Now let's join our hosts or speakers and evangelists past the dog bachelor. Welcome listening friends to a fresh edition of bible answers live and if you are joining us for the 1st time this is just what it sounds like it is a live international interactive Bible study and you're welcome to join us you can listen as we search the word with our friends who may be calling in with their Bible questions and that would be for those of you who have a Bible question that we do have a lines open and right now if you'd like to be part of tonight's program is a good time to pick up the phone and dial that toll free number it's 800 God says or 804637297 if you prefer the number version and also keep a pencil handy because a During the broadcast we're offering a number of free offers will be giving you some Web site addresses that will help enhanced your personal devotions as well as give you some good Bible study Information My name is Doug Batchelor And Pastor John Ross has just returned from New Zealand and I gave him the night off because he flew all day and he's trying to recover I think from jet lag and if you sit on their plane for about 12 hours you also get jet leg so he's recovering from both Anyway friends that we're going to begin our program in just a minute but before we do we'd like to always begin as we do with a word of prayer. Lord we want to thank you for your presence here we thank you for the opportunity and the privilege we have of using this medium to spread the good news around the world we dedicate this program to your service and ask that Christ would be glorified in his name we pray Amen. Well friends you heard us talking as we began the program an amazing fact about what appears to be the biggest building in the world that is being constructed a matter of fact it is just even the shell and they're building about one the floor a day right now is still already higher than any building in the world and they're keeping that the ultimate height a secret 2600 feet is an estimate that has been made right now which would make the Burj Dubai building twice as tall as the Empire State Building. I can't help but remind me of echoes you find in Genesis 11 of man saying we will make a name for ourself in the earth and so man began to build a tower the 1st skyscraper was the birth of Babel and almost makes you wonder if this is a harbinger that we're living in the last days again one thing that it made me think of is of course grew up in New York City and World Trade Center and Empire State Building there at least built on the rock of Manhattan the Burj Dubai is quite literally there anchoring it the best they can but it's on the sand reminds me of that verse it says in Matthew chapter 7 verse 24 Therefore he who hears these words of mine and does them I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat on that house and it did not fall for it was founded on the rock but everyone who hears these sayings of mine and does not do them he's like a foolish man who builds his house on the sand and the rain descended in the flood Cain and the winds blew and beat on that house and it fell and great was its fall ultimately the only thing that we can safely build our lives and our philosophy on is the Word of God. What is the foundation for your life and your plans and your future what are you hoping to accomplish with your life we all know we're only here for a little while and there is a 100 percent death rate according to the past the to sticks but while you're here there's a purpose for life and God has a plan for your life friends do you know what that plan is the only rock that you can trust that will survive the storms of life is the Word of God and if you would like to better understand this book that has changed the lives of so many we have a free offer tonight and it is a study guide it's illustrated filled with amazing facts and it's called is there anything left you can trust it's about the rock of God's Word is there anything left you can trust I will send you that absolutely free all you have to do is ask friends it's the 1st in the very popular amazing facts Bible study series it's an illustrated lesson beautifully laid out and all you've got to do is call the resource number that's different from the number to the studio so if you've got your pencil it's toll free 808356747 say You're listening to bible answers live and you'd like to get that free offer is there anything left you can trust Well I'd also like to address a couple of questions we usually take a few internet questions that people send in and have a couple of quick ones. What does the Bible say about wife on other planets now we've had this question before but there are some who believe sort of the medieval view that the earth is the center of the universe and the only creation that God has is on Earth but the Bible really doesn't teach that the Bible tells us that the earth is one of a great cosmos of planets that God is made and you can read for instance in the book of Hebrews Chapter one verses one to God Who at different times and in different ways spoken time passed to the fathers by the prophets has in these last days spoken to us by His Son whom he's appointed heir of all things by whom also he made the worlds worlds Jesus made the worlds not just this world there's other worlds and of course you can read in Revelation we're talking about all of the beans in heaven above and it describes a number of different creatures that are not human. Of course you've got to some interesting creatures around the throne of God tells us that there are cherub of and there are Sarah from then you can read in the Book of Job where it says there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan came from the earth to this celestial meeting So yes we believe that there is a lot of other life out there in the universe this planet is the only fall in the world that's why Jesus told a parable about a man who had 100 sheep one went astray he leaves the 90 and 9 to go find that one lost sheep this world was that lost sheep and the reason you might be wondering why don't we have interaction with these creatures from other worlds that are sinless and follow all that c.s. Are we've got sin down here it's contagious and we've got sin down here it's contagious and so for right now anyway we're Corinth to live out that verse in the song Rock of Ages that says I will soar to worlds unknown Now our next question is will I go to hell if I smoke I'm assuming they mean smoking cigarettes. Or the best way to answer that question is to say sin there are several definitions for sin. Sin is of course a transgression of God's Law 1st John the Bible tells us sin isn't knowing to do good and not doing it and anything that is not a faith is sin in Romans So if a person knows that cigarettes are bad for them and that they're destroying their body temple and they continue to smoke. You know they're endangering themselves because they're going against what they know to be God's will and I think just to be fair I should remind our friends there was actually a day when smoking was recommended by doctors and the man who wrote the book or wrote the song Amazing Grace John Newton he smoked until the day he died but of course he lived in a time where the doctors prescribed it so I expect to see him in heaven but we know better today if it says on virtually every pack this stuff is going to kill you and one of the 10 Commandments as Thou shalt not kill Well the very 1st person that you might murder is yourself and so you know if a person takes poison that kills them in 24 hours it's called a suicide if the poison kills them and 20 years it's still a suicide so you know there may be some people who don't know and God can save and we're not saved or lost based on whether or not we smoke but those who continue and let's face it it's not a good witness but those who continue to violate their conscience that's a dangerous thing not to mention of course there's a tell all the health problems connected with smoking I used to smoke I know it's tough friends but if God can save me from it he can save you from it all right well having said that I think it's time that we get to the telephone so let's see we're going to start by talking to Becky who's been waiting patiently calling from mindon Louisiana Welcome to the program Becky. Hi And how can we help you tonight when I get a quick question 1st I want to thank you and then making. Thanks Dan you know I made a great impact on my to my husband my well praise the Lord and my question was. In heaven. Where the devil got cast down to. Adam and. After a good question where can I find it all right now Becky's referring friends to Revelation 12 or tells us that there is a war in heaven between Michael and his angels in the dragon who is a later described as the devil and his angels and Satan is cast out of heaven. The or in heaven between good and evil began before our world began and you know we don't know how long it went on probably the rebellion between satan in the Lord and for a friends who don't know where did sin come from it came from the devil who rebelled this fallen angel we have a lesson I'm just telling our friends who are wondering Becky there's a lesson called Did God make a devil if you want to know how sinner originated police and for that free lesson did God make a devil now back to the question when the devil came down to our world had the war in heaven happened before or after Adam and Eve We believe that the war and have haven't happened before just because the context that God placed the test in the Garden of Eden as soon as he made Adam and Eve and so evidently there was somebody who was going to be testing or tempting them in the Bible so that God doesn't tempt or test anybody that way and so we believe that the devil had rebelled before Adam and Eve were created in a matter of fact especially inferior to the devil when God made Adam and Eve because angels cannot procreate. The devil does not have creative power but Adam and Eve man could create through love in their own image. And so that infuriated the devil that he did not have this power and so he especially focused his his fear . Leon Adam and Eve but there's not too many verses on the subject but through piecing those things together there in Genesis and Revelation 17 I think most scholars believe that the rebellion happened probably some time before our world was made Ok I greatly appreciate it all right and thank you Becky appreciate your call talking next with Gavin who's calling from New York New York and welcome to the program Gavin and thank Pastor Doug. Question Yes question is actually it's related to the questions that she just asked in some ways with art in the word heaven so kind of has a little bit of a progression here. I guess couple things before I ask my question I think one fact is that. The word Lucifer when I was doing research on it only occurs once in the entire Bible and that's Isaiah 1412 right yes correlating with with the fact of that Lucifer is used in association with the king of Babylon the Nephilim which are those giants are said to be in Genesis 6 to the the offspring of the wicked angels which came down to earth and Mary daughters of men had sex I guess and had these giants right oh what can I stop you there because Ok Go on tell me where your head in real quick and then I said I want to correct something you said if you don't want Ok just you know discredit I think what my question oh come is it the product of the angels and humans being was natural a God sent the flood to destroy that but they'd end up showing up in numbers 13 again and given that fact also the fact that Lucifer I just want to get answered direct question what is approved Lucifer is actually Satan when we have direct evidence that Isaiah 14 for 17 says the man. Really Carson I mean all right let Well let me let me back a few best several questions and I if you don't mind let me start with Genesis Chapter 6 when it says the sons of God knew the daughters of men there are 2 views on that one is that the sons of God were fallen angels or that they were I've heard they were able eons are the demons or even good angels. Nothing else in the Bible tells us that angels can have intimate or sexual relations with humans the way most scholars understand that is after Cain killed Abel Cain left he and his wife procreated a whole separate tribe or nation of people they were called the sons of men the word men there is in office it means carnal mortal the sons of God Adam is called the Son of God in Luke chapter 3 the Bible says and 1st John chapter. First John chapter 3 verse one behold what manner of Love The Father has bestowed on us that who we should be called sons of God many many verses in the new in the Old Testament called the redeemed the church believers sons and daughters of God So what happens when the children of Seth who were still worshipping in sacrificing to God began to enter Mary with the children or daughters of Cain then everyone became wicked now their offspring were giants and there's nothing mysterious about that it's a very simple science called genetic vitality when you've got. 2 species are not species but 2 separated varieties of the species that begin to co breed the offspring have more vitality often. And that's why you get in America the overall height of men and women in America has gone up in the last 15 years and America is a melting pot of people from all over the world so I could give you a lot of examples anyway so these sons of God They were the children of Seth that in are married with the children of Cain their sons were giants and that's where you get the word that's why it appears again in the Book of Numbers it's talking about the Giants and then it tells you that the children of Israel felt like grasshoppers compared to these giants even tells you how long the bed of one of these giants was Now you asked a question about Lucifer many times in prophecy is he killed $28.00 Isaiah 14 it starts out talking about an earthly king and then the prophet goes to the power behind that King is 3 examples I can think of right now where that happens Revelation 12 starts out talking about the Roman King Herod who killed all the babies and Bethlehem and then it takes you behind the scenes and shows you it was the devil trying to devour the man child as soon as it was born well he the devil operated through the power of Rome and through wicked king Herod. Then you've got again and it talks about the King of Tire and Ezekiel $28.00 and it talks about the king of Babylon as you've cited in Isaiah 14 so the prophets often talked about the earthly man or power and then it went to the spiritual power that was operating through these political powers debenture Yeah and I just want to do that you make a national point you're exactly right when I believe the reason I just brought that up was a natural it's because that's a belief out there that tells that people believe that there's fallen angels that came down and into Mary and I agree with your now to think that your 100 percent dead on there but what I would say then is I think this is a belief in Fallen Angels substantiates this understanding that there's a Satan literally when in Isaiah 14 is the word is used just for us in relating to our 1st question in 1412 this is how you meaning the king of Babylon That's the subject matter how fallen from heaven and then cause him all morning star and it says in verse 13 I listen to heaven meaning the King about the want to send heaven yeah he wants well his throne above the stars of God and this is the language that people take and just like in the daughters of men they misconstrue who they who the sons of God are this language is an assumption that Lucifer is what you're on the language of Heaven yet while you're on the right track that both this earthly king and Lucifer they're both driven by pride and self exaltation So there's a lot of things in common Oh I wish I could take more time it's a fascinating subject Gavin but we've got a bunch of folks lined up so if you don't mind I'd better give someone else a chance you're going to talk next to Joseph who's calling also from New York New York and the Welcome to the program Joseph Good evening even at the time that Jesus drove the money changers out of the temple and won the courage the fig tree during those firms Was he angry Well they're 2 separate things 1st of all when Jesus turned over the money. Tables I believe he was angry he was angry because the he said my father's house should be a house of prayer you've turned it into a den of thieves It's a place of merchandise and I think that grieved Jesus when he went to the fig tree Jesus did not have a tantrum and curse a fig tree the reason he cursed a fig trees because the fig tree was a symbol of the Nation of Israel it had all the leaves but it did not have the fruits now Jesus tells a parable in Luke 13 about a man who had a fig tree in his vineyard and he dug about it for several years looking for fruit on it but no fruit came and so the Lord isn't telling us that you know he did everything he could to help this fig tree be productive but it didn't have the fruits of the fruit so Lord wants his goal ations 5 the fruits of the Spirit and so when the curse of the fig tree was a very symbolic action of Jesus I don't believe he did it in a rage or a tantrum he was there even my sister is one time at a period you know of course. We all know that anger is a sin. How do you equate that it was not only rare. It was me angry if we were going we was a sinful. Well the Bible talks about a righteous indignation and other words there is a righteous wrath does God ever get mad Well what is the wrath of God so the Lord does get mad at times but it's a righteous indignation for instance Joseph if you saw you know some bullies beating up you know a weak mother and her little hungry child on the street you'd feel a righteous indignation well up within you to defend them that's the norm and I know that it's not sinful but what use is it is sinful no absolutely no reason to so that was always a righteous and righteous anger and that would not be sent. A moment ago you mentioned. Yes Is there any indication of how high that was or how or why they intended to go with that well you know that's a good question I don't know some have speculated that it was higher than the pyramids but all we have is a few ruins that are left the stones they use from the Tower of Babel that he can has or took those stones and he put them into the temple of Mar Duke which was a tower he built in the middle of Babylon so whatever rubble rubble was left over from Ancient a bagel. One of the historians her hero Dennis told us that he took those stones to rebuild the something else we don't know how tall it was and they plan to go to go up to the heavens with that oh yeah well that's a figure of speech they probably did not build so it scraped the moon or anything but you know they were going to build as high as they humanly could thank you all right good question appreciate that Joseph talking next with Ed who's calling from Cedar Springs Michigan listening on satellite Welcome to the program Ed how are you tonight. And your question. Question. You know I talk to people both the Holy Spirit and. You know. God the Father Yeah God the Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit you know if God of the Spirit then what about the Holy Spirit you know. It's just confusing so welcoming that is a good question if you look in John chapter 4 verse 24 Jesus is speaking in one place John chapter 4. Chapter 4 verse $24.00 yeah Jesus says that God is a Spirit and those that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth now when he says God is a spirit crisis emphasizing there that we don't worship God by giving him the pagans used to think you know like some religions of the world today we're going to bring him an offering a fruit because he's hungry and really the priests usually steal that stuff or we're going to bring him we're going to give a donation because he's poor the Bible saying we worship God with our hearts it's something that it's something that happens in the mind and in the heart it doesn't mean that God doesn't also have a form because there's so much scripture that tells us that God the Father and the son do have a physical form of some sort but ultimately God He is a spiritual being. And so what was confusing to me is. You know you've got Jesus and yet the Holy Spirit and then you've got God when they see God. You know I just I just you know I'm not going to argue anything with anybody but I know that when I see I just feel that when I see in my mind. Jesus' resurrection if I if I do die before he comes you know. In resurrection then I will I will see the Father the Son the only spirit and I believe that I will see regional and be mean 3 beaned Well there's no question that says Blessed sort of the pure in heart that they will see God Now Jesus is the one who said that So if Jesus the Son is saying Blessed are the pure and hard for they will see God he's obviously not talking about him because he was right in front of them so he must be referring to God the Father Don't be frustrated yet if sometimes you can't figure these things out because it says in a Job Chapter 9 verse 10 which do with great things past finding out yes wonders without number and Isaiah says as the heavens are high above the earth so are his ways above our ways you know there's so much about God we can't understand you know but you know I've got a booklet where I took as many scriptures on this subject as I could find I don't put them together if you like it's a book called The Trinity is a biblical. And I'll be happy to send your free copy of that Ok if you like that tell you what just call the resource number which is 808-353-6747. And telling your story where you don't you can hang up and call their lawyer waiting for your call right now Ok. The trinity is a biblical tradition is to ask for Doug batch was book on the Trinity. All right thanks a lot and much God bless you oh I don't know if I'm going to be able to get what I got my engineers tell me 3 and a half minutes one half minutes for the break are well you know what I'm going to do instead friends I want to tell you to get your pencil handy and write down if you've not done this before amazing facts dot a large e that's the website I don't think I need to say the w w w part anymore that always sounds so redundant but you just write down amazing facts. And if you make a mistake and you type amazing facts dot com You'll still get us in fact you can type amazing fact t.v. Amazing facts dot net you'll still get us this is a website that's got an awful lot of information that it's a virtual tree of life that will help you in researching the Bible and a kaleidoscope of material that will really bless your personal study so take a look at that also don't go away we're just getting ready to take a break I also want to remind our friends that are in the Lansing Michigan area I will be in Lansing Michigan at the convention center doing a live broadcast talking about the foundational teachings of the Bible called here we stand it will be broadcast live on 3 a.b.n. So if from September 7th to the 15th you're anywhere near Lansing Michigan come visit us at the convention center and we'd love to shake your hands if you've been hearing us on the radio you might risk actually looking me in the face and we'll get a chance to know each other the program once again is called Here we stand if you want more information that website is w w w 07 revive dot com. Keeping you informed with the latest on weather right here on Joya family. As of 10 or 1 am this morning a tropical storm warning remains in effect for Guam and Pogany and agree hence the typhoon warning remains in effect for road to noon and sampan at 70 m. This morning the center type from new to was located about 250 miles east of Guam and 240 miles southeast of Cyprus and storm ocean was west northwest at 10 miles per hour storm intensity was 125 miles per hour the current track has shifted slightly north from 6 hours ago and now brings you to very close to Tinian inside an eye 155 miles per hour around late tonight or early Thursday morning slight changes to the forecasts are still possible so all residents should continue to monitor subsequent forecasts and advisory for any changes that may impact your island and that you weather forecasts from the National Weather Service in teasing Guam stay tune in stay updated on the latest in weather and we take from new to right here on joyful. Welcome back to Bible answers live with pass the Doug bachelor Now please join us as we look to Gods Word for more bible answers live with author and evangelist pastor Doug bachelor. We're back friends welcome if you've just joined us this is Bible answers live I would like to welcome you to the program you could probably tell from listening this is a live international interactive Bible study and we are taking people's calls Pastor John Ross who normally joins me as copilot is got the night off right now and my name is Doug bachelor and we are preparing to go to Lie Number 6 and talk to Rick Rick you're on the air with vital answers live calling from San Diego California. Hi welcome and your question tonight. Where. Creed. You were. Wrong. 39 mean yes you know we're going to read it. Can you explain 319 to me. Well yeah let me let me take a crack at that and for friends who are listening turn to 1st Peter chapter 3 and I'll read verse 18 and 19 for Christ has also one suffered for sins the just for the unjust that he Christ might bring us to God being put to death in the flesh but quickened by the spirit by which know what this means is by which spirit he went and preached to the spirits meaning the people in prison which sometimes were disobedient when once the long suffering of God waited in the days of Noah Now this is a reference back to Genesis Chapter 6 verse 3 where it says my spirit will not always strive with man back in the days of Noah God spoke to the people who are imprisoned by sin through the Spirit of Christ that's all it's saying it's not saying that Jesus when He died on the cross he had buried and that his spirit went to hell to preach and give people a 2nd chance that's not what it's talking about at all it's just same it is through the same spirit back in the days of Noah that's how God prepared people for the end of the world back then and it's through the Spirit of Christ that people are being prepared for the end of the world today and that's all that means and to answer your question on the Apostles Creed Rick the Apostles Creed was the churches the early churches attempt to try to solidify what the basic teachings of Christianity were that were required for baptism it is not necessarily inspired it's not in the Bible it's the churches attempt to do that and hopefully that will help answer that we're going to keep moving here because I've got a little behind on my quota talking next to Jerome who's got a question calling from Queens New York welcomes Rome Good evening crafter How are you tonight I'm fine thank you for taking my call. I'd like to know what is your take on the rapture theory and is it Biblical Ok now 1st just for clarification the the word rapture is not found in the Bible per se it's based on the idea that we are caught away now technically and 1st us alone in chapter 4 when it says the Lord Himself descends from Heaven the dead in Christ will rise that we who are alive and remain will be caught up to meet them in the air when we are caught up to meet Christ in the air you know anybody can define that as a rapture but the word rapture is sort of become a slogan for the secret rapture the Left Behind scenario that the all of a sudden Christians will disappear life will go on here on earth for another 7 years that I do not agree with that is. That is a theology that was born with a Jesuit priest named Francisco Ribera it was to to kind of counter the teaching of Luther in the Protestants back in the late 15th century and I believe that the Bible is very clear that when the Lord does come as a thief everybody on earth knows and life does not go on 7 more years no let me give you evidence for that we were just in the 2nd Peter chapter 3 or 1st Peter 3 I want you to go to 2nd Peter chapter 3 and it tells us there in verse 10 but the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night and then people say There it is see corrector the Lord comes as a thief keep reading in which the heavens pass away with a great noise the elements melt with fervent heat the earth also and the works in it are burned up so that they that the Lord comes as a thief that secret rapture Well you can call it a secret rapture everyone the world's going to know when the Lord comes life does not go on 7 more years after the Saints are caught up. So there are many many verses in the Bible that matter fact I've got a book I'll send you a free copy. And here's what it's called. It's called anything but secret. So I believe we will be caught up to meet the Lord I believe in the secret rapture the Left Behind Scenario No I think that's an unfortunate fantasy a lot of Christians have been sold into it is not at all Biblical I did a program with National Geographic where we talked about that and it was very interesting the wide array of beliefs in the Christian Church on not if Jesus is coming virtually everyone believes that it was Howell and the amazing thing is if you go back a 100 years virtually no Protestant Christians believe the secret rapture for the last 1800 years they believe the traditional products and view that every eye will see Him when He comes that at the same time the Saints are being caught up the wicked are destroyed by the brightness of his coming that it there's not 7 more years that that was that was a Jesuit teaching that was adopted by Scofield it was put in the notes of the Scofield Bible and some people like hell Lindsey who accepted that popularized it and then it just swept through the Pentecostal churches and now the mainline churches but it's amazing to me how something. Like that could spread because there's so little biblical foundation for that thank you very much All right thank you appreciate Oh and here's the number to call if you want that book anything but secret 808356747 if you weren't ready you'll hear that number a few more times before the program's over thank you drone pretty your call and next we're going back to New York to talk to Sharon who's listening also on 570 am welcome Sharon. Actually And your question my my question and. Why did you why did. Well that's a good relation. And any. Good. All right well 1st of all I want you I'm going to answer your question quickly but I want you to send for a free book I'll send you it's beautifully illustrated lesson and it's called did the god make a devil that lesson was written just for you Sharon it's exactly your question Did God make a devil the quick answer is no the Bible says everything good comes from God you've probably read some of Genesis before Sharon you know when God 1st made the world it says God said it was good every day God said it was good and after he gets done he says God said it was very good every good and perfect gift comes from God The Devil is definitely not good so how do we reconcile that how can a good God make a bad devil he didn't God made a beautiful angel His name was Lucifer if you had known him back then everybody would have loved him he was a wonderful being but Lucifer was so bright and wise and powerful he became proud of the prouder he got the uglier he got inside until he finally rebelled against God Now someone always asked the question well did did God mess up on his wiring didn't God know what might happen to him You cannot force love you probably know parents that had children and some children were wonderful and other children ended up in prison and same parents. You know I'm talking about sure yeah so it's because people are born with a free will God makes His creatures free and that means they've got the freedom to rebel and disobey So you send for that free lesson called is is that God make a devil call that resource number 808356747 we'll send it to you Ok I appreciate your question tonight all right to we're going to talk now to Sandra who's also calling on the internet listening on. So listen on the Internet calling from Queens New York Sandra you're on the air you know hi hi and your question my question is from 1st Corinthians Chapter 11 very fine but every woman I trade for proxy proxy the science we've had uncovered this honor is very sad for even all one as if she were. Some people say meant to show hosts true and I've met other people who say that this is a cultural thing. Which What does this still apply for today well you know this is one of those questions whenever I get it and I do get this question periodical a. I always answer cautiously. First of all if you go to that same passage in verse 16 Paul says but if any man seems to be contentious in other words if they argue about this we have no such custom neither the churches of God Now just the very fact the word custom is mentioned in context with the verse just before or it's talking about hair we're wondering if this was a custom issue rather than a. Principle of doctrine let me explain in the time of Paul there's no question you go to the Middle East today it's not just among some Jewish culture cultures even among many Islamic cultures a woman's hair was considered her glory when a woman went before God to worship as a sign of humility they would cover their hair and. That was the custom as a sign of respect when I preach from the old school I can't find any good reason to put a tie around my neck but because the traditional dress for respect in our culture you know if the president said a formal occasion he's got a tie on even the news anchors most of them I guess is a change that's happening most of them have ties so I wear a tie it's a custom of respect it's kind of interesting because back in the time of Christ if a man went into a church he always covered his head with a yarmulke you know the Jewish men. Today if I if I go in church during a service and I've got my baseball cap on. Considered disrespectful you know cowboy you take off your head in church right so it's the it the question here is was this a custom of respect and Paul was saying that the women ought to show humility and cover their heads because that's the custom especially Christians should be respectful when they go into a synagogue I don't know what the answer to that is I think that the principle I am sure of the principle is men and women when they come before God They ought to model humility and respect whatever those customs are in your culture that's what you ought to do some countries I go to when I go to their church I take off my shoes there's a big old pile of shoes sometimes they've got cubby holes where everyone puts their shoes before they walk in the church other countries I go to it's not practical because maybe the climate or something to take your shoes off in the church you get cold feet so. Whatever the custom of respect is and humility I think this is what Paul is telling us now I always answer this cautiously and I say you know if the Holy Spirit is telling you something different Sandra Day There's certainly no harm in a person having long hair and covering her head is there now I don't know if that's how much it's going to take a woman out for that right I have no problem with that is that when someone you know just on several occasions I had of her and I'm very my church come up to me and. I don't feel that you can moving me to do that you know if that's what they want to do then by all means but I don't think it needs to be in trouble you know worked on me anyhow Well I don't know if my answer helped at all but I think that the principle of let me tell you one more one more principle that you might use with your friends. Don't build a doctrine on one leg it is so hard to stand up on one leg when someone pushes you with a finger you just can't do it. The Bible says in the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses let everything be established because there is no other verse in the Bible that says a woman must have long hair or must cover her head we need to be careful about building a church doctrine on that so what I'm saying. The virtually every other foundational teaching in the Christian church I can find many scriptures on those teachings so that you've got 2 or 3 witnesses. This is the only verse people take me to when they want to talk about the length of a woman's hair and covering her head. Ok. Hard hitting pretty good I hope that helps a little bit talking next with David who's been waiting patiently and you didn't know it David but you're on line 10 calling from New Jersey on w m c a your question David Yes it's a reference about eternal security Ok. To a believer I believe in the nomination I won't mention names but. Some believe in You Can Do you thought vision some don't and she would one day I don't believe in would be 5 a she she used to Scripture verse in Corinthians Chapter 7 verse 10 with full godly thorough work of repentance to salvation not to be repented. But the thought of the world look at that and all the pretty good scriptures you mean it got me thinking but I like to know your take in reference today taken out of context or I mean I personally believe that you can lose your salvation and she the woman of God I told you all my heart but for some dogs a new issue that some day we disagree on and that's because you refuse to back it up so what what's your say on that we're all right well let's let's talk about this one verse in the whole talk about the once saved always saved concept 1st of all on 2nd printing at 710 for godly sorrow works repentance to salvation not to be repented of now the word repentance means sorrow it means a sorrow for sin you should not be sorry about in other words it's the right kind of sorrow it's good that's why God said I wish you were hot or cold the cold Jesus is talking about is the sorrow for sin the Lord loves that. But the repentance of the world it works to death let me give you an example Judas repented. He was not sorry that he heard God he was sorry he was in trouble he went on hung himself his repentance work death suit on saying but the repentance of Peter he repented and Jesus forgave him and he became a great apostle it was a repentance not to be repented of but this verse has nothing to nothing really to do with once you're saved you can't be lost because every Christian repents many times you know every time we slip and fall we should repent and humble ourselves and turn back again. Soon I'm saying but the idea that once you're saved you can't be lost the there's so many problems with that Feola g. But the one that really is I think the most the most dangerous is it removes the freedom of the believer to choose another words if you can be saved and then once you say this prayer and you pray and you believe then you cannot be lost Well that would mean that you no longer have the choice to choose another master you don't have that freedom anymore soon I'm saying that is one of the most powerful teachings in the Bible is that we can't force love we're free to choose what a person when they're 15 years old in their Baptist Church and they go to the altar and they accept the Lord they pray the prayer and they're sincere and then 20 years later they lose interest they're hanging around the wrong group they stop praying they stop going to church they start living for the devil they lose all appetite for spiritual things are they saved based upon what happened when they were 15 in their heart through their choices they've chose to love someone else they have no love for the Lord the more how can you say Well but you know they they prayed this prayer. I think it's a very dangerous convoluted teaching and then you know the answer I often get and I try to be sensitive because I used to go to Baptist Church the answer I get is well then they weren't really saved Well what kind of security is that then how do the ones who say I've been saved know that they're really saved so there is there really is no security in that idea but you know Whosoever Will we can have security as Christians just like 2 people getting married can have security if you've got trust and you've got faith and you love each other then you know that your relationships are going to be secure and we never have to doubt God's love even in a marriage you know people are human and they can make mistakes and you might need a prenuptial agreement but you don't need that with God because He will never betray you he says I will never leave you the dangerous party in the love relationship with God is not God It's not us we are the ones who fail so once a person accepts the Lord we don't ever have to worry about God letting go of us it's just a question of what we turn away from him but he cannot force us to love Him force love is not love. We want to let you go. A part of it would be by my grief and not of were any. Of the 3 that about work that we have all gone you know one thing yeah are you how do you separate them you know well we're saved entirely by grace but. You know the Bible is pretty clear that real faith will be seen in choices that we make to follow the Lord you know with the Scripture that I I opened with Jesus said the wise man builds on the rock the fool builds on the sand. What is the difference between the wise man in the fool Jesus said He that hears these words of mine and does them he's building on the rock he that hears them and does not do them he's building on the sand the difference between the saved in the Lost is not the storm the storm comes to both groups both groups build the house both groups hear the word of the Lord one does it one does not do it that's the difference that's why the Lord Jesus said many will come in that day saying Lord Lord and he'll say not everyone that says Lord Lord but they that do the will of My Father in heaven so if we really love them you know the Bible says if you have faith and show me it should be seen in the life hey I'd appreciate sorry go ahead on this you know that and it well is conditional on believing and real believing is going to be seen in action you don't believe with your mouth you believe with your life you see what I'm saying you believe in your heart and your life will demonstrate a changed heart. So that's you you got to get the horse in front of the cart on that one all right going to keep moving and talking to how do you say your name slider that's right slider are you doing good in your question sign admire you very much my question is. Will gays and dogs irrational animals will they go to heaven in their any Bible references that I've mentioned will they will not go to heaven no the gays are the ones the ones I'm talking about the ones that abstain from their practice but there's still gays Well let's separate the 2 if you don't mind I hate to bunch them both in the same answer if people have. If you know a feminine temptations and tendencies they're being tempted sexually. With the same sex but they're not practicing I think that's what I'm hearing you say people who have those temptations but they're not practicing they're not fulfilling the temptation or the tendency Well their appearance I'm sorry go ahead you're Steenie from from there are writers do all right you know I understand that . If a person is living a Christian life but they're struggling with a temptation that they know is out of harmony with God's will well that that would be the same as a person who is struggling with the temptation to commit adultery and they're married it's a it's a heterosexual temptation but they're resisting the temptation. There's a verse in oh let me see here Such were some of you this is where I need Pastor Ross. I'm looking up a verse here felt it 1st Corinthians 611 Let me read this to you and I think it is a pretty good slam dunk for for the question you're asking here in 1st Corinthians Chapter 6 verse 9 Don't you know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God Don't be deceived either fornicators or idolaters or adulterers or a feminine and that word is homosexuals nor abusers of themselves with mankind nor themes nor covetous nor drunkards nor violators nor store sinners shall inherit the kingdom of God and such were some of you Paul is writing to the Corinthians church he said some of you were a feminine homosexuals but you've been washed you've been saying to 5 even justified so there are people who have struggled with those tendencies that will obviously be forgiven and be saved that's the good news now on the other side your question was the part you're asking will there be dogs or pets in heaven Well we know there will be dogs in heaven whether the Lord is going to save pets from earth and they're going to receive everlasting life you know there's no real clear scripture on that it doesn't seem that there's anything in the Bible that tells us that the Lord died to save the souls of our pets but it certainly would not be a problem for the Lord to resurrect. You know beloved animals you know all things are possible with God You just can't really point to a scripture that says that hopefully that helps a little bit. Going to talk next to Merriam and she's also listening on w m c a. From Brooklyn New York Welcome Marion you're on the air. I've been to crash. I would like actual question that I was just going to a little early. Ok before I had a mini. Oh Ok God Oh Ok the morning star was Lucifer right and I was reading Little by little he became very proud and that's a little big for his bridge Ok and then he had some other angels that really wanted to over throw their oil why didn't the Lloyd knowing how evil and this truck full he is why didn't the noise just kill the dragon let's put it all right why didn't the Lord kill Lucifer right away when he began to rebel Well Lucifer was very clever in his politicking up in the kingdom he was saying you know God is unfair and he's putting these requirements on us that are unjust and he's using force and the devil was accusing God of being forceful if the Lord had just snapped his fingers and exterminated Satan many of the beings in the universe would begin to have questions say you know Lucifer spoke up and says spoke his mind and he was killed maybe he was telling the truth maybe God isn't all that good the Lord had to allow Lucifer to reveal his true character I hope that helps Mary and we're going to see if we get one more caller before we run out of time talking with James he's calling from Seattle Washington welcome James we've got about 2 minutes for your question well thanks for taking my call Doug and our I'm trying to get a quick I had a question regarding It's in the New Testament I can't quote any verse or or chapter but it's referring to will be. Or is referring to sheep and it's referring to They'll be other sheep John 10 verse 16 there you go and other you know I have that will not are not of this fold them also I must bring and they will hear my voice and there shall be one fold and one shepherd There you go. Are you wondering who the other sheep are yeah yeah exactly you know I mean yeah well keep in mind Jesus is His ministry was almost 100 percent among Jews all the 12 apostles were initially Jews they thought that it was just Jews that were going to hear about Jesus and accept him as the Messiah Christ was trying to say no I'm going to surprise you guys the gospels are not just for Jews it's going to go to the gentiles and the day is coming when there's going to be a lot more Gentiles in the church then Jews I've got other sheep they're going to hear my voice and that's what the in Acts chapter 10 Peter was shocked that Jesus told him to go preach to a gentile but gradually it they finally broke out of their shell and they went to these other sheep so I hope that helps a little bit o. Friends I wish we had more time and if you did not get your question in tonight I pray that you will don't give up on us give us another chance by the grace of God We'll be back next Sunday Don't forget to pray for the revival coming up if you want more information on this here we stand program simply go to 07 revive dot com and you'll see where I'm going to be in a little bit about that program keep in mind we are entirely a faith based ministry and you'll learn a lot more about what amazing facts has to offer you can listen to these programs watch our t.v. Programs get a log go to amazing facts dot au argy to find out more about the Tree of Life remember friends it's all about Jesus He's the truth that will set you free. This is being a prequel to broadcast the Bible and production of a minute if you would like. You are listening to. And again and again. And people are you. With us our new. Secretary of State says the Trump administration is revoking the visas of some Saudi officials implicated in the death of writer Jamal. Pompei announced the step at a State Department news conference Tuesday Vice President Mike Pence said earlier that death that Saudi Arabia's consulate in Istanbul Turkey quote will not go without an American response unquote the visa revocations of the 1st punitive measures taken by the administration against the Saudis since he disappeared after entering the consulate on October 2nd he said records are considered confidential and did not say which or how many Saudi officials would have their visas revoked Saudi authorities have detained 18 people in connection with death which officials say was an accident despite Turkish allegations that it was intentionally kill more details that News dot com. Is here for you. And physical services other services include pharmacy.

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