This way the media the ham go back to. 7 days. Before weigh stock and human Africa. And has an abundant. 7th Day Adventist Church a program upon. The . Door seems quite true. Coming up next please stay tuned for it is written presented by Pastor John Bradshaw. It has stood the test of time. By. Still relevant in today's complex. It is. Sharing hold. On John Bradshaw thanks for joining me today on it is written most people when they hear the name Rockefeller think of a very rich American family or maybe the Rockefeller Center in New York City which is home to such famous places as Radio City Music Hall and Christie's the world's largest auction house. Yet for many years the name Rockefeller was hated and despised it was a symbol of corporate greed with the more powerful would sweep away the weaker and acquire more and more and more for themselves no matter who got crushed along the way. No wonder the founder of the dentist e. John d. Rockefeller started in the oil business in Cleveland during the 800 s. And through a series of backroom deals he created a monster a monopoly of Standard Oil. Because it was so large a Standard Oil could cut prices forcing all competitors either to sell to it or go bankrupt in which case Rockefeller would simply buy up the ruined companies discount rates Rockefeller would come to his competitors show them his own books show them the financial behemoths they were up against and then make them an offer if they refused he simply put them out of business and then got the company anyway he was ruthless he once told his brother Frank could be working for a competing or oil company we are going to buy out all 'd the refineries in Cleveland we'll give everyone a chance to come in those who refuse will be crushed if you don't sell your company to us it will be valueless Frank refused and John d. True to his word put his own brothers company out of business. Now what adds an interesting wrinkle to this sordid history is that John d. Rockefeller was a churchgoing man even worse he rationalized his business dealings in of all things but name of Christian charity he had convinced himself that he was actually doing good he said that all these forced acquisitions were the result of the most prosperous business concern his own saying to the smaller and less prosperous ones we will stand in for the risks and hazards of the refining business come with us and we will do you good we will undertake to save you from the risks of the refining business what others saw as cut throat and villainous business practices John d. Defined as Christian benevolence Now that would be rationalized nation and presumption Well I don't want to judge John d. Rockefeller is hot how he could justify these Gnostic and vicious business practices in the name of Christian charity really makes me wonder this kind of thinking reminds me of a scene from a book by Russian writer a field or Dostoyevsky in which a man cries out God forgive me for Christ's sake and then cuts as for instance with a knife and steals his watch. Today we're going to take a look at the big picture really the biggest picture you can imagine it's clear that there's a battle raging on planet Earth this is what the Bible writer Paul was talking about when he said that we are not fighting against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers we're in a spiritual battle is what he was saying Now let's see what we can learn from Jesus and how he dealt with Satan so that we can do the same thing ourselves when faced with similar struggles in this great controversy with a supernatural cosmic power much greater than we are now I can imagine someone saying Come on John supernatural cosmic battle been watching too many Stalin was movies or something. No we're not talking about the kind of journalism found in the tabloid headlines like the one which said 12 u.s. Senators are space aliens someone said you can tell that can't be true because the numbers too low you know scientists working with the search for extraterrestrial intelligence believe that with the billions of galaxies existing in the universe there's a good chance that other life might exist out there the scientific term for this is called astrobiology and it's a serious attempt to seek out life in other parts of the universe. With all due respect while these folks are aiming their radio telescopes into the sky hoping for something from some far away alien civilization the Bible teaches not only that extraterrestrial life exists but that some of these beings here on Earth and that some are hostile to us as well. Look at these verses from Revelation Chapter 12 and will begin in verse 7 and there was war in heaven Michael and his angels for against the dragon and the dragon fought and his angels and prevailed not neither was they place found anymore in heaven and the great dragon was cast out that old serpent called The Devil and Satan which deceived with the whole world he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him that's Revelation 127 through 9 are war in heaven a war on Earth that's one thing but in heaven how can that be the short answer comes down to one would love because love is the overarching moral principle that permeates God's universe and love demands freedom you can't love God or anyone if you don't have moral freedom you can't love without freedom any more than you could have a triangle without 3 sides. Now in a moment the man who was married to a robot and why that didn't work out so well. Time for today's Bible question and here it is people say that Jesus couldn't have worked miracles such as raising the dead and healing the blind as these things just possible how can I believe in miracles good question let me try to give you a good onza there's a reason we call the miracles it's because they were extraordinary they supernatural not the sort of thing that you can just go and explain by ordinary means so can God do the extraordinary and the supernatural keep in mind this is a god we're talking about if you ask me if my own father could have worked miracles I'd say no he couldn't has ability to read my mind was sometimes pretty incredible but miracles. But this is God the one who framed the universe the one who created the world and made people and created we'll know when he made if God can do that county work miracles all of that was a miracle you might also want to consider this there are some things in our world pretty incredible we can call the miracles because we can explain them scientifically but for example even the idea that you can pick up a phone press some buttons and then use it to talk to somebody on the other side of the world the idea that these pictures you're looking at right now are being transmitted to you even people can do some pretty incredible stuff. Now if you want to put upon God the limitations of faulty frail human beings and say God can't do what we can't do go ahead and do that but if you believe there's a God at all the one who gave life you shouldn't be too surprised that he can give that life back surely the one who made eyesight can restore it from a human standpoint miracles are unlikely and even impossible but God is not a me a human being God is God and he rides high above the limitations of humanity and how can you believe in miracles you can believe in miracles and God's miracle working power by faith the Bible says they happened and your faith in the Bible as the livable and accurate and trustworthy can lead you to the place where you can say the Bible says it I can believe it he will try to limit God Sometimes God is not small He's big and he's right send your Bible questions to us at it is written dot com. For India is giving sight to the blind and you can be a part of this amazing work that God is dealing 15000000 blind people live in India more than any other country in the world and many of the Blind in India could see again if only they could have simple cataract surgery it is written is making that happen would you support India for just $75.00 you will be giving the gift of sight to someone who desperately wants to see here's all you need to do call 180-253-3002 donate and support for India or you can write to it is written box of 1000 Oaks California 91359 you'll also find ice for India online at it is written dot com. There was a sigh 5 story about a man who having lost his wife to death got a robot replacement yet everything about who programmed in looks vocabulary diction actions everything was the same as his actual wife from all outward appearances it was his wife except that it was a robot a machine and it did everything his wife did not because it truly loved him but because it was programmed to do so it had no more choice than my computer does to start up when I hit the stop button and in the end he got rid of it because the most important ingredient was missing and that was love which can only exist when one has freedom only when one has the option not to laugh in this powerful being Satan given free will chose the not to love option and eventually rebelled against God as a result he and these other rebellious creatures who had free will to were cast out of heaven and now here on earth here again is the Bible Revelation Chapter 12 therefore rejoice you Haven's and ye that dwell in them woe to the it habit is of the earth and of the sea for the devil is come down unto you having great wrath because he know it that he hath but a short time Revelation 1212 Woe to us why because the devil has come down unto you and he's full of wrath it's a real mistake to allegorize Satan to make him out to be just a figment of human imagination just a symbol about Doc aside or the like my Bible talks again and again about a literal being who is at war with us and with God. Look at the following texts and keep in mind 2 points that are found in them 1st the reality of the devil and 2nd the fact that he is working against us firstly 1st Peter 5 and verse 8 the Bible says Be sober be vigilant because your adverse are e the devil as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour if each and 6 verse 11 put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil and 2nd Corinthians to verse 11 list Satan should get an advantage of us for we are not ignorant of his devices and before I go further there's one more text I want to look at because it's one of the most important ones and all the Bible one of the most important texts that can help us understand the nature and the outcome of this great controversy talking about Jesus the Bible says in Hebrews chapter 2 and verse 14 that for as much the in as the children are partakers of flesh and blood he also himself likewise took part of the same that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death that is the devil. Notice that he will destroy the one who had the power of death that's the devil Satan's ultimate fate is to be destroyed we might be in a war in a battle in a controversy but we know beforehand that the good side wins that God wins and in a nutshell what God is saying to us in the Bible is this come on over to the winning side Jesus has won the battle for you and he offers you the fruits the promise the guarantee of his victory against Satan talk about an offer I'd like to say it's an offer you can't refuse but in God's universe we all have free choice and so we can refuse the offer the question is why would we when God offers us everything and the devil offers us only death and destruction why would we choose what the devil office if we do it's because we're allowing him to deceive us remember the Bible says that he deceives the whole world but we don't have to be food we just don't have to be as Paul wrote ignorant of his devices and one of the ways we can know his devices is through studying the temptation in the wilderness and how Satan tried to use his devices on Jesus and failed 1st Satan tried to tame Jesus in the area of appetite telling Jesus to use his power to turn stones into parade How did Jesus respond. He use the power of God's word saying to Satan it is written men shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God Matthew 4 in verse 4 Jesus didn't argue with Satan he didn't get into a theological debate and he didn't try to reason with him he simply went to the Bible and he quoted the Bible and that was enough to shut the devil down there's an important lesson there when we struggle with temptations we can go to God's wouldn't claim his promises for victory just as Jesus did so what happened next in the wilderness that 1st ploy didn't work so Satan tried something else he is Matthew's account of the 2nd temptation of Jesus then the devil take him up into the holy city and set of them on a pinnacle of the Temple 7 to him if they'll be the Son of God cost vice self down for it is written He shall give his angels charge concerning the and in their hands they shall bear the list at any time they are Deshon life against a stone Jesus said unto him it is written again Val shalt not tempt the Lord vi God That's Matthew 4 verses 5 through 7 look at what's going on here Jesus used Scripture against the devil and so what does the devil do he comes back to Jesus and tempt him this time quoting Scripture itself Jesus used the Bible as his means of countering the devils 1st attack in the wilderness and so the devil tried to meet Jesus on his own ground quoting scripture back at him. And yet he has an important point though the devil quotes scripture he really misquoted taking it out of context and try to get it to say something different from what it meant this has been his ploy for millennia now and often used for horrendous purposes to the devil has plenty of folks willing to misquote and misuse the Bible for their own ends the difference between presumption and faith that's straight ahead. In Matthew 44 The Word of God says it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God Every word is a one minute Bible based daily devotional presented by Pastor John Bradshaw and designed especially for busy people like you look for every word on some like to the networks or watch it online every day on our website it is written dot com receive it daily spiritual boost watch every word you'll be glad you did here's a sample. In Sequoia National Forest recently an ancient sequoia crashed to the ground the full was caught on video at towering giant let go its grip on the earth and down it came up to standing for 800 years as majestic is these big trees are and I've seen them right up close sooner or later and usually much later they fall everything doesn't the end buildings are demolished people pass away is there anything that really lasts one thing Isaiah $48.00 says the grass with is the flower fades but the wood about God stands forever God's would never falls it's been attacked but it's still true it's been criticised in derided demeaned in disparaged but it was true when it was written and it stands true today it stands when everything about you is giving away trust that would have God It stands for him I'm John Bradshaw for it is written let's live today by every word. Planning for your financial future as a vital aspect of Christian stewardship for this reason it is written is pleased to offer a free plan giving and a state services for information on how we can help you please call 189-922-2192 receive additional material on the advantages of life income plans such as a charitable gift annuity which could. Provide you with tax benefits and income for life call today all visit our special website w w w dot his legacy dot com You can also write to it is written play and giving and trust services box of 1000 Oaks California 91359 toll free number again 180-992-2219 our web address w w w dot his legacy dot com. One of the worst examples of somebody misquoting the Bible was when during a religious war in Europe a commander stood over a city there were about to attack and his aide asked him how we go to know who is on Al side and who is the enemy the commander responded kill them all and then quoting scripture or actually misquoting it he added The Lord no a vendetta here and this is what Satan does here in Matthew 4 Verse 6 he says to Jesus it is written He shall give his angels charge of you and in their hands they shall big list you dash your foot against a stone now well that sounds nice but the devil doesn't quote it in its entirety he just takes a certain part of it a missing the wrist the text were from some 91 and they read like this. For he shall give his angels charge over the to keep the in all via ways they shall bear the up and they hands lest the Desh life against a stone that some 91 verses 11 and 12 he leaves out the most important part God will give his angels charge of you to keep the in all by ways that he is in all the ways and pods of a righteousness of obedience of faithfulness that's the crucial qualify that Satan leaves out trying to give Jesus the idea that it doesn't matter what he does God will protect them and be with him but as we saw that's not what the text said the devil misquoted the Scriptures and he certainly didn't fool Jesus had Jesus respond to this temptation back to Matthew Chapter 4 Jesus it on to him it is written again Val shalt not tempt the Lord by God That's Matthew 4 in verse 7 he said it is written again Jesus went back to the Bible he didn't argue with Satan and he didn't point out Satan's misuse of the Bible either Jesus just went right to the Word of God and responded with a text that rebuked the Devils attempt to lead him into presumption now I don't know any promises in the Bible which tell me I can deviate from a B.D.'s and expect God to pour out His blessings on me you still might get blessed you still might have success but that doesn't mean it's from the Lord I find it hard to believe that it was God's will for John d. Rockefeller to put all those folks out of business and swallow up the companies through his shady and greedy practices just because something is what the world would deem successful isn't necessarily the same thing as being blessed by God Hugh Heffner by the world's standards has been successful but who would say that God was blessing him. People invoke God's name and all sorts of schemes people will misquote scripture to justify even the most sordid deeds people will do the most outrageous things believing for whatever reason that God will bless their efforts even if those if it's completely contrary to his revealed will this is all presumption and that's what Jesus refused to fall for and we should refuse to fall for it too when we attempted to do things in the name of God that he would never sanction presumption is the counterfeit of faith faith trusts in God's promises and brings forth the fruits of obedience in response to those promises presumption on the other hand claims those promises but then uses them to excuse or justify wrong actions faith trusts that if we obey God If we walk in the path of a bt And if we comply with the conditions sit for the word then God will bless us according to His Will presumption on the other hand claims the promises of God but ignores or defines the conditions upon which they are based We are in the midst of a universal battle between Christ and Satan and you can be sure that the devil is using every device and every scheme he can towards each of us is special if we profess faith in god presumption is a sin of the believer not the atheist The atheist doesn't presume on God because he doesn't believe in God but I did hear of someone who said Thank God I'm still an atheist and there's good news. Christ's death on the cross covers even the sin of presumption if you've presumed upon God If you've sought for the promises without following the conditions then flee to Jesus and flee to the cross you can repent of your sins whatever they are even the sin of presumption and you can receive Christ's forgiveness and then in faith and obedience you can press on claiming all the promises offered us in His word and that's not presumption that faith Let's pray together Father in heaven I pray. That where we've been presumptuous you would forgive us and lead us instead to be people of faith and. I pray that we would never lean on the Bible and use it to exist use things we shouldn't be doing . And pray the Bible wouldn't be a cloak that somehow conceals Al sin but that you would be powerful enough to create enough clean up help us to come clean. And have faith true faith in you word and not to stoop to presumption we thank you that you can be trusted we thank you that you would is perfect we thank you you always are right lead us in them please I pray. In Jesus' name a name. Today I want to special free book on the subject of God's promises including some of the very promises God makes to us to reassure us that he's there for us even when we fall you'll find it very encouraging It's called God's promises dozens of promises from the Word of God with courage McFee you to know God in His grace this is going to help walk with Jesus just. God's promises is no cost or obligation it's absolutely free just call this number 18025334 God's promises you can call 24 hours a day if the lines are busy please just keep on trying you can also request your free copy of God's promises by writing to it is written. 1000 Oaks California 359 and will. In North America please note this is limited to the supply on hand for immediate access you can download a free version of this God's promises. It is written dot com It is written as a faith based ministry made possible by viewers like you I want to say thank you to you for your support of it is written to support the reach of it is written to make it possible for people to continue receiving this broadcast your tax deductible gift may be sent to the same address or you can give online it is written dot com Thank you for your continued support of toll free number 180-253-3000 our web address is it is written. Thanks for joining me today look forward to seeing you again next time until they'd be sure to remember it is written Maine shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the. New bill is named to be it is written presented by Pastor John Branch on Join us again next week at the same time on this station for it is written with John French on this program was produced by it is written all right research is written as a faith based ministry thank you for your letters and continued support for more information please visit our website it is written dot com. Keeping the. Place. Along with. Me. Ok man. And when the Lord would come through they would know how we came through you got to know in the words of my heal you Jackson how you got over. Oil So when your soul looks back and one believes it will never find out how you got over. Jesus is the end now they bring the man down and you're trying to figure out what should we do to that you. Know if you need a blessing you don't have. A man that too many people given up. That's too many people on the sides of rubes who've given up too many people who are in their homes shot who given up when you want to blessing you got to keep on seeking the Bible says Seek and ye shall find knock and the door show be open ask. God feeds the birds but he does not throw worms in their mess. So if you want a job you don't sit at home and live in a bed. Yeah. What do you think your Happen you think the employment is they don't come to your house. If you ask God for some god damn where is. The way God can find you when he needs you. God can find you anywhere but you understand what I mean soul these people are not going to give up so somebody looks up to how. Yeah I was thinking that but I want to say. You know I mean the man leave me here. And they can fix the roof. Service you know if we go up there and do the end of a lot of people talk about us. But the man said. If we don't do something. Let them job. See for we're a whole lot about who talk talk is so cheap everybody can talk. If you need a blessing go for the best. Brother say Ok now I've tried to go back into the historical account figure out how to get on top of the roof it appears that this was a one story house not a 2 story one and that they went up on that and elevation behind it that may have led down to it so they got up there somehow with this pallet borne by 4 people I don't I'm sure it was not a glorious climb Amen Lord didn't say that he was going to give you a blessing and it was going to be always pretty. A band you know or by looks at television and says Well when I go to Jesus the way I want to go is folk disillusion yourself of that you don't decide how you go to Jesus just go. So they clam and you know kind of ruckus I mean you got it I got kimono in you got that in Ok come on. Ok you come home a. Man got no problem don't let him fall. Ok man we up here now we can do this. For a minute. Well how much you're only vaguely going to know we got 6 more. Now my question is what the dickens. What of the dickens inside the rooms thinking. Yeah. Come on folks. Are you with me now. And you know that a right. Jesus trying to preach you see that somebody always will mess up. Trying to have a little service here and how you look at that. I don't never seen a leg get in my life do you think these men don't stop a word no need to hand the big a hole. Amen somebody is open Jesus is going to say stop but what they don't understand is that Jesus came to seek and to save the lost. Not about to stop the man. So now they go and they hear a little man Ok Now watch this folks because this is something else that's important for the community do you know that some people would never have been able to get that man down to Jesus. Because they can't cooperate. No you don't preach. He there are some folk who are going to do it their way. Or no way. That's what a lot of things we can get done because you can't plan for people who cooperate. Or do it my way to my way I'm going home. These guys you're ready and I love my are on mine are so my you let me down 2 things I must go for all people who care. You've got to let him down to get the oil sees no fall and if you land like that it may be too late a man. Why can't preach and means cooperate. Where the is for all the only people who can enough to cooperate. In the world is wrong with people who claim to be one in Christ why is it that we fight so much against each other if Jesus is your savior and Jesus is my See how is it that you don't love me the son there is something wrong if God is your father then I must be your brother you may not like the way I live all the way out but I am in the family. A man. Who I know why can't Christians while. We claim to love a God that we have never seen but we hate each other and we've seen each other there's something wrong brother let it come all I'm going into now it comes so. If you are in the room there's no question in your mind. That what this man needs is healing. This man is let down on a bed by 4 people amazing but when he comes down to I level with this when I wish I could have been bad. Law when I think about what must have happened when that man rolled his head. And he was Jesus. You know I believe that God can read everything about. I may be smiling at you but can be broken and I can still smile but Jesus knows all about me. I may be here tonight looking like I'm doing Ok but in fact my life may be a shambles but to love everything that's in my heart. Windows OS Now it's now Jesus is son dies. Be Forgiven. I'm all hoax or something wrong with that and you know. The only problem that you would think if you looked at the situation was a demand was sick and he should say you want here. But Jesus looks differently the Bible says man looks on the outward appearance. But God looks Omaha. So God knows not only what it looks like but he knows what here is. So if it is subtle that Miss man thought that the greatest joy to his heart would be to have his sins forgiven then what is happening is that Jesus had answered not what it looks like but what it is. That's the. Reason. Some are in tonight because they've got your number they have people who look they'll come and drive through your community and think they know what you me . You know what I mean sometimes they'll bribe threw in a bus and then. You know what they need. And they make up a plan they don't come and help you now they don't come and ask you to scared to get off the bus. They want to get off and said Excuse me what are you for me no no no no no keep driving. We need to send someone back over here. And let them take care of their Me I'm so glad to Jesus that drab out of neighborhood on a bus. I'm sure that he reads Ma and honey so what Jesus knows about this man is that this man needs his sins forgiven I read in the Bible in Matthew Chapter one in verse 21 when Jesus was predicted to his mother the angel said You shall bring forth a son and you should call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from last year one day John the Baptist was baptizing down by Jordan lifted up his eyes having looked at criminal cases all of those months saw one face that had not one scar of sin upon it and he said. To tell you the awareness of the world Jesus came to forgive sin and I am so glad tonight. Not only is Jesus powerful enough to put money when I needed help to put speace in my life but Jesus is here to forgive see. Can I hear you say. If Jesus can forgive sin I could preaching. But ek So he said to the man son the sins be forgiven now watch the drama this is better than anything you missed on television probably. The Pharisees the doctors of the law are afraid to talk so they start talking with their eyes. Let me translate you hear what he says. And. You go and do something. Yeah but. What he did was forgive said. Anger. We supposed to catch you. And here's what Jesus did he read the hots. Now remember I told you Jesus put the power down. So what happened was he had to go to what was equivalent to a computer system. Turn that thing on initiate mobile what. Are they thinking Santa and. God tells an angels to tell I'm a fake and he blaspheme and so on the screen says they think. You are blessed me. What. Should I do say it. True. Prove to them. Who you are. Now you understand that's a little drama but you get it don't show. That's that's how we're coming from here . So Jesus is if you think it's harder to forgive sin. Than to heal. Watch this. You see there there up to worse folks. There's the world you can see with these There's another dimension where God moves with power. When your mind is baptized by the power of the Holy Spirit it makes it so that you can see into the other diminish Hey man how many know that God will tell you when to God. And when to stop God will tell you when to go from. Window sill God will tell you when the law when the right God will tell you some time just stand there. And see the power of God but. Cannot hear you say God will help you to see around corners God will help you to see the him from the beginning that's because God knows. Yesterday's are just like tomorrow's with God He is the same yesterday today and tomorrow he can walk into your Puja change things up there and then come back and tell what you are to do before you get there. So Jesus says it in case you don't understand the other dimension Evidently you don't think I got power over there so let me show you something you get your hands on let me show you some you get your of finite minds wrapped around. Take up your bed. And whirl. All of a sudden. A man whose color probably tree flushed the color of your. Muscles that have actual feet lying on his butt feel a shot. Go through. A man gets up on his bed but Jesus didn't just say walk he want to show that the man had some serious pal and get up and then roll up the bed he came on. It was all the same you probably wouldn't want to get back on his bed but if you. If you say take it. You've got the power to get me up off of it I'll do exactly what you say. Now what's this what's this summer you missed this when you read this the last time how does it get out now. Remember those who wouldn't let him get him . In the Air Force How you doing brother in the m.m.u. To God I just am the same one. You wouldn't let me in this way but I got him that way I could not get him I'm not some way so my brothers brought me in but it was an authorized break here because the law gave me the opportunity to get to N.G.'s a skinny can not can not tell you that not only does he have I want to fuck him sure but he asked I want to get you up off your sick man he's a possible Jesus. You read back in here. And you'll find something that I'll probably close with. I would say is that when Jesus saw all that hair. In. Romas Chapter 15 says that the strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak . Somebody here tonight God may have put on your heart to help because the strong if you're strong you're to bear the infirmed you ought to help some. But these men were not only a paradigm for helping us perhaps for mentoring I put it in that fashion but these men had faith. When they went up there and some the scholars are still bickering now the question is their role does that mean the forward caring and the man doesn't mean before only one caring Well let's look at the possibilities. I don't believe that God will give you that kind of healing unless you have some kind of faith. Because you've got to have faith to claim the best Some of you tonight have a blessing to snow right here. Let me share with the idea I've got a sermon on eagles that I can't preach anymore so many cassette tapes and. What I was studying about Eagles because you know the Bible says as an Eagle Star it. Sold a lot cast for show so I went I went to the library and I spread out all kinds of books about eagles and in one of those books I read this Eagles that live over of the water over the ocean all over the sea the way the heat is to look down into the water and see a fish but the Eagle according to some ornithologists can see perhaps a mile or more so the Eagle looks down maybe more than a mile sees the fish swimming near the surface of the water. But the Eagle cannot dive where the fish is the eagle has to dive where the fish is going to be. So the Eagle calculates the trajectory of the fish in the water. And the speed at which it is moving and. God gave man power can I use a. So now the eagle is not diving what officiers the Eagle dives what a fish is going to be. And sure enough it works most of the time Eagle goes down took a long time to die but when the eagle gets there talons go down picks a fish could it be that sometimes when you pray. God does not deliver your blessing where you are. But where you're going to be. Could it be then God loves. The bottom time he gets the blessing to you maybe you need to pray a little longer maybe a hot needs to get a little bit more humble maybe you need to develop a little bit more faith so he doesn't bring it where you are now he brings a blessing when you go to be in Him Some of us give up and quit chairman. And I say hallelujah because I've gotten a whole lot of blessings from folks who were in the right place at the right time I used to want. It it is a mad thing. My message to our hearts is this Bible says Luke chapter one verse 53 happenings. That the rich went away from Jesus hungry but the pool he fed to overflow. Some people come to church thinking that we are so good and. So blessed. I'm going out to hear him because I wish he would get this man straight. I'm taking my husband out for him to tell you. I'm coming the priest is going to get you. Some husband here tonight humble bring this woman out here and maybe this preacher can straighten up trying to preach to your wife there's some gospel for everybody. And then there's some folks who think they're so down right holy. I'm just going to go out and and share my blessings just let them know that I'm with. You go home and nothing. But I say what I came here understanding that my life is him take without Jesus without Jesus I'm like that man on that big. I can't walk I can't move I'm almost day but if somebody if the Lord would arrange it for somebody to have enough faith to come and tell me something because I believe that if nobody comes God will arrange a way but I can't come believing that I don't need him I've got to come understanding that in my heart there is a vacuum the size of Jesus. And when that powerful Jesus comes into my. I am she my prayers ends not by the power of this world but the power of jeans. Now this this is going to get touchy because you know this is. This is the post modern era and we'd like to do things differently now we don't want to do get too embarrassed but now I'm wondering if there's somebody who has a problem that I see in forgiving Safia. I'm wondering if there's somebody who's got a habit that they can't break I read one time that if you have a habit. Stop praying. Take him away 1st of all you take the. Which is still. Takes the a Often bit still there. But if you can ever get. Out of the way. Out of the way then what you've got left is a t. That's a sign of the Cross and the cross represents the power of Jesus and the powerful Jesus. Your happy now. You've been listening to the breath of life radio program with Walter l. Pearson Jr It is our prayer that this message has touched a special place in your heart today's offer will provide you with additional information and resources as you grow in your relationship with please take advantage of this special gift from us to you. Have you ever been hurt so badly by people that you had a hard time forgiving them we've all been there but there is a road to forgiveness and how to get on that road and get out of the hurt is found in this week's offer How can I forgive by various Sinton provide steps to forgiveness and healing. Don't have feelings of bitterness and resentment bring you down failing to forgive can destroy you inside God's Word gives us the solutions we need for healing and healing starts with forgiveness discover the road you need to take in how can I forgive if you're holding on to something that's standing between you and forgiving someone else then requests this book today just call our toll free number 877 b o l offer that's 877-265-6333 ask for how can I forgive it's yours for a gift of $5.00 or more the healing starts today with you you're just a phone call away from the steps you need 8772. 656333 or you may write and ask for the book just right to breath of life p. O. Box 97192 Washington d.c. 20077 Remember to include your gift of $5.00 or more. The. If you'd like a copy of today's program on either audio or video called. 72656333 or you can write to Walter Mears Then at 97192 Washington d. 152000 thought of them and once again the address is p.o. Box 927192 Washington d.c. To 0077 or use the toll free number at 1877 p. O. L. Offer that's 187726563. You can call right now to Piers and believe that Jesus Christ is the answer to every problem you. Happy then let me Donald from the village of again your heights and your listening to joy at. You are listening to can see a 91.9 f.m. Agate and again you hike qualm and family cats on are you 89.9 f.m. Period bunfight the time is now 11 o'clock meeting of today's programming. 7 days is a church the Bible study begin at 9 45 pm every Saturday and the worship service begins at 11 am the church is located at the Kims building but new estates road in San Jose you can contact them at point 332030428600900322000 . You know you hear something something about another person and it's not unnatural to think I've got to tell someone else if you found out a crime has been committed then you probably do need to tell someone but if you found out that he was drunk or that she yelled at a neighbor or that they're having trouble in their marriage you know that's not the sort of thing that needs to be shared no one needs those things known by everyone else problems 1113 says a tale bearer reveal secrets but he who is of a faithful spirit conceals a matter being known as a gossip isn't a badge of honor.

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