Gab now Abrams was very rich in livestock in silver and in gold and he journeyed on from the Negev as far as Bethel to the place where his tent had been at the beginning between Bethel and Ai to the place where he had made an altar at the 1st and there Abrams called upon the name of the Lord and lot who went with a broom also had flocks and herds and tents so that the land could not support both of them dwelling together for their possessions were so great that they could not dwell together and there was strife between the herdsman of Abram's livestock and the herdsmen of Locke's livestock at that time the Canaanites and the parasites were dwelling in the last and then Abrams said to Lot let there be no strife between you and me between your herdsman in my herds for we are kinsmen is not the whole land before you separate yourself from me if you take the left hand then I will go to the right or if you take the right hand then I will go to the left and lot lifted up his eyes and saw that the Jordan Valley was well watered everywhere like the Garden of the Lord like the land of Egypt in the direction of. This was before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah So a lot for himself all the Jordan Valley and lot journeyed East thus they separated from each other Abrams settled in the land of Canaan while a lot settled among the cities of the valley and moved his tent as far as Saddam now the men of Sodom were wicked great sinners against the Lord the Lord said day after lot had separated from him. Lift up your eyes and look from the place where you are northward and southward and eastward and westward for all the land you see I will give to you and to your offspring forever I will make your offspring as the dust of the earth so that if one can count the dust of the earth your offspring also can be counted arise walk through the length and the breadth of the land for I will give it to you so Abrams moved his tent and came and settled by the oaks of mammary which I'd have Braun and there he built an altar to the Lord Genesis 14. In the days of amor a fellow king of shine our area king of al Assad our Kether layer king of the law and title King of Glory him these kings made war with fear of the king of Sodom. King of Gomorrah shine Ab King of adman shimmy Burger King of the boy and the king of be law that is are and all these joined forces in the valley of said Him That is the salt sea 12 years they had served Khadra lay in there but in the 13th year they rebelled in the 14th year Kether lay a murderer and the kings who were with him came and defeated the ref am in Ashtaroth kind of name Zeus them in the have the ema him in shava carry f.a.i.m. And the horrid sin their hill country of sea or as far as pay ran on the border of the wilderness then they turned back and Cain to end Mish Pat that is Kadish and defeated all the country of the a mallet kites and also the Amorites who were dwelling in the houses on tamer Then the king of Sodom the king of Gomorrah the king of adman the king of Savoy him and the king of be that is. Went out and they joined battle in the valley of said him with Kether layer king of each title King of Glory and amor a fellow king of Shine are and area king of Alice are 4 kings against 5 now the valley of Saddam was full of Bichon and pits and as the kings of Sodom and Gomorra fled some fell into them and the rest fled to the hill country so the enemy took all the possessions of Sodom and Gomorrah and all their provisions and went their way. They also took last the son of Abrams brother who was dwelling in Saddam and his possessions and went their way then one who had escaped came and told Abraham the Hebrew who was living by the oaks of mammary the am right brother of Eshkol and of enter these were allies of Abraham when neighbor heard that his kinsmen had been taken captive he led forth his trained men born into his house 318 of them and went in pursuit as far as Dan and he divided his forces against them by night he and his servants and defeated them and pursued them to hope north of Damascus then he brought back all the possessions and also brought back his kinsmen lot with his possessions and the women and the people after his return from the defeat of catarrh lay him and the kings who were with him the king of Sodom went out to meet him at the Valley of shava that is the King's Valley and Mel kissed the deck the king of Salem brought out bread and wine he was priest of God Most High and he blessed him and said lets it be a broken by God Most High possessor of heaven and earth and bless it peak God Most High who has delivered your in the knees into your hand. And Abrams gave him a 10th of everything and the king of Sodom said to a broom give me the person but take the goods for yourself by the Abrams said to the king of Sodom I have lifted my hand to the Lord God Most ta am possessor of heaven and earth that I would not take up thread or a sandal strap or anything that is yours lest you should say I have made Abraham rich I will take nothing but what the young men have eaten and the share of the men who went with me that enter. And mammary take their share. Genesis 15 after these things the word of the Lord caved into a Burman a vision there not a broom in your shield your reward shall be very great. But Abrams said Oh Lord God what will you give me for I continue childless in the air of my house is the easier of Damascus and Abrams said Behold you have given me no offspring and a member of my household will be my heir and behold the word of the Lord came to him this men shall not be your heir your very own son shall be your air and he brought him outside and said look toward heaven and Number the Stars if you are able to number them then he said to him so shall your offspring be. And he believed the Lord and he counted it to him as righteousness and he said to him in the Lord who brought you out from the county and it's to give you this land to possess but he said Old Lord God how am I to know that I shall possess it he said to him Bring be a heifer 3 years old a female go to 3 years old a ram and 3 years old a turtle dove and a young pigeon and he brought him all these cut them in half and laid each half over against the other but he did not cut the birds in half and when birds of prey came down on the carcasses Abrams drove them away as the sun was going down a deep sleep fell on April and behold dreadful and great darkness fell upon them the Lord said to a broom know for certain that your offspring will be sojourners in a land that is not theirs and will be servants there and they will be afflicted for 400 years but I will bring judgment on the nation that they serve and afterward they still cannot with great possessions as for yourself. You shall go to your fathers in peace you shall be buried in a good old age and they shall come back here in the 4th generation for the iniquity at the Emirates is not yet complete when the sun had gone down and it was dark behold a smoking fire pot and a flaming torch passed between these pieces on that day the Lord made a covenant with Abraham saying to your offspring I give this land from the River of Egypt to the great river the river Euphrates the land of the candidates they can as ites the Cadman Knights the Hittites the parasites the referee in the Emirates the Canaanites the Kurdish Shi'ites and the gypsy sites Genesis 16 now Serah Abram's wife had borne him no children she had a female Egyptian servant whose name was Hagar and Sarah said to a broom behold now the Lord has prevented me from bearing children going to my servant It may be that I shall obtain children by her. And Abraham listen to the voice of Sarah so after Abraham had lived 10 years in the land of Canaan Serah Abram's wife took a guy the Egyptian her servant and gave her to Abraham her husband as a wife and he went into Hagar and she conceived and when she saw that she had conceived she looked with contempt on her mistress and Sarah said to Abraham. May the wrong done to me be on you I gave my servant to your embrace and when she saw that she had conceived she looked on me you with. Me The Lord judge between you and me but Abrams said to Sarah I behold your servant is in your power you do to her as you please then sar I dealt harshly with her and she fled from her the angel of the Lord found her by a spring of water in the wilderness the spring on the way to shore and he said Hagar servant of Sarah I wear Have you come from and where are you going she said I am fleeing from my mistress Sarah the angel of the Lord said to her return to your mistress and submit to her the angel of the Lord also said to her I will surely multiply your offspring so that they cannot be numbered for multitude and the angel of the Lord said to her behold you are pregnant and shall bear a son you shall call his name Ishmael because the Lord has listened to your affliction he shall be a wild donkey of a man his hand against every one and every one's hand against him and he shelled well over against all his kinsmen So she called the name of the Lord who spoke to her You are a god of seeing for she said truly here I have seen him who looks after me therefore the well was called Beer law higher oil it lies between Kadish and beer it and Hagar bore Abrams son and a broom called the name of his son whom Hagar bore Ishmael Abraham was 86 years old when Hagar bore Ishmael to a broom. Genesis 17 when Abraham was 99 years old the Lord appeared to Abraham and said to him I am God Almighty walk before me and be blameless that I may make my covenant between me and you and may multiply you greatly bend a broom fell on his face and God said to him Behold my covenant is with you and you shall be the father of a multitude of nations no longer show your name be called Habermann but your name shall be Abraham for I have made you the father of a multitude of nations I will make you exceedingly fruitful and I will make you into nations and kings shall come from you and I will establish my covenant between me and you and your offspring after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant to be God to you and to your offspring after you and I will give to you into your offspring after you the land of your surgery and he gets all the land of Canaan for an everlasting possession and they will be their god. And God said to Abraham as for you you should keep my cutting that you and your offspring after you throughout the generations this is my covenant which you shall keep between me and you and your offspring after you. Every male among you shall be circumcised you shall be circumcised in the flesh of your 4 skins and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and you he who is 8 days old among you shall be circumcised every male throughout your generations whether born in your house or bought with your money from any foreigner who is not of your offspring both he who is born in your house and he has bought with your money shows surely be circumcised so shall my covenant be in your flesh and everlasting covenant any uncircumcised male who is not circumcised in the flesh of his for skin shall be cut off from his people he has broken my covenant and God said to Abraham as for Sarah your wife you shall not call her name Sarah but Sarah shall be her name I will bless her and moreover I will give you a son by her I will bless her and she shall become Nations kings that people should come from her then the Abraham fell on his face and laughed and said to himself. Should a child born to a man who was a 100 years old Sarah who was 90 years old bear a child and Abraham said to God Oh that Ishmael might live before you God said no but several your wife shall bear you a son and you shall call his name Isaac. I will establish my covenant with him as an everlasting covenant for his offspring after him as for Ishmael I have heard you Behold I have blessed him and will make him fruitful and multiply him greatly he shall father 12 princes and I will make him into a great nation but I will establish my covenant with Isaac whom Sarah shall bear to you at this time next year when he had finished talking with Him God went up from Abraham then Abraham took Ishmael his son and all those born in his house or bought with his money every male among the men of Abraham's house and he circumcised the flesh of their 4 skins that very day as God had said to him Abraham was 99 years old when he was circumcised in the flesh of his 4 skin and Ishmael his son was 13 years old when he was circumcised in the flesh of his 4 skin that very day Abraham and his son Ishmael were circumcised and all the men of his house those born in the house and those bought with money from a foreigner were circumcised with him. You are listening to Bible 365 Join us again tomorrow at this same time as we continue our journey through God's work. Many people who live in the remote regions of Mongolia subsist on hurting very little farming takes place thus diets include few fruits and vegetables causing many women and children to become micronutrient deficient with your help families in the Gobi can learn how to prepare the soil for growing vegetables they'll build greenhouses construct root cellars and be taught how to create nutritious meals for their family. This is just one of many opportunities offered to you in this year's edition of the Adventist development and relief agency International's the original really useful gift catalog to find out more visit. Org That's. Or call 1844 That's 180-2372 this is your chance to select the perfect gift for that special someone who has nothing thank you why have they. Stopped eating salmon and are now munching on berries instead some. Credible. Moment the bare necessities. In favor of a life. Apparently the streams and rivers on Alaska's Kodiak Island are replete with salmon normally 75 percent of the salmon are killed by Christmas but in recent years the salmon have remained untouched while Best stay in the hills eating elderberries this change in behavior which is billed as a form of evolution is said to have occurred because out the berries are said to be ripening earlier every year the normal diets of the grizzly bear would involve eating salmon at the end of the summer and early fall followed by gorging on the high energy barriers in order to fatten up for winter hibernation but the berries are writing early so the bears are missing out on the salmon in order to consume high energy berries the Telegraph's article thinks it knows the copra for the situation which he sees as problematic early Berry writing has been caused by our old friend climate change apparently this will affect the ecosystems of the rivers Bears do not consume the whole salmon the discarded carcasses rot and enrich the soil in the Rye Parian region where it signs to suggest the Bears will have completely given up salmon by 27th the House of course been frequent warming and cooling of environments before more to the point the Bible reminds us that while the earth remains see time and harvest cold and heat summer and winter day and night shall not cease visit us a creation moment start come for a huge selection of books and D.V.D.'s about biblical creation in the Bible or call 18042 Bible and ask how you can get a free e-book on creation. Than. That. And. Me and. You. And. The. Good. That my. Last. Big. Love me sold. Me when my. Brother. Made me. And you said. That my. Bad. Then. Know. That my mind can. Then the way. I was that my mind can back. Then the law. Then. Today my name is Shirley and Cruz and one of my favorite scriptures there Jeremiah 2911 far as I know it the dots that. Says the Lord thoughts of peace and not an evil to give you a future. And this is the word from Guy Jeremiah 29 ina. You'll find that everything the Bible says about God it says about his law because the law of God is the perfect expression of his will and his character. For over 40 years amazing faxes been dedicated to sharing God's word through media this program features highlights from some of our best television broadcasts we invite you to sit back and enjoy this edition of amazing facts presents. We're going to be talking about the law of God and in this new series dealing with the 10 Commandments I called it the laws of love and liberty and I think you'll understand the reason for the title of a Later on in the series the 10 Commandments represent the very appeared to me of the Word of God It is good and it is appropriate for us to dedicate time to talk about these foundational principles that you find in the law of God Now it's sad that we're living in a time where even in a Christian church someone who is a minister might need to sound apologetic about talking about the law of God Some people know will no doubt say that we're legal istic because we're talking about the law of God But I'll tell you what Jesus said Matthew chapter 5 verse 19. Whosoever shall do and teach these commandments will speak be called great in the kingdom of heaven our lives are regulated every day by law but that law is not there to restrict or take away our freedom you lose your freedom when you have no law the law is there to protect your liberties and it's also true of the law of God It's not designed to take away your happiness but to give you real peace and happiness comes from the Word of God and the law of God Jesus warned us in the last days that there would be great lawlessness that effect Christ said because iniquity lawlessness will abound the love of many will grow cold Matthew chapter $24.00 Paul said in 2nd Timothy $313.00 evil men and seducers will wax worse and worse Jesus said just before he comes back it will be as it was in the days of Noah as it was in the days of Lot and the Bible says that there was a great a lawless snice we all remember what conditions were in Sodom and Gomorra there was a mob mentality at the door lots house in the time of No it says the thoughts of men's hearts were only evil continually So there was great lawlessness that should not exist among God's people we need to know something about the law of God Ultimately if you would be saved you must have the new covenant which is the law of God written in your hearts Amen and so this is a very relevant in a very important subject. Now the 10 Commandments did not begin at Mount Sinai the 10 Commandments have existed through eternity that's right the principles of God's law have always been there let me prove that to you from the Bible quickly Genesis 26 verse 5 Abraham did he live before or after Moses before Most So Abraham lived before Mt Sinai and the 10 Commandments were codified right it says because Abraham obeyed my voice kept my charge my commandments my statutes and my laws before Moses ever came along God had commandments and statutes and laws he must have given some of these things at least orally to Adam and Eve Genesis 39 verse 9 when Joseph was tempted by the wife a pot of for his Master Joseph knew adultery was wrong and he said there's no one greater in this house than I nor has he kept back anything for me but you because you are his wife you know of 7 commandment How then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God did Joseph know back then that adultery was a sin what before the 10 Commandments I mean can you really imagine people living back then saying Oh. God gives the 10 Commandments there are none signing this say they elbow each other you mean we're not supposed to be committing adultery or we're not supposed to steal we're not supposed to murder don't you think some of those were self evident truths God was pulling it all together and summarizing it for them Psalm $111.00 verse 7 all of His commandments are sure they stand fast for ever and ever God's laws for ever and ever and even there in the very beginning when Cain ended up killing his brother Abel what did God say if you do well will you not be accepted in Genesis 47. And if you do not well sin lies at the door and so God was describing that it was a sin to murder way back there in the beginning so God's law has eternal principles you know why God cannot change the 10 Commandments because he would have to change himself Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever I am the Lord I do not change the 10 Commandments are a perfect expression of God's character that's my 2nd point according to the Bible what is sin now the most clinical definition you find in 1st John 4 Verse 3 sin is the transgression of the law is not right so the devil doesn't want us talking about sin you know why when you preach and you talk about sin people become painfully aware that they have problems that they are sinners and when they become they are all aware they are sinners then they start feeling the need for a savior so if you can just quiet the church down where they don't talk about the law people will not feel a conviction for sin they will not sense their need of Jesus or repentance and won't find salvation the law leads to salvation why we are not saved by the law you cannot be convicted of your sin without knowing something about the law and so it tells us that sin is the transgression of God's law that's what God said to Cain. Sin lies at the door you getting ready to murder his brother Romans 320 by the law is the knowledge of sin get rid of the law you get rid of the knowledge of sin get rid of the knowledge of sin Nobody needs a savior from sin can you understand the devil strategy he is attacking the law he's trying to eclipse obscure high the law of God downplay the law of God because then people will know there are sinners and they will know how much they need Jesus they will be saved in forgiven of their sins and they will have the peace that comes from that experience also tells us Romans $77.00 I had not known sin but by the law for I had not known lust except the law I had said Thou shall not covet notice a Polish quoting from one of the 10 Commandments so right in the law of God It's revealing what sin is and thereby helping us know our need for a savior now a Christian is ultimately a follower of Christ how did Jesus feel about the law that he uphold it John 15 verse 10 did Jesus keep the 10 Commandments that's the big question he said if you believe Jesus I have kept my Father's Commandments some people think that Jesus came to do way with the law cry said do not think in Matthew think not that I have come to destroy the law in the prophets I did not come to destroy but to fulfill and the word fulfillment there means to fill full Jesus came to fill up the law and keep it in his life some people say well he came to keep it so we don't have to now I came to keep it as an example on how we can a Christian is a follower of Christ we don't need excuses the disobey we're already really good at that we need we need an example to show us how do we overcome and Jesus there in Revelation he says 7 time in his message to the church is to him that overcomes to him that overcomes to him that overcomes each time it's accompanied with great promises of good. The devil wants us to think that we can all sin but we can't obey and really what that means is we have more faith in the devil's ability to tempt us than Jesus' ability to keep us from falling so what's bigger your god or your devil if you believe that Jesus can transform you can the Lord help you with any sin have any of you ever experience God giving you victory over any sin in your life well if he can help you with anything then he can help you with everything because the Bible says that all things are possible with God right and the same way that he gave you victory and whatever that area might be he can give you victory in the areas where you may still be struggling but don't fall for the Devils. Marketing plan that all well Jesus came and obeyed because we can't now he came and obeyed to show us how we can because we he has given us an example the Bible says that we should walk even as he walked we walk in His steps he's an example to us yes you can obey Jesus did the Bible says He did no sin he kept his Father's Commandments and he said and if you love me keep my commandments in men should Christians keep the 10 Commandments No no I mean New Testament Christians should we keep the 10 Commandments Matthew 917 Jesus said if you will enter life keep the commandments is that plane say manifest play your Bible has that in red letter let me tell you one more time it's Matthew 1917 you'll also find this Mark Chapter 10 when the rich young ruler came to Jesus and said Good Master what good things will I do that I might inherit eternal life Jesus said Don knows the commandments and Jesus then quoted not from ceremonial laws not from various health statutes he quoted from the 10 commandments now we don't keep the 10 Commandments to be saved but if we have accepted his salvation we will keep the 10 Commandments. You are not saved by keeping the law but you will definitely be lost by deliberately disobeying it if we continue to sin wilfully Hebrews Chapter 10 verse 26 after we have received the knowledge of the truth there remains no more sacrifice for sin but a certain fearful looking forward to a judgment and then it goes on to say that those that refuse Moses' law they suffered under that wrath and it will also be true of those who deliberately willfully disobeyed God's law should a Christian keep the 10 Commandments Revelation 1412 speaking of God's people in the last days here is the patience of the saints here are they that keep the commandments of God And again Revelation 2214 bless this is the last chapter in the Bible friends I mean if things are going to change he would have changed it by then but what does it say there bless it is that good or bad bless it or those that keep His commandments that they might have a right to the tree of life and enter in through the gates of the city if you want to eat from the tree of life and enter in through the gates of the city then you need to be one of those bless the people that keeps his commandments Amen but isn't the asking us to do something impossible how is it possible it's one thing to say we should do it that's clear but how is it possible to keep God's commandments answers a given Philippians 413 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me Jesus will give you strength he never says it's easy it's tough sometimes when you're tempted Jesus went through some tough temptations in the wilderness when he was fasting 40 days and 40 nights but he will give you strength to do what he asks you to do another is the point inherent in every command of God It's prepackaged with the power to obey. Wouldn't it be cruel for the Lord to punish his children for not obeying a command they cannot obey are sinners going to be punished did Jesus take a punishment percent how what right how just would it be if God would punish his children even his own son for people breaking laws that it was impossible to keep you see what the devil is accusing people of and I hear Pastor say it it's a doctrine of devils I hear Pastor say when nobody can keep the law that's why Jesus had to die Well it's true no one can keep it without his power but I believe through Christ all things are possible and if if God is going to punish sinners for sending when they can't obey because he's asking the impossible of them well that makes God a cruel tyrant but with His Spirit and with his power you can be different you can obey How are you going to change society by telling the alcoholic Well nobody can really obey we're just going to you know will subsidize your drinking we don't expect you to change and give it up and stop beating your wife and losing your jobs or the person who's addicted to heroin or cigarettes I don't know which is harder What good are you going to do in the world if we don't tell sinners that they can get the victory can they get can people who drink get the victory do you all know some that have can people who smoke and use drugs in the name your favorite sinful addiction do we know that people can change that's what the world needs us to hear you can obey you can get the victory in the breaks my heart when I hear Pastor say well nobody can really obey and we make all these excuses for sins yes you can you can be different you can live a new kind of life you can change is it a struggle yes does it take time sometimes sanctification it takes time but don't. Don't underestimate the power of God Don't give the credit to the devil for all remaining slaves then you're like those spies that came back they're supposed to give a glorious report of the promised land and they came back and they said the Giants are too big the walls are too big obstacles too big we can't conquer the promised land and God said if you don't think that you're going to make it to the promised land then you're going to die in the wilderness Joshua and Caleb said we are able we believe with God's help we can conquer them and I'm glad David didn't have that attitude August too big I'm going home yeah you might have some sin in your life it seems like a big ugly time but through the power of God's Word you can overcome all things are possible through God amen. He that has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ if you fall don't give up he's begun to work in you he's the author in the finisher of your faith yes you can be and obey or of God's law not here only but I do are mad a fact that's my next verse are people saved by keeping the law you won't be saved liberally breaking up and no one to save by keeping that were saved by grace and that's a fusions to verse 89 For by grace are you saved through faith not of yourselves it is a gift of God Not of works lest any man should boast and I probably would be 1st in line boasting if I thought I could save myself you'd be 2nd in line we'd all find a way to take credit for right but it's only by God's grace that any of us are saved because if God's going to give us what we deserve what's the penalty for sin you wouldn't even survive your probation as soon as you send you die it's because it's a gift now some are saying today that well because were saved by grace God's grace nullifies or abolishes the law does the grace of God abolish the law. Roman sic Let's hear what Paul says about that I'm just going to report because Paul is the one they all always quote to try to say that Roman 615 What then shall we sin because we're not under the law but under grace God forbid that fact I'm going to pause here for just a 2nd for I read the next verse under the law are we currently under the law or depends on what you mean by that when Paul talks about being under the law he's talking about being under the curse or the penalty of the law when you break a law and any good laws got a penalty you find laws in our culture that exist and there's no consequence there's a law that's being broken right Matter fact most laws exist today because somebody broke the law you know we have more laws now in our culture in any other time in history has it made us a more lawful people so Paul is asking does Grace abolish the law he said God forbid Romans $331.00 do it then make void the law through faith God forbid we establish the law when people say I've got faith I don't need the law where you can if you've got real faith you keep the law and again if you don't believe those 2 How about Romans 213 this is Paul notice this is Paul can't be any more clear than that for the hears of the law are just in the sight of God No no I said that wrong not that the hears of the law are just in the sight of God but the doers of the law will be justified but the doers of all will be done I thought we were just through faith yes and if you are just through faith you'll be doing the law see how that works now what needs to be the motive for obeying God's law. Back to Genesis with Dr John Morris creation seminar speaker and author at the Institute for Creation Research Dr Morris why did God create us Chris this theological question has a naturalistic corollary Why should there be anything at all according to the Big Bang everything under when a massive explosion which would have produced only random chaos yet there is incredible order we see order everywhere especially in life how could this all of come from a big explosion how could order come from disorder and why the Bible gives us the answer that will come a time when the angels and the saints of God will gather to sing praises to the creator and will proclaim for the high places or they were created his divine purposes were accomplished in his very good creation Chris it's been that way ever since the back to Genesis creation Thank you Dr John for more on the foundational principles set forth in Genesis visit us on the web at i.c. Our dot org. This is Max McLean centuries before John landed on Patmos and saw the revelation of the End of Days Daniel was also given a vision of the rapture Revelation of John and the dream of Daniel give the same prophecy listen to the Bible from Daniel 7. Daniel said in my vision at night I looked and there before me were the 4 winds of heaven churning up the great to see it for great beasts each different from the others came up out of the Sea The 1st was like a lion and it had the wings of an eagle I watched until its wings were torn off and it was lifted from the ground so that it stood on 2 feet like a man and the heart of a man was given to it and there before me was a 2nd the beast which looked like a bear it was raised up on one of its sides and had 3 ribs in its mouth between its teeth it was toad get up in eat your fill of flesh after that I looked and there before me was another beast one that looked like a leopard and on its back it had 4 wings like knows about. This beast had 4 heads and it was given authority to rule after that in my vision at night I looked and there before me was a 4th of beast terrifying and frightening and very powerful it had large iron teeth it crushed and devoured its big and trampled under foot what ever was left it was different from all the former beasts and it had 10 homes. While I was thinking about the horns there before me was another hole on a little on which came up among them and 3 of the 1st horns were up or looted before it this horn had eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth that spoke boastfully as I looked thrown to our set in place. And the Ancient of Days took his seat his clothing was as white as snow the hair of his head was white like wool his throne was flaming with fire and its wheels were all ablaze a river of file was flowing coming out from before him thousands upon thousands attended him 10000 times 10000 stood before it. Was seated and the books. I'm done you know so. Listen to the Bible. For the so. Listen to a passage of Scripture anywhere and anytime you like now you can download the listener's Bible directly to your computer play it on your i Pod or other digital player make listening to the word part of your daily devotions to find out more goto radio Bible dot org That's radio Bible dot org. Uppity My name is just and one of my favorite scriptures of Probert chapter 3 verse 3 numbers which are for seek to bind him around your neck write them on a tablet of your heart and that is Proverbs chapter 3 verse 3 May God bless you in your journey today. Happy Saturday I'm marking some townsfolk when you're listening to Joy ask Am. I am I am. Time is Now. Gaining a program. In an eagle muds who is 7 days he's at Dallas you can be but I have. Been down Yankee order and worship service. Coming up next please stay tuned for it is written presented by Pastor John Bradshaw. It has stood the test of time. God's Will the Bible. Still relevant in today's complex world. It is written. Sharing a whole around the globe.