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Boat was hit by a wave and tipped over, the hull was lifted so that the name of the leviathan two was clearly visible above the water line. Canadas transportatio n safety board said its investigation would continue, but its crew was leaving the scene on the Pacific Coast of vancouver island. Still, many Unanswered Questions remain. Five bodies werereecovered soon after the boat capsized. And the search for a sixth passenger, australian, 27yearold rav pillay is still underway. The federal Aviation Administration continues to investigate a boeing 767 that caughtire on the runway of Fort Lauderdalehollywood International Airport yesterday. Officials say dynamic aiaiflight 405 was s xiing on the runway and about to depart for venezuela when an engine went up in smoke. All 101 passengers and crew safely evacuated on emergency slides and were transported to a terminal. Rescue Officials Say 24 people were evaluated for injuries. Including 10 who were hospitalized. They say one person suffered a serious injury. The reconstructi on of interstate 2 2 through sioux city, has been in the works for more than a decade. Another segment of the project is about to be complete. Ktivs tiffany lane has the update. Schultz says the Biggest Issue is the closure of the wesley parkway northbound i29 onramp. That was originally set to reopen friday, but completion is pushed back to november. Another area under construction is the frontage roads between pierce street and floyd boulevard on the southbound side. Schultz says that could take another month and a half to complete. The area with the most work being done is on the southbound floyd river bridge project. The iowa dot plans to open the southbound lane by midnovember and move southbound trtrfic back over to the proper lanes so that the northbound work can begin. Northbound lane in the floyd river valley portion of the project could linger into mid 2016. The entire project is expecteded to be done at the end of 2019, or early 2020. A month ago, an effort got underway to get kids off the couch, and into a healthier and more active lifestyle. The united wayayoung Leaders Society had its first Sports Equipment drive yesterday and they say theyre pleased with the results. Members of the community donated toys and Sports Equipment to help benefit groups that serve the youth of t t community. Those involved with the effort were surprised by the number of donations and are excited about the difference they will make. We thought whats a way that we can keep kids healthy , keep kids active. The united way serves multiple agencies, several of thememerve the youth of the communini, so we thought lets reach t to them and see if theres stuff that they need, said young Leaders Society chairman, jeff florke. All this equipment is going to really help boost the do and really help us be able to get more kids involved, and help them learn teamwork, sportsmanship and how to live a healthy lifestyle, said boys club chief professional officer, eldon bensen. They say the drive was such a big susuess, the young Leaders Society believes it will only get bigger in years to come. The summer olympics are coming up next year and with it comes the opportunity for scammers to take your money. The story ofofwo sisters who learned d is lesson the hard w is coming up next. Ben and ill have your complete sunshine before clouds increase throughout the day. Showers will follow the clolos late this afternoon and spread across the tonight that will eventually move out and give way to some patchy fog by tomorrow morning. After that, its smooth sailing for halloweeeeweekend with highs returning to the 60s and eventually near 70 early next week before cool and Rainy Weather returns later on. See there are so many websites offering deals and tickets for the olympics in rio next summer. When two sisters booked a trip of a lifetime to the 2016 games, they were thrillll. Lynda baquero shows us what happened next. Fofor tickets to the ceremony. Then arranged for a place to stay through a different website, trip advisor. sot patricia moon, wants to go to the olympics and it had two bedrooms and a pool that we figure well we could at least use a pool if we werent on the ocean. The price for their rental home . sot patricia moon, wants to go to the ollmpics 3,400 dollars for the week and we had to give a deposit of 922 dollars. But after the home 7as booked, patricia and her sister expressed concerns about their Opening Ceremony tickets, which they bought on a separate site. sot patricia moon, wants to go to the olympics he sasa if you want your tickets guaranteed today, you have to send us a wire transfer. And thats when i really got scared and all the red flags came up. The sisters found out tickets for the ceremony had been sold out for some time. So they canceled their credit card. And then tried to get a refund for their lodging. Their Olympic Dreams dashed sot patricia moon, wants to go to the olympics so i called tripadvisor and they were very sorry to hear what i had gone through. But they were gonna keep 465 dollars because that was their fee for us using tripadvisor. After crying for two days, i said okay now were gonna plan for the next one bejing here we come. anchor tag to confirm booking, patricia had to pay a deposit on the property. And a fee to trip advisor. Tripadvisor offered to refund their fee and they reached out to the homeowner, who offered to credit the deposit toward a future booking. Tripadvisor points out that ncellation tetems are set y the homeowner, and in patriciass case, were labeled super strict, something she had to agree to before any ayment is made. And for anything olympic related, start with the official ioc, or International Olympic committee, website to make sure you get authorized information. That was lynda baquero. If youre lookinnfor ticktes too the olylypics, make sure you start with the official ioc, or International Olympic committee, website to make sure you get authorized information. Its time for a break. But we studio with us this morning. Master pumpkin carver Luke Schroder is here. Well meet him and check out how he creates his pumpkin masterpiecec for tomorrow is halloween and pumpkins a a jacko lanterns are grinning from front porches all around siouxland. And while most of us cut triangles for eyes, and a slit for a mouth, one siouxland pumpmpn carver is quite creative when it comes to pumpkin carving. Here to show us how he does it is master carver Luke Schroder. Luke, thanks for being here. How long have you been doing this . Where did you learn this, what inspired you . Whats your favorite thing to cae . Scary stuff . Where does your inspiration comom talent from your day job, as a tattoo artist . Donate a lot of them . Put on show, carve, auction off. Sell . Political candidates . Why do you like doing it . How long do they last . How long does it take to carve . Special pumpkins. The perfect pumpkin canvas . Bebesays things are warming up for our weekend and our halloween holiday. Hes got the details in his forecast after the break. Also. Battling Breast Cancer. One siouxland woman shares her struggles with the disease and wx timer 1 30 frigid note with Early Morning temperatures in the 20s and 30s with some sunshine before clouds increase throughout the day. Showers will follow the clouds late this afternoon and spread across the viewing area tonight that will eventually move out and give way to ome patchy fog by tomorrow morning. After that, its smooth sailing for halloween weekend with highs returning to the 60s and eventually near 70 early next week before cool and Rainy Weather returns later on. See you have cancer. Three words no one wants to faced with that diagnosis, lori warner decided to do what she could to stay cancer free. Ktivs Sheila Brummer shares her story of her battle with Breast Cancer. Cancer. Or 3 41 there are so many choices and when youre in that frame of mind that t ure just learning you have Breast Cancer, its overwelming. Lori weighed those choices. Doctors could just remove the tumor. 3 01 i had an aunt that had Breast Cancer. So, it was already in our family the possibily and, the popoibility of it coming back i heard so many stories. Lori chose a double mastectomy. 10 35 she could have been a candidate for breast conservation. She chose not only to have a mastectomy but have the other breast done as well. That is a personal decision and sometimes women can find that empowering to say im going to take care of the other side and have it not reoccur, said dr. Adnan qalbani as lori tried to slow her life down, the worry rushed through her head. 5 25 the chemo, realizing i was going to lose my hair, im a public figure and i need to be in front of peopop so hairs a big thhg. Its really a part of you. It helps define when people look at you. Lori continued to work through her treatments. She appeared in news stories, stretching out her treatments so the doses wouldnt be too strong. A year after surgery, lori, now 51yearsoo, went in for another routine check, a colonoscy. Doctors discovered a cancerous tumor. 9 32 i was v ry lucky because 97 of my colon was blocked. And, i had no idea. And, they took 18 lori received a good prognosis. Doctors caught her colon cancer early. Two cancers creating a new path for this pink haired survivor. 10 53 i believe it taught me a litle bit about slowing down because i go, go, go all of the time and dont Pay Attention to the little things. Now, lori has a new goal for herself and others who face a deadly disease. 10 34 i truly believe god has a plan for me. that was ktivs Sheila Brummer reporting. Lori still needs one more breast reconstructi on surgery. But, her prognosis looks good, and shes th was ktivs sheila bmmer reporting. Lori still needs one on surgery. But, her prognosis looks good, and shes cancer free. s. Time for a break. But were back in just a moment with more news and weather for you on news4 today. First though. Heres a look at good morning and welcome back to news 4 today. Coming up in this half hour. Republicans arent v vy happy with the way the debate went on wednesday night. Convince everyone that his campaign is not over. Well have the latest from the Campaign Trial in just a minute. And the senate was in session into the Early Morning hours voting on a bipartisan budget bill. And the president and first lady are getting the white house ready for some special trickor treaters. We have our own special weatherman. Ben dorenbones. Republicans are looking at debate format changes after this weeks clash with cnbc moderators. And jeb bush insists his campaign is not over. Tracie potts is in washington this morning with the latests on politics. Republicans, she cant get a break sot Hillary Clinton 58 whenever i actually have a job, the republicans say really nice things about me. Whenever im running for a job, oh my goodness you know they line up. The New York Times suggests Chris Christie drop out. Christies reponse hes not a subscriber. And hee staying ii the race. Im tracie e otts in congessman paul ryan of wisconsin was elected the 54th speaker of the house yesterday on capitol hill. Ryan needed 218 votes to assume the speakership and received 236. Placing him second in line for the presidency. In a traditional rite of passage, House Minority leader nancy pelosi handed over the speakers gavel to ryan, after former Speaker John Boehner left the podium. During his first address as speaker, ryan appealed to house members to come together and called for a greater degree of respect among the parties. Ryan has servevein congress for 17 years, and d 45, is the youngest speaker of the house since 1869. Early this morning to approve a bipartisan twoyear budget deal intended to end years of gridlock and frequent threats of government shutdowns. The bipartisan budget act of 2015 extends the nations debt limit through 2017 and also sets spending levels through september of that year. The bipartisan agreement also includes longterm entitlement reforms to the Social Security Disability Insurance program. The first major reform to Social Security since 1983. The bill drew criticism from the majority of republicans for giving up too much to democrats. Kentucky senator rand paul publicly gave three separate speeches totaling just over 1 hour and 2222inutes on the senate floor. The bill will now head to president barack obama, who is expected to sign the agreement. Secretary of state john kerry and senior diplomats from almost 20 other countries arrived in vienna yesterday in advance of syrian peace talks. Ahead of the largescale negotiations, kerry met for discussions with his diplomatic counterparts from russia, saudi arabia and turkey. The broad group of nations is looking for a plan that might convince syrias government and western backed rebels to agree to a natial ceasefire and start a process of political transition. Bitter foes iran and saudi arabia will be sitting at one table along with their powerful partners, russia and the united states. The us is sticking to its demand that syrian president Bashar Al Assad leave power. The peace talks will include assads main ally iran for the first time. Goveveor Pete Ricketts says he will disclose all of his personal, outofstate trips and is working with the Nebraska State Patrol to improve tracking of his securiri details overtime expenses. Ricketts announced the changes in response toto news that the patrols overtime expenses have risen in recent months. That coincided with the governors trade missions to europe and asia, promotional trips to different parts of country, and personal travel to attend chicago cubs games. Ricketts says he believes many of the trips helped promote the state, and he notes that past governors have also taken outofstate trips for personal reasons. Ricketts is preparing a new push to lower income and properer taxes in next years session. Ricketts argues that the state cant compete with its peers. He says he expects a lot of discussion in the unicameral about the states income tax, which is an issue that has taken a backseat to property tax reform. The white house is preparing to host the annual halloween trickortreat for military families today. The president and first lady will pass out candy to local children of service members. With spectacular spooky decorations and plenty of goodies. The event is sure to set the bar high for trickor treating across the country. Star wars is dominating the Halloween Costume craze. Data released by worldwide ecommerce provider r i systems finds consumers have conducted twice as many searches for star warsrelated costumes than frozen characters. Which were last years most searched costumes. According to the data, this years top five most searched moviethemed costumes have been. Star wars, followed by minions, frozen, marvel universe and maleficent. The National Retail federation has forecast that 68 million americans will dress in costume this year. Also. Dont forget to stick around for the today show. Every year, matt, savannah, al, natalie and the rest of the today show crew gogoll out for their Halloween Costumeses theyll be revealing them later this morning. And if you miss it, you can follow them on the facebook and twitter and use the hash tag, halloween today and the handle at today show. Theres a new device called air glasses and investors are claiming the device can save lives. Thats up next in healthbeat four. A new device called air glasses do more than help you read a book the inventors insist they will save lives. Liz bryant talks to the brains behind the lens. Off her to check a chart. sot keri hill, pretend patient it is a little strange, if youre watching it on the screen, hes like touching mymyose or my eye haha joe kiani, founder of masimo, stumbled across airglasses and he said, i must take part. sot joe kiani, founder of masimo weve had l le 200 people everytime weve done the demo. The feedback were getting, i dont think well have to work too hard at it. I think theyre ready for it kiani created the medical software used inside the glasses and teamed up with the inventor. sot soulaiman hani, inventor of airglasses you know when the doctor touches a tablet or keyboarar thats very dangerous because many people have touched that keyboard. Just taking that and putting it into the air, saves lives. That was liz bryant reporting. Your farm markets are coming up next. Plus. A phone screen that wont break when you drop it. Well have the details after the egg production in south dakota continues to suffer as the states largest producer works to recover from last springgoutbreak of the bird flu virus. The u. S. Department of ag says chickens in south dakota produced 36 million eggs in september. Thats down from 65 million in september 2014. There were about 1. 6 million egglayiyi birds in the state last month, compared to 2. 6 stoc closed slightly lower yesterday after the u. S. Government said Economic Growth slowed more than expected in the summer. The dow slipped nearly 24 points to 17,755. The nasdaq gave up 21 and the s p fell one point. Motorola has released a phone that hopes to fix a problem weve all worried about. A shattered screen. Motorola releases the first smartphone with a shatterproof reen. The droid turbo two went on sale yesterday. The phone features a 5. 4 inch screen that the Company Claims can tough out drops and tumbles even on concrete. If the phone does shatter within the first year, the company says itll replace it one time for free. The phone also features a battery the company says can last two days. When we come back, well run down some ofofodays top headlilis in siouxland. Also. Celebrities. See how the stars drs up and in some cases survive the scary celebrations. And well see how our master pumpkin carver Luke Schroder is doing in studio b. Hes working on one e his awesome pieces for wx timer 45 well start friday off on a frigid note with Early Morning temperatures in the 20s and 30s with some sunshine before clouds increase throughout the day. Showers will follow the clouds late this afternoon and spread across the viewing area tonight that will eventually move out and give way to some patchy fog by tomorrow morning. After that, its smooth sailing for halloween weekend with highs returning to the 60s and eventually near 70 early next week before cool and Rainy Weather returns later on. See graphics. Another segment of the i29 reconstructi on project in sioux city is nearing completion. That tops this morning. Work on the southbound lanes near Sergeant Bluff is set to wrap up around thanksgiving. Its a milestone for planners, who say the interstate is starting to look like what they envisioned decades ago. The area with the most work being done now is the floyoy river bridge replacement in the southbound lanes. Its a major project and theres still a long road ahead. Construction began in august 2008 and theres still at least four more years to go. South dakota egg production continues to lag behind average as the states largest producer works to recover from last springs deadly bird flu outbreak. The u. S. Department of agriculture says chickens in south dakota produced 36 million egeg in september. Thats down from 6million in the same month a year earlier. There were about 1. 6 million egglaying birds in south dakota last month, compared to 2. 6 million at the same time last year. Organizers of a push to get kids off the couch and into a healthier, more active lifestyle say y theyre pleasantly surprised with the reslts. The united way young Leaders Society held its first Sports Equipment drive thursday. Siouxlanders donated items that youth. Those behind the drive say theyre surprised by just how say this will make a big kids served by agencies of the united way. Halllleen is a favorite wiwi celebs. Theres the overthetop costumes and big parties. But some alisters are just trying to survive the spooky celebration. Mary moloney has more in todays hollywood minute. A little dramatic. Lilly lilly lilly screaming to get in the halloween spirit ellen sent Eric Stonestreet to a Haunted House to see if his inner cam would come out. nats spoiler alert it did and hes scared. Its like a choir of zombies nats our brand is crisis star Sandra Bullock seemed scared by a costume choice. She tells jimmy fallon she had to stand up to her five year old son after he picked out her getup. Sandra Bullock actre ss he chose slutty bat girl as i it was like the most inappropriate. He goes mama you has to wear this and i went no mama doesnt has to. Taylor swift instagrammed this halloween throwback dressed as a teletubby. And amy schumer remembers being a witch. She tweeted dressing as myself. For hollywood minute im mary moloney. If you missed it the first hour of news 4 today, we have a special guest in the studio, master pumpkin carver Luke Schroder. Hes been working on one of his pieces this morning. How long have you been doing this . Where did you learn this, what inspired you . Whats your favorite thing to carve . Scary stuff . Where does your inspiration come from . Talent from your day job, as a tattoo artist . Donate a lot of them . Put on show, carve, auction off. Sell . Political candidates . Why do you like doing it . How long do they last . How long does it take to carve . Special pumpkins. The perfect pumpkin canvas . How many have you made . Its. Time for a break. How many have you made . Its. Time for a break. But weve got a lot more to come on this friday morning. Including an update on the 6 day manhunt for a suspected cop shooter in tennessee and well answer some of your legal questions in this weeks law review. Also. Battling Breast Cancer. One siouxland woman shares her struggles with the disease and how she chose to reduce e r risk good morning. Thanks for joining us on this friday october 30th. Weve got a lot heading your way in this half hour of news 4 today. Including an update on the manhunt in tennessee and kentucky. After a six day manhunt and stand off with police. The man suspecteteof shooting at two officers is dead. More on the evolving situation coming up. Also. More orange cones, construction zones, and lane closures in our future. The decadedeong i29 reconstruction project could take a few more years before traffic is flowing freely again. So whats holding up the road work . And later. Well hear from one siouxland woman who is battling Breast Cancer and her decision to keep it from coming and we have a special guest in the studio this morning. Well check out the artistic talents of Luke Schroder and his pumpkin carving skills. But first, heres ben. Shooter who had been on the run for six days is dead this morning. Authorities shot and killed floyd cook this morning after spottingngim in a rural part of burkesvivie, kentucky. They were led to the area after a Cumberland County homeowner said cook approached their home asking for a ride. They said no and called police who then surrounded the area. , on sunday cook allegedly shot a Police Officer in algood, tennessee before firing at another officer after being pulled over for a traffic stop in kentucky two kentucky state troopers and one us marshal encountered cook wo had been laying over an embankment. He brandished a gun. He did have one and shots were exchanged and cook sustained wounds that actually lead to his death, says trooper Billy Gregory with the kentucky state police. State trooper gregory also said there is a feeling of relief that the whole situation is finally over and that the community is safer now because they found the shooter. The canadian whale watch boat that capsized on sunday was raised yesterday. Boat was hit by a wave and tipped over, the hull was lifted so that the name of the leviathan o was clearly visible above the water line. Canadas transportatio n safety board said its investigation would continue, but its crew was leaving the scene on the Pacific Coast of vancouver island. Still, many Unanswered Questions remain. Five bodies s re recovered soon after the boat capsized. And the search for a sixth passenger, australian, 27yearold rav pillay is still underway. The federal Aviation Administration continues to investigate a boeing 767 that caught fire ononhe runway of Fort Lauderdalehollywood International Airport yesterday. Officials say dynamic air flight 405 was taxiing on the runway and about to depart for venezuela when an engine went up in smoke. Alal101 passengers and c cw safely evacuated on emergency slides terminal. Rescue Officials Say 24 people were evaluated for injuries. Hospitalized. They say one person suffered a seseous injuju. The reconstructi on of interstate 29, through sioux city, has been in the works for more than a decade. Another segment of the project is about to be complete. Ktivs tiffany lane has the update. Actually now that this work is starting to move solidly through the downtown, there will be more winter work to come. Not just this winter but in future winters as well. Segment two, the downtown portion of the oject is also underwrw. Schuhuz says the Biggest Issue is the closure of the wesley parkway northbound i29 onramp. That was originally set to reopen friday, but completion is pushed back to november. Another area under construction is the frontage roads between pierce street and floyd boulevard on the southbound side. Schultz says that could takee another month and a half to complete. The area with the most work being done is on the southbound floyd river bridge project. The iowa dot plans to open the southbound lane by midnovember and move southbound traffic back over to the proper lanes so that the northbound work can begin. Schultz says the work on the northbound lane in the floyd river valley portion of the project could linger into mid 2016. The entire project is expected to be done at the end of 2019, or early 2020. A month ago, an effort got underway to get kids off the couch, and into a healthier and more active lifestyle. The united way young Leaders Society had its first Sports Equipment drive yesterday and they say theyre pleased with the resultlt members of the community donated toys, and Sports Equipment, to help benefit groups that serve the youth of the community. Those involved with the effort were surprised by the number of donations and are excited about the difference they will make. We thought whats a way that we can keep kids hehethy , keep kids active. The united way serves multiple agencies, several of them serve the youth of the community, so we thought lets reach out to them and see if theres studff that they need, said young Leaders Society chairman, jeff florke. All this equipment is going to really help boost the programs that we do and really help us be able to get more kids involved, and help them learn teamwork, sportsmanship and d w to live a healthy lifestyle, said boys cb chief ofessional officer, eldon bensen. Members of the young Leaders Society say the drive was such a big success, they believe it will only get bigger in years to come. One siouxland woman took action when doctors gave her a shocking diagnosis. Her choice to try and reduce her risk of the disease coming back and ill have youruromplete forecast next wx timer 2 15 well start friday off on a frigid note with earl morning temperatures in the 20s and 30s with some sunshine before clouds increase throughout the day. Showers will follow the clouds late this afternoon and spread across the viewing area tonight that will eventually move out and give way to some patchy fog by tomorrow morning. After that, its smooth sailing for halloween weekend with highs returrng to the 60s and entually near 70 early next week before cool and rainy graphics. Ever wonder whether you can be you dont live in, or do business in . The answer is, you can. Personal jurisdiction is the this week with ktivs matt breen. Staff and employees work virtual or not , to whom you send or receive calls, where you wire money and where you send Text Messages and emails, goosmann said. All these things can increase the chances of your business being hauled to an out ofstate courthouse. If a business doesnt have a location, employees, or money ii a state, can they still be sued in that state . Yes, fr example, even if you have never been to arizona, never owned any land in arizona, and never had any employees stationed in arizona, it does not necessarily mean you can avoid being sued there, goosmann said. How can a company avoid a lawsuit in another state their business isnt active in . Talk to an attorney today about personal jurisdiction and ways to avoid a lawsuit out of state, oosmann said. There are many factctrs that an attorney an help walkk you through so your business doesnt endup in another when a doctor tells you that you have cancer, its devastating. Faced with that diagnosis, lori warner decided to do what she could to stay cancer free. Ktivs Sheila Brummer shares her story of h h battle with Breast Cancer. A mammogram uncovered a tumor in loris breast. Early detection caught stage one cancer. Or 3 41 there are so many choices and when youre in that frame of mind that youre just learning you have Breast Cancer, its overwelming. Lori weighed those choices. Doctors could just remove the tumor. 3 01 i had an aunt that had Breast Cancer. So, it was already in our family the possibily and, the possibility of it coming back i heard so many stories. Lori chose a double mastectomy. 10 35 she could have been a candidate for breast conservation. She chose not only to have a mastectomy but have the other brea done as well. That is a personal decision and sometimes women can find that empowering to say im going to take care of the other side and have it not reoccur, said dr. Adnan qalbani as lori trieieto slow her life down, the worry rushed through her head. 5 25 the chemo, realizing i was going to lose my hair, im a public figure and i need to be in front of people so hairs a big thing. Its really a part of you. It helps define when people look at you. Lori continued to work through her treatments. She appeared in news stories, stretching out her treatments so the doses wouldnt be too strong. A year after surgery, lori, now check, a colonoscopy. Doctors discovered a cancerous tumor. 9 32 i was very lucky because 97 of my colon was blocked. And, i had no idea. And, they took 18 inches of my colon out. Lori received a good prognosis. Doctors caught her colon cancer early. Two cancers creating a new path for this pink haired survivor. 10 53 i believe it taught me a litle bit about slowing down because i go, go, go all of the time and dont Pay Attention to the little things. Now, lori has a new goal for herself and others who face a deadly disease. 10 34 i truly believe god has a plan for me. that was ktivs Sheila Brummer reporting. Lori still needs one more breast reconstrucuc on surgery. But, her prognosis looks good, that was ktivs Sheila Brummer reporting. Lori still needs one more breast reconstructi on surgery. But, her prognosis looks good, and shee cancer free. Nebraska football playoffs started yesterday. There were first round games for class d1, d2, and 8man teams. Well show you some of the highlights, coming up next on if you think we can grow our economy while ignoring climate change, think again. Americas most Innovative Companies are already moving to clean energy using existing technology to improve their bottom line. Now we need a plan to help businesses and families acrcrs america to save money on electricity and create millions of new jobs. So, what are we waiting for . The football playoffs are underway in nebraska. Ktivs brad pautsch has more in the sports fource morning wrap. Least ten points. Creighton opening up the playoffs at home against 35 fullerton. The bulldogs ranked fourth in the state, entering the postseason. First offensive play of the game for them rook baller running g hard hits the hole outside and is gone for the games first score its 80. Just about three minutes later ryan neumann and Brandon Borgmann hook up he slips his up 160 puts a pair of touchdowns on the one nearly untouched here. And then on this one weaving his way in and out of defenders rolls led 480 at the half and creighton stays perfect, 66nothing. In class d2, 62 randolph, under brock. Second quarter its 2414 randolph drew loberg builds that lead with a 50 yard touchdown run. Cardinals with a 16point advantage. Its 3014 and right before the half loberg makes a hard cut to go back upfield for a another score cardinals led 3820 at half. Johnsonbrock hung around Third Quarter this fake punt and throw is g gng to be tipped into william speckmaans hands 3826 now. But the cardinals stay composed mason stubbs from 10yards out nice spin move to score. Randolph handles johnsonbbck 7633. Other winners are bloomfmfld, clearwater orchard, elgin pope john, guardian angels, lighoakdale, wynot and yankton. The nebraska a c playoffs start today. Well have action at 6 and 10. For more go to ktiv. Com. Im brad pautsch with the sports fource morning wrap. Coming up after the break. Coming up after the break. Well check out how master pumpkin carver Luke Schroder is doing in studio b. Hehe hard at work on a a ecial piece for halloween. Thank you, rockstars. For the hustle. For understanding time is money. Thank you for working freaky fast to save our customers precious minutes every day. Hours every year. Time they can use to chase their dreams, tomorrow is halloween and pumpkins and jacko tomorrow is halloween and pumpkins and jacko lanterns are grinning from front porches all around siouxland. And while most of us cut triangles for eyes, and a slit for a mouth, one siouxland pumpkin carver is quite creative when it comes to pumpkin carving. Here to show us how he does it is master carver Luke Schroder. Luke, thanksksor being here. How long have you been doing this . Where did you learn this, what inspired you . Whats your favorite thing to carve . Scary stuff . Where does your inspiration come from . Talent from your day job, as a tattoo artist . Donate a lot of them . Put on show, carve, auction off. Sell . Political l ndidates . Why do youike doing it . How long do they last . How long does it take to carve . Special pumpkins. The perfect pumpkin canvas . How many have you made . Its. Were back with our fourth half hour of news 4 today. First though. Heres a look at some of the events on the ktivdotcom community calendar. Good morning and welcome back to news 4 today. Coming up in this half hour. Republicans arent very happy with the way the debate went on wednesday night. And jeb bush is trying to convince everyone that his campaign is still not over. Well have the latest on the Campaign Trial from washington this morning. And the senate was in session into the Early Morning hours voting on a bipartisan budget bill. And the president and first lady are getting the white house ready for some special trickor treaters. We have our own special weatherman. Ben dorenbones. Afternoon and spread across the viewing area tonight that will eventually move out and give way to some patchy fog by tomorrow momoing. After that, its smooth sailing for hallowowen weekend with highs returning to the 60s and eventtlly near 70 early nexx week before cool and Rainy Weather returns later on. See graphics. Republicans are looking at debate format changes after this weeks clash with cnbc moderators. And jeb bush insists his campaign is not over. Tracie potts is in washington this morning with the latests on politics. 04 the end is not near, memo to file, life is good. Jeb bush insists his campaign is not on life support his brother the former president showed up a a a fundraiser amid reports that donors are defecting. Bush rejects claims that his debate performance was weak sot jeb bush r president ial candidate 17 20 it is not a sign of strength by having the loudest volume in the room. The Republican Party is pushing for format changes at the next debate more exchanges between candidates, fewer clashes with the moderators. sot dr. Ben carson r president ial candidate 29 36 what its turned into is a gotcha. thats silly and thats not really helpful for anybody. Donald trump suggests maybe the moderators should be republican. sot donald trump r president ial candidate 40 44 why should we have these people that hate everything that we stand for . On the other side, Hillary Clinton says with republicans, she cant get a break sot Hillary Clinton d president ial candidate 49 58 whenever i actually have a job, the republicans say really nice things about me. Whenever im running for a job, oh my goodness you know they line up. The New York Times suggests Chris Christie drop out. Christies reponse hes not a subscriberr and hes staying in the race. Itracie potts in congressman paul ryan of wisconsin was elected the 54th speaker of the house yesterday on capitol hill. Ryan needed 218 votes to assume the speakership and received 236. Placing him second in line for the presidency. In a tradititial rite of passage, House Minority leader speakers gavel to ryan, ter former Speaker John Boehner left the podium. During his first address as to house members to come together and called for a greater degree of respect t among the e rties. Ryan has served i icongress for 17 years, and at 45, is the youngest speaker of the house since 1869. The u. S. Senate voted 6435 early this morning to approve a bipartisan twoyear budget deal intended to end years of gridlock and f fquent threats of government shutdowns. The bipartisan budget act of 2015 extends the nations debt limit through 2017 and also sets spending levels through september of that year. The bipartisan agreement also includes longterm entitlement reforms to the Social Security disability insurarae program. The first major r form to Social Security since 1983. The bill drew criticism from the majority of republicans for giving up too much to democrats. Kentucky senator rand paul publicly gave three separate speeches totaling just over 1 hour and 22 minutes on e senate floor. The bill will w head to president barack obama, who is expected to sign the agreement. Secretary of state john kerry and senior diplomats from almost 20 other countries arrived in vienna yesterday in syrian peace talks. Ahead of the largescale negotiations, kerry met for discussions with his diplomatic cocoterparts from russia, saudi arabia and turury. The broad group of nations is looking for a plan that might convince syrias government and western backed rebels to agree to a National Ceasefire and start a process of political transition. Bitter foes iran and saudi arabia will be sitting at one table e ong with their powerful partners, russia and the united states. The us is sticking to its demand that syrian president Bashar Al Assad leave power. The peace talks will include assads main ally iran for the first time. The white house is preparing to host the annual halloween trickortreat for military families today. The president and firsrslady will pass out candy to local children of service members. With spectacular spooky decorations and plenty of goodies. The event is sure to set the bar high for trickor treating across the country. Star wars is domomating the Halloween Costume craze. Data released by worldwide ecommerce provider sli systems finds consumers have conducted twice as many searches for star warsrelated costumes than frozen characters. Which were last years most searched costumes. According to the data, this years top five most seared moviethemed costumes by minions, frozen, marvel universe and maleficent. The National Retail federation has forecast that 68 million americans will dress in costume this year. Also. Dont forget to stick around for the today show. Every year, matt, savannah, al, natalie and the rest of the today show crew go all out for their Halloween Costumes. Theyll be revealing them later this morning. And if you miss it, you can follow them on thehe facebook a a twitter and use the hash tag, halloween today and the handle at today show. Pic of the day is up next. And rock and roll meets the munsters. After one tv network puts the old sitcom to a rock opera. And ill have your complete forecast next welcome to subway, what can i make for you . Youll love our new rotisseriestyle chicken. 100 white meat, herbseasoned pulled chicken, fresh toasted with melty cheese n crisp veggies on freshly baked bread. Enjoy it while i is here in the 20s and 30s with some sunshine before clouds increase throughout the day. Showers will follow the clouds late this afternoon and spread across the viewing area tonight that will eventually move out and give way to some patchy fog by tomorrow morning. After that, its smooth sailing for halloween weekend with highs returning to the 60s and eventually near 70 early next week before cool and Rainy Weather returns later on. And check out some cute babies. Literally geting into the halloween spirit. Randi loehr sent this one to us. This is 11 month old olive on her 1st halloween. And this is hudsons first halloween also. Happy as can be hanging out in a pumpkin. Jordan kessel posted this one to our facebook page. To see your photo on pic of the day, you can email it to us at ktivnews ktiv. Com or you can post it to our facebook page. Check out todays whats trending. Its not unusual for tv networks to run marathons of the old 60s sitcom the munsters around halloween. But the Cozi Tv Network decided to give it an autotune twist. The entire episode. A man for marilyn has been autotuned. Incorporating five all new songs into the original, black and white footage. The episode airs at 8pm saturday night on cozi tv. Were back after the break with a funny clip from jimmy fallon and todays celebrity birthdays. Weve also got our birthday siouxland 4 year olds. If you didnt stay up last night for jimmy fallon. Heres what you missed. And demi lovato. Y y can catch the tonight show with jimmy fafaon right here on ktiv at 10 35 after news 4. Friday sarah ivanka trump is 34 al actor Matthew Morrison is 37 sarah comedian ben bailey is 45 al rock singer musician Gavin Rossdale bush is 50 sarah actor kevin pollak is 58 al actor harry hamlin is 64 sarah broadcast journalist Andrea Mitchell is 69 al actor Henry Winkler is 70 sarah rhythmand blues singer Otis Williams the temptations is 74 al rock singer grace our first 4 on 4 birthday of the week is william. He turned 4 on sunday, october 25th. Loveseso play with his carsrs drive his tractoto and ride his Harley Davidson motorcycle. From. Hubbard, nebraska, we have tenley. Tenley celebrated her 4th birthday on tuesday, october 27th. She loves to ride her gator outside and play with her babies. She also enjoys going to her grandparents house. Another tuesday, october 27th birthday. This is isaac. Hes from le mars, iowa. Isaac enjoys playing with his sisters and being outside. Celebrating a tuesday, october 27th birthday is benny. Hes from sioux city. Benny loves the iowa hawkeyes and the chicago cubs. He spends his time playing super heros, ninja turtles, and his fafaly says he has some sweet ninja moves of up next. Is finn. Hes from dakota dunes, south dakota. He too turned 4 on tuesday,y,ctober 27th. Finn loves ninjasas skateboarding , swimming, and chocolate. And our st 4 on 4 birthday of the week is sofia. She celebrated her 4th birthday on thursday, october 29th. Sofia is from sioux center, iowa. She loves making art projects, being outside, riding her bike, and going to practices and games with her dad. Do you have a siouxland kid celebrating a fourth birthday . Send us their picture about a week ahead of time, some fun facts about them and well put it on friday 4 on 4s. Viewing area tonight that will eventually move out and give way to some patchy fog by tomorrow morning. After that, its smooth sailing for halloween weekend with highs returning to the 60s and eventually near 70 early next week before cool and rainy weatter returns later on. See graphics. Were wrapping things up on this friday morning. When we come back, well run down some of the stories making top headlines in siouxuxnd. Plusus. Well reveal our r Halloween Costumes here at news 4 today and well head back into studio b to check in one last time with another segment t the i29 reconstructi on project in sioux city is nearing completion. That tops our siouxland News Headlines this morning. Work on the southbound lanes near Sergeant Bluff is set to wrap up around thanksgiving. Its a milestone for planners, who say the interstate is starting to look like what they envisioned decades ago. The area with the most work being done now is the floyd southbound lanes. Its a major project and theres still a long road ahead. Construction began in august 2008 and theres still at least four more years to go. Organizers of a push to get kids off the couch and into a healthier, more active lifestyle say theyre pleaeantly surprised with the reslts. The unitededay young Leaders Society held its first Sports Equipment drive on thursday. Siouxlanders donated items that will go to groups that serve youth. Those behind the drive say theyre surprised by just how many donations they got. They say this will make a big difference in the lives of kids served by agencies of the unitededay. Guthrie good morning. Coming up, an nbc news exclusive. The mother of the victim in that sex assault case at an elite prep school. Speaks out for the first time. Also ahead. A controversial suspension. Dividing a community. Well hear from a High School Football coach, who was just placed on administrative leave. For praying on the field. And, its the morning we countdown to all year. Were getting ready for r halloween extravaganza on the plaza. Tt crowd is dressed up. Our coststes are ready. What will we be . . Dont miss the b b reveal. When we see you, here on today. Weve been promising all morning that we will be the enenof the show. And dont forget, the today show revealing their costumes later today from the plaza in new york in just a little bit so stay tuned for that. And we want to thank master pumpkin carver Luke Schroder for being g re. Good morning. A dangerous fugitive wanted for opening fire on an officer in tennessee killed in a shootout with police. Atat massiveve week long manhunt now over. Were there live. Nbc news exclusive. The mother of the victim in that Sexual Assault case at a New Hampshire prep school speakut for the first time. Its been excruciating for her, but she wanted to do what was right. As o on labrie is sentenced to one year in prison and a lifetime as a registered sex offender. Grand old problems, republican candidates planning to meet about changing how future debates are organized as jeb bush tries to fight his way back despite reports that his campaign is nearing a state of collapse. Are you having any fun . Oh, yeah. You saw t. Having lots of fun. And costume party. Weve done scary munsters, been there, done that on star wars and even saturday night live. So what will it be there war . Weve drawn all our resources together for a reveal to remember today, friday, october 30th, 2015. Announcer from nbc news, this is today with matt lauer and Savannah Guthrie live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. And good morning. Woman to today on a friday morning, a day before the actual halloween, but halloween for our purposes, the day that my kids call me and go really, dad, ive t to go too school a a deall with the fallout from this. Our last name is lauer, too, dad. Only half an hour more to keep this secret without blurting it out. I hope i can do it. A lot of fun and lots to talk about starting with our top story. Deadly end overnight for a manhunt for a dangerous fugitive. Theeuspect on the run for near y week after he allegedlyly shot a Police Office he was killed in a shootout in kentucky. Nbcs Gabe Gutierrez has that story. Gabe, good morning to you

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