After another terrible and and divisive campaign that could determine whether Mr Netanyahu survives politically Mr Netanyahu presents himself as the face of security and economic competence against an emergent center ground Alliance studied with former generals who say they will end Israel's increasing divisions that may yet be more uncertain say the polling suggests no clear route to government for either of them President Trump has said it looks almost certain that Iran was behind the Saturday's attacks on Saudi oil field or oil facilities that sent only prices soaring Mr Trump said Washington was seeking more proof before deciding what to do but he hopes to avoid a war From Washington here's David Willis he said that the attack on the Saudi oil installations was a large $1.00 and $1.00 that could be met with an attack many many times larger as he puts it but it's clear he's looking to Saudi Arabia to take the lead I think in this regard to build some sort of international coalition to respond to them the message I think that came across loud and clear today was that the because the United States is now self-sufficient in terms of oil this is a global problem and not simply an American problem a European Union court case on Arlin's tax treatment of Apple begins in Luxemburg Today the European Commission found in trying to 16 in agreement between Dublin and the technology John it was against E.U. Law it said the Irish government allowed the company to attribute its endings to a head office that existed only on paper the commission wants Dublin to recover on paid taxes of more than $13000000000.00 from Apple both Arlen and Upal are appealing world news from the B.B.C. News. The United Kingdom Supreme Court will begin hearing 2 appeals today which will determine whether the prime minister bar's Johnson acted lawfully in suspending Parliament for 5 weeks it will 1st decide if the highest court in England was right in concluding that this is spending of Parliament was a political matter and not one for the law then it will consider an appeal from the government from the government against a ruling from Scotland's highest court a medicine normally used to treat men with enlarged prostates might also be able to help those with Parkinson's disease a new study has found that the drug to results in May slow or prevent Parkinson's from progressing something that's not currently possible Dr not a coma Narayan from the University of Iowa is one of the researchers this drug has a unique feature in that it's a repurposed rockets prescribed to a lot of people for this problem prostate disease and that gave us the opportunity to look in large clinical databases into our amazement there was a huge signal in these large clinical databases that suggested that this drug slow the progression of Parkinson's disease songes Splenda start clinical trials in Parkinson's patients to establish if it's safe and effective enough the campaign group Human Rights Watch says deforestation in the Amazon in Brazil is driven by criminal networks or reports as the gangs have the capacity to coordinate large scale operations to extract and sell timber and on demand are used to protect their interests the Swedish environmental campaigner gratitude and the youth movement Fridays for future have been awarded the ambassadors of Conscience Award from Amnesty International Mr Emberg received a standing ovation from the audience when she collected the award in Washington B.B.C. World News. This is the on the B.B.C. World Service I'm making here with 60 minutes of the best. Conversation from across the B.B.C. Coming up on the show in just a moment Scottish actor and X. Men star James McAvoy tells us about his new movie it Chapter 2. 1 of rock N roll's greatest iconoclasts Iggy Pop has a new album out and talks about his well lived life the 72. New season series Top Boy is streaming now we hear from 2 of its stars Ashley Walters and little Sam's Mexican or. Reveals the real life stories behind her latest book Lost Children archive we hear about Revelations a signature work of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater it's astounding. Right start to go down in your book. The 1st spiritual words as our than pure tonight can score and it starts with this you feel that changes energy in the room becomes focus and there's. From one of the few female musicians playing in Morocco . And joining me in the studio American playwright and he said we'll be talking about. And we welcome back film critic. We're going to hear in a moment about the return of Pennywise the evil. Tara films so why one to where they you both have someone or something from film or literature that truly gives you the creeps Lisa what about you. I was thinking about how I could never watch that American T.V. Show The Walking Dead before bed this is an adult is that yes I think part of it is I'm from New Orleans and the post-apocalyptic landscape after you've lived through Katrina is a little close to home really there's not even the zombies Well I think the zombies maybe are at the forefront but it's in that landscape that I would watch the show but not at night OK guy was about you when I was 6 or 7 I was Obs Sest with both film and book off road dolls the witches and Jellicoe Houston as the Grand High which was the most terrifying thing I've seen up to that point and I think still is . It's a wonderful kind of grand can't perform and but she's genuinely frightening and the film has one extraordinary reveal where she takes off her human mosque and this kind of extraordinary knock at Eastern beaky face like comes out and I remember it's the 1st time I screamed in a cinema. And if you continue to scream ever since throughout your life every time it does come as a shock. So Pennywise the evil don't sing clown that malevolent shapeshifting entity that haunts the small town of Darien Maine is back in 8 Chapter 2 following on from the 2017 film it's adapted from Stephen King's book the new movie stars James McAvoy Jessica chest pain and Bill skulls God with the help of prosthetics as the monstrous Pennywise Chapter 2 tells the story of the 7 adults who as children called themselves the losers club and defeated pennywise but now 27 years later he's back terrorizing the town and children a disappearing again the loses must return to destroy Pennywise once and for all the B.B.C. SIMON May I ask James McAvoy up. The film in particular about Bill sculls Galt's portrayal of Pennywise is a particularly crazy make up. See though people are talking about his performance as being so special and I think people think it's the make up is the story is the post even writing is all those things by the way and thank you very much Stephen King for providing Not but what those girls Guard does in that thing you don't see on the screen but you feel it but when we are there on the day he is racking his body every time he says just a couple aligned and the director would be like OK that was perfect let's go one more time and you'd be like where is Bill where is Bill I'm ready to go and he looks bring the corner and Belle would be in pieces he even just try to get myself back together in an arctic and not just for small Takes it was you don't see it because it's just about the kind of attention is put in that character on The Voice these reckonings through a part every time he speaks in a voice it's pretty disconcerting to be around his parent when asked about 2 things one you're in and one you're not the one that you're in I don't think is in the book but is one of the most effective terrifying scenes in the movie it's the bit with the mirrors in the hall of mirrors. And was that your idea that scene I was feeling like we were a mess in a key point Bill them Bros arc and felt like pain wise was coming after each and every one of them individually and going for their SO EMOTIONAL Achilles heel and his emotional killings he was way a responsibility he feels for the death of his brother and I was like there's no point where he confronts us so I said to and in Barber one this big huge problem I think we're missing a big thing I don't want new scenes just maybe we can try and bend some of the scenes and then run to deal with this and the luge like they were trying to scratch their discretion has and then and he just he start to go and we'll take that scene here and we'll take this in the I'm going to shove them together I'm going to take a break here and take a bet there and in 10 minutes or a glass of tequila he cleared this whole. Thing that was going to cost want to brothers an extra $5.00. And because and then take us an extra week and you put together this brilliant scene I said I'm so delighted I've been on so many films where I've talked to directors and writers and producers where I've had this kind of moment and then nothing happens. That's one thing the other one which you know involved in the opening scene of the movie and it's in the book there's a very graphic homophobic attack that happens and I know the director just could just hadn't been asked about this but it is very very difficult to watch obviously as it should be do you think it's justified. I think that one of the things that make this not just a horror story is the fact that it's a coming of age hero is a romance comedy it's a horror movie yes and it was also an exploration of the dark heart of small town America that he lives in and I don't think that he is a political move or a shaker I don't think he's ever trying to change the world or release a message less is more spiritual one but I do think he reacts to what he sees in the world news and. We're writing about horror right now but the murder of children it might be by a trans dimensional shapeshifting clone but we're writing about the abuse and the Marder of children and it's entertainment and it scares innocent attainment and I think to start that film more of C.N.N. Bad stuff really really does happen and as horrific as a great leveller is worse because you could look at horror movies that attack children this is just exposed of just titillating exploitative schlock which is the case of criticism gets thrown in Steven King sometimes but he chose to start his book with the true crime that happens in the real world every single day and if we don't shrink from the gore of represented face or we shouldn't be shrinking from the Gore or of a homophobic hate crime and I I think it's warranted I think it's fair enough. James McEvoy talking about it chapter 2 and don't go if you suffer from cool refer That's the fear of clowns my guests in the arts S.T.D. Today film critic I knowledge and playwright Lisa dumbell What did you think of the film I think it's effective it kind of delivers the scares where it's supposed I mean everyone remembers it as being one of the kind of scary works of our time the book the mini series with Tim Curry I think was a part of many of our childhoods and I think the film lives up to that legacy it's incredibly long I have to say I mean what do you call incredibly long well film critic I mean this is a few minutes shy of 3 hours and I know the book itself was kind of a doorstop I think was a 1000 pages or so but I think for film it could have been condensed a bit more I think there's a lot of quite extraneous character detail what I did occasionally between the kind of big scary set pieces I was just like pick up the pace Let's move on yeah nobody Well Bill scholars God is Pennywise again tell us about how you felt regarding the prosthetics and the special effects were they effective they are effective I think they had to do something different from what we knew of term Charise interpretation picks that was so iconic in its way and Bill scars God his own terms are very different it's kind of less kind of campy evil more kind of Loki frightening and the prosthetics that they've done with that are more kind of distorted more stylized he's been given less weirdly shaped skull and that's makeup that looks like it's bleeding out of his eyes I think it's very effective in general what do your feelings about actors wearing per statics I mean I'm thinking immediately because I can't stand them when they don't work and more often for me they don't but then. Christian Bale is Dick Cheney and last year's vice all this year's vice even I thought was absolutely brilliant Yeah that was seamless and I mean the one Oscar that from one was for its many countenance well deserved. It can be incredibly distracting and that's when you know it's not working you get to a lot in particular with that aging makeup. Which sounds simple and yet it's I think the thing that I still struggle with the absolute most of it was Clint Eastwood's J. Edgar few years ago with Leonardo Dicaprio is here you have guy who then Armie Hammer as his right hand man I love and by the end they both look so kind of desiccated pay him it's like about 300 years old right then you know 70 or whatever they're completely overshot and I don't know how that happens I think sometimes they misjudge how it's going to look on camera Yeah but when it works it works Lisa into most of the cheering transformation on stage what do you have you found of the most effective ways of doing it successfully. Well my current experience with my play Annabel Lee There is a character in it's a mother who believes towards the end of the play that she has turned into a werewolf and there's a big. Story Lisa you say believes she's 10 I know well well I believe she was away on WOLF I think that's beautiful and I think that the audience should believe that because the final scene of the play you're really supposed to be seeing Irene is her name through 2 very different sets of eyes one is through the eyes of herself and her daughter and the other through the eyes of these policemen who are trying to catch her. And you know in my play there is absolutely no makeup Irene turns into this creature in front of your eyes and how do you do that to she do it by do you language her facial expressions the sound of her voice definitely her voice changes and for sure her body language changes this play is spoken and sung directly to the audience so the whole play works by placing images into the audience's head and so really the audience is conjuring the story as much as the characters so by this point at the end of the play The audience is very used to things changing very quickly and that's the magic of theater is that things can turn on a dime I was thinking about you know the play Elephant Man which was also a movie which I believe had a lot of press about it yes but the stage play which has been produced many times on Broadway and on the West and the actor uses nothing I mean no prosthetics at all it's just a way of moving his body to portray this character and you know that's there it is there's the magic theater is about the performance meeting the audience as a match. Nation so well it sounds like you've succeeded we're going to talk about the play in more depth a bit later in the shire You're listening to the arts hour on the B.B.C. World Service with mean Nicky Beatty literature now and the 1st novel Mexican American writer Valarie Lewis Sally has written in English it's called Lost Children archive and with the fate of unaccompanied children on the Mexican border continuing to dominate debate in the U.S. Her book is incredibly pertinent it tells the story of a couple and their small children who set out to document the migrant crisis when Valencia came into the B.B.C. She explained what prompted her story I started writing this book in the summer of 2014 without really knowing that I was already writing it I was at that point just taking notes and I was on a road trip myself with my family from Manhattan to Arizona. I had been writing another novel but as soon as I left New York with my family and started driving deeper and further into the USA in that particular summer which was the summer in which this diaspora of children coming from Central America to the USA really started I couldn't think or there for right about anything else that unaccompanied minors have passed through our borders illegally since October more than 52000 have come in the last 9 months all the talk in Washington these days is about securing the border absolutely as Do not send your children as we drove I started documenting the landscape that emerged but also the news on the radio and when I returned to New York I started working as a volunteer translator and interviewer in the court of immigration and basically my job there was to interview children and learn the reason why they had migrated and what had happened along the way in order to then rewrite that in English and find a potential lawyer to represent him or her and I continued to write about what I was hearing in court except that at some point I realized that I was writing with so much anger and confusion to the point where I had to stop writing this novel and wrote another book and once I'd written that I was able to return to the novel Lost Children archive and think about it not so much as a political tool or as an account of the immigration crisis but more more as what a novel is which is a space where people breathe and people exist and in which there is an immigration crisis happening but where the book is not really about the crisis but but really a book with a crisis. Then Larry a Louise sadly that book Lost Children archive is out now my guests on today's playwright Lee said to mall and film critic guy large you heard the authors say that when she realized she was writing the book with so much anger she had to abandon it for a while silly so I just wondered if you've ever found yourself writing with so much anger all maybe too much of a mission to convey a message that you've had to polls or change your tack I was so angry after Trump was elected and I felt there was so much massage me in the way Hillary Clinton's campaign was being reported and no one was really reporting about the massage I was filled with rage and I thought how am I going to write about this and I started writing this play that started as 2 ladies who lunch in New York having a polite lunch that really turns into a wrestling match as they beat each other up the play is currently in the drawer. I was I realized quite quickly I was like Lisa you were working something out here I don't understand I'm really glad I work that I wrote it and I believe I will return to it when I have a bit more distance like this writer that really interesting guy how do you respond to I mean it could be reading a book seeing a play or any sort of movie if it's been made with anger I think it can be very powerful kind of rhetorical head when behind a work of art I mean you see a long documentary filmmaking you know even to finish 13th as a very angry film very politically present film. Oh and you know the fiction films like a lot of Ken Loach's stuff has sort of social realism in person I don't know Blake which really wanted to kind of convey the problems right now among the kind of social welfare system in Britain and I think it needs to be made with some anger too to get the message across and unproven facts of. You know with the B.B.C. World Service this is the arts and I'm Nicky Beatty dunce now and I will never forget going to New York for the 1st time and being taken by a dancer friend of mine to experience a show by the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater it was powerful and mesmerizing and I loved the fact that Ailey Billy don'ts could and should reach everyone he transformed his small Don straight into a powerful cultural force the company celebrated at 60th birthday last year and the B.B.C.'s Coastie Lang spoke to their artistic director Robert Battle she wanted to know as the Dons company was formed in 1958 around the same time as the civil rights movement started how things have changed since then it began in 1958 started by this wonderful genius Alvin Ailey he started the company because he didn't see the opportunities in our country for African-Americans or people of color in the concert dance world so he really wanted to make that possible until those stories about his people that were being told so it was a mission driven company from the beginning and he was a trailblazing artist who was just ahead of his time so because of that 60 years later we're still on that precipice past present and future never to give an evening you can see the work by a young choreographer just starting out to someone who's tried and true or some historical work there is one unifying element and that is that the. Celebration of the African American and Caribbean experience is yes it is it's about the tenacity of the human spirit one of the most important works I feel that was ever created in dance was created by Alvin Ailey in 1960 and it's called Revelations and that's a work that if anybody knows the company they come to see again and again and again the company performs it every single time it does show is that yes definitely here and pretty much everywhere and describe that piece to well it's a suite of spirituals that expresses the experiences of African-Americans in our country and how we overcame some of the atrocities of hate through faith it turns out that that personal expression is universal because it's a message of hope and so I always say no matter free or across the street or across the ocean people relate they identify with that work it's astounding as soon as those lights start to go down and you hear the humming of the 1st spiritual words as I've been Pew Tonight been scored and it starts with this humming you feel that the room changes the energy in the room becomes focused in fact I remember one time a poignant moment happened it was the 50th anniversary of the company and I was then just an audience member the humming started and before the curtain went up I saw a little girl maybe she was 5 and she said mommy mommy is this it remembers that yes this is revelations so I think that just speaks to the universality of that work and that work being a part of the fabric of our cultural landscape. The. Now the company was founded in one to 58 around the time of the American civil rights movement and a lot has changed and not changed from African-Americans in the past 60 years I mean to what extent is able to reflect those changes Alvin Ailey said it best what he was really trying to do is hold up a mirror to society so that people could see how beautiful they are in doing so sometimes you have to eliminate those dark recesses of things that we struggle with as human beings some of the racism some of those social justice issues of the day modern dance I think was meant to reflect those things that it matters when you come to the theater to see this company because there are issues that are being expressed on that stage that matter to you the audience that should be a reflection of the already. Well that battled the artistic director at the out the American dunce they said Don't go away there's lots more to come including Iggy Pop 2 stars of the T.V. Series Top Boy I'm going now a music from Morocco is back after this. Distribution of the B.B.C. World Service in the U.S. Supported by Kronos providing H.R. Solutions for the modern workforce and the people who support them more and more at Kronos dot com slash H R swagger and I'm a good online test prep for the G R E G map AC T. And S. 80 that's designed to improve scores students can get video lessons practice questions and expert support online at www dot COM. Never. B.B.C. News with Neil Nunez an American swimmer has succeeded in becoming the 1st person to cross the channel between France and England a record 4 times nonstop Samara THOMAS Oh is that the 7 and recently had cancer treatment finished after more than 54 hours Israelis are going to the polls for the 2nd general election the C.M. Prime Minister Netanyahu who is fighting for a 4th consecutive term is facing a strong challenge from a center ground Alliance President Trump has said Washington is almost certain that Iran was behind Saturday's drone attacks on Saudi oil facilities the secretary general of NATO U.N. Stoltenberg said he was extremely concerned by the rising tensions in the Gulf Research by the B.B.C. Suggest more civilians died in Afghanistan last month than in Syria and Yemen put together the B.B.C.'s findings corroborate a UN study which concluded that more civilians were killed by pro-government forces than by the Taliban a medicine normally used to treat man with enlarged prostates might also be able to slow the progress of Parkinson's disease Sancia sent the University of Iowa in the US plan to Stanford clinical trials with 10 results and to establish if it's safe and effective a European Union cold case on a tax agreement between Arland and Apple begins in luck some bad today the European Commission found in trying to 16 that the agreement allows Apple to avoid paying tax on its way you revenues lawyers for Cardinal George Pal a former senior advisor to the Pope of filed a new appeal to Australia's High Court against his conviction for child sex abuse last month of Victoria codes upheld a Court of Appeal upheld is going fiction for abusing 2 choir boys in Melbourne in the 1990 S. B.B.C. World News. Welcome back to the B.B.C. World Service with me and coming up in this. In just a moment. I'm old enough to have Ashley Walters and Little same to act as tell us about the new season of The London set series Top story we'll hear from asthma Hamzawy the 1st female general there who's pioneering a new sound. And in this studio with me Lisa demote will be telling us about how to play and film critic of the 1st that a man who's been as famous for his appetite for life as he has for his long music career Iggy Pop still getting that famous torso out at the age of $72.00 like on talks about but he does have a new album out for. Free. It's a more reflective darker body of sums that we've heard before. He's lived an extraordinary life is an incredible live performer and he's influenced so many people Josh home from Queens Of The Stone Age who produced again last album said that off to Bowie and Lemmy Iggy Pop was the Nast remaining true icon of rock N L He spoke to. David Bowie said he made music from kind of the top of his head kind of his shoulders and you made music from should we say the more pelvic region I would agree with I think in general you know I mean he had a great Polish and stuff in the seventy's he did shrink really really good but his wrist definitely more or there's a whole lot of a lot of good venture there were more stuff or shorter or. You know different different basis. What he's in control of what is your. Not still in control if you had to as you had learned to control your. Usable and another were so sure which I'll let the heart control things which is very nerve wracking because it's all there so all sorts of danger in there so I give it a give it could troll for a certain percentage of the time but never told will control manage to control manage to risk but I make sure to balance that out of their own majority of the top I'm it's the head so the head is in control it is in control most of the top I mean that's been a shift presumably Yeah that is a shift that I had to take for self-preservation for self-preservation That's right a surprise I actually have quite an effective had. It worse for health it is how do you navigate your way either a very successful life there you go you know a life lived on the edge and I feel lived a life lived I mean I lost a whole life well there is that you know I was in a food court the other day oh a hipster food court in Miami and there was a girl selling pizzas she go very excited and she. Give covers. Whew. You know in the way she said it I thought oh yeah yeah I get it you know a former manager he was wife in the sixty's was giving you and you in the Stooges a macrobiotic vegan diet then we were yeah I never went all the way with it I would eat like chicken once a week and tuna fish on the weekend right but at the base of so over it was a. Good she's way ahead of its time way way ahead of its time I mean you counterbalance that presumably with other things that are most destructive. What he's what he's had in his I'm now to you what is the kind of luxury or of feeling now it's interesting. The way you know it your view of try to put the a do a tough spot it. What I do yeah. Well. You know there's just the just all the obvious come 1st of life you know most a date comes my role as you know the be. Nice chance to put a nice beautiful trumpet on the record of things things of beauty and anything of beauty so you're much happier to be a spectator to P.T. Than be a participant no there's got to be both got to be of both but I think. That it's useful and convenient to me that. Spectate at least half the TARP. It's OK to witness isn't that a big seeing him know everything from Christianity to Russia to foreigners from you know to bear witness to the beauty of the earth other people and kind and all these things the natural world around and sometimes you know you got to be you got to be in there. And his latest album Free is out now and you can hear his economic potential radiation I Vy the B.B.C. 6 Music website in fact my guess and I would just commenting on the quality of that voice so are you both AG fans Lisa I had a formative experience with Iggy Pop because I got to see him live on a small outdoor stage in Austin Texas in the late ninety's. And he already seemed old to me then but I kind of was closer to my age but it was an extraordinary show I just had never seen anything like it the energy the kind of raw energy of his performance and I know he performed I Want To Be Your Dog which was a song that I was already like had an obsessive relationship to and like his music like pushes pushes you away and pulls you towards it and pushes you away and pulls you towards it which is very much the kind of feeling that I like to create with my plays you know you want the audience to be like a live and maybe not quite sure not quite knowing what they feel yes and that was my experience at that concert what about you guy I mean he's been in a number of movies and T.V. Series actually do you rate him as not he has I mean he kind of his film career such as it is has compliments of his countercultural States in music because he works with quirky indie filmmakers like John Waters and Jim Jarmusch who are all kind of rebels against the system themselves so he keeps it going there for me the 1st time I counted him was when I was 13 and I saw Trainspotting. Back in the mid ninety's he resumed his song Lost for life a service and shorter that come with having 1st seen of that film and it's just I think one of the most convicts thrown reuses of a pop song in cinema. You're listening to the art sound the B.B.C. World Service with me Mickey Beatty and I turn my full attention to you now Lisa demo award winning Pulitzer Prize finalist for you what Detroit and we're going to talk about you'll play Annabella enough which has just opened in London at the Arcola theater it is such a magical piece of theater it's a little bit ghost story fairy tale it's a coming of age fun to see complete with shape shifting vampires so Annabella lives in a deserted trailer park she's home schooled by her slightly eccentric mother I read who won't go outside the trailer and licks stamps for a living they're facing their home being demolished for a new highway and one day I'm up Alice steps outside to build a girl out of mud on the day I'll make my little girl Lattimer I was a really really really really really really poor guy I was trying to get my mother's attention all morning in LA are we are the only ones left. Mother this letter said we gotta lay. There. Right this glass. Only 10 years old and she feels me with the right of a perilous middle aged man so that little mud girl comes to life Lisa to play a focuses on 2 women and their accounts of the extraordinary events that occur when on the ballot creates this month girl and the current Tis because I read the play offs simply written as $12.31. I believe that came because I knew early on that these characters were going to turn into many other creatures and people I also think of this piece there's a lot of music in the piece the actresses switch between speaking and singing and so there was something about just kind of noting that these were 3 voices that were going to combine in different ways was important to me so on the stage when we see it as a production it's 3 women yes do they move around a long not really the play was written for 3 women sitting in 3 chairs with a little tray in front of them with objects that they used to tell the story and also sometimes create soundscapes and underscoring for their singing so in most productions they stay very rooted in those chairs although in this production and a few others there's a section of the play that's almost like a dream and in that section the actresses do get out and weave around the play has this soundscape the place easy soundscape on many levels isn't it so how does that work will you give us an idea of a I mean how did you even think about it. That's a great question I knew early on that this play was going to be a ghost story that I wanted there to be music and then. That I knew that the music I wanted in the play was something I didn't know how to write so I actually started working with the composer before I had finished the 1st draft of the play so this idea of the sonic world and conjuring a world out of nothing really out of sound and out of the audience's imagination was a part of the work early on. It's a very subtle underscoring So sometimes the actresses will use say I hand a kitchen beater and glass with a spoon to create sounds that might evoke the outdoor world of this trailer park sometimes they may use them to underscore songs but it's almost like you don't quite realize it's happening and suddenly there's music in the space so it's pretty sneaky way it works and you you mentioned that they have a tray of all objects on their laps You've spoken in the past about wanting magical objects in your plays where you explain that sure in addition to loving music I'm a very visual writer and so I find that one way to carry an audience through the story is to have them really attach to the symbolism of an object so for example early on in the play Irene The mother tells us that she was visited by a werewolf once and she shows the audience the teeth of the werewolf now usually these are fake werewolf teeth that Irene shows but you realize oh this is important and then of course by the end of the play Irene turns into a werewolf so it's planting an idea it's planting almost like a sparkle in the imagination of the audience that helps carry them through the play now what inspired all the shapeshifting Did you ever see this show True Blood on that imaginary place in the South was cool but there was lots of shade. Shifting and the woods. And I just saw a little bit of that in my mind it's interesting I haven't watched as much True Blood as I should given that I live in New Orleans actually yes. Where did the shapeshifting come from Could it have come from my growing up in New Orleans a place where we costume once a year and take to the streets very possibly again from there what did the most is outside represent. The monsters outside can represents several different things these are 2 women who are getting pushed out of the home but Annabel has lived her whole life so there are the fears of displacement they may also represent a kind of gentrification especially among people who don't have a lot of money and feel powerless I also think there's a side of the play where the monsters represents a kind of inner strength for Irene because I think she feels very disenfranchised and so she looks to these outsiders as some things you can identify with and get strength from and as you'll home has been any is right now in the American South. The magical elements part of story telling them in you you refer to Mardi Gras I think when you were talking about costuming up you know I often say that I live in a city where we talk about the dead as much as we talk to the living layers of history live with us at every moment of the day in New Orleans I also grew up as a writer in New Orleans and Mississippi reading people like William Faulkner Carson McCullers O'Connor So this kind of rich storytelling that always leans into the surreal and always seems to hold the past in the present at once has been very much a part. In my upbringing Wow I cannot wait to see this play on stage Lisa do more thank you and if you're in London you need to get to the beautiful Arcola theatre and see Annabella EMA it runs until the 12th of October earlier in the show we heard from actor James McAvoy who is currently starring in the horror film each chapter 2 and it's Penny Wise the evil clown who provides the scare factor so we've been asking you the B.B.C. World Service Facebook page for your scariest film character here's what you've been saying Jared Banks says the possessed Charile from the original evil debt Mafia cashes in Texas says silent Agnes Morehead in an old Twilight Zone Zula Dan salt who's in all abut or Mongolia says when Beverly visits her childhood home in Derry where there now lives an old lady Mrs Kershaw from Stephen King's It says staying on the theme there and Rajan Venkatraman says the child catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang obviously easily scared Rajan thank you all for posting those. On our sister programme the cultural front line this week it's all about Indigenous Australians 2 of their brightest comedies Dallas def his Del and Andy Saunders of the Aboriginal comedy All-Stars talk to Tina de Healy and she also he is from the Australian film team who use movies to tell the story of their communities fight against land restrictions and racism. To a cult British T.V. Series saved by Drake now the Canadian Raffa he's also executive producer one of the best T.V. Series of 2019 euphoria watched the 1st 2 seasons of The London set series Top Boy and was dismayed to discover it had been cancelled long story short the 3rd season is now available on Netflix and that's thanks a huge pot to drake boy a set in and around a housing estate in Hackney east London and tells stories from the street it follows the lives of a group of young people involved in drug dealing and street gangs here will take care of everything we have to do sit back and watch a piece come to the base. Money grab it protect our the rest come from life's a risk even step up and take a chance on economy if not you're gonna know that was actually Walters who plays to Shane and along with little Simms he came into the B.B.C. To talk about the new season of Top Boy Lauren love and whether the new series for Netflix would have different themes from the British made series without changing the famous I mean top ways always being good at dealing with what's happening in a specific area at the time were very accurate about you know we give you a slice of life and we just put it on screen so we're dealing with themes like you know immigration deportation bricks can you know gentrification and all of those things around in kind of what's going on in the area in the drug deal and the stuff that's happening but it's a power struggle the stories always about power struggle about you know everyone wanting to be at the top of their game or at the top and how you navigate how you get and who you leave behind on the way with a gap of 6 years it feels like actually it's this is Cain into the news agenda more than ever does that bring with it a sense of responsibility to you and what do you kind of feel about the importance of getting this right as you say it's a slice of life you know you have to be accurate that must be. A tricky balance for you guys yeah I think because the close to home and. You know we've grown up around we have to make show you represent. We are essentially telling people stories. To make sure we get that right obviously we need to talk about the music as far as top boy goes that's such an important part of it Brian he knows always been in the makes and always been in charge that previously won a Bafta for I think 1st season is he still didn't it. Off the back very much looking forward to that now for you guys obviously you know you go extensive experience in music between the 2 of you I mean what does that kind of bring to you have been able to tap into those different disciplines you know some acting and music it is a feel like exercising different muscles Yeah kind of I mean at times you know there is different discipline and I suppose making music completely in control every decision is down 2 year. Process when you're making a T.V. Show so you have to kind of. You do have to switch. There are parts of the same. Thing as well just learn to like. My little which is at the door. And I don't want to act as me yes you know I mean. Important little Sims and actually Walt has that boy is available now on Netflix my guests today Lisa de wall and go I launch so go I know that you've been privileged to see the 1st episode on Netflix are going to show Top Boy in $180.00 countries it remains that in east London with all the slang and specific cultural references. What did you think of the 1st episode and will it have well why do pale that's going to be interesting to see I think it's very good I think it's really well made I think it's usually produced it's the director's action American director Ray not a Marcus Green who won an award at Sundance last year for his day before Monsters and Men sat you know really nice you should be doing him I really enjoy him so that it looks nothing much more polished than the 1st 2 series it's got a real sense of place and life to it and the actors I think all very strong otherwise it's a slice of life from that region and I think as a Londoner obviously someone outside that community but I found that I could survive densify with on one level I'm very interested to see how it travels with international audiences because. It hasn't really had that exposure before that Netflix gives a c I was thinking about I'm thinking of series like The Wire and how it didn't matter to me that that was a certain use of language and slang and colloquialisms that I had to catch up with all the vile have to try and fathom I loved it I loved being placed on apologetically into a local culture Lisa what do you think you do you enjoy that do you ever try and adapt your writing so that more people can understand a place have you ever had to do that. I have I have one play that is very New Orleans it's called Airline Highway and it's set in the parking lot of a kind of derelict motel and it all happens over the course of one day and I was really interested in giving the audience a sense of how a day passes in New Orleans because the time signature of that city is a little different than other cities so I think it can be really wonderful in theater or in T.V. To bring people into the texture of a place and there's a lot of T.V. Shows that are doing that now yeah and I think it's good you know we want to be transported we want to be taken to new places that Clay if you were given the chance to do the Drake and recommission an old T.V. Series what would you choose guy any thoughts Well it's probably not Drake's taste but I would love to see the Muppet Show back in any form I miss it so much it was my absolute favorite thing as a child. The way they did with the old format I think it would still be like an Busters you know he's so charming I don't I don't know what I expected from you but it wasn't the month it's amazing show yeah that's so not so wonderful would have had one idea that was pure kitsch I would love someone to remake Fantasy Island. My childhood which was such a ridiculous it's an island where you come visit for one day and there's always some adventure that encourages and your you leave changed yes. Finally under days our music from North Africa good now which dates back to the 12th century is music played on a 3 stringed instrument called the gamble and it comes from formally enslaved black Africans who came to Morocco and created music in storytelling to preserve their culture traditionally women don't plague and performing in public for them is still a widespread to boot but Morton to know is evolving asthma Hamzawy is the daughter of a famous Moslem Organon Rashid Homs and he's encouraged her to play is the 1st female getting reply in Morocco I'm one of the 1st across the world Gemma canny travel to Casablanca in Morocco to meet and spoke to her with the help of the translator. Remember your. Experience will send. That's it for this week's South thank you to my guests. And thank you for your A is details and information about this week's show available via the B.B.C. World Service website. For me. Next week. Jefferson Public Radio's more than just a radio station. The only Internet service provider that directly supports. Your subscription to Jeff and it helps underwrite the news music and other public radio programming you hear on the year end all of our expanded online content when you connect to the web with Jeff you'll have access to all your favorite websites streaming music and videos then you'll also be helping underwrite the public radio programs you like you have options when you choose and peace so choose the one that supports your favorite radio station learn more at. Age 66. This is the news and information service of southern Oregon University's Jefferson Public Radio 12 30 AM K S J K talent at 9 30 AM K A.G.I. Grants Pass also heard in the road Valley one o 2.3 F.M. News of the region the nation and the world 2. Welcome to News station the B.B.C. World Service and Conny show up with you. Thanks for joining us today we're talking about the American woman who has just become a Fast Pass in to swim the English Channel 4 times his ratings go to the polls again a day off to do so 2nd time this year campaign domination of course by Binyamin Netanyahu will his rhetoric secure a 5th term in office also today 11 Supreme Court justices in the United Kingdom moved yet change their votes Johnson until finally in advise in the Queen to suspend comment we'll be talking. About this on the claim that to stifle the threat the debate I'm to Canada will be hearing about what's being described as the largest security breach in the country's history seamy a federal intelligence official has been arrested for what exactly he did is a secret. Hello I'm Chris Sparrow with the B.B.C. Knees an American swimmer has become the 1st person to cross the channel between France and England a record 4 times nonstop Sarah Thomas who's 37 and recently had cancer treatment took 54 hours to finish her epic swim of about 200 kilometers she told the B.B.C. It was extreme.

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