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Transcripts for KSFO 560 AM [Hot Talk 560 KSFO] KSFO 560 AM [Hot Talk 560 KSFO] 20191120 070000 :
Transcripts for KSFO 560 AM [Hot Talk 560 KSFO] KSFO 560 AM [Hot Talk 560 KSFO] 20191120 070000
It's not an option Well the bill would have hurt a Thanksgiving government shutdown it opens the door to a possible shutdown just before Christmas. Make a healthy choice about the air you breathe start with a wave smart ventilation unit to expel the polluted damp air from your basement and call space then add up stairs a hospital grade 6 day Jare purifier which includes a hepa filter and of powerful dual you have the system stop worrying about mold odors radon carbon monoxide chemicals and hundreds of other pollutants that are trapped in your home visit dry home 123 dot com and learn how to make your home healthier and fresh air all year round that's dry home 123 dot com. A great holiday home of this Mensa member 1st in the thirty's and the entire store and buy one get one free with 19. Mirrors every piece is great certified financing is available these are for details and find your nearest the. Film is the current holiday home and get one free November 1st in the 30. Other discount. The Christmas tree supply is tight this holiday season Doug Hundley with the National Christmas Tree Association says the weather in parts of the Pacific Northwest lately has been hot and dry and with the recession a few years ago seeing some farms closing down the supply is tight so if you want your pick pick shortly after Thanksgiving and he says don't worry about a drying out if you put a fresh cut on it before you put it in the stand and keep it in water it will last a month easily now as far as the cost our supply. Is tight and it is allowing a price increase prices went up 4 percent last year and could go up another 3 percent this year Jim Roope Los Angeles the National Transportation Safety Board condemned the lack of state and federal regulation for testing autonomous vehicles before finding that a distracted safety driver was the main cause of a fatal 2018 Arizona crash involving in. A are the style light lounge present at evening. 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In the history of our country there has never been a disgrace like what's going on right now Republicans they weren't allowed to ask questions it's a very sad thing Mr Chairman I have to point a finger Mr Chairman I have a point of order going is not recognized so we know exactly you gentlemen interrupt us to go out. This hero woman is not recognized the chairman every day that's for sure requests today have you noticed it was not a request I recognized. A dream I did already gave 15 days last president should all. Go. In for a shoot. Final round of band information overload our Mr Jordan on call read out certainly after the 1st call there were probably half a dozen or more people that read out those are people with a proper clearance and the need to know in this case because the sensitivity of the call and Mr Eisenberg told me not to speak to anybody else I only write out outside of the n.s.c. 2 individuals 2 individuals can't and one other new person and you're not willing to tell us who that other individual is Mr Chairman I want to order Mr Chairman or Chairman point of order which I was to spend counsel Mr Chairman I would ask you in force the the rule with regard to the disclosure with regard to the intelligence of those. Who think you counsel you know as I indicated before this committee will not be used to out the whistleblower that same. Time is like to lose that you are recognized again Mr Jordan Mr Chairman I don't see how this is outing whistleblower that the witnesses testified in his deposition that he does know who the whistleblower is you have said even though no one believes you have said you don't know who the whistleblower is so how is this outing a whistleblower to to to find out who this individual is is this your time for questioning you can usually like but when you're. Questions should be addressed to the red lights and your questions should be addressed to trying to out the whistle blow up of witnesses who are allowed to answer questions about who they talk to about the phone call we get this all based on some anonymous whistleblower no 1st hand knowledge bias against the president these facts would never change we learned these right away who worked with Vice President Biden who wrote a memo the day after somebody talked to him about the call but waited 18 days to file a complaint 18 days of follow complain what do you do in those 18 days we all know . Ran off the top with chairmanship staff and then hired hired the legal team that I just talked about that I just talked about one of the steps in the whole impeachment who as his legal team has said this is scary what these guys are putting our country through it is it is it is sad it is scary it is wrong. And the good news is the American people see through it all they know the facts are on the president's side as representative Steffanie said for facts will never change we got the transcript which they never thought the president would release shows no coordination no conditionality no linkage we got the 2 guys on the call present trouble presence Lenski who have said nothing wrong no pressure no pushing here we got the fact that Ukraine is didn't even know aid was held up at the time of the call and most importantly we had to have one witness tell us that the any any evidence from anyone that the president Lenski did anything on investigations to get the aid released those facts will never change the facts are on the president's side the process is certainly not it has been the most unfair process we have ever seen and the American people understand it those 63000000 Americans they understand and frankly I think a lot of others do as well they see what this is this for what it is and they know this is wrong especially wrong just 11 months before the next election a year back all right amazing moments from Congressman Jim Jordan from earlier today 809 for one Sean if you want to be a part of the program news roundup information overload we've got a lot of stuff breaking that we got to get into here carry picket who will talk to in a minute reporting for The Washington Examiner and on our website Kerry Picket. She had a story on Ukraine today about the non whistleblower Here's a whistleblower whistleblower that the guy that was. Hide it pretty much everywhere you want to find it just look it up it's everywhere on was close friends when he's at the White House with an official who's now a key aide to the compromised and corrupt coward. This guy that congenital liar for 3 years he's been telling us Trump Russia collusion we have all the evidence we have all the evidence we have all the he had no evidence he had nothing so he's a congenital liar and yet the media mob just falls into this you know hook line and sinker just because they hate the President so much anyway they were close friends at the White House and this guy now works for Adam Schiff and the the guy was the director for the Gulf states at the n.s.c. At exactly the same time that the alleged hearsay whistleblower non whistleblower was Ukraine director at the n.s.c. And anyway so I was getting more connections now as it relates to the whistleblower and Adam ships office because you know what we're not getting those answers so when Adam Schiff the congenital liar 1st said no we'd like to talk to the whistleblower he was lying through his teeth that he got caught lying through his teeth Oh I should have said something oh Ok and he didn't anyway carry picket is with us as well as Tom Fitton who's the president of Judicial Watch Carrie let's start with the breaking news that's right Sean it means as you just mentioned our city initially tonight he had any knowledge about that whistleblower complaint prior to its final ing around mid August and he said or on September 17th that he had not spoken directly with the with a Florida we'd like to but then it was later found out that his statement was false and that a member of his staff had spoken to that was the floor before the complaint was filed but kind of stupid so now what we are finding out was that the alleged whistleblower and. This staffer. I'm him if they had worked together over at the National Security Council during the Trump ministration and it wasn't just that they had worked together they were buddies they were really good friends according to a National Security Council staffer and you know they hung out together they went to lunch together they held around they were described as bro like now it wasn't just that they were good buddies they also had a really antagonistic attitude towards the trumpet ministration and that tend to be a very bad problem because the alleged whistleblowers seem to have some leaking problems as well as Adam Shift staff or because he was accused of the leaking very often to the press bad stuff to the press so they had a lot of issues as far as being antagonistic to the trumpet ministration Tom Fitton as we watch this and we stand by I mean you see all the parallels and everything in including the Russia which on which went on for 2 and a half years the amazing thing is what I keep talking about this bifurcation of people's brains where you know you have to you know care about Russian election in a Ference but you'll ignore the dirty dossier and you'll just go along with a conspiracy theory and a hoax that is well according to Attorney General Barr I think this is about to blow wide open and it's going to hit these people so hard I don't I think mothers will feel a vibration Yeah that's what this clue is about Shawn which is to protect those who were implicated in the criminal misconduct against the president you know the Justice Department has confirmed mediators want to talk about this but there's confirmation that there's evidence of criminal misconduct in the opening of the investigation into President Trump and so it further bolsters frankly the president's inquiries with Ukraine as to what was going on here. And he was per entirely appropriate to ask these questions and who cares what people like Mr Vandeman think who cares what the best for you out of Ash thanks they didn't care about corruption in the broad sense of the word they had this narrow view of corruption and any corruption that interplay it's interesting any corruption that interest involves the Democrats or Obama or the typical deep staters they weren't terribly interested in that but they as as you point out I was kind of her live and went running to at least 3 people he should have talked to about this classified material this phone call with the president asked after his lawyer said don't talk to your boss he went and talked to 3 people about it so you've got some legalities here that people like him and the leaker have to deal with and frankly Mr Schiff have to deal with because laundering this classified information doesn't make it legal just because you call it a whistleblower complaint Well it's pretty unbelievable and by the way there were 2 at there are 2 now Adam Schiff staffers that work with the hearsay whistleblower Carrie Pickett because you wrote about that also so it's not as one there's 2 and I got a Imagine there was extensive contact now ships off a said well the whistle blower's attorney has gotten in touch with us and he's looking for ways to testify well how they're going to let that person testify what what are they going to put him in shadows on a closed circuit t.v. For some undisclosed location I have a very tough time thinking that the Democrats are going to even want to allow this alleged whistleblower even going to be put up on the stand anywhere or anywhere in these hearings they seem pretty adamant that they're not going to allow this alleged whistleblower to a testify and the only way to it's ever going to happen is if there is a Senate trial but I will say this what's interesting here is that you have. These whistleblower about its alleged whistleblower every single former and in c. Staffer at that I have spoken to and eat. Every single encounter that they have had with this alleged whistleblower has always been hostile any time they have spoken to this person it's always been this person like he did me this person was a snake this person always was up to something nobody like this alleged whistleblower it was always the same pattern as if there was some sort of operation going on this alleged whistleblower it seemed like he was actually gathering information and that's by the way how Adam Schiff staffer was just described today but this latest a former and a c. Person said it seemed like he was asking questions about me and that he was digging up dirt on me it seemed like the only reason why he was there was just to dig up dirt and so where does this go from here Tom Fitton you know I guess at some point you're probably already making your list of you know Freedom of Information Act requests for all the corruption that took place here but that's a year from now that we'll have you back on and all remember Tom Fitton filed that a year ago in a no I don't know the program. And when you when we now we now have a date for Michael Horowitz to go before Lindsey Graham's committee that's December the 11th so we're going to get the Pfizer report that's coming out then you've got the attorney general Barr giving what I thought was the most unbelievable speech ever by an attorney general as he talked about you know how he loves our constitutional institution and how unfortunate it is that we have now seen a steady encroachment on presidential authority and goes into what the framers and our founders believed and then goes into a very very very profound. Diatribe even if you want to call it that is how they have tried to destroy the. The president and people he's describing the people in the highest you know when he talks about the resistance the fact of the matter is that the the waging the scorched earth no holds barred war resistance against this administration it is the left that is in rage then the systematic shedding of norms and undermining the rule of law and I was pretty profound to me. And you kind of see this in the desperate attacks on the presidency with fruit this coup process where they're suggesting the president doesn't have a right to hire and fire ambassadors remove them from positions doesn't have a right to set policy that the state should be setting the policy or 10 a kernel that men can go to the president of Ukraine as essentially counterman the president of the United States and this is this is something that whether or not he felt from Italy impeach I don't even think that's for sure given the weakness of these hearings it's the damage it damages the republic because what the new standard is that if you're a president who's elected that if the opposite party runs the house they can impeach you for for jaywalking or doing nothing inappropriate at all in the case of President Trump here so it's a real damage to our republican form of government ad ad the attorney general placed it in the broader historical context that it involves the deep state involves the judiciary and involves Congress and the Constitution and the people's right to govern themselves by electing the president allowing him to do his job is being undermined All right quick break more with Kerry pick up more with Tom Fitton on the other side 809 for one Sean if you want to be a part of the program we'll get your calls coming up next half hour an amazing Hannity tonight we're going to rip this thing apart it was a disaster today and on top of being a national disgrace on 9 Eastern on Fox. 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As of now I still think they're going towards impeachment but there's a good number of Democrats who are going to vote against impeachment as of now you've got 16 or 17 it's over right what's the magic number 17 I believe that is the number as of now you know all right thank you both when we come back wide open phones 809 for one Sean you want to be. Out of the program your calls and much more coming up straight ahead. He has impeachment inquiry heard from 4 witnesses in all Tuesday including Lieutenant Colonel Alexander then men during the early session he talked about his surprise over the July 25th phone call between President Trump and Ukraine's leader frankly I couldn't believe what I what I was hearing it was probably an element of shock. Maybe in certain regards my worst fear about how are you Korean policy could play out was playing out Israel attacked Iranian and Syrian military targets in Syria in what it said was retaliation for rockets fired toward Israel the day before Syrian state media said 2 civilians were killed and several others wounded near Damascus Pacific Gas and Electric was said to begin shutting off power Wednesday to some 375000 people in 18 northern and central California counties the region faces extreme fire weather that's lasted since October. Or a I. Make a healthy choice about the air you breathe start with the waves Mark ventilation unit to expel the polluted damp air from your basement and call space then add up stairs a hospital grade 6 stage air purifier which includes a hepa filter and a powerful dual u.v. 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Limited time only a participating McDonald's cannot be combined with any other offer or combo meal let's say you just bought a house bad news is your one step closer to becoming your parents you'll probably most along and skip anybody noticed you mowed the lawn told people to stay off the lawn compare it to your neighbor's lawn and complain about having to mow the lawn again good news he has it's easy to model home an auto through progressive and save on your car insurance which of course will go right into the home progress of casualty insurance company affiliates and other insurers has come out of the Illinois state of situations. Back to Sean Hannity on talk radio 560. Alec Baldwin favorite radio talk show host is on the air right now right Mr Maule one. Hears Sean Hannity I $25.00 to the top of the hour 809 for one Sean if you want to be a part of the program there's a lot of other news I think that is you know what not getting any attention it was an unmitigated disaster now let me backtrack and say this I don't give a flying hoot about the royal family. Look I know people are into the royals the royals have obviously the people of Great Britain are into their royals look at Princess Di wonderful woman Prince Charles all the drama. All the cheating all the madness than insanity we all know about that William and Harry then you've got you know they always talk about an error and a spare if you have the spare I guess you kind of not that happy being number 2 but that was Prince Andrew at all though Prince Charles. Is never going to get it because well the queen stays in power how many years she been in power so here's the thing so Prince Andrew's connection to the Lolita express that is Geoffrey Epstein's jet that apparently had all these young women on it and you know hobnobbing with him was apparently a very common thing Bill Clinton was on the leave Express and he's got this island where all these young women have now come forward and said that yeah this is you know we were abused as kids this guy's a pedophile and remember they're not crazy deal that he got down you know those convicted pedophile but basically got to go to his office every day for a year and never really got the proper sentence I will never understand so with all the connections Prince Andrew decided law going to do an interview it turns out to be an unmitigated disaster what was the word that he used Linda when he said boorish behavior or something to that effect I might the guise of pedophile you jackass What are you talking about. This is a guy that is assaulting young women regularly That's what the charge is Anyway it's now I don't know how this is going to end it's not going to end good for him because he denies the claims that were made by this one woman who apparently Amy Robach of A.B.C.'s Good Morning America had interviewed her and they spiked the interview at a.b.c. Which we still have not gotten a real answer on that anyway so you know he said in this particular interview that. He was well she had claimed that he was heavily sweating as they danced that a London club his answer was Oh no no I I didn't sweat at that point in my life yeah because now we got pictures of him sweating up a storm at that age and that time of his life that's like number one he got caught it then he says he's clueless about even though I've never heard of this par or this club called Tramp So I guess where this woman claimed that they danced then and he was buying these underage girls booze well he said I never heard of it well now we have photos of him at the club showing he regularly attended trams where the dance floor is only a stone's throw from the bar on days he then we had another lie he suggests that his photo of him with his arms around her with a grinning you know fixer this woman Maxwell apparently was I guess securing these young women to do these quote massages that orgy Island and on the leader Express because he says that it has to be a fake because royals don't do public affection I'm tempted to do saw it but it was a member of the royal family and. I have a photograph taken and I am. Taken very very few photographs and I am not one to arm as it was hug he said in the sit down interview only problem is we got other pictures of him yeah scores of women on camera pictures you know they showed one of the New York Post of a woman with his arms around them licking his face yeah that that is light Number 3 that he said that he's had more proof of the snap. That the picture with the woman that it was doctored he claims well you know because he never was out and about in the city without being properly dressed and he said traveling on a clothes you know an open next shirt and slacks etc etc On problem there is we got all sorts of pose of him dressed exactly the way that woman says he was dressed the lats a problem that he claimed he had no recollection of ever meeting this woman who claims that they had sex on 3 different times here's another big problem and that is one of Epstein's pilots on the Lolita express in a deposition said that he did fly the prince with the woman in question and Epstein together on a private plane not once but twice and gave the exact dates I'd say he's in a lot of trouble let's see how the royals deal with that mess that's created there you know another Epstein accuser says that she sat Bill Clinton seat aboard the Lolita express that came out to parents he was on this plane quite a bit by the way good news for New York we got the great governor of the great state of New York now is going to free suspects accused of manslaughter will have the list you're going to get low bail or no bell at all with this new bell reform bill even if you're being charged with 2nd degree manslaughter aggravated vehicular assault 3rd degree assault promoting an obscene sexual performance by a child possessing an obscene sexual performance by a child promoting a sexual performance by a child failure to register as a sex offender or we won't put you in jail for that making terroristic threats aggravated vehicular homicide and criminally negligent homicide I feel so much safer reading all of that I really do by the way 95 percent of adults skipped these impeachment hearings on Friday oh Steven a our buddy who works over t. . S.p.n. He does lit up cap or neck you know they want to play if he had showed out I'm here to tell you I believe you would about a job inside of 2 weeks wow nobody paid any attention to what Mike Pompei o did for Israel another promise made in cab but the settlements of Israel are now consistent with the law and the State Department legal opinion change has 3 big promises with Israel that this president kept mazing one of the president would have moved the embassy to Jerusalem and recognize it as the capital recognize the sovereignty of golems are let's get to our phones let's see we have. Don in Iowa Don How are you glad you called sir thanks for hanging in there show and thank you so much for taking my call I appreciate it I love your show I listen every day well thank you. I appreciate it more than you know all sir I memory better than and I have happen to have a special intelligence background and all before I start I've got a nephew that graduated from Marine Corps officers candidate school on Saturday Wow Congratulations graduation Semper Fi He is also a shun So congratulations he's the guy call him the good Sean and me the jerk Shawn But that's Ok. Well both do a ton for our country sir Anyway what I what I was calling for is Lieutenant Colonel Vandeman violated many many laws not just rules he violated laws with his. Actions by going to a lawyer if violated his chain of command which we are not allowed to violate in the military we cannot violate that chain of command he made a conscientious effort to go to a political route instead of a military route that's illegal that's funded well under the u c m j The other thing that he did that he filed late it was he violated the need to know. The people that he spoke to about this phone call may have had clearances but if you don't have a clearance with the need to know. For the information you're being given you that's it that's a violation. Of espionage laws did he violated clearly and so this is not a whistle blowing this is conspiracy Well said I'm not going to tell you some every aspect of this just like with the Russia which is corrupt and all of it goes back to the you know I guess these people just think they're so smart you know how everybody gets to go off the cliff not once but twice with a congenital liar the guy lied to everybody and then the media dives right into the next conspiracy theory headfirst right off the top the high diving board I used to swim in a pool as a kid raft park was a place in Franklin Square New York and I had a high dive and I was like 10 or 11 feet look down I remember the 1st time I go a little scared these idiots arsed are diving off another congenital liar Schiff diving board into an empty pool again and I guess do you know and then I'll move on to the next conspiracy theory and then I guess one trumps reelected in 350 days which you will have the power to shock the world again boy that will really piss them all off them probably try to impeach of another 3 times if he cured cancer they would impeach him for curing cancer at this point that's how much they hate this guy I never see anything like it and all of this is conjecture all of it is opinion all of it is a point of view none of it is necessary none of it is admissible to all hearsay. Let us get to Keith in Kansas Keith how are you glad you called sir hey Sharon here is what I look at this is a farce because it all goes back to only 21 percent of people can attention and you can see why. If they go back to February of 220142 February 2016 there are already investigating Biden they're trying to find out between the u.s. And United States why $23000000.00 is put into 100 Biden's account and so all the sudden you have an image says you know what I was given all the information on this that might be a conflict of interest so I have to go to Biden Ok so then you go to the July the 25th call with Gillett Zelinsky and he's congratulating them he's he's asking say and I know you were elected to fight corruption so that's legal he wants you to fight corruption he said so when he was elected he said this is going to be my big your given money to countries that are corrupt so he had to me I keep remember what he also said to the Lenski a little worried you surrounding yourself with the same people that your past president had that knew he was corrupt so he started monitoring the new guy in a nice way saying you better not surround yourself with these idiots and here's another thing Shawn if 21 percent of people of already said their name pan tension to it all they're going to vote for a truck and now the way the Republicans are doing in the impeachment you're going to have another 50 percent or so I'm looking at a tremendous tremendous landslide in the next election and now if we ever get another Supreme Court justice that's going to be a great conservative Supreme Court let me just tell you buckle up because I'm telling everybody and anybody the lesson and it's going to be $350.00 days of madness insanity it's going to be intense it's going to be combative and you better buckle up because you have a man on a roller coaster ride as this bumpy I'm telling you the emotional ebb and flow one day you're going to think Oh I think we're going to win this the next they go they all know if they were going to lose us next they got a thing I'm going to win it they were going to lose it and then they got to impeach him and then what if he gets impeached didn't I'm telling you you just have to everyone we need to steady the ship a little bit and not too high not too low. Sorta like why we have always looked at ratings in radio and t.v. You don't get too high when they're great and you don't get too low and they suck. Right now nothing sucking I'll tell you that but it is kind of a good way to look at it Pam in Connecticut you're on the Sean Hannity show how are you glad you called Hello Sir thank you for taking my call with about Evanovich it's charge turning into a pet peeve of mine she was not fired she was removed as the ambassador and they gave her her choice of assignments correct So for everybody to say and I'm finding everybody doing it the same she was fired it misrepresents the truth and it just it contributes to a fallacy and it's dishonest and it's disingenuous and I just I it's important because there are enough false things that are out there that we have to try and decipher and filter through that that we need everybody especially even those on our side on on the president's site to say hey wait a minute no no no she was reassigned and she got her choice of the sign that's so let's do that and then can I just say one more thing with which shifty yesterday she would never have known anything if he had not opened his mouth right so in essence he was rather in candidate and torture Well I got to tell you something this is going nowhere this is what these guys haven't been able to figure out yet and I will tell you every single person that McDonnell and I've been in Detroit about in Chicago I was out a lot this past weekend every person I talk to don't stop keep fighting and I'm just guessing that Donald Trump was the last a single voter from 2016 and now those voters are pissed off and they'll stand in the freezing cold rain and get out and vote and I bet the rest of America will be open to the prosperity that is brought back to the country after 8 years of Biden Obama. You know. You're listening to Sean Hannity coming up to. 60 k. 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Envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker were among 4 witnesses to testify before the House impeachment inquiry Tuesday Kurt Volker rejected as a conspiracy theory the narrative he says was pushed by the president's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani they're not things that we should be pursuing as part of our national security strategy with Ukraine to Morrison told the committee the entire scenario has been harmful to Ukraine I understand the gravity of these proceedings but I beg you not to cite of the military conflict underway in eastern Ukraine today your ongoing illegal occupation of Crimea and the importance of reform of Ukraine's politics and economy both Morrison and Volker are witnesses requested by Republicans on the committee Linda Kenyon Capitol Hill European Union ambassador Gordon son Linda set to testify Wednesday thousands of people may be affected by a federal judge's ruling if found a partial ban on asylum does not apply to anyone who appeared at an official u.s. Border crossing before the policy was announced in July Hong Kong schools reopened after a 6 day shutdown but students were facing transit disruptions as the last protest remained holed up in a university campus correspondent Nick Paton Walsh is in Hong Kong where some students are contemplating what's next we haven't spoken a single individual inside. There seems to think they're going to stick it out they're looking to get out but the choice is very difficult and we saw today was lucky to get himself up to the police he seemed cause we could see to be taken into custody without any violence the American Medical Association adopted a sweeping stands calling for immediate ban on all electronic cigarettes invading devices at a policy making meeting in San Diego the group cited the surgeon Teenage the cigarette use and the recent outbreak of lung illnesses linked of a thing that shows just how little we know about its health consequences sack. 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