See just like the Israelites saw that Jesus did when he defeated the devil Christ rose he said it is finished he said All hail he's won the Devils doom is sealed but even though Goliath was dead were the soldiers the Philistines the on the Hill we claim that victory and then we need to take up the battle with David David then lead them against the Philistines and so we join him in the battle so this is a wonderful analogy where Christ as a type of David or David is a type of Christ and you say the victory of David became the victory of the Israelites the victory of Christ becomes our victory and we can say Praise the Lord we won and then you follow your captain into battle you don't just stand there. When Jesus overcame we become overcomers. David stripped the enemy of his armor. First Samuel 17 verse 54 David took the head of the Philistine and brought it to Drusilla many put his armor in his tents. You know the Bible tells us that Jesus stripped the armor from the devil Luke 11 verse 20. But if I cast out demons with the finger of God Surely of the Kingdom of God has come upon you when the strong man fully armed guards his own policy his goods there at peace but when a stronger than he comes upon him and overcomes him he takes from him all his armor in which he trusted and divides his spoils this is what David did with Goliath this is what Jesus did with the devil you and I were captors of the devil he liberates us he takes away the devil's armor before Christ came man has no power to resist the devil. But there's a crack in the devil's armor because of Christ remember when the arrow found the crack and he had his armor it was the prophecy of my client the Word of God That's what found the crack in the armor Jesus takes away the devil's armor he is defenseless you and I can have a victory over him 1st kings 148 did David sin. To David I mean you know it tells about David and best Shiva tells about David bringing the ark up in appropriately and someone died because of that tells about David number in Israel David made the States probably several He lied and pretended he was crazies drooling on his beard foaming at the mouth and acting crazy he wasn't crazy crazy like a fox as they say and so David out has problems but listen how God looks at David 1st kings 148 and yet you have not been as my servant David who kept my commandments who followed me with all his heart to do only what was right in my eyes had God forgiven all of David sends because of his his sacrifice. And he looked upon David he says I only see that David did good. Because David ended well you may fall along the way in the race and you may even have a bad start but you want to have a good finish. And so God looked upon David and the record that God gives about David he says he followed me with all his heart the reason that God could say David was a king after my heart is because David had a sacrificial love David is a wonderful type of Jesus in the Bible how often you find somebody was such a complex character who in one vignette you see David he's on a hill there with his sheep the strumming his harp and he's being poetic and melancholy and next you see him he's on the battlefield he's got this oversight authority hacking off of Giants head those pictures don't usually go together in our minds about the same person doing those things right David is a very complex character in that he was a poet he was a shepherd he's a king he's a judge he's a builder he's an administrator he's a dreamer. He was a romantic and all that David very complex but they're all giving different sides of our Jesus the Son of David. You know I think this is beautiful that he was willing to die for his children now here's the part that I don't want you to miss David left Jerusalem because there was a rebellion. And when this battle of Armageddon is fought so to speak David then comes back as king he was a king that was basically rejected but a king that comes back is our king David coming back our King Jesus coming back the son of David. And when he came back you were awarded those who had supported him when he was rejected there is some who stayed behind in Jerusalem when David fled because he was rejected when the when the nation was kidnapped some stayed behind that remained loyal to him they were the minority. And some who turned on him when it was convenient when he came back he rewarded to those who were loyal he judged those who had been unfaithful are son of David is coming back and he's going to bring the New Jerusalem when he comes. You know friends as I go through these stories I keep thinking about that verse in Hebrews 32 as we look at the types of Jesus through all the Bible I keep wanting to say and what shall I am more say for time would fail me to tell of Gideon and barrack and Samson and Jeff and David and Samuel and all the prophets these are all types of Christ in the Bible you know you get all these different pictures of what crisis is like because he's reflected I can see what you look like directly I can look at a mirror and see what you look like and you are seeing mirrors of Jesus all through the Bible and so that's why we're spending time on this theme so we might know more about him because if you know him better you will love him better if you love him better you'll serve him better him in Christ is all and all in the Bible. State you there's more amazing thanks present right after this. Stories of. Heroes of. Great love. Sacrifice. Is another. Killing in plain sight amid the shadows. He was there from the beginning. And he'll be there until you. Discover the golden thread of a savior moving throughout the entire Bible tapestry. Shadows of light. Seen Jesus in. A new book by Doug bachelor. For a donation of $20.00 or more you can receive this exciting new book by Pastor Doug . Today at 188917171 or go to shadows of light. Christ is called The Word the Bible is called The word Christ is called the bread of life the Bible is called the bread of life Christ is called the Rock the Bible is called The Rock crisis called good and wonderful the word is called good and wonderful as you go through the different definitions and words used to describe the Bible in the Bible you find they're almost always also used to describe Jesus so it shouldn't surprise you that all through the Bible you find Jesus today we're going to look at the Book of Job. And we'll understand something about the sufferings of Christ we're really going to be on holy ground today all through the Book of Job You can find allegories and references to Jesus not only the Book of Job or the whole Testament really Meers the life of Christ it's different facets of the life of Jesus like a diamond you turn it to the light you see different facets and cuts in the diamond glimmering as you look through the Old Testament you see Jesus everywhere and the Book of Job is no exception one very easy thing to discern how job is like Jesus is in the 1st chapter the 1st line. There was Job was perfect an upright it says there was a man in the Land of those whose name was job and that man was blameless an upright one who feared God and he he did evil in the very beginning the Bible extols almost the sinlessness of joy of not saying job was sinless because he was a man in the Bible says All have sinned but he was a righteous man and a godly man Christ was sinless 1st Peter 222 that's easy to remember 1st Peter 222 it says Christ who committed no sin nor was deceit found in his mouth again in the Book of Job Chapter one Verse 22 very much like 1st Peter. In all this job did not see in North charge God with the wrong. Job is called a servant of God Jesus is identified as the servant job to verse 3 The Lord said to Satan Have you considered my servant job there is none like him in the earth the blameless in an upright man speaking of Christ Isaiah prophesies Isaiah 42 verse one behold my servant who I uphold my elect one in whom I sold the lights I put my spirit upon him he will bring forth the justice to the Gentiles now you realize that with a type and with an anti type that the the anti-type is usually it's a shadow it's not an exact replica but there is a great similarities there and this is a way as you read through the Book of Job You keep seeing the shadows in the types of Christ that are there for instance he's forsaken by his friends his friends come from far and 1st they're coming to support him but ultimately as the story goes on they turn on them they say well you're getting what you deserve was Jesus forsaken by his friends Matthew 2656 but all this was done that the Scriptures and the prophets might be fulfilled all the disciples for so came and fled job says Chapter 19 verse 14 my relatives have failed my close friends have forgot me by the way after job suffering and he's out there in the dump his wife comes along and says Why don't you just curse God and die all of his family dies except his wife the devil saved her so she could come and say why don't you just die. Sometimes the devil will even use those closest to us to discourage as it doesn't mean they're bad but you know that even the devil used Peter on Jesus. He's falsely accused of evil job is job was a perfect and upright man but what did they say about him job 22 verse 5 his friend said is not your wickedness great and your iniquity with out in the what was opposite the testimony of God was Jesus falsely accuse of evil. Matthew $26.00 verse $59.00 now the chief priests in the elders and all the council sought fought false testimony against him false testimony to put Jesus to death but they found none even though many false witnesses came forward they found none at the last 2 false witnesses came forward and said This fellow said I'm able to destroy the temple and to build it in 3 days and they said when he was hanging on the cross the reason you're suffering is because of your wickedness gods abandon you. Remember as we look at the sufferings of Christ in Job Christians also suffer when you follow Jesus we also experience persecution there will be dark days where you'll be tested God will withdraw that hedge and you'll wonder what have I done. Why is this happening to me. I've gone to visit people in the hospital I remember word for word that's what they said Doug why is God doing this to me they feel like they're abandoned it doesn't mean Jesus doesn't love you he still love Joe. The father still loved his own son and they suffered and you know what else I love about the comparison between Job and Jesus is as you near the end of the book there are times when Job's faith faith is vacillating and you can say he's saying why why why and Jesus said Why why have you forsaken me. But it Shreyas then you read those verses where he says Though He slay me yet will I trust him. So no matter what happens Christ on the cross of the end he triumphs he ends up saying Father into your hands I commend my spirit it is finished. He knew that his mission was complete there was a great triumph there. The beginning of the Book of Job Job doesn't know what's going on all of a sudden he gets blindsided by all these plagues and losing his family losing his wealth and his health. And he said Why has God done this to me by the end of the book God is showing him now who's really behind it in Job Chapter 41 God dedicates and then tired chapter to some sea monster called What if I offend Now listen here's the key Isaiah 27 verse one in that day the Lord with this sore and great and strong sword that's the word of God shall punish Leviathan. That Pierce seen serpents even leviathan that crooked serpent and he will slay the dragon that is in the sea. Oh you I had an epiphany right about now does that sound familiar to you Revelation Chapter 12 speaking of that dragon another sign appeared in heaven a great fiery dragon says in chapter 13 verse one this beast with 7 heads and 7 organs comes about of the sea and it says that dragon that serpent of old called the devil and saving Satan dragon serpent Leviathan out of the sea. Who are we talking about so on the end of the book what it is God saying now there may have been some sea creature that's now extinct salaries don't agree some say it's a crocodile but that it could've been a crocodiles in the ocean Well there are there are salt water crocodiles but they weren't that big and believe me sailors are plenty of stories and theories about what that is. But he's basically saying you can't defeat the Leviathan without me he's the one who's behind your sufferings he's the one who brought fire down from heaven and burnt up your your crops who was able to send this sickness who destroyed your family with a tornado you can't defeat the devil. But God says I can. And so in the end of the Book of Job God is saying that I am the one who can destroy the Leviathan the king of pride. And job is going he says it's not you God who's been against me it's the Leviathan the devil the dragon the serpent who's been after me and you simply let his leash get a little longer so that I could learn something learn to trust you you know what's also beautiful about the Book of Job. Is that. It teaches us the lessons of a hanging on and patience in the end job is blessed. He's doubly blessed in the end matter of fact Joe kind of goes through a resurrection don't you think he goes from being in the dump covered with boils dying it looks terminal all of a sudden God heals him miraculously he's interceding for his friends he restores all of his wealth he's got twice as much wealth you look at what he has out of what he's got in the beginning then you add up what he has at the end it's a double. And he lives another 140 years beyond that experience we don't know how old he was you can to speculate he was at least for him to be have those kids that he had and have the wealth he had based on that time in which he lived he lived over 200 years. And so it was like a type of resurrection he went through just like Jesus and His glory returned to Him as Christ when He ascended to heaven his health returned to him his friends returned to him everything came back and you may go through trials but you know the Book of Job ends with a happy note that's why James says Remember the patience of Job Don't get discouraged if you're going through a trial friends God still loves you there's a devil out there and he's going to try and cause problems but when you look at the scope of Job's life 200 years and then the 42 chapters how long did it last out of that 200 years a few weeks a few weeks of suffering for the 200 years so the suffering that we experience in this life and the episodes of suffering in this life compared to eternity What is it worthy to be compared it's small compared to the glory and the joy and the happiness and the blessing and the riches that God is going to give us return ity So the Book of Job is not a sad book well there's a lot of heavy things in there but you know it starts out talking about a perfect man and it ends up talking about a happy blessed man and then it says that in between you've got God's blessing of protection the devil makes an attack job does not give up his faith and then in the end he's blessed forever. You and I are going to get attacked you might be going through an attack right now don't give up your faith remember where I started out with that quote from James behold we count them happy which endure Jesus said blessed are those who endure to the end they will be saved he that endures to the end should be saved you've heard of the patience of Job and has seen the end of the Lord the Lord is pitiful and of tender mercy in the end friends we win not the Leviathan or the dragon can you see Jesus in the Book of Job. You know it's is really is holy ground it tells you something about how much Jesus must love you because of the sufferings he went through and job did not suffer like Jesus. Peace suffer. And you may suffer you might be suffering now but you and I haven't suffered like Jesus suffered he took the weight of sins of the world on his shoulders for you because He loves us so much because he doesn't want us to suffer like that and I think you could trust the God like that don't you friends don't be discouraged hang on like job and you'll come forth on the other side speak you face to face like he talked to Job face to face your character will be purified and you will be like Christ amen. Stories of. Heroes of great. Great love. Great Sacrifice. But it is another hero hidden in plain sight amid the shadows. He was there from the beginning. And he'll be there until the end to. Discover the golden thread of a savior movement throughout the entire Bible tapestry. Shadows of light. Seen Jesus in. A new book by Doug bachelor. For a donation of $20.00 or more you can receive this exciting new book by Pastor Doug bachelor today at 188917171 or go to shadows of light. Friends if there is anything in God's word you want to be sure to understand it's how to be saved in the Bible you'll find the amazing story of God's plan of redemption and how even now you can be assured of a place with him in paradise Jesus has gone out of his way to provide you an escape from this dark sinful world you owe it to yourself to find out more we want to help you understand this important topic so we prepared a study. The guy that we love to send you for free it's intitled rescue from above and in it we outlined the simple plan of salvation it's yours free if you call the toll free number on your screen ask for offer number one o 9 or you can visit our website at amazing facts dot org Well that's all the time we have for this edition of amazing facts presents see you next time. This is your last chance to take advantage of this week's special free offer there is no cost or obligation just call the toll free number on your screen and be sure to note the offer number when you make your request. Back to Genesis with Dr John Morris geologist and president of the Institute for Creation Research Dr Morris were the British Isles ever connected to the European continent Chris they still are connected in that the same sequence of straight in Britain is found the nearby France it had been thought that the English Channel was gathered by slow and steady erosion taking long periods of time but now it's been discovered that the channel was gabs out by a catastrophic flood in less than 24 hours a sonar survey has revealed huge scour marks in the poles and piles a rock that demand a catastrophic origin Chris the ice age followed Noah's flood was not of the same magnitude as the great flood but it was a mighty catastrophe much more dynamic than anybody has seen in modern days this new discovery adds credence to the Biblical creationist way of thinking and we get that thinking when we go back to Genesis for more on Genesis you can find us on the web at triple w. Dot i c r dot org. Welcome to another his voice today. In Proverbs Chapter 16 verse 18 the Bible says Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall some time ago I was driving down a highway and I looked on the side of the road and I saw a big sign and it was an advertisement for the United States Navy and I certainly respect the Navy but what I saw taught me a spiritual lesson there was a picture of an ocean and a submarine that was way down below the water the surface of the water and the caption said our pride runs deep. And as I kept driving I thought about that line with that advertisement for the Navy our pride runs deep and I thought about Lucifer and how pride is really what got the whole world of the whole universe into the mess that it's in Lucifer became proud after he tempted Adam and Eve down throughout human history people have been proud pride is a very terrible thing and the Bible says that Pride goes before destruction and a holy spirit before a fall Jesus continually teaches humility in Matthew chapter 11 verse $28.00 he said come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest and then he said learn of me for I am meek and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls somebody else once said Pride is the president of hell if we're going to overcome sin and prepare for heaven through Jesus Christ and His Grace we've got to overcome pride and give it up and learn to be humble in heart proverb $1618.00 Pride goes before destruction and a hottie spirit before a fall. To watch more 2 minute devotional go to his voice Today dot com. It's time now for Bible time to join our host Gary Gibson John Bradshaw speakers for the amazing facts ministry as they now open the Bible and discuss themes that affect your life today stay tuned because the next 15 minutes will deepen your understanding of God's word. Hello Friend and welcome again to Bible I'm John Bradshaw with me it's Gary gets on the Bible tour we talk about what the Bible has to say to us today and Gary last time we were here we found out that God's 10 Commandments still met to us today John they really do you know we have a problem all around the world today with lawlessness and leaders of governments are realizing that we have to have laws like again that people respect and they're even turning back to God looking for that moral law that will have an influence on people's lives now although the 10 Commandments really do matter today and we believe according to the Bible that God wants us to keep them let's not get the cop before the horse last time we studied on Bible talk you made very clear that a low God wants us to obey Him We are not saved by God's 10 Commandments John that's so important to point out because you know we have a tendency today to whenever we talk about the law of God People automatically think legalism you're trying to earn your salvation by your works but that's really not what the Bible is saying at all over and over again the scripture talks about the important role of the law of God Yet it's also counterbalanced by the fact that we're saved totally Lee by God's grace and not of our own works so if we're saved by Grace what's the purpose of the 10 Commandments we talked about this last time quickly review Well number one is Romans 320 says the law brings the knowledge of sin in Romans 7 verse 7 the apostle Paul says I would not have known sin except the law that thou shalt not covet when. He was having temptations with lust and so the law brings us a knowledge of sin but the law also does something else it convicts us as sinners it makes us realize that we are powerless to obey God that we are naturally sinners and so it points us to Jesus Christ for salvation and for power to overcome it impatient reminds me of a verse that you used last time 1st John 3 and verse 4 I want you to repeat that verse that says whoever commits sin also breaks the law for sin is the breaking of God's law so without the law they'd be no sin if the law wasn't there we couldn't be convicted as to how sinfulness exactly we have to have the law there that's what the Holy Spirit uses to point out the sin in our lives and then once we feel that we're sinners and we realize that we're condemned and that's an important point John we have to point out the Bible says and Roman 623 the wages of sin is death. We've all earned the wages a cent you know wages something you work for have you sin John the Bible says we've all seen all sinned you know all have sinned and come short of the glory of God So we all deserve death and when we realize we're all sinners we all deserve death then we realize we need a savior and that's where the law points us to Jesus Christ as the book of collation says it's our schoolmaster to bring us to Jesus to find salvation now use talked before about salvation being by grace through faith so let's pick up on that because it's so commonly said today and I want to challenge you on this because so many people do challenge on this point when not under the law where under grace now the bible clearly says that So does that mean Dane that we're not under the law we don't have to keep the law Grace dispenses with that let's study that a bit you know what's happening there is a fallacy of logic is we're making one exclusive of the other and the real question is can you be under grace and yet still obey God's law you know this is not a new question there have been Christians going all the way back to the beginning of the Christian church who argue the same thing we don't need to keep the law since Jesus died on the cross to save us because we're under Grace we're not under the Law of Grace provides absolution from any sort of obligation to the law and I would imagine John that our listeners have heard this preach from the pulpits of their churches they read it in books and tracks and it's a common teaching out there isn't and there are going to be many people listening today who believe this or people who even preach this will be listening today and it has a subtle negative influence what it does is it causes us to start excusing sin in our lives I pointed out in our last program that recent surveys reveal that. The divorce desist ics among Christians in the Bible Belt is higher than a divorce among non Christians and that shouldn't be that like considering the Bible's teachings on the sanctity of marriage so we're under Grace we're not under the law does this mean then we're free to do it our way and we don't need to obey God if we're planning on being saved because it's true many people say that straight out if you're planning on going to heaven if you're saved you don't have to worry about obeying God's law because you're not under it you're under grace we need to make this clear what's that about well let's let the Bible talk to us this is a bible talk program let's let the Bible talk to us Roman 6 verse one it asked the same question that you've just posed what shall we say then shall we continue in sin that grace may abound in other words since we're under grace shall we just continue sending and not really be concerned that we're breaking God's law and a lot of people say yes the answer that question is yes but the Bible's answer is quite different and verse 2 it says God forbid the strongest words that the Bible writer could find he put here God forbid no don't let that happen continuing to read there it says how shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein so now that we've come to Christ Christ put to death on the cross the power of sin in our lives and so now that we're dead as sin how shall we who live by the power of God continue sinning you know a lot of people are still going to come back to this verse later in the same chapter and it says you will not under the law you're under grace now Gary that awfully It sounds awfully like God is saying you don't have to obey the law because Grace has come along now so let's read that verse it's Roman 6 verse 14 for sin shall not have dominion over you for you're not under the law but you're under grace as the tax right there is on. Not under the law why do I need to keep the law if I'm not under it I'm under grace now will you read the next text and why don't you worry that John Well the next most is those 15 It says What then shall we sin because we are not under the law but under grace and then poll say is God forbid so Gazza says and his word being under grace does not cancel the law what it's talking about there is is the power of the law or the power of grace in your life when you're under the law you're under its condemnation means you're powerless to keep it you're continually breaking the law that's why verse 14 starts with sin shall not have dominion over you you're no longer a master to sin when you come to Jesus Christ instead you're a master of Christ and God's grace gives you power now you made a point before that I know we could come back to but let's look at it now it was in an early of the us those 2 it said we're dead to sin I don't want to wrap this up too soon but I want to look at this and then I have another question to ask you so so what's this did to sin because this appeal is from what Paul is saying to be with Christians or to be good to sing god like verse 6 I think it explains it quite adequately knowing this that our old man is crucified with him that the body of sand might be destroyed that henceforth we should not serve sin for he that is dead is freed from sin literally did buried in the ground well though the word there that says sin is destroyed means sin has become ineffective it's become powerless over us and by faith when Jesus hung on the cross he took to the cross the power of sin in our own bodies because he was tempted like as we are Hebrews 4 tells us that he was Chapter 2 and yet he overcame that same temptations that we face and by His power and His grace we can also overcome the power of sin in our lives that doesn't mean we're perfect in a lot. Off constantly throughout our entire lives have to fight against temptation there'll be times we stumble and fall only in Christ are we really perfect but sin is not the ruling power in our lives God's grace in this so being under grace means accepting that that ruling power of Jesus Christ in the hot and that power is able to to keep you up writing and keep you walking in his way it is and it's important that when we're born again that we also have the conscience understand standing that God's law has not been done away with by His grace because if we think Grace cancels law then we're not going to be looking for God's Will we're not going to be searching for how we can better fulfill His Will how we can better obey Him So it's very important that while we're under grace and we realize we can only obey by its power we also recognize in God's word he gives us moral absolutes and guidelines by which to order our lives it seems like this argument about being under grace is just really if I can be this blunt about it and excuse that some people used to to carry on living the old life instead of taking hold of Jesus and living the new life in Jesus Christ but I want to ask you something what about where people might say well come to Jesus and now all I'm concerned about is the law's a lot of you know they say you know yeah we need to keep God's law but it's just a lot of love but you know when people ask me that John I asked them will how do you define love and they'll normally say well your love who got them and you love your fellow man should in Jesus say infected and Jesus just give us 2 laws and say that very thing well in Matthew 22 verse 35 we read about a young man a lawyer who came to Jesus and he said what's the great commandment in the law out of all the laws what are the most important ones what is the most important one and Jesus answered that I shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart with all my soul and with all thy mind. This is the 1st and great commandment and then Jesus followed it with the 2nd one he said the 2nd is like to it now shalt love thy neighbor as thyself then he says on these 2 commandments hang all the law in the prophets Now some people think these 2 commandments are new commandments but they're really not you know the bible quotes these in Deuteronomy 65 and Leviticus 918 so Jesus was actually quoting Old Testament texts here and these 2 commandments summarize the law of God Now some will say no the 10 Commandments are gone now and all I need to do is love God and love my neighbor Well the 1st 4 of the 10 Commandments tell us how to love God and if God doesn't define how to love him then it's left to each of us to decide how we love him you know I met a guy one time and thought he was serving God he thought God was pleased when he got high on psychedelic mushrooms and smoking marijuana he was he was loving God Well what do you think God's word says about that and I can imagine that anywhere in the Bible says Thou shalt do drugs no it doesn't that fact it tells us our bodies the temple of the Holy Spirit you would go smoking marijuana or doing drugs in a church sanctuary we should do it in our own bodies so if it's left to us to define how we love God then we're not going to have any consistency and we're going to actually end up worshipping God in the flash and what about loving a neighbor because you said that the 1st one loving God summarizes the 1st 4 commandments Jesus said Love your neighbor as yourself and the last 6 commandments tell us how to love our neighbor if we love our neighbor will not lie will not steal well on our father or mother you can just walk through the last 6 commandments they tell us how to love our fellow man something I like that oh I just want you to recap you've talked today about how in Jesus there is power of a sin. Exactly that's the only place we can find the power Jesus broke. Because he lived a perfect righteous life he never even once he gives that to us by his gift and we can now be righteous in Jesus Christ we know we are. Through for when we accept Jesus Christ we recognize his lol shows us. Because in Jesus there is power over that saying Join us again next time. If you'd like more information on what we've been studying today we have a comprehensive Bible study guide We'd love to share with you that's absolutely free this study includes many of the texts we've just discussed and expends on the subject including information you'll want. To receive this free informative Bible study guide to simply call write or email and ask for bt 106 you are responsible. 866 Bible Saints 866-242-5372 you can write to us at Bible talk 1058 Roseville California 95678 or e-mail us bible talk. Bible talk has been produced in association with amazing facts in the studios of a life talk radio. Half a day my name is Beena Valentino and one of my favorite skip shoes is Sons chapter 91 verse 2 I was saved the Lord is my rock huge and my porch is my God in him I would trust and that's found in songs chapter 91 very stew God bless you. This is Max McLean What is the bread of life and why do we need it. Listen to Jesus from John chapter 6. Jesus said to them. I tell you the truth it is not Moses who has given you the bread from heaven but it is my father who gives you the true bread from heaven for the bread of heaven is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world so they said. From now on give us the spread then Jesus declared. I am the bread of life he who comes to me will never go hungry and he who believes in me will never be thirsty but as I told you you have seen me and still you do not believe all that the father gives me will come to me and have a comes to me I will never drive away. Drive come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of Him who sent me and this is the will of Him who sent me but I shall lose none of all that he has given me but raise them up at the last day . For my Father's Will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in Him shall have eternal life and I will raise him up at the last day. At this the Jews began to grumble about him because he said I am the bread that came down from heaven they said this is not Jesus the son of Joseph whose father and mother we know how can he now say I came down from heaven. Stop rambling among yourselves Jesus answered. No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him and I will raise him up at the last day it is written in the prophets they will be taught by God Every one who listens to the Father and learns from him comes to me no one has seen the Father except the one who is from God only He has seen the Father I tell you the truth he who believes has everlasting life I am the bread of life your forefathers ate the manna in the desert yet they died but here is the bread that comes down from heaven which a man may eat and not die I am the living bread that came down from heaven if any want to each of this bread he will live for ever. From job 6 listen to the Bible it's great for the soul. Have you considered listening to the Bible in addition to reading it you might find that listening helps you to receive God's word many people have trouble concentrating when they read the Bible but they find that the Bible comes alive as they hear it and now you can download the listener's Bible directly to your computer play it on your i Pod or other digital player the Bible says that faith comes by hearing be able to hear the Word of God today and every day to hear more go to Radio Bible dot org. Give for. Just. Thoughts of. This time. Of time. Of. All fours. And for. For the. East to. Be cold if you eat. This to go to. So. And so. This 100. Of. You. Happy satisfied I am Shirley and Chris and I and just the crew we are from there and on the island of planned and you're listening to our family friendly joint ass and God bless you. You were listening to as the 91.9 f.m. Again and again Heights warm and. 89.9 f.m. Eric Bank says the time now is 3 o'clock half a day and happy Saturday My name is Pastor Missy to it all from the 7 day Adventist Church the eco or dot 70 agonist church proudly brings you a portion of today's program I invite you to worship with us Bible study begins at 9 30 am Saturday morning and church service begins at 10 45 am the church is located in order on 10 p. Who drive from around 4 in order turn on to Deros and then make the 1st left on to Judge subline street and then follow the signs to the church you can reach us by phone at 477-3777 or 983037 The Order 7 to Aves tourch probably sponsors the joy of family. Welcome to the nation and sex with Pastor Albert and this is. Not only the depths of Revelations misuse but also through the many other. Words. His pastor Alberich with today's message. Corinth was a sea coast city it was a sailor. And the representatives the world would drop anchor here that was a good place to spread the gospel a good place to plant c.u.c. It was a place where the gift of tongues what properly used could be a great blessing but it was abused here and we're going to talk about that abuse. And now the subject. The charismatic movement and speaking in tongues. It may be that one or 2 will be a little disappointed to see the pray not. The could be that someone would wish that I would spend more time in this area or perhaps in another the clock would allow that the ceiling but this I must say at the very outset Lyle believes in the gift of the Holy Spirit I believe that we must all be if we go to get through these n. Times spirit filled Christians and then I want to say this is well very briefly tonight and for one of the very few perhaps the only time during a lecture series I'm going to be quoting from my favorite author outside the Bible and from a book entitled The great controversy and if time allows maybe one other quotation as well. I want to talk to you now about Neo Pentecostalism or Beausoleil is it sometimes referred to as and often called the Charismatic Movement we're all aware that there has come in the world both Protestant and. Catholic revival a new day a new age. I was speaking not so very long ago with a young man from Africa a Christian man who'd come to this country to study from Africa and I asked him my friend open and ya me are you seeing the charismatic movement down in Africa are you seeing an interest in the speaking in tongues and the gift of the Holy Spirit all he said there is a charismatic church on nearly every corner in my village and in my country yes he said it's growing very rapidly and then more recently I talked to someone who'd returned from Mission work down in South America and I asked our folks Christian folks interested in South America in the gifts of the speared particularly the gift of tongues all yes he said this charismatic movement is going through South America like fire in dry brush I know firsthand that it's moving very rapidly through Europe and certainly the former Soviet bloc I brought a newspaper from my hometown Boise Idaho. And it talks about the largest church in our city and I'm going to read you just a couple of statements very quickly on a typical Sunday it's not unusual for Roman Catholic nuns to be seen in the pews of the central assembly church also you'll find represented when the role is called Presbyterians Lutherans Episcopalians Methodist congregations Baptist Mormons they'll all raise their hands and then it goes on to say the pastor attributes the church is immense growth to a growing interest in the Charismatic Movement which places a great amount of emphasis upon the manifestations of the Holy Spirit and the relevancy of the Holy Spirit in the church today this movement has literally swept across all denominations particularly as it being seen now within the Roman Catholic Church and that's certainly true and we're going to be saying a great deal more about that in just a little bit. Many feel that this is the of the final proof of the outpouring the Holy Spirit that's described in both Old and New Testaments the Bible talks about the early and the Latter Rain of the Holy Spirit sure and so many believe that this is the latter phase this is the final result this is what we've been waiting for longing for and praying for. Walls of bigotry and hatred that have divided denominations along very distinct lines are suddenly collapsing on every hand. This charismatic movement I see is characterized really by 2 distinct aspects I'm going to talk to those each as we go along 1st of all the idea of speaking in tongues or languages one has not learned many would refer to it as a heavenly language or God language and then language that the speaking in tongues and number 2 miraculous healings and they go together like a hand in a glove How do you see on a regular basis a little magazine that's untitled voice the voice magazine I haven't got that of late but for many many years I was a school subscriber and to read through it very very carefully it was put out by the Full Gospel businessmen's Fellowship International and in that magazine there would be story after story after story of meetings where our folks were given the gift of tongues and simultaneously there were wonderful wonderful healings. At the same time that they began to speak in these these heavenly language just suddenly withered arms were straight straight and before their very very eyes of those who were gathered around medical doctors to be included by the way legs restored and one in one instance I remember a lady who'd had a birth defect in the leg it was short much shorter than the other and while the folks watched and prayed and as she spoke in tongues this leg grew out an additional 2 inches and the people shouted praise God how lujah. Pentecostalism ladies and gentlemen was born in the United States about the turn of the century. And for many many decades it was referred to in derogatory sort of terms tragically it was often referred to in that way holy rollers you heard that idea. Those who walk on the backs of the pews the poor class the educated often they'd meet in little storefront building maybe just a block off Main Street in a form a business house where they painted over the window and said. The assembly this or our charismatic that of something of that nature that's the way it used to be looked upon but certainly not today today we have medical doctors lawyers P.H.D.'s businessmen from all faiths and backgrounds that are coming together in this movement and it's bringing a Christian.