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The fact that someone you loved and raised has brutally killed people in such a horrific way. And why she says shes talking now. And kanye wests nationwide party for his new album. The surprise guest and a new feud brewing this morning because of what hes singing about taylor swift. Are they about to have more bad blood . And we do say good morning, america. Good to have lara back from l. A. Baby, it is cold outside. Take a look at buffalo, where snow is piling up on the ground. Its 15 degrees. The wind chill, just 5. Two days until valentines day. Its going to get colder and colder. Build a fire. Get cozy. You guys are dressed for spring. Were willing it. Willing it. Its in your mind, and so it shall be. Taking aim at a lot of the country. Subzero temperatures expected from north dakota to new england. Its a little more than mind over matter. You can see my breath. Temperatures in the teens. Wind chills near zero. It will get colder through the next couple of days. The cold air filtering over the great lakes. Tremendous amounts of snow. Across upstate new york. Over three feet in some spots here in oswego, near fulton, east of ontario and lake erie is where the snow zone is. The bitter cold will continue. Especially across lake michigan. These are the wind chills we expect sunday morning. This is what it will feel like against your skin. This is dangerous stuff. If youre going out, you have to cover up everything if you can. Tomorrow morning, 2 degrees the actual temperature in chicago. And, similar numbers on sunday morning. So, not only have to take care of yourself but your pets, neighbors, your pipes. Any vulnerable spots in your home, you need to take care of that. In some cases, robin and george, this will be the coldest night back to you. All right there, rob. In decades. Now to the race for the white house. Your voice, your vote. The democratic candidates, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, getting heated. At last nights debate. Trading sharp words ahead of the next vote. Cecilia vega joins us in the studio. Good morning, cecilia. Reporter good morning to you. Both sides feeling the pressure. Last night, Bernie Sanders, to keep the momentum going. Hillary clinton to tap into the momentum. It was the formula for a heated rematch. Facing off for the First Time Since the New Hampshire landslide, Bernie Sanders feeling confident. Lets not insult the intelligence of the American People. People arent dumb. Reporter the battle lines drawn overnight on this debate stage. From health care. But i think the American People deserve to know specifically how this would work. The numbers dont add up and, now. That is absolutely inaccurate. Reporter to ties to president obama. Hes called him weak, a disappointment. Madame secretary, that is a low blow. One of us ran against barack obama. I was not that candidate. Reporter the contest now heading into South Carolina and nevada. And the race to appeal to black and latino voters at fever pitch. Were going to change policing practices. Were going to change incarceration practices. Race relations would be better under a sanders presidency than theyve been . Absolutely. Reporter Hillary Clinton hoping to recover from the embarrassing defeat, trying to show her dominance. Im not asking people to support me because im a woman. Im asking people to support me because i think im the most qualified, experienced, and ready person to be the president and the commander in chief. Reporter offstage, hoping to raise cash. Not kidding, maddi. Im asking you to give one dollar right this second. Spawning the hashtag im not kidding, maddi. Meems like hillary at the mcdonalds menu. Im not kidding. Just a dollar right this second. All going viral. Certainly going viral. Both sides claiming victory. No surprise there. What you did see is a shift in tone from Hillary Clinton last night. She didnt come out swinging as she has in past debates. Her goal is to paint herself as someone who can get the job done, to show sanders policies as unrealistic. It will be a theme for the next few weeks. Definitely heading into South Carolina and nevada. Thank you. We move to the republicans right now. Its all about South Carolina. With most of the candidates trading blows ahead of their debate perform tomorrow, donald trump is trying a kinder, gentler approach. Look at this. He even signs a baby. Reporter good morning, jon. Reporter ahead of tomorrows debate in greenville the republican race has been an allout brawl. Although donald trump says hes going to try something different. He says hes going to go positive. Donald trump is so confident now, at a rally in louisiana overnight, he was already looking ahead. To his reelection campaign. Im going to be there. Im going to do a great job. Hopefully, maybe i get an extra four years. Maybe i dont. Reporter in another sign of confidence, hes pulling negative ads from the air in South Carolina and going positive. He wants to make america great. Thats what i want, too. Reporter the other candidates are not turning the other cheek. Marco rubio rubio pulling no punches after his stumble in New Hampshire. Donald trump has zero Foreign Policy experience. Negotiating a hotel deal in another country is not Foreign Policy experience. Jeb bush has no Foreign Policy experience. Period. Reporter president ial politics can be rough and tumble. In South Carolina. Robocalls. Somebody else is doing them, its not us. Reporter check out this new domain. Stretching back decades. Worse, trump still supports Eminent Domain today. After trump. We caught up with him. Donald trump here . I hope so. Reporter why does he keep hitting you . He must be worried. Reporter inside, bush went on the attack. Do you want an entertainer in chief . Someone who will say whatever he wants, to make it all about him . Insult people . Divide people . Reporter bush was fired up. Back outside, he took motherly advice from a supporter. How tall are you . 64. You need to stand up straighter. Yes, maam. Reporter jeb bush is banking on family help to help revive his campaign here in South Carolina. His brother, former president george w. Bush, will head up a rally for him. The former president in fact the bush family remains popular among republicans here in South Carolina. George. It sure is. Lets bring in jeb bush. Governor, thank you for joining us this morning. As jon just alluded to, your brother very popular in South Carolina. He got his way to the nomination by defeating john mccain there in 2000. I know you hope history repeats itself. Donald trump saying bringing your brother is a sign of desperation. Why not call on him earlier . What do you hope he can do for you now . Well, look, hes been supportive for a long while. This was the appropriate place for him to start his campaigning. This is the beginning of the campaign. What donald trump says about my brother has no relevance to this. Hes popular because he kept us safe. People here are promilitary. Proveterans. My brother served as commander in chief and people respect that. And now, were in a commander in chief primary. Commander in chief election. I think for my brother to speak on my behalf about the skills i have to lead this country will be helpful. Primaries. Donald trump prepared to be commander in chief . He hasnt shown it. Hes not shown seriousness as it relates to the threat of our time. Isis, for example, hes gone from saying we dont have a dog in the fight to let isis take out assad. Let russia take out isis and his latest policy i guess is bomb the profanity out of isis. Thats not a serious plan. We need to lead the world to rid ourselves of a threat. Its real. Hes not being serious about that. I dont think hes a serious candidate in that regard. Look, hes preying on peoples angst and fears. He does it in a marvelous, fantastic way. Huge crowds. Lots of energy. But the simple fact is as it gets to specifics on Economic Security and National Security, he doesnt have one. No candidate has been tougher you even said well be worse often than we are now if trump is elected president. How can you pledge to support him if hes the nominee if you believe that . I said in terms of divisiveness, well be worse off. We cant be worse off as it relates to the National Security of this country with Hillary Clinton as president or on economic issues, as well. In terms of dividing our country, thats the skill set of donald trump. Thats bad. And its wrong. You cant disparage women, hispanics, the disabled. People who are war heroes and expect well live in a country where we have a unity of purpose. The president of the United States has to use words carefully. Profanity and divisive language isnt going to help us to allow people to get a pay raise for the first time in a decade. Meantime, other candidates swinging hard at you. Marco rubio saying you have no Foreign Policy experience. John kasich is saying thats yeah, absolutely it is. When you compare marco rubios experience of going to Committee Hearings once in awhile. Thats not Foreign Policy experience. Look, i was the governor of the state of florida. I led the national guard. I had trade missions. Ive lived overseas. I have invested overseas. I have vast experience as it relates to the world. And im pretty fluent on Foreign Policy issues. I look forward to debating marco on these issues. We share a common belief that the United States needs to be engaged in the world. To suggest he has Foreign Policy experience and i dont is ludicrous. Came in fourth place in New Hampshire. Is South Carolina a must win . No, no, look, were in it for the long haul. Were on to nevada after South Carolina. Im looking forward to the ten days of hard campaigning. Were making good progress. The crowd sizes are great. People want to know. Who has the steady hand . Who can make the tough decisions . Who can have the back of the military . Restore the devastating military who will take care of the veterans when they come home . That seems to be resonating here. Im focused on that and not worrying about the pundits. Governor bush, thank you for joining us this morning. Thanks, george. We move on from politics to breaking news overnight. A terrifying attack at a restaurant in columbus, ohio. A man with a machete targeting diners before Police Killed the suspect. Pierre thomas is in washington with the latest. Reporter good morning. Robin. It truly was a nightmare. Now the fbi is trying to figure out if it was terrorism. At 6 20 p. M. , the man carrying machete burst into the nazareth restaurant launching his attack. Shocking customers. No rhyme or reason as to who he was going after. As soon as he walked in, according to some of the witnesses, he went to the male and female just inside the door in a booth. At that point he started the attack. Reporter two men ran out to call 911. Into their own hands. Some of the patrons started throwing chairs at him, trying to get him out of there. One of the employees was able to grab something from behind the register and came out. Reporter the suspect fled the restaurant. Jumping into a car. Witnesses describing the vehicle to police. Even taking video for evidence. Police caught up with the suspect a few miles from the restaurant. The man inside allegedly lunging at them with a knife. They tasered him. As the suspect lurched forward, officers shot him dead. Some witnesses say he came in a halfhour before the attack asking for the manager. Four victims going to local hospitals with one in critical condition. An intensive investigation under way to determine who the suspect is and whether he was inspired by terrorists. Were going to turn to frightening moments now for passengers aboard an American Airlines flight. Smoke filled the cabin. Forced the plane to make an Emergency Landing in los good morning, david. Reporter good morning, george. Emergency crews were ready. And wait until you see the scene when they got the passengers off the jetliner. This morning, passengers are recovering after their American Airlines jet partially fills with smoke. And ground crews are alerted. We have an emergency inbound, give me about two minutes. Reporter the flight took off just before 10 00 in the morning. Not long, smoke engulfing the cockpit. The masks had dropped in the cabin. That made concern to us. That we probably need to deploy more resources out to lax at that time. Reporter with their masks on, the pilots divert to los angeles for an Emergency Landing. There should never be smoke emanating from any part of the plane. Its a pilots worst nightmare. To have to deal with either fire or smoke in an airplane. Reporter those emergency crews were ready. Fire trucks surrounding the aircraft. The 125 passengers evacuated. The boarding area becoming an passengers complaining of breathing difficulty. A lot of pandemonium here. People are scattered. Getting oxygen. A pretty, pretty scary day at l. A. X. Reporter where did the smoke come from . The possibility of a hydraulic leak is being investigated. American airlines saying our Maintenance Team is evaluating the aircraft. We apologize to our customers for the inconvenience. Many passengers dont realize the air you breathe inside the cabin comes to the engines first. So if theres smoke in the engine theres a possibility its going to end up in the i did not know that. Lets go to amy for todays other top stories. An arrest in the cyberattack against the cia director. Thats right. British Police Arrested a a series of hacks aimed at National Security officials. Claimed to belong to a group compromised the personal accounts of the top officials at were compromised. Officials have not released the suspects name but say he is under age. Its being called a significant step toward a peace deal in syria. Secretary of state john kerry and his russian counterpart agreed overnight to a temporary halt in fighting by next week. Theres serious doubt whether the Syrian Government will go along. Dozens of Prison Guards in georgia are in custody, busted in a sting. The undercover investigation uncovered staggering corruption involving 46 current and former officers, accused of taking bribes and smuggling drugs. As well as other contraband. It could take a week to fully extinguish this fire in new jersey. The smoke visible for miles shut down a major roadway. No injuries reported. And uber has agreed to pay 28 million to settle a classaction lawsuit over safety claims. The suit accused uber of making false statements about driver theyre eligible for a refund. Look at this bizarre sight at bostons fenway park. A giant ramp was installed for the Winter Sports event last night. Athletes launching off that 140foot jump. The 2018 olympics will be the first to include big air snowboarding. As an event. A new york man is getting more desperate as valentines day approaches. Its not he needs a date. He needs to find his wifes clothes. Take a look at the sign. Hes trying to find 1,000 worth of his wifes clothing after he accidentally put the dry cleaning in a recycling bag which his son then tossed out with the trash. The sign says, please contact dead husband walking. Hes right about that. I was going to say what would ali do . I would just write the check. Youre a smart man. A smart man. Thank you, amy. Rob, we brought you in from the cold. That cold is stretching all the way to florida. Check this out. Frost in melbourne on the windshield and rear window. Were not done with the cold. Were going to increase it. Winter storm warnings for parts of north carolina. One to three inches and up to a foot through parts of maine with the next clipper coming through. Your Weekend Getaway brought you 50 degrees in denver. 88 in phoenix. That sounds toasty. With the valentines day chill, im getting interesting comments on the twitter feed. I saw that, too. Nine months from now, you never know whats going to happen. Interesting. It is cold outside. Coming up here on gma, thank you, rob. Her son a mass murderer. Now, for the first time, the mother of one of the columbine killers opens up to diane sawyer. Part of the shock of this was learning that what i believed, mind. More of dianes gripping interview with sue klebold coming up. And inexpensive motor oil may not be a bargain. So my kids dont have to forage, got two jobs to pay a mortgage, and ive also got a brain. Lifes short, talk is cheap. Ill be working while you sleep. Still dont think ive got a brain . You think a resumes enough . Wholl step up when things get tough . Dont you want that kind of brain . A degree is a degree. Youre gonna want someone like me. But only if you have a brain. No one id rather have dinner and a movie with. No one id rather lean on. Being in love is an amazing thing. Being in love with your best friend. Is everything. Introducing the ever us twostone ring. One diamond for your best friend. One for your true love. For the one woman in your life whos both. Ever us. New this valentines day at jared, kay and zales. Wish your skin could bounce back like it used to . Neutrogena hydro boost water gel. With hyaluronic acid it plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. For supple, hydrated skin. Hydro boost. From neutrogena your parking space. Seriously . [ car alarm chirps ] girls night always there. And avocados from mexico theyre always there because theyre fresh all year round. Avocados from mexico and fix a rigged economy. But i believe we need to lift our vision above the obstacles in place and look to the american horizon. To a nation where every child can not only dream of going to college, but attend one. Where quality healthcare will be a birthright of every citizen. Where a good job is not a wish, but a reality. Where women receive equal pay and a living wage is paid to all. An america where after a lifetime of labor, there is time for rest and grandchildren. A nation that defends our people and our values, but no longer carries so much of that burden alone. I know we can create that america if we listen to our conscience and our hearts and not to the pundits and the naysayers. Im Bernie Sanders. I approve this message, heres a look at the scene near desert inn and maryl d parkway. Police have been at the scene since 9 pm last night. Theres man holed up inside an apartment. Police think hes armed. Neighbors were evacuated. Police say no one has been shot. Swat is out there along with well keep following this all morning and will have updates in later editions of action news. Check online at ktnv dot com or our mobile app for updates too. Join us for good morning las vegas tomorrow beginning at 430am. For the latest weather, traffic and breaking news. Well have more local News Headlines coming up in one half hour < breaking right now. Police welcome back to gma. And look at buffalo, new york, right now. A big blast of snow right now. Dangerous cold temperature. We all know it will be a very cold valentines day weekend for 65 Million People. Ready . Not really. But what choice do we have . A Good Opportunity for the fire. Exactly right. Also right now, six republican candidates ready to make tomorrow night their first faceoff. After trumps big win in New Hampshire, john kasichs surprising second place finish. And the department of Homeland Security trying to fight the zika virus. They may point people to the cdc. As the World Health Organization announces vac sooens are more than a year away. Could there be more bad blood for kanye west and taylor swift . The superstars making headlines again. What kanye is saying about taylor in a new song getting quite a lot of backlash. Last night, so did lamar odom. Surprise return from him. To robin and a special guest. Now to an abc news exclusive with the mother of one of the columbine killers. 17 years ago, Dylan Klebold and his friend, eric harris, killed 13 people. And now shes speaking out and sharing her story with our diane who sat down with her for her first ever tv interview airing tonight in a 20 20 special. 17 years ago . 17 years. For some, just like yesterday. We have got to try to learn something. Got to try to learn something both for our own lives and our own children but also to protect against the next school shooting. Mmhmm. And so were going to see how its still very raw for her to step forward and speak out. Thinking all the time about we reached out to the families beforehand. Were going to reach out to them afterwards. She says not a day goes by that she doesnt think of what happened and that what theyre living with every day. I just remember sitting there, and reading about them. All these kids. And the teacher. And i keep thinking, constantly thought, how i would feel if it were the other way around and one of their children had shot mine . I would feel exactly the way they did. I know i would. I know i would. So she says she went back over her life with a magnifying glass to look for anything she missed. The questions she didnt ask. The things she made assumptions about that she shouldnt have. Columbine. She was trying to come up with clues for everybody at home. Does she feel she missed signs with her son . Big ones. Big ones. A progression of things. She goes back along the path. Some will relate to all families. Well be asking ourselves, is adolescent behavior just adolescent behavior . Or is it Something Else . The other thing that happens with her. Shes trapped in a contradiction. And the little boy and all she believed she could be and the murderer he became. And shes still a mother thinking about that little boy and what might have been different. There is never a day that goes by where i dont think of the people that dylan harmed. And i you use the word harmed. I think its easier for me to its still hard for me after all this time. Is that about a certain need to deny what happened or i dont know. Perhaps. Perhaps. Um it is very hard to live with the fact that someone you loved and raised has brutally killed people in such a horrific way. I think we like to believe that our love and our understanding is protective. And that if anything were wrong with my kids, i would know. But i didnt know. And its very hard to live with that. She says she now knows her mistake. Not considering that an adolescent phase can signal Something Else. I felt that i was a good mom. That he could talk to me about anything. Part of the shock of this was believed and how i lived and how i parented was um an invention in my own mind. That it was a completely different world that he was living in. It seems like she blames herself in part. Thats right. We have experts on the show. A lot of people coming on. Because we calculated there are about 77 or 79 thwarted shootings. Thwarted plots since columbine. We wanted to know everything we could about who thwarted them. How did they thwart them . Thats part of what youre going to see tonight. How we can prevent this. I know you so well and one of the main reasons why you wanted to sit down with her is because of the lessons learned. Its not just going over what happened. But the signs. And so parents that are watching tonight can perhaps yes, you know that i spent a lot of time with children and all of these issues. But if there is something we can learn to prevent, we have got to try to learn it. Always a pleasure to see you here, diane. Good to see you. Tune in to silence broken, a mothers reckoning. A diane sawyer special edition of 20 20 tonight. It just hit three parents here pretty hard. That is really something. Coming up next, gma investigates. The motor oil that could damage your car. What our cameras found that may surprise you and what you should look out for. May surprise you and what you should look out for. Intimidating. Doing something simple. Meant enduring a lot of pain. If ra is changing your view of everyday things orencia may help. Orencia works differently by targeting a source of ra early in the inflammation process. For many, orencia provides longterm relief of ra symptoms. And those not helped enough by other treatments. Do not take orencia with another biologic medicine for ra due to an increased risk of serious infection. Serious side effects can occur including fatal infections. Cases of lymphoma and lung cancer have been reported. Tell your doctor if youre prone to or have any infection like an open sore, the flu, or a history of copd, a chronic lung disease. Orencia may worsen your copd. If youre not getting the relief you need. Ask your doctor about orencia. Orencia. See your ra in a different way. My tempurpedic cuddles better than my husband does. But thats just between you and me. Its really cool to the touch. At mattress firm,get zero percent apr financing. Visit mattress firm, i am never getting married. Were never having kids. Mmmmmm. We are never moving to the suburbs. We are never having another kid. Im pregnant. I am never letting go. For all the nevers in life, state farm is there. Hello my love the flame is out. Ugh. Today the flame is out, tomorrow my attitude. Antonio. Antonio. The stove. Its not working. Campbells microwaveable soups. Made for real, real life. To the used car buyer whos worried about getting taken for a ride. Dont worry. The only rides youll get taken on at carmax but just in case that absolutely 100 percent perfect choice. Turns out to be. Less than perfect. We give you five days to change your mind. Sorry. Wish your skin could bounce back like it used to . Neutrogena hydro boost water gel. With hyaluronic acid it plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. Hydro boost. From neutrogena we have an alert for car owners. That bargain on motor oil could cost you big. Dollar general is selling oil suitable only for old cars to unsuspecting consumers. Gio benitez is here. Reporter not all oils are newer oils do one thing. Enhance fuel economy. Older formulations may not be as good. The older ones are still being made and sold. This morning, gma investigates. Sold out of it. Reporter gma investigates undercover at Dollar General, the chain facing lawsuits over its motor oil. Left. Reporter we see its popular as we go to four stores in new jersey with our expert. Reporter after all, its the cheapest. Whats the issue . Our expert takes a look. This is obsolete motor oil. Reporter obsolete . Its 10w30. A wellknown kind of oil for many cars. On this bottle, look at the back. Theres a warning. Not suitable for engines built after 1988. Thats 28 years ago. The api, the organization that sets Petroleum Industry standards, calls this oil considered out of date. I dont think any consumer who saw this product next to other oils on the shelf would have an idea that this was an obsolete oil. Unless youre driving an old delorean, we dont know why they would market that oil. Reporter this other oil has the same warning on the back. One clerk says she doesnt know a lot about cars but thinks its the only thing is is that thats more cheaper than the brand. Reporter actually, thats not true. The name brands next to it are meant for modern cars. These are not. And this oil, sae 30, our expert says is meant for some small engines, like lawn mowers. Here it is on the auto shelf. Its warning . Not suitable for engines built after 1930. Tom glenn worries someone who picks it up by mistake could damage their car. Something else. So its not so confusing to consumers. Reporter there are 16 lawsuits against Dollar General. Claiming dg is misleading consumers by selling obsolete oils on the same shelves as oils meant for newer cars without giving warning. Joe wood says he never thought to read the back of the bottle. And that his engine died after he used the oil. I didnt think anything different than any of the brands. The regular consumer doesnt know that the oils can damage the cars. Reporter its not just Dollar General selling obsolete oils. We go undercover to other stores in new york and new jersey. To see if they sell them. Out of eight other retailers, half were selling oils that glenn considered obsolete. As for Dollar General, they say they meet standards for quality and value and labeling requirements. Unambiguous language. Regarding the products appropriate use. The Company Takes issue with the term obsolete. Saying these oils can be used in the millions of cars on the road built before 1988. When youre buying oil, you have to make sure you get the right kind of oil. Find that in the owners manual. We have a graphic to show you what a bottle should look like. Look for the name and look for that starburst symbol on the bottle. That means its a current bottle. Look for more details on our website. Good morning america. Com on yahoo. Its not just the oil you buy. Make sure that what your mechanic is using is the good oil. Good point. Coming up, the big surprise and a new feud at kanye wests huge event at the garden. Come on back. Kanye wests huge event at the garden. Come on back. Not quite. 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Colgate optic white express White Toothpaste with hydrogen peroxide. For whiter teeth in 3 days. Think of it as your smile bff. Colgate optic white express white. Whiter teeth in 3 days flores i was raised by my father. My mother left my family when i was 9 years old. Things really went from bad to worse for me. This isnt just about numbers, this is about real lives. This is a system that isnt working for the everyday person. Its one of the reasons why i decided to endorse Bernie Sanders. Nevadans are looking for people who are willing to think big, to be bold, and to fight for everyday people. And thats exactly what Bernie Sanders is doing. Sanders im Bernie Sanders and i approve this message. Now to that kanye west headline. The star hosting a big music and fashion show last night. Releasing a song that takes aim at taylor swift. So will the superstar shake it off . Reena ninan has more. Reporter kanyes megalistening party to promote his fashion line and new album family affair. The first glimpse of yeezys brotherinlaw, lamar odom, out for the First Time Since his near drug overdose. Khloe kardashian by his side including one person not impressed with the proceedings. Taylor swift, who took issue with the lyrics in one of wests new songs, entitled famous where he admits he may have a future with swift. Ending the line with i made that [ bleep ] famous reporter fans wondering yo, taylor. Im really happy for you. Im going to let you finish. But beyonce had one of the best videos of all time. Reporter cant leave her alone. Her spokesman said, kanye did not call for approval but asked she declined and cautioned him about releasing a song. With such a strong message. And even one of taylors besties tweeted that just because she was there doesnt mean she agrees with the lyrics. Kanye seemed unphased. He announces his next life goal, creative director. How is he going to have time to run for president . Good news for george. His collection is now discounted. What are you wearing super tuesday . Ill have to take a look. Taylors brother stepped in. Said doing a Little Spring cleaning and showed him throwing out kanyes how could he send to it her . Thats ridiculous. I agree. The swimsuit models breaking barriers. Coming up. E send to it her . The swim suit models breaking barriers. Are smarter than others. Save up to 30 on select diamonds in rhythm. At kay, the number one Jewelry Store in america. Guys, kay jewelers would like to remind you. Its engagement season. And, all engagement and wedding rings are 20 off this friday through monday only. At kay. The numberone Jewelry Store for. Theres a story behind the silver of philadelphia cream cheese. It always begins with fresh, local milk blended with real, wholesome cream. Going fresh from the farm to our fridge in just six days. When it comes to fresh taste, welcome back to gma. Surf is up on the north shore of maui. Check out these waves. 45 feet. Jaws and the surf is up for mavericks happening today. Just north of half moon bay. And down across, as well as the heat goes back into monday. By ashley home furniture. Gelndale, arisona. Thats only 4 hours away from according to our sister station. Knxv. 2 people have been shot. And one person is dead. However, police have not confirmed that publicly. We are still working to get more information. We will continue following this story on airand online. Just go to ktnv. Com. You can also find updates on our mobile app breaking right now. Police swarming a neighborhood for hours we were at the scene when it started last night and into the morning. 13 action News Reporter Parker Collins is live near desert inn and maryland parkway right now. Parker . We just spoke with police. Take a look theyre down there now. They say a man has a gun. Witnesses have reported gunfire. Police say no one has been shot. Negotiators are still talking to this guy. 17 56 2417 56 36 im cold. Its freezing its like im from minnesota and let me tell you something it gets super cold up there but the way im feeling you see whats got on . Im out reporting live Parker Collins 13 action news. Good morning las vegas is live every weekday with all of your weather, traffic and breaking news. Join us four30 to seven. Well be back in a half hour with more local news and weather. < not cooling down any time soon. Flores i was raised by my father. My mother left my family when i was 9 years old. Things really went from bad to worse for me. This isnt just about numbers, this is about real lives. This is a system that isnt working for the everyday person. Its one of the reasons why i decided to endorse Bernie Sanders. Nevadans are looking for people who are willing to think big, and thats exactly what Bernie Sanders is doing. Sanders im Bernie Sanders good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. New overnight, lamar odom, his first public appearance since his near brush with death. Kanye west right by his side. As they shake up the fashion world with an unprecedented event. A major mashup of music and fashion that had people tuning in. Insider details on how kanye pulled off the blockbuster event. Flawless and fabulous. The models breaking barriers in the biggest swimsuit magazine of the year. Redefining what it means to be body proud and flaunting a bikini. Groundbreaking models are here live. Why they say theyve never felt better. Ive never been in love before and its almost valentines day. This morning, our huge 10 dates in 10 states finale. From hawaii to new york. The smartest advice from across the country to help you find love. And youll see who is getting a bang bang into the room all that and Chris Harrison here with a sneak peek at the biggest bachelor reunion ever, as we say good morning, america. We love you, too. Good morning, everyone. Happy friday. Look at Chris Harrison right there. Handing out roses. Ahead of valentines day. Right here in times square. He has a big new project coming up. Cant wait to talk about that. Sharing a little love. Getting ready for valentines. Also this morning, we just told you about kanyes huge night. And the moment that has taylor swift fans in an uproar. The evening made a lot of other headlines. Including and it was wonderful to see lamar odom making his first public appearance since his recovery, looking so good. Well have more from the big event coming up. And the three ladies shattering stereotypes in the there they are. How theyre changing the face of Sports Illustrateds swimsuit edition. Theres ashley. All three of them. This is a big deal. This is. Thats all coming up. Lets go to amy with the morning rundown. The big story this morning, the democrats facing off in debate number six. Hillary clinton took on Bernie Sanders for the first time last night since her bruising defeat in New Hampshire. She called his policies on health care and College Tuition unrealistic. Sanders criticized clintons ties to wall street. They both tried to appeal to minority voters and to women. I have spent my entire adult life working toward making sure that women are empowered to make their own choices. Even if that choice is not to vote for me. Were fighting for every vote that we can get. From women from men, straight, gay, africanamericans, latinos, asianamericans. President obamas legacy. On the republican side, candidates are gunning for frontrunner donald trump in South Carolina. Hes pulled his negative ad against ted cruz saying hell stay positive. And jeb bush is bringing in his brother, former president george w. Bush, to campaign for him. The fbi is investigating whether terrorism was behind a horrifying machete attack. A man burst into a restaurant in columbus, ohio, popular with middle easterners. Started stabbing diners injuring four people. He was later shot by police. Pope francis is on the way to cuba where hell make history. Hes meeting with the head of the Russian Orthodox church. Hoping to heal a thousandyear rift between their branches of christianity. He then heads to mexico. He already has his sombrero. Former olympic champion picabo street is claiming selfdefense. In a violent incident with her father. Street says shes not interested in any plea deal. Reporter shes used to fighting for first place on the slopes. This morning, downhill darling picabo street is preparing for a fight in court, charged with assault and domestic violence. Accused of throwing her 76yearold father down the stairs of her utah home and locking him in a basement. My father just started attacking me in my own house in front of my children. Reporter the former olympian claiming selfdefense. Overnight, her lawyer telling abc news she takes care of both her elderly parents. And that her father becomes combative. At times. He got his hands on me and i put him down the stairs. So did he fall down the stairs . Reporter police say street admits she pushed her father after he pulled her hair in a fight after he accidentally bumped his car into her house. He attacked. Oh, my god are you kidding me . He scratched me on my face. Reporter prosecutors say the 44yearold mother of three was the primary aggressor. Her Attorney Says shes a loving and caring mother, adding that she deserves our respect and admiration for taking care of her elderly parents even when its not been easy to do so. For good morning america, clayton sandell, abc news, denver. Our thanks to clayton for that. People are searching for valentines gifts and romantic ideas online. But this one has me scratching my head a little bit. Look at this map on google trends. Showing what people are searching for more than anywhere else. South carolina is searching for matching outfits. Theyre trying to keep warm in washington state. Apparently the most googled search for a valentines gift, bearskin rugs. Really . In mississippi, romantic mix tapes. What is it, the 1980s . Hey, im from mississippi. Easy, easy. When is the last time you made a mix tape, robin . Are we allowed to ask followups . Massachusetts is looking for cooking classes. I think it was idaho or montana. Adam and eve not romantic . Yeah, not biblical. Yeah, what was that about. I dont know. Theres a lot of headscratchers. Montana was searching for lobster tails. Im sticking with the mix tapes. When you made somebody a mix tape, that was love, baby. That was love. Oh, yes, it was. It was. Thank you, amy. To lara with a look ahead. Thank you, robin. Heres whats coming up on our gma morning menu. Lamar odom back in action. Kanye west rocking the fashion world. All the details from the huge event last night. Our big 10 dates in 10 states finale. One of these guys is getting a big date. Which one will it be . And speaking of dates, get over here. Chris harrison is here from the bachelor. Thank you so much. Man number two, please come in. Chef Michael Symon is here. I got five bucks. And then, man number three, come on in. Tim tebow is also with us live. Hi, everyone. Hes got big news to share. Hey, its valentines day youre a lucky girl. To the couple wondering what a good deal looks like. No. Seriously . Well give it a 6 for composition. Scary. Wow, what about just putting a fair, no haggle price on the window . Not zany enough . Sometimes the best deals are pretty plain to see. When you need something utterly unique to wear, go to your wardrobe. Your jewelry wardrobe. Jared the galleria of jewelry. For the ultimate selection of levian. Only levian, masters of jewelry design for centuries. Makes jewelry with chocolate diamonds. Gorgeous, trendsetting looks. Making levian the essential part of her jewelry wardrobe. Thats why. She went to jared. Some things are always there for you. Like dogs. This guy . Not so much. Your amigos always there for you. And avocados from mexico theyre always there for you because theyre fresh all year round. Coming up next here on gma, the three models breaking barriers in Sports Illustrateds swimsuit edition. And we have tim tebow. Its a starpacked morning right here in times square. Congratulations, ladies. Amazing. Thank you. Edition. And we have tim tebow. Congratulations, ladies. Thank you. Who are you . Im vern, the orange money retirement rabbit from voya. Vern from voya . Yep, vern from voya. Why are you orange . Thats a little weird. Really . Thats the weird part in this scenario . Save a little here and there, and over time, your money could multiply. See . Ah, ok. So, why are you orange . Funny. These guys just told me i embarrassed myself last half hour. We just found out what the adam and eve search was. Yeah, thank you, twitter. Thank you. Kanye west. The big splash he made last unprecedented event at fashion week. Was packed with celebrities. Also his brotherinlaw, lamar odom was there, first time out since being hospitalized for a drug overdose. T. J. Holmes is here with that. Reporter we talked about how much was going on last night. Its hard to stand out in a room that includes kanye, caitlyn, kris, kendall, kylie, khloe, kourtney, and kim. Lamar, the fact he was even alive. You have to remember guys, lamar odom was knocking on heavens door a few months ago. If you like all the songs, feel free to dance. Reporter in front of a packed Madison Square garden, kanye west debuted his new album. The life of pablo. And simultaneously unveiled his yeezy season 3 collection. In front of a starstudded crowd. One of the loudest cheers of the night went to lamar odom. His first public appearance since his brush with death last lamar odom walked out with kanye. Nobody expected or heard that he was going to show up. So, that was kind of a big deal. Reporter on thursday, odom was bobbing his head to kanyes music alongside khloe kardashian. The pair flew the new york together on a private jet, renewing rumors of a reunion for the separated couple. For the pair, along with the rest of the kardashian clan in attendance, focused on supporting kanye. Caitlyn posted this. Khloe posted this with the whole crew. Kourtneys snapshot with lamar right in the middle. Hey, you heard about the good News Reporter fans across the world got watch this mashup of hip hop and fashion. The show streamed live to 700 movie theaters in other countries. Shelling out 25 to hear kanyes new music. Over 15 Million People joined the party at home using tidals streaming service. And see supermodel icons like Naomi Campbell and Veronica Webb show off the notoriously looks. Other models, motionlessly displaying the new collection. To have a genuinely happy person, such as kanye west, emceeing the whole thing, and having thousands of his fans, some of whom had flown from across the country, it lent an energy that somehow filled up msg, which is not an easy thing to do. I have never felt anything like that before. Reporter in terms of lamar, at least, good to see him out. We remember how bad off he was. This is a big sign even that hes able to fly across the country is a big deal. We saw this was a big fashion show. You saw the models standing there. The kanye models. Looks simple enough. All you gotta do is stand there. But there was a list of rules for how to just stand there. 38 rules to follow. Now, i need a model right here. One of you. I need a model. Stand up. You have three over there. All right. I need a model. This is what you have to do. No smiling, no eye contact. No fast movements, no slow movements. Attention and ease. No sexy posing. Do not act cool. Behave as if no one is in the room. Thats just a few of them. Okay. I just lost the job. Wow. You might have failed the audition. These are 38 things they had to to just a matter of standing there. Thats what he wants. I gotta study. You look mighty dapper. I like that look on you. I didnt shave this morning. You should be modeling. It was a rough night last night, robin. Always good to have you here, t. J. Good to see you. Now another unprecedented event. Sports illustrated changing the game. With this years swimsuit issue. Breaking barriers when it comes to body type and age. Were speaking with the women at the center of it in just a moment. First, linsey davis has the details. Reporter flirty. Flawless. And 56. Nicola griffin is making headlines this morning. With plussized swimsuit retailer swimsuits for all. This ad flaunting the glimmering gold bikini. The spread soon to be released in Sports Illustrated coveted swimsuit edition. This is a big step for Sports Illustrated. Because we all have a certain understanding of what the swimsuit issue looks like. Its changing the face of the look in a positive direction. How do you swim sexy . Reporter plussized Model Ashley Graham got her start that way in last years issue. This year, shes crossing over to the editorial side. On instagram, Sports Illustrated announcing her as one of the rookies of the year. To be featured in the actual issue. When i first found out i was going to be in Sports Illustrated, i was just so shocked. Reporter also breaking barriers, precious lee. An africanamerican plussized model set to be featured in lane bryants ad in this magazine as part of their this body campaign. Aiming to dispel negative body stereotypes. I know what it means for so underrepresented. Its pretty special. Inclusivity matters. Representation matters. And we cant get away with pretending like it doesnt anymore. Reporter these three women splashing stereotypes perhaps once and for all. Whats your body made for . Mm reporter for good morning america, linsey davis, abc news, new york. I love that. Whats your body made for, mm joining us now, the three fabulous women. Ashley graham, precious lee, nicola griffin. Welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome. Its about time. Bout time. Isnt it . It is, ash. Lets start with you. Im 55. Youre 56. Youre proving you do not lose sex appeal as we mature, right . Certainly not. No. What was it like to be a part of it . Its amazing. Im so proud to be part of swimsuits for all. Its fantastic. Im very, very proud. You started at 53. Tell us about this. Empty nest syndrome . Shampoo advert. And then, i got really busy. And the children had gone off to university. It all came together really well. And your accent is sexy, too. Thank you, thank you. Got the whole package. The whole package. Ash. Hey. You brought it again. Youre all over that. Uh, uh, uh. Yeah. If she could just come out of her shell a little bit. I love what you posted. I do follow you on instagram. Love everything. But the swimsuit issue, the photo session, that was great. That had to be a moment for you. It was. Its incredible. Im still so speechless about it all. The craziness hasnt begun yet. Were about to get into the cover reveal on tnt and whats going on next . Im so excited to be amongst so many great names and faces. And youre excited about the lane bryant ad. Yes, this body. This body. Youre very passionate about this. So much. This is my third ad with them. Women that theyre capable to do anything they want no matter their size, their age, their race. I think its an Amazing Campaign that, again, lane bryant has come and set their foot in and said, wee are here. This body is made for. How do you complete that sentence, precious . This body is made for proving them wrong. Making history. This body is made for loving every inch. Hey. This body is made for a lot of things. Yeah, starting a revolution. Yes, absolutely. And, what if somebody is tuning in . Have you always been comfortable . And if somebody is tuning in and they dont feel the same way . That you all do . I was fortunate enough to be raised in a nourishing environment. Where i have always had this innate sense of selfawareness and confidence. Like, cant in my household was like saying a curse word. I have built on that through the years. I get that question all the time. It takes practice. Every single day. Just as you can go from being insecure to confident, you can go from confident to insecure. Its something that you have to work on and build on every day. I would say first, stop the defeated talk. Its something that you just things that you cannot do. You cant say it out loud. And you cant say those defeated things. Reversing it. Making sure your work on it every day. No magic pill. You always have power. When all people pick up s. I. Next week, you know and they see us, hello . Youre beautiful. Youre beautiful. You have been so outspoken, ashley. I have had to. Nobody has been listening to us. Ive been doing this for 15 years. And finally, Sports Illustrated has come out. Lane bryant. Swimsuits for all. Brands saying, were going to be the pioneers. The ones that say it doesnt matter what size you are. It doesnt matter if you have cellulite. Doesnt matter if things jiggle. It is. Ashley, wonderful to see you. Precious, good to meet you. Nicola, yeah, girl. Right here. Thank you, thank you. Yes you can see all of these beautiful women in the lane bryant and swimsuits for all. The issue hits news stands next week. Lets go outside to rob. Hey, robin. The roses that chris handed out earlier, theyre doing well in the chilly weather. Kelly, you turned 18 on tuesday. Are you ready to be a bachelorette . Oh, yeah. What do you say about that, mom . Uh, no, shes not ready. Good call. Its chilly. Wind chill advisories from minnesota to maine. Temperatures sunday morning going to feel like 20, 25 below zero. Dangerous stuff if youre going to head out, cover up. Look at the rebound, 14 on sunday to 48 on tuesday in boston with rain. Thats a quick check of the i think these roses are frozen solid. A big contingent from all sorts of places in georgia. Lara, back inside to you. Thank you so much, rob. Get in here, its cold out there. And, baby we were born to run to the bookstore. Literary news from the boss. Bruce springsteen set to publish his autobiography. Turns out hes not been dancing in the dark. Hes been writing privately. Penning his life story for the past seven years. He first picked up the pen in 2009 after his performance at the super bowl. The tellall will bring glory jonathan carp, the publisher of simon schuster. Who says this is the book we were hoping for. Readers will see their own lives in Bruce Springsteens extraordinary story just as we recognize ourselves in his music. Born to run on sale september 27th. Angie, stage manager, i know what im getting you for your birthday. I know. Happy. You want an advanced copy . Bruce, that is your number one fan. How many times have you seen him . Approximately . 60 . Oh 60 times angie has seen him. Hopefully, bruce is dedicating the book to angie. Valentines day, as you may have noticed, is closing in. Time to start practicing the romantic lines to woo your sweetheart. Were here to help. With some of the most romantic lines ever from movies, literature, and tv. Channel your inner hugh grant from sense and sensibility. 9 00, 8 00 cenal. Will be. Yours. I9 id, 8 00 central. D say to ali, 9 00, 8 00 central. T, people. Turns out that that line that you didnt hear, austen didnt write it. It was actually by emma thompson. She won an oscar for i l might for this performance. The second most romantic line. 8 00, 7 00 central. How would you feel if your honey said, 8 00, 7 00 central . Or looked into your eyes and id this im scared of everything. Im scared of what i saw. Im scared of what i did. Of who i am. And most of all, im scared of walking out of this room and ver feeling the rest of my whole life the way i feel when im with you. Oh corner my personal favorite was number five. 6 00. 5 00 central. No, it was from notting hill. Julia roberts telling hugh grant shot shes quote, just a girl standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her. Thats alis favorite. Thats a good one. What are you going say to ali sunday . 5 00, 4 00 central. How about winters coming, lets get under the covers. Oh, yeah. Baby, its cold outside. Game of thrones. Im back from a whirlwind trip to shondaland. Wonderful to be with the cast and crew of scandal on their set in l. A. If you watched yesterday morning, you remember a clip that we showed from last nights winter premier. I asked Kerry Washington what was she hiding behind that door in the clip that youre not seeing. But listen up. You have something. Either its man or a something. Mmhmm. Thats how its going to be . Nd the door in last nights new, explosive episode . Listen. If you dont want to know, turn it down right now. Girl was getting it on with jake it is back on with those two. But the president doesnt seem like hes having any that was one of the major secrets in last nights big episode. Aired at 9 00, 8 00 central. Thats only 4 hours away from the valley local media is reporting that. 2 teenage girlst. And one person is dead. Police are saying this is an isolated incidentand not an active scene. They are not looking for a suspect in the shooting and students are safe. Also breaking right now. Police swarming a neighborhood for hours we were at the scene when it started last night and into the morning. 13 action News Reporter Parker Collins is live near desert inn and maryland parkway right now. Parker . We just spoke with police. Take a look theyre down there now. They say a man has a gun. Witnesses have reported gunfire. Police say no one has been shot. Negotiators are still talking minnesota and let me tell you something it gets super cold up youll hear from some evacuees in just thirty minutes. Vegas tomorrow beginning at for the latest weather, traffic and breaking news. Well have more local News Headlines coming up in one half hour < the crazy story of the two people having sex on top of the high roller is getting even crazier. All hello, america. We heard about your 10 dates in 10 states and we salute you. Theres lots of great dating advice in our new movie, how to be single. Rule number one, guys buy the drinks. Most importantly, have fun. And be yourself. Good luck and have a blast. Hi. A special message from the cast of how to be single for our producer erica scott. Shes back after her crosscountry 10 dates in 10 states adventure. This morning, shes revealing who is getting a second date on valentines day. And coming up, Dakota Johnson. More with her as well. First, lara and chef Michael Symon for the 5 dinner challenge. Were giving Celebrity Chefs 5 to make dinner for two. Today is the finale. Yesterday, was Mario Batalis here. Hi, my friend. How are you . Im wonderful. Show us what is in the brown bag. I have ground beef. About a 2. 50 worth of ground beef. And thats enough for two people. For two people, no problem. And, anything else . Anything else . I have buns. Were only going to use two of the buns, so this is going to be 1 per person for two buns. You want a nice, soft roll. So far, well under the mark. I like to win. I believe were making sloppy joes. If i guess correctly, right . No, im going to surprise you. The last thing is provolone cheese. Were going to use a couple of slices. It comes in at 1. 32. On the board we add it up. Where is it . There it is. Total is 4. 82 for a meal. So youre making sloppy joes . We are making this is called a loose meat sandwich. Popular in iowa. Also called a tavern burger or a tavern sandwich. I know it scares you. Its a sloppy joe without tomato. Were going to add a little bit of stock. Like a hamburger not compact. Its hamburger not compacted, yes. Absolutely. Youre allowed to go into the pantry and add a couple of ingredients. Can i send you . Paprika and mustard. I have oil. This is taking sloppy joes hamburgers to a new level. A new level. We put in ground beef with a pinch of salt and onion and pepper. We let this kind of brown up. And thats, you know, step number one. You can see it over there. This looks like youre going to make a bolognese or something. This is a midwestern kind of it was made because it was inexpensive. And if youre looking to stretch the money even more, what you can do with this, if turkey is cheaper, you could do it. Or extend it with grains, like brown rice, quinoa. Youre adding the cheese right into the skillet . Yes. Youre almost making like a fondue in the skillet. That brings it together. As opposed to the tomato sauce. So its not so loose. So its not so loose, yeah. We want the keep it together, you know what im saying . So what was the sauce . A little bit of beef stock. A little bit of cheese. You stir it vigorously. Melt it almost like a fondue. And that just kind of brings the whole thing together. How is it . Is it really good . Yeah. Whatever the softest roll you can find. You could save money. I like a potato roll. Sometimes theyre more expensive. You could use two slices of bread. Thats great, too. And you know what else is very reasonable . Pop. A little bit of acidity. Dont lose your bun. I mean, between the loose meat and the buns, its a situation. It is valentines day weekend. Were going to put a little bit of mustard on there and youre good to go. Total cost for your, whats the other term, the tavern burger. Lets go with that. Do you talk about this on your new show . Yes. On burgers, brew, and que. We go all over the country. We find the best burgers, bash cow and beer we could find. If we would go to iowa we would grab a sandwich like this for the burger. Its on every friday night at food network, 10 30 eastern, 9 30 central. I get to eat and drink my favorite three food groups. You might as well be doing something that you love. Like making these tavern burgers. This was a great deal. Under 5. We have completed the mission. All five of our incredible chefs have done it. You can get our 5 challenge goodmorningamerica. Com on yahoo . They were all really, really good. Watch this guy, and our winner, mario on the chew 1 00 p. M. Eastern, not 9 00, 8 00 central. Right here on abc. Back out to rob. Lets go for the valentine forecast. Remember, these valentine towns across the country. The balloons as well. Valentine, nebraska, 47. Loveland, colorado, 52. Heart lake, pennsylvania, 7. Show me the romance in missouri. Thats a quick check on the valentines forecast. Were joined now by our friend tim tebow. Welcome, tim. A night to shine. An unforgettable prom night experience for people with special needs. Its sponsored by your foundation. The tim tebow foundation. Just hearing about this is phenomenal. Started out with just under 50 churches last year. Now you have 200 across 48 states. You have red carpet, paparazzi for this, making these kids feel special. What was your inspiration . When i was 15. I was at a school in a remote village in the philippines. A boy from the village was shunned from the event because his feet were on backwards. We want to fight for people that cant fight for themselves. This event is all about that. People with special needs. Giving them a voice. Celebrating them. Loving them. Letting them know that their lives matter and giving them the time of their life. And they are special. You kicked it off last night in haiti. It was so much fun. It was awesome. It was special to see the needs. Many people in haiti, they believe that if you have special needs, youre cursed. Were changing the narrative. That theyre not cursed. Theyre specl. Uld be loved. They should be celebrated. They have the time of their life last night. It was so special. Oh, theres robin. Robin, as you know. You are a special man. I know how passionate you are about this. You travel around the world, coming in from haiti as you did last night. Tcome over and say thank you. You live your truth. Your first prom was just last year because he was homeschooled. It was awesome. The best nights of my life. Do we have pictures . I cant imagine you were an awkward kid like we were. Thats terrific. We appreciate it. Night to shine. A second year. Late nights. Traveling in. To lara. Thank you, rob. Any plans for valentines day . Sitting in front of the fire. We ha Dakota Johnson stars as a single woman with a lot to learn. I got to talk to her about the movie. The dating struggles. Hey, whats up, yall . I dont know why i said yall. You all would have taken just as much time. Im not even from the south. Im from portland. Which is southern from canada. Are yall canadian . I just did it again. I said it again. Oh, my god, okay, bye. We have all been there. Watching that, i was like, stop talking. Thats like me, every day. Can you relate to that . Awkward . Not knowing what to say . A lot of the time. Yes. Yeah. I guess, see, its happening right now. Thats all right. Among friends. Among friends. I love the movie. I liked it because the title sort of how to be single i was assuming romantic comedy. It was more than that. What is the message . I think its about taking the time to just be yourself. And especially for young women to figure out who you are and what you like and go and do whatever you want all the time. There is a lot of scenes that i think women will relate to. On a very personal level. So many scenes that are so funny. How you was it working with rebel wilson . She is great. Shes ridiculous. Is she improvising . Yeah. A lot of it was like, you look, oh, my god. There was a lot of improvising. She she would go on runs and rants. A great date movie. Be prepared to laugh and giggle. Really, im proud of it. And how to be single hits theaters today. Coming up, speaking of dates, our big 10 dates in 10 states finale. Well find out who, next. States if you like and its the finale now for 0 dates in 10 states adventure. Abc produc reveal her choice. The ten guys. There are back at what shes this has been an awesome but exhausting series of first dates. In jve taken 11 flights, been in the air for 31 hours. And almost covered 12,000 miles. You look like a fish out of water. It started in new york. Ice skating with josh. Show us ah. Im glad i did it. Maybe fell a couple of times. But it was part of the fun. Im here to meet erica. Yeah. And paddleboarding with doug. Date number three, was on the santa monica pier in l. A. For Old School Fun with ashton. Hey, are you cash . Hows it going . Off to the nevada desert for dune buggy riding with cash. The warm weather didnt last long. Adventures by disney hosted tom and i for dogsledding in jackson hole. You to do any water supports . Experts in the field of dating. Like the ceos of tinder and bumble. Next stop, colorado, i met up with john to cheer on the Denver Broncos in the super bowl. That was great meeting erica. Had great time watching the game today. Hi, nice to meet you. Then i twostepped in austin with amir. Oh, my god yeah celebrated mardi gras in new orleans with daniel just experienced the night. Its been a lot of fun. Things got cheesy this chicago with marcus. Hi, marcus. How are you . Welcome home. We made, you guessed it, homemade cheese. So im on my very last date at a favorite spot of mine, frank pepes pizza. Lets go find my date. Hi, hows it going . And finally, almost home, i stopped in connecticut for a traditional pizza date with mike. Im more of a pen and paper guy. I want to meet you in person. But this is my first blind date. Nice is the recipe for love. And this crazy journey coming to a close. Last stop, home. Im home shes back here in new york. Welcome home, erica. Hi, guys. How are you . Still smiling. Youre so game all the way. Looked like you had a lot of fun with all those guys. What did you leave on the cutting room floor . There must have been awkward moments. Of course. I was awkward. They were all great. Austin, the monday after super bowl sunday. 8 00. Not many people on the dance floor. Amir was such a gentleman. He was like we can do it. I was completely mortified. We made it happen. Yes, you did. You looked good. Thanks. Editing did things great. You mastered digital dating. Friends and family setting you up. What advice would you give . If youre single, find somebody, theres no reason you shouldnt be doing both. Put yourself out. Cast a wide net. Youre just looking for one person. Lets see who is the one person getting the second date on valentines day in new york city. The suspense. Whop is it . I think i have a new best friend with tom from wyoming. Im going to fly him in. My mutual friend heather with him, were looking to hang out. I see a big smile, tom. What are you thinking . How you doing . But thanks to all the other guys. I feel badly. Hes shaking his head. And connecticut checked out. Hes like, im out of here. Oh, my gosh. Im gone. So what was there he is. Theres mike. Mike is back. What was your First Impression of erica, tom . Just upbeat personality. Had a great time with her. Just kept it light, kept it fun. It was a great time. Wonderful. Well, for all. Now they all disappeared. Its going to be a longdistance connection here. We see the high statistics about the number of couples who try to make it work long distance. Its difficult. Ive had one. I dont recommend it. But, its fun. Okay. All right. You did really well. Thank you. Thank you for tagging along with me. It was a lot of fun. We have someone who knows even more than you when it comes to finding that one, Chris Harrison. Come on out here, chris you have been here with us this morning. Oh, there he is. There you are. Nice to see you again. Thank you. Heres the thing. Doug lives in hawaii. Geographically desirable. But apparently, we have chose tom. I thought i was the 11th date in the 11th state. No, youre out. Sorry, pal. They all went well. They were all great guys. What set him apart . Was a mutual connection. I automatically felt comfortable. And i think we, you know, we had spent so much time dogsledding. You really get to talk. It was a lot of fun. What would you like to do on your second date . Are should this go . I dont know. I like chris. I guess anything else thats a fun activity. Im not a sit around the fireside person. Keep it simple. But a little adventure. Yeah. Youre good at this. Theres a reason. 20 years of the bachelor we want to thank adventure by disney arranging the dog sledding and paddle boarding. Go to adventures by disney. Com. Coming up, more with that guy, Chris Harrison. 20 seasons, 20 seasons. There are those who say we cannot defeat a corrupt political system and fix a rigged economy. But i believe we need to lift our vision above the obstacles in place and look to the american horizon. To a nation where every child can not only dream of going to college, but attend one. Where quality healthcare will be a birthright of every citizen. Where a good job is not a wish, but a reality. Where women receive equal pay and a living wage is paid to all. An america where after a lifetime of labor, there is time for rest and grandchildren. But no longer carries so much of that burden alone. I know we can create that america if we listen to our conscience and our hearts and not to the pundits and the naysayers. Im Bernie Sanders. I approve this message, back now with Chris Harrison. We have a sneak speakpeek of a special hes doing. The bachelor 20 a celebration of love. This is a sampling. How far along. You seem pregnant . Were about seven months. That was the summer. Im 29 weeks. Not too long after paradise. This happened fast. Yeah, this happened real fast. Oh. Okay, so im doing the math in my head. Werent we in mexico doing paradise about thth . Apparently, she was this paradise. It was in paradise or on the plane home. Oh, no, chris. This is a sampling of the shockers, 20 seasons. That is the metsz that has been my life for 15 years, right there. Can you believe it . No. An amazing run. An amazing celebration youll see sunday night, valentines day night. Does everybody come back . This big, happy, disysfunctional family. It all culminates in a wedding. I officiate. Are there more shocking moments . Shes not the only one thats pregnant. I think everybody at the wedding is pregnant. Something is working on the show. This sounds like a perfect way to spend your valentines day. Chris harrison, we love having you. Why do they put us together on television. I love you so much. The show is great. 20 seasons. We thank you. Its an honor to be around for 15 years. Hurry. Bachelor at 20, can you tellst friday . So glad we had this time together. Have great weekend, everybody. Happy valentines day. Heart, heart. Its friday. The number one selling music jewel of all time takes the stage this fall. Tickets go on sale today. Producer micah will get you ready for that and other hot acts coming to the valley. Holland oats and touring right now, go to new york, washington, all over the place, and they wrap up here in september in vegas. They might as well do the president ial primary. Thank you for joining us today. Happy valentines day weekend. Im dao dao vu. Lights, am a, action. If you love movies, why boulder city is the place to be this weekend. I dont blame the people in

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