For over 40 years amazing thing has been dedicated to sharing God's word through media this program features highlights from some of our best television broadcasts . Invite you to sit back and enjoy this edition of amazing things prisons. Today's presentation is an excerpt from the Millennium prophecy video series. Well friends tonight we have an exciting study we're going to be talking about the which of indoor the bible subject on what happens when you die you know one thing we do know we're only here for a little while we pay taxes right. And if you live long enough you're going to die right but people are so confused about one of the most important questions in life and that's what happens next we're going to find out what the Bible teaches on that do you believe the Bible Let's go to our lesson in our store called for tonight dealing with the Witch of indoor and we'll see what we can learn Let's go to our 1st question and find out what the Bible teaches about this issue of what happens when you die question number one 1st let's look at our store called. Was the form that Saul saw actually Samuel the prophet or was it something else answer 1st kings 2222 and he said I'll go forth and I will be a lying spirit you here in Manhattan if you got your lessons drilled out you say the answers with me at home call them out helps you remember better aligned spirit are there spirits out there that lie evidently Yes revelation 1614 tells us for they are the spirits of devils working miracles these fallen angels called demons and devils can create allusions Remember Satan was an angel of light he understood the power of the light manipulating light and creating 3 dimensional holograms and illusions the devil can do that and he can project himself in ways that will deceive question number 2 do the dead come back to converse with or to haunt the living now this is a very important subject we need to understand what the Bible says what you believe the Bible I hope that you'll go with what the Scriptures say all right listen to what Job says a godly man Bible says He was perfect speaking of that their job says and 1421 his son has come to honor and he no will it not Furthermore it tells us a please yes these 9 verse 5 and 6 the dead know not anything now that's so important I want to say it again this is Solomon speaking the wisest man who ever lived he said that dead know not how much they don't know anything how much do the dead know. That's what the Bible says and it's should be very clear to you now stay with me and I'm going to answer every one of your questions you might have from the Bible Furthermore it goes on to say the memory of them is forgotten also there are love say it with me and their hatred and their ending is now perished. Neither have they any more a portion for ever in anything that is done under the sun now when it says they don't have a portion forever some people think does that mean that they never live again no it says under the sun that means they never come back in this life or under this sun so it's telling us when the dead die they don't come back and haunt anybody you can read Ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 9 and 6 are verse $5.06 for there is no work nor device nor knowledge nor wisdom in the grave where you're going here's some additional scriptures that are not in your lesson you might write them down there's hundreds of scriptures in the Bible on this subject we don't have room for them all Psalm $115.00 King David said the dead prays not the Lord now if you die you go right to heaven and like one of our interviewer said everybody goes to heaven you think the 1st thing you do if you got there especially if you didn't deserve it you'd be praising the Lord right is telling us here the dead don't praise the Lord Psalm $65.00 in death there is no remembrance of be then you can also go on to Joel $710.00 and there's another one he shall return no more to his house do they come back and haunt their houses no Bible says that they do not return Furthermore death cannot celebrate the Isaiah $3818.00 it says it Psalms $146.00 verse 4 his thoughts perish Now this is a small sampling of what you find in the Bible and we're going to give you some more from the New Testament. Number 3 according to The Book of Revelation who has the keys of death Revelation 118 Jesus said I am He that liveth and was dead and behold I am alive forevermore and I have the keys of the hell and death who is it that has the keys to unlock the grave Jesus does Jesus is the resurrection He is the life he is the one that will bring people back when does he do it as soon as they die or at the resurrection there's been so much confusion everybody knows the judgment is the last day and there's a lot of scriptures on that and the resurrection is the last day and yet some people think a soon as you die you go right to heaven and people say no why are we going right to heaven then why does Jesus come back to resurrect the dead in Christ if there are already resurrected and lot of confusion on this let's keep going here number 4 How did God make man in the beginning perhaps if we take a look to start with and what the original plan was we will better understand the process of what happens when you die the Bible tells us in Genesis 2 verse 7 and the Lord God formed man of the 1 dust of the ground and he breathed into hears and nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul you notice it does not say man was given the soul its as man became a soul the combination of the breath of life with the elements of earth makes the soul Jesus now the Bible says All things that were made were made by him right without him was not anything made so who created Adam Any He is our creator and our redeemer and after he formed Adam from the dust of the earth. There all the organs were in place and everything was perfect except there was no life he breathed this power of life the breath of life into him and then he became a living soul doesn't say he gave him oh soul Ok let's read on here Question number 5 of what happens then at death it's the reverse process please yes these 12 or 7 tells us then the dust shall return to the earth as it was in the spirit returns the God who gave it and somebody being in there you have it done when a person dies then the spirit returns to God who gave it and the Spirit is this conscious little ghost butterfly comes out of you and flutters off to be with God and waits until Jesus comes back for the resurrection you don't find that hot in the Bible anywhere that there is conscious ghost a matter of fact if you read in the Bible it tells us that not only the righteous Ecclesiastes the 12 also tells us the wicked indeed the animals it says the breath of life all creatures goes back to God who gave it he the breath of life is that word that's used in job where he says all the while my breath is in me and the Spirit of God is in my nostrils what I have in your nostrils Well that's the wrong question you breathe with your nose right it's telling us you have a ghost up your nose some people think the spirit that it's speaking of here that returns the god is this ghost that jumps out of the body and flies off to heaven now some are saying wait. Bible teaches to be absent from the body is to be present to the Lord and I believe that that's perfectly true you know it confuses people when a person dies do they have any consciousness of time passing Have any of you had a hard day's work and you get your 6 hours of sleep but the alarm rings and it seems like just moments after you close your eyes or have a day like that no cut and that's when you're still alive right how much less awareness of time do you think you have when your dad. Now for somebody who died in the saved condition a 1000 years ago their next conscious thought is when the Lord descends from Heaven for them to be absent from the body to be present with the Lord their next conscious not they're caught out of their graves or raptured up to meet the Lord in the air and social they ever be with the Lord that's why Paul said that but for those of us who live in this dimension of time it hasn't happened yet this is what confuses people God is not restricted to time to question number 6 where the dead go when they die answered Job 2132 yet shall he be brought to the grave and shall remain in the tomb John 528 and 29 all that are in the graves shall hear is voice and come forth where are the dead now says he remains in the tomb and when Jesus comes there in the grave if that's clear let me hear you say amen Ok i'm just want to make sure that I'm making this subject clear I remember when I answered very much like some of the people on the screen a matter of fact I probably picked on all of those answers at one time in my searching I believe that we came back as different things and then for a while I thought everybody was going in and I was just kind of grasping what happens when you die I was so relieved to find out what really is taught by the Bible it makes so much sense Ok number. Well mine number 7. 0 wait did I miss a question or you have a magazine up there look at this life after death science the search for meaning in near death experiences now this is where a lot of people get confused what happens when you die there's a lot I read a book I read in a magazine that I bought at the supermarket checkout stand gotta watch out for those magazines right I read about someone who died on the operating table and they were hold the rain above the operating table and they could see their body and they died their heart stopped and they died and they were going to go to heaven and they asked the Lord for one more chance and it came back into the body have you heard the story number 7 that the Bible makes it plain that King David is see now we all know about David who killed Goliath good King David how many of you believe he's going to be saved. Bible calls him a man after God's own heart Jesus is called the Son of David if you've got any assurance that someone's going to make it Dave is going to make it what is the Bible tell us about where he is now actually after 2 verse 29 Peter is preaching this is the New Testament dispensation New Testament theology Men and brethren let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David that he is bold What does it say dead and Barry and his simple occurs to me is with us unto this day Acts 234 tells us that David is not ascended into heaven and now friends I don't know if we could be more specific than that David is dead he's buried he's not in Heaven Is that clear to you is there anyone in heaven now what the Bible teach Yeah how many of you remember when Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration Mark Chapter 9 what 2 Old Testament characters appeared to him Moses and Elijah Ok Moses died you read the book of Jude it's as Michael came in resurrected him and Jewish tradition tells us not in the Bible but Jewish tradition builds us 3 days after his death the Lord resurrected him there is no grave for Moses we've got every reason to believe that he's alive he appeared to Jesus secondarily how did he lie just get to heaven he went in a fiery chariot who else was translated in the Old Testament without dying in the Bible says He walked with God and God took him after he had Methuselah his son you know I like to ask this trick question sometimes who is the oldest man that ever lived people say Methuselah the Foozle is the oldest man who ever died. In x. The oldest man who ever lived because he's never died yet right. Now I think we're ready for question number 8 but isn't it true. That the soul is immortal and that only the body dies how many of you have heard about the immortal soul we all have an immortal soul you maybe heard songs and sermons and books and poems about the immortal soul All right I'm willing to turn a camera around that's risky in New York City and ask anybody to show me a scripture in the Bible that says we have an immortal soul there is no scripture in the Bible that says if the church is thought this for thousands of years it must be true let's find out what the Bible does say about our immortality Ok Does that sound fair All right. 18 for the soul that's in it. Die now if a soul dies it's not immortal immortal means you can't die says the soul that sins will die that settles it it's not immortal you go on job for 17 shall mortal men be more unjust then God know obviously not what kind of man we're mortal we don't have immortality yet 1st Timothy 61516 to the King of Kings the Lord of Lords who only half immortality who is it in this life that only has immortality God The Lord is the only one then the 1st lie in the Bible is when the devil said either you will not surely die God so that you eat the fruit you're going to die and friends you know what Eve is dead today am I right she died Incidentally some people say no. Gods that in the day that you eat it you'll die she didn't die that day yes she did in she died spiritually that day Furthermore you remember reading where the Bible says 2nd Peter chapter 3 a day with the Lord is as a 1000 years and a 1000 years as a day. What's the longest that any men live Methuselah how long they live 969 years nobody lived a 1000 years they all died in the day spiritually the day they ate the fruit physically within the 1st millennium Ok they were living by virtue of probation that Jesus purchase them so the devil said you'll not really die isn't it sad now that pastors are telling congregations what the devil 1st told me so you don't really die your immortal. Of the Bible doesn't teach that does it number 9 when will the righteous be given immortality now will we get immortality Yes but when is the question 1st Corinthians 1551 to 53 we shall all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and this this what this mortal will put on what this mortal will put on immortality when does the mortal become immortal when the dead are raised when the Lord descends Isn't that what the Bible teaching us very very clear friends number 10 how does the Bible repeatedly refer to death John 1111 Jesus said our friend Lazarus sleeping last and then he went on to explain Lazarus is dead so how did Jesus call dead our sweep Matthew 27 verse 52 and the graves were opened and many bodies of the saints which slept or rose. I threw in Psalms 113 verse 3 consider hear me Oh Lord my God and light in my eyes lest I sleep dust leap of death so here you can see I wanted to put that additional passage in there that they do sleep they do die there are approximately a dozen resurrections in the Bible the big question everybody wants to know is what happens when you die how long was Lazarus dead for days and Jesus rose him from the grave or now did last hours after being dead for days let's suppose you go right to Heaven as some so many people think when you die Lazarus died he's up in heaven he's checking out his new mansion singing with the angels walking on golden streets checking out his new wings and almost right now after 4 days. He's back in a grave wrapped up like a mummy in grave clothes and he says Thank You Lord would you be grateful for that or did you hear Lazarus make a comment and say look I was down burning in the fires of hell thank you so much for rescuing me don't you think that if you could went right to your reward at death before the judgment of the resurrection there'd be some comments from one of the 12 people who were raised from the dead in the Bible you know what they all say about it. 0 silence nothing no commentary on the biggest question if anybody in the world today had been dead for 4 days and came back to life every new thinker in the world it's why with helicopters they get there anyway they could lights would be blazing they'll say they put the microphones in the face of what happened right in my right the Bible on this subject they said nothing you know why what did we learn to live in oh they'll die but the dead know not anything Number 11 since wizards witches and psychics cannot contact that then who are they contacting. Answer They are the spirits of devils working miracles and I want to jump right to question 12 and I'm going to talk about some difficult issues here why this saying one has to believe that the spirits of the dead are really alive how does this play into prophecy Matthew 242-4254 there shall arise false Christs and false prophets and they will show great signs and wonders sole effect of it says in as much that if it were possible they would deceive the very elect behold I told you in advance the devil and his demons are going to perform signs and wonders to deceive the world just like they deceived Saul remember Saul was a leader among God's people now in the last days. Jesus warned us in prophecy there is going to be major deceptions in the world I think it's interesting that it says in Revelation Chapter 16 that 3 unclean spirits like from come out of the mouth of the beast the dragon and the false prophet and they make their way into the Kings the leaders of the earth to deceive them to gather them together to the battle of Armageddon the leaders of the world's kingdoms are being deceived by the Spirit. I think is really interesting a few years ago Nancy Reagan actually had an astrological calendar it's not a rumor it's true she admits it she would use in governing in Ronald Reagan's appointments she was a lot more into it than he was especially after the assassination attempt she the egg get to consult his zodiac sign and schedule things according to that that should unnerve you to think world leaders are making decisions based on what the lucky stars are saying. And Hillary Clinton kind of played it off when she was trying to consult with a friend who is a medium with Eleanor Roosevelt you remember that played it down when people began to question that but you'd be surprised how many of these people in high places are spiritualistic in the devil is going to use demons impersonating departed world leaders impersonating departed loved ones to guide them oh wait I've got more I want to show you yeah I grabbed this one how to contact your loved ones in heaven now they're making it look like Billy Graham is giving information on how to contact your loved ones he's not he's not into that they they twist things this is from this month's People magazine People magazine was quoting a poll from USA Today that says almost 70000000 Americans say they think it's possible to communicate with the dead are you aware that churches 50 years ago did not believe this the way they do today churches are being influenced by the movie industry that is so into the ghost and talking to the dead how do you know just how much there is on that in the media the world is being bombarded and men's Marlise been bamboozled with this false teaching now you've got 70000000 Americans thinking yeah the dead people can talk to us the devil is set in the stage to deceive the whole world with these deceptive spirits that's why you've got to know what the Bible really teaches are you will be among the deceived Where are the dead now they're sleeping good and evil both are sleeping and I'll explain more tomorrow why that is good news all right now let's go to our answer for question number 13 how effective will Satan strategies be revelation 823 by thy sorceries we're all nations to see and the movie industry in T.V.'s are setting the stage. How does God regard these miracles by evil angles should we get involved Leviticus 20 verse 27 a man also or a woman that hat is a wizard shall surely be put to death and I'm not telling you to go out there and murder these psychics I'm just saying in the Old Testament theocracy that's how they treated people that did their Furthermore 1st 741 some shall depart from the faith giving heed to do scenes spirits and doctrines of devils Paul as prophesied in the last days people would give heed to seducing spirits can you see why we've got to understand this in the light of prophecy or we can be to see the lation fivers 1021. 5 verse 11 Thank You have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness. Sorceries they sorcerers they still have their part in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone which is the 2nd death now friends the Bible is telling as a Christian should not in any way shape or form be involved in the occult spirit mediums when I grew up here in this city my mother was in show business and if you remember. A series they had on t.v. Years ago called dark shadow. That family that acted in that were good friends of ours I told you my mother was in. Show business and they come to our house and we go to theirs we have to the people who actually acted in those were very much into the spirit world we had are we bored and are saying answers and we try to talk to Abraham Lincoln and Kennedy and all these different people and you know what things happen supernatural things happen eerie things used to happen it was real but it wasn't from Abe Lincoln and John Kennedy it was from devils. And a lot of people still think that they can play with the devil like that and it's very very dangerous something for the Lord save me from that number 15 what glorious power does God offer his people for Libyans 3 verse 10 that I might know him and the power of His resurrection friends the Bible is very clear that Jesus is the one who can give his life you know the most important thing is the Bible tells us he that has the Son has life he that has not the son has not life you don't need to be afraid of death friends because Jesus makes it possible for each one of us of us to live eternally we found out about that place and you can be there think you will be right through the use of force. When I learned the truth on this subject friends you have no idea it was as though a burden had roles my shoulders that had been crushing me my whole life how many of you thought hell is this cavern down yonder somewhere you know you've all heard that that comes from Greek mythology you got eternal life or eternal death but not eternal conscious burning. The Bible says there is one truth and the truth will set you free my friends amazing facts are so excited to tell you about our new prophecy study Bible it's filled with everything you could ever want in a bible Scott the maps red letter edition cordons and all 27 of the amazing facts Bible study guides are in here to help you in your personal study and to help you study the Word with your friends if you'd like to know how you can get a copy of this incredible study Bible call the toll free number on the screen or go to our website amazing facts dot au argy. My friends the Bible teaching regarding what happens when you die is one of the most misunderstood doctrines out there today it's very important we understand what God has revealed in His word to avoid diabolical deception for example even though the Bible strictly forbids attempting to Munich ation with a did you still claim Christians today who seek out mediums and psychics would like to share more about what the Bible says regarding this important subject so our free gift for you today is a study guide and titled are the dead really dead and it will discover how much the Bible has to say about this critical topic and will send it to you absolutely free if you simply call the toll free number on your screen and ask for offer number 170 or you can write a set of these facts offer 117 pill box 1050 of those will California 95. 70. Well that's all the time we have today for this edition of Maysan facts present until we meet again never the encouraging promises Jesus isn't into my word the are my disciples and you shall know the truth and the truth such as. This is your opportunity to take advantage of this week's special offer just call the toll free number on your screen and be sure to note the offer number when you make your requests you may also visit our website at amazing facts dot org Thank you for watching amazing facts present the preceding was a paid presentation brought to you by amazing facts Incorporated. Hi I'm one play Phipps and welcome to another program of the more abundant life God's given me a message for you today stay tuned I pray his spirit will speak directly to your heart but 1st a little music. Power As we come to the end of this communion service that is the thing that we just take a moment to reflect. On the sacrifice Christ has made in order for us to be saved this word sacrifice is a word not thought of a lot in our culture. It is a word more 50 of Bible times it seems than of this modern era in which we live you know the Bible speaks of sacrifice and one form of another. Over 800 times in the Old and New Testament undoubtably sacrifice isn't a popular concept try to teach that to young people today I tell I told the class this morning a young folks that long and get this short term pleasure their returns long term pain with short term pain reaps long term pleasure. Sacrifice even Christians of today don't know what it means to really sacrifice you know some aren't even willing to sacrifice the time and effort it takes to study their Bibles you know I'm telling the truth today. In the Old Testament sacrifice was an offering offered to a day at Tate as though he were slaughtering an animal sometimes it was a person sacrifices also giving up something up tremendous value to you John 316 says God so loved the world that he sacrificed gave his only son worth. Is a form of sacrifice halleluiah one where it's been said that most middle class Americans tend to worship their work they work at their play. And they play at their worst fear and as a result their values that they're stored but there's a story in the Scriptures that I want to share with you today that brings home the power of sacrifice you see may have the end of his life David started listening to and pain more attention to the mainstream's around him then he was to the God who went before. David began to believe his own press he became a member with the customs and traditions of the the mentors that were about him and his heart became filled with pride and ambition and a desire for praise and honor and so Bateman decided that he would expand Israel's army and prove that Israel's army was the greatest in the work he said upon a course to count all the people in the Kenya find out how many were fighting 80 David wanted to show the world that their spring cleaning from their army and not from their God The Bible says that God moved David against the people to say Go number Israel your Bibles if you have your Bibles turn with me to the book of 2nd salmiya I don't know about you but I love my Bible. A man that is something about the Word of God The book of 2nd seminar praises holy name I thank God Chapter 24 The Book of Psalms 2nd Samuel. And the Bible says verse one again but anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel . And what. He moved deem it against them to say Go number Israel and do it and I was a curious text all it really says brothers and sisters is that when you are not in the center of God's Will God removes his prompting from you and in that way it says that God moved David in other words when God comes out of your life you will feel promptings to do things that are not in harmony with His will. A man. The Bible speaking of the same incident in 1st Chronicles 21 says that Satan provoked David to number is or it isn't that I'm teaching this morning is that all right 1st Chronicles 21 so it says regarding moved a bit and now look at over the 1st Chronicles 21 and it says And speaking of the same incident and say then stood out against Israel and did what. Profile they did to number Israel. At 1st glance this may seem to be and the power to contradict it. But as you screen for the flavor and the meaning of what the scriptures are trying to tell us it seems as though in Scripture when God removes this hammer protection in order to pass the eyes all punishes people that this is described as one of the ways God moves against you. Is that clear when God moves his hands of protection and Satan provokes you to do wrong it is in that way acknowledge that it is a way that God moves against you in other words for God to teach us a lesson he doesn't always have to send trouble to us to punish us all he has to do is stand back. Remove the head of protection he's place about us that's why act when tragedy happens you almost feel God he did do it when he allowed that event or church God can move against us just by withdrawing How can I make this clear is my church listening to me this morning God can move again just by withdrawing his blessing from. Despite withdrawing his support he moves on. You listen to me that you see God has many weapons with with to punish our lack of faith for me and one of the most terrible of those weapons is to remove from our lives his presence his protection the deep and personal interest that he takes in us Oh I don't want to have a loose then I don't want to have regard to say on the other I'm not interested in what happens to win to lead a day. Sometimes all God has to do to punish us is to allow us to deal with the fiery furnace of our problems alone. Wherever James 113 it says Let no man say when he is tempted I am tempted have god called God cannot be tempted with evil and I have attempt to heal any man there to see if you're a Christian whatever cry all whatever trouble comes to you you must accept that God did it to come to you for rings or sometimes we know the reason that evil comes to us sometimes it is a direct consequence of our sin but then sometimes we don't always know the reason and sometimes it is not for us to know the reason for our trials on our test it ought to be enough for us that God has permitted it I don't understand it all and that was goddess permitted you remember Satan couldn't get the job until he 1st came by God I want you to know he can never get to you until he 1st comes by the Lord you know what the servant of God says He says that Jesus when you give your life to Christ he surrounds every soul that is surrendered to him with its presence and whenever Satan person strikes a blow on you that blows as the servant of God falls on Jesus for when your questions are a man Jesus sort of around you with his presser and whatever blow Satan strikes did you know that 1st falls on Jesus because He surrounds you and then whatever comes to you comes. From a. Clue. So the Bible tells us God moved David against. When Satan saw that David was out divine protection the Bible says the Satan provoked baby to number is or isn't that something when you're not in harmony with God's will Satan can really get the best of your game he can provoke you there was nothing wrong God says Take your time. Sometimes God speaks to me and says Just take you 10 there was nothing wrong in counting the people God himself had ordered it done before what was wrong was that David was seeking to make it appear that it was Israel's army and not God that made us strong so David full of pride what are people to see the scribes of Israel it may mean under his leadership and at that moment David was motivated by pride and self-confidence he was standing in his own strength putting his spade in the numbers the Bible tells us the god was displeased sent his servant to David saying and you can go with me Come on back let's go to that chapter 24 2nd Samuel Chapter 24 verse 10 David's heart smote him after that he had numbered the people and David said to the Lord I have sinned greatly in that I have done and now I beseech you all or take away the iniquity of your servant for I have done very foolishly and want you to just keep your hand there for a minute you see brothers and sisters the Bible says that God was displeased sent a servant of David saying tell David that because of this evil thing that he had done I'm going to offer him one of 3 punishments and you can read it when you get home a man that I have there 3 years of famine. 3 months of being overtaken by his enemies or 3 beings of pestilence. Play that was brought on by the destroying angel of the Lord of the Bible says that David said a lot of when he looked at those 3 options they even said a lot of let me fork into the hands of the lot for at least I know the Lord is merciful. I read a quote that once server logs saved me from my hands of an angry Christian. They would said don't let me fall into the hands of man Amen. Let me fall into the hands of God for at least I didn't know he's marks or. So he said I'll take the place. And so the 1st day of the lot sent a plague upon Israel 7000 men die on the 1st day the next day God sent to enable this time to destroy all of Jerusalem and as the angel was doing his work suddenly God said Wait hold it hold it because David lifted up his eyes saw the angel of the law standing between Earth and Heaven so far but Angel with his soul or drawn him in one hand his other hand stretched out over the city in other words the angel said I'm coming to describe the city they began to praying said Lord it is I who commanded the people to be numbered It was hard to see them and done this evil lot describe me and my family don't destroy your people the Lord said alright babe or I'm talking about sacrifices. Lots have a rich set up an altar on the threshing floor the threshing floor of on the Deputy side and offer sacrifice and David went on and said Please please let me have your threshing floor that I made an altar unto the Lord and that this play may be stopped I'll pay you full price then the Bible says on and turn back or thank you Jesus for His Holy Word Amen and there you can find out her look at verse 21 and verse 22 and you'll find that when you get home you can read it you can just jump through it now the Bible says on and turned back he saw the angel too and septic Now stay with me get this 1st of all David saw the destroying angel about to destroy Jerusalem the Lord's Prayer I will spare the city but you gotta go on and. Ask for his threshing floor as an altar when he went to ornament on it looked up saw the angel himself and this is what I want and said Pinney need I saw the destroying angel you can have my threshing floor you don't have the paid anything for it you can use my work for the fire and use my oxen for the burnt offering use the wheat as a meat offering him you can have the question for am to sacrifice I give it all to you the Bible says the King David said no on and I must buy it from you for full price and here's what here's what David said for I cannot take what is yours and give it to the low I'm talking about sacrifice. And then here's what they said for how can I offer a sacrifice unto the law. That cost me nothing. And so the Bible said David paid on and I thank God for His we're going to. 101600 pounds of gold that's a lot of gold built an altar offered sacrifices unto the Lord and as David prayed over the altar the Lord rained down from heaven on to be altered commanded the aim to put away its hold and when I read that word from David I want you to know take the time it can hear my heart it's not me dead in my tracks they were saying on an on off on a sacrifice that cost me nothing brothers and sisters here's here's the crux of this the same spot on I'm stressing floor was the place where Abraham had built it all time to offer up I is a kiss on. That same spot was made in Poland by our great deliverance that send spot was the spot that David chose as the sight of good temper that was the rejected by Solomon and that same spot was made of Holy Bible empty typical sacrifice of the lamb for it pointed to was Christ that would bring salvation to sinful man and now my money goes in flight to a place not far from on instruction law to a day when judgment come over the universe like God Doc and this question the destroying angel stood over us with sword prone. The destiny of the whole human race hung in the balance as the law of garb stood in Europe to him on our demand didn't reparation at the law of God was demitted payment for say standing in pileups Hall of Judgment stood our sinless Lord arrayed in mocking purple They took him marks to him down the road of sorrow a crowd of songs placed upon his head of the stream on his back they dragged him up a hill called Calvary and he painted beneath the butter fold up the mean little old this was the cup he had asked a sponsor to let it pass this was the cup the trembled in his hand in the goblet get 70 when they reached the crest of the guard Gotha they lucre upon the grass. Talking about the sacrifice stretched our Savior on it made him and his of. The limb to the wood and then lifted him high bowed his hear closed his eyes rest room in the documents of a mysterious agony father. Where. Why ask how to speak and me. My friend noticed you know Brooks used to sing he could call 10000 means to destroy the world and set him free but instead he hung in there under the sentence of a justice he didn't deserve or. He hung. With the whole system held a raid against him and he risks so gloriously on Calvary's cross I mean wrestled until sin was condemned and the enemy of our souls was distro on here. Until the covenant of grace was signed her Luna. Until our pardon was ratified. Until the death of sin was cancer. Until the law could have gone almost quenched. Up perfect some nice spending between our crumbling souls and the uplifted salt of judgment in hunger until all our iniquities were laid on him and he hung on till he was no good with the transgressors and this morning this day before I leave you I passed by my own Calvary and I see him I see him lifted high I'm not bold to wonder of this creature sacrifice and there from the foot of the cross on bended knee you can hear me but I'm whispering Jesus you couldn't found a mother all. Didn't have to be this cruel cruel. You could have created another sacrifice and I would have been grateful but broken body. Why the cross piece of what I did. And I hear him whispering back to me from cows Oh god awful. Let me. K.f.t. a 91.9 f.m. . And 89.9 f.m. . The time is now. Looking for a clinic for your family is 7 dead clinic is here for you to provide medical dental I and physical therapy services other services include pharmacy radiology laboratory we accept select care stay with. Care to schedule an appointment at 646-886-4688 extension 8 or stop by the clinic today. At the 7 big clinic is our mission. When is the last time I had a day of no arguing with my spouse how can I be a good parent to my kid does marriage get any better. These are the questions that many people ask themselves every single day and wouldn't it be nice to hear answers for a change family life today is a program the not only answers these hard questions but it also helps strengthen your relationship with God and your family you can catch family life today Monday through Thursday. Right here on.