the audience that doesn't mean whispy ghosty little Mithila skinned of you know beings that you know that are that are in some kind of this serial missed No these are these are multi-dimensional interdimensional entities the Word of God makes that clear modern science makes clear the reality of multiple dimensions of physical reality and in today's We can talk about that later and I've got that documented in my book as well but the bottom line is when Paul writes an efficient 6 about these towers he's speaking mainly warning the church he says look our battle is not 0. Only and just it's not about flesh and blood he's saying to to his audience he's saying to believers you've got you've got to look beyond you like a goldfish in a goldfish bowl there's something on the other side of the glass there's a whole universe there are 7000000000 people out there that the goldfish doesn't even know exist yet you know they do the goldfish exist and all 7000000000 of us exist this is what Paul is trying to tell his audience is saying look there's something on the other side of the glass Paul says I've seen the prophets of saying that I understand I know that's what Jesus came to tell us he has gone to the other side and back shown himself on this side shown himself after he came back there's something on the other side of the glass he says so when you see the world coming apart at the seams in the political realm in the religious realm and terrorism realm and world wars and all of that he says please understand that's just half the part of what's really happening he says there's something going on on the other side of the glass there's something going on in the spiritual realm powers principalities in dark realms of of evil so that's what he's saying and that theme is found from the from the Garden of Eden to the flood all the way through to the last book of the Bible in the last pages of Revelation but Paul as you said in the thesis Chapter 6 has one of the most sink is easiest to understand straightforward black and white descriptions when he says please understand our battle is not against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities and rulers and dark realms of that profession you use the analogy of the of the fish bowl in the fish in the bowl doesn't comprehend there's no way I can comprehend. The entire universe that exists. Outside the station. Yes. I'm wondering does the Bible refer to something that we might today. Describe as a hyper dimension is there any sort of validation in the Bible. For the existence of what we call hyper dimensions Oh yeah x. Absolutely in fact it's hidden in plain sight it's what I mean from the opening pages we are we are not there's no treatise on this topic no other words there's no chapters that say Ok Now let me talk to you about different dimensions and how they operate and what's that know we're just we're just required to believe it and then as we move through the scriptures over and over and over we are told of these multiple dimensions of physical realities and of course I will prove what I'm saying in the 2nd I'm just setting it up but I'm answering your question yes the Word of God is clear and then as I do in my book I take the readers and in a very layman's term understandable way I take them right to the field of quantum mechanics quantum physics I take them right to the Cern Hadron Collider what that's all about and in Switzerland China is building one that's even bigger they all understand I quote from their websites I quote from their papers their research papers their scientific journals how they understand there are multiple dimensions of physical reality what they're trying to do with these big the world's largest machines the Hadron Collider what they're trying to do is to discover the portals how to get into the dimensions and what might come out of them they say and what we might be able to put into those dimensions is what the sounds scary to me but but that's what they're saying so so now we go back to the Bible Well let me just give you some examples Jesus told the thief on the cross today in the next few moments you're going to be with me in Paradise by the way that we're terrible ice in Hebrew translation of it translates to the Garden of Eden you're going to go behind the veil you're getting ready to go to enough. Dimension when Jesus came out of the tomb Ok his body wasn't in the tomb rotting people say where was Jesus what was it you know he came out he showed himself alive he and then. Proceeded to tell us Look I've been and the other dimension I've been in paradise that's where he told the thief he was that's where he said we would go then he comes back and present himself alive he's going interdimensional he comes in a room where the disciples are hiding he didn't come through the door it didn't come through and it just materializes right in front of them it's right there in the Bible. It's it's hyperdimensional it's interdimensional He Jesus speaks of the rich man that dies and goes to paradise. Lazarus And then as his mate Lazarus that goes to paradise the rich man that that winds up in prison or hell the chasm that's between them that one cannot go from one place to the other what's Jesus speaking of he speaking of multiple dimensions of physical reality the wonders in prison says I searched I'm in pain I can think I can see I can understand I know what's happening Lazarus is in paradise I can get glimpses of him back but I can't talk to him I can't touch I can't go there there's a chasm between us but I'm here and I'm suffering and I meant pain Jesus tells this whole illustration again demonstrating multiple dimensions of reality so the Bible requires as we come to it the Word of God requires Now think about this Richard those words all of the words of the Bible I mean the newest documents we have were written 2000 years ago we haven't understood the field of quantum mechanics except for in the last 100 years and really only in the last couple of decades to the degree where we were building Hadron Collider but but 2000 years ago you know the newest documents the oldest documents are some 3003500 years old. This bars the writing but they speak to things older than that and the very opening words speak of a heaven speak of. Hell if you will or a prison holding place of punishment eternal punishment speaks of paradise because of the Garden of Eden speaks of the real Garden of Eden being cut off from the fallen Garden of Eden we move through the Scriptures we discover all of the same dimensions we discover interdimensional travel the prophets are taken I mean David and Psalm 22 written 1000 years before the Christ event yet David somehow is a time traveler some how you know they call it a dream a vision or what but he right he said they have pierced my hands and my feet they gamble for my clothing under my feet they say to me he saved others let him save himself my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth I thirst I can see all of my bones out of joint they to laugh at me they stare I mean he's describing in minute detail right down to the gambling for the closing under his feet as this feet and hands are being pierced he's describing Chris Dixon of Jesus right down to the clouds what the crowds are screaming at him How can David 1000 years before it happens how can he see that what has happened how how 1000 years Richard the United States of America has only been around 245 or so right how could he have seen that so so the scriptures are filled with time travel portals Jesus said I'm the way I'm the portal nobody comes into the dimension of where my father as well as you come through me he doesn't use the word portal but he used the word door is the word gate he uses the word way to put in more modern from that killer knowing what he's talking about today you will be with me in paradise. And he says I'm the chordal it seems to me Karl Karl there's also some a reference in the Bible something about the heavens being on scrolled which is kind of a peculiar I want to pick up on that point when we come back oh yes kind of an interesting terminology I'm scroll Yeah yeah let's let's get to that when we come back we'll also open up the phone lines and take questions and comments as we talk about this cosmic battle of good versus evil now taking us into the break here's Steppenwolf and snowblind friend right here on coast to coast am. 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The way to get a good spirit among casinos could be really located 8500. 5 Highway 95 in 100 Bell a shooting investigation and. 2 police officers killed within hours of each other on Saturday correspondent Jeff McKay reports one was fatally shot in Texas the other in Arkansas the officer in Houston was shot to death Saturday night while investigating a domestic disturbance Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo says Sergeant Chris Brewer was getting out of his patrol car when he was hit by gunfire in Fayetteville Arkansas chief Mike Reynolds says an officer was gunned down getting out of his squad car in the police station parking lot of no motive at all if you suspect came into the back. And just executed the deaths of these 2 men in blue come just 24 hours after a Huntsville Alabama police officer was shot and killed during a drug bust the investigation into the Saudi national who staged an attack at the Naval Air Station Pensacola Florida has tracked the gunman's past travel correspondent says new information has been reported by The New York Times a gunman along with other Saudi nationals or at least 2 other Saudi nationals was visiting New York City around the banks in giving holiday going to certain sites like the Rockefeller Center near near the Christmas tree other sites as well but it's not clear from the Times reporting why he was there was he there as just a. 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