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I dont know about you but the chill bumps are already out. Good morning, america. We have an incredible experience to share with you this morning. Gma on safari live. Well give you an extraordinary glimpse at one of the natural wonders of the world. Lets take a look at it right now. Amy is there. Amy robach there live in africa. Shes in tanzania and shes just crater in tanzania, one of the most spectacular, stunning sights in the world. You see her in the convoy right there. Amy, how is it . Oh, my goodness, george. It truly is the garden of eden. It is spectacular and just moments ago thats right, we descended into the 2,000foot deep crater and now we have just arrived and i believe a few of our friends came to join us, the animals have really cooperated. You are looking live at the great migration in panoramic views. This is 100squaremile crater. Cover. But we have some help to do that. We have five cameras, a long lens camera. Two drones and, of course, that 360degree Virtual Reality bringing this incredible, incredible safari to you and it is stunning. There are so many animals to see. Were going to be looking for elephants, lions and rhinos because those are the animals that are threatened, in fact, our t. J. Holmes is in south africa, hes going to be talking about the efforts to try and stop illegal hunting so that we can protect and save these majestic creatures, guys. Buckle up, this is going to be an awesome ride. It really will be. Youre going to be live all morning long. One of the memories i treasure most, my family, we went on a safari in south africa right before my father passed. It is youre going to see for yourself. Youre going to feel like youre there. I will never ever forget that memory. Special. But we will begin with the race for the white house. Its your voice, your vote. Republicans squaring off ahead ted cruz facing a major shakeup in his inner circle. Abcs tom llamas has the latest and joins us from las vegas. Good morning, tom. Reporter robin, good morning to you. The nevada caucuses are today for republicans. If and if the gop wants a brawler in the white house they may get it with donald trump. Youre going to hear why in a moment. Trump talking tough in front of thousands last night in vegas as senator ted cruz hits a very tough point in his campaign. This morning, a Cruz Campaign shakeup and donald trump is relishing every minute of it. The evangelicals didnt vote for him. You know why, because they dont like liars. Reporter overnight, trump rallying a massive crowd in las vegas saying he wanted to hit a protester who interrupted him. Id like to punch him in the face, ill tell you. Reporter and poking fun at senator ted cruz. This guy is sick. Theres something wrong with this guy. Reporter cruz forced to fire his Communications Director rick tyler after tyler spread a false report which claimed rubio staffer in this video. I know exactly what i said to that young man. I said, the answer to every question youll ever have is in that book. Reporter senator rubio livid describing a pattern of dirty campaigning by the Cruz Campaign from suggesting dr. Ben carson was dropping out during the Iowa Caucuses to photoshopping this image of rubio shaking hands with the president. Someone in that organization has set that culture. Ted has to be responsible for that. Reporter senator cruz looked into this most recent matter himself, then made this decision. This morning, i asked for rick tylers resignation. I had made clear in this campaign that we will conduct this campaign with a very highest standards of integrity. Reporter and cruz warning attacks on his character could ultimately derail his campaign. If other candidates devote all their time and energy to attacking us and engaging in personal slurs and attacks, it is possible they could weaken us to a sufficient extent that they nomination. Reporter and overnight, senator ted cruz seeming to strengthen his stance on immigrant, saying he would be in favor of mass deportations, even roundups, this, as senator marco rubio received 16 endorsements, the accomplish clearly rallying around rubio. Thats right. All ahead of those caucuses tonight. Well move to the democrats now and Hillary Clinton hoping that momentum from her win over Bernie Sanders in nevada will bring her big victories in South Carolina saturday and that huge delegate hall across the south on super tuesday, one week from today. Sanders fighting back hard and Abcs Cecilia Vega is here with the latest. Good morning, cecilia. Reporter george, good morning to you. The vermont senator now looking ahead to super tuesday states, also hoping he can pull off the win he needs to keep his campaign afloat. And now hes got his sights set on his one and only target. Overnight Hillary Clinton popping up on the set of scandal, star scott foley sharing this instagram of president fitz. Clinton on a fundraising trip to los angeles where she attended a 2,700 per person event at the home of a hollywood executive. Thank you, nevada. Reporter after winning 76 of the africanamerican vote in nevada, shes counting on South Carolina where more than half of democratic voters are expected to be black. Clinton also launching another new ad featuring one of the most wellrecognized voices in america, actor morgan freeman. She says their names. Trayvon martin shot to death. Dontre hamilton, unarmed. Reporter Bernie Sanders is turning to a different prominent africanamerican actor, danny glover, while attacking clinton as a political opportunist. And the people of the United States need to know the difference between hastily the real record and the longheld ideas of the candidates. Reporter sanders team says that, while they havent given up on South Carolina where clinton enjoys a massive doubledigit lead, they are focused on super tuesday. Sanders hoping for wins in places like colorado, oklahoma, minnesota and massachusetts. And during a 22minute speech in boston sanders mentioned Hillary Clintons name 15 times. Hes also bringing in another bigname endorsement from spike lee, the big question, though, this morning, guys, is will it be enough . Does he have enough time . Lets bring that question to jon karl in washington. You just saw that targeting that cecilia put up for Bernie Sanders. Hes got to find a place to get some wins tuesday. Reporter thats right, and they see several possibilities on super tuesday to get some wins. You have Bernie Sanders home state of vermont, neighboring massachusetts, minnesota, colorado, all states the sanders camp thinks they can win and single state for the democrats the delegates are awarded proportionally. Even in States Sanders loses to clinton he will still gather delegates. So hard to read. Its a relatively new caucus there but you got some firsthand evidence yesterday of the republican establishment really closing ranks behind marco rubio. Reporter oh, absolutely. You saw several United States senators, several Congress Members of congress, governors, former governors, all coming out and endorsing marco rubio yesterday. Really quite a list including bob dole, the 1996 republican nominee. But, george, dole told me, i talked to him about this. He told me that, if rubio cant find a place to win on super tuesday, if trump sweeps on super tuesday then he you might as well start printing the inaugural invitations that trump will be the nominee. Yeah, that surprised me from bob dole. Not only will trump get the nom nagsz with nomination, he felt he could jon karl, thanks very much. All right there, george. Now to another big headline, new developments in that michigan rampage. Were learning more about what the uber driver charged with killing six people and injuring two, what he may have done before the shooting including a visit to a gun and ammo shop. Abcs alex perez has the latest from kalamazoo. Alex. Reporter good morning, robin. Authorities describe the uber driver as cooperative, but not remorseful. The big question, a possible motive in this case remains a mystery. This morning were learning more about the suspect in that deadly rampage in kalamazoo. Uber driver jason dalton. You understand the charges . Yes, sir. Reporter the 45yearold stonefaced during his arraignment monday facing several charges, including six counts of murder. I would prefer just to remain silent. Reporter prosecutors saying they still dont know his motive but they say that dalton admitted he took peoples lives. I described this previously as intentional, as deliberate, as cold. Reporter investigators say dalton picked up uber fares in between the shootings saturday night. Just a short time before dalton up a fare with these three men. My buddy actually said, this isnt the hhr, youre not the guy, are you, and he kind of said no. Reporter dalton once worked as an insurance adjuster, is married and the father of a 10 and 15yearold. Andrew jamieson the best man at his wedding shocked by the news. He was very quiet and reserved. Definitely not out to ever cause anybody trouble. Reporter a local gun and ammunition owner says dalton stopped in about once a month and was there just hours before the shooting purchasing a tactical jacket. The three separate attacks unfolding across a 12mile area. Six people dead in the course of five hours. Barbara ann hawthornes family in a statement describing her as a generous, giving person, the 14yearold girl who was with hawthorne during the shooting remains in critical condition, initially believed to be brain dead. Abigail is strong. Everybody needs to get that straight. My daughter is not dead. Weve learned the girlfriend of one of the young victims that was killed actually hid in a car nearby during the ordeal and called 911. Dalton is due back in court here next week, thursday, george. Thank you, alex. We are all pulling for that young girl. Major winter storm brewing. Sam has that. Damaging storm already this morning, george, and lets get you warned. Theres a lot more to come. Lets show you whats happening in west texas, 45 to 60mileanhour driving winds. Then the hailstones involved in this, as well. So the hailstones this size, thats a house window, so if it did it to a house, imagine what its doing to cars this morning. This is not just the spot in texas, its all over the deep south so, baton rouge, mobile, montgomery, all the way into the panhandle of florida, thats where these storms will be active. Strong winds, damaging winds. We think tornados are possible. Not just the storms, though. Its a lot of soaking rain. Look at these areas shaded in yellow, youre getting one around shreveport, atlanta, charlotte, new york, boston later on. Probably for tomorrow. Two, three, four inches of rain. New york is getting a little hit of snow this afternoon. Thats nothing to do with what youll get tomorrow which is the worst weather and then this snow that kicks in starting tomorrow really chicago, peoria, this could be a good size hit of snow so, robin and george, theres a lot happening in the eastern half of the country. Thank you, sam. The latest now on the battle between apple and the fbi. Protesters rallying at apple stores all around the world today to support the tech giants refusal to help the fbi unlock the iphone used by one of the San Bernardino shooters. Abcs Pierre Thomas has the latest. Reporter today in over 40 cities across the nation and internationally apple supporters saying no to the fbi and a judge iphone of the San Bernardino killer. This goes far beyond this single case or this single phone and in fact theyre actually asking apple to do something that would put millions of peoples safety and security at risk. Reporter but some family members of those fatally shot weighing in, as well. Announcing plans to join the fbi in the fight against apple. The questions that the family members have, the victims, they include why did this happen . How could this happen . Why were they targeted . Are they still being targeted . Who did these people communicate with . Reporter this after an intensifying war of words between apple ceo tim cook and fbi director james comey. The fbi director saying its critical to get evidence from the phone as soon as possible and the apple ceo warning that the fbis demands would potentially make millions of phones vulnerable to hacking. Tech giants have supported their stance but microsoft cofounder bill gates suggested to the Financial Times that the government is asking for something narrow. Its no different than, you know, should if anybody ever been able to tell the phone company to get information, bank records, should anybody be able to get it . Reporter but gates goes on to say that apple is waiting for george. It is a big fight, thanks very much. Were going to move on to a big headline about distracted driving. New evidence this morning that those distractions from texting, even changing stations on the radio, lead to a majority of crashes and emotions also play a big role. Abcs Rebecca Jarvis here to explain. Good morning, rebecca. Reporter hi, george, good morning, and this really goes to show you just how crucial it is to Pay Attention while you are driving. The new Research Showing that in twothirds of crashes drivers were distracted just seconds before the accident and in 90 of the most severe crashes, drivers were distracted. Weve seen that frightening video. Texting, chatting, changing the tunes. Resulting in crashes each and every time. [ screaming ] reporter and this morning, new evidence that not only is distracted driving a major factor behind car crashes, but that the risk of crashing rises significantly when drivers were or agitated. The study conducted by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute surveyed 3,500 drivers between the ages of 16 and 98 through a threeyear period. The author says that distractions that take a drivers eye away from the road for an extended period of time create the greatest crash risk. The most common being reaching for a cell phone, reading or writing or using touchscreen menus on the dashboard. The lead author of this study says these findings are particularly useful because they show just how distracted teens were while driving. He says if something isnt done soon to limit the distractions there could be scary results in the future. Also looking on the dashboard too. Part of those distractions playing around with the radio, doing things that people do and theres so much to see in the car. So much going on. There should be some way to disable the drivers phone. Yeah, id like to see that. Thank you, rebecca. Yeah, unbelievable. George, a dramatic rescue in california. A 10yearold girl suddenly falling through the snow into freezing water. Her father trying desperately to pull her out. Abcs Kayna Whitworth has the details. Reporter dramatic new cell phone video of a father trying to frantically save his 10yearold girl from freezing water and hypothermia. I was scared and calling out for help. My feet were freezing. Reporter this morning, Samantha White speaking out after falling through this hole in the snow and into the frigid water below. At first i thought it was just an indent but i fell in and i felt one of my legs hanging. Reporter samanthas father scrambling to help. I stuck out the snow pull for her to grab and she wasnt Strong Enough to hole on to it and i noticed that she was starting to sink. Reporter luckily, a search and rescue team was nearby on an overnight training exercise. If not for the actions of the search and rescue team, samanthas disposition might be quite different. Bridge underneath the weight of all that snow had collapsed creating an opening smaller than a manhole. Samantha had fallen ten feet below the surface of the snow. This morning, thankful for her rescuers. I was happy that they were training there. Reporter for Good Morning America, Kayna Whitworth, abc news, los angeles. Wow. Thank goodness shes okay. That search and rescue team. We got some snow our way. This is a little snow. No one gets more than two inches out of this. Take a look, because watches are already out. Up comes this low, the small system today, not the heavy rain for tomorrow but today starting at around an hour in philly and probably by about noon today in new york youll start to see the rain and the snow mixing in. This is mostly snow for north of weather around the nation. Coming up, new developments in those Sexual Harassment allegations against Peyton Manning. Coaches at the university of tennessee expected to speak out this morning. And amy is live on safari in amy, what do you see . Oh, guys, we have a Beautiful Lake of pink as in pink flamingos right behind me and some zebras and wildebeest in the foreground. The flamingos are only here for a couple of months in this crater. So we are so fortunate to be able to bring that to you. Look at them fly. They are gorgeous but we are on a mission to find even more animals. We are looking for elephants, black rhinos and lions, there are some of the hardest to find on safari but youll see them with us live, so stay with us. 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Tell your doctor right away if your diarrhea worsens while taking xifaxan, as this may be a sign of a serious or even fatal condition. Tell your doctor if you have Liver Disease or are taking other medications, because these may increase the amount of xifaxan in your body. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant, plan on becoming pregnant, or are nursing. The most common side effects are nausea and an increase in liver enzymes. If you think you have ibs with diarrhea, breaking news. Police are investigating a homicide right now near Nellis Air Force base. It happened overnight near nellis and las vegas boulevard. But unfolded during our show when we learned one man in his 20s was shot and killed. Police say it started with a fight between several peoplemaybe over money but theyre not sure. 5 or 6 shots were fired. But only one man was hit. The suspect took off but police have a pretty good idea wthat person is. Join us for good morning las vegas tomorrow beginning at 430am. For the latest weather, traffic and breaking news. Coming up the latest on the Peyton Manning and the university of tennessee under fire because of a Sexual Harassment suit brought against the school. This morning coaches at the university are speaking out. Next on gma. Well have more local News Headlines coming up in one half hour since 1961, Pearle Vision has provided the neighborhood with expert eye care. That was dr. Stanley pearles vision and we still proudly carry on his legacy. Today, doctors like Lisa Hamilton perform eye exams that can help detect diabetes. Because we care for you. And your eyes. This is genuine eye care, in your neighborhood. Welcome back to gma and that is something you cannot see very often. That is a rhino on safari at the Ngorongoro Crater in tanzania. Zebras in the background, as well. Amy is there this morning all morning long. Weve got cameras all across that crater for the great migration and were going to bring you more in just a little bit. Well talk to amy in just a moment. But also right now, donald trump with the harshest Words Campaign of spreading lies as nevada gets ready caucuses today. And Camille Cosby responding to questions about her husband during a sevenhour deposition. Shes due to testify again in march. Lets not waste another moment, lets go back to amy and her crew on safari in africa. How is it going, amy . Oh, this is so incredible. Incredibly rare. You are seeing live exactly what were seeing here in the Ngorongoro Crater and that is the elusive black rhino. There are about 40 of them in this crater and it is extremely rare to see one up close and personal and you are seeing it along with us and i have here with me wildlife expert animal planets dave salmoni. You havent seen this very often yourself . This is really rare. This is quite a sight. I rarely see them. Dave also something most of us havent done spent six months alone with lions. That will come in handy. We are on the move for lions and elephants and incredibly rare to see and to bring it live we have so, lets get them flying on their mission. Guys, take it away and you are just going to be wowed and wowed and wowed but what were going to be able to show you over the next hour and a half, stay with us, theres so much more to come. All right, amy, completely covered. But first, we have the latest on Peyton Manning under growing scrutiny because of a Sexual Harassment lawsuit against his alma mater, the university of tennessee. That suit is bringing up an accusation made against peyton 20 years ago by a female trainer and abcs ryan smith is here with the latest. Good morning, ryan. Reporter good morning, robin. 16 coaches from both mens and womens sports teams at the university of tennessee are making a rare move, holding a joint press conference to answer questions on a variety of issues universitys storied reputation. This morning, 16 head coaches at the university of tennessee speaking out, expected to hold a joint press conference for the First Time Since six women filed a lawsuit alleging the university violated title ix by creating a hostile environment for women. I can tell you think, the Tennessee Athletic Department is as god well be honest and direct. Reporter this after football coach butch jones made his first Public Comments regarding the suit saturday, defending the football program. Weve worked very hard to build our culture. Were continuing to defend it. Reporter the plaintiffs allege that the school acted with deliberate indifference in its response to incidents of Sexual Assault. Manning gets the pass to fowler. Reporter and among those major athletes cited in the filing, Peyton Manning, the good guy quarterback fresh off his super bowl win. My relationships with my teammates have been important to me. Reporter allegations resurfacing from a 20yearold incident in which a highly regarded female trainer claimed while at the university of tennessee allegedly placing his genital area on her while she examined his foot. In a book manning described the 1996 incident as a crude but harmless locker room exchange. Naughright catching him mooning another athlete. It took social media to make this a news story. Its been out there. Its a story that is potentially incredibly damaging to Peyton Manning. Reporter this is just the latest in a slew of claims filed against numerous universities for their handling of Sexual Assault cases. Just last month, Florida State and Baylor University each settled claims last month by female students alleging Football Players assaulted them. The university of tennessees lawyer says the school acted lawfully and in good faith in the situations outlined in the lawsuit against them. A lot of people are watching this mighty closely. Thank you, ryan. We move now on to a bitter legal battle between the guy youve seen in those dos equis ads and his talent agency. Is being called a deadbeat in court filgs. Nick watt has the story. He can speak french and russian. Hes the most interesting man in the role. Reporter but the man who played him for ten years Jonathan Goldsmith now kneedeep in the most interesting legal battle. I prefer dos equis. Reporter apparently goldsmiths preference for dos equis intoxicated him into believing that he could ignore his promises reads a complaint filed by his manager claiming he owes him a cut of close to 2 million in pure money or i dont always drink beer reporter parentally, always pay that manager he stopped paying in november 2014. His two cents is worth 37 and change. Reporter the suit declaring there is nothing interesting about being a deadbeat refers to goldsmith as the least honorable business. The last time he flirted with danger, danger got clingy. Reporter goldsmith just countersued his manager. My client, i have to tell you, has been in the business hes an honorable man. Hes never cheated anyone. Reporter goldsmith claims by dishing details and dollars involved, his now exmanager is jeopardizing this gig and calls him a failed c list actor, now a failed personal manager. Stay thirsty, my friends. As one of the most interesting men in the world he is a fighter. Reporter for Good Morning America, nick watt, abc news, los angeles. Oh, no one holding back in that fight. Wow. Well be back with much more from amys epic live expedition driving right into the great migration with cuttingedge cameras. You have to see these majestic animals in just a little bit. And t. J. Is on patrol on the front lines in the battle to save rhinos from extinction. He confronts a former poacher. Thats coming up. Come on back. Thats coming up. Come on back. Ality. With our heads in the clouds. Like a bunch of space cadets. Huh . What . 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Amy in tanzania in the Ngorongoro Crater. Thousands of animals right now and, amy, what are you seeing . Oh, we told you we were on a mission to find lions, elephants and rhinos and look what we have right behind me, we have a pride of male lions and a female lion right there. It is really hot here. Its about 90 degrees. You can see them panting and looking for shade just to try and stay cool. They hunt at night but it is really remarkable that youre seeing this live with us with our five cameras here capturing it all for you. And we want to find lion, elephants and rhinos because among many things they are threatens in this continent and our t. J. Holmes is actually in south africa with more on the efforts to try and stop illegal hunting to protect these beautiful creatures. T. J. , hows it going . Hey there, robach. Its going actually really, i know weve been using drones a lot on this gma in africa and have been using them to track the animals but i want you to take a peek at something on this screen. Take a look at that white van and keep your eye on it. Were using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles here, as well. Were using those Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to actually track me this morning as i step out of the van, hopefully you can get a glimpse of me but this thing is circling. Being used to try to save the rhino from extinction. They look like soldiers. Theyre actually park rangers in south africa and this is their battlefield. Whats a bigger threat to your rangers, is it the animals or is it the poachers . Its the poachers, definitely the poachers. Theyve got deadly weapons. Reporter im on patrol with rangers at hluhluweimfolozi park, the oldest game reserve in africa. Armed poachers come after rhinos every night on these grounds. But tonight the rangers have air support. This is the latest attempt to combat the killing of rhinos in south africa. Shepherd. Drones with infrared cameras patrol the air and send back images in realtime to a mobile command center where a team monitors them. Someone stopped there. Reporter look closely. Those white dots, thats me and but if a poacher is spotted the drone team can tell the rangers where to intercept. South africa is home to over 80 of the worlds rhino population, but theyre facing extinction in the wild because of their highly coveted horns. The high demand comes from asia where the horns are believed to have medicinal power. This man says hes heard from friends that it can cure diseases. He mixes up the horn and puts it in a drink. There is no scientific proof that rhino horn has any medicinal benefits but people firmly believe that rhino horn does have the attributes that its said to have. You know, its the same as telling a Christian Jesus christ doesnt exist. South africa. Ten years ago 25 rhinos were poached. The number last year, 1,175. I met with a former poacher who asked us not to show his face. Through a translator he said hes killed at least 50 rhinos and did it to support his family. Did you ever feel bad for what you were doing for killing these animals . He says at times i would feel sorry for the animals but i had to do what i had to do. Park rangers say trying to save the rhino from poachers is Like Fighting a war. Some would say theyre getting close to wiping the rhino off the planet and you all are fighting that battle right now. Were trying, of course, its very bad. Reporter but for now the war continues to save some of africas most majestic creatures. Its africa reporter all right, as the drone above continues to circle the blue shirt hoping you can still make me out but ill have my photographer mark who is sitting in that command center turn on around to the camera and youll see where i am now. Turn on around here, here i am at hluhluweimfolozi park. The drone can cover a whole lot more ground than the guys on foot, the rangers on foot and even though this is new technology being used certainly going to be helpful just in the time weve been here, guy, theres been four rhinos poached, killed right here at this park. After that coveted rhino horn so they have new tools they will be using. But theyre not foolproof but this could be the future, robach, ill send it back to you in tanzania. All right, t. J. , fantastic reporting. Such an important message. We want to take you back to where we are right now live right near a pride of lions, this is one of eight prides that we know of here in the Ngorongoro Crater and speaking of endangered animals, the lions are the quickest theyre moving towards extinction faster than any other species on the these beautiful creatures is so very important. And coming up, you know, youre seeing this live with us as were seeing it. We will tell you more about the groundbreaking technology we are using that 360degree virtual experience that you at home can use and watch and enjoy this incredible garden of eden. Well be right back. His incredible garden of eden. Well be right back. If you could see your cough, its just a cough. And so would everyone else. New robitussin 12 hour delivers fast, powerful cough relief that lasts up to twelve hours. New robitussin 12 hour cough relief. Hi, id like to make a dep scanner rescan item. Rescan, rescan. Rescan item. Vo it happens so often you almost get used to it. Phone voice main menu representative. Representative. Representative. Vo which is why being put first. Relax, we got this. Vo . Takes some getting used to. Join the nation. Nationwide is on your side representative. Enamel is your teeths first line of defense. But daily eating and drinking can make it weak. Try colgate enamel health. It replenishes weak spots with natural calcium to strengthen enamel four times better. Colgate enamel health. Look at that shot. Live, a pair of lions, it is hot out there, and you are looking at another way you can experience gma on safari, the true circle of life. Amy in tanzania on a mission to find some of africas most majestic creatures. She has five cameras with her including an incredible camera from our partner in this, im360, it is shooting 360 degrees right now to give you a Virtual Reality experience unlike anything youve ever seen on tv. All right, it is jawdropping at home but no one is more surprised than me. When we said great migration i thought we were looking at 95 but were not. This 360 camera can take you around and im going to look at this all the way around the Ngorongoro Crater, look at the mountains, by the way thats a little cirrus crowd and cumulus popping up right around there. Just to show you. It really enables you to think you are there and we have more coming up. Great technology. Up. Great technology. My dad gave me those shares, you know. He ran that company. I get it. But you know i think you own too much. Gotta manage your risk. Is how edward jones makes sense of investing. So my kids dont have to forage, got two jobs to pay a mortgage, and ive also got a brain. Lifes short, talk is cheap. Ill be working while you sleep. Still dont think ive got a brain . You think a resumes enough . Wholl step up when things get tough . Dont you want that kind of brain . A degree is a degree. Youre gonna want someone like me. But only if you have a brain. When heartburn hits fight back fast tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue and neutralizes stomach acid at the source tum, tum, tum, tum oh if youre looking to save money on your Medicare Part d prescriptions, walgreens says, carpe med diem. Just switch to walgreens for savings thatll be the highlight of your day. Now preview the cost of your copay before you fill. You can even get onedollar copays on select plans. They say that in life, we shouldnt sweat the small stuff. But when youre building a mercedesbenz, there really is no small stuff. Every decision. Every component. Is an integral part of what makes the 2016 cclass one of our most sophisticated cars ever. Because when youre setting a new benchmark for refinement, it is the small stuff. That makes the biggest impression. The 2016 cclass. Lease the c300 for 399 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Good morning, highlands ranch, colorado. A quick look at the fresh powder in some of areas. Thats whats weighing for you. Heres the deal, the airport snow. Mountains have picked up to 13 inches of snow. Some of the southern areas picked up anywhere from 6 to 12. A few more inches, 3 to 6 are left inside the storm system as it moves in. That will bring snow to Good Morning America is ben carson in also in town. Donald trump made quite the scene yesterday. He said he wanted to punch a protester during his rally last night. We dont know why the man was protesting. But he was eventually escorted out of the rally. And he definietly made an impression on trump. Donald trump r president ial candidate heres a guy, throwing punches, nasty as hell, screaming and everything hes walking out like big fhighives, smiling, laughing like to punch him in the face. Ted cruz was also in town yesterday. But both he and trump are gone now. Its just rubio and carson here today battling it out. Both are trailing trump in a recent cnn. Orc poll. John kasich, meanwhile, is in last place, but his campiagn decided to skip nevada all together. Trump Hotel Employees arent too excited about him being here they say theyll be the trump hotel. Its all over the workers efforts to unionize. Union leaders say management has refused to bargain with workers. Now theyve tied up the process in a lengthy legal battle. Good morning las vegas is live every weekday with all of your weather, traffic and breaking news. Join us four30 to seven. Coming up gma on safari go live into the heart of the african wild, as gmas cameras bring you a oneofakind Virtual Reality experience. Next on gma. Well be back in a half hour with more local news and weather. < if you missed good morning las and dreams of para para paradise good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. , and were on safari live right here. The great migration is on the move, lions, elephants, hippos, our expert animal trackers bringing you facetoface with some of the worlds magnificent animals. Drones deployed to bring you right up close. Amy and our team plunging you into the heart of africas garden of eden. Get ready. Were Just Moments Away from the adventure of a lifetime right also this morning, health alert. Whats behind the dramatic spike in mastectomies. New research revealing more and more women choosing surgery. When it is and isnt the right decision. Dr. Ashton is here live. And the startling picture of the slam dunk jump. This teen appearing to levitate in midair. But its not photoshopped and hes no jedi. The story behind the Photo Everyone is clicking on this morning. Oh paradise all that and buckle up. It is time to go on safari live as we say all good morning, america. And good morning to amy and her crew there. In africa. Our audience joining in on the safari this morning. Look, theyve all got their incredible experience the great migration in africa. Oh, yes, and amy is live in tanzania this morning. Absolutely stunning, that crater, amy. How much are you loving this . These animals are really cooperating with us. Its incredible. I know and youre there with us. Weve got our five live cameras and there is so much to see. Im here with animal planets dave salmoni and we just found a herd of buffalo. These are incredible, majestic creatures. We just saw those lions live, and, dave, its funny. Theyre not afraid of much but they are afraid of these guys. Although lions are the king of the jungle, they do have to watch out for these guys. These guys are the reason more lions die than any other reason exist. When they feel threatened they react aggressively. If this herd felt threatened theyd send a couple sentinels and just kill whatever is in their way. Were at a safe distance. Thats a good thing, and well have so much more interesting call them about all these incredible animals and we just got word, our two drones, our live drones may have just found a herd of elephants, so were going to be headed over there next. Cannot wait to bring that to you. We cant wait either. Thats going to be great. That buffalo is storing up his energy there. But to see them in their home on their turf. All these interesting facts, too. I love this. And technically amy is in exactly the right position because shes upwind of the buffalo. I knew you couldnt resist that. Buffalo dont smell so you ran that fact i did a test run. Dont say that, sam. No, its beautiful. You can see he listens to us. Well go to cecilia vega. Dont come to me after that. Good morning, guys. We begin with todays republican caucuses in nevada. Donald trump is trying for his third consecutive win. He has a commanding lead overnight drawing a large crowd in las vegas and delivering his harshest attack yet on ted cruz calling him sick and attacking his integrity. The texas senator hoping to after firing a staffer for posting a misleading video about marco rubio, and rubio is gaining ground picking up endorsements from bob dole and several other big names who previously supported jeb bush. And missouri senator Claire Mccaskill has been diagnosed with Breast Cancer. She says her prognosis does look good as she begins treatment in st. Louis. Mccaskill says the cancer was diagnosed through a mammogram. And we have breaking news to tell you about. For more we turn to abcs ryan smith. President obama has just released his plan to close the ghostbustersgb guantanamo detention center. He says he wants to work with congress to determine where the detainees can safely be held. Others will sent overseas. The plan could save up to 85 million a year. Many republicans citing security this sets up another confrontation with congress. Cecilia, now back to you. Bill gates is siding with the fbi in its battle with apple. Gates tells the Financial Times he agrees that apple should hack into the phone used by one of the San Bernardino shooters saying the fbis request for access is, quote, no special thing. A new poll finds that most americans also side with the fbi. And there is a new warning this morning about climate change. Scientists say global sea levels are rising at the fastest rate in 2,800 years. They say theres more to come. Another one to four feet by the end of this century depending on how much Carbon Dioxide and other gases are released into the atmosphere. And a close call in Southern California when this small plane crashed onto a busy street. Surveillance video shows the plane nearly taking out a car. The pilot was the only person on board and was not hurt. Five parked cars were damaged. And whatever this high some of this. Check it out. Walker stillman looks like hes floating on air right there. This picture is not photoshopped. He says when he knew he had no chance at making that rebound, he just relaxed midair. Guys, he was only in that pose for a split second. His mom says shes going to of course hang it on the lawn of wall of the house. Thats amazing, right . Hes the most chill rebounder around. Thanks for bringing that to us, cecilia, appreciate it. Now, a Surprising New report about mastectomies. The u. S. Department of health and Human Services revealing the number of women who undergo double mastectomies has tripled. Abcs news chief Womens Health correspondent Jennifer Ashton is here to talk about this so tell us, give us some details about this increase. So, robin, this was not a study but it was an accumulation of data from 2005 to 2013 and over that eightyear period some interesting trends were observed. As we just heard, the rate of mastectomy overall has increased by 36 . The number of women having double mastectomies, that tripled over the eightyear choosing double mastectomies were about ten years younger than those women who were having single mastectomies, and this was all in the face of the Breast Cancer rate staying stable. Yeah, so its staying stable but yet women are taking these measures because they its individual. And they have to do what they feel is best for them. Exactly. As a doctor, when do you think it is right for a double or single mastectomy . So, difficult question and obviously, as you said, it does have to be individualized but this is really the why. Three kind of main reasons why a woman would choose a mastectomy. Number one, if they have a genetic mutation like the brca mutation that weve talked about and most people know about, second reason, if its a large tumor in a relatively small size breast because, again, we have to take into account cosmetic issues, the risk of being disfigured with the treatment of the cancer and lastly, patient preference. Women still can say, i dont want to go through that increased surveillance, stress, followup long term, and so i the best course of action. And quite a few think that way. When you look at it, theres some controversy about does it really prevent future recurring even getting it in the first place if you have a mastectomy. And this is what most people dont know, robin. To be clear, and we have known this for some time, the risk of recurrence or death after being treated with mastectomy versus lumpectomy with radiation is the same, so this treatment that is surprising. Has to be individualized. When people hear that, you think absolutely the same so this is a discussion women need to have with that breast surgeon and needs to be right about them. Its about treating the whole woman and not just the body part. Again, each woman and men go through Breast Cancer, as well. Were thinking of senator mccaskill, that she has been recently diagnosed and she said the prognosis was good so were thinking of her. Over to lara. Thank you, robin. Heres whats coming up on our gma morning menu. Safari getting up close with the most majestic animals in africa. And then we are learning more about a tribe there. Amy joining in on a wedding like youve never seen before. And then from morning time to primetime, its my turn today to switch jobs and see if i can cut it in the acting world with the muppets. And then outside we have some of our h, thank you, fonzie some of our awesome fans enjoying the safari. You can too. Its all coming up on Good Morning America in times square. Hi, guys. Thanks for being here. Gmas morning menu is brought to you by advil. Fast, powerful and proven relief that makes pain a distant memory. Whoa oh oh oh memory. Whoa oh oh oh are you completely prepared for retirement . Okay, mostly prepared . Could you save 1 more of your income . It doesnt sound like much, but saving an additional 1 now, could make a big difference over time. You can do it, it helps in the long run. Prudential bring your challenges before i had the shooting, burning, pinsandneedles of diabetic nerve pain, these feet served my country, carried the weight of a family, and walked a daughter down the aisle. 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Our revolutionary mascara delivers 5 lashtransforming benefits. Volume, length, definition, lift, and intense color. Choose love amy promised and the drones have delivered. Look at those elephants on the Ngorongoro Crater. This is a stop on the great migration, one of the natural most majestic wonders of the world and amy, you are right in the middle of it now. We really are. We are moving through this 100mile crater and im here with animal planets dave salmoni headed to where the drones are right now. Those live drones over that herd of elephants. Its simply incredible. We have five live cameras for you at home to be on safari with us so as were experiencing it, so are you at home and, dave, i want to take a look at this drone footage and these elephants. Weve seen these guy, right . We saw them fighting the other day. Yes, we did. What happens is when theres babies around, which is right around now the girls, they kick all the young boys out so they dont hurt the babies so now theres a little group hanging out, bachelors group, boys will be boys. Have a little rumble. Called satellite males because they hang out near the the herd. I love what you told me about the power of their trunks. The trunks, absolutely, one of their biggest strengths. They have over 100,000 muscles in their trunk. Weve shown you the rhino and the lion and the elephant is the third threatened species here in this continent, those tusks are beautiful but theyre certainly unfortunately a commodity on the black market in the asian market. Yep. We need to do more to protect them. What happened was when the asian markets grew and more new wealth you needed to have ivory tusks and that rhino horn. Theres a lot of time and energy into keeping them safe. And specifically in this crater there is a natural barrier, that 2,000foot wall where a volcano once stood higher than mt. Kilimanjaro. This is a protected area but there are also measures in place from antipoaching patrols, tell me a little about what they do here thats been so successful. Its hard to get in here without but i think the biggest success of this park, it was the first park ever to partner with the local people, so, on top of the antipoaching patrol and the geography, all the local maasai will identify people they dont recognize and tell antipoaching people theres a problem. And take a look at this incredible live picture of an elephant. Its just incredible. You are seeing this elephant move through the tall grasses in the middle of the great migration here at the Ngorongoro Crater. You are seeing him do what so many, 2 million animals are doing right now, live, they are in search of the nutrientrich grass here. Absolutely. The planet. Imagine how much food they have to eat. They only digest 30 of the food hes pulling up that grass and that big. Yeah, and these animals travel far and wide. Yeah, another fun fact i like actually talk to each other with a subsonic so we cant hear it but they can talk from miles and miles to each other to tell each other how they are doing. Theyre a real strong family. I was hoping we would see what we saw yesterday, those two young males sparring. But thats very common, actually. Its part of the social structure. These males will all at one point want to breed with the herd so the boys that win those little tussles right when if comes to breeding time the strongest, the fittest, he gets to have time with the ladies. But i also love speaking of the ladies as we look at these four cameras live over this incredible herd of elephants. Women, its a hierarchal structure so the girls decide where they go, when they go and how they go. If they dont want a boy around send him out. Just like us. Theyre just like us, dave. Absolutely. Ladies rule the house. And as were moving through the crater and, oh, were here. We made it. Oh, my goodness. I just looked behind and saw the elephants. Youre seeing them too. They are so beautiful but here. They move around. Do they like to be alone . Well, its not so much the seclusion. Its just a matter of theyre eating Different Things and moving in certain areas so the herd thats close is closer to this end of the park so what happens is, the crater has a lot of different habitats so you can see the water when we had the flamingos, theres a forested area and theyre in the area that the girls like the most, the trees, because the herd will be around there. Its so incredible and were showing this to you live with our five cameras but the one camera that you really can get an immersive 3d Virtual Reality experience is that im360 camera near the forest here. Thats where the black ryan rhinos and elephants will be there. You can check it out on your tablet, your phone. You can pan it, look up, look down, zoom in and really see everything as its happening here in the crater during the great migration and this is something that is so spectacular. Its one of the wonders of the its a natural wonder of the world and the reason is theres so many. Weve never seen mass amounts of animals move together as a team. Theyll follow the rain. The rain comes down and they have something to eat and when the grass gets eaten they have to move on. This is where a lot of these wildebeests and zebra and babies. You say zebra, i say zebra. You say wildebeest. I say africa gets to name the animal because they have it. I grew up in north america so i used to call it zebra and wildebeest. But now youre correct and im wrong, its all right. With all of those millions, 2 million migrating that is when the lions come out to play because they have a steady food source. All the predators so in the crater here youve got eight prides of lions and youve got hyena, everything eating, unfortunately, all the new nutrient thats coming in which is the animal. And this is nutrientrich grass because of its volcanic absolutely. The reason why they have all their babies at the same time because its protection in numbers. Its the odds of, hey, i wont be the one that gets grabbed by one of these predators but all the babies are on the ground so only a small percentage can be grabbed by predators. Its really beautiful as were looking at these live pictures of elephants just slowly moving. You pointed this out to me yesterday. It looks like theyre moving in slow motion. You say they can outrun any man. The slowest elephant would outrun usain bolt. Wow. You can see the ears flapping because its so hot right now so he or she is cooling himself down because he runs blood through his ears. And the wind cools him off a bit. Isnt this incredible back in new york. Hes saying that the slowest elephant could beat the fastest man in the world, is that what we just heard . Yes. Thats a true statement. Thats a true statement. Thats unbelievable. Im so glad you guys explained the great migration because we were all wondering where theyre going to so thank you for the education. Amy doing a great job holding on. Hard reporting on the road, fast speeds doing an awesome job. I also learned my house is just like an elephant herd. Women rule. With you. Thats the beauty of it so we do feel like were there. Thank you. That was the idea. And because ive never seen an elephant out of captivity i never seen one reach down and and just take it in. A thousand muscles in the trunk, is that what they said . Yeah. Amazing. I love their big ears. So beautiful. I love these pictures. This has been a spectacular thing. Lets get you by the way, need to talk about weather this morning because dallas pd is working fours youly. Weve had a lot of bad accidents. Ive already seen tractor trailers flipped in this area. A lot of strong winds and rough rain. Dallas, it gets better in the afternoon. Tornado warnings pop around very careful. This afternoon by about 3 00 that storm system moves towards new orleans. You dont have to be in the severe line to get bad weather. Flash flood watches in the northern parts of these states, alabama also in georgia on into the carolinas as well. Carolinas will have a tough time tomorrow afternoon as it moves north. Wfaa doing an amazing job in dallas this morning keeping everybody letting them know road. Very busy for me in pop news. Well begin with of course talking about the safari. Congratulations, amy. Amazing job there. Things are heating up back here in the u. S. , as well. With the countdown to the oscars in full swing, hollywoods hottest night less than a week away now and if you want to watch all of the nominated films well help you find a bunch of them. Okay. The martian and spotlight now both available on itunes and amazon if you need to still them. Mad max fury road, also a best picture nominee available on itunes. Bridge of spies available on amazon, but you will have to change out of your cozy pants and slippers if you want to see the big short, brooklyn or the revenant. Before this oscar sunday. All of those still in theaters. I think its more fun to watch the oscars when youve seen the films. And for us we have to. Its like homework but good homework. Watching great movies before an awesome weekend. Movies you may not have otherwise been drawn to. I loved brooklyn. I cant say enough about that film. The same with room. Brie larson. Its a tough topic so youre like, ooh, is that how i want to spend my enjoyment time . She does such a fabulous job. Oh, its incredible. I saw sam in front of the green screen after the show yesterday. In full rocky attire. Im concerned about that. The other thing that disturbed me, i wear my onesie to the theater, is that not right . Is that not now its disturbing all of us. Yeah. If its dark in the theater, no. Sorry you cannot unsee that so well move on. How about a little soothing baritone on the boulevard . Your daily commute is about to get a whole lot more interesting thanks to morgan freeman. Guys, i love this. He is the latest celebrity voice, the oscar winner now available to guide you to your destination on waze. On the app. Listen to this. People are counting on you to drive, so, lets go. Thats just a sampling. He will take you where you need to go. Yes, its all part of a promotion for an upcoming movie called london has fallen in which freeman plays the Vice President , of course, if you were the vice potus you probably wouldnt be in traffic but thats semantics. Suspend reality for this moment. And enjoy Morgan Freemans dulcet tones as you drive. And finally, say this with me oompa, loompa, doompadeedupitydo, ive got a perfect puzzle for you. What are these furry bandits up to . I have no idea. Watch. I have a puzzle for you this is real, you guys. Wait, are these raccoons . Live raccoons. I like how they keep moving around. Theyre never in the same place along the wall. Watch. It is a reallife game of whacamole, thank you, and giving us an excuse to sing oompa loompa. Well be back. N excuse to sing well be back. Tt2watu s4 bt`n6c\ tt2watu s4 a`n o8 tt2watu s4 bm`nd4 tt4watu s4 dzlq wfd tt4watu s4 enlq b tt4watu s4 gzl e\ the whole country is looking at nevada today. Gop caucuses. But not all the candidates are in town. Marco rubio and ben carson are the only two who are scheduled to be in las vegas rubios rally started at the silverton at 8 am this morning. Carson will also be busy today. He is holding a luncheon at red rock. Thats happening from 1230 until 1 30. But you need to buy a ticket get in there. As for the other candidates. Donald trump and ted cruz were both in town yesterday. But john kasich decided to skip campaigning here. To focus on other states. How exactly will the caucus work today . There is no same day registration. So if you did not register republican by february 13th you cant participate. The caucuses will start between 5 and seven pm. Youll then cast your ballot using a piece of paper. The entire process is supposed to take about 30 to 60 minutes. Precincts will write the number of votes on a piece of paper. Theyll take a picture and send it to the party chair. Stay right here on 13 action news today for updates on the caucus. On social media for more too join us for good morning las 430am. For the latest weather, traffic and breaking news. Well have more local News Headlines coming up in one half hour < breaking overnight. A major disturbance in the neighborhood near sahara and nellis. Police say they were searching i dont know about you, but were all booking our trips. Yeah. Its a dream. We welcome you back to our gma safari. Youre looking live at some amazing footage coming in right now from tanzania. Oh, my goodness, and our im360 camera is providing a live 360degree Virtual Reality view. You can experience it on any device with a tablet like you, yeah. I actually think you did a better job of this yesterday. Im going to try to do this smoothly and calmly because this thing is actually sitting in the middle of the crater, so you can spin it. You could do this on your tablet all day long. You know, when they say shgs, where is that report that i asked you for earlier this morning, you say, well, im a little busy right now. Its in the Ngorongoro Crater. Its in the Ngorongoro Crater here with and to me, amazing. Im going to take you on a sky trip. Okay. Because, look at this. Tell us about the clouds. Because you have colder air aloft, you have these incredible cirrus clouds. You would not expect it with the heat in africa but just shows you the difference there. Theyre saying, no, sam, talk to amy. Im fascinated by the clouds, guys. I am. Its just me. Amy, you brought us rhinos and you brought us elephants and you brought us lions and now hippos . Now hippos. We have our live drones over the hippos right now. They are in the water there because, as you said, sam, it is really hot in africa right now. We are on the move once again holding on headed towards those hippos, but, dave, these are they are. Towards humans the most responsible for more deaths than any animal in africa. Natural sunscreen. On a hot day like this theyll lay out and youll see theyll turn like a little pink color and youll think theyre getting sunburn but actually its an oil that comes out of their skin and protects them. Is this common that theyre all hanging out sleeping there in the lake . Yeah, this is part of the day. Theyll come and sleep in the water during the day, and at nighttime they come out and graze. Even though theyre that dangerous, they only eat vegetables, grass. All right. That is good to know. There are so many incredible animals here in this crater, and the ecosystem really works because its the only place where people coexist with animals. Those people are called the maasai, and i got the opportunity to go into one of their villages and experience a very happy celebration for one theyre known as the maasai, a nomadic tribe living across parts of east africa, historically cattle herders and fearsome warriors. The day we visited, a celebration, the village chiefs daughter, 20yearold endoya getting married to 27yearold megaliki. She is the first wife of probably what will be many wives . Oh, yes, its a very big deal because no matter how many wives he can have, the first wife is always like the pillar of that family. Reporter these two of maasai descent are translators from abercrombie and kent tour operators showing us around. The bride somewhat shy leaving for a new one after the groom paid a dowry of cattle. See, just before they left the brides home, you know, the elders from the tribe who ask this man, and she said yes. The boy also was asked that, are you ready to take good care of our daughter . And he said, yes, he will. Reporter a tribe steeped in centuries old traditions, the maasai are grappling with change and reconciling their place in the 21st century. How do you keep them away from electronics and modern advances . Its hard because, you know, a few who have a chance to go to school, they see cell phones, they see television and, you know, as they see that, they come home and they want it. Reporter and yet the wedding we witnessed shows their determination to carry on their traditions for centuries to come. We saw the boys were jumping and the girls were singing. What is that tradition . Whoever can jump higher and can maneuver the jumps impress girls, and whichever girl can shake the shoulders of their white necklaces better than the others will impress the boys. You know, its one of the few tribes in africa which is still we want to thank abercrombie and kent for giving us that incredible access, and speaking of access, you have at home an amazing view of what were seeing live here with five cameras and our two drones over those hippos in the pond cooling themselves. You say theyre sleeping in there, dave. They sleep there during the day and then at nighttime they come out and have their grass. Certain times they have pools like that where certain males will get a territory in that water and theyll try to convince a couple of girlfriends to come and hang out with them and those are his girls. Those are his girls. The males are in charge in the hippo family. I doubt it actually. At times of the year theyre more aggressive but it doesnt mean theyre in charge. They eat grass during the night. During the day do they ever get out of the lake or water . Thats where they get the grass, on land, so thats probably what makes them so dangerous is because theyre there are people Walking Around at nighttime without flashlights and because theyre dark and gray, if a hippo gets nervous, he reacts with his mouth open and starts biting. Those jaws are something. How big, how heavy are these hippos . They can be up to two tons. Wow. So, once again, we talked about fast elephants. Youll never outrun a hippo. All right, dave. Im going to send it back to you guys in new york. Its really stunning, breathtaking live video that youre looking at. Its pretty spectacular and vivid why that pond and the lake is so green . Thats an algae, so when you have Shallow Water and lots of sunlight, you get a lot of algae. And do they eat that . Do they like it . They wont eat it but they got fish in there. Theyre eating all that stuff. It all works. Very vivid, though, thank you, both. Jesse, i had a great question too. Is the lake shallow enough theyre standing, or are they that good of swimmers . I was wondering that too. Are they floating right now . Are their feet on the ground of that lake . They can do both. They can float. They can stand. Comfortable and thats where theyll sleep but a hippo can hold his breath for more than 20 minutes. Two tons and they can float. Yes. They can control their buoyancy from their belly. They come up a lot like a whale and come up and youll hear their nose go pooof. Dave can make a hippo sound. They chuckle. They go [ imitating hippos ] thats a really good impression if you know the sound. Im learning so much. Im embarrassing my family back at home. I apologize. We are loving every second. Every second. We are, dave. Lets go outside to sam. Hippos all over the world were like, what did he just say . What did he say . Hey, good morning, gang. How are you . Nice to see you guys. Where are you from . Kansas city. And . New york. You were stumped by that . Where you have many homes . I dont know. Where are you from . I moved around. Rochester. And, by the way, can we state your name . Jim moran. Beard to covet, my friend. Beard to covet, even though he wears it in florida, which im not so sure, jim. Lets get to the boards. One or two things we got to talk about. Weve got this little hit of snow and rain weve got in the new york city area. Also on to massachusetts and connecticut today. All from the low. This is probably about an hour away before we start to get sprinkles even in times square and then we get the mix but heres the big deal. This comes later. This is the big storm cruising through the south today with all that rough thunderstorm action, also it will deliver snow to the chicagoland area in through Central Illinois and we also think near poplar bluff, missouri, youll be getting a little bit of that. And this is very heavy rain. Look for the areas shaded in yellow and red, were following breaking news for you this morning. A man is killed up near Nellis Airforce base, and metro is trying to would you hold that . Would you hold that as we talk better . The circle of life experience. And you can watch it through samsung gear powered by oculus, by the way. Its a full 360 view, but also rachel smith is showing you some other things you can do with it. Shes at samsungs 837 wearing our gear powered by oculus. Were looking at what rachel is seeing and now you can see all the tanks around her and wait a minute. What is that . Is that a shark . Rachel, are those sharks . What is it like . Like a fish . So, this is apparently ten times scarier than seeing a shark in real life is putting these goggles on and watching them. All right. 360 experience gear all thanks to samsung. Lara. All right, sam. Thank you so much. Come inside because this week we are going from morning time to prime time and today is my day. I got to show my acting skills on the muppet show. The classic is back. Its back and better than ever, kermit, miss piggy, the whole gang have returned. This time the show is muppets as they work just like our crew, goes behind the scenes and theyre working on a show called up late with miss piggy. I got to witness it firsthand and do play a part in the show thanks to a very dear friend of mine that you might recognize. He is the notorious shrimp known for dating some of the worlds most beautiful women. In real life, he oozes that legendary je ne sais quoi. You have great shoes. Oh, thank you. Eyes up, pepe. Eyes up. That melodious voice. My love theres only you in greg, please, im singing to my lara. Reporter those inquisitive eyes. I just want you to know that i love you. I missed you. Call me, all right. Okay, i admit it, i have become attached to that little prawn and slightly possessive. What is your phone numbers . Lara, i thought pepe only had eyes for you. Im unhappy to learn that on tv. But i forgave him when he finally invited me to see him at work as a writer on up late with miss piggy. Oh, i love champagne. Reporter the new muppet show is a mockumentary of the muppets workening behind the scenes to get miss piggys late night show on the air. Desperate housewives with Water Bottles full of chardonnay. Reporter pepe told me he wanted me to be a guest but apparently as usual he had Something Else in mind. Hi, pepe. I thought i was going to be a guest on the show. What happened . I have no idea. There is not a Single Person here except you and me. Well, thats not so bad. I know, but i thought i was going to be miss piggys like big get her big guest. Well, you know what, you come back. Why is nobody here, though . Well, were on a little hiatus, a little break. Yeah, but youre here. Why are you here . Because i heard you were coming. Oh, my gosh. How are you . Im tired, very tired, lara. You are . Youre just going to take a rest. You are. Okay, you can lean on me. One of your hands is lean on me when youre not strong and ill be your friend ill help you carry on so go on. It wont be long yes. Look into my eyes. I cant. Look into my eyes, tell me you love me. Tell me you love me. I love you. Oh. Adorable. Lara, you got a lot of selfcontrol. That is impressive. I mean, hes not an easy man to say no to. Or an easy prawn. Easy prawn. Now, you are actually going to be on the show, though. I do have a part in the show and well tell you right now. We want you to go to gmas facebook and twitter and check out behindthescenes, theres a blooper of my muppets debut. The episode im on airs tonight 8 30 eastern, 7 30 central. I play myself, thankfully, and, yes, pepe is involved in the so amy offroading right now. Weve got a lot more live in africa when we come back. When youre not strong from small prawns to this, a rhino. Youre looking live at our amazing safari in tanzania. Some rhinos right there. Wow. Were going to get it back to amy. Amazing. Who is there for it all, amy. We are enjoying this. It is so cool, robin. Yes, we have a very unusual sight here. Well bring it to you live. These two black rhinos behind me and dave. Dave, this is very rare. Yeah, you dont see them together very often. They usually are solitary but when you do get a group together its called a crash. A crash of rhinos behind us. This is a really important sighting right now because we are talking about those animals threatened here in this continent. T. J. Holmes has more on how you at home can help the war on extinction. Reporter yeah, robach, thats perfect that youre seeing those black rhinos because on this reserve, africa this is where rhinos are being decimated, at least four killed over the last week, week and a half but this drone camera that was flying around spotting me, the program is called air shepherd. You can certainly look them up but they are just getting off the ground. This could be key to the future of the rhinos and also an Organization Called tusk has helped 36 endangered species all around and including the black rhino and elephant but make sure you check these organizations out. There are a lot out there. Check them out and find a way to help but, robach, youre about 2,500 miles away from me here. Well hop in the car and drive up to see you in the crater. All right, that sounds great, t. J. By the way, if you want some names of some of these organizations to help, we have the World Wildlife foundation, endangered Wildlife Trust and the wild foundation, and there are more organizations on our website, so check that out. Its so important and, dave, you were telling me part of whats helping these animals, the conservation effort is to have tourists come to parks just like had. People always worry about the type of impact we have with vehicles and drones and what i tell you is that the most animals in the most wild spaces in africa are protected through ecotourism so if you come were buying and paying for a very its not cheap to come here to these places. Absolutely. Youre creating jobs and youre all the money youre spending on these safaris are going to partner with the local people who are living here amongst these guys, and if theyre working here, theyre not killing animals. And its so incredible because that black rhino population in this crater is at 40. That is one of the largest its the densest population of black rhinos in africa that i know about, so this is probably the most successful Conservation Program for black rhinos that exists that i know of. It is breathtaking and the rhinos are starting i was just told the rhinos are running. They are akind of running. Theyre sauntering maybe. Having a little puff around looking around, checking things out. Can they move quickly . Theyre very fast. These guys are ones you never want to walk into in the bush because when they see something, they come horn first. I will take a note of that so glad because we thought they were making a run at you there for awhile. But, amy, please thank dave. Because thats so great what he is saying because theres some people on twitter, theyre saying should we travel there . Are we disturbing them when theyre there, but you dave, an excellent point, youre going there providing opportunities so they wont poach. So they wont do things to harm the animals, right, dave . Yes, absolutely, because if this wasnt here, then it would be farmland, and all the wild animals would be gone. Wow. Good point there. It really is. I love it when you learn these pictures are amazing, but were learning so much too. Yeah, i learned that a large group of rhinos is called a crash, and theres so many more fun facts as dave calls them. You guys have done a spectacular job. And then i saw some wildebeests, and i know he calls them zebras. Im trying to work on that and the rhinos altogether. I imagine they would be like really, really far apart. I did not imagine that you would see them within like, you know, out together. Kind of minding their own business, yeah. Wow. Look at that. Oh, i dont like the way hes looking at you. Youre safe, robin. I know its that im360 but youre safe. Come on back. To h as we look at those hippos right there in africa, we want to tell you that t. J. Will have much more on the mission he went on with those park rangers in south africa. Theyre using, drones, infrared technology to track down rhino killers. That is tonight on nightline but right now we want to go back to amy. Yeah, can you believe, george, all of the animals weve seen live here in the past two hours, weve seen lions, weve seen buffalo. Buffalo, yes. Elephants. With the rhinos there, elephants. Weve seen hippos, weve seen i could go on and on and on, gazelles. Its just been remarkable and such a stunning, stunning live experience for all of you back at home. I want to thank dji for those drones because, wow, have they captured so much. In fact, lets take a look at what our drones captured for you this morning in just the past couple of hours. Life goes on and gets so heavy the wheel breaks the butterfly every tear a waterfall in the night the stormy nights you close your eyes in the night the stormy night away she flies and dreams of para para paradise para para paradise para para paradise oh oh paradise oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh what an incredible experience and something that i know neither one of us will ever forget. I hope everyone at home felt like they were in the jeep here we sure did, amy. And well be right back. Good morning america is brought to you by viking river cruises. Viking river cruises, exploring the world in comfort. A big thank you to lion Safari International and the have a great tuesday, everybody. Neighbors there were calling our newsroom about having lots of police in their area. This happened just before midnight. Police say an elderly woman called police saying burglars were inside her home. Dispatchers could hear sounds of the house being ransacked. They could even hear the woman once police got there the three suspects fled. Thye were later caught with property belonging to the victim. Thanksfully the woman was not injured. There are many questions this morning about a woman found dead in a Laundry Chute at the d. Now her family is speaking with 13 action news. Im sorry were not gonna see what she could have been. Cries i wasnt there but i just cant help but believe that it was an accident. 26year old kalli medinabrowns body was discovered by hotel and casino staff sunday morning. Her grandfather says detectives told medinabrowns mother, video from inside the d shows the 26year old walking one way while her husband walked the other way. The video shows medinabrown walking into the maids closet but then goes dark. Good morning las vegas is live every weekday with all of your weather, traffic and breaking news. Join us four30 to seven. Tuesday morning. Taking a live look outside right now. There is downtown and the colors of the rainbow. Well be hitting the street as runners let the street, we have details coming up in a second. It is the prettiest run i have ever seen. The music selection perfect, as well. Me nightmares as a kid. Really . Boy george, with the hair, it was crazy. I was like what is has happening right now . A bare naked ladies, they will all be performs together downtown at the downtown las vegas events center. That is happening friday, july 22nd, at 7 30 p. M. , so get tickets for that. That should be fun. Thank you for joining us today. Im dao vu. Enjoy a free hot coffee with a cup, where you can hooked up by local Police Officers with questions you might have. Its the happiest 5k on the planet. This saturday the color run returns to bring the Community Together for health, happiness and a whole lot of fun. Here with details is danny earl and abby quinn, also with us. Great having both of you. How youre . Great. Good to see you

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