I did lay a lot of old school video games I got an emulator for my computer I've been playing a lot of like Double Dragon. Creatures Great Q Final Fight all these games I've been playing them and also cracking myself up with the following fan I say that I think would be fun for us to imagine together the idea of a character from one of those side scrolling games going to the doctor. Already. Because he's making artistic choices because a video game character like Hagar going to the doctor how are you picturing it is it a human doctor maybe structure Mario these are your artistic choices. Make him sound laughing at the idea of Hagar going to the doctor and the doctor being like. Are you doing. Pretty good. And what he's been up to man which. Going on I've been fighting. To live fighting. What kind of fighting to regular. You know left or right above where the little guys that like at the end of one big guy you're leading the state are. Ok and now what's the problem what brings you into the office here today it's my stomach. Ok why don't you let me tell me a little bit about your diet I don't think good to. Write will humor me why don't you just tell me what you eat on a normal day. Ok it's a waste of time but. It's like an apple God. Like I'll find an ample was I was I. Do you mean. What do you mean you'll find an apple. You mean you'll go to the store and you'll select an apple is Oh you mean. The fighting was was and then all had a barrel I was in the barrel bounce a few times flashing disappeared you know a barrel was in right there on the dirty ground they'll be example and I'll go over and all the dead one by God they'll get me about a 3rd of the way was . I forget who was you eat ground apples was. What I had to call them. But Joe was you need anything else so you. Fully cooked roots It's genuine Cal Hyde right there my uncle used to love me but she died that's finishing off this afternoon's a version of Hump Day Hi Larry to hear a kiss j.d. General cowhides come into the sunflower theater they're coming on the 2nd so if you like what you just heard you might want to go to some flower theater dot org and check that out get yourself some tickets ahead of time often those shows sell out so you you want to try to get your tickets early if you can have Peter Holmes during a video game Dr I think you have to be a video game player to really get the humor there I know what he's getting at but hey I don't actually do the video games before that started off as a birthday shout out to Weird Al Yankovic Amish Paradise that's off a bad hair day I'm John and you are tuned into the afternoon edition of the daytime collective your kids Judy coming to you live from market in Maine downtown beautiful downtown Cortez on a beautiful beautiful day hope you get outside if you can if you're driving by the lights green right now it needs to west I'm looking at it so just cruise on through but give me a wave I'll try to wave back at you through the window. Steve cash was one of the co-founders of the Ozark Mountain daredevils he passed away this last week at the age of 73 you know they came out of Springfield Missouri which is where my wife grew up so she was real familiar with them actually share a stage with them at one point so she kind of suggested to me hey I want to play the Ozark Mountains as I said I would love to this song as if you want to get to heaven real familiar song Steve's not singing on this one but she sure can hear is the. Harp on it play and play now this is off of paint the ponies genuine cowhide excuse me Ozark Now I got a mixed up there this is off of a mountain daredevils by the u.s. Our commander told us if you want to get to heaven. The folks the stock a minute we'll try to ask for another edition of Doc's roadhouse regular Ohana care streak on Wednesday evening from 6 to 8 pm Mountain time you can stream docs roadhouse radio day at j g o r g you'll know you're in the right place at the right time folks when you hear this a post this is Sierra hauling you listening to Doc's roadhouse on Ok and state records in Colorado. a. The end. Up the cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Back. Dirty Heads to an oxygen finish not that set and saw for their dirty heads release had burned before that during States. And Janis Joplin the Pearl released spin a little vinyl for you there get it while you can start of that off with a. Cut by the Ozark Mountain daredevils if you want to get to heaven I'm John and you are tuned into k s j d ideas stories community and we sure thank you for doing that and try to spin a couple more vinyls today got 30 more minutes before we turn it over to Democracy Now it is 229 and a half right now if you set your clock so set it at 3 o'clock in about 25 seconds or 230 I mean 25 seconds and you'll be good to go next that as I said I'm going to spend a couple more violence for you this is going to start off with Van Morrison off a moondance doing Crazy Love will play some highway women and some Alan Parsons has that sound this is Van Morrison. I can eat are. You have a head out so. You're going to see smoke to. Come. Home. Yet out there. That a River Song. She gave me about. The Game And it out she came into the. Marriage and. She kind of fun. Without feeling moved. Here when I come to one of the song goes. Take away. The core of my. Take away. With it she can. Come back a little she came in. And it out. To. Be. Yes I want to throw my. Kids. Kiss it was. You know when. Retreating. From the way. She came is something sweet. Bread and milk in my big. Man made me write a children's. Theater to make me whole. She came to. Me. To give me. Her. And. She came. And. She came. On. A visit. It's just. Plain. Sad. These polls. The In the end I'm packin the. Guy getting it off for me. It comes from. The keep it down to me it comes in different shapes and sounds come back a little time from the and my dad says I think I'm back in the. City even need a hand. Maybe you can take home cause nothing. Nothing nothing to. Give you. In the grave you've been good. Luck. On the. Back in the now. I don't think it was Name of. Killer Williams' love handles for that we had highway women and they were doing my name can't be mama in Van Morrison started this author for those of you who actually listen closely I promised some Alan Parsons but I queued it up it was just just wasn't playing well enough to spend so well in playing this next set I'll see if I can't go down the dungeon and pull new vinyl out and. See if I can find one that'll play a little bit better than the one I had planned to play I'm John and you are tuned in to k.s. J.t. This is the afternoon version of the daytime collective It's 239 in the afternoon and in 20 minutes 21 minutes we will turn this over to to Democracy Now we like to give you little bits of information here and there don't get too. Too crazy on it you know but this was kind of interesting so. It was 50 years ago today and I know Kerry played this song earlier if you were listening to the morning edition of the daytime collective but it's so unique I thought Kerry can't steal my song I'm going to play it to this is Stevie Wonder at the age of 12 in 1962 a 12 year old Stevie Wonder recorded his very 1st single at least they think it is for Motown Records thank you for loving me all the way this is backed up by the Funk Brothers so I've got it cued up and it's a pretty pretty strange song Human listen real closely is 12 years old and he's singing and it's kind of like you sing into a love interest but there's a little twist at the end of the song who is actually saying and to so listen close this is Stevie Wonder at 12 very 1st single he ever recorded. Spot. Me. A low . Of our blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Blah. Blah. Blah. 2 blah. I was. Just. Seeing. That Stevie Wonder at the age of 12 and if you couldn't quite hear that he says I I'm so glad I had a mother to love me all the way through so that's a little bit of a 2 as they threw in there but that was his very 1st recording recording at the age of 12 and we thought we'd bring that to you well select bring you some community calendars and I'm going to do that right now. The pinion project will host their annual pumpkin festival on Saturday October 26th at Manas in the park in Cortez from 8 am to 2 30 pm featuring a 5 k. Fun run costume contest at carnival with games and more that's hosted by the pinion project contact them for more information. Southwest Colorado concerts presents the piano violin and cello trio take 3 on Monday October 28th at 7 pm at monism Cortez high school auditorium or information is online at s w Colorado concerts dot. Genuine cowhide will perform their Americana allt country Twain at the sunflower theater on Saturday November 2nd at 7 30 pm this is in support of their new release Red Dirt Colorado girl 'd. And finally the lawn chair Kings will perform at the wild edge of brewing collective right here in Cortez on Friday November 8th starting at 7 pm and that's your community calendar from k s j d. Herbie May I'm backing up the community calendar for you there and start off this next set with Aimee Mann. Who is going. With Billy Ray. Kelly kick in the head when he was 25. Don't want to steal Larry when you're 20. 1 this year and close from. Us and Freddie butts from written on this is from his fever funky little rays. Television man this presumes saying would you. Read. Oh man I need t.v. As promised my final vinyl of the day Alan Parsons doing breakdown I'm John you've been tuned in to k s j d ideas stories community you can do that in 91.5 Kiss j.d. In Cortez 90.5 ks e e t. Into Iraq it is 9.5 Ok I see. Rico and courtesy of d.n.a. College 92 point one k x w r l p safely this is make us 91 point one Pleasant View 90.9 Facebook Twitter Instagram and of course on the web a k s j v dot org Don't forget about the eighty's and ninety's custom competition and dance party that's Saturday October 26th at your local theater the sun Flint sun flower theater go to some fire theater dot org to get information on that and having said all of that democracy now is going to start in just 3 short minutes so I'd like to play a local musician couple of them actually to let them play us out this is Mike Rhodes and the up electrics with his lovely wife Linda Carter doing harmonies on this one although she does some powerful lead vocals as well going to get us started because I won't get the whole song and this is moonshine memories thanks for tuning in I sure hope to see you next week it's been a treat for me. Trying From New York this is Democracy Now the algorithms of Google and Facebook are trying to keep users on site and active preferably by pressing emotional buttons that reveal each user's true self for most users this means content that provokes fear or outrage hate speech this information thank you Spurs see the reason our patent for these algorithms has 47 attorneys general probe Facebook for violating anti trust regulations we speak with one of Mark Zuckerberg former mentors early Facebook investor Roger McNamee author of. Waking up to the Facebook catastrophe. I was trust so proud of Facebook I thought Mark was different so I was blissfully a fan I mean just a few fans and I got to the end of my career and I'd retired before I realized it was something wrong as Facebook c.e.o. Mark Zuckerberg testifies on Capitol Hill today we spend the hour with Roger McNamee all the more coming out. Welcome to Democracy Now Democracy Now dot org The War and Peace Report I'm Amy Goodman an explosive testimony the top u.s. Diplomat and Ukraine William Taylor told congressional lawmakers Tuesday the trumpet ministration held up 391 $1000000.00 in aid to Ukraine for the purpose of pushing Ukraine to and criminal trumps political rivals particularly presidential candidate Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter and Taylor's opening statement which has been made public he lays out his interactions with Gordon Sandlin the u.s. Ambassador to the European Union a wealthy Oregon hotel magnate who received the ambassadorship after donating a $1000000.00 to Trump's inauguration Taylor says Ambassador Psalm one told him that everything including security assistant was dependent on the Ukrainian president followed a mayor Selenski announcing an investigation into breeze from the gas company where Joe Biden's son Hunter was a board member Taylor said quote ambassador Sunline told me that President Trump had told him that he wants President Selenski to state publicly.