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Listening to. 60. But you can't have an immigration compromise if everybody is out there calling the president a racist and 5 white guys and. I think you know hamburger stand next year well what would you do want to debate where there would be tried if you come over and leaned over back to you oh do you have to go you'd have to figure me up off the floor. Holding. Bowl showing. On else. Well. We. Didn't. Get in for you should. Either stop is selected to be on Mahler's team after all this history put on rollers team and then he's removed for some pro Clinton text messages. I mean there are all kinds of people on Muller's team who are pro Clinton there's been all kinds of stories reported 96 percent of the top lawyers contributions went to Clinton or Obama but Peter Struck the guy who ran the Clinton best against an interview Mills Aberdeen interviewed Secretary Clinton changed gross negligence a crime to the term extreme carelessness ran the Russian investigation who interviewed Mike Flynn gets put on Miller's team and then he gets kicked off for a text message that's a tightrope. If you kicked everybody off Mahler's team was anti Trump I don't think there be anybody left that was Congressman Jim Jordan will join us tonight on on t.v. I'm going to get to Sarah Carter in just a 2nd there is a new report today by the way glad you are with us our to Sean Hannity Show now the 1st witness in the reopening of the Hillary Clinton e-mail investigation is going to be grow old by Congress and the chief of staff senior counselor to f.b.i. Director Christopher Ray now is expected to meet with the House Oversight Committee on Thursday and Jim Rubik he is expected to testify as part of the committee's investigation investigation into the d.o.j. Probe of Hillary's e-mail service scandal now this is where we now know that Komi and Peter Struck put the fix in and literally were writing exonerations even though they are admitting in their varying drafts that foreign entities got ahold of this information as was so poorly handled by Hillary Clinton and fact that yeah gross negligence did take place but they eventually changed those words but it was an exoneration before any type of investigation which means the fix was in on now we have been calling for this investigation to be reopened and it now is and now along with the decision of the f.b.i. Director Komi to announce that there will be no criminal charges against Hillary Clinton Anyway the House Judiciary Committee has now beginning to interview these witnesses their chairman Bob Goodlatte has said that he wants to determine what role the Justice Department the f.b.i. Played in this whole scandal and I don't think any of this would happen just like we saw on Friday an indictment in the uranium one case after we finally confirmed last week that the uranium one case has been under investigation for months by the Department of Justice and nobody knew about it I don't think there are many people that have been following this like me and Sarah Carter and John Solomon and Greg. Jarrett and Victoria Toensing and Tom Fitton and there's a few of us and then you have a few brave people like house you know freedom Caucus members that have been following it as well now we have new information on the Fusion g.p.s. Scandal the latest breaking news by Sarah Carter that fusion g.p.s. Is still investigating alleged President Trump collusion with Russia who's paying them this time because I think we need an answer to that Sara Carter joins us now you know it's interesting we have followed all of these scandals that dossier scandal the email server scandal the fix being in your rainy and one now we still have the the f.b.i. Informant that we haven't heard from him in the uranium one scandal we knew the fix was in on the mail server scandal looks like that's now reopened Uranium One itself is reopened and the dot ca now is exploding before our eyes and this why is fusion g.p.s. Now if it were funded by Hillary Clinton when they hired Christopher Steele and then of course it was used to obtain a Pfizer why are they now still investigating this. Great question it's a question that a lot of people want answered as well you know I spoke today to Congressman Ron to Santas and he wants answers to this to this particular question why is fusion g.p.s. Still investigating these alleged Trump Russia types if that's what they are investigating you know how far a few D.V.D.'s has gone into their investigation and more importantly who's paying for it shine I mean that's the big question who is funding fusion g.p.s. To continue their research into President Trump and his connections with whatever I think we're still we're still left baffled by their involvement in this and the fact that Hillary Clinton her campaign as was the d.n.c. Or funding them and now it appears that somebody else is funding fusion g.p.s. To continue its investigation All right so we didn't know when we started all of this work the 1st piece that I think you broke was almost a year ago and and it was about surveillance and and I'm asking and leaking of Ron Teligent that's still hangs out there as well but we finally figured out that the e-mail server investigation that I mean do you use any other word than I use was it not rigged by comi instructor I mean is there any other adjectives to use that are more accurate. I mean I know who knows I mean once they finish this investigation and I'm talking about the House Intelligence Committee investigation the effector general's investigation into the Hillary Clinton e-mail server I think what we're going to find out if it's did reported and we have done has been able to confirm with us that this is going to be explosive that this is possibly going to be one of the biggest stories of our time all right it's funny you're saying this because I guess I was told last week by my sources that it is breathtaking the information that the Department of Justice that Rod Rosenstein was begging Paul Ryan not to send over what they actually handed over to the House Intel Committee that it is that it will take the breath of the American people away the depth of corruption and abuse of Pi's of purse surveillance among other things what are you hearing hearings. It's exactly what I'm hearing I'm hearing that the information that they've obtained it was information that they didn't even expect to obtain So it surprised even them even though they were expecting to see things in there that they will ready concerned about it's become even more egregious and so this is why I believe it's so important that this be declassified under the house rules acts which allow that to declassify the information to the American people 1st and foremost what's going to happen is that the information is going to be provided to all $435.00 members of Congress so that they can review it I think take it the step further which is what Congressman to Santas is saying that a lot of others like Congress the court that goes toward it and others he class appoint for the American people so that we understand fully what's happening here and you do so in other words that all this information was dumped at the Department of Justice Well I guess we have to say Rob Rosenstein particularly because there was a subpoena by Chairman newness and at the last minute they had to turn it over but that was after Rod Rosenstein went and begged the speaker of the House not to release the truth to the American people and own Rhonda Sanders is not the only one saying he was quoted in your article I say but they want to declassify these documents as quickly as possible so the American people can see. Yeah absolutely and you just go back when we broke the story 1st on Fox on your show sure that these documents were going to be handed over I made it already been months and months of stonewalling between the House Intelligence Committee as well you know and the Department of Justice so finally when there was an agreement and that they said Ok we're going to share these documents with you I think at that point now that they've been able to review those documents if ever it's not just the House Intelligence Committee that see these documents what I've been told and what's been reported actually firing your a 40 day earlier this morning is that other members of other committees have now been able to see it specific representatives because remember they are they are they actually seeing the Pfizer warrants that they wanted to see for some time is that what it is yeah they're actually seeing the fifer documents now remember those fights the documents include what they call 3 outs use which are witness interviews f.b.i. Witness interview last word or possibly corroborate some of this evidence in the dossier or not but don't we don't we know that the Da CIA was used and I my reporting is and what I'm being told is that the Pfizer courts rarely say no I think they've said no twice once in one case it was in this case to spy on an opposition candidate and then I'm told the Da ca information pushed it over the top when they went back a 2nd time to get a warrant on Trump. Absolutely that's absolutely what I have been told happened and so the dossier was then what it should say apart because a significant part of pushing that over the top to get the court order for the warrants to surveil members of the Trump team now part of that I believe had to do with Carter page and I think there's a lot more to it did what the CIA just going back to Carter page who volunteered for the Trump campaign when Deputy Director Andrew McCabe 2nd in command over at the f.b.i. Was testifying the only piece of evidence that he said was verified in the dossier that he reported to the committee at that time was that Carter p. Just one of my field that that's very simple Right I mean that's an open source kind of thing I mean Carter ph was going it would maybe have had to have known that the Pfizer warrant was predicated in part or substantially on the Hillary Clinton bought and paid for Russian lying propaganda dossier. That is the biggest one of the biggest questions because one of the things that they're going to want to know is did the f.b.i. Disclose to the court that if they knew it if they knew it did they disclose to the court that this dossier was being paid for by an opponent because in that case well wait a minute we have women then you didn't Clinton and her team and fusion g.p.s. They really wouldn't tell anybody for a year it's only recently we found out or fairly recently that they had paid for it . That's right in October so in October the Washington Post 1st reported that the d.n.c. And the Hillary Clinton campaign had picked up where they had been left off by the Washington Free Beacon so the Washington Free Beacon had paid fusion g.p.s. To do and research very simple on Trump they dropped that and in April 2016 they have very quick campaign and the d.n.c. Comes in and says hey we're going to take all these millions of dollars through their attorneys to continue this research but what we want you to focus on is Trump and Russia and that's when they brought in Christopher seal the x. British spy who took on this case by the way heard from a number of sources was not as incredible as some of these news agencies take him out to be he took on this dossier work and went ahead and contacted you know Russian spies that he had formerly worked with and tried to put this together and what we found out later on after this full year of investigation is that almost all of this other than what we know McCabe said to the committee and verified flat out false and wrong and now we have to ask the question is if this dossier which we know now based on our sourcing was years to obtain the Feis of warrants What was it that the f.b.i. Presented to the courts to enable that to happen I want to know what they presented the 1st time and what they presented the 2nd time and advocate I don't think I don't think that's a credible argument that he didn't know he had to know and wasn't and testifying under oath is a potent. Absolutely he would testify under oath and you would think it either answer and I mean this is interesting because Representative just can't it's brought this up and it's something that I thought about for a long time either way the f.b.i. Should have known should have known when they accepted this dossier but except at the fact that they were going to look at it that that it was being paid for by Hillary Clinton's campaign at the t.n.c. I mean that you would think that would be one of the 1st question like well who put this together I want to know who's paying for the fusion g.p.s. Thing and now I was told that Glenn Simpson is unhinged in terms of his conspiracy theories and his tactics and his methods and that all of this is going to come out I hear that there's a push by even Adam Schiff he just wants to dump it one of the things that I also heard today is that you know they all they want to do is talk about the storm because she is about to hit the fan and even people like Schiff know what I want to ask you about that when we get back and also about the i.g. 1200000 documents have now been turned over to the Congress and I want to ask what you think is in it what we can expect Listen I've been telling everybody about blind's dot com for years you can transform any room in your house they're just simply the best and many of you have listed listened from a Los Angeles writes as I heard of blind's dot com on Sean Hannity's programs like call the salesperson who was patient texting me clear of photos to fabrics I was considering very happy the drapes look perfect so you can go to blinds dot com for the perfect blinds and shades and shutters and drapes at prices that no store can match ever and you get free samples and you get free shipping and you get free professional design consultation and they'll also guide you through the installation process a simple step by step and there's 20000000 of us by the way that have trusted blinds dot com to literally transform rooms in our homes and you know what blinds dot com is the number one online retailer of custom window coverings because no store can beat them that's the bottom line and now. 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As we continue Fox News contributor investigative reporter Sara Carter is with us I'm told even Adam Schiff knows that it's all about to hit the fan and he's just that is you know trying to come up with any means possible to counter what is now pretty explosive information from ever getting in the hands of the American people now on top of of that information that the Justice Department handed over to the House Intelligence Committee now we have the inspector general report that has been going on what over a year now and apparently they handed over 1200000 pages of documents to Congress absolutely and I think what we're we're going to see is that you go right back to what you were saying about Adam Schiff perfect sense and according to the sources we saw the story come out in the New York Times right that try to backtrack on the dossier remember because the were given 6 weeks after beef about the Stasi a pricey fanciable reported and Business Insider reported that it was all this cooperation in the dots here in this war a lot of the information came out and they said the dossier was the impetus behind getting the warrants and then all the sudden we see the New York Times backtrack about the story and. They say no no no really the reason the investigation began and the war and said and the push to look into this Trump Russia rag Russia collusion would be one for George capitalists he was at a bar he was drinking he was trying to mind and was talking to a guy that's more person here say if you want to buy that ball I mean you know what example here say no court would accept that that's a fact that that I've been talking to a number of people that are very familiar with the fight the court said there is no way they would accept that as evidence on its face. To issue warrants just because somebody made the statement at a bar that particularly somebody who is drunk and in the past there was nothing in that statement that was illegal or or gone wrong doing there was already suspicion that you know we had all of that information and it was really there so now coming forward to the I'm right in with Michael Horowitz I mean we're seeing 1200000 documents that. Reveal All right Sara Carter we're going to have more on this tonight with you when we come back Dr Gorka will join us and the chairman of the house freedom caucus pretty much the only people I trust in d.c. Mark Meadows joins us next. Place in Southern California are trying to determine why a couple there held their 13 children captive under deplorable conditions of course want to Dan Simon says the siblings are currently recovering at a local hospital or psychological well being and their physical well being being looked after of course the parents in jail being held on various charges child endangerment and torture bail both. $1000000.00 for each of the federal government faces a possible shutdown at the end of the week if lawmakers can't agree on a spending plan so far Republicans are rejecting Democrats don't. 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Jobs to the people involved in the top stories of the day every day Sean Hannity is on 25 till the top of the hour does talk to Dr Gorgas and I can't ignore those press conferences and I got a. T.v. Tonight Eric Trump is going to be on tonight Greg Jarrett also Sarah Carter has some breaking news as you just heard we're going to get into that even deeper there's more coming and much more. I I have been watching I and I have close caption I have 3 television sets and I have been watching and watching your newsmen they go from crisis to crisis to crisis from Prussia collusion from Russia go North Korea is going to start a nuclear war and it's pan and we pan and we finally found something about battle we like these trash people that we don't whether we hate. Then it turns out they don't cover the other part of Junior's a patriot and then it goes from there Michael Wolff Michael Wolff my goal and then it's asshole asshole as well as their sheep Meanwhile we have the email server scandal now being investigated again uranium one we had an arrest of last week 11 charges 11 Sarah Carter report we have this whole issue of The Da ca being used to get the Pfizer warrant we have the id now released and 1200000 documents that we have you know the the committee of newness the house until current They are sitting on information I am told is going to blow one socks off but now let's listen to the president he got his medical report and his doctor and then we're going to play the media's questions and you've got to hear this right so to start with what I'm going to do is I'm going to read to you the summary of the president's physical and so I'll just read through this and then after I'm done reading this immediately after the break we'll make this available to everyone right exactly has everybody here and then I'll take a few questions so we'll start with President Donald j. Trump has completed his 1st periodic physical examination as president of the United States are performed unsupervised at the examination with appropriate specialty consultations and diagnostic testing exam was conducted January 12th 2018 at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center the purpose of the exam was to provide the public with an update of the president's current health status and ensure the president continues to enjoy all the benefits of good health this examination focused on the evidence based health screening and disease prevention with the president with President Trump's consent I released the following health information vitals as follows page 71 years and 7 months at the time of the exam height $75.00 inches weight $239.00 pounds resting heart rate $68.00 but pressure $122.00 over $74.00 pulse oximetry no. Only 9 percent on room mayor temperature was $98.00. Physical examination. By system to include any studies that were done by system. Presidents uncorrected visual acuity is 2030 fall out early with corrected visual acuity of 2020 bilaterally his visual fields were normal fine disc optic exam was normal bilaterally his interlocutor pressures were normal and no accurate ocular path ology was discovered head ears nose and throat normal exam of the head ears nose mouth and throat dental exam he has healthy teeth and gums there are no other dental findings neck normal thyroid exam no not even fed not at the hospital taken of his carotid arteries were normal pulmonary exam his lungs were cleared quotation a screening c.t. Of the chest demonstrated no pulmonary path ology cardiac exam hard exam was normal regular rhythm no murmurs or other abnormal heart sounds were noted his e.c.g. Or commonly e.k.g. Was normal sinus rhythm with the right of 71 had a normal axis and no weather significant findings he had a chance to rest that echocardiogram done which demonstrated normal left in trickier systolic function an ejection fraction of 60 to 65 percent normal left intercooler chamber size in wall thickness no wall motion abnormalities his right ventricle was normal his Atria were grossly normal and all valves were normal he had an exercise stress echocardiogram done which demonstrated above average exercise capacity based on age and 6 and a normal heart rate blood pressure and cardiac output response to exercise he had no evidence of the scheme Mia in his wall motion was normal in all images. Gastrointestinal exam he had a normal exam no masses no pad Omega layer splay no Magalie he had a normal optical colonoscopy done in 2013 June of 2013 that demonstrated. No polyps or abnormal findings in because of that a repeat colonoscopy was not indicated at this time it will be to start until his next periodic physical exam genital urinary exam was normal. Extremities and muscular skeletal good capillary feeling all extremities he had no swelling or a demon neurological exam examination of the cranial nerves cerebellar function deep tendon reflexes a motor functioning in sensory system were all normal a cognitive screening exam using the Montreal cognitive assessment was normal with a score of 30 over 30 Dermatologic exam normal no evidence of melanoma Beisel cell carcinoma swine a cell carcinoma or any other significant Dermatologic diseases. That is the president's overall health is excellent Now you're going to hear your news media they can actually absorb mentally absorb the fact that there are people that don't think in their group think way that they do that are not cheap that live in a bubble that echo each other these questions are unbelievably revealing listen it's basic impressions for you to underline other events and questions as part of your exam when he talked to the president about this but the president's mental fitness he is pushed back on that call here at the state machine is can you assess the president's mental fitness and absolutely So you know many of you may have picked up on the fact that we did do a cognitive assessment as part of the exam and initially you know I had no intention of including a cognitive assessment in this exam because Be honest with you per all the guidelines that are out there he just sits not indicated at this time a lot of the guidelines so I would suggest that you do have that you do cognitive screening questions and if you have a positive or concerning answer in the screening questions that then you engage with a cognitive screening tool so I had no intentions whatsoever doing that like I said because I didn't feel I was clinically indicate. I did and part of the reason I didn't think it was clinically indicated is because I have spent almost every day in the prison in the president's presence since January 28th 2000 last year when he when he got into office and I see him every day I seem 12 sometimes 3 times a day because it's a location of my office we have conversations about many things most of not most don't revolve around medical issues at all but I've got to know him pretty well and I had absolutely no concerns about his cognitive ability or his you know his neurological function so I was not going to do a cognitive exam I had no intention of doing when the reason that we did the cognitive assessment is plain simple because the president asked me to do it he came to me and he said is there something we can do a test or some type of screening that we can do to assess my you know my cognitive ability and so I looked into it and once again and Manisha question with it I didn't think it was indicated not in think we should do it after looking at some of the guidelines there are a few guidelines out there. In the direction of potentially doing it you know the Medicare guidelines and some of the National Institute of Aging they've indicated that it might be a good thing to start doing for most patients in the future with that in mind I went through and I looked at a variety of the cognitive assessments are available most of them are very simple very short and I think that's part that's the goal actually for primary care providers in doing this is to keep it simple keep it short we picked one of the ones that was a little bit more involved it was a longer visit and it was the more difficult one of all of them it did take significantly longer to complete but the president did extend exceedingly well on it so that was not driven at all by any clinical experience I have it was driven by the president's wishes and he did well on it since the fall of the president's personal doctor memorably said during the campaign that he would be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency greenest I'm not going to comment on that my job is to is to basically give you my assessment of President trying today and I'm not going to make any any comparisons with presidents over the last 200 years. Yeah. There was an incident recently where the president appeared to slur his words I'll give an address did you look into what the cause of that might have been and all I did you know we talked about that in actually. One of my e.m.t. Consultants I was involved in now we have valuating we checked there we checked everything out and every year and everything was normal we even went so far as to you know alter sound of its product lines in a few other things and there was absolutely no you know clinical findings that would suggest I think the reason for that was quite honestly and maybe in our peer I now think I need a drink of water. But I think it and I had given the president's medication specific to some Sudafed over the days previous And I think that I had inadvertently kind of dried up his secretions a little bit more than I intended to and I think that led to a very different to the table you have suggested that could be related to ensure is the president where Densher as he was listening to President has no partial ordering jitters of any kind that I think you could just elaborate a layman's terms of possible you begin to break out of that all of you pulled out a piece cognitive tests you know there have been reports that the president has forgotten me he's repeating himself are you holding out things like early onset Alzheimer's are you looking at dimensional light and then a 2nd question on a lot of doctors in the back and if there's a whole way to get their patients tips before they walk out the door things that they should change in terms of myself behavior what would you tell the president if they outside of diet think that he might want to change yes so I think that cognitive test you know 'd it's it's well respected It's he it's a test that used to you know throughout the United States Watts and lots of institutions used to it's the one that they use or Walter Reed patients that they feel like they need to do cognitive screens on so it's a universally accepted so I guess it's a little bit more extensive than some of the shorter ones that her partner really heard some of the guidelines but he had screens for all those things that screens for any type of cognitive issues you know my whole time. And all those other things and so you know the fact that the president got you know 30 out of 30 on that exam I think that you know there's no indication whatsoever that he has any cognitive issues and you know on a day to day basis like I said before it's been my experience that the president you know he's very sharp you know he's very articulate when he speaks to me and I you know I've never known him to repeat himself you know around me he he says what he's got to say and he speaks his mind and I have found no reason whatsoever to think that the president has. Found no reason whatsoever to think that the president has any issues whatsoever with this thought process so it's very hard for you do you recommend making changes lifestyle beyond your old well I mean no not really I mean I think that the main thing we that we would be focused on with regard. To your size you know if we get dive exercise right their weight loss will come so those are the things that we focused on I think that there were there was a lot to go on here you know as far as giving you know making him healthier in the in the year in the year coming other than. Incorporating exercise routine working on his diet having with some exercise those things will make him much healthier not sure than he is now although his health is excellent right now up to 25th and that's a lot of people that. You basically contemplates going to the Senate confirmed later well you know what the president's able to discharge the duties of the office u.s. President's position certainly given this some thought already years that you've been in your role on what basis would you do this is just a pose off. The cap president he's only able to just charge you that is that is that argument that well I mean you know Section 4. Of the 20 it doesn't really you know did he give me a specific duty or role in there like you said it falls upon the cabinet members of Congress and all you know I think I'm just like any other member of the administration who sees even talk to him in a regular basis if I were to see something that was very concerning and I had concerns about his cognitive ability or you know you know something to that extent that you. That I would bring that up to the proper people in the China command maybe starting off with the chief of staff or something and you know I think that's what everyone else in the in the administration would do so I don't think my role as a physician. Would be much different than any other member of the president's administration if they thought something like that were going on I just think that you know once that happened if it was someone else in a mission I would immediately be brought into it to my clinical assessment see if I agreed with you know with that assessment but you know I mean I think you know at this particular point you know based on my exam you know and you know the cognitive testing that we did in just my day to day interactions with the president you know the president is mentally very very tart very sharp very intact and you believe these absolutely he's fit for duty I think fit for duty for the remainder of this term and even for the remainder of another term if he's elected that you know there is little hope of a good term and well you know I was out absolutely I don't I don't have a crystal ball a can look into it but you know based on his cardiac assessment you can make predictions you know you can you can make cardiac calculations and you can see what his kids risk of having a cardiac or a sugar vascular van my baby and so if you look at that stuff where he falls out on his cardiac assessment he falls into a category that perch you know years you know you know being free you know living so I mean sure I know you know I myself could have a big event tomorrow I mean I don't have that kind I'm not I'm not making that kind of prediction but I'm saying based on the clinical information that I have right now over the year of me observing him in the few things that have happened with him medically over the year and in large part on on the on the objective data that we gain from this particular exam I feel very confident that he has a very strong in a very probable possibility of making it completely through his presidency with no serious medical issues. Believe mobile. Philosophically the 25th Amendment. Did you give him any cognitive test well he requested one and he got 30 for 30 and what is known as a not only a standard test but above well why was he slurred you know I gave him too much Sudafed probably and tried to model a lot more than I thought. Any signs he's forgetting names and Alzheimer's and dementia did it it's the most expensive test they've got you know what they can't handle that he's not them he can't they cannot fathom that a conservative actually somebody speaks their find is not politically correct and he doesn't think like them. 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