Liar. Hes a bully. A narcissist at a level this country hasnt seen. Whats behind his change of heart . Two Police Shootings this week. Dont shoot him. Peaceful protests are growing around the country as we grapple with the question, what can be done to keep this from happening . Joining me for insight and analysis are doris kearns goodwin, hugh hewill, gwef ifil and mike murphy. Welcome to sunday. Its meet the press. Good sunday morning. Its an nfl sunday. Really, this feels like a pregame show. The big game is tomorrow night on new yorks long island. With a super bowl size audience expected. Most Important Campaign moment until the next debate. Probably not this time. Hillary clinton comes in with nervous democrats feelin a little bit better about things. Four National Polls showed clinton up. Three of the polls shes up by six points. In todays Washington Post abc poll shes up by two. Some show donald trump doing better and have a path. Trump has never been more competitive than he is now. Theres a sense doesnt knock him out tomorrow, she may never be able to before november. Both sides are engaging in psychological gamesmanship. The Clinton Campaign has placed mark cuban, a huge trump critic, up front in the audience as a way to rattle trump. In response, as hard as this is to believe, trump has invited Gennifer Flowers to sit in the front who had an affair with bill clinton in the 80s. Different approaches, getting ready for tomorrow nights big debate. While trump huddles, clinton is in her home. Both preparing for the most important president ial debate in decades. You are going to hear donald trump doing a lot of trash talking. Clinton is trying to she ate like a pig. On stage, clinton will try to get under trumps skin. Excuse me. I have given my answer. The challenge for clinton, predicting which trump will show up. People ask, are you going to go out there and do this and that . I dont know that. Will trump lose his cool, be impatient, be too subdued or be crass. He referred to my hands. If theyre small, Something Else must be small. I guarantee you, theres no problem. I guarantee. Above the temperament questions and throw clinton off her game . He needs to worry about first of all not taking the bait from her and following her attacks. Second of all, trump needs to make sure he is readied to talk about policy in a way that matches her. Trump is watching videos to spot clintons vulnerability. Doing no formal mock debates. How is debate prep going . Im his restlessness with preparation into an asset. I dont think he is locked up for two weeks like other people have been or currently are. Cramming their heads with microchips and binders. Trump cant afford to stumble on substance and he has to avoid looking like a bully. As for clinton, shes not afraid of going negative. Your profusion of comments about your feelings toward president obama are a little and shes had her best performances when opponents came off as snarky. I dont think im that bad. You are likeable enough. Or rude. We will shake on this. I want your signature. She can sometimes become defensive, particularly on questions of character. I communicated about classified material on a wholly separate system. She can get tangled up for Hillary Clinton, sometimes for that that wall seems like its 25 feet wide for people. At the more that she lets people through the doors, the better off shes going to be. Both prepare for the most consequential day of this campaign. While you cant win an election in a debate, you can certainly lose one. Joining me is the chairman of the Clinton Campaign. Welcome to meet the press. Good to be with you. Office in 2000. How is the preparation for this one different . Look, she takes the debate preparation very seriously. She respects the American Public. She wants to tell them what she wants to do for them. Its about laying down policies she thinks will improve the economy. Make it an economy working for everyone and not just for people at the top. She has a challenge, because donald tr he comes in and he was rated liar of the year last year. This week, the New York Times did a graphic of the 12 whoppers of the week. Shes got to be able to both make that positive case but also not let donald trump get away with what he is likely to do, which is to make stuff up. Its clear that temperament, you believe, is his achilles you are running. 14 ads you have unveiled, 13 of them have to do with trumps temperament. Donald trump doesnt see people like me. He just sees disability. How would you answer that . What sacrifice have you made. I think ive made a lot of sacrifices. Built great structures. I have had tremendous success. Hes a xenophobic religious bigot. All it takes is one wrong out of them. Just one. What if the donald trump you are portraying is not the donald trump that shows up on stage monday night . Theres only one donald trump. I think he has run the race in a way that those ads i think fairly show. But i think again, you showed an ad about disability. What hillary wants to do is what she did this week, tell that an inclusive economy, make spaces for everyone. Donald trump will have to think about what he said in the past. His disparagement of that reporter that you saw in the screen with disabilities. Going to have to think about the names he called to families, to mexicans, to muslims. You know, he may try to he is a Good Television performer. He may try to adjust for that in the debate. The reality is, he has run his campaiha is to get under his skin . Is that why you gave mark cuban a ticket in the front row . No. I think mark cuban is one of the Business Leaders who was never involved who has endorsed hillary, because he thinks she will do better for the economy. You saw his reaction which is to do his favorite short, to dive in the sewer and go for a swim. But i think that were looking forward to him. Surrogate for her from the time he went to his hometown of pittsburgh and gave her a full endorsement she would be best for the economy. You referred to diving into the sewer. You believe that inviting Gennifer Flowers is diving into the sewer . You know, i will leave it to mr. Trump to decide what he will do. But i think that what he will do tomorrow night. But i think that he is predictable when you poke him a little bit, he thats why he got in so much trouble when he attacked the khan family. Thats what he does. Thats who he is. Thats why he is dangerous. One of the things that Hillary Clinton has to do is restore this issue of trust with the voters. Wasnt to play a debate clip from earlier this week. It was a congressional debate that featured charlie crist, the he was asked about supporting Hillary Clinton. Here is his answer and the reaction to his answer. The thing i like most about her is i believe shes steady. I believe shes strong. I believe shes honest. And i look forward to voting for her. It was when he says the world honest, the crowd groaned. You hear laughter. This issue of honest a trustworthiness, how much progress can she make monday night on restoring some trust directly to the American People about what she wants to do. I think when you think about whats honest about her, its that from the day she got left law school, she has been a champion for women, for children, for families. Shes done it all her life. Shes gotten real results for people in contrast, donald trump has been about himself. I think she can look directly at that is going to be brighter, more optimistic and improving their lives. Very quickly, todays New York Times has an extensive report on the ties of Hillary Clinton to goldman sachs. It talks about various ways they have been close, whether its the paid speeches, whether it was supporting a philanthropic operation while she was at the state department. Does this uner can be tough on wall street, that she has so many close ties to one of wall streets biggest brands . That story was again, it was kind of false equivalency. What it said was she supported a Philanthropic Program that gave 10,000 entrepreneurs around the world a chance to get started. What she has done is put forward what everyone agreed, including the New York Times itself, that is the most comprehensive program to regulate wall street. To wipe away doddfrank, everything that has been done to make sure that wall street doesnt wreck main street again. What she wants to do is make sure that there is no institution too big to fail and no individual too big to jail. I think she has pursued a very aggressive path on wall street. Thanks for your time this morning. Thanks. Joining me now i director of the Defense Intelligence agency and a top adviser to donald trump. He has been in the room for debate prep sessions. Welcome to the show. Thanks for having me. Let me start with this the Public Perception is that donald trump isnt doing the same type of preparation for this debate that Hillary Clinton is. The Campaign Manager said shes not been locked up in a cabin need to be rehearsing flash cards. Are you concerned though that the preparation is enough . So a couple things. The very last thing that john just said is no individual too big to jail. That should include people like Hillary Clinton. Five people around her have had have been given immunity to include her former chief of staff. When you are given immunity, that means you have probably committed a crime. I dont know how he can sit then that with all the things that have been going around just swirling around Hillary Clinton with her emails. In terms of preparation, to answer your question, donald trump has been preparing. You know, its like where is Hillary Clinton this week . Donald trump has been in pennsylvania. He has been in florida. He has been in ohio. I was with him last night in virginia. He is out speaking to the American Public, large groups, small groups. Shift in the polls. One of the things i think that you ought to do is not only talk about where the polls are today but where they were a week ago or two weeks ago. Huge, huge shifts. The way we feel, the way i feel is that theres a huge shift in momentum. The American Public are starting to wake up. You are confident that he is going to be able to pass the commander in chief test . So many of your colleagues in the National Security staffers, bush appointees, former service, letter after letter just hundreds of former National Security professionals who say they cannot endorse donald trump. How does he convince a public that he is up to the job when so many folks who have worked closely with you, closely with others, believe he is unfit for the job . There are hundreds there are hundreds of people that have said just the opposite thing be commander in chief, ability to be the president of the United States and kind of move this country forward in the right direction. A lot of those names on those lists i look very closely at these things. Some of the things that they say. They offer no solutions. These are people that represent the past. They represent so many of the failed policies and really the stupid decisions that were made that have kept us in this perpetual conflict that we are in in the middle east and places like afghanist military and veterans. But im going to tell you the decisions that put us there, many of those people that are on those lists are the ones that actually put us there. You are a general. Does he know more than you . Let me tell you, i have been advising donald trump for over a year now. He is a great listener. One of the things he has what we have in this country is we have a deficit of leadership. Are as america and how do we make America First . How do we bring America Forward . How do we improve our economy, our military . Theres so many things that we have to get fixed in our country right now. Just look at whats going on in the current situation. I want to follow up and state on the debate here. In response to the invitation that Hillary Clinton made to mark cuban, donald trump tweeted that he has ind Gennifer Flowers to the debate. Should we expect to see her . The debate will be the most watched show in the history of tv. Donald trump has been out speaking to the American Public and they have been listening and they have been hearing. You said it up front when you talked about the shift in the polls. The momentum is on Donald Trumps side. Thank god for that. Country. What about this can you confirm this Gennifer Flowers talk . Has she been invited to do this . Do you feel its appropriate . I would just go with what you have seen. We will wait to see what happens tomorrow night. Do you think its appropriate . Im sorry . Do you think its appropriate to invite Gennifer Flowers to the bait . Mark cuban . Hes not a legitimate person. Why is he invited . Again, i would leave this tit for tat. This is about the big issues that this country is worried about. Im worried about, thats the reason why im sitting here this morning with you. Our country needs to go in a different direction. Its failing in many ways. Were struggling. The difference between the bubble of washington, d. C. And the rest of america is such a see big leadership. Thats what donald trump provides. We will be watching tomorrow night. General flynn, thanks for coming on. Later in the broadcast, we will go inside the debate prep war rooms. I will talk to two who have prepped candidates. When we come back this man is a pathological liar, a narcissist at a level i dont think this country has seen. Whats behind decision to endorse donald trump after all . To get you all psyched up for tomorrow nights debate, we will show you highlights from donald trump and Hillary Clinton. Debate moments they have been participated in, beginning with this from one of clintons 2008 debates with then senator barack obama. What can you say to the voters of New Hampshire on this stage tonight who see a resume and like it but are hesitating on the likability issue where hurts my feelings. Welcome to the world 2116, you can fly across town in minutes or across the globe in under an hour. Whole communities are living on mars and solar satellites provide earth with unlimited clean power. In less than a century, boeing took the world from seaplanes to space planes, across the universe and beyond. And if you thought that was amazing, you just wait. . . 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More podcasts coming from her. And hugh hewitt. Theres one topic i want to spend a couple minutes on the ted cruz news. As you know, this is what ted cruz said about said about donald trump fiery donald trump three days before he dropped out. Here is a montage. You are a coward. This man is a pathological think this country has ever seen. Mike murphy, he is now an endorser. I think the editors of believe and absolutely nothing magazine have a new cover. He made the big move of the convention some people thought it was to the point of rudeness. He distanced from trump. He claimed principals. Theres a case to make there. Now threatened with a primary in texas, a 180. How does he can he recover from this . Is he a portrait, hugh, of transactional politician . His chief super pac donors became trumps. Kelly anne conway is with trump now. You have a congressman thinking about challenging, rick perry. This feels like it was a move of political force. I have to disagree. I talked to the senator monday. I yesterday. I disagree he is in trouble in texas. I think he got what he needed from trump. What wasnt a race is now a race. In august, when you oppose donald trump at the convention, no one thinks he is within ten points of secretary clinton. Now the Supreme Court is in balance. If you look at the list that mr. Trump released to add to the names, you will see a very interesting name, margaret ryan. Shes a clerk and a thomas clerk shes a terrific judge as were the other ones. Ted cruz is playing with the Supreme Court. It wasnt enough for him six weeks ago and it is now . The problem is, beware of ambition. Teddy roosevelt did almost the same thing. Many good republicans decided we cant go with him. He promised to do it and then he said, i gotta go with my party. He said, i betrayed myself. Wi people. They were with him. They were with his principals. I wonder how he will feel about it. I have to put theres a meme going around. Ted cruzs Favorite Movie is princess bride. Look here. I will do the accent. You know, i understand the Supreme Court thing. If that were true i except they were not long ago. It wasnt that donald trump is more likely to be president than he was when he was more likely to be nominee. Ted cruz is playing a game for ted cruz which obviously maybe theres a dancing with the stars slot. Maybe its time for ted cruz, texas politicians on dancing. This wasnt even a dance. This was a capitulation. I guess we will see clearly why. But i dont know it changes votes. You are in that world. Did you feel betrayed . No. I have always thought cruz is a cynic. But i think politically, this is for him than a normal politician. Cruz has always presented himself as the one guy who is uncompromised by washington, the one man against the machine. The creature of principal. Now, he seems like just another politician. Thats kryptonite for him. I agree the best argument is requires trust in trump. Thats the bridge i cant cross. To do it before the debate. I have to say, hugh, thats what if everything that cruz said about trump in may comes true tomorrow night . I just have to disagree with everyone. The difference is that trump was not viable in july. He is not only viable, he is ahead now. You are making the political argument . You are saying ted cruz i can now save the Supreme Court. Because a justice appointed by secre c will last for 40 years. Ted cruz is a constitutional scholar, he is a genuine originalist. Do you agree that this is not about whether the Supreme Court so much as to whether ted cruz can survive . Were talking about him. That wasnt going to happen. He will win a primary in texas easily. I would bet everything. I will defer to mike on that. I think he would crush mike mccall. Just being back in the air while, how fun to be back. Its almost okay. I dont know. Watch that primary. Im not sure. Theres the potential for a great primary. I will pause here. We have more to go both on debate and the other big story of the week. Later we will talk about the Police Shooting in north carolina. Dont shoot him. He has no weapon. He has no weapon. Plus, the shooting in tulsa, oklahoma, anhe do to stop this from happening . Whether we come back, inside the war room. What goes on in the debate prep sessions . Will talk to two insiders who have been in the sessions and have prepped president ial candidates. And as we go to break, here is a memorable donald trump debate moment from earlier this primary season. Lets see. Im at 42. You are at 3. So far im doing better. Doesnt matter. So far im doing better. You started off over here, you its not a banner that goes on a wall. Its not something you do now and then. Or when its convenient. Its using stateoftheart simulators to better prepare for any situation. Its giving offshore teams onshore support. And its empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesnt seem right. 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Which is the Clinton Campaign deciding to put mark cuban in the front row. Obviously, the Donald Trump Campaign may or may not be following through with trumps pledge to bring flowers. My guess is others are trying to talk him out of it. Did you this in 04. I seem to recall that we had some 9 11 widows in the audience in 2004, just to make the point that we had a lot of work to do to get back on track in afghanistan and iraq took us off course. Iraq took us off course because of bush not telling truth about are trying to throw each other off their game. The difference is, Hillary Clinton is doing it with a legitimate businessman, also a celebrity. As john put it earlier on your show, trump is just jumping right down in the sewer and swimming by inviting Gennifer Flowers. Part of what you want do is reinforce a positive about your campaign or make a legitimate point about your opponent. What he is doing is help him. It would have made more sense had trump responded with bringing a grieving mother of one of the benghazi family members. That seems to be would have been the counter that would have made sense. You just saw the effectiveness of the tactic. It was designed to provoke donald trump. It provoked donald trump into going down the Gennifer Flowers rabbit hole as opposed to what tomorrow, one of the big tests that donald trump has on this debate stage, can he comport himself like an american president should comport himself . Is he going to be able to be seen by the American People as a plausible commander in chief, somebody who could address the nation in a crisis . I think shes going to try to push his buttons all through this debate and get a volcanic eruption like you saw throughout the primary debates. Steve, ill you used rob portman in 2008 as for john mccain to stand in there for president obama. How important did you find the mock debate for john mccain . I think if i remember, there was some concern that president bush didnt do enough preparation before the first debate in 04. Look, i think that if you look at incumbent president s. Ma in 2012. Its hard to tell the incumbent president , time to practice. They pay for it when they dont. Rob portman was spectacular in the preps. It was a real live fire scenario for the candidates. He was exquisitely prepared. He was tough. And he gave a very accurate and precise preview what was coming at john mccain. Theres no question that john mccains performances were better because of the preparation he we stephanie, i know you used john kerry as the standin for mitt romney. I guess we know its felipe ryans. A personal spokesperson for Hillary Clinton. He is playing donald trump. Its interesting that i guess the idea was to find somebody that could be snarky enough and feel comfortable going after Hillary Clinton in a small room. Well, thats certainly felipe. He will know how to push her choice. What you want to do in these prep sessions is do roll play every potential scenario so that you have a good understanding of how your candidate is going to react. Whether they can keep their cool when they have the right judgement to go on attack or they are keeping in mind their larger vision that they need to communicate to the American People. I think felipe testing secretary clintons limits is very important. Because we dont know no one has evereb debate stage. We dont know exactly who is showing up. Final question for both of you. Part of the debate prep process isnt just prepping the candidate but its also you have to prep for the post spin game. Every cycle it gets faster and faster. The way the debate gets perceived is suddenly goes faster and faster. Stephanie, what did you learn right and wrong from 2012 about the necessity of being prepared for that . Well, we were prepared but we 2008 campaign instead of 2012. What we hadnt realized is what a powerful tool twitter was going to be in defining the narrative of that. We could see the narrative being set in the first 15 minutes of the debate. Who knows whats going to happen this year in 2016 . Every year its a different format, its a different technology. But you have to understand how people communicate and how quickly narratives can get set. By the time you get in the spin room, its done. Whats harder these days, post debate fallout . When you go into the spin rooms after, theyre a tradition of days past. The verdict of what happened in this debate will be rendered by the middle of the debate. Certainly, by the end, by social media. The ability of the Campaign Teams to come out to be able to tell the American People, here is what really happened when 80 millionplus people just saw it, what the campaigns need to do here is to communicate completely, what are they trying to accomplish . Managing expectations on the front side of it is much more important. Steve, stephanie, all right, were given the longest pregame you could have for a debate. Were doing it the day before. Thank you both. Well be back in a moment with one Group Donald Trump needs help with. Its not the voting groups you might think. Im asking you to sign it. Well, i would letters right here. Sign it right now. We will shake on this. I want your signature. I think everybody wants to see i think everybody wants to see you signing something that you today i am helping people everywhere do what they do. Better. I work with startups like alpha modus to predict markets five times more accurately. I am helping tv networks use social data to predict what people want to watch. And i worked with marchesa hello, my name is watson. Working together, we can outthink anything. I was out here smoking instead of being there for my sons winning shot. That was it for me. Thats why im quitting with nicorette. 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Among whites without a college education, trumps biggest strength, he is up 26 points. Thats not bad. Except romney won that group by a similar margin. It may not be enough. Among College Educated whites. Here is whats striking. Clinton is up one point among College Educated white men. This is a group that mitt romney won by 21 points four years ago. All told, clinton leads him among College Educated white voters by five points, a group mitt romney won by 14 points. Trump is only leading by 11 this will pose a major challenge for donald trump. Mitt romney won by 20 points four years ago. Remember, whites are still the biggest part of the electorate. That nine point difference is enormous. This is the problem for trump. He has to do better than mitt romney somewhere to win because romney lost in 2012. Its not going to happen with africanamericans. We know its not going to happen with latinos. If its not going to happen with young voters, it has to happen the one place is the white vote. Romney still lost. Clinton has her own struggles. Its hard to see a path to the presidency for trump if he doesnt improve somewhere, particularly amid College Educated whites. Some debate moments we remember that im sure the candidates would like to forget. Lets see. I cant. The third one, i cant. Sorry. Oops. Hey, jesse. Who are you . Im vern, the orange money retirement rabbit from voya. Yep, vern from voya. Why are you orange . Thats a little weird. Really . Thats the weird part in this scenario . Look, orange money represents the money you put away for retirement. Save a little here and there, and over time, your money could multiply. See . Ah, ok. So, why are you orange . Funny. See how voya can help you get organized at voya. Com. They feel good . No. Why put up with part of a day . These are not useful. Live whole. Not part. Aleve. 98,352 whats that . 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Now athletes from across the nfl have joined him, to the wnba where there have been protests for some time now. They have joined in protesting during the National Anthem. Look at this on friday night at an smu football game, marching band members knelt while playing the National Anthem. A high sch oakland laid on their backs with their hands up. By the way, Colin Kaepernick himself taking a knee beside that team. All against the backdrop of the grand opening of the new smithsonian dedicated to black history and culture perfect president obama referenced the last few years. Men can win the gold for their country but insist on breathe tshirt and grieve for Fallen Police officers. It has been tough. It will probably be part of the debate. Wasnt to read something that Charles Ramsey wrote today. Police officers carry at love baggage. In some cases they were enforcing unjust laws. When i went into the Chicago Police department, it wasnt the most popular thing a young black kid co that will take time to repair. This challenging moment is a tremendous amount to make real improvements. I hope none of us squander it. Gwen, i read this this morning from Charles Ramsey. I felt like he was almost throwing up his hands in frustration, because it doesnt feel like a solution is in sight. Its no, sir despair as this amazing dichotomy of this week. We had the president if you athletes in the olympics who raised their fist during the anthem. Yesterday, the National Anthem was played at the beginning of the ceremony and the black National Anthem at the end. At the beginning, the emotion of the people in the audience, singing full throatedly, reminded me of what are the things that are true in this country. Which is that we want to, we aspire to, we hope to make it better yet we see the clash, the museum put up against what we see happen in the streets. The conflict of what happened in tulsa, which was mostly peaceful and how it was handled in charlotte, there where there was not a peaceful response having do with transparency. It is. It does i feel like you watch even Hillary Clinton and donald trump, they had i dont want to say uneven reactions. But they dont know how to respond anymore. Things are happening. It seems when donald trump said to the africanamerican communities you are living in the worst times ever, ever, it has never been that bad, thats what the museum shows is not true. The bottom of the museum shows blacks in the slave pens. It shows them under jim crow. It shows them making uplift. We have made progress. Even in the police situation, there are best practices in some cities. In tulsa, they did a better part because they had a riot there. They learned from mistakes. Despair. For many people in the inner city, it doesnt seem like much has changed. But it has compared to where we were 120, 130, 140 years ago. Transparency, you can see the Charlotte Police chief has been grappling with this. They didnt release the full video. It didnt erase the skepticism. It wont be gone for a long time. I think its unfortunate that were not spending more time on we arent spending more time on transparency as we have to. I think more many in the country, thats one event, charlotte, tulsa and the president ial race and the National Anthem are one event. For a lot of the country, the National Anthem is a different event. A lot of people are feeling suffocated by the cultural left. They dont associate it with race. They associate it with being overwhelmed by change. I think its the most important column thats been written. I want to put it up. Let me say, she and george w. Bush get along really well. You have seen this at other events where they are Holding Hands and ignoring their spouses. That was two people who like each other. You know what was . The fact president bush signed this legislation that senator brownback worked on to create the museum. Thats the kind of thing we should be celebrating. This is a great moment. This is political leaders were unused to that. Im in the position of being a republican who cant support the nominee of my party is he has been in the code language business for a long time. Sometimes even pretty explicitly bringing those tensions forward under the guise of what was politically incorrect. Its a politically correct way to say things in our dialogue that maybe dont belong there. So i think this is imitation of this sort of thing can do a lot. That photo, and ive been thinking about this. A president trump, what happens at the unveiling of president obamas photo . What happens there are moments where you have to work with expresident s. I just thats a hard thing i spent a lot of time trying to imagine different people, not just donald trump, but Hillary Clinton in that position. I couldnt quite do it. Your numbers, the numbers you showed in the Data Download about who he needs to win over explain a lot of what we have white audiences. Literally in the room but also more broadly. And his people have come to realize the way you get those voters he is not doing as well with as romney did is you show sense of tolerance and thats who he is really speaking to. When people say he is speaking to black voters, thats not who he is speaking to. Thats clear. Let me pause that. Have a little fun here. Those unfortunate debate moments that just make you do this. Well be right back. Coming up, meet th boeing, building the future one even parents need a time out sometimes, especially from communications technology. So why not spend one hour totally unplugged . Read, talk, make art, or whatever. No batteries required. Meet the press end game is brought to you by boeing, at a time. Back with our end game segment. We dont live in a bubble. Were not the only show on television on a sunday morning. What . I was shocked myself. Apparently on another program, Kellyanne Conway and mike pence have said Gennifer Flowers is not coming to the debate. Trump breaks out of the cage. So three hours from now what campaign. There are people floating around donald trump. The bottom line of the debate will be he will start out sedated maybe for real. The real trump like the tweet i think will break out. Do you think that Hillary Clinton has made this too much about donald trump . Trying too hard to make it about donald trump . I sit there and say, what if donald trump is not the caricature . The most important thing is to not necessarily deal with trump. You would avoid it . I think what she needs to do is its in back to the likability thing. Likability shouldnt be what we are voting on. Yet it matters. Its a reservoir of good feeling. Thats why the phrase was i like ike because ike is easy to like. If she can own the email scandal and talk about how she wishes she could turn the clock back, not simply on the email thing but in the future if she makes mistakes, all president s will, all possibilities will, i will own it right away, i will be more transparent, i will be more forthright. If she could do that like she it hurts my feelings, show its affected her emotionally, then i think thats what shes going to be relaxed, know more than he does. He her body language shouldnt let him get under her skin. By the way, we have you on because you have made both a james blaine reference and have the Campaign Song and ike. This is why she sang. And i did the accent. Of course, hugh, its all is this going to be where issues a i dont think issues matter. There are two architects on the stage. Theres the smartest, toughest teacher in the high school, Hillary Clinton. Maybe she spends too much time writing recommendations for the smartest kids. Theres the football coach who wins, wins, wins and steps on peoples toes. Never the two shall cross in the hallway or like each other. I think professor kearns generation for some people. Good news for her, nixon won twice. By the way, i hear you. Thats the answer. The story of the debate from hillarys point of view is less dealing with trumps antics but can she fix hillary . She is under performing the vote she ought to have. She has to connect to people. She will have the audience in the moment to do it. Truwi i have not wanted to mention the m word on this broadcast, which is moderator. Word. You have done it here. Its amazing how hard they are working the reves. Some of it has been some has been destructive. It has been. They worked me when i moderated. You remember this. But here is the thing. People need to understand the to get your head. Lester is a pro. Not going to happen. Hillary clinton has done it for running for senate. Shes been the stage alone with someone else. Donald trump when he did his calling people names, there were ten other people on the stage. Its a different thing. There wont be cheering, the commission doesnt approve of cheering at a general Election Debate like there are primary debates. We may have our popcorn and wat be the debate people will expect. Speaking of popcorn, and a little bit of candy, here is a little candy for everybody. A reminder that one reason the debates are so very big is because they can so very wrong. Who am i . Why am i here . Commerce, education and the whats the third one there . The vicepresident doesnt believe in expiration. Of Eastern Europe and there never will be under a ford administration. Commerce, education and the lets dispel once and for all with this fiction that barack obama doesnt know what he is doing. He knows exactly what he is doing. Lets dispel this notion that barack obama doesnt know what he is doing is just not true. There it is. The 25second speech. There i i have had a record of appointing judges in the state of texas. Thats what a governor gets to do. Commerce. And lets see. I cant. The third one, i cant. Sorry. Theres differences. Oops. Look at this. You have lost it. When i got doris, i was going to go to you, and you cant talk. Im finished. You are out. None of us picked up on the sighs in the room. A lot of people thought gore trounced bush. The audience was offended by gore. I sat on the stage when sarah palin said, can i call you joe. I never heard her say it. You are in your head and you didnt know it. Thats what started that whole debate. A quick programming note. In case you missed the point, theres a debate tomorrow night. Nbc news will provide full coverage beginning at 9 00 eastern. Other networks claim they are ai on pbs. Thats all for today. We will be back next week sharyl going back to a year ago, did you really think you had a good chance e today . Mr. Trump i guess the answer is i wouldnt have done it if i didnt. You know. Im not looking to lose. Sharyl on the eve of the great debate, donald trump answers a few questions you might not hear monday night. Do you see yourself banning reporters from certain events and things like that . Scott with polls showing clinton and trump neck and neck, tomorrows debates are more highstakes than usual. Both candidates have such high negatives and so much to prove. Scott how important is it that they just get out clean . This summer, wildfires in the west are burning bigger, hotter, and faster, consuming not just only the landscape, but the budget of the Agency Charged with fighting the fires. We need congress to act and

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