Allegations. Nine women have come forward. Jessica says she sat next to him on a plane in 1979. When he started putting his hand up my skirt and that was it. That was it. This woman was ass the 90s. The person on my right who unbeknowned to me was donald trump, put this ha skirt. A People Magazine writer was interviewing the trumps. She says, i turned around and within seconds he was pushing me against the wall and forcing his tongue down my throat. A former contestant on the apprentice. I pushed his chest, put space between us. I said, come on, man, get real. He repeated i had words back to genitals. Trump has denies them. Instead,attacking. Some are doing it for probably a little fame. Even suggesting that they should not be believed because they were not attractive enough for him to assault. Believe me, she would not be my first choice that i can tell you. He has blamed clintons. He has blamed a mexican billionaire. The Trump Campaign has pushed back on all of the allegations, offering a british man who says it was jessica who was being flirtatious. Trump released a statement on summer write being, i never met her at a hotel or greeted her inappropriately a decade ago. Office on april 14th of this year, asking that i visit her restaurant in california. All of these allegations led to a passionate speech by Michelle Obama who rarely weighed in to partisan politics this steeply. I cant stop thinking about this. It has shaken me to my core in a way that i couldnt have predicted. Im thursday, i sat down with vicepresident joe biden at a union hall in las vegas where was campaigning in an attempt to help Hillary Clinton lock down the state of nevada. I began by asking the vicepresident about those accusations of Sexual Assault against donald trump. Why shouldnt he get the benefit of the doubt . From these accusers. His own words. I dont have to even go to the accusers. When a man says that what he said is a textbook definition of Sexual Assault. The thing that is makes it so believable that he engaged in that kind of activity is not just that he said it but his sort of instinctive abuse of power. He acts in the private sector, he acts in the way he treats employees and that i i live in the penthouse. Im a billionaire. Im a star. And i can do what i want. Thats piece. My father used to say, the greatest abuse is abuse of power. Economic power, political power, physical power. And this is not a guy that should be representing the United States in any way. Why do you think its not been disqualifying for even more voters yet . I dont know how deeply it has sunk into the consciousness. Something gets said once, twice, ten times, a thousands times over a weekend and everyone absorbs it. Most people are trying to figure out how to put bread and butter on the table. So i dont know. I think its sunk in pretty deeply. It has changed the dynamic around the country in a pretty substantial way so far. We have a culture that has given this a permission slip. This is a new level. And i was with my granddaughter with a paper. Shes a bright young woman. I was embarrassed. I was embarrassed to even i have four granddaughters. I was embarrassed that this is even being discussed. A lesson for men. I heard a lot of people say as the father or the mother of two young men or young boys . I did this virtual town hall meeting with thousands of students. And i asked them to go to a website. What can we do to better protect them . You know what the overwhelming answer was . Get men involved. The vast majority of men dont share the view of donald trump. I was a pretty good athlete in high school and college. I dont ever remember that kind of locker room talk. Never. You might have a guy say, look at anything because im a celebrity is just sick. Whats wrong is, we have to change the whole culture here. And that no man has a right to touch a woman, to raise a hand to a woman, to abuse a woman for any reason. We have actually had cases i have a federal law passed. A judge asking a woman, well, you were in the bar. Short was your skirt . No man has a right to touch a woman. The last time this really impacted our politics was Clarence Thomas and anita hill did an interview. She expressed disappointment in you. She did. What was your reaction to that . My reaction was, i thought it was unfair. I voted against Clarence Thomas. I believed her. The question was whether or not she should be able to initially should she be able to make her complaint without identifying herself. You cant run a star chamber. You have do that. It was, very, very, very tough. Anything you do differently . No. No. As you know, donald trump is bringing up everything bill clinton right now. Should that matter . No, it shouldnt matter. I cant make an excuse for bill clintons conduct. He expressed his deep sorrow and acknowledged what he did. This guy as i said has acknowledged that he has been a sexual predator. He has acknowledged he abused his power. As i said, the text book definition of a Sexual Assault. Lets talk about this working class white voter issue that democrats seem to have. Sort of the people that you speak to. Biden voters. Right now, the 15 counties that make up northeast pennsylvania, you and the president won by three points. Right now she trails by eight points. Its clear there is something a lack of connectivity or something with trump. Whats your diagnosis . You were a friend of my son. He was a great admirer of yours. I might find myself choking up. Everybody says, hes a good she chokes up and says something, for whatever reason, and shes playing the woman card. This is the this is the this is different. Number one. Number two, the truth is, i dont think we im a broken record on the Democratic Party on this. I dont think we speak enough to the plight of family, husband and wife making and they are struggling. They worry about this minority group, they worry about these voters over here, they worry about this state. What about me . They dont talk to me. Thats what i hear. I do, too. What happened is we had to spend so much time dragging a car out of the ditch, worrying about going over the cliff, dealing with people who didnt have enough to eat, making sure that its only now that we got the economy back and wages are starting to rise that we can begin to focus on what is a large portion of the middle class who has felt like they have been left behind and we dont talk to their needs. Lets talk about her then. Whats your advise to her . She has this deplorables line thats hard for her to shake. President obama used bitter, cling to your guns and bible. He never shook that with a certain part of the electorate. She may never shake deploras. By demonstrating where her heart is, what she cares about. When she cares about she cares about the people struggling. Thats been who she is. Look, as i said, i know her well. She has been so batter and beaten. We all make mistakes. She has made mistakes, too. For her to open up for example, i remember talking to breakfast there every Tuesday Morning when she was secretary of state at my home. And i remember talking about college and paying for college and telling a story about how my dad tried to borrow money to help i had a grant and aid but get me enough money. I went to his place of business. I wanted to see him about something. I walked out, he was pacing back and forth. Im so ashamed. Im so ashamed. My word, im so ashamed. I went to the bank and im so ashamed. She is sitting across from me filling up because she understands that its not just the kid that doesnt get a chance, its how many middle class people have been stripped of their dignity, stripped of their the one thing you understand why they are gravitating to trump right now . To somebody that says, im going to make it better again. I do. But its not i dont think theres so much gravitating to trump. They have been stung so badly by we lost 17 trillion in Household Wealth in the recession. If you lost your home and you are not back in a home and you dont benefit. When the market was if you lost your investment in the market through your 401 k , and now its 18,000, the guys who made the big money they look around and say, wait a minute. I want to go to syria here. I know you are doing a big session thats coming up week about what to do. Why is there not a nofly zone over aleppo . Simple proposition. The first things first. We must defeat isil. We must take out raqqah. We must take out mosul. We must eliminate the caliphate. Its the direct immediate threat to the American People. Number one. Dod told us in the beginning that the assets we need to be diverted. We could not do both, could not do both. Thats number one. Number two, we in order to be able to do what needs to be done, you remember, we tried to get the authority to use force before. All those republicans talked about how tough they were. I spoke to 156 members of the house and senate for a minimum of an hour. Groups of two to 25 in the situation room. No support. No support. Okay. We send planes over there. They get shot down. We have to go in and get them. Yeah, we have to go in and get them. Let me ask you this, how does syria not become the rwanda of this administration that you wonder what if, what if . This is complicated. We have to deal with central and eastern iraq to clear isil. You, you think the focus can be back on syria and trying to solve this . Raqqah, too. Raqqah is the Central Place where we know plotting is taking place against the homeland in those areas. Secondly, russia is in real trouble. Theyre getting themselves in a quagmire. They have economic problems. They are dragged into this. Isil gone, russia in a totally different place creates a lot of additionalp doing more in aleppo . The answer is, we regret whenever anyone dies. I regret that were not doing something about mutilation in africa. I regret theres problems in afghanistan. But there has to be a sense of humility about what is able to be done at the time. What were doing is the right thing, generating a consensus among the arab countries as to region. And at the same time, going after isil to destroy it. Final question. I talked with former Russian Ambassador and we talked about the idea that you gotta respond when they are hacking. You have to do something. He described it as a high hard one, maybe just sort of in baseball, you throw a high hard one to send a message. Why havent we sent a message yet to putin . Were sending a message. We have the capacity to do it. The message he will know it . He will know it. It will be at the time of our choosing. And under the circumstances that have the greatest impact. Will it be enough that it will get him to back off . How concerned are you that the country will question the result of the election . I am not concerned. The reason im not is were working closely with all the departments of elections across are pretty damn resilient. The capacity to do to fundamentally alter the election is it is not what people think. I tell you what. To the extent they do, we will be proportional in what we do. A message is going to be sent . Will the public know it . Hope not. When we come bidens job. Bidens job. Donald trumps running welcome to the world 2116, you can fly across town in minutes or across the globe in under an hour. Whole communities are living on mars and solar satellites provide earth with unlimited clean power. In less than a century, boeing took the world from seaplanes to space planes, across the universe and beyond. Welcome back. One republican whose representation has not suffered is Donald Trumps running mate mike pence. In our new poll, pences total positive rating was plus eight the Republican Party as a hole and donald trump. Governor pence joins me now from tampa, florida. Welcome back to the program. Good morning. Good to be with you. Let me start with getting your reaction to Michelle Obamas speech from earlier this week. Let me play a clip and get you on the other side. So while i would love nothing more than to pretend like this speech, it would be dishonest and disingenuous to me to just move on to the next thing like this was all just a bad dream. This is not something that we can ignore. Its not something we can just sweep under the rug as just another disturbing footnote in a sad election season. Governor, the first lady was speaking directly about Donald Trumps comments caught on the 2005 video. Do you agree with her comments that they should not be swept under the tremendous respect for the first lady and for her efforts on behalf of the American People over the last seven and a half years. The simple fact is that donald trump made comments in an open mike 11 years ago that he has expressed deep regret for. He is embarrassed about it. He apologized last weekend to the American People and made it clear that it was just talk. He has apologized to his family. I accept that apology. Election this election is of such an enormous magnitude that its important we move beyond this issue. Its important that we focus on the need for a stronger america at home and abroad. As i traveled across florida this week and across the country, the people that im encountering are focused on those issues about really restoring this country and reviving our economy and thats where were going to continue to be focused. Donald trump does not want to move off of this ue in fact, he said he has been getting advice saying that, but instead, he has been responding to every single accusation. Here is what he has said about a couple of the different accusers. Shes right. Shes a liar. Shes a liar. Shes writing a story check out her facebook page. You will understand. I was sitting with him on an airplane. And he went after me on the plane. Yeah, im going to go after man. You dont know. That would not be my first choice. That was friday, governor pence. You just dismissed it as just talk. We have nine accusers that have come out since you have said its just talk. Do you really believe its just talk . I really do, chuck. What we have this week is a series of unsubstantiated allegations. And donald trump let me stoou he has denied those allegations. You have firsthand accounts. They are unproven, but they are not unsubstantiated. You have a firsthand account. We have somebody that disagrees with that account. But they are substantiated. No . Well, no, these are not substantiated accounts. These are people who have brought forward allegations going back in some cases decades. And donald trump has made it place. I have to tell you, it really is astonishing to most americans that as these unsubstantiated allegations are treated with an enormous amount of coverage on this network and other networks, that revelations coming out of secretary of state clintons years in the state department and the Clinton Foundation are virtually ignored by the National Media. We discovered this week that state Department Officials actually directed contracts for the haitian recovery after clintons. Literally, that got almost no Media Attention while those that step forward with these unsubstantiated claims that donald trump has denied were treated with Headline News and continuous coverage. Its one of the reasons why so Many Americans feel like they election is being rigged by a National Media thats constantly trying to change the subject away from and practice willful ignorance toward the corruption politics of the clintons. Do you believe that women who believe they were victimized by Sexual Assault, that come out, they should be ignored . Hasnt that been part of the problem with rooting out Sexual Assault in our culture is that there is this feeling that women get ignored . No, i wont say anything to disparage any woman who believes they have had an experience like this. But donald trump has made it cleath categorically false. We have had more evidence that has come out to challenge those versions of the facts. The ignorance ignoring thats going on here is the way the National Media is ignoring an avalanche of real, hard evidence of corruption during the years of the clinton administration. The New York Times just a few minutes ago posted a story about in exchange for five minutes with bill clinton, the foundation. We know that more than half of Hillary Clintons meetings while she was secretary of state were given to major contributors to the Clinton Foundation. The haitian government think, the speeches about open borders, socialized medicine, its getting virtually no attention. You just cited the New York Times. Denied by donald trump are getting all the attention. The American People see right through it. You cited the New York Times. Obviously, not a small news orgati front page of nbcnews. Com. We will report on this throughout the show. Your running mate is the one under fire with this. Let me ask you this, for a long time, you used to refer to donald trump as this good man. You havent done that this week. Any reason for that change . Sure i have. Sure i have, chuck. The donald trump i have come to know loves his family, loves this country. He has made a connection to millions of americans because he frustrations and the aspirations of the American People. When you have the president of france over this weekend say that it was because of Barack Obamas and Hillary Clintons Foreign Policy of moving red lines in syria that russia was emboldened to invade ukraine and take a larger role in syria, thats really saying something. The American People know that that america has weakened at home and abroad because of the policies of obama and do you i know you are getting intelligence briefings. Do you believe the american intelligence that says russia is behind all of these hacks into former white house chief of staff, john podesta, the dnc, do you believe the American Intelligence Community on this . I think theres more and more evidence that implicates russia. There should be serious consequences. Why doesnt your running the American People. Why doesnt your running mate believe that . I certainly hope what the vicepresident said this morning is something they follow through on. Why does your running mate not believe this is an administration has spoken things on the foreign stage and not followed through like moving red lines my hope is that if the evidence does flow to russia that there are serious consequences. Remember, this avalanche of emails governor, why doesnt injure running mate believe what you believe about a Foreign Government in russia trying to hack into the american democracy . Donald trump and i believe we should follow the facts. America should stand strong. We should stand up for Cyber Security. He had an entire presentation about his call for a new Cyber Security task force bringing together some of the best minds in the country to protect intellectual and defense. Its not just flowing out of wikileaks. It was abc news, a freedom of information request, that was able to uncover the fact that while she was secretary of state, Hillary Clintons staff was directing contracts for the haitian recovery effort to friends of the clintons. I understand again, you keep saying unsubstantiated. Thats not true. You have a firsthand account. But theyre not unsubstantiated. Let me ask you this final question. Bill crystal earlier this week tweeted at what point are you going to feel uncomfortable defending donald trump . He said, given that he has been utterly humiliated by the Trump Campaign, does mike pence have the selfrespect to resign from the ticket . How do you respond to bill crystal . Run for vicepresident of the United States, chuck, because i think this country is in a lot of trouble. I think donald trump has articulated a vision to make America Great again thats connected with millions of americans, despite the obvious bias in the media and attacks against donald trump, i have to tell you this week, the crowds i saw here in florida, the crowds he had in New Hampshire and maine yesterday attest to the fact the American People want change. For me and my little family, were going to continue to stand shoulder to should through election day and deliver a great victory for america. Were going to make America Great again. Will you accept the results of the election . We will absolutely accept the results of the election. Look, the American People will speak in an election that will culminate on november 8. The American People are tired of the obvious bias in the National Media. Thats where the sense of a rigged election goes here, chuck. When you say negative attacks against my running mate, instead of focusing on the hard evidence coming out about corruption are you at all in the Clinton Foundation years, its why people are frustrated. The more you say rigged election we will fight through. We will accept the will of the American People. You keep saying rigged election. Are you concerned that the more you say it, the more you actually undermine our democracy unintentionally . Look, one of the great, great traditions of america is the peaceful transfer of power. In elections you are a student of history. Elections get rough. I expect theyre going to stay just as rough as they are right now going into november the 8th. The stakes are so high in this election. But as donald trump said in that first debate, and i will say to you today, we will accept the will of the American People. Between now and election day, were going to work our hearts out against all odds, against most of you in the National Media. We will go lay out a story for a stronger, more prosperous america. I understand why you want to continue to attack us. I understand, governor mike pence, i appreciate you coming on the program. Thank you. You bet. Later, what impact will Donald Trumps struggles have on other races . Could the democrats take the house and senate . As we go to break, a few clips from saturday night live. . . . . This car is traveling over 200 miles per hour. To win, every millisecond matters. Both on the track and thousands of miles away. With the help of at t, Red Bull Racing can share critical information about every inch of the car from virtually anywhere. Brakes are getting warm. Confirmed, daniel you need to cool your brakes. Understood, brake bias back 2 clicks. Giving them the agility to have speed precision. Bp engineers use robotic ultrasound technology, so they can detect and repair corrosion before it ever becomes a problem. Because safety is never being satisfied. At bp, we empower anyone to stop a job if something doesnt seem right, so everyone comes home safely. Because safety is never being satisfied. Welcome back. A lot to digest. The panel is here. Hugh hewitt, joy welker. One of them pulls close. I lost large number of women voters based on madeup things that never happened. You have backed away from trump. I thought mike did a very good job. In fact, im a game of throwns geek and i saw that. You and maureen dowd, she made a reference to that, calling him the mad king. The end of the biden interview this is not in response its so newsworthy what he said about the American Department of defense not being able to do mosul and aleppo at the same time, what he said about everything, it leads here we have the worst election in modern times when the greatest crises of the post soviet era are growing, its a disconnect thats beyond me. The irony is that donald trump, the last thing he wants to do is talk about syria. My takeaway was the end of the interview when you asked him if he would accept the election results. He said, yes. Donald trump is sending out the opposite message. He is trying to lay the groundwork for this idea that the election is rigged. Out in very strong terms saying we will respect the results of this election. Republicans increasingly concerned that they need to be louder about that so that whatever happens on election day is respected. I think you see the struggle within mike pence. He is trying to yield to what are clearly the talking points that the candidate wants, which is that the election is rigged. He said that to you. Then he said, we will accept it. He still has to sell this idea. Jeff sessions is s idea. For the Republican Party, just as an institution, there has to be a righting of the ship. The integrity of the United States election is bigger than any candidate. I just i think he is such a dominant figure within the party. I know not for Party Regulars. Many Party Regulars reject that idea that paul ryan is for your average republican voter, he is such a big figure that its so hard for me to imagine the last week somehow three weeks from now he says, i want to say, i have announced i placed a call to Hillary Clinton to congratulate. I struggle to wrap my mind around him doing that. I think its in all of his business interests, conservative media network, a faction of the Republican Party, all of those suggest he not concede. This idea that, priebus and ryan say mike pence may conc wins, may get a call from governor pence. The tweet that will matter most when the best accounts of this worst election are written i think will be dr. Rice secretary of state rices enough last week. I have addd a admiration for he. When she tweeted out enough this week, its one word, but it underscored, i think, the the part of the Clinton Campaign is that they dont want to just win. But they want a big win so that the results cant be questioned. They are sending out emails to supporters saying, its imperative you come out in big numbers. We need to this to be its important to note that he is not we say this campaign Clinton Campaign and Trump Campaign. What he is running is not a campaign in a traditional sense. Its a revenging of against people he believes wronged him or sort of a grievance, an airing of grievances. A campaign has a message that you stick to that you have figured out resonates with the American People and that you believe. He had 19 messages in five minutes over the weekend when he was dissembling his teleprompter. Would utter in public. Lets move from president ial to down the ballot. There are a lot of people who think the president ial race may be in one category. The results may be known but we dont know the size of victory. What will republican dozen down the ballot . Democrats want to go after trump and republicans are trying to distance. Here is a montage of new ads just this week. I have every intention of supporting the he stood by trump. Would you point to him as a role model . Absolutely. I have a lot of disagreements with donald trump. I have been clear about that. Whats important for pennsylvanians is having a senator who will stand up to any president s bad why ideas. I have daughters. I have friends. For me it was the final straw. Hugh, obviously, every republican its a bar fight. Takes. Some distance from trump. Some cant. Damage down the ballot, what do you see . My analyst hat, not advocate hat. I think the house is secure and paul ryan is doing a fine job of directing resources. I believe the senate will come down to nevada on the night of the election as to whether i think toomey will survive. Hes a good senator. He works very hard. Hes a wonderful guy. Theres a threshold at which the margin of Hillary Clintons victory in a state b florida where if Hillary Clinton wins by two or three, you can see marco rubio surviving. You see more ticket splitting in the polling than you typically. At a point the tsunami takes down all of the candidates. I dont think toomey will survive. Portman seems to be the strongest. But also, ohio is the least associated with trump. The governor of ohio is not with him. The least and most in odd ways, which i will show you actually in a minute. America. The part of america that cant imagine anyone voting for Hillary Clinton and the other part of america that doesnt understand why anyone would vote when it comes to healthcare, seconds can mean the difference between life and death. For partners in health, time is life. We have 18,000 people around the world. The microsoft cloud helps our entire staff stay connected the ability to collaborate changes how we work. What we do together changes how we live. Whoa. Whats going on here . Oh hey allison. Im val, the orange money retirement squirrel from voya. Val from voya . Yeah, val from voya. Quick question, what are voya retirement squirrels doing in my house . Were putting away acorns. You know, to show the importance of saving for the future. So youre sort of like a Spokes Person . No, im. Youre a spokesmetaphor. Yeah. Ok. This woman owns this house, with new cabinets from this shop, with handles designed here, made here, shipped from here, on this plane flown by this pilot, who owns stock in this company, that builds big things and provides benefits to this woman, with new cabinets. Not just coverage, craftsmanship. Welcome back. Do you have any friends who are going to vote differently than you plan for president . Maybe not. This country is now so divided by race, income, geography and culture that we tend to live with and among people who think exactly as we do. It helps explain why we are so sharply divided. We decided to visit to counties who cant imagine why anyone would support the other candidate for president. One county was a washington, d. C. Suburb filled with wealthy, starbucks central. In other words, this is Hillary Clinton country. I cant understand females that will continue to support him with all of the sexual predatory behavior. The other place was monroe county, ohio. Its rural, struggling, people who didnt get the opportunity to go to college. People gather for coffee as mcdonalds. In other words, this is trump country. I dont see how anybody can we have a lot more on our visit to both of these counties. See our full report on our website. We will have more on meet the press daily tomorrow. We will be back in a moment with a preview of the third and final debate this week in las vegas. My question is, what do you like about him . burke at farmers, weve seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. burke and we covered it, february third, twentysixteen. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. There will be a third and final debate, believe it or not. I want to throw a couple things out here that we havent gotten into. More is from our poll to show you the racial divide in this country. Among all white voters, this week, this is Donald Trumps worst week yet. Look at this, Hillary Clinton has a higher negative rating on all white voters than donald trump. I think that tells you theres a structural theres a structure here, theres trump will get 35 . Its literally almost structurally impossible for that to happen. Combine the polarization in the country, selfsorting in the country and the feelings about Hillary Clinton, whether you think they are justified, they exist. He has, i think, a very hard floor. His problem at least if you believe polling is he has a very hard ceiling thats about 42 . His floor and his ceiling are close to one another. A half floor. Campaign is handling the podesta hack, the russian hack, wikileaks is the conduit here. We finally got speech transcripts. To me, if you take them all in totality, shes a calculating politician, shes everything Bernie Sanders said she was. Had this come out during the primary, could this have cost her the nomination . It could have. To your point, it everything a lot of people thought about secretary clinton. The fact that its coming out right now is awkward for the campaign. Theyre having to answer a lot of thorny questions in the days leading up to election day. But in terms of their strategy for dealing with this, they are pivoting. They are not acknowledging or authenticating any of the emails and saying, this is the russians trying to meddle in our election. Yesterday they started with this line that this is like of yet, there hasnt been a major bombshell. Could there be . I tell you let me pause you there. I think the leaks will haunt her if she becomes president with the progressive movement. They will use these leaks to beat her up when they dont like what shes doing. Maybe. But im sort of in the camp that says theres nothing in here thats a revelation. Shes a politician, no kidding. Most americans dont know who john p so having sort of conversations in the background of a campaign, thats how campaigns and thats how politics operating. Do progressives have discomfort with her core beliefs, maybe. But i dont think it matters. Hillary clinton got the nomination in part because of overwhelming support from africanamericans. I did have i had a clinton said, they won the primary but they lost the campaign. The russian hack they did lose the campaign. The russian hack is very troubling. If they drop the russians drop her private emails, the race could turn again. What governor pence said about the haitian leak, thats criminal wrongdoing. It does not come from the russians. It comes from a request. If secretary Clintons State Department directed aid to friends of bill, that is criminal wrongdoing that will haunt her into her term if she you cant rule out donald trump. If the russians drop no matter if they drop her private emails, that means shes compromised. Wait and see. The one thing i return to is the way you started earlier in the show, which is talking about trumps tweets. He continues to be by far the case you just heard hugh hewitt make, have you heard donald trump make a case that was that no. Because he is constantly inflicting selfwounds. Tweeting about things, tweeting about random cultural events. He cannot make this story about her. The more it is about her, this has been the case over and over again, whether its email, Clinton Foundation, other state department stuff, the more its about her, the worse she does. The more it is about him, the worse he does. You cant get way from the fact that when you are talking about the russians, you are talking about the leaks, you bring yourself back to another campaign has not dealt with this, this affinity between himself and his camp and the russians in this and the fact that they are blatantly attempting to help him become president of the United States. Thats to me the looming issue that is the dog not barked. Its also unprecedented. I think troubling for a lot of americans. Mike pences position totally different than Donald Trumps. Didnt in the debate, well, putin, he says nice things about thats not what mike pence outlined today. I cant tell you how many times this week journalists have said, what would this news cycle look like if we hadnt had the 2005 tape of donald trump . If these allegations hadnt come forward from all of these women . We would be almost solely focused on these wikileaks. Yet, donald trump continues to kind of make these unenforced errors. This whole obsession of the medias role in this, i think everybody is hyping it up too much. We have candidatesr candidates speeches here. That should be the focus. We will be back with our end game segment. What donald trump said about drug testing president ial candidates. Coming up, meet the press coming up, meet the press end game and post game make sure youre keeping up with your kids online accounts and the social media theyre using. Talk with them about appropriate online behavior. Being proactive and involved is the best way to protect your kids from predators and bullies. Meet the press end game is brought to you by boeing, building the future one century at a time. Back now with end game. Sometimes trump says stuff and means. St have no idea what he including this line. I think this one was yesterday on drug testing. Listen. Were like athletes, right . So athletes, theyre making athletes, they make them take a drug test. I think we should take a drug test prior to the debate. Hugh, of all the head scratchers, this is i have to say, he did it in New Hampshire with the Opioid Epidemic is real. To throw that out there. That comprehensive addiction and recovery act is why rob portman is winning. Were in cleveland, red, white and blue here. Its more about this hillary that chris made that is the point that this is not a campaign. What donald trump is doing is he is performing. He is performing for his audience. He feeds off of and gets emotion sort of support and he has he is feeding a need in himself. This is not about trying to become president of the United States. Its about whatever it is he plans to do on november 9. Its firing another warning shot at her before the debate that its going to about noholdsbarred. What is this let me ask you this. What is this debate going to look l she pulled a punch. I felt like she pulled punches in the second debate. She let him do his thing that she knew would not be i think he will continue to just engage in flights of fancy as he appears to be doing at this point. This feels to me like we see this in other campaigns, rarely at the president ial level. Its you do you end, which is okay. All of his strategists, all those people are i think essentially saying, all right, you are going to do what you in this last month . Thats a disastrous strategy if you are a down ballot republican. But it will give him some level of gratification. I expect secretary clinton to display expertise and mr. Trump to go after her on haiti. It will be the word of the night. Thats interesting. I will be surprised. I dont know he will. He should. Can he stick to a message . Nbc news will provide live your local nbc station. Thats all for today. We will be back next week. Will it be another one of those unprecedented weeks . Because if its sunday, its meet the press. You can see more end game in post game sponsored by boeing, on the meet the press facebook s jr sta rs in a new thriller then the sounds of american overdose plus inside the fireflight Music Festival and later uclas dreamers, trust me i tell you th be seen on latin nation [theme song] welcome to latin nation celebrat generation from coast to coast im your host Humberto Guida and show we feature one of hollywood most respected character actors, his film and tv Clifton Collins jr and the actin as the star of a

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