Today's programming is brought to you in part by the road a 7th Day Adventist Church level city begins at 9 30 am and the worship service begins at 11 am the road a 7th Day Adventist Church welcomes you to worship with them and then lovingly village of sin Apollo one at the Better Living Center near the children's playground you can call them at 532439. Says Doug bachelor How about an amazing fact ladybugs are one of the most valuable natural forms of pest control on earth farmers of the Middle Ages believe that the ladybug could work miracles for their crops so they named the little beetle Our Lady or the bug of our lady after the Virgin Mary other names for the Lady Bug include Lady Bird Lady beetle lady fly but over time this was short to the simple modern name Ladybug Naturally not all ladybugs are ladies there are also Boy lady books too. There are more than $4000.00 different kinds of ladybugs in the world beside the familiar red with black spots they also come in brown and yellow and one beautiful species is black with red spots exactly the opposite of the common type whatever their color farmers praise ladybugs for healthy crops they're good bugs and fight the bad bugs by eating billions and billions of scale insects and nearly bugs every year gardeners even by boxes of ladybugs to eat the pests in their garden these hardy little beetles beat their wings 85 times a 2nd when flying and can live for weeks without eating and when insects are scarce they can switch to eating from eating insects eating pollen another reason Ladybug survive so well is their ability to emit a foul smelling and bitter tasting chemical from their leg sockets when attacked by a predator so birds generally avoid them in winter ladybugs gather in huge groups to hibernate under sticks bark and even rocks in California 750000000 ladybugs were discovered hibernating together in one group. In 1994 lady bugs were sent into space as part of an experiment on NASA space shuttle upon completion of the mission it was determined the ladybug survive very well in space and even 88 woods while in 0 gravity you know the Bible teaches that God will send angels to protect those who trust in him stay with us friends will learn more as amazing facts brings you this edition of bible answers why. Welcome to amazing facts ministry's Bible answers lawyer with Pastor Doug Batchelor Do you find it challenging to understand the bible are there passages of Scripture that confuse you is it sometimes difficult to connect what you read in the Bible with what you've been taught that you follow the right program because the Word of God is a quick and powerful sort of get Stephen stay tune to better understand the will of God for your life this broadcast is pretty recorded if you have a Bible question lines are open Sunday is from 7 to 8 pm Pacific Time now here's your host the president of the raising facts ministries author and evangelist pastor Doug Batchelor. The best possible use for the medium of talk radio talk about the Word of God Bible answers live using broadcasting to broadcast the seeds of the gospel if you have any Bible question this is a live international interactive Bible study and you can participate by calling in your Bible question it's a free phone call 800 God says that's 804637297 we still have a couple of lines open so a good chance if you pick up the phone now you'll get on the air once again that's 800 God says 804637297 My name is Doug bachelor and my name is Dick to have a good evening pastor to evening Pastor Richard Martin. I'm doing fine are you doing not not too much traveling for the last few days I know it's been nice I've been home for a whole week that's good well we're going to talk about some traveling you're going to be doing a little later in the program we'll remind folks of what's coming something very different and we'll talk about it at the break time very good Ok In the meantime we like to start with a word of prayer as we get started with this program so let's do that Father in heaven we want to thank you once again for the privilege of being able to come on and open the Word of God and share the airwaves and and and look intently into what you are trying to say to us may make you open our ears Lord and our eyes that we may hear and see you in a saving way and draw close to you in a saving relationship Lord we want to be saved we want to go home to heaven we want you to come soon and so I pray for wisdom and insight and understanding tonight be with Pastor Doug and give him clarity of we thank you and we praise you in Jesus name Amen amen Well now ladybugs I if I buy them and put them in my front yard in my backyard this is great they are great I was out working in the yard back yard with the family today when the boy spotted a praying mantis and they're very intimidating looking but I said Now look here and I just I scooted the thing up on my arm and pretty soon they got brave enough to hold it there good in the garden too because they of course the pests but ladybugs really do have their black belt Saul before their voracious with the especially with the if it's will save your roses and the crops and makes me think of a couple of passages of scripture one being where God promises if we're faithful in ties and offerings he will rebuke the devour In other words the pests that the valley or our crops. Room but even beyond that you think about the protection that God simply promises to those who trust in him than and sometimes that protection is unseen I understand the smallest Ladybug is only about a 16th of an inch across and of course we know that they get to nearly half an inch in size but that God has angels that watch over us and they're not only do they watch over they communicate they help guide of course got Spirit speaks through Angel sometimes and they protect and some of the important messages you find in books of prophecy like Daniel and Revelation are delivered by angels and we have a special offer for our friends tonight as it's got a new new lesson cover dealing with angels this is. A study guide that is part of the amazing faxed study guide set and it's called Angel messages from space . We'd like to make this available to all of our callers anyone who would like a copy of this this talks about the important and time message that is given to us especially in Revelation Chapter 14 Revelation Chapter 14 speaks of the 3 angels message and if you would like a deeper clearer understanding of those 3 angels messages in Revelation 14 this lesson is the lesson for you to get you started on your Bible study so call our resource operators and ask for a copy of Angel messages from space I can tell you that this this little lesson will really open your hearts and your minds to a very special message in Revelation 14 and 100 out rather 1808356747 and 10 years get a phone number on a come just right just 2nd nature but I can't get my kids' names straight so. 800. 835-6747 that's the resource number that puts you in touch with the operators who are standing by and we'll send that lesson to you we take a couple of Internet questions before we go to the phones so let's do that this is an intriguing question pastor Doug this comes from a person who has moved to a new city. Because they are a scaping from a domestic violence situation and they have taken on a new name a phony name and they use a fake name and they want to know if doing this is lying and is it a sin I remember hearing a story about a man in Ireland that was getting ready to go to work and he held a shirt up to the window one morning wondering if he could wear it one more day and his wife called if it's doubtful it's a dirty. And if a person is even asking this question that means they have doubts about the integrity or Christian and why someone might defend well that it's a justifiable thing to protect yourself My recommendation would be well if you need to change your name there are legal ways of doing it where you won't be lying right and so if you need to change a name change your name because you you start building relationships in this new city and then somebody you can have to say Well that wasn't really my name and it erodes trust Right right so you know I know it's a difficult situation but it's either your name or it's not if it's not it's not true very good 2nd question Luke Chapter 19 verse 27 and the question is people are using this text to show that the Bible is like the Qur'an in that Jesus says that it is is Ok to kill his enemies and you give us some insight into that. Well this is actually the last verse in a parable Jesus has about some servants that did not want their king to reign over them it's the one regarding the talents looks version of that and verse 27 says but bring those enemies of mine who did not want me to reign over them and slay them here before me and I it's think someone may be wondering if this is. A justification for violence similar to those you seem to find in the Qur'an keep in mind this is a parable that is pointing to the ultimate judgment day at the end of the world this is not talking about people's relationships with people it's talking about God the Creator executing the final judgment on his creation in rebellion which is a whole different set of circumstances so you know Jesus told us to love each other to forgive and to turn the other cheek he's not using this parable to justify a treatment of one another but rather the king's ultimate judgment day Ok very good Let's go to the phones will take our 1st call for the evening from Castroville California we want to talk with Orion who's a 1st time caller welcome Orion Pastor Yes I'm familiar with Pastor. Watched several of the tapes and I have a book here Bible answers volume one and I was told I could only get about 3 minutes and I could I could probably keep you guys years busy for all our questions but. Well you know even a longer questions but we try to budget time for everybody on the program I know and I don't I do not want to be selfish I just got a lot I want to go through with you guys but I get. It I get that I want to start with. What. He What of the laws what laws have been abolished and what have been. Ok let him hear it I get clear I'm looking for the clear answer to that all right good question there are a number of different laws in the Bible and obviously some of these laws were nailed to the cross and meant their reality one Christ came. I think the easiest way to understand that Orion is when Jesus died on the cross and he said it is finished. The veil in the temple rent into and of course John the Baptist had pointed to Jesus as the Lamb of God Up till then they sacrifice physical animal lambs for forgiveness with the death of Christ all of the sacrificial system and ceremonial laws that pointed to Christ met their fulfillment Now there are a number of other just practical laws in the Bible that the death of Christ did not make them impractical for instance there are civil laws in the Bible that talk about how a neighbor should treat each other and the matter of fact the Mosaic Law as the foundation for most American law if you really look back on it even the different 1st 2nd 3rd degree murders all based on those AK law. You have to health laws and those laws regarding sanitation and cleanliness are just practical laws Jesus dying on the cross does not suddenly make it Ok to be unclean or unsanitary get back to them for the most which of which of those. I mean yeah like you said there's a basis for a lot of our laws and society in general in the government like America. But what of one of those do we kill again do we don't not Ok to take people to the edge of town and stone them to death for blasphemy Well keep in mind the the penalty for the laws I mean even the law about adultery the penalty was stoning you remember they brought Mary Magdalene in or this woman caught in adultery in this of the law says we should stone are absolutely well under a theocracy see Jesus said you can't do that under Roman law because the Romans had different laws under a theocracy were you know that's how they operated or God was in their very midst but. Even King David when he committed adultery nobody stoned him so by the time of David they were sort of winking at some of those but you have the 10 Commandment law that is called the Moral Law It's eternal in nature you know we just had a question on honesty it will always be wrong to lie even a 1000000 years from now Jesus dying on the cross did not make it Ok to lie or to steal and so forth. So you've got the health laws of civil laws and and a lot of these are practical and then you've got to talk about the ceremonial law those laws that dealt with circumcision sacrifices that revolved around the temple the church is now the spiritual temple Christ is our lamb and those symbols have been transferred to Christ and His church but how to how can we tell very good for example that the 10 Commandment. Thou shalt not kill or murder depending on the text so I could commit adultery but in Jesus clarified and says it's not simply not killing in order to keep the commandment you did not just know it's healing it's actually not having anger in your heart because that will make you guilty you know right and to find that what Jesus did is the Lord showed that it's not only the action he showed not just the letter of the law but the spirit it's not just the action of adultery it's an attitude of adultery it's not just the action of murder or untruth but Jesus said you know what you use to Christ expanded in magnify the law he didn't make it smaller He made it bigger. It actually made it harder to do the 10 commandments are actually pretty simple to keep but living by do this is the definition of evolve the new law Christ really shows you what could be as simple as having lust in your right Jesus showed that the real meaning of the law is love love for God and love for your fellow man and that makes it easier he said you know take my yoke upon you my yoke is easy we have a booklet we'll send you a Ryan we'd like to have had more time it's called that does God's grace blot out the law that goes into more detail about what laws still in effect it's right up the alley with your question Orion I want to encourage you to go to call our resource operators that phone number is 180-835-6747. The call is free and the booklet is free as well we'll send it to you. It's called Does God's grace blot out the law at 180-835-6747 Call that number and they will send that out to you. So give them a call this evening we want to go next pastor Doug to Boston Texas and talk with Mario good evening Mario Boston Texas I thought Boston was in Mexico to go ahead Mario that is on its Austin all they get to me I used to live in Texas I never heard Boston deck's I used to live in Austin Texas by so sorry Mario maybe. I think our operator maybe didn't hear you clearly Anyway your question. Oh that ties in well with the last question we have. With a lot of the Spirit of course is going to be not just the action connected with the law but the attitudes it is possible to keep the letter of the law and break the spirit if you are you still there you say so it's not just an action it's an attitude following the law of the Spirit is having Christ in us being guided by the Holy Spirit then will the natural outcome of that is that we will follow the Holy Spirit and follow his law. You know we've got a book that deals with that subject a little bit we'd be happy to share with his whole life in the spirit yeah include a verse here now Roman chapter 3 verse 2 King you're going to read that for everyone or do you want to read it yes please. Romans 8 verse 2 says for the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ has made me free from the law of sin and death for what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh I'm reading the next verse too God did by sending His Son in the likeness of sinful flesh on account of sin he condemned sin in the flesh. There was a special reason you wanted us to read that and may I read a little further to verse for that there right that's required of the law by being filled in which well known after the flesh but after the Spirit Yes Ok and what your question was a something else connected with that verse that you're wondering about hello Mario . Started a program and I got it works and you know I think I know are you wondering if If what it's saying here is that when we are walking in the law of the spirit it means that we're not obligated to keep the the 10 Commandment law I'm not sure what you're asking well can be any clearer than with diverse. Well this is period in me but I'm right. Do you think that this is saying that we no longer keep the. God no longer wants us to keep the law or does it say that when we have the spirit we will keep the law you know and yes even go beyond that and change. That you know I did it good and don't do it then too then it is. Right you know I think that you'd really appreciate the book that we were mentioning and it's a free book it's called Life in the spirit and it also talks about the law and the spirit and being led by the Spirit the result of that is following the law Mario again I would encourage you to call the operators 180-835-6747 they're standing by and if you'll call them this evening they will send this book to you it's called Life in the spirit the call is free and the book is free and after you get it we'd like to hear back from you and let us know what you think Pastor Doug let's go next to Grants Pass Oregon we want to talk with Billy who's listening on the Internet Hi Billy. Good What's your question please. Compilation Chapter 21. I've heard many people we've heard a bride the Lord God. Reading in Revelation chapter 21 I see that it. Could you clarify that for me I'll try I don't think there's a conflict there because the New Jerusalem is going to be the the city where the church abides. You know it talks in Revelation about a woman with 12 stars above her head and she is the church that's Revelation Chapter 12 right but then you go to Revelation 21 and talks about the New Jerusalem 12 gates 12 foundations 12 kinds of fruit 12 times a year 144 kinds of fruit on the tree of life. And its 144012 times 12000 that are among those that live in it so when it talks about the new dress on coming down what is it that God loves about the New Jerusalem the buildings of the people that will live there. So it is the church it's just another figure for saying this is so beautiful because it's the bride of Christ the church lives in the city Ok Ok. Yeah not a conflict thanks for the great thanks for the call Billie Bye Let's go next to Pablo in Manhattan New York is listing on w m c a Hello Pablo. Your question please question have to do with. Daniel 925 yes and we. I've been confused for the parents year about know therefore and understand from the going forward of. Command to restore him to build Jerusalem So what I'm confused about the 3 decreasing the book of extra Yes I keep reading in detail he talks about the temple being rebuilt on the 1st to create a 2nd decree with Iraq to rebel and then a reformation and he seems like they didn't have anything to do with the temple but when I read the book of Nam My Own. He was like when back to Jerusalem was in the gate so when did 70 weeks really start that's where the 3rd decree given by our desert sees was the complete decree to rebuild the city and permission to work on the Temple too and that was given in for 57 b.c. And the creek where do I find you find that in as read Chapter 7 and you I can't remember the verse I should know it but it has or Chapter 7 you'll find it there it actually has a quote of the decree. And I thought that began in $457.00 b.c. And the interesting thing it says in Daniel Chapter 9 it says that from that decree to anoint the most holy would be one week less than 70 weeks now would be in other words 483 days and a day is a year in prophecy exactly 483 years from 457 b.c. 827 Christ was baptized by John the Baptist and then and it's just I'm one of the most marvelous prophecies in the Bible matter of fact we have a lesson that goes through that time prophecy it's called God sets a date for the judgment if you'd like a free copy of that Pablo will send you that study guide it's got the dates the decree and the whole history around it and just ask for Mario again call that that number 180-835-6747 ask for God sets the date for the judgment and it's amazing how Mario how that that prophecy in just falls into place it is incredible Let's go next pastor Doug to the queen's will stay in New York we want to talk with Gil Hart start me one second Gil will be right with Pablo who just called in it's we've got a new cover and a new title for that lesson my little voice was telling me that it's called Right on time right on right on time is the name of the lesson on the judgment and on the Daniel Chapter 9 sorry about that Ok Good evening Gil Good evening it pleasure treasure to talk to you guys once again and I have a question that might sound like a contradiction it's an Exodus Chapter 20 verse 5 and it talks about you shown up bow down to them or worship them why the Lord your God am a jealous God punishing the children for the fathers of the 3rd and 4th generation of those who hate me now of course got it merciful and everything like that but I wonder how you. Would connect that with Exodus Chapter 8. When you mean Exodus or I mean you know I meant to say I thought I knew where you're going and you surprised me when I said Exodus I see Kill where it says The Sun is not guilty for the sins of the Father in the father's not guilty for the sins of the Son Yeah well this is that's a good question it's a very good question. Here it's telling us in the 10 Commandments that the behavior of the parents is duplicated by the children often to the 3rd and 4th generation both good and bad that the good behavior of one parent can sometimes be seen several generations away matter of fact I'm reading through the king's right now and I notice that it would say for instance God said to g. Who you know because your faithfulness your sons will sit on the throne for 4 generations and you'll see a lot of cases of that but that is talking about the influence of the parents can often be seen in the children under the 3rd and 4th generation but God does not punish the children for the sins of the parents or does he punish the parents for the sins of the children unless there's some direct responsibility like in the case of Eli He would not discipline his sons or God punish the father for not restraining his sons yet the people are going to court and if you can read that to your audience I think and I think you know a warning Yeah let me go there for you real quick I was doing it from my doing it from memory here late teen verse 20 Yeah right just. The soul who sends will die the Son will not bear the guilt of the Father nor the father bear the guilt of the Son the righteousness of the righteous will be upon him and the wickedness of the week it will be upon him. Yes and that's so. That's the essence of that and when it says there in Genesis Chapter 20 verse 5 under the 3rd and 4th generation I also like to remember it says and showing mercy on to thousands of those that love me keep my commandments judgment under the 3rd 4th generation because the parents influence each other mercy and to thousands of those who keep the commandments pastor Doug were about to take a break here to halfway through the program and I mentioned that we wanted to talk just a minute about something very special that's coming up next month when it you tell us about the revival Well I hope our friends have a pencil handy or a good memory all they have to do is write down or remember 05 like our year over 5 revive dot com and they'll find a website where they can learn more about this global event I will be speaking from the Fort Worth convention center called the Will Rogers auditorium to a global audience on both the 3 angels Broadcasting Network on the hope channel as well as a number of other affiliates and it is basically a 10 day revival for one week 10 meetings we're going to be talking about returning to the Lord drawing near if you're going to be hosting this in your home you can bring your friends your home and pray together some will be fasting and praying and just asking God to give them a new experience these messages are designed for anybody with any Christian background and faith in the word maybe you've got some friends who have drifted away a little bit and they need to return to the Lord this meeting would be ideal for that situation again the website is 05 revive dot com and we'd encourage you to encourage your friends to come and be praying for me as I go that God will give me the spirit and that I might be able to encourage others as well will be back with more Bible questions in just a moment. Come on Dr Randy Carlson keeping the focus on living the intentional life in Christ and on this Monday before Valentine's Here's one of our intentional living action steps that can be very practical for you and it states that today I will love my family may you insert their my spouse by appreciating and serving them see appreciation comes in the words that we speak our attitude of love and respect for our spouse will come through this week and then serving them means that we get out of our own comfort zone and do things that will add value to their life things that will appreciate things that will say you know today Honey I love you so much that I want to help serve you in fact we should do that every day get on line even entering for your marriage from Dr Randy Carlson and roll today at your marriage dot com. We are back listening friends and I expect there some of you tuned in along the way you wonder what is this this is Bible answers live it's a program where you can call in with your Bible questions and we'll do our best to answer those questions we don't have all the answers but we've got the word of God on our laptops and several versions original languages and will search together do our best to share what we know and to search to find the truth the truth will set you free if you have a question we do have lines open right now and you've got a good chance of getting your question on tonight's program here's the number 804637297804637297 will bring your Bible question into our studio My name is Doug bachelor My name is John Ross pass and I'm going to go to the phone lines on Mexico Lee is Michael and he's listening in Kentucky Michael welcome to the program. Are you. Doing good and your question tonight. My. The marker to be Ok are you wanting us to just tell you what it is or any question. Considering what it is all right well 1st of all the Bible tells us that the mark of the beast is something that is received and you find this principle in Revelation Chapter 13. Chapter 121314 several chapters talk about the beast but it doesn't really say the mark of the beast is the number 666 In other words a lot of people have this idea that in the last days this religious political power with the Anti-Christ head is going to require everyone to line up and they're going to get a tattoo or stamp in their forehead or hand it's a 666 it doesn't say it says the number 606 is the key to identify who this power is because as the number of man and the using Bible numerology. Different letters had a numerical value now if you look everybody in Revelation gets a mark everybody everybody listening right now I don't know how to break this to you but in the last days everyone gets a mark one mark is a bad mark the other marks a good mark mark of the beast bad mark but the seal of God says all of God's people have the seal of God in the father's name in there for His will I think we all know that doesn't mean. In the last days there's going to be a tattoo artist that's putting the name of the Lord in our foreheads or our hands and so there's a symbolism here one of the keys for that is if you look Michael in for instance Deuteronomy Chapter 64 where the 10 Commandments are repeated chapter 5 of Deuteronomy in chapter 6 he says these words that I command you this day shall be in your heart you'll write them for a sign upon your hand and they will be front what's between your eyes the Word of God on your hand between your eyes he is saying that the Word of God is to be in our heart that's obviously a symbol that the law of God is to be in our hand our actions and it's to be but in our foreheads or between our eyes means in our thoughts and so the mark of the beast is dealing with people who are marked because of their actions and their worship their thoughts their going to be worshipping the beast in the last days now it's a big study and will identify it for you very clearly but I'm just going to ask you to ask for our free lesson because I can't cover all 12 pages or 15 pages in 2 minutes and the lesson is called the mark of the beast or is it the end across lessen the mark of the beast Marc Andreessen Yeah the number to call is 808356747 that is the resource line and just ask for the study guide on the mark of the beast and it'll going to all of the Scriptures and let you know exactly how person receives the mark and what is the seal of God So take a look at that number again 808356747 asked for the study guide the mark of the beast I'm next call as well and he is listening from Arkansas will walk into the program. Yes I got a question. If you want to change we're going on you know I write almost. That it talks about yeah I'll do my best but I'll tell you right now this is one of the great mysteries in the Bible where he talks about the when we were growing. It dogs about the wheel within the wheel and these creatures there are movement as equal saw something that was it's extremely intricate and complicated or I don't even know if that's the word for it amazing he's trying to describe something that sounds otherworldly and you know I'll tell you a few things that come into my mind when he sees some the heavenly creatures that are moving around on some contraption that is a wheel within a wheel now I'm a girl I drive a bulldozer I mean I do that for a living but I have one I have driven one for years and you know how it goes or moves it's you get a wheel we're going to wheel are a cell of life is actually you get a nucleus within the the shell or the wall of the cell and you've got a wheel within a wheel a in space our solar system you've got the sun that is actually moving it's spinning and you've got our planet's that orbit that and then you've got planets moons that orbit the planets and you sort of have then you've got we're part of a galaxy that is a spiral by a rolling pin wheel of suns is a wheel within a wheel and so it doesn't surprise me that the Lord is telling Ezekiel that these creatures that minister to him that are around his throne they're somehow conveyed by some apparatus whether it's a living or inanimate we don't know that is a wheel within a wheel and that the colors he tries to describe in these creatures have these faces now the faces of the creatures if you look on verse 10. A face like a man face like a lion face like an ox and a face like an eagle you frighten that mentioned in Revelation chapter. Yeah exactly it's exactly the same so at least John in the New Testament and his equal in the Old Testament there is seen something very similar now. Those 4 creatures many scholars believe they are saying something about the characteristics of Christ you have Jesus portrayed in Matthew as a lion you have Jesus portrayed in Mark as an eagle he's portrayed in Luke as a man Luke was the physician and he's portrayed in the Gospel of John as the calf or the sacrifice and so had another viewpoint on that I remember you shared with David owner exactly what you know we got for example a line can also represent Christ Ministry prior to the inclination if you like the ox was a beast of burden symbol of sacrifice Jesus came to basons and die in a place the man is a symbol could be a symbol of Christ high priestly ministry where he is one with the Son of Man he's the son of man but he's one with humanity and he's representing us before the Father the eagle in scripture often has a connotation of speed and judgment speaks of judgment coming upon the enemies of God's people as an eagle and some see that is referring to Christ coming as judge to execute judgment upon the wicked it's coming yes so will I think that these creatures are they are symbolic of the facets are telling us something about the nature of Christ and that it's being sort of summarized by some of these characteristics hope that helps a little bit but you have delved into one of the deeper mysteries of the Bible that I'm still studying they thank you for your call will next Hawley's Marjorie and she's listening from Michigan Marjorie Welcome to the program. And your question Ok. It is not the full force 2 men I mean I call it but of the forces and. Our. Spiritual Well I think they are I think if these horses are spiritually symbolic Ok and a collar is now can I tell you why yes. If you look at the 4 Horsemen we've all heard about the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse and we focus on the number 4. Horsemen of the apocalypse are the 1st 4 of the 7 seals that are open there in Revelation Chapter 6 and 7 so they're part of something and the other SEALs are obviously spiritual So we think the 1st 4 horsemen. Are spiritual as well now you're asking about the colors Yes Well I think in past might help me these 4 horsemen represent for ages or stages of the church they're really kind of telling about the political unfoldings of the church for the 1st 4 ages they line up almost perfectly with the 1st 4 of the 7 churches the 7 seals the 7 churches the 7 trumpets in Revelation are teaching the religious history political history military history of the of God's people what's going on. The horse that is white represents the church going forth conquering and victorious they've got that 1st love that scribed in the 1st centuries that power that purity then you've got of course it is red there's a time of great persecution that follows and that's like the Church of Smyrna and then you've got the horse that is black and that represents a time of death and then you get the pale or the great dead death like horse and that's talking about the time of real famine for the Word of God I hope I'm getting those right he's got the white male thing to greet the laugh and appeal part. Taken from a word in Greek which actually managing green not great yeah it's kind of the color of person that's dead when there's blood has drained away it's a pale green. Purefoy like the it's like the it's like the look of a potato shoot in the cellar I've heard Sagen explain it that way so it's kind of like the deathly look that people might have and so these horsemen trying to think if we have or you know what our new revelation magazines the other 4 horsemen on the cover you might really enjoy that Marjorie but it is these 4 horsemen so deep study on the 7 seals of God and of course significant in Revelation it's prophetic book you go to White symbolizing purity and that is a description of the church during the 1st 100 years. Of the Christian era and then the red would symbolize persecution symbol of blood and there was a persecution from about $100.00 to $380.00 and then you got the black hole switch is a compromising of truth started creeping into the church followed by the Pale Horse which is also described as the dark ages when it was very difficult to find truth especially in the Established Church of the day people that was seeking for truth had to study on the own and many of them found safety up in the mountains of northern Italy in the world and see an Alp So it's sort of a description of the condition of the church join those time periods and by the way in Zachariah Chapter 6 verse Well the 1st 5 verses you've got the similar horses the not identical but they are also say symbolic of what was going to happen to God's people good question Margery appreciate it thank you for calling the next holy fella and his listening in Michigan Phil welcome to the program. And your question today. My question is that a very well known Christian pastor from California is seeking it Islamic Conference is claiming that we all worship the thing God and therefore we all need to come together and find common ground since we worship in God and myself I I know enough about 6 to know that I have a real problem with that what are your thoughts on that well let me let me put it to you this way if Jesus said to his own people you are of your father the devil and these are people who are members of his church you said that if it's true that there are people who take the name of Christ that are not even worshipping the same God according to Jesus and if there are people who are Jews and Christ was saying even among the Jews while the Apostles and others were worshipping the true God People who claim to worship the true God Jesus said no you're of your father the Devil you're not ever had children and so how much more true would it be of a whole different religion like Islam to what I'm saying that it's I do have a different so yeah I think that their whole concept of God I've got some dear Islamic friends but I think their whole concept of God is is very different and Jesus came to give us a true picture of God and the Islamic picture of God is a very different picture so I'd have to respectfully disagree with whoever that pastor is Ok well I appreciate your answer Hey thank you Phil procedure call I makes Callie's unmapped and she's listening in New York and that walk with program Hi Hi you're on the air. Thank you my question. Is then. Or. Any particular then that is worse than the. Well you know all sin is bad and the penalty for sin is death but believe it or not there are worse varying degrees of sin Jesus said there are varying degrees of punishment and there are varying degrees of sin now which Gospel as a pastor offered Jesus said the greater sin he says were greater sin speaking of Judas when he's talking a pilot is that John let me see or it might be a Luke I don't remember but Jesus made it clear that there are varying degrees of sin because he said that Judas had a greater sin for b. Train him the pilot for handing him over because Judas you walk with Jesus for 3 years he more that was John 1000 ghost 11 so Ok yeah and the Bible tells us that he that knew his master's will and did not do it he is beaten with many stripes and he that did not know his master's will and didn't do it as being with few stripes so there's varying degrees of punishment there are varying degrees of sin some sins are so offensive if you know you've got a person who steals a loaf of bread and there was one punishment according to the Mosaic Law But if somebody killed there was a much more severe punishment so yeah their Bible teaches pretty clearly there are varying degrees of sand and a nice and Safira lied to the Holy Spirit they dropped it instantly that was much more severe because they knew better Ok because that makes sense. Thank you all right thank you Annette We appreciate your call The good news hope and it's still listening to everyone listening while there are varying degrees of sin in the blood of Jesus is adequate to forgive all manner of sin and blasphemy and those of you who are listening we've all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God but Jesus' sacrifice is capable of not only forgiving you but of transforming you and helping you to live a new life but we have lined up next Pastor Ross we have to say who's listening in Michigan say welcome to the program. Hi How are you guys doing good thank you for calling that's great. I'm calling about my question is I'm calling about the 2nd coming. And when I have because heard about you know I don't particularly believe in the Rapture per se but my my question is a concerning the 24th chapter of Matthew Ok there are 29 and the 1st verse and I know that Jesus are going to come back one more time me and come back to 4 different times I always come back one more time but my question is. Always the air quality in this scripture. I just want to see is. Do guys agree with here on that but what we do. Yeah yeah. You know that that is you know it's darker and you should see that comment haven't gotten to me was that b m for this show war we would Christians would actually be in it initially but I'm sure yes now that I know that it would be unthinkable I would be immediately curl and my understanding of that scripture to say I promise you that's a good question I think a lot of people are wondering that the big question then is are the Christians going to be in the world during the tribulation or are they caught up and taken out of the world Arap shared before the tribulation there are good Christians on both sides of this but those of us here in this station believe that the Christians are in the world during the tribulation and that Jesus catches them away at the end of it that's why Jesus said He that endures under the end will be saved he talks about mediately and you're very right say if you look at the Matthew $2429.00 immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun is dark and the moon will not give or light the stars will fall from heaven the powers of heaven will be shaken and then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn and they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory and you can also read in 1st this alone eons chapter 4 if you read in verse 16 it says the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel in the trumpet of God and then the dead in Christ will rise so the resurrection and the 2nd coming of Jesus happened at the conclusion of this time of trouble one more verse that really should tie the other 2 I gave together and that's in Daniel Chapter 12. There the Lord says that at that time Michael will stand up the great prince that stands for the children of light people and they'll be a time of trouble such as there never has been since there was a nation even under that same time and at that time my people will be delivered every one that is found written in the book and many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake so this resurrection it says there's a time of trouble such as there never has been then there's a resurrection so the 2nd Coming and the resurrection happen after the tribulation and God's people aren't caught up until then now some say that all that's just that's the elect of the Jews only There's nothing in the Texas says it is talking about God's people his church and those that are in Christ are Abraham's seed are all one people at that point now we have a book Pastor Ross that talks about the tribulation and it's sequence and it's called anything but secret and say if you call our resource line or anyone will be happy to send that out just ask for the book anything but secret the number to call these 8835674788356747 asked for the book anything but secret we have Brandon who is listening in Illinois Brandon welcome to the program. My question is on Jennifer very day and. I was kind of wondering after reading that countless times and hearing about it oh we're going to. Scare wondering if after Satan or after Adam and Eve basically ate the fruit would it be when the time actually started but it's a good question. You know if it tells us that Adam lived a total of 930 years in the Bible and you know he had many sons and daughters besides King Abel and Seth but when does that time begin it may be that God was saying look I'm not going to start counting your time in til you see your kicked out of the garden mean you can eat from the tree of life any more and so Adam's age was measured from that point God may have said I'm measuring your age from creation now I don't know that that will matter much and here's why I think that Brandon I don't believe that it was very long after creation before Adam and he fell and the reason for that is immediately after God makes Adam and Eve and he introduces them and performs their marriage ceremony he says Be fruitful and multiply but they hadn't had a single kid yet by the time that they fell with the forbidden fruit and so it was probably pretty shortly after creation that they fell so whether you start numbering Adam's age in creation from. The day that he was spoken into existence or is it from the day that he was kicked out of the Garden of Eden and he became mortal. And started. What I meant by kind of what I mean like time for time period like time for the rise of if you say well you mean I give the whole explanation for nothing that here I think the time existed before then because God set up time in the world and course there was a Sabbath and he had a weekly cycle that was established before Adam even sin so but I think there was time even before he made our world I think that you know the Lord is as a Live from everlasting everlasting and he he has some scope of time you know we learn from Einstein and others that time seems to work and bend and and the God I'm sure is not confined to time he can take profits into the future and he can take them back. So good question Brandon appreciate that we have Bob who is listening from the British British Virgin Islands Bob welcome to the program. By Bob Murray there you go good are you doing Doug man it's good to hear my my name on the air in my country. Well you know we're glad I got to know before the program's over so what can we do about it yeah I would like you know I've been here. About. How how would you know what you're on the water got well you know I don't believe you can teach the new age Gospel from the Word of God I think that people use that phrase and different people kind of mean different things some people's idea of the New Age gospel is that they they say that you know they incorporate sort of Eastern mysticism and meditation into Christianity and they just say that it's all about meditating and being at one with God and it's sort of an amiss tickle Eastern view of. What Christianity is and that's that's they call it New Age but it's actually very old and so I I hope that's what you're asking about. But don't forget I think that prayer prayer and meditation is is something else and you know it's talking consciously and cognitively to God. I think we're going to appreciate your call we're glad we got you and briefly I wish I could be where you are in the Virgin Islands right now go scuba diving Maybe some day listening friends we're probably out of time before we can take another call or we just want to remind you this program is on the air just because people like you are listening seem to be blessed and edified and were 100 percent supported by our listeners you probably heard a lot of talk show hosts and Christian ministries say that would you consider giving to keep us on the air you'd like to help us just go to amazing facts dot o.-r. G. And you can donate online tell us you enjoy the program and make any suggestions God bless that we talk again next week. This is been a pre-court of broadcast of Bible lances live production of amazing facts ministries if you would like to order the materials mentioned on this broadcast call 808356747 from 8 am to midnight Eastern Standard Time that's 808356747 if you've missed an episode of bible answers a lot you can find it on our Web site amazing. You are listening it is da 91.9 f.m. I get and again your heights and kale I do it 89.9 f.m. Band sideband the time is now 2 o'clock. A part of today's programming is bratty by the Korean 7th Day Adventist Church visit a Korean 7th Day Adventist Church in tattered Bible study begins at 9 30 am Saturday morning and the worship service starts at 11 in the Korean 70 advantage church is located in and glaciers circle in deaded Oh right across from the Santa Barbara Catholic Church it's around the circle to right as she faced the fire station you can meet in my film at 689-7400 The Korean 7th Day Adventist Church happily supports the joy of them. This is Mark's my climb How did Jesus respond to those who were offended by his teaching.