From the. Us to. Get. To know. With no one he gets to. Explore. The. 'd east to the. New Gold. Beat you. Come. To all. Of these things I suppose. Will bring new. Gold. Be good. I. Told her. This was. The. Balkans. To. Leave it all to. These losers. More sued. For. Smoking you. Lose their lives in news we. Will bring you complete. The last of the parties with come on to me all the way from Samoa because we begin our 2nd hour of praise and worship with today's music. Joy and family. And opening up our 2nd hour of. The Word of God 1st Timothy 3 1st 16 says it is from the father's heart that the strains the divine compassion manifest in Christ flow out to the children of Man Jesus the tender pitying savior misguide manifest in the flesh as 1st Timothy the reach verse 16. Father God in heaven we just pray that is we begin the 2nd hour more than the one another week of life to praise you to worship look human father that you'll be with us in a very unique way. Or speak to our hearts. In such a way that we would know. That God the universe the whole. Later. Hands. This hand. And it is Jason. Pierce. And we pray. Promised yesterday that it was going to read from steps to Christ. Here's Part 3 using the scripture that we just read or use Timothy 316. Jesus of course reading from steps to Christ again still in chapter one Jesus did not suppress one word of truth but he uttered it always in love he exercised the greatest tact and fought full. Attention in his intercourse with the people he was never rude never needlessly spoke a severe word never gave needless pain to a sensitive soul and he did not censor human weakness he spoke the truth but. He denounced the bureaucracy unbelief and iniquity. Tears were in a surprising. Scathing. He wept over Jerusalem the city. Which refused to receive the way the truth and the life they had rejected him the Savior but he regarded them with flaming tenderness. With. Music a little bit. And. He regarded them. With pitying tend. Inus. His life was one of self-denial and thoughtful care for others every soul was precious in his eyes. All the ever bore himself with dignity divine dignity he bowed with the tenderest regard to every member of the family of guy. In all men he saw fallen souls who it was his mission to save such is the character Christ has revealed in his life this is the character of God thank you Father thank You for these words found in the 1st chapter of steps to Christ's on Joy f l. or hell sly rather on your joy of. Praying that the Lord will always find his faithful friend to him he meant. More Love and more power. In our guy on Joy. What's the difference between a caterpillar and a butterfly a tent pole and a bullfrog a kernel of corn and a stock full of corn any God intervenes to bring new life and joy there's a difference between our desire to broadcast the good news and our ability to actually reach thousands with a life giving message that difference is God intervening 3 your financial support thank you for helping bring new life to our community family friendly radio joy ephemeral net. 18 minutes past the hour of 5 o'clock on this Friday afternoon in the weather for heads to Israel announced earlier there is a tropical depression with depression 30 w. Is forming west of we know its center and west of to clear it $7.00 north and a $150.00 east moving west at 21 miles per hour with maximum sustained winds of 30 miles per hour this is about 555 miles southeast of Rhoda and 595 miles south southeast of Tenney and and Sipe in it is expected to turn toward the northwest tonight as it gradually strengthens passing south a qualm tomorrow afternoon as a tropical storm scatter to numerous showers in Islip thunderstorms will develop across to me an insight into March is to winds will increase to between 20 and 30 miles per hour with gusts up to 30 I'm sorry 40 miles per hour in the heavier showers Saturday and Saturday night winds and seas will become hazardous to small crafts early tomorrow morning so please be aware that stay out of the water service currently hazardous along the west facing rains due to the ongoing long period from distant typhoon try. Surf could become hazardous along the south or knees chasing raised by tomorrow afternoon due to tropical depression 30 w. Passing to the south rain could be heavy at times causing ponding on roads and in low lying areas tomorrow all the way through Sunday the heaviest rainfall totals will be south of Tinian by but 2 to 4 inches of rainfall are possible across to new insight and through Sunday night so be aware of that listening friends will see the sun go down as most people want to know as the Sabbath comes in 613 is when we can rejoin in the 7th day sabbath for our God is with you his children coming back with more music on your radio joy after. What you listen to does matter a radio station over and over but Minister to be in ways that I just knew I needed going for something and somebody had to say exactly what you need to hear really absolutely change my mood I don't know where I'd be without it it's just reality it's strictly just like you that is he's a guitar different gives you the kind of message that you need and what you need is just restraint to go through the day helping you through your day in your life this is Joy a family friendly radio joy ephemera. We are praising him. Praying at the same time the Lord looking to put his hands. Malory hope on your radio joy with today's music looking back at me looking for a clinic for your family the 7th Day Adventists Kong clinic is here for you we provide medical dental I want and physical therapy services other services include pharmacy radiology. Laboratory we accept their stay with care and try care to schedule an appointment at 646-888-1646 extension 8881 or stop by the Clearly today on a borrowed into many of the 7 big advantages clearly your health is our mission. And it's now $530.00 on the clock so let's take a look at what's going on. From the joint information center at the governor Eddie in Rear Admiral Shoshana Chatfield commander in joint region Marianas anticipate placing Guam and the respective military bases in condition of readiness 3 at 7 pm this evening at condition of readiness 3 damaging winds of 39 to 57 miles per hour are expected within 44 hours although the tropical depression does not currently have damaging winds it is expected to intensify into a tropical storm by this evening meaning tropical storm force winds are possible the top of depression is about 545 miles southeast of Guam 555 miles southeast of rota and 595 miles south southeast of Tinian and pan with maximum sustained winds of 30 miles per hour it is expected to gradually strengthen passing south of Guam Saturday afternoon as a tropical storm the closest point of approach is forecast about 5 pm tomorrow Saturday but inclement weather is expected before during and after the storm makes its closest point of approach scattered to numerous showers and isolated thunderstorms will develop through tomorrow Saturday east winds will increase to between 20 and 30 miles per hour with gusts to. 40 miles per hour in heavier showers tomorrow and Saturday night any north word a deviation of the current forecast track good or would bring stronger winds to Guam particularly in the southern villages winds in seas will become hazardous to small craft early tomorrow morning service currently hazardous on long the west facing race and serve could become hazardous along the south and east facing raised by tomorrow afternoon. But the Marianas rain is expected to be heavy at times causing ponding on roads and in low lying waters Saturday through Sunday up to 2 inches of rain are possible through Sunday night and locally higher amounts. So keep your. Friends and booking abuse much as we can and as far as information this concern. For the storm. Is now 532 on the clocks and we are coming back to more music but 1st this. Place where you the dog did every option that place where if one more negative thing happens you're likely to fall to pieces maybe you're there now they'll be those who come along and point out where you messed up they aren't always helpful but they try to be there are those who say something like just take it to Jesus of course they're right but sometimes it's hard to know how to do that when your worst case scenario hits you square in the face you need friends who will sit across and pray with you maybe they don't say anything but their presence somehow makes a difference you also need to get on the job training in who Jesus is in the tough times he doesn't always make the tough times banish the one who quietly sits with you while you pray listening to their deepest heard rolling around in places. That's the Jesus we share that's Jesus in the real world from joy and the. Family from a radio am radio dot net on the next adventure in Odyssey Olivia thinks it's time for a change I said obviously the largest room but when the kids take matters into their own hands gosh. Things get out of control who could that be probably Grandma join the Parker family for an epic switch or oh next time on it then she's an odyssey don't miss the clock Sunday morning right here on your family friendly radio joyous. The radio engine here make sure we stay on the air. And announcer make sure you hear what you need to hear thank you for listening to Joy there are those who answer phones the country of. Those who read your email thank you for all you do to Tesla and those who provide financial support we love it when we all work together thanks for being a part of our team this is Joy f.m. Family friendly radio. Joy f.m. Radio dot. Cue To. Clear. Featuring all sons and daughters and that was coing out to you listening friends coming from our brother John in c n n y thanks to you Brother John I needed to hear that about you listening friends praise the Lord for our brothers and sisters in the sea and who we are lifting up Family friendly radio. Continuing to praise him along with you. On this beautiful Friday afternoon anticipating the wonderful Sabbath and hours ahead. For 711011003231113 for the time remaining for your song for your prayer requests today. And as many as before. And Hira Newbold news. I asking for On joy. And I knew this request was going to come up and it did because really mean to be trusting in the Lord especially for the next 24 hour say men here from the c.n.n. My each and every one of us Laura. Oh . No. Be. A. Be. A. Look a no. No you. Decided. To. Do. A song. Sing. It. And. On my. Side. Close out that tropical depression 30 w. Is moving northwest word toward the Marianas and the storm watch remains in effect for Guam and. The storm watch means that a tropical storm condition or the conditions including damaging winds of 39 miles per hour or greater are possible within the next 24 hours. At 4 pm today the center of. 30 w. Was located near latitude point 5 degrees north and long to do 49.5 to. Drop a good impression 30 w. Is moving north west in 18 mph very. You will. Stay. In so 30 w. Is expected to continue this direction with a slight decrease in forward through Saturday this track would bring 30 west south of or 3 tropical storm depression 30 us south of Guam Saturday afternoon the maximum sustained winds are estimated at 30 miles per hour and that trouble the depression 30 w. Is forecast to steadily intensify likely becoming a tropical storm later on tonight because the in to subpoena threat of Tropical Depression governor Ralph Taurus in the c n n Why is declaring tropical storm condition 3 for the island of Rhoda as of 5 pm this afternoon and tropical storm condition means that tropical storm conditions including damaging winds of 39 miles per hour or greater are possible that's for the c n n why the emergency operation center state warning point will be monitoring the movement of tropical depression 30 w. So keep your heart on Jesus friends let's continue to pray for islands of chook. Yes Well and and and the young of gone Thank you Father God for be with us as we know you are faithful and we praise you Lord is your Sabbath draws near that we can through this be in the refuge of the holy hours of the Sabbath in Jesus.

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