Just before we do that here's a little preview of what we're going to talk about hear some music by Dr Wendy Phipps song entitled The sun will shine again. Slide up the sky. Swim line from the whole. We just heard music by Dr Whitley Phipps the song entitled The sun will shine again and if those of you that listened to the more abundant life frequently were recognize that that is a remake or a new version of the song The sun will shine again one that we have played on our program many times but in a different arrangement today Dr 5th joins me in the studio on Glad to have him here today and he is going to tell us a little bit about his new recording and we're going to feature that here on our program today so we're going to have music in the spoken word Thanks Dr fifths for joining me in. This new cd which is coming out or just about to be released why don't you share a bit about it with us what what's behind it and what would you like to share with us about it it's been. Really a personal goal of mine to share with people. The deep love I feel in my heart for the Lord I. Try to express that in my music and my singing in my concerts and also in my writing all of the songs on the cd are songs that I've written through the years actually going as far back as 1978 so it represents you know over 35 years of writing about how I felt about God and my love for God Also I wanted people to and I wanted to share with people and new perspectives that God has given me. God showed me that it is not an accident that often in the Bible when he wants to describe to us the kind of relationship he wants to have with us often it has been in romantic terms. So you have he's the bride groom and we are His bride when that relationship is violated he uses words that are very familiar to us like on faithfulness and adultery. I used to think the Song of Solomon was one of those semi erotic books that you asked children to leave the room when you wanted to read from it because it was filled with so much very intimate imagery. From breasts to goblets of wine and you know just very romantic imagery and God showed me that it that book is really a metaphor for the kind of relationship he wants to have with us some of the most beautiful and poetic descriptions of the relationship God wants to have with us is right there in that book phrases like I am his and he is mine or his banner over me is love and then got took me to the Book of Revelation where in Revelation. Jesus is speaking to the organized church the last state church and he's saying to the church you've been a great church you've done a lot of wonderful things for me but I have a problem with you you've lost that romance you've lost that what the Bible calls that 1st love when you 1st fell in love with me it was joyous It was passionate it was enthusiastic. And Jesus is you lost that 1st love that you had for me and he goes on to say in that in that scripture you know without that 1st love without that romance. I really don't even want you to represent me I don't want you to try to shine for me and and then he God gave me a quote that has really really is the the foundational pillar. Poetic as well as philosophical pillar for this whole album and that the phrase God gave me is that loving God is life's greatest romance and so now when I buy my head to pray I feel like a blind woman waiting on the arrival of her love. I can't see his face but I consensus presence and I can hear his voice and that kind of love that kind of 1st love that kind of romance I wanted people to know that it is God sees it as a very vital part of the relationship he wants to have with us and so the title of the cd is called My greatest romance and it's all of the love songs that I have written to God. Lyrics like I choose you again and again in a world of many choices. Like Lord I've never known a love like this before or lyrics like. Lord when you feel when you're so far away from me I knew you had to go away but when I whisper your name. I have peace when I whisper your name it's like you're right there and so that's part of what we've been trying to get across with this whole this whole cd I see thanks for sharing that and now that makes sense as I see the title of the cd my greatest romance that all makes sense to me now in your explanation now I'm going to play a couple more numbers from this cd and then I've got another question for you I Bowl. A. Little bowl of Rafah. Your. Ball. Lol. Your. Love You're listening to the more abundant life my name is Adrian Westmead Jr and our program format is a little bit different today I am talking today with Dr Whitley Fitz and he's telling us about his new recording and I'm asking him about his new recording the title My greatest romance Dr Phipps I really think you've got a great product here this is really refreshing I would say that I think you're absolutely right that because we are so committed to the styles that we like and there's John Rose that we like we often don't care who gets fed. Or how they get fed musically because we think if you really want to be spiritually going to like what I like because I'm I'm spiritual obviously so and and and it's so. It's so difficult to get people to understand that. As far as you can go you need to have a ministry that is incarnational what I mean by incarnational Well Jesus became man to reach man he became the best man he became the best of men he didn't become the worst of man but he did become a man and so that's what I'm trying to do in this music I'm trying to take the best of what's being done today and the best of what's done and has been done in the past and produce something that is incarnational that that can touch people that won't scare people that won't alienate people but they may find something in there that they can relate to. For me and I've always said through the years you don't have to compromise to be recognized and and 1st I must say if this record is heard by no one but God I will be the happiest man in the world. Because really this is my songs of love to God if others hear it and enjoy it praise God if others are blessed of others are inspired to express their love for him that's wonderful but at the end of the day. This album is when play Phipps is love songs to God God is on the front row and I'm sharing it with the Lord I see and. One other thing I would like it to also mention and that is that. I wrote 2 books that are coming out as companions to this album and they're also called my greatest romance love notes to God and their book they are quotations of love notes little notes that I have written to express to God how grateful I am for his love for me and I was out in Hawaii and we had a week at a conference there and I just got away and believe me. A wise a beautiful place to get away and I just spent time with God and spent time writing out. And building upon the love notes that I and wrote to the lord over the years the wonderful and so you will see this companion to volumes of love notes to God. That go along with the the cd itself Well that's wonderful that's wonderful Let's share one more song if we can before we run out of time on our program here's another one entitled I promise to love you. I promised to love you from the cd entitled My greatest romance my Windley fits we've been talking with Dr Whitney Fitz today Time has run out and I'm going to ask Fitz to join me again for another program so we can continue to talk about this cd and play more of it for our audience until then though you may obtain more information about this new music from Whitney fifths dot com That's the Web site went live Phipps dot com Also you may visit the Adventist book center near you and you can find out about where one is close to you at Adventist book Center dot com Adrian West me here continue to be blessed until you can join us again for another program e-mail us at the more abundant life radio at G.-Mail dot com We'd love to hear from. 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Coming up next on amazing conks presents I mean fear is not all bad and the Bible does say some things that should sober us up . I think if a person is on the way to destruction they should not be at peace I hope your friend. For over 40 years amazing thing has been dedicated to sharing God's word through media this program features highlights from some of our best television broadcast. Is likely to sit back and enjoy this edition of amazing facts present. Today's presentation is an excerpt from here we stand. Now our message tonight is called The rich man and Lazarus and it's based on a parable that is only found one time in the Bible if you like to turn in your Bibles to this parable it's in the Gospel of Luke Luke Chapter 16 and it begins with verse 19 there was a certain rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and he fared feasted sumptuously every day and there was a certain beggar name Lazarus full of sores who was late at his gate desiring to be fed with the crumbs that fell from the rich man's table Moreover the dogs came and licked his sores so it was that the beggar died and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom the rich man also died and was buried. And being in torments in Hades he lifted up his eyes and he saw Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom and he cried and he said Father Abraham have mercy on me and send Lazarus that he might dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue for I am tormented in this flame but Abraham said Son remember that you in your lifetime receive your good things and likewise Lazarus evil things but now he is comforted and you are tormented and besides all this between us and you there is a great gulf fixed so that those who want to pass from here to you cannot nor can those passed to us from there and then he said I beg you therefore my father that you would send him to my father's house for I've got 5 brother and that he might testify to them lest they also come to this place of torment and Abraham said to him. They have Moses and the prophets let them hear them and he said No father Abraham but if one goes to them from the dead will repent but he said to him if they do not hear Moses and the prophets neither will they be persuaded though one should rise from the dead that's a parable. Many people have read this parable and it is one of the examples of why people believe are misunderstand the subject of help now let me just tell you very quickly one of the unique teachings of the 7th Day Adventists movement is our understanding of the punishment of the wicked and the rewards connected with that. Typical among many Christian churches is the belief that if you're good you die you go right to heaven if you're bad you die you go where yeah you go to that place sometimes we're not sure if we can say the word hell because in some context it sounds like cursing but it is a biblical word and there you will burn and you'll burn for ever and ever. And when people begin to learn what the Bible really says about this subject they often run back to the parable of the rich man unless Now I want to start out by sharing with you what this does not mean and then I want to talk to you and tell you about what it does mean 1st of all it is a parable it's in a series of parables the Jesus is using to send a very specific message one way that we know it's a parable just ask yourself some simple questions it says that. The rich man was in torment and he was asking that his tongue could be cool with a drop of water with a drop of water really cool you in hell how much good would that do I mean if you've got a burning radiator how much good as one drop of water Secondly it says that Lazarus died and he is carried to Abraham's bosom do we really believe that every good person that dies is whisked by the angels to a holding place somewhere on the bosom of Abraham. Is that literal or is that obviously a figure Furthermore do we believe that the people in Heaven and Hell are going to be able to dialogue through eternity what kind of a horrific picture would that be if the saved are able to look off as Abraham did and see the last blistering in torment. Why did Jesus tell this parable Well 1st of all let's explain the word that's used there for Hell it's it's from the a Greek word Hades and it comes from Greek mythology so when Jesus is beginning to share this message with the Jewish people people this parable is soon as he says the word to Hades the listeners there understood he was speaking in metaphors you know so many people a spent so much time trying to explain what this doesn't mean they forget what it really does mean let me tell you what it is talking about that rich man represented at the time the Jewish nature nation today represents the church feasting on the bread of life while around them the Gentiles were starving for the crumbs of truth that fell from their tables and yet it was the attitude of many in the church then as it is today we're God's chosen people we've got the truth let's feast and on their way to church they would walk by this poor beggar who would have been satisfied with the crumbs that fell from their table and the only comfort he got was the dogs that came to lick their source remember one time the bible tells a story about a Gentile woman who came to Jesus and said please heal my daughter and he said it's not appropriate to take the children's food and give it to the dogs and she said yes but even the dogs get the crumbs the very same words that were used and so when they die surprises of surprises Wowza wrists is a neighbor his bosom where every Jew wanted to be and the rich man he's where he thought he had the Greek concept of punishment was going to Hades and there's this tremendous reversal of roles and so the rich man is saying Father Abraham the very fact the same father Abraham shows is a relationship right it's a symbol of the Jewish nation didn't Jesus say over and over. Many will come from the east in the West and sit down in the kingdom with Abraham Isaac and Jacob and the children of the kingdom the church members who aren't sharing their faith they're in outer darkness where there's weeping and gnashing of teeth people missed the real message is a very sobering message God has given us so many blessings in the truth in America has given us so many material blessings and so much of the world is struggling and starving for the Chromes that fall from our table and the Lord is warning us that he gives us the blessings whether they're spiritual or tangible to share Amen that's the message he's not telling his people in heaven and hell we're going to talk to each other now our subject today is dealing with the subject of hell and the punishment of the wicked The Bible does tell us in 2nd Thessalonians that when the Lord comes the wicked are destroyed by the brightness of His coming but that's not Hell some people have falsely accused some of the admin is Christians of not believing in in hell we very much believe in what people call hell or the punishment of the wicked there is a place where the wicked do burn where there is confusion is when are they burning and what it is a lot of mythology has come into the church over the years regarding this subject why going to go to question number one in our study and I hope you've got your pencils handy because. I think you're going to see a lot of references and I want you to jot these down we'll be able to cover more number 12 people dying go right to Heaven or Hell what does it say how many lost souls are burning or being punished in hell today I believe what the Bible says if you look in 2nd Peter chapter 2 verse 9 it says The Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptation and to reserve the unjust to the day of judgment to be punished one of the punished. What it what did Peter say the Day of Judgment has that happened yet the great Judgment Day No that is still in the future and if you don't believe Peter listen to what Jesus says in John Chapter 12 verse 48 the word that I have spoken the same soul judge him in the last day when the last day one more time. Question number 2 when exactly will sinners be cast into hell fire has it happened already how many of you know in the Bible in if you go to Mark Chapter 13 you got another parable Jesus told him these parables are there for teaching principles and it's the parable of the wheat and the tears and he talks about this man who planted good wheat in his field and an enemy came and he so did we that's what tears were and and they were finally separated at the end and Jesus then explaining the parable and you can't get mixed up of Jesus explains the parable Amen sometimes we try to take these things literally we get mixed up crazed explains a parable and listen to what he says Matthew chapter 13 verse 40 as Therefore the terrors are gathered and burned in the fire so shall it be in the end of the world when I say with me at the end of the world the Son of man shall send forth his angels and they will gather together them which do iniquity and they shall cast them into a furnace of fire does the Bible teach hell fire yes or people burning in hell fire and l. No there are very few subjects in which the Christian church is more mixed up than this subject. So many people have got this idea the way down yonder is this cavernous place called Hell it's in the you know and some of the ancients they could see steam coming out of the ground where there were geysers and every now and then a volcano would erupt not far from Rome in fact and the idea that they knew molten was down inside the earth somewhere and they said That's coming up from the devil. And not only do they have these these fables about hell being down there somewhere I mean you know the idea is if you're good you go that direction if you're bad you go that direction right but their idea about the devil himself that he's in charge of hell so many misconceptions where are sinners who have died now the last who have died Where Are They Now this is a big question John Chapter 5 1st 2829 the hour is coming in which all of that are in their graves where are they in their graves by the way these are the words of Jesus if you had a red letter edition Bible I'd have men read Jesus said they're in their graves he said it is coming does he say happened yet future tense they will hear his voice Job Chapter 21 verse 30 and 32 the wicked is reserved to the day of destruction yet he will be brought to the grave and remain in the tomb it they're being held there they are reserved they are not burning in hell now I think this is so important for you to understand you know how many people have been nearly driven insane I'm sure some have been driven insane by the idea that some of their loved ones that died in the last condition went right down to this place of torment and maybe I should back up and refresh your memory on what the traditional view is among many Christians regarding help my father was a Baptist. 1st time I was baptized it was Baptists the baptized me and I know of what I speak the idea was that if you die you go down to hell and what hell is it is a place of burning souls for and brimstone where you burn there in bodily form and soul for ever and ever and ever and some of the ancient preachers would wax very eloquent in describing the miseries of hell and they talk about folks who are swimming through the molten fire blistering in and screeching in agony and they would swim to the surface and manage to get their heads does the bow of the bubbling molten brimstone and they call our Lord how long and he'd say you've only just begun in a 1000000 years later they'd come back up and ask again he'd say you've only just begun terrible terrible images. And now picture that and then you have someone you love who dies in apparently a loss condition that that could really be disturbing it should be comforting to people to know saved or lost they're asleep right now that's what the Bible teaches Question number 4 What is the end result of sin now this plays that these 2 subjects from on death in the punishment of the wicked go hand in hand I talked about death last night James Chapter one Verse 15 sin when it is finished it brings forth what death the result of sin is death yet some people say that the last go to hell and they burn through ceaseless ages think about how long that is a zillion years theoretically still screaming in agony you just began you've had you know it's mind boggling when you really think about it just should make you shutter you know I get excited about this subject almost more than anything else I'm going to be presenting except for tomorrow night subjects you want to come back . Because before I was not raised a Christian I did go to some Christian schools and when I heard these things taught in those schools I thought to myself God is cruel God is sadistic I'm embarrassed to tell you that I don't want to be disrespectful or blasphemous but these are thoughts that I had I thought how can that be just to take these creatures that are all born with his natural propensity to sin let me see your hands anybody here you don't have a natural propensity to sin Ok that's what the Bible says too we're all desperately wicked man Job says we are prone to get into trouble like sparks go up it's just in our natures so we're born with this natural propensity to sin and then God is going to take these creatures who for whatever reason do not capitalize on his grace and then torture them through eternity and I thought to myself he's mean he's cruel He's a sadist I hated God. And when I finally got that Bible up in the cave and I started reading I was getting a whole different picture going through the Bible than what I was hearing pastor say and it was liberating to me to find out God is one of that it is a beautiful truth the reason I'm so excited about this subject is because it is defamation to the character of God to teach this false doctrine and a lot of churches and pastors through history have used that to manipulate people through fear instead of the mode of the Jesus used which was love it is a false teaching that is used to abuse people John chapter 3 verse 16 there are 2 choices. Jesus said that whosoever believes in Him should not perish one of your options is what perish but have everlasting life he didn't say you can choose between everlasting life in the fire or everlasting life in heaven did it. You got everlasting life or perish and in the Garden of Eden What did God say to Adam and Eve You will die if you disobeyed Romans Chapter 6 verse 23 the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord we've got 2 choices friends Moses he said I said before you this day life and good and blessings or death and evil and cursings it's not eternal life in the fire eternal life in heaven and you of all heard people make fun of even the teaching of Hell some people say you know what do I have 2 choices I can go to heaven sit on a harp and sit on a cloud sorry sit on a harp that hurt I go to heaven and. Sit on a cloud play a harp and you know be this chubby little fat naked baby and people get these mixed up or you can go party in hell and they almost make you hell sound like it's where all the wicked people are going to be a whole if you'll be fun you've heard these cartoon analogies being made and people don't understand you've got 2 choices life and death but everybody does suffer for their sins that are not forgiven and covered by Jesus there is punishment will get to the minute that's why God said to Adam and Eve if they disobeyed that they would die and furthermore they were even looked at from the Garden of Eden Genesis 322 God said lest man puts out his hand and takes from the tree of life and eat and does what lives forever. Now I'll tell you why this is so important to understand when Jesus died on the cross would you agree with me that he died for the sins of the world and he took the penalty for the sin of every sinew ever committed he took that penalty how many agree with him all right if the teaching of everlasting hellfire is true how long did Jesus stay on the cross. 7 hours on the cross 2 nights in the tomb. And Heroes if the penalty for sin is everlasting torment in sulfur and brimstone how could Jesus say that he took everlasting punishment no the penalty for sin is death did he die he suffered any died and that's going to be the reward of the last they will suffer for their sins and then they'll die and let's get to some other questions I got so much to cover number 5 what will happen to the wicked in hell fire ants or some 37 verse 10 Get your pencil I got so many scriptures for yet a little while in the wicked shall not be what's going to happen to the wicked doesn't see they're going to change directions are they going to metamorphosis or are they going to be in a new body where it's as they will not be anymore the wicked will perish into smoke they will consume away look at the words God is using regarding the wicked perish consume not be any more it's so clear Molokai Chapter 4 verse $1.00 and $3.00 the day comes that will burn as an oven talking about that great judgement day Jesus spoke of and all that do wickedly how many of the wicked This is the universal punishment of the wicked all that do wickedly shall be stubble and the day that comes will burn them up and you will tread down the wicked for they will be asses under the soles of your feet the wicked are going to be destroyed they're going to be burnt up going to be asses they're not going to exist anymore you know some of you know the story of Pompei I have been to the ancient city of Pompei It's right there near the base of Mount Vesuvius it's interesting I was just chatting with someone talking about through history you can see a number of cities that have been destroyed for the wickedness Sodom and Gomorra will talk about minute. You've got. What I say last night Port Royale was just the it's called the wickedest city in the world you've got Saddam and more you've got Pompei the Lisbon earthquake that took place San Francisco earthquake people said it was one of the wickedest cities it was like a big bordello back when the earthquake hit Mt Vesuvius exploded the people in Pompei were covered with ash and they were destroyed a little amazing fact I'll share with you the Roman soldiers that the legion of soldiers that let out in the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple were later vacationing in Pompei when the mountain blew up and many of them didn't were killed because they were told to maintain the post Revelation $21.00 verse 8 the fearful and the unbelieving and the abominable and the murders and the whoremongers and the sorcerers and the idolaters and all liars will have their part in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone which is the 2nd what death is their hell fire yes are the wicked going to burn in Hell yes but it says they're consumed there burnt up they'll not be it is a death it's not just the 1st death that everybody dies this is the 2nd death for which there is no resurrection I heard a pastor say one time if you're only born once you're going to die twice everybody's born once right. But if you're born twice you only die once not just the natural birth you need the spiritual birth to number 6 where and how will Hell Fire be kindled. Answers Revelation 20 verse 9 at the end of the world it's talking about when Satan gathers all the wicked to assault the City of God the New Jerusalem and they go on the breath of the earth and they encompass they surround the camp of the saints the beloved city and fire comes down from God out of heaven and devours them soul to start with the 1st part is held down under the earth somewhere or is that lake of fire going to be on here God rains fire down out of heaven upon the earth same way it happened back in the days of Sodom and Gomorra Proverbs 11 verse $31.00 the righteous shall be recompensed in the earth much more the wicked in the sinner hell is not another solar system hell is going to burn in Lansing Michigan among other places all over the planet the Lord is going to baptize the world in a fire 2nd Peter chapter 3 tells that see the Bible says unless you're born. Of the water and of the fire you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven you must be born of the spirit more of the water or you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven that's talking about being baptized in the spirit being baptized in water baptism the world was baptized in water in the days of Noah it will be baptized in fire when Jesus comes again and then he makes a new heaven and a new earth when God asked the devil in the Book of Job where did you come from he said I came from the earth walking to and fro on it which not underneath the ground he doesn't have a headquarters down in Carlsbad Caverns somewhere. State you ask your dog would be right back with this we special free offer. Is held down under the earth somewhere or is that lake of fire going to be on here. Yet some people say that the last go to hell and they burn through ceaseless ages think about how long it is. Here. And people don't understand you get to the choice of life and death. If you've missed any of our amazing facts programs visit our website at amazing Fact dot org There you'll find an archive of all our television or radio programs including amazing facts presents one location so many possibilities amazing facts dot org. Health friends I'm supposing that you know that amazing fact is 100 percent of you are supported if you appreciate it these programs if it's been a source of encouragement for you and if it's blessed your life we'd love to hear from you the only way we can stay on this network in the stations is because viewers just like you contact us and let us know what if you drop us a line or even go to the website amazing facts dot au argy and send us a note of encouragement and support so we can stay on the air. A website whose roots date back to the beginning of time Sabbath Truth dot com is the definitive resource for Bible light on the Lord's Day clear Bible answers for every question you have ever had about the 77 key topic headings guide you through the purpose of the Sabbath which day is the Lord's day the Sabbath and prophecy questions about the Sabbath how to keep it holy the Sabbath and history and many Sabbath resources visit Sabbath Truth dot com today and share your new found treasure with a friend. My friends this subject of hell has troubled and confused people for thousands of years Satan has the. 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