With you Mr Whitaker meet my grand niece Jamie Martin she's come to visit me for a couple of weeks were it's nice to meet you j.b. . Is that really in your invention here is Mr Whitaker Well sort of but it's not new tonight 11 working on for a long time now ask what it is why of course you may it's m a well I don't know what to call it yet I have basically it's the opposite of a microwave oven. Yes you know microwave oven will heat things up for you in just seconds while this little contraption will cool off and seconds and instant freezer yes I thought it come in handy around here being an ice cream shop and all that if I can ever finish it the right parts are hard to find like this computer transistor here hey this is going to be the brain of the entire invention really this tiny round Yep I had to special order it it will fit right in here. Oh oh oh I think it fell on the floor oh be careful how you move I don't want to step on it can anybody see it it rolled over in Atlanta and you can well let's have a look. But I never noticed this cabinet before covers from floor to ceiling. Did you just get it you'll actually was here when I moved into this building boy it's an old design Well they don't make a mike this anymore certainly not this big we use it for well just Odds and Ends give me a hand with this where you will have to move it to get part if you lift it Alex but Mr Whitaker Well thank you Jamie are you sure we can move it well I don't know never needed to till now only one way to find no Ok ready when you are 123 lift me you see the dread sister Jamie Yes I do are over the door what door to have a high an academy Well let's move it a little further up to her got it. Oh boy transistor Mr Redeker Oh thank you Jamie I have but we're in the world listen or come from you didn't know it was here no. Must be some sort of a storage closet. Well it isn't locked but it's stuck Oh well here let me give you a hand there. Maybe it's some kind of secret. Or something I can't wait. Maybe it's a dusty closet with cobwebs and spiders or I'll wait out here that's a good idea. Claire would you please get me that flashlight off the bench Jamie who he smells awfully musty think there's a light switch might be and I don't want to try until I can see it that just in case of wires are exposed you know here's the flashlight Oh thank you very welcome . A lot of empty shelves and what's not over there it look like stay out Jamie. Is that what it looks like Whitmore it is Tom We better not touch anything like that Jamie I'll go call the P.C.'s Yes. Sir. No no no no don't come on but I'm not doing anything until the police get here . Is that Ok boys that's wrap it up so Mr Whitaker can add his base price later Yan and you take our position on what you make of it and seek a groom and all things a fully dressed galloped in the propped up in a chair believe it or not Mr Whitaker would you stumbled on today may have taken care of a mystery that's been unsolved in Odyssey for better than 40 years or fortunately for us there was a wallet with some identification in the pants pocket it was skeleton is a man named Spencer Barfield because I'm from a new rule not at all oh abstract you weren't living an odyssey back in the forty's Thanks for the e.s.a. Yeah right it was pressure Barfield came into Odyssey and then 1906 he was a typical drifter no family to be no up he just seemed to come from nowhere and worked as a maintenance man right here in this building back then it was a community center for family activities and Tom Maybe you remember that yeah I remember the building was a recreation center but I sure don't remember Spencer Garfield Well maybe you will when I remind you that the Odyssey bank was robbed 1946 by one man possibly do we didn't know for sure who made off with around $25000.00 back on line and yeah yeah now I remember the 1st time anything like that ever happened in Odyssey I was a police rocky then and let me tell you. It caused quite an uproar What does that have to do with this Spencer Barfield well after the bank was robbed Spencer disappeared me assumed he was in on the bank robbery took the money and ran they search for him all over the country but never found until now so what does this mean me I don't suppose it really means anything but he was murdered I saw the bullet hole in his Sure 38 caliber bullet hole to be exact. I think it's obvious what happened he had a partner in on the robbery partner double crossed him shot him put him in here took off with all the money and then maybe we should start looking for the part and after $45.00 you must be joking Mr Whitaker what's the point of the partner if he's still alive couldn't possibly be found and I'm sure the money's long gone $25000.00 wouldn't last 40 years that's for sure well thank you for all your help Mr Whitaker if you don't mind I'd like you to keep everyone out of this room for a few days just because the laboratory technicians need golden hair of course I'll do anything again thank you good day Ok Larry let's go to. Fucking Well I don't think this is something to be Joy Jamie. But I mean what if the other bank robber still living here or not he's going to be after and never is that we found well I'd be surprised if he stayed around this long if he's still alive yeah but it's kind of exciting and think about them don't think about it don't let your imagination get the best of you still there was a man killed and we don't know for sure who did it or why this isn't like a t.v. Show where people just die for the fun of it you know Spencer Barfield was a man just like us and we're assuming all the worst about him nobody knows if he robbed but nobody knows if he was really double cross my partner and nobody really knows anything. Now maybe it's time we found out but when you're talking about a case that's over 40 years old where would you start where else the library the library. Where you are a if which doesn't my home no no no not at all Come on Jamie. Jamie I can think of few things I enjoy more than coming to the library really. Because it has everything I need lots of books about all kinds of interesting things stories magazines information or I could spend weeks just sitting around the library reading I guess that's why I have so many books back at the store have no prob reso at you have a library card. You know you should get one everybody should have a library card What is this thing here well it's a micro felt view but you see the library took little pictures of every edition of The Odyssey Times newspaper and they put those pictures on my profile now I want to look at all the particles about the Odyssey bank robbery with the back in 1960. Let's take a look and see what they say. Here we are. Odyssey bank was robbed in the middle of the might on June 2nd 146 It is estimated that $25000.00 were stolen by one possibly 2 thieves according to Bank Manager Percival family. You know I remember reading in the paper a couple of years ago that this defendant retired from the bank and lives up on Chapel Hill sadly. While I forgot he just visited here you see Chadwick Hill is a very warm well to do part of town. See else the scenes here in New York police recruit Robbie Howard Chaykin Spector Oh he was doing his wrongs and was apparently knocked unconscious by the men when they were coming out with the money he couldn't confirm the number of bank robbers or what they looked like and the mayor is shocked Anyway the rest of it there's nothing you know. What's interesting you didn't mention any of that this morning. So what do you do and I think we should go she has to find me maybe she knows a few things they didn't mention in the article. Yeah. Yeah. Wow Mr Fenwick must be rich to look at this is why I think it was handed down to him by his parents it doesn't look like you can very good can almost 63rd. Well let's hope it's not it's kind of spooky isn't it I know it looks like one of those haunted houses in the movie don't scare yourself it's just a house you know. How I guess he's not home. That well the wind must be blown the door open Oh Mr Ben what is the value of anybody home. What was it like filming Oh he's an old man you might need help you wait here alone no way I'm coming in with. A lol So that's the fun right. Mr Frederick it's John Avery way to go from town. Are you all right along. This to reoccur. Interesting Mr Fenwick must be a collector. For Africa Harrison you're probably right tribal mask statues into Warrior weapon bites darts don't take another step or I'll call a place now what are you 2 doing in my house the door opened when we knocked on it I heard you cry out I thought you might be in trouble stubbed my toe on a door jam Are you alright hazard are growing old now what are you doing here what do you want I just want to talk to you sure you do and why would anybody want to talk to me nobody ever does. Maybe year after my collection. Not at all no no no it's very fascinating save you always been collecting souvenirs from Africa every chance I get I'd like African tribal customs and relics ever since I was a child but enough of that do you want I don't take kindly to strangers in my house I want to talk to you about the Odyssey bank robbery back in 1906 you were the bank manager and you don't think I know that I was manager that bank for 35 years until it forced me to retire I thought you could tell me a little about what happened that tell you. Tell you what they broke in the middle of the night and took $25000.00 of my bank's money do you have any idea how many robbers there might have been no do you know how they broke him they got in through a back window they cut the alarm system wires and crawl through alarm systems back then were just good as they are now you know but I don't want to talk about it any more nearly lost my job over that robbery really. Because president of the bank thought I was careless said that I let it slip or the alarm box was supposed to be a secret you know it was the Course only people who were supposed to know where that alarm box was it was me the bank president and the police Personally I think it was an inside job. What do you mean inside job. I think somebody on the police force tipped the robbers saw maybe for a share the money but I'm not saying anymore and you tore get me out of my house now get out no no we're going thank you for your help by Mr Van Wyk. What an odd act like an junkie I think he's here he's not weird Jamie probably lonely. You know not like to come back and visit him sometimes. It's wrong. I did it but this isn't a no parking area. Take a look. Notice . It's time to say I. Leave well enough alone. We'll written Chinese this great mystery we'll find out when we return to today's adventure in August right after this. Join Witt County Eugene and more as you explore God's word in an unforgettable way with The New Adventures an odyssey Bible from Focus on the family God's word always contains the power to change man's heart learn more it dot com Contact us here at adventures in Odyssey visit our website it with 10 dot org Or if you want to talk to someone in person call us at 1808 family make sure that you have your parents' permission before you call we always love hearing from you and now back to today's adventure in Odyssey. So you want to see old friends yes we did I'm sure he gave you a nice welcome. As he still have all those African relics there well you've seen them. Fenwick Saudis house was being burglarized and called us officer who went up saw it all said it gave him the. Fenwicks a strange old bird remember like. I was got the feeling he blamed for that bank robbery was there any reason of course not. What I mean is why you went to the library and saw the articles about the robbery so I assume you know that I was there but they knocked you out yes it's been an embarrassment to me ever since I have there I was a young rookie opened or prove myself or the other policeman and when the big chance came along I was knocked unconscious and what's worse I don't know how it happened what do you mean I was walking on the side of the bank when the bank robber or robbers came out and I saw him. You weren't hit No it was as if I fainted but I know I didn't. Do you understand I'm. Nothing like that's happened no it's no wonder friends make blames me for the robbery hype looks like a. Friendly thinks there's more to it the bat. He does not seem to think that it was an inside job somebody help the robbers get into the bank by telling them where was the watch both the bank and the Police Commission cleared me on that now why does he keep bringing it up well now is the perfect time to prove it once and for all I think if we keep checking we'll come up with Look Mr Whitaker I don't want to be rude but I think you should forget about the whole thing it's ancient history now very painful history for me anyway I'm going to retire from the force in a couple of weeks and I just assume live my days out peacefully when about Justice Inspector Howard's saying that crime does pay if we wait long I know but sometimes you just have to learn to leave well enough alone that's all now you go back to tending your ice cream and leave the detective work to professionals are right but good day Mr Whitaker good bye inspector. NY Times NY Jamie. Banks. Here I'm glad you're back as. Well I'm sorry I deserted to but this investigation's taking a thought or care about that something really strange happened today I know tell me what happened to you and I'll tell you what happened to me it was just like one of those mystery books it's really strange woman came in this afternoon strange Well she had a really weird look on her face and she was kind of old and in a real low voice she started asking me questions about that room we found downstairs and the skeleton a mensch gave me this idol up and said to give it to you. She didn't say you know well let's see about this. Phone It's a headline from the Odyssey Times dated June 7th 1960 What does it say what it says police in a car chase that's all that's all you know this the 2nd time today I've been given a strange message. That was one of my windshield Mr Fenwick Mr Fenley and I used to be manager of the Odyssey bank it was a type note that said to leave well enough alone. Yeah I've been wondering why Funny those were the exact same words inspector Howard's who's been assigned and you also mention that I went to the library and looked at some articles How did he know that I didn't tell him I wonder if he was following me. Why would he do that maybe because he doesn't want me to investigate. But why he said he was embarrassed but it could be more than that and it's possible he's trying to hide something like what Mr Fenwick might be right the robbery was an inside job and the inspector was on it with Spencer maybe the inspector was the missing partner but wouldn't that mean yes it could mean that he was the one who shot Spencer in the basement. What does it sound like he came from downstairs he is sure everyone has left I closed at 9 o'clock as usual. But have a look maybe. I'll go down and check it out but. Skewered. I'll be back in a minute. Is there anyone down here the shop is closed. When the door is brought. Over. Who is that. What do you want to get my wife. When he was. On their way. When. It. Is Mr Whitaker All right Will they ever find out who shot Spencer Barker or who robbed Odyssey Bank 40 years ago was it the inspector Mr Fenwick or possibly it was the mysterious lady while so many questions it just goes to show you how messed up things can become when people turn away from God and chase after money and that's not the only thing that will happen when you let greed run your life and 1st Corinthians 69 through 10 the Apostle Paul wrote do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God Do not be deceived neither thieves nor the greedy nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God Those are strong words Well we'll have to wait till next time to find out what happens to Mr Whitaker and the case of the secret room thanks for listening and if you ever feel like writing us a letter Here's our address Odyssey Colorado Springs Colorado 80995 in Canada right to box 9800 Vancouver b.c. The 6 b. 43 and when you write don't forget to ask about how you get a copy of this broadcast just mention today's date your card or letter The address once again Odyssey Colorado Springs Colorado 80995 if it is not feasible that you know books on the case of the secret room was written and directed by Paul because a production engineer was probably true and our executive producer chuckled and I'm inviting you to join us again next time more adventures in the art of. Let's face it it's not always easy to understand everything you read in the Bible with over 700000 words contained in 66 books the Bible can generate a lot of questions to get biblical straightforward answers call into by volunteers live a life nationwide calling radio program where you can talk to Pastor Doug bachelor and ask in your most difficult Bible questions for your bible answers every weekday at noon right here on the shore and also early in the morning at 18 and you personally join have been renewed on that story and radio god. This is Joy f.m. . Leave . Where they. Add that these Jesus. The great NASA. Or c.n.n. . At the Phillies Jesus and we. Given makes no sense you deprive yourself of something so someone else can have a part of what you want who does that God did giving provides benefits that are superior to keeping God told us giving opens new doors we would have never expected given it is an act of faith in the God who provides it's an act of love for those who receive your gift giving is an act of honor to the God who gave 1st if you just look at giving from the perspective of what it cost you then you'll never see the potential impact your gift can have on other things God spared no expense in providing life freedom and salvation Have you ever wondered how he feels when we choose not to express that same generosity of spirit when you give your opening opportunities for the growth of those receiving your gifts others who benefit from the gift and your own hearts that may need to honor an amazing God thanks for your financial gifts to this radio ministry that started chain reaction a blessing joy f.m. Family friendly radio joy f.m. Radio dot net. Would I do to have the kind of face to face to come out of his boat. Those times we do see. How all the. Struggles that we. See. Sometimes blood. The True. Love what's swollen. Least on my love. Song when your beloved lady was. Dong. We. Love bomb. Morning thanks for tuning in to Joy f.m. My name is dyno although May God bless you on your journey today. Thanks. So. The 7th Day Adventist iconic has an optician in an optical laboratory to make high quality glasses they have high end fashionable frames as well as affordable choices to meet your needs they accept and select care stay well Netcare and try care insurances stop by the clinic today on 388 power road in 2 mooning and make your selection or call 646-8881 at the 7th Day Adventists qualm clinic your health is their mission. He squinted and look harder into the distance. And the be true he seen things 4 score and 7 years ago. Our problems for all the people who are already at the horrible end said. That she feared there were many more bloody battles a. Joy It presents amazing story 6 minute continuing episodes that place 5 times a day from Christians journey in Pilgrim's Progress to history heroes that have changed the world in your day is sure to be filled with amazement you can catch amazing stories weekdays in the morning at 930-103-0113 extension 0 in the afternoon at 130 and 230 right here on your family friendly joyous them or you can listen live online at Joy and the radio dot net that's joy f.m. Radio dot net stay tuned or you'll miss out on these amazing stories. To. See and it has to. a. Did Who. Told. Me. To. A little bit like. A. Lucky. Lucky. Clark. Told. Me. I Police Fire. Or her. She was. Lucky. Was that she. Was. Really. Was. After the big fish. Listening to the tour at em. Your listening to k.s. To a 91.9 f. And I get it makes one think you know where you live and point 9 f.m. Caravan of cycling the time now it is 7 o'clock going into power to. Joy. Welcome to Bibles 365 a daily program where we journey through the Bible one year. Numbers 30 Moses spoke to the heads of the tribes of the people of Israel saying this is what the Lord has commanded if a man vows a vow to the Lord or swears an oath to bind himself by a pledge he shall not break his word he shall do according to all that proceeds out of his mouth if a woman vows of Allah to the Lord and binds herself by a pledge while within her father's house in her youth and her father hears of her about and of her pledge by which she has bound herself and says nothing to her then all her vows shall stand and every pledge by which she has bound herself shall stand but if her father opposes her on the day that he hears and he makes void her vow that was on her and the thoughtless utterance of her lips by which she found herself and the Lord will forgive her. But any vow of a.