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Transcripts for KSUT 91.3 FM [Southern Ute Tribal Radio] KSUT 91.3 FM [Southern Ute Tribal Radio] 20191119 100000 :
Transcripts for KSUT 91.3 FM [Southern Ute Tribal Radio] KSUT 91.3 FM [Southern Ute Tribal Radio] 20191119 100000
Hello I'm Tanya yet Scott with the b.b.c. News 2 foreign hostages held by Taliban militants for more than 3 is have been freed as part of a prisoner exchange agreed with the Afghan government the release of the American Kevin King and Australian Timothy weeks came after the Taliban confirmed that 3 of its senior commanders had landed in Cata after they were freed in Kabul Electra Naysmith reports officials said Kevin King in Timothy weeks released 2 American forces by the Taliban in southern province the past professors at the American University in Kabul were kidnapped at gunpoint 3 years ago the exchange with 3 of the Taliban's senior commanders is being seen as an important step in paving the way for talks between the militant group and the Afghan government previously a red line for president Ashraf Ghani and something the Taliban have always refused to do the Palestinians have condemned a declaration by the United States that it no longer regards Israeli settlements in the West Bank as illegal the chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said the move threaten to replace international rules with the law of the jungle. Or reports from Jerusalem the decision is consistent with the Trump administration's approach to the Israeli Palestinian conflict which has strongly favored Israel and the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu praised it as an historic achievement it could give him a boost as he struggles to stay in power after 2 inconclusive elections although his opponent Benny Gantz also welcomed the move Palestinian officials denounced it as a dangerous violation of international law that threatened prospects of peace Palestinian militant groups also weighed in calling it the official funeral of the Oslo peace process and urging stepped up resistance to the Israeli occupation the United States and South Korea have abruptly broken off talks on the cost of stationing American troops on the peninsula there are reports that Washington is demanding a huge increase in payments low Rebecca says. There are fears that this red disagreements could eventually lead to a total u.s. Withdrawal as these talks continue to prove I slightly case there are fears within certainly conservative ranks inside Korea that the United States will start to think about pulling trips Donald Trump has said in the past that he believes that it's too costly having troops here and has hinted in the past that perhaps it's time to rethink the strategy of basing 28500 troops in South Korea however we understand from the Ford administration that was not discussed today I'm just a day up to 200 protesters a still thought to be barricaded inside Hong Kong's Polytechnic University which has been under siege by the police since Sunday the territories leader can rely on has remaining to surrender 600 activists many of them exhausted or injured have already given themselves up 212 under 18 World News on the b.b.c. . The Lebanese parliament has postponed a session to discuss a controversial amnesty law which critics say could have allowed corrupt officials to evade justice a statement said a quorum hadn't been really reached anti-government protesters have blocked roads near the parliament building in an attempt to prevent the session from going ahead banks have reopened for the fast time in a week. Reports from Malta say a suspected money launderer arrested last week has asked for a pardon in exchange for information about who ordered the murder of the investigative journalist def make our want to get Sia Montes media say it's thought the suspect put the person who commissioned the murder in touch with her killer as the skillets yet had been investigating alleged high level corruption before her murder in 2017. University students in the Kenyan capital Nairobi have launched a campaign to End Sexual harassment in the country's high a learning institutions a recent survey in Nairobi by the campaign group Action Aid suggests that half of all female students and a quarter of all male students have experienced a form of sexual harassment from a staff member at a university or college under the hash tag campus me 2 students are gathering signatures for a petition that will be handed to the Education Ministry. The broadcaster and conservationist said David Attenborough has been awarded a prize for the most significant contribution to the improvement of international relations last year it recognises the important role of the television series blue planet in highlighting damage to marine life caused by plastic pollution the award also recognize the passionate global response provoked by the series said David welcome this people in or parts of society are aware of what's happening so in a way into a bit of a litmus test to see whether in fact because the repopulation care about this one thing and people do and I think I think it's it's very encouraging the conservationists to David Attenborough b.b.c. News. Hello this is Dan Damon with weld update from the b.b.c. In London thanks for listening to the b.b.c. World Service the international legal argument about Israeli withdrawal from land they occupied during fighting with Arabs has continued at least since 967 when United Nations Resolution 242 called for Israeli withdrawal from territories in the French language version the territories which Israel interpreted as at most a partial withdrawal of their control but which the Palestinians and other Arab governments said was a demand for full withdrawal Well the reality as you know has been the building of settlements on the West Bank and on Gaza or until Ariel Sharon for settlers to leave that territory in 2005 when the United States secretary of states might pump a 0 has said the u.s. No longer considers the West Bank settlements illegal 4 decades ago the State Department drew up a legal opinion that the settlements were inconsistent with international law that was in 178 but Mr Pompei 0 said this week the announcement made peace negotiations between the Israelis and Palestinians more likely we believe that what we've done today is we've recognized the reality on the ground we've now declared that settlements are not per se illegal under international law and we have provided the very space for Israel the Palestinians to come together to find a political solution to this very very vexing problem with we think in fact we've increased the likelihood that the vision for peace that this administration has we think we've created space for that to be successful I'm hopeful that we'll be able to move forward on that before too terribly long well the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu welcomes that move. This is a historic day another great achievement of our policy the president Trump recognize Druce limits the capital of Israel recognized all some. Entry in the Golan Heights now the Us administration has put an end to the law either settlements are illegal I thank President Trump and I thank Secretary of State pump bought senior Palestinian diplomat side Erekat condemned the u.s. Decision he warned that it threatened peace efforts Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories including his Jerusalem. Not only illegal under international law they are war crimes and the statement of Mr Pop They are the secretary of state of the United States is absolutely. Rejected and must be condemned because one superpowers once the time of recession decide to undermine international law once they become an administration that's pro Israel as a passion pro Israel war crimes and this is constitute a major threat to international peace and security I've been speaking to not via his job she's a Palestinian political analyst She's executive director of. Palestinian Policy Network and I also is this an attempt by Marc Pompei o to change international law or simply to recognize that as a confused reality you know one day the Israelis were outside those territories and the next day they were in those territories I think you could clearly see it as an invasion I think what America is trying to do and this all came about because the European Court of Justice said that Israeli settlement products had to be clearly labeled in all of the European Union making that a law rather than something that would be left up to individual countries and soon the u.s. Of course Israel's behest has replied by saying they don't really recognize the license is violating international law and Israel would say they need to occupy those territories for their own safety and they would point to the situation in Gaza as a result from which there was a withdrawal from again. Right the point of view would be that that's left that territory as a launching pad for rockets into Israel I understand how painful this is for so many Palestinian people and their supporters but does it change anything in one sense it doesn't change every anything because what the United States sends is the position of this administration and not the position of the law or the international community in another sense the u.s. Can try and ram it through by I mean I don't know if it's next steps would be to take sanctions against European countries what this really does is put the European countries on the spot to come out with a more forceful answer on the occupied territories now you point out that Israel left Gaza but it has kept it encircled n.b.c. Aged ever since and the fact that there are conflict or violence does not obviate the fact that these are occupied territories and that they don't actually belong to Israel and that the only way to end the violence is to achieve a peace deal does this decision by the United States does it make compromise more or less possible. The current administration I really don't like to think of it as the United States I think of it as the current administration of the United States has from the beginning sided with Israel on this I mean they sent an ambassador to Israel David Friedman who is a fundraiser for settlements so they are trying very hard in their current term to cement Israel's occupation or the Palestinian territories and make it illegal does this change anything for people trying to live their lives do business in the West Bank Palestinian people. Well it's now extra. Only difficult to live and work and the West Bank because you know it's a very very fragmented territory with Israel controlling all movement including of Palestinian leaders you know from they control the movement of every segment of society also they control movement in and out of the occupied territories a 2 state solution seems increasingly remote is there a one state solution that satisfies the human rights of Palestinians there could very well be a one state solution where everybody lives in equality which is what a country that believes in human beings having human rights would do what Israel has now implemented on the ground is a one state solution it's just that different people in that state in those territories have different rights so within Israel itself there are Palestinian citizens on Israel who carry Israeli passports and have Israeli citizenship but they don't have the same rights as Israeli Jews so there is very active discrimination within Israel itself and to say nothing on the occupied territories not a hit job from. The Palestinian Policy Network at b.b.c. Then they went on Twitter if you want to comment on these developments when the Polish government decided to politically control panel would appoint the country's supreme court judges the European Union objected Poland then set up a new disciplinary body to counter those objections and today the a used top court has delivered its judgement on the traditional reforms by the ruling Law and Justice Party. In Warsaw they seem to have sent the decision back to Poland with a pretty difficult test them. Yes the case now still has to be ruled on but the European Court of just said it won't be ruling on this particular case and it is sent it back for the Poland Supremes Cole to rule on it but if the Poland Supreme Court does rule against the governing law or just his party could have potentially enormous consequences and could force. The law just as a governing party to backtrack on key elements of its judicial reform this panel you mentioned is the National Council of the judiciary under it's under the reform 15 of its judges and now appointed by politicians by the lower house of parliament which was previously those were members were appointed by judges in that piece legal PIA's and now law and justice has a majority in the lower house of parliament some critics say that the now its National Council of just judiciary is now a politicized body it is now full of judges that were appointed by the lower house of parliament controlled by law and justice now that body appoints all judges Paul it not just to see Bream call to ordinary courts to every court and that body now it would be up to the Supremes court to say whether that body's in fact sufficiently independent from the executive in the legislature now if it does rule against that that's a huge blow because that would mean that the loan just would have to rewrite the law to making sure that that body was indeed independent on the e.u. Law I don't thank you and let's speak now to a Supreme Court judge in Poland version is Robo who is a professor of law as well at the. University in Krakow thanks for being with us on World update the cause the detail of this is car quite difficult for outsiders to understand but fundamentally what has been the problem with the way that the Justice Party has been redesigning the judiciary from your point of view. This is the problem of the political influence especially in the time of this political police and just taking who one country after another in utero so maybe this ruling of the European caught has so much broader meaning that only parliament itself is the country. Because it gives us the criteria went on Did De Mint We read to the point that couldn't be crossed when we are thinking about the separation of the political power and judicial judicial power and that's why of course not it is up to the Supreme Court to decide these supposed these created by the political means. Do they need this town darts set by the Constitution and the European law and who decided of course but this kind of very very interesting and of course we have to think about the details how far could the politician go with the creation of the studies that knowledge and then influence the judiciary a lot of people listening to Judge rubble out in the United States where appointments to the Supreme Court are quite clearly political So why are you scared of that in Parliament if you do because there is another another role of the Supreme Court in Poland it is much more connected to the whole judiciary system you couldn't compare they suppose so I mean American if you compare it it is much more than we would speak about the constitutional court that is also politically appointed in Poland it without talking about the courts that are very close to the citizens and that's why this independence of the courts is so important and you know the other problem is that all the courts should follow the law and it is the constitutions that said this town does and we shouldn't just to breach the Constitution. Has this affected any decision on any citizen so far has anybody had to an appeal rejected by you feel that that was a political decision. I could imagine especially this special discipline that had both the created in this Supreme Court gave some rulings that too were really in fixing the the rights of the judges or the lawyers because it was a special body to discipline lawyers but there are some other rulings that didn't mind to be politically suspicious given by the by the judges in the courts in the lower instances there are not so many of them because the resistance of the judiciary's Well I think that's the case isn't it that we've seen that the judges have resisted this including head of the supreme court the judge of robo Thank you that's rubbish of rubble has a supreme court judge in Poland this is the b.b.c. And this is Dan Damon in London coming up later on our program will go to Afghanistan to meet the country's 1st all female demining squad it's very difficult to be leaving home for wool whether one is a man or a woman and this is a war against against mines or hidden enemy you can step on it any time it's very hot after all I'm a mother of 2 so I'm always thinking of my children and family was also focusing on my work that story coming in just a few minutes time top stories just now our top story is from Afghanistan the Taliban of release 2 Western hostages American Australian academics held since 2016 it's a prisoner swap including 3 of the group's commanders and the Palestinian government has condemned the u.s. Decision to reverse decades of policy by saying it no longer considers Israeli settlements in the West Bank to be illegal Those are the top stories this is the b.b.c. . You're listening to an update I'm Dan Damon in London Google's new streaming video game service stadia launches today will it work though and when it landed players with huge skin subscription charges and download fees the service ditches physical games consoles allowing players to access games through an Internet connection Google executives say it will be a cheaper way to play the games fill Harrison is in charge of the project I don't think what we're doing is particularly revolutionary when you consider what's happened in the music television and film industries they have moved from being packaged goods discs C.D.'s d.v.d. To almost exclusively an online and streaming experience and I don't claim that this innovation is going to change the world overnight but I think this is the direction of travel and this will be a very strong future for the games industry to create these kind of streaming experiences and also we're not the only ones thinking about this is well we'll Harrison from Google but no universal welcome for stadia there are fears the monthly service subscription plus fees for games could lead to huge internet bills and of course the Internet isn't. Reliable as we know too well on this program George just really is a senior analyst at the research. They doing this too early George. Well. The technology itself is that and it was. Obviously a demonstrates However I think the approach to Koogle is taking is a bit of a gamble because stadia as a service is still missing many of the speeches where announced 8 months ago and also the selection of games isn't that great. Is this a threat then to Microsoft to play station attendant one of those. So all these console makers are also looking at clouds. I mean all of them acknowledge that as Phil Harrison was saying earlier that you know the streaming will be the future of gaming like it has been full video and music however video games are moving at a different pace because it is Ok different medium and so the Playstation and Tendo the next books They're all have their kind of they all got. Their finger in this in this pile basically and working on their own cloud gaming services. They are looking at cloud gaming as a companion to the console experience and what's the difference between multiplayer gaming where you are using the Internet to connect to other people using the same console and in fact and this streaming service I mean both are kind of streaming online. Yes because so with on line gaming the game itself runs on the on your books on your console or on your p.c. And the Internet only helps you connect with other players whereas with cloud gaming the game is actually running on a server somewhere near you and that. Does all the processing and essentially what you what you're seeing is what the services are processing is the network storage and we're Bushell time is the network robust enough as I mentioned we do interviews on this program using the Internet and it breaks sometimes. It really depends on the market because as you know this service rolled out to 14 countries and in certain countries like in us they don't have and kept. Internet therefore this will be a big consideration for games in those markets George thank you George just really who's a senior analyst at research for over. Georgia has received over Hof a 1000000000 u.s. Dollars from 2 major international development banks the Asian Development Bank and the European bank of reconstruction and development to build a road that will cut through an historic Valley which is famous for its medieval towers the government says this is going to boost the economy conservationists don't agree and they say the route through the hard valley must be changed to avoid irreparable loss to the country's heritage Ray Hunter Matri went to the heart of Valley to find out more urgent you don't have never listened to this song is about love at all just boy who believes in God and. Using to be. Human to. Sell music I was born in the how the valley the place high up in the Caucasus with a mountain Smee the clouds there are only a few small settlements here in because Scottie the villages make their own and to tame and off to Sunday lunch in a wooden house next to the church that's how the town sun snow days I like to come here and listen to this nature and to the silence silence to listen to silence. But the silence left by salomé is about to change a new highway is coming to the how the valley and conservationists and. We're going to drive up to the top of the Gorge now this is one of the most historic valleys in Georgia and it has 60 towers 18 of which is still standing and one of them is called the fire tower because they had the fires lit on the top of the towers to warn the people who lived in the valleys of the next invading set of armies Peter Naismith is a British writer who has authored 4 books on Georgia he's also co-chair of the National. Cost of Georgia which is complaining to have the roots of the highway changed the question is where they're going to put the tunnel and we're saying why do you look at some other options because you've chosen the most district Valley in Georgia and if you build a road you'll ruin one of Georgia's best tourism opportunities particularly the eco tourism and eco heritage tourism the 23 kilometer highway will connect Armenia to the south and Russia to the north with bridges and roads tunnels coughed through the mountains when it's finished says the chairman of the roads department of Georgia Iraq. The trucks transiting Georgia will no longer have to make the climb up to a pause at 2400 meters and down again the other side the meaning of these project is such a huge one that there was even gone previous ability study and then the physicality study the eighty's a vital look necessary for implementing the troll jerked which will be a solution for the climatic changes as well as opportunity for making the road to say for Mr Carson as it insists the unique heritage of the valley with its and Sion Thomas has not been forgotten there are certain rules there are certain guidelines of the law all of them are considered Georgia's eco tourism association is not convinced in how the valley I meet. A local tourist guide who believes the area is best left untouched cut down down while aids kind of the new d.c. Mission for a lot of people but it becomes more and more popular it's not only with the 4 Rainer to respect the local ones at the same time we come shared his will like this wild nature I'm pretty sure that they're rude and the tunnel will change a lot of things while I may get other residents my quality cloudy is among those who welcomes the new road she is tired. Only seeing the woods in the winter that much as I missed he thought about me as a sham I'm happy said well being in the road I think people will come here and it's better to see peoples and wolves so he's no death to hear they will disclose from October to me when people come here as they ask me how I so right and that way into construction work has already started but conservationists still hope to convince the government and the banks to divert the route they argue that keeping places Nikon's a volley unspoiled will bring more benefit to Georgia in the long run it's. A trade and Dimitris report from the heart of Ali in Georgia you're listening to well duct tape from London. Distribution of the b.b.c. World Service in the United States is made possible by American Public Media producer and distributor of award winning public radio content a.p.m. American Public Media with support from Progressive Insurance committed to offering a streamlined shopping experience where home and auto can be bundled together now that's progressive learn more at progressive dot com or 1800 progressive. You're listening to wild update with that Damon coming up police in Hong Kong still trying to get thousands of demonstrators out from the Polytechnic University students have been there in protest for several days there are 100 explosions this year in Sweden and Swedish police trying to find out why Afghanistan's all female squad of the minus say that they may for the 1st time a clear behold of a province of explosives 1st the news. B.b.c. News with Danielle yell of yet Scott the Taliban have released 2 hostages an American and an Australian held captive since 2016 as part of a prisoner's twa with the Afghan government the move is seen as key to achieving talks between the 2 sides 3 Taliban commanders have also been freed in exchange the Lebanese parliament has postponed a session to discuss an amnesty law which critics say could have allowed corrupt officials to evade justice protesters have tried to stop it going ahead by blocking roads the u.s. And South Korea have abruptly broken off talks on the cost of stationing American troops on the peninsula there are reports that the u.s. Is demanding a huge increase in payments China has said the courts in Hong Kong have no power to rule on constitutional issues the announcement follows a decision by Hong Kong's high court on Monday that a ban on protesters wearing face masks was unconstitutional up to 200 demonstrators are still thought to be barricaded inside Hong Kong's Polytechnic University which has been under siege by the police since Sunday 600 activists have already given themselves up reports from Malta say a suspected money launderer arrested last week has asked for a pardon in exchange for information about who ordered the murder of the investigative journalist definitely Carolina she'd been looking into alleged high level corruption when she was killed in 2017 at least 15 people mostly young children are now known to have died in a measles epidemic sweeping the Pacific island nation of Samoa the UN's children agency has confirmed more than a 1000 cases of the disease which is preventable with vaccination students in the Kenyan capital Nairobi have begun a campaign to End Sexual harassment in universities and colleges under the hash tag campus me too they gathering signatures for a petition that will be handed to the education ministry among their demands are regular training sessions for staff b.b.c. News. The b.b.c. World Service with well over the past few days Hong Kong's Polytechnic University has been the scene of a c. Students in the building Hong Kong's police outside surrounding the Molotov cocktails have been thrown tear gas has been fired many students have left the building many have been arrested some to be around 100 still there and they're sounding defiant people. Everybody who believes the freedom of phone call there will be primaries. And. It's not. The government. Just trying to. Stay here all night long. Because they want peace but I think if you want to fight for freedom. Say out. Supporters of the students inside the Polish university Well Hong Kong's chief executive says she wants to bring the siege to a peaceful conclusion this objective could be achieved with the. Protesters including of course the rioters that they have to. Give up their weapons and. Peacefully and take the instructions from the police the police chief Chris time said Hong Kong citizens should support the police. Enforcement agencies. Hong Kong. Bikies So if you create a kind. And mismatch between what. You want to do. Let's speak to our correspondent Monsignor who's been to the Polytechnic and joins us now live Monta thanks for being with us on World update cools for calm and yet we have this reporting that thousands of cocktails petrol bombs have been found inside another university. Well. Is this possible to full fold things like these to be uncovered in the coming days because once the protesters laugh they have they're leaving that weapons behind a full full of many people it is so there's not a surprise for. These cocked how and all the kinds of weapons to be discovered in the coming days but there's also a start of a stew going on of the particular 1st he which is making decisions based He today if I can put it this way because you just mentioned about around 100 students say inside some class really trying to get out of by climbing down and sewage system which could be quite dangerous obviously with all those some unknown gas inside while you also have just long ago around the one and a half hours ago we have the day the police press conference where. The Police Public Relations Department warned that who out of a coal ng. This calling the reach of students as saving the students. Assisting criminals they had this sounds like a phrase and being mentioned at the press conference so it's. Massive hands and. Just nobody wants to give in situation what about the rest of the territory there were things is this an isolated incident or are there other demonstrations elsewhere. What does to demonstrate this in the business district as we that we know coal central seems to be in a much smaller scale and we don't have a new large scale demonstration as this funny moment it could also be because of the fact stands so many people turned out last night in the business here of the party to get a 1st he they that they have got exhausted they have to. Get some rest before they come back in any form and also because of the potential fact that many have already left to politics University come how so it's a rather calm day and we're already hearing from the education bureau that secondary schools and primary schools will receive soon classes tomorrow but one big question hanging would be why the this coming Sunday is district district council election folds this recount of the election with Gore had us shadowed. Martin thanks so much indeed helping us keep up today with the developments in Hong Kong this is World update. How to pay for humanitarian aids traditionally governments do that but could the financial sector also get involved that is the hope of the i.c.r.c. The International Committee of the Red Cross who've come up with the idea of humanitarian impact bones I spoke to be tomorrow he's president of the i.c.r.c. I asked him what our humanitarian impact bombs we hope that we can build a serious off trilateral relationships and in which you may Tarion actors on the ground to simply create to identify projects private investors seek interest and possibility to invest in those fragile contexts and the state agencies can do you risk private investment by guaranteeing by 1st last guarantees and and and other bacon is so we hope that with the humanitarian impact bond we have shown that there is such an equation that a triangle possible and we hope then to be able so try then to find the right projects which are investable and to submit it to other 10 public sector donors so you're looking for corporations to buy the bonds bonds have a fixed term how long will these be set for it will keep and on what exactly the projects look like in the case of to humanitarian impact duration is 5 years because this is what we need in order to create 3 physical rehabilitation center to make them work and to have the indicators measured whether we have a key factor for what we have promised other so. Systems may have different time frames so how does this differ of them the humanitarian background from a normal charitable relief. I think what is different is that we combine the actors in a different way outcome funders or insurers are at it at the end of today are states which do not need to spend the money immediately so those who have invested those states who have invested in the humanitarian impact bond as outcome funders will not need their money before 5 years so they can do other things with this money private investors get a return. On capital and the i.c.r.c. Gets. An ability to innovate through a new type of impact measurement to try to develop management tools and innovation tools for physical rehabilitation centers which we are afterwards ready and able to roll out in different parts of the world so it's combine It's a combination of tribes but it registers States backing up your many tearing organizations delivering on the ground for impact and I think while the traditional state. Expenditure for humanitarian assistance is is not against impact delivery and measurability within upon structure disease and this forces. All of us to innovate and to. To basically do better Peter Maer a president of the International Committee of the Red Cross the i.c.r.c. An all female squad of Dea miners in Afghanistan hopes to announce this month of help for the 1st time to clear our whole province of explosives and. 18 strong unit a part of a 40 year effort to remove the mines which across the country kill an average of 4 Afghans each day early 200 kilometers from the capital Kabul in the months of this province of dummy on these young women risked their lives clearing explosives they face stigma too from their traditional communities who think it's not woman's work the baby says Alia a trophy as the special report from. Its mission critical for these women walking in a battlefield in search of a head an enemy dead the country's 1st ever team a female d. Minus ramming protective suits invite over their faces they would find their hands and knees digging into the dry soil and I think the remnants of the 4 decades of conflict. For some it's a personal fight. Fight the my media is aged 22 and has been a deep mine now for the past 2 years previously she had worked in her village and had to come out there with household chores she told me aboard the day when everything changed. A man had gone to the mountain on the day of he said he'd be back soon but he never came back from that day I wished there was an opportunity or some equipment so I could clear up the mines convincing their conservative communities that the young woman could be d. Minus was a daunting task. Is associated to graduate and the mother of 2 is a family feared for his safety and wanted had to stay at home caring for her children taken more than enough that's them my mother was a little scared saying demining was a dangerous profession it can kill you. My mother in law felt the same this mountainous province was a war front between the Russians and the Islamist militant. During the 9 year war that ended in $1809.00 now it's a rocky pasture littered with cluster bombs land mines and bomb shell. Except painstaking process locating the land mines with the team spending hours on the mountainside the highly sensitive explosives left by the Russians are so dangerous the only way to secure them is to get rid of them. Just beneath the minefield life goes on villages plow the fields using ox harvesting simple crops like potatoes to sustain them through the harsh winter these people take the brunt of this hidden menace you know give. It to members of both mama Baksh and his wife can they sit cross-legged on a blanket on the ground and tell me their story this couple who lost 2 of their sons aged just 131528 land mine explosion 6 months ago. My how much tells me the boys had gone to collect firewood for the family oh I was a long way Duma one was the son of my neighbor his head his hands and feet he was totally burned out of my own children 21 had one foot missing one hand missing they were in a terrible state. But now there will be a new beginning for this ancient place home to the famous Buddha as a balmy and 6 the century statues carved into a cliff which were destroyed by the Taliban. During the 7 years of conflict this province is soon to be announced mind free. It's good news for Di My nephew has 2 daughters 7 year old Fatima and 3 year old Zainab who will be able to play outside without fear but the country as a whole has a long way to go to be free from landmines for the rule of a De my nap brings mixed emotions and here is that. It isn't much of a sauna it's very difficult to be leaving home for wool whether one is a man or a woman this is a war against a ghost mines or a hidden enemy you can step on it any time it's very hard after all I'm a mother of 2 so I'm always thinking of my children and family whilst also focusing on my well. As the war continues in Afghanistan soared as they use a fly on mines so while the d. Minor by men reclaim the safety of their province more lives will continue to be lost across the country. Traffic here reporting all cause the latest news from Afghanistan is that 2 foreign hostages held by Taliban militants for more than 3 years have been freed as part of a prisoner exchange agreed with the Afghan government they were both professors at the American University kidnapped at gunpoint in Kabul Kevin King an American and Timothy weeks an Australian this release comes after the Taliban confirmed 3 of their senior commanders had landed in Kos one of them is an OS her County who's the brother of the man who leads the Hakani network and affiliates with the Taliban. The broadcaster and conservationist David up been awarded a prize for the most significant contribution to the improvement of international relations last year Chatham House the International think tank awarded it sold. So the b.b.c. Natural History Unit recognizing the important role of the t.v. Series blue planet in highlighting the damage caused to marine life by plastic pollution Here's a David people in all parts of society aware of what's happening and it's it's vile It's horrid something we have clear this thing inflicting on the natural world having had a dreadful effect and there's something they can do about it so in a way it's been a bulletin us test to see whether in fact the new population care about this sort of thing and people do and so I think I think it's it's very encouraging that right now I simple things that we still need to be done we still need how to dispose of the wretched material short if we can invent it somebody somewhere is going to be able to the way of dealing with be able to deal with the mountains of the supporting material that has been assembled I know the big problems about doing so but I can't help but believe someone somewhere is going 5 a chemical solution that's going to deal with this herb the quicker the better so David I'm being optimistic about the way the world deals with plastic pollution This is world update. Headlines just now the Taliban in Afghanistan have released 2 foreign hostages American Australian icon to mix held captive since 2016 in a prisoner swap that included 3 of the group's commanders and Lebanon's parliament has abandoned plans to debate a controversial amnesty law off to demonstrators blocked the path of M.P.'s those are the top stories. Denmark has temporarily reinstated border controls with Sweden that happened last week in the wake of explosions that the Danish authorities blame on criminals from neighboring country the Swedish police acknowledge that even as home they're grappling with a rapid increase in explosions caused by illegal firecrackers by homemade bombs and grenades the country's national bomb squad has been called out to deal with almost $100.00 explosions this year most taking place in suburbs already known for gang violence buildings in affluent neighborhoods though are being targeted too so what's going on Maddie's Savage reports from Stockholm. Itself think so Stephanie. Based is the number 3 bus read through set amount. There it has been gentrified with restaurants and from. Nepal the kid was one of 3 buildings in different parts of the city hit by explosions in a single night last month. That's the sound of the explosion picked up on a mobile phone several streets away Yeah my name is Joe and I just live in a tough for it to feel whole occult shaking windows going like breaking and the car alarms going off how you feeling it's not the 1st time type install it's like it's of course not so much in so close you feel like that the environment is violated. I mean the doorway of the affected building now claw I would. Replacing the one that go to loan out you can see one of the steps has really crumbled in the force of the explosion and there are still a few shots of cloth on the pavement as well. Police haven't arrested anyone for the attack and won't comment on their ongoing investigation but after the national bomb squad was called out to 30 explosions during just 2 months they had a press conference last week to explain the wider problem. My name is the. Head of the intelligence division we can see that the explosions are being used in criminal conflict between different local gangs as well as national criminal organizations most people shouldn't be worried because they are not going to be affected of this but I can say other than the situation is serious this is not a good thing in Sweden police have not pointed the blame at asylum seekers who arrived in Sweden at the height of the refugee crisis they say the majority of gang members grew up in low income suburbs although many have parents who were born abroad but the wave of explosions is being used to ignite ongoing debate about immigration since they are in the same area they are in the same mindset it's easy for them to connect to each other and start doing crimes and all sorts of stuff that's me who writes for an alternative news platform in Sweden they don't always respect Swedish laws and the culture and of course it might be even more problematic in the future opinions like hers help explain why the nationalist Sweden Democrat Party has risen to 2nd in the polls here. And. Many locals like Molly Bradshaw who's on parental leave with her 11 month old have very different. This is nothing that I consider being a problem with immigration what happens the problem goes way beyond that you know I think it's weed particular it's you know it's strictly segregated social economic ethnic every. Being that it's horrible how do you think this is affecting Sweden's image still claims image obviously has a negative impact of course but it doesn't have a negative impact on my day to day life here I still feel very safe but live. This senseless government is aware that's not the case to everyone it recently announced a $34.00 point plan to join circle gang crime including time the penalties to keeping explosives and stepping up witness protection to encourage locals to speak . That many on the right say that's still not enough few places in Europe have a history of bombings these frequent hearing peaceful times and Sweden which hasn't had a wolf in 200 years is placing in uncharted. Marty Savidge reporting from Sweden You're listening to World updates the annual Cape music festival Korean music has been taking place in London and one of the stars Kim So park she uses her traditional zither the chi ago to play jazz and she came into our world update studio to tell me about this ancient instrument and what she's doing with it. Again history. It started from Fort Santry So yeah kayak means the string instrument from kayak country so it is very Asian country of Korean Peninsula so yeah it's how old is more than 1000 years right and people know about k. Pop because they know about real music in particular in our ministry really popular What about this traditional crookedness traditional music how much does it inform modern music because if you go to Ireland through example Irish folk music informs Irish pop music actually in rock music is not the case in Korea. The traditional music informs. Pop music yet. These days many Korea and you just as Will playing traditional instruments merging their sound to western band like s.p. Circle what I am doing. Collaboration You've collaborated with different musicians different haven't you to tell us about one or 2 of those fusions Yeah it is actually I'm trade by myself myself edition music but since 2004 i sed i did Bude as a contemporary music player I mean that when I was in those days I mostly played that newly composed music guard and something like from composers but at the same time I started the fusion jazz music rich rich which was played with drums and bass and keyboards so. I learned new new rhythms such as it was the Nova and swings and sixteen's and aid so it took more than 3 years to adopt that new rhythm and then finally I move on to the solos and then I'm formed as a circle a new band which is that saxophone and drums and bass and then in that long period of experiments by myself with other great musicians. Yeah it's merging sound and merging the thoughts and static from all different background is. Beautiful and always challenging me I can create and the thing with. So I really am really happy to put my Agam sound with any found any there. Kyung so pock who was one of the stars of a music career in music this year will hear more from her and band s.p. Circle in just a moment but I wanted to tell you about tomorrow's program because there are some significant split Akala vents either side of the Atlantic the next 24 hours indeed in the next few hours here in the u.k. a Leadership debates between the leaders of the 2 main parties in parliament the conservatives who are rolling up the moment and labor the 2 leaders will debate some Or probably be talking about that but most significantly perhaps in the United States in Washington the next set of hearings in the impeachment inquiry the public hearings will take place today in the morning hours Jennifer Williams An aide to Vice President Mike Pence will be speaking then left on a couple Alexandrov in been director of European Affairs for the National Security Council they go before the House Intelligence Committee they were actually on that July 25th phone call between Donald Trump and president a lot of it's a landscape and that Ambassador could vote and Tim Morrison he's a White House aide with the National Security Council some really interesting testimony we'll talk about that tomorrow but let's finish with s.b. And Jim so pond You've been listening to World up. You're listening to the b.b.c. World Service. And k.s.u. Team 4 Corners Public Radio and southern tribal radio thanks for joining us this is k s u t Ignatieff Ok u g e again sheoak t.n.g. Durango. Farming 10 u.s.w. Flora Vista. Springs we can also be heard in Cortez make us Silverton and online at k.s.u. Dot org You can stream our signal right there on the website also on the n.p.r. News app i Tunes radio and on to news.
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